Taking You Further Into the World of Film. Taking Y the World

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Taking You Further Into the World of Film. Taking Y the World MAURIMAURIMAURI MerataMerataMerata Mita Mita Mita Ι New Ι NewΙ New Zealand Zealand Zealand Ι 1988 Ι 1988Ι 1988 2 June;22 June; June;WEWE PG;WE PG;WOULD PG; WOULD90 WOULD90 mins90 mins mins LIKE LIKE LIKE TO TO TO ACK ACK ACKNOWLEDGENOWLEDGENOWLEDGE the the the generous generous generous “When“When“assistanceWhenassistance assistanceshe she she made made made of ofMauri, the ofMauri, theMauri, the Embassy EmbassyMerata EmbassyMerata Merata Mitaof Mitaof Mita France,of France,became France,became became the the the Institutthe first Institut first Institutfirst Māori MāoriFrançais, MāoriFrançais, Français,woman womanwoman to to to PALMERSTONPALMERSTONPALMERSTON writewritewrite and and andthe directthe directthe directGoethe Goethe aGoethe dramatica a dramatic dramatic-Institut-Institut-Institut feature. feature. feature.and and and The MauriThe MauriThe MauriConfuscius (meaningConfuscius (meaningConfuscius (meaning life Institute lifeInstitute life force),Institute force), force), is isloosely is loosely loosely setset setaround around aroundinin bringing ina bringing lovea bringinga love love triangle triangle filmstriangle films films and from and fromand exploresfrom explores exploresFrance, France, France, cultural cultural cultural GermanyGermany Germany tensions, tensions, tensions, and and identity,and China. identity, identity,China. China. and andand changingchangingchanging ways ways ways of of life of life ”life -” ”-NZ - NZ NZOn On OnScreen Screen Screen NORTHNORTHNORTH FILMFILM FILM BAMBOOZLEDBAMBOOZLEDBAMBOOZLED SpikeSpikeSpike Lee Lee Lee Ι USA Ι USAΙ USA Ι 2000 Ι 2000Ι 2000 SOCIETYSOCIETYSOCIETY 9 June;99 June; June; R16 R16 R16 violence violence violence & &offensive & offensive offensive language; language; language; 135 135 135 min min min WithWithWith this this this blisteringly blisteringly blisteringly funny, funny, funny, unapologetically unapologetically unapologetically confrontational confrontational confrontational satire, satire, satire, writer writer writer -director-director-director Spike Spike Spike Lee Lee Lee examines examines examines the the the past, past, past, present, present, present, and and and future future future of of racismof racism racism in in in 202120212021 THETHETHE CLAN CLAN CLAN AmericanAmericanAmerican popular popular popular culture. culture. culture. Z Z Z BRIMSTONEBRIMSTONEBRIMSTONE AND AND AND GLORY GLORY GLORY BRIMSTONEBRIMSTONEBRIMSTONE AND AND AND GLORY GLORY GLORY SYSTEMSYSTEMSYSTEM CRASHER CRASHER CRASHER NoraNoraNora Fingscheidt Fingscheidt Fingscheidt Ι Germany Ι GermanyΙ Germany Ι 2019 Ι 2019Ι 2019 THETHETHE CLAN CLAN CLAN PabloPabloPablo Trapero William Trapero WilliamTraperoWilliam Ι WylerArgentina/Spain ΙWyler Argentina/SpainΙ WylerArgentina/Spain Ι USAΙ USA Ι USA Ι 1953Ι 1953 Ι 1953 Ι 2015 Ι Ι2015 2015 BACURAUBACURAUBACURAU KleberKleberKleber Mendonça Mendonça Mendonça Filho Filho Filho Ι Brazil/France Ι Brazil/FranceΙ Brazil/France Ι 2019 Ι 2019Ι 2019 ROMANROMANROMAN HOLIDAY HOLIDAY HOLIDAY 1616 June;16 June; June; M; M; M;125 125 125 mins mins mins 7 April;77 April; April; R13 R13 R13 violence, violence, violence, offensive offensive offensive language language language & sex& &sex sexscenes; scenes; scenes; 110 110 110 mins mins mins 7 July;77 July; July; R16, R16, R16, Graphic Graphic Graphic violence, violence, violence, sex sex sex scenes, scenes, scenes, offensive offensive offensive language language language & &nudity; & nudity;nudity; 1010 Nov;10 Nov; Nov; G; G; 119 G; 119 119 mins mins mins OnOn Onher her her wild wild wild quest quest quest for for forlove, love, love, 9 -9year 9-year-year-old-old-old Benni's Benni's Benni's untamed untamed untamed energy energy energy drives drives drives DeliveredDeliveredDelivered with with with muscularity muscularity muscularity and and and verve, verve, verve, Pablo Pablo Pablo Trapero Trapero Trapero’s ’80ss’ s80s 80s true true true crime crime crime 132132132 mins mins mins ThisThisThis near near near-perfect-perfect-perfect romcom romcom romcom gave gave gave an an unknownan unknown unknown actress actress actress called called called everyoneeveryoneeveryone around around around her her her to to despair.to despair. despair. System System System Crasher Crasher Crasher is isFingscheidt is Fingscheidt Fingscheidt’s ’firsts’ sfirst first dramadramadrama unravels unravels unravels the the the exploits exploits exploits of of aof wella awell well-connected-connected-connected Buenos Buenos Buenos Aires Aires Aires business- business- business- AfterAfterAfter the the the death deathdeath of ofherof her hergrandmother, grandmother, grandmother, Teresa Teresa Teresa comes comes comes home homehome to to toher her her matriar- matriar-matriar- AudreyAudreyAudrey Hepburn Hepburn Hepburn her her her‘hello ‘hello ‘hello world world world’ moment’ moment’ moment in in 1953 in1953 1953 – –making making– making her her heran an over-an over- over- featurefeaturefeature film film film as as director.as director.director. Her Her Herattention attention attention was was wasfirst first first drawn drawndrawn to to tothe the the theme themetheme while while while manmanman and and and his his hisrugby rugby rugby-star-star-star son son son and and and their their their ruthless ruthless ruthless kidnapping kidnapping kidnapping and and and ransom ransom ransom chalchalchal village village village in in a in neara anear near-future-future-future Brazil Brazil Brazil to to findto find find a successiona asuccession succession of ofsinisterof sinister sinister events events events nightnightnight star star star at at 24. at 24. 24.Hepburn Hepburn Hepburn sparkles sparkles sparkles as as Princess as Princess Princess Ann, Ann, Ann, an an elfinan elfin elfin European European European aristo aristo aristo filmingfilmingfilming the the thedocumentary documentarydocumentary Das Das Das Haus Haus Haus neben neben neben den den den Gleisen Gleisen Gleisen (2014) (2014) (2014) which which which de- de- de- boredoperation.boredoperation.boredoperation. to to tears to tears tears of of ambassador of ambassador ambassador’s’ sreceptions ’receptionss receptions and and and majors majorsmajors withwith with walruswalrus walrus mous- mous-mous- thatthatthat mobilizes mobilizes mobilizes all all ofall of itsof its residents.its residents. residents. “The “ The“The combination combination combination of ofsatire ofsatire satire and and andsavagery savagerysavagery pictspictspicts life life lifein ina in refugea arefuge refuge for for forhomeless homeless homeless women women women in in Stuttgart. in Stuttgart. Stuttgart. Among AmongAmong the the the women womenwomen is isprettyis pretty pretty fierce fiercefierce and and andintriguingly intriguinglyintriguingly unique uniqueunique” -” The ”- -The The Telegraph Telegraph Telegraph taches.taches.taches. One One One night, night, night, during during during a astate statea state visit visit visit to to Rome, to Rome, Rome, she she she slips slips slips out out outof of the of the thepalace palace palace waswaswas a fourteena afourteen fourteen-year-year-year-old-old-old girl girl girl who, who, who, as as aas “a system a“ system“system crasher crasher crasher”, ”,was”, was was no no longerno longer longer toto slumto slum slum it itwith itwith with commoners commoners commoners – –and and– and falls falls falls into into into the the theclutches clutches clutches of of an of an an acceptedacceptedaccepted by by anyby any any institution institution institution in inthein the theyouth youthyouth welfare welfare welfare service. service. service. AmericanTEHRANAmericanTEHRANAmericanTEHRAN reporter, reporter, TAXI reporter, TAXI TAXI Joe Joe JoeBradley Bradley BradleyJafarJafarJafar (Gregory Panahi(Gregory Panahi(Gregory Panahi Ι Peck).Iran ΙPeck). IranΙ Peck).Iran Ι 2015 Ι 2015Ι 2015 1414 April;14 April; April; PG PG PGoffensive offensive offensive language; language; language; 82 8282 mins mins mins THETHETHE FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA PROJECT PROJECT PROJECT SeanSeanSean Baker Baker Baker Ι USA Ι USAΙ USA Ι 2017 Ι 2017Ι 2017 TheTheThe great great great Iranian Iranian Iranian director director director Jafar Jafar Jafar Panahi Panahi Panahi (Offside ( Offside(Offside, The, The, The Circle Circle Circle) has) )has has never never never let let let 2828 July;28 July; July; R13 R13 R13 violence, violence, violence, offensive offensive offensive language, language, language, drug drugdrug use, use,use, and and and sexual sexual sexual material; material;material; WHERETheTheWHEREWHEREThe 2021 2021 2021 IS FilmIS FilmTHEIS FilmTHE THESociety SocietyFRIEND SocietyFRIEND FRIEND programming programming ’programmingS’ SHOUSE?’S HOUSE? HOUSE? is is Abbasby isby Abbas AbbasMichaelby Michael KiarostamiMichael Kiarostami Kiarostami McDonnell, McDonnell, McDonnell, Ι Iran Ι IranΙ Iran Ι 1987 Ι 1987 Ι 1987 beingbeingbeing barred barred barred from from from filmmaking filmmaking filmmaking stop stop stop him him himcreating. creating. creating. In Tehran In TehranIn Tehran Taxi Taxi Taxi, shot, shot, shot en- en- en- 111111111 mins. mins. mins. BRIMSTONEBRIMSTONEBRIMSTONE AND AND AND GLORY GLORY GLORY ViktorViktorViktor Jakovleski Jakovleski Jakovleski Ι USAΙ USA Ι USA Ι 2017Ι 2017 Ι 2017 2323NZ June;23NZ June; NZFederationJune; Federation G;Federation G; 87G; 87 mins87 mins mins of of Film ofFilm Film Societies: Societies: Societies: www.nzfilmsociety.org.nz www.nzfilmsociety.org.nzwww.nzfilmsociety.org.nz tirelytirelytirely inside inside inside a car,a acar, car, Jafar Jafar Jafar Panahi PanahiPanahi
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