The Seaman Family in America Captain John Seaman
THE SEAMAN FAMILY IN AMERICA AS DESCENDED FROM CAPTAIN JOHN SEAMAN OF HEMPSTEAD, LONG ISLAND COMPILED BY MARY THOMAS SEAMAN Author of"Links in Genealogy" Life Member of The long Island Historical Society ASSISTl!I> BY JAMES HAVII.AND SEAMAN. JR. Member of the Loag Islaod Wstorial Socicly 1928 TOBlAS A. WRIGHT, INC. PRrNTERS AND PUBLISHERS NEW\"ORK SEAMAN FAMILY All.'-fS-Bal't'V wavy of six argent and a."1.1re, a c:rcscent or. CRJ;ST-A demi-sea-horse salient argent. Mono-Spcetcmur :igendo (kt us be judged by out actiot\S). CcS'aE coNTE.,'TS OF THIS BOOK ARE AUTHEllo'TIC TO THE BEST OF MY K.-.OWLEDGE. THE CONSIDEKATIO:S OF THE PUBLIC IS ASKED FOR SUCH ERRORS AS MAY J:sADVERTE.''TLY SLIP J:sTO THE MOST CAREFULLY PRE PARED MA!lo'USCRIPT. MARY THOMAS SEAMA:S ILLUSTRATIONS Coat of Arms and Crest . Frontispiece PAGE Deed of sale of land from Indians to John Seaman and others, July 4, 1657 . 16 Account of the Seaman Family, by Jordan Seaman, January, 18oo • 24 Deed of gift from John Seaman, senior, to sons Nathaniel and Richard, March 17, 1692/3 . 28 Deed of gift of Nathaniel Seaman to son Thomas, August 31, 1752 . 40 1\farriage certificate of NathaniP.1 Seaman and Rachel \Vil!is, August 9. 16g5 42 Deed of sale of land bv Richard Seaman to brother Nathaniel, September II, 1745 44 Deed of sale of land from Thomas Seaman to brothers Jacob, Nathaniel and Samuel, January 30, 1759 61 Marriage certificate of Thomas Seaman and Hannah \Villets, December 3, 174r/2 .
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