I Hotel Westminster SMULLEN &
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4 BOSTON, MASS., MONDAY, MAY 6, 1907 4I BOSONI MASS. M M 6 19 -, I HOLLIS STREET THEATRE. DON'T EAT T., E,MOSELEY & 00, There will be only one more UNTIL YOU VISIT Established 1847 week of the stay of "The Rogers TH A V NUE C AFE; Brothers in Ireland" at the Hollis For Steaks and Chops we Lead them all. For Street Theatre, and then these Everything First-Class at Moderate Prices. Tech merry comedians will take their 471, OLUMBUS AVE. leave of the Boston stage with the WM. PINK & GO. ' ' NEAR WEST NEWTON ST. Men jolliest vaudeville farce that they 14 have ever brought here. Ireland C. A. FATTEN & CO. is an ideal spot for the droll Ger- man comedians to visit, and the Merchant Tailors land of jigs and pretty colleens ap- DM 1. MFMC> SU ITS peals to everybody. The come- FIJL D SCsE SUIrS OUR SPECIAL OFFER $45 dians have hosts of new things this season, and the company which 43 TREMONT ST., Carney Bldg. they have in their support is better Slippers and Ithan any of its predecessors. DR. W. J. CURRIER PARK THEATRE. Pumps OFFICE HOURS 9 TO 4 ER'S I LAN Moccasins, Skates Boston is to have a week of 90 HUNTINGTON AVENUE and Snow Shoes Lu grand opera with Italian celebri- Refers by permission to Prof. T. H. Bartlett unch and Coffee House 145 Tremont Street ties at the Park Theatre, the at- traction being the San Carlo Opera Drawing-Inks Eternal Writing-Ink Company. Alice Nielsen, the ........ lEngrossing-Ink American Taunne Mucilage prima donna, Constan- t 'llI bi.~ ( tino, the Spanish tenor, Riccardo I HIGGINS,H blI IPhoto-Mounter 1 ~ 1 Drawing-Board Paste GEO. H. ELLIS CO Special Room for Ladies I Liquid Paste Martin, and many others are in GEO. H. ELLIS CO Office Paste the company, and the operas will ' Vegetable Glue, Etc. I be "La Boheme" Monday, Tues- JrmitEr 25 Years Experience I Are the Finest and Best Inks and,I Adhesives. Emancipate yourself day, Friday and Saturday nights, U from the use of corrosive and ill- "Don Pasquale" Wednesday night No. 272 CONGRESS STREET 20 HUNTINGTON AVENUE I smelling inks and adhesives and I I adopt the Iriggins Inks and Ad- and Saturday afternoon, and the BOSTON, MASS, NEAR COPLEY SQUARE U hesives. They willbearevelation I to you, they are so sweet, clean, Igarden scene from "Faust" and wI and well put up. Phone, 1549 also at 46 HIGH STREET m At Dealers Generally. the last two acts of "I1 Trovatore" i im CHAS. M. HIGGINS &CO., Mfgrs. Thursday. U X__________,,__ _ . _ ITEL.. 6319-1 BACK BAY BOSTON I '.{ ,,"~. | Branches: Chicago, London Ua 271 Ninth Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. COLONIAL THEATRE. U .1 --II I Richard Carle and "The Spring Obeatre Ettractions. i The only place to dine Chicken" will enter upon the third BOSTON.-Stella Mayhew and Company. week of their engagement in Bos- Hotel Westminster I COLONIAL.-" The Spring Chicken." 4. .' is at the o aotol on Monday evening, the popu- wU larity being greater than ever. CASTLE SQUARE.-" Robin Hood." H Mr. Carle has a style all his own, I GLOBE.-" The Heart of Maryland." U and he makes everybody roar with HOLLIS.-"Rogers Bros. in Ireland." COPLEY SQUARE merriment at all that he does. Es- MAJESTIC.-" The Great Question." pecially good is his song about picking lemons in the garden of PARK.- San Carlo Opera Company. 332 hMASSAC4USEr AVENU'r love, which is the catchiest of all TREMONT.- The Time, Place and Girl. BOSTON, MASS. BOSTON}' the numbers in the production. 461 COLUMBUS AVENUE II With a stage well filled with pretty TICKETS o o4 i - m girls there is every reason why HtRRIC ALL THEATRES Spring and Summer, 1907 "The Spring Chicken" should get i to be quite a bird before it leaves Copley Square SMULLEN & CO. I SPRING and SUMMER FABRICS are Boston. II Ms now ready for your inspection at our Telephone U rooms. Thanking you for past favors 2329, 2330 and 2331 Back Bay U we earnestly solicit your continued patron- Graduates of Johns Hopkins tailore U age. Early orders desired. University are protesting against U the recent action of the trustees in W. M.M__ROWAN 51 Summer Street U admitting women to the graduate -ITHE TECH BARBER' MORSE & HENDERSON department. Cor. Chauncy Street Westminster Hotel . St. James Ave I -A Tailors%- READING NOTICES. SPECIAL TO STUDENTS BOSTON Ua HAIR CUT 25 CENTS SHAVE 15 CENTS Rooms 14 and 15 Telephone Oxford, 99 I 18 BOYLSTON ST., BOSTON, MASS. Tutor.--Private instruction given .1 Let us number you among our many evenings. Prepare for the exams ICustomers at "Tech." now. C. W. Hawkes, 'o6, Room APOSITION FOR YOU Ioo9, IOI Milk -St., City. Tel. now listed at one of our 12 offices. Highest Grade Main 6033. The best openings in Technical I Work can be secured through us. Moderate Prices We give you your choice of at least five positions. Write us today. UI U HAPCOODS U m The National Organization of Brain Brokers /~FE-.. ~ Broadway & Duane Street, New York I II I U Tech Drug Store m I Special Prices on Chemicals Reagents and - 5' Acids E~p I Tech Cologne 50c. I Tech Note paper 25c. pkg. I Tech Cigarettes A. B. CURRIER CO. M. I. T. on each Cigarette $1.25 per 100 Tech Cigars and all the IH ASI $2.00 $3.00 I popular brands $4.00 0I 11!i i Washington & Eliot Sts. I ADJUSTABLE TECH HAT BANDS a T. Metcalf & Co. GOLF CAPS WITH I ECH PINS I COPLEY SQUARE 50c. and $1.00 U 39 TREMONT STREET OPEN EVENINGS I.