Bad for Party Discipline: Why Unions Attacked the Single Transferable Vote in Cincinnati∗ Jack Santucci
[email protected] This version: June 28, 2017 Original: July 22, 2015 The years around World War I brought major political changes to advanced industrial democracies. New demands led to rapid extensions of voting rights, mass defections to labor- based parties, and the adoption of proportional representation (PR) voting schemes.1 The last of these is the most important cause of a multi-party system.2 Roughly speaking, if a party gets ten percent of votes, it gets ten percent of legislative seats. Political scientists have long observed that social democracy thrives under PR.3 Oftentimes, as in Australia, Germany, and Switzerland, local PR experiments predated a national adoption.4 The United States was not immune to the global changes in party systems. Women won the vote in 1920, officially doubling electorates in states that had not yet granted voting rights.5 Third-party presidential runs in 1912 and 1924 shook the Republican Party in the Mountain States and American Midwest. This intra-party fighting continued in cities where reformers rewrote voting rules to eject the old-style parties from power.6 From 1915-48, in fact, the chosen reform in 24 cities was proportional representation. ∗Jasmine Underwood provided research assistance. Bill Collins, Jack Lucas, Colin Moore, Hans Noel, Rob Richie, and Kent Weaver gave helpful feedback on earlier drafts. Bill Gradison gave important insight into local history. 1 Compared to PR systems in