President Peary Wants No Honors by Police
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21. SUGAR. 96 Degree U. S. WEATHER BUREAU, September Last 2i Hours' Rainfall, trace. ESTABLISHED JULY 2, 1858. Test Centrifugals 4.23V'ac. Per Ton, $34.70. Temperature, Max. 82; Min. 73. Weather, fair. 'r 88 Analysis Beets, Us. 8V'i Per Ton, $89.40. VOL. L., NO. 8462. HONOLULU, HAWAII TERRITORY, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1909. PRICE FIVE CENTS. MEYER 1 IS COLONISTS HEBE AY YET FIHE LOOKS PRESIDENT By CHRISTMAS BIT QUEER STRONGER BE SOLD AS i CORPORATION TAX IS First Party of Immigrants Will Police Think Blaze in Harbor Sail From Europe Next v Saloon May Have Been Month. : DF OLD Incendiary. THE 1ST EQUITABLE Before Christmas the first installment The Harbor Saloon, on Queen street, of the Portuguese immigrants, got to- caught fire last night under circum- gether by Special Immigration Agent stances which point strongly to incen- A. J. Campbell, will arrive here. The Ordinance Sidetracked diarism. The police are not at all sat- Viscount Sone May Retire From Korea AH Thinks American Ships Board of Immigration has received ad- isfied with the look of things, and vices from Campbell that he has com- for Consideration Night Watchman Larsen has been plac- Should Be Models pleted negotiations for the chartering ed under arrest. He is now held at the Minnesota in Mourning Peary Wants of a ship, and that the vessel will sail police station on suspicion. for World. on or about October 15. Later. The Harbor lost its license some time No Honors Yet. This is taken to mean that Campbell ago, and since then has not been occu- has collected his first party of colonists, pied. The owner placed Larsen in and' that he is only waiting for the im- charge, believing that vags might be to hole-diggin- g G. migrants to get their belongings The ordinance, intended using the building as sleeping quarters. (Associated Press Cablegrams.) By Ernest Walker. or steamship eompany gether and f the to prevent Shortly before 9 o 'clock last night, pas- - (Mail Special to the Advertiser.) to get in readiness the vessel which is corporations digging up DENVER, September 22. President Taft delivered a speech r sersby noticed smoke issuing from the D. 4. to bring them here. streets without proper authority from here last night. the course of his talk, the said WASHINGTON, C, Sept. voyage will made by way of structure and an alarm of fire was In President that be The be the county, failed to materialize at last Some big plans are under way for a the Horn, so there will be no transfer- turned in. The department responded considered the corporation tax the best form of income tax that between time vessel clears session the Board Super- more efficient and a more formidable ring the the night's of of promptly and saved the structure from could be levied. from the European port and its arrival visors. was mentioned, on The President, during his stay here, has been the guest of IS'avy. They are expected to be in full here. This will also mean that a full It but the serious injury. the swing within a few weeks, although shipload will be sent instead of a small request of members, action was de- An examination of the premises dis Democratic Senator Hughes. their complete execution will be a mat- party, as was the intention when it ferred till the next meeting, on the closed the fact that rags, boxes and old was believed that arrangements could plea that the attorneys for the tele- up ter of a much longer time. Secretary by junk had been piled around the be made for bringing the people the phone company wished to con- Meyer has been working out a pro- way of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. have a back door. This made the police suspi PEARY WANTS NO HONORS gram. He wants battleships that will It is not understood that Campbell's ference on the matter, with the 'City cious, and the watchman was taken in bring European experts here to ob- negotiations with the American-Hawaiia- n and County Attorney. As this confer charge on the chance that he might be and the Mexican-Orienta- l lLie ence may in TILL ROW IS SETTLED serve what we are doing. He thinks the result the offer of amend able to throw a little light on the mat are broken off by any means, but the ments to the proposed ordinance, was United States ought to lead the world delav that seemed inevitable made it it ter. suggested matter should go ' in desigining advanced types of fighting inadvisable to risk undoing the work that the Deputy Sheriff Rose, who was on duty SYDNEY, Nova Scotia, September 22. Commander Peary has and his assistants al- over another week. ships. In recent years England has which Campbell at the time, at once took charge of the announced that he will not accept" any public honors until the con- ready have accomplished in getting The milk and dairy ordinances went been leading the United States. This case and is conducting a quiet investi- troversy between himself and Dr. Cook has been settled by scientific together a party. over another week at the request of . ... bears upon important policies as to is quite probable that another and gation. There was no insurance on the It Supervisor McClellan, who was absent naval bases. The Secretary wants that smaller party may be started west- building. Commander Peary will depart for home today. in near by way of on the mainland when the ordinances problem, involving navy yards, refer- ward the future, the isthmus. Campbell is finding the were introduced, and he has not had red to a joint board of Army and Navy Portuguese, particularly in the Azores, time yet to go over them carefully: MEMORY officers for study and recommendations. much interested in the immigration MAY USE KAHDOLAWE GOVERNOR'S HONORED He promised to read and digest both The naval bases are a very big ques- proposition, and there appears to be no colonists. voluminous documents more more so with difficulty in getting desirable by next week ROCHESTER, Minnesota, September 22. Business activities tion, becoming and Great care is being exercized in se- the building' of new dreadnoughts. and will be ready to vote on the same TO TESTBAIH THEOflY throughout the State were suspended yesterday out of respect to Secretary's curing only agriculturists, and the the There is no doubt in the fiasco, which greeted the trial at bring- Everybody Happy. memory of the late Governor The remains were taken mind that several of the smaller yards Johnson. to ing immigrants here from the Atlantic Plumbing Inspector Miehlstein is St. Paul yesterday. On Thursday they will be conveyed to St. Pefcw, should be abandoned, for it will be will hard- Governor Frear states that it is pos- Coast cities of the mainland, gradually getting his office equipped the Governor's old home, for interment. impossible to dock and repair the future ly be repeated. sibly the suggestion of Hydrog-rapiife- r dreadnought, fleets of the United States with; necessary implements, that the but he Leighton that the small island except at a few yards. He wants those lacks a typewriting machine and has to be fully equipped and will of Kahoolawe be used to determine the few yards inspected various makes about town. ATLANTIC FLEET AT NEW YORK ask Congress for sufficient appropria- MAKAPUU LIGHT WILL truth or falsity of the theory "that for- une company tions to bring them up to a very high enterprising supply ests are largely responsible for rain- of efficiency. As there are brought a fine machine around. A mem standard fall, will be carried out. The island NEW YORK, September 22. The Atlantic fleet, which was prospects of a struggle with Congress SHINE OCTOBER 1 ber of the County Attorney's office is forti- is now entirely bare,. It is the plan to ordered here for the Hudson-Fulto-n celebration, arrived off the har- over this matter, the Secretary saw the new machine and saw a way fying himself with first hand informa- plant with trees and shrubs and re- bor yesterday. Today the fleet will steam inside the harbor and out it tion about the better yards and also of the difficulty. The County At move from all cattle and sheen, there, join the foreign war vessels, assembled here for the festival. The great Makapuu Point lighthouse torney it about the yards which apparently must had an old machine which is which would destroy the plants, and be abandoned in the course of a few will b placed in commission on Octo- not quite speedy enough for his office, then see what the effect is when the years. ber 1, probably at sunset of that day. and he suggested that the plumbing SONE MAY RESIGN So he is visiting the yards and giving The lenses are adjusted, the lights island is fairly covered with green On inspector take his old one and negotia- them very careful inspection. this , installed, and, according to the expert growing things. tions were once ob-tai- errand he proposes to travel farther lampist now here, the light will prove at entered into to new speedy . SEOUL, September 22. Continued ill health may force the than any Secretary of the Navy before one of the most valuable aids to navi- the and machine. Sat Mm has done, at least in recent years. isfactory arrangements were made, and resignation of Viscount Sone, the Japanese Resident-Gener- al in gation in the entire Pacific.