STYLES (Asdltl), Mrs
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL"" 7.1007. tention. It la aald that her vole has undergone remarkable development in The Store Noted for Itewt Goode at Lowest Frier.! her recent studies. The other assisting artists ars already known to the Port- land publlo. The program follows: (a) Prelude Dramatlque, (b) Petite Valse. (c) Hcberso-Etud- e d'Octaves, R. A, JUicchesf; (a) "Non plu dl flort." from "Clemens dl Tito" (Mosart), (b) "Oh let me speak" (Chad wick), (c) Creole Serenade" Rltter), (d) Eostaoy" STYLES (Asdltl), Mrs. Ines Hlbbard; Concerto No. 4 In D minor (Vleuxtemps). Joseph Meredith Roeencrants; Proloro, from "I Pagllaccl" (Leoncavallo); John -- Claire Mentletbl Rhapsody In O minor Misses' and Children's (Brahms). Mlaa Franoea Batchblor; ) Chanson d'Automne, (b) ."A Te" (Loo-chesl- ). Miss Elisabeth Harwas; Alle- gro con brio, Mlnuetto (Haydn), Mo- -- Wearables , , ment Musical (Lucchesl), Miss lie v i v iT - rjwuyr m .... nors Gregory, first violin; Miss Sue.1 j ex- - during the present' season was an Laimbee, second violin; William Chand Tber it no qwestson about the style and quality of our Children's Gar- stupidity, Capriee-Val- hibition Of Incomprehensible ler, viola; A. W. Larson, cello; s ments.' They're superior in every way to the ordinary kind and yon don't Nnt oniv eras she needed for the Wag (Salnt-Saens- ), R. A. LucchssL ner, roles; she Is singer s --versatile have pay a cent morel The materials,' cut and finishing are exactly the a Dlppel. and able, like Jean d Besske, to do first-clas- s work in Italian and ' tame a In our women's wear and we doubt if there is a store on the coast opera.
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