Domestic Fishing Licence Conditions for 2019-2020 This document and the rules within are effective April 1, 2019

Fishing with gill nets Gill nets can be lawfully set by licenced users (i.e., people, Métis harvesters, and researchers). Nets must be visibly marked at each end with a 1 metre stake or spar buoy bearing the applicable licence number. See General and Specific rules for gillnetting below. If the nets are not marked, or the presence of a net seems suspicious (for example, set during a closed season), please call your local Fish and Wildlife Office or Report A Poacher at 1-800-642-3800. Specific rules for gillnetting See list and maps of waterbodies below with specific rules for gillnetting. If a waterbody is not identified on the list below, it is not eligible for gillnetting under the authority of a Domestic Fishing Licence. General rules for gillnetting 1. No gillnetting in waters closed to all fishing. 2. No spring closure unless specified for a or river. See table starting on page 3. 3. A single gill net of no more than 95 metres (104 yards) in length of the specified minimum mesh size (not less than or NLT) listed for the lake or river. 4. No person fishing under the authority of this licence shall fish within 50 metres (55 yards) of the mouth of any tributary to a lake or river in which the person is fishing. 5. No person shall set, operate or leave unattended any gill net unless it is marked at each end, a. where the person is fishing through the ice, with a stake the top of which is at least 1 metre above the ice and snow; or b. where the person is fishing in open water, with a spar buoy the top of which is at least 1 metre above the surface of the water; and c. each required stake or spar buoy shall be marked, in solid block numbers without ornamentation and not less than 20 mm in height, with the number of the Domestic Fishing Licence. 6. When cleaning and transporting fish, a. fish cleaned for storage not at your permanent residence or for transport to your permanent residence must not be skinned, cut or packed in a manner that, » the species cannot be identified, » the total length of every fish subject to size limits cannot be measured, as fish can also be harvested by rod and reel.

7. Fish that are not subject to size limits may be filleted but enough skin must be left on each fillet so species can be identified.

Remember: When cleaning fish away from your permanent residence, DO NOT REMOVE evidence of species unless the fish are being consumed immediately.

Attachment to Domestic Fishing Licence | 2019-2020 August 6 2019 Version | Page 1 Fishing with rod and reel (angling) Specific rules for angling See list and maps of waterbodies below with specific rules for angling. If a waterbody is not identified on the list below, it is not eligible for angling under the authority of a Domestic Fishing Licence. General rules for angling

1. No fishing in waters closed to all fishing. 2. General Spring Closure – April 1 to May 14, unless otherwise specified for a lake or river. See table starting on Page 3. 3. No use of live fish, frogs, salamanders, or crayfish as bait; no possession of live fish or crayfish unless the fish are within 5 metres (16 feet) from waters from which they were caught. 4. No angling within 23 metres (25 yards) downstream of any fishway, canal, weir, dam, obstacle or leap. 5. No unattended lines; licence holder may not be further than 30 metres (33 yards) from any line in the water. 6. No daily harvest quota or possession limits. 7. No harvest permitted of bull trout, Athabasca rainbow trout, Arctic grayling, lake sturgeon and westslope cutthroat trout. 8. Default size limits for walleye and northern pike – No harvest of walleye under 50 cm total length and no harvest of pike under 63 cm total length, unless otherwise specified for a waterbody. 9. When cleaning and transporting fish, a. Fish cleaned for storage not at your permanent residence or for transport to your permanent residence must not be skinned, cut or packed in a manner that, » the species cannot be identified, » the total length of every fish subject to size limits cannot be measured.

10. Fish that are not subject to size limits (for example lake whitefish) may be filleted but enough skin must be left on each fillet so species can be identified.

Remember: When cleaning fish away from your permanent residence, DO NOT REMOVE evidence of species and evidence of length if size limits apply, unless the fish are being consumed immediately.

Consumption Advisory Health Canada has set fish consumption guidelines based on the concentration of mercury in fish tissue, and the human body’s ability to eliminate mercury at a slow rate. Most mercury accumulation in fish comes from natural sources.

Mercury, an element that occurs naturally in waterbodies and is a pollutant, can be passed through the food chain and become concentrated in fish-eating species such as pike and walleye. Caution should be used with large predatory species such as pike and walleye as they generally have higher concentrations in the liver, kidney, and muscle.

For detailed information about fish consumption advisories, please contact Alberta Health at 1-780-427-4518 or see the MyWildAlberta website and search for ‘fish consumption advisory’.

Also, download the portable device App Should I Eat This Fish? by Government of Alberta Buying and Selling Fish is Prohibited A Domestic Fishing Licence (DFL) authorizes the licensee to harvest fish for food. Fish harvested under a DFL by any means cannot be sold, bought, traded or bartered. The illegal trafficking of fish threatens our fish, is a serious offence, and can lead to substantial fines. Eligible Waterbodies and Specified Rules

• First Nations (Status Indian Card holders): all waters listed below are available. See maps below. • Métis Harvesters: See tables below for waters available within your Harvesting Area or Settlement. See maps below.

Specific rules for eligible waters are shown below, in addition to general rules shown on pages 1 and 2

SPECIFIC SPECIFIC WATERBODY LEGAL DISTRICT MESH CONSUMPTION (LOCAL NAME) LOCATION ANGLING GILLNETTING ADVISORY RULES RULES (mm) 64,65-18-W4 Athabasca Walleye of any size may Closed NLT 140 See advisory be harvested Apr. 1– May 14 Angling Lake 59,60-03-W4 NLT 152

Athabasca Lake 117-1-W4 Ft. Chip No harvest of walleye under NLT 104 See advisory (Powder) 43 cm; Open all year Bangs Lake 60-07-W4 Bonnyville Fish of any size may be NLT 104 harvested Baptiste Lake 66,67-24-W4 Athabasca Walleye of any size may NLT 152 See advisory be harvested Base Lake 77-12-W4 NLT 140

Battle Lake 46-02-W5 Conservation closure; Conservation NLT 140 See map closure; See map Bear Lake 55-15-W5 Edson NLT 152

Beartrap Lake 60-04-W4 Bonnyville NLT 152

Beaver Lake 66-12,13-W4 Lac La Biche Closed NLT 140 See advisory Apr. 1– May 14 Behan Lake 72-11-W4 Lac La Biche NLT 152

Berry Lake 80-5-W5 Slave Lake NLT 152

Big Johnson Lake 25-65-18-W4 Athabasca NLT 152 (Chump) Big Ling Lake 60-01-W4 Cold Lake NLT 140 (Bates) Birch Lake 85-3-W4 Ft McMurray NLT 152

Bistcho Lake 124-06-W6 High Level No harvest of walleye Conservation NLT 114 under 43 cm; closure; See Conservation closure; map See map Blackett Lake 66-11-W4 Lac La Biche Closed NLT 140 Apr. 1– May 14 Bocquene Lake 10-120-07-W4 Ft. Chip No harvest of walleye under NLT 104 43 cm; Open all year Bourque Lake 66-04-W4 Cold Lake No harvest of walleye Closed NLT 152 See advisory under 50 cm Apr. 1– May 14 Brintnell Lake 32&33-78-05-W5 Slave Lake Fish of any size may be NLT 140 See advisory harvested

Attachment to Domestic Fishing Licence | 2019-2020 August 6 2019 Version | Page 3 SPECIFIC SPECIFIC MESH WATERBODY LEGAL DISTRICT ANGLING GILLNETTING CONSUMPTION (LOCAL NAME) LOCATION RULES RULES (mm) ADVISORY Closed 46-06-W5 Drayton Valley Apr. 1– May 14 NLT 152 59-01-W4 Cold Lake NLT 152 Burnt Lake 67-03-W4 Cold Lake NLT 140 Burnt #1 Lake 36-95-25-W4 Red Earth NLT 152 Burnt #2 Lake 23&27-95-25-W4 Red Earth NLT 152 Cache Lake 59-12-W4 Smoky Lake NLT 140 72-22-W4 Athabasca No harvest of walleye NLT 140 under 45 cm; Closed Apr. 1– May 31 Caribou Lake 116-13-W5 Ft. Vermilion No harvest of walleye NLT 140 under 43 cm; Open all year Chickenhill Lake 59-08-W4 St. Paul NLT 152 Chief Lake 72-11-W4 Lac La Biche NLT 152 54-10-W5 Evansburg Pike of any size may be NLT 89 harvested Chipewyan Lake 91,92-22-W4 Red Earth NLT 127 76-06-W4 Lac La Biche Conservation Conservation NLT 140 See advisory closure; See map closure; See map Cladonia Lake 119-6-W5 Ft. Vermilion NLT 152 Clear Lake 60-6-W5 Barrhead NLT 152 Clyde Lake 73-10-W4 Lac La Biche NLT 152 Cold Lake 64-01-W4 Cold Lake No harvest of lake Conservation NLT 140 trout under 65 cm; closure; See Conservation map closure; See map Colin Lake 121,122-1,2-W4 Ft. Chip Open all year NLT 140 Corn Lake 20-88-25-W4 Red Earth NLT 140 Cornwall Lake 121,122-4-W4 Ft. Chip Open all year NLT 104 Cowoki Lake 19-13-W4 Brooks NLT 140 See advisory Cowper Lake 79,80-3,4-W4 Ft. McMurray NLT 152 Cranberry Lake 28&29-83-07-W5 Red Earth NLT 140 Crane Lake 64-04-W4 Cold Lake NLT 152 (Moore) Crickett Lake 19-64-18-W4 Athabasca Fish of any size may be NLT 152 harvested Crooked Lake 63-22-W5 Fox Creek Fish of any size may be NLT 140 harvested Crow Lake 78-14-W4 Ft McMurray NLT 152 Dabbs Lake 4-69-10-W4 Lac La Biche NLT 152 Deep Lake 13&24-74-25-W4 Red Earth NLT 140 Devils Lake 54-01-W5 Barrhead NLT 140 Driftwood Lake 85&86-02-W5 Red Earth NLT 140 Duck Lake 36-94-20-W4 Ft. Chip NLT 152 East Marten Lake 27&28-76-04-W5 Slave Lake NLT 140 East Twin Lake 35-90-04-W5 Red Earth NLT 140 Edwards Lake 75-09-W4 Lac La Biche NLT 140 See advisory Elinor Lake 65-11-W4 Lac La Biche No harvest of walleye NLT 140 See advisory under 43 cm Eliza Lake 56-08,09-W4 St. Paul NLT 140 SPECIFIC SPECIFIC MESH WATERBODY LEGAL DISTRICT ANGLING GILLNETTING CONSUMPTION (LOCAL NAME) LOCATION RULES RULES (mm) ADVISORY Equisetum Lake 89-05-W5 Red Earth NLT 140 64-03-W4 Cold Lake No harvest of walleye NLT 152 See advisory under 50 cm Fawcett Lake 73-26-W4 Slave Lake Walleye of any size may NLT 140 be harvested Fickle Lake 51,52-19,20-W5 Edson NLT 152 Fincastle Lake 10-15-W4 No harvest of walleye NLT 140 under 55 cm Fishing Lake 57-02-W4 Cold Lake NLT 140 Flett Lake 114,115-07-W4 Ft. Chip NLT 152 Floating Stone 60-11-W4 St. Paul NLT 152 Lake (Boyne) Fork Lake 63-11-W4 Lac La Biche Fish of any size may be NLT 140 harvested Francis Lake 2,11-69-11-W4 Lac La Biche NLT 152 Freeman Lake 66-11-W5 Swan Hills Fish of any size may be NLT 152 harvested Frenchman Lake 64-10-W4 Lac La Biche NLT 140 Frezie Lake 108,109-6-W4 Ft. Chip NLT 152 Frog Lake 56,57-2,3-W4 St. Paul NLT 76 Gardiner Lake 98,99-16-W4 Ft McMurray Closed NLT 152 Apr. 1– May 14 Garner Lake 60-12-W4 Smoky Lake No harvest of walleye NLT 152 under 43 cm Garson Lake 84,85-01-W4 Ft McMurray NLT 140 Georges Lake 84-5,6-W4 Ft McMurray NLT 140 Gift Lake 79,80-12,13-W5 No harvest of walleye NLT 140 under 43 cm Glover Lake 75-09-W4 Lac La Biche NLT 140 See advisory Gods Lake 90-02-W5 Red Earth Closed Apr. 1– June 15 Closed NLT 152 Apr. 1– June 15 Golden Lake 87-15-W5 NLT 152 Goodfish Lake 89-05-W5 Red Earth NLT 140 Goodfish Lake 61-13-W4 Smoky Lake NLT 104 See advisory Goodwin Lake 74-11-W4 Lac La Biche NLT 140 Goosegrass Lake 91-03-W5 Red Earth NLT 140 Graham Lake 87,88-04-W5 Red Earth Closed NLT 140 (Trout) Apr. 1– May 31 Gregg Lake 52,53-26-W5 Hinton Walleye of any size may NLT 140 be harvested 86-7,8-W4 Ft McMurray No harvest of walleye Closed NLT 152 See advisory (Willow) 43–50 cm Apr. 1– May 14 Grist Lake 73,74-3,4-W4 Lac La Biche No harvest of lake trout NLT 152 under 60 cm Gypsy Lake 85,86-2-W4 Ft McMurray Open all year NLT 140 Haig Lake 91-13,14-W5 Peace River Closed Apr. 1– May 31 Closed NLT 140 Apr. 1– May 31 Hanmore Lake 61-17,18-W4 Smoky Lake Fish of any size may be NLT 140 harvested Heart Lake 70-10-W4 Lac La Biche NLT 140 Hebephrenic Lake 91-02-W5 Red Earth No harvest of pike under NLT 140 70 cm Helena Lake 65,66-11-W4 Lac La Biche NLT 140 See advisory

Attachment to Domestic Fishing Licence | 2019-2020 August 6 2019 Version | Page 5 SPECIFIC SPECIFIC MESH WATERBODY LEGAL DISTRICT ANGLING GILLNETTING CONSUMPTION (LOCAL NAME) LOCATION RULES RULES (mm) ADVISORY Hilda Lake 64-03-W4 Cold Lake Walleye of any size may be NLT 114 See advisory harvested Hope Lake 65-18-W4 Athabasca NLT 152

Iosegun Lake 63-19,20-W5 Fox Creek Walleye of any size may be Closed NLT 140 harvested Apr. 1– May 14 Ipiatik Lake 72,73-07-W4 Cold Lake NLT 140 Ironwood Lake 65-10,11-W4 Lac La Biche NLT 140 See advisory Island 57 Lake 57-02-W4 St. Paul NLT 152 Island 67 Lake 67,68-24-W4 Athabasca NLT 152 Island 79 Lake 79,80-23-W4 Slave Lake NLT 140 53,54-5,6-W5 Evansburg NLT 104 See advisory 121-23-W4 Ft. Chip NLT 140 Closed Jackson Lake 67-10,11-W4 Lac La Biche Apr. 1– May 14 NLT 140 Jensen Reservoir 04-22-W4 Lethbridge NLT 140 Johnson Lake 100-03-W4 Ft. Chip NLT 152 Joker Lake 86-17-W5 Red Earth Fish of any size may be NLT 140 harvested; Open all year Jumbo Lake 24-74-4-W4 Lac La Biche NLT 140 Closed Kehiwin Lake 58,59-07-W4 Bonnyville Apr. 1– May 14 NLT 140 See advisory Keho Lake 11-22,23-W4 Lethbridge NLT 140 See advisory Closed Kinnaird Lake 66,67-10-W4 Lac La Biche Apr. 1– May 14 NLT 140 See advisory Kirby Lake 6-75-5-W4 Lac La Biche NLT 140 (Sternur) Lac La Biche 68-15-W4 Lac La Biche No harvest of pike under Conservation NLT 140 See advisory 75 cm or walleye under closure; 50 cm See map 57-03-W5 Barrhead NLT 140 See advisory 56-11-W4 St. Paul NLT 152 See advisory Lac Ste. Anne 55-03-W5 Barrhead Walleye of any size may be Closed NLT 140 harvested Apr. 1– May 14 Lessard Lake 55-05-W4 Barrhead NLT 140 74-11-W5 High Prairie and No harvest of pike under Conservation NLT 127 See advisory Slave Lake 55 cm or walleye under closure; See 43 cm. map.

Conservation The portion of closure; See map. the Lesser from the The portion of the Lesser mouth of from the Slave Lake to mouth of Lesser Slave the weir Lake to the weir downstream of downstream of Highway Highway 88 88 is considered flowing is considered water and is closed to flowing water domestic fishing. and is closed to domestic fishing. Little 14-20-W4 Vulcan NLT 140 See advisory Little McLeod 61-11-W5 Whitecourt Pike of any size may be NLT 140 Lake harvested (Pegasus) Little 79-22-W4 Slave Lake NLT 140 Little Smoky Lake 59-18-W4 Smoky Lake NLT 152 Little Whitefish 86,87-2-W5 Red Earth NLT 140 Lake Lodge Lake 66-17-W4 Lac La Biche NLT 152 Logan Lake 70-09-W4 Lac La Biche NLT 104 SPECIFIC SPECIFIC MESH WATERBODY LEGAL DISTRICT ANGLING GILLNETTING CONSUMPTION (LOCAL NAME) LOCATION RULES RULES (mm) ADVISORY Long 56 Lake 56-1,2-W4 St. Paul NLT 152 Long 61 Lake 61-04-W4 NLT 104

Long 63 Lake 63-19-W4 Smoky Lake No harvest of walleye NLT 152 See advisory 43–50 cm Long 89 Lake 18-89-04-W5 Red Earth No harvest of pike under NLT 140 See advisory 70 cm Long 90 Lake 36-90-02-W5 Red Earth No harvest of pike under NLT 140 (Second Last) 70 cm Louisiana 13 17-11-W4 Brooks NLT 140 Lake Lower Mann Lake 7-60-10-W4 St. Paul NLT 152 Lylich Lake 78-04-W5 Slave Lake NLT 152 Magician Lake 64-03-W4 Cold Lake Closed Apr. 1– May 31 NLT 152

Majeau Lake 57-03-W5 Barrhead NLT 152 Margaret Lake 36-114-9-W5 Ft. Vermilion Open all year NLT 152 Maria Lake 22-86-4-W5 Red Earth NLT 140 Marie Lake 65-03-W4 Cold Lake Closed Apr. 1– May 31 Closed NLT 152 See advisory Apr. 1– May 31 May Lake 66-03-W4 Cold Lake NLT 152 See advisory McGregor Lake 18-22-W4 Vulcan NLT 140 See advisory McLennan Lake 107-01-W4 Ft McMurray NLT 152 See advisory McLeod Lake 32-80-01-W5 Slave Lake NLT 140 McMillan Lake 24-78-04-W5 Slave Lake NLT 140 See advisory Meekwap Lake 34-65-18-W5 Fox Creek NLT 114 Meyer Lake 69-24-W4 Athabasca Fish of any size may be NLT 152 harvested Middle Marten 28&29-76-04-W5 Slave Lake NLT 140 Lake Mink #1 Lake 18-82-11-W5 Red Earth No harvest of pike under NLT 140 55 cm; Open all year Mink #2 Lake 24-82-12-W5 Red Earth NLT 140 Mistehae Lake 80-02&03-W5 Slave Lake No harvest of pike under NLT 140 70 cm 61-07-W4 Bonnyville Closed Apr. 1– May 31; NLT 152 See advisory no harvest of walleye under 50 cm Muriel Lake 59-08-W4 Bonnyville NLT 140 See advisory Murray Lake 10-07-W4 Foremost NLT 140 Muskwa Lake 82-04-W5 Red Earth NLT 140 See advisory Namur Lake 97-17-W4 Ft McMurray No harvest of lake trout NLT 140 See advisory under 65 cm Newell Lake 17-15-W4 Brooks No harvest of walleye NLT 140 See advisory under 50 cm Nipisi Lake 78-07-W5 Slave Lake NLT 140 See advisory North Buck Lake 66-17-W4 Athabasca NLT 140 North Chain Lake 104-25-W5 Ft. Vermilion NLT 140 North 81-26-W4 Slave Lake Conservation closure; Conservation NLT 140 See advisory Wabasca Lake See map closure; See map Closed Orloff Lake 73&74-23-W4 Athabasca Apr. 1– May 14 NLT 140 See advisory Peerless Lake 88-05-W5 Red Earth Open all year 114-140

Attachment to Domestic Fishing Licence | 2019-2020 August 6 2019 Version | Page 7 SPECIFIC SPECIFIC MESH WATERBODY LEGAL DISTRICT ANGLING GILLNETTING CONSUMPTION (LOCAL NAME) LOCATION RULES RULES (mm) ADVISORY Pelican Lake 78-21-W4 Slave Lake NLT 140 Piche Lake 70-11-W4 Lac La Biche NLT 104 47-01-W5 Wetaskiwin No harvest of pike; NLT 104 walleye of any size may be harvested 66-10-W4 Lac La Biche Conservation closure; Conservation NLT 152 See advisory See map; no harvest of closure; See walleye under 43 cm map Pitchimi Lake 115-05-W5 Ft. Vermilion Open all year NLT 152 See advisory 67-01-W4 Cold Lake Access restricted to Cold Access NLT 140 Lake First Nations restricted to Cold Lake First Nations Rainbow Lake 107-09-W6 High Level Open all year NLT 140 Rattlesnake Lake 12-08-W4 Foremost NLT 140 See advisory Red Springs Lake 59-01-W4 Cold Lake NLT 140 Reita Lake 59-04-W4 Bonnyville NLT 104 Rich Lake 64-11-W4 Lac La Biche NLT 152 Richardson Lake 108-07-W4 Ft. Chip No harvest of walleye NLT 152 See advisory under 43 cm Milk River Ridge 05-20-W4 Lethbridge NLT 140 See advisory Reservoir 20-15-W4 Brooks NLT 140 Closed Rock 17-75-22-W4 Athabasca Apr. 1– May 14 NLT 140 Rolling Hills Lake 16-14-W4 Brooks NLT 140 See advisory Round Lake 27-89-04-W5 Red Earth NLT 140 Royemma Lake 74-01-W4 Lac La Biche NLT 140 Ryan Lake 117-07-W4 Ft. Chip No harvest of walleye NLT 140 under 43 cm; Open all year Saddle Lake 58-12-W4 St. Paul Open all year NLT 140 Sander Lake 14-80-02-W5 Slave Lake NLT 114 Sandy Lake 79-22-W4 Slave Lake Conservation closure; Conservation NLT 140 See map. Tributaries and closure; See Outlets closed Nov. 1– map. Tributaries May 31 and Outlets closed Nov. 1- May 31 Sawn Lake 92-12-W5 Peace River Pike of any size may be NLT 140 harvested Scope Lake 13-14-W4 Lethbridge NLT 140

Seibert Lake 66-09-W4 Bonnyville Closed Apr. 1– May 31; Closed NLT 152 walleye of any size may be Apr. 1– May 31 harvested Semo Lake 113-06-W5 Ft. Vermilion Open all year NLT 140

Sherburne Lake 09-14-W4 Lethbridge NLT 140

Shiningbank Lake 56-14-W5 Edson NLT 152

Side Lake 75-08-W4 Lac La Biche NLT 140

Sinclair Lake 66-05-W4 Cold Lake NLT 152

Skeleton Lake 65-19-W4 Athabasca NLT 140

Skunk Lake 16-90-05-W5 Red Earth NLT 140 SPECIFIC SPECIFIC MESH WATERBODY LEGAL DISTRICT ANGLING GILLNETTING CONSUMPTION (LOCAL NAME) LOCATION RULES RULES (mm) ADVISORY Closed 16-62-20-W5 Fox Creek Apr. 1– May 14 NLT 152 Snipe Lake 71-19-W5 High Prairie Pike of any size may be Closed NLT 152 harvested Apr. 1– May 14 Soars Lake 59-02-W4 Cold Lake NLT 140

South Wabasca 80-24-W4 Slave Lake Conservation closure; Conservation NLT 127 See advisory Lake See map closure; See map Spencer Lake 67-09-W4 Bonnyville Closed Apr. 1-May 14; Follow Specific NLT 140 See advisory The lake is located in the Cold Angling Rules Lake Air Weapons Range; No overland access on trails inside the Range; Access from west tip of lake only. It is unlawful to go ashore inside the bombing range boundary. Only Fridays from 1700 to 1/2 h after sunset on Sundays; Holiday Fridays from 1700 on Thursday to 1/2 h after sunset on Sunday; Holiday Mondays from 1700 on Friday to 1/2 h after sunset on Monday; from 1700 Dec. 24 to 1/2 h after sunset on Jan. 1. Square Lake 68-13-W4 Lac La Biche NLT 152

Stafford Lake 08-14-W4 Lethbridge NLT 140

Steepbank Lake 75-10-W4 Lac La Biche NLT 76

Sturgeon Lake 70-23-W5 Valleyview No harvest of walleye under NLT 140 43 cm; Open all year Sucker 25-114-6-W5 Ft. Vermilion NLT 152 (Unnamed) Lake Sunday Lake 25-74-9-W4 Lac La Biche NLT 140

St. Mary Reservoir 04-24-W4 Cardston NLT 140 See advisory

Talbot Lake 98-11-W5 Ft. Chip Open all year NLT 127 Tawakwato Lake 66-15-W4 Lac La Biche NLT 76

Teepee Lake 35-85-26-W4 Red Earth NLT 140

Thompson Lake 60-02-W4 Cold Lake NLT 140 Thurston Lake 126-01-W6 High Level No harvest of walleye NLT 152 under 43 cm; Open all year Tilley B Lake 18-12-W4 Brooks NLT 140 67-10-W4 Lac La Biche Closed NLT 140 See advisory Apr. 1– May 14 14-21-W4 Vulcan The portion within 100 The portion NLT 140 meters of the canal inlet is within 100 closed all year meters of the canal inlet is closed all year Tucker Lake 64-05-W4 Cold Lake NLT 76

Twin Lake 14-82-11-W5 Red Earth NLT 140

Unnamed 10 10-12-W4 Foremost NLT 140 Lake (Burdett) Unnamed 75 14-75-06-W4 Lac La Biche NLT 152 Lake Unnamed 78 30-78-25-W4 Slave Lake NLT 140 Lake Unnamed 81 28&29-81-12-W5 High Prairie NLT 140 Lake (Long 81)

Attachment to Domestic Fishing Licence | 2019-2020 August 6 2019 Version | Page 9 SPECIFIC SPECIFIC MESH WATERBODY LEGAL DISTRICT ANGLING GILLNETTING CONSUMPTION (LOCAL NAME) LOCATION RULES RULES (mm) ADVISORY Unnamed 103 Ft. Chip NLT 140 Lake (Brutus) Upper Chin Lake 08-18-W4 Lethbridge NLT 140

Utikuma Lake 79-10-W5 High Prairie NLT 140

Utikumasis Lake 80-11-W5 High Prairie No harvest of walleye NLT 140 (Little Whitefish) under 43 cm Vandersteene 88-03-W5 Red Earth Open all year NLT 140 Lake Vincent Lake 59-10-W4 St. Paul NLT 152

Wabamun Lake 53-05-W5 Stony Plain NLT 140 See advisory

Wadlin Lake 101-11-W5 Ft. Vermilion Closed Apr. 1– May 31 Closed NLT 152 Apr. 1– May 31 Wappau Lake 75-11-W4 Lac La Biche NLT 76

Waterton 01-30-W4 Cardston NLT 140 Reservoir Wayetenaw Lake 61-13-W4 Smoky Lake NLT 140

Wentzel Lake 115-03-W5 Ft. Vermilion No harvest of walleye under NLT 114 43 cm; Open all year West Twin Lake 34-90-04-W5 Slave Lake NLT 140

Whitefish Lake 62-13-W4 Smoky Lake No harvest of walleye NLT 140 See advisory under 43 cm Whitefish Lake 85-01-W4 Ft. Chip NLT 140 See advisory

Winagami Lake 76-18-W5 High Prairie NLT 152

Winefred Lake 75-04-W4 Lac La Biche Closed NLT 152 See advisory Apr. 1– May 14 Winnifred Lake 118-03-W4 Ft. Chip Open all year NLT 152

Wolf Lake 66-07-W4 Bonnyville Closed Apr. 1–May 31; Closed NLT 140 See advisory walleye of any size may be Apr. 1–May 31 harvested Wylie Lake 119-03-W4 Ft. Chip Open all year NLT 140

Yellow Lake 24-9-12-W4 Foremost Pike of any size may be NLT 140 harvested; Open all year 112-8-W4 Ft. Chip No harvest of walleye Valid for that NLT 114 See advisory under 43 cm total portion of the length; Valid for that Athabasca portion of the Athabasca River lying River lying north of the north of the 20th baseline. Closed 20th baseline. Nov. 1-May 31 Closed Nov. 1- May 31 Clearwater River 89-8-W4 Ft. McMurray No harvest of walleye Valid only for NLT 114 See advisory under 43 cm total that portion length; Valid only for within that portion within Townships 88 Townships 88 & 89 and & 89 and Ranges 1-9 inclusive; Ranges 1-9 Closed Nov. 1-May 31 inclusive; Closed Nov. 1- May 31 Embrass River 110-9-W4 Ft. Chip Closed Nov. 1-May 31 Closed Nov. 1- NLT 114 May 31 116-22-W5 High Level No harvest of walleye Valid only for NLT 114 under 43 cm total that portion length; Valid only for north of the that portion north of the 28th baseline; 28th baseline; Closed Closed Nov. 1- Nov. 1-May 31 May 31 Meander River 115-22-W5 High Level Closed Nov. 1-May 30 Closed Nov. 1- NLT 114 May 31 SPECIFIC SPECIFIC MESH WATERBODY LEGAL DISTRICT ANGLING GILLNETTING CONSUMPTION (LOCAL NAME) LOCATION RULES RULES (mm) ADVISORY Peace River Peace River No harvest of walleye Valid only for NLT 140 under 43 cm total that portion length; Valid only for north of the that portion north of the 26th baseline; 26th baseline; Closed Closed Nov. 1 Nov. 1 to Mar. 31 to Mar. 31 Roche River 115-09-W4 Ft. Chip Closed Nov. 1 to May 31 Closed Nov. 1 NLT 114 to May 31 Ft. Vermilion No harvest of walleye Valid for that NLT 114 under 43 cm total portion lying length; Valid for that north of the portion lying north of the 26th baseline; 26th baseline; Closed Closed Mar. 2 Mar. 2 to May 31* to May 31* * Zoning closure (referenced for the Wabasca River) Eligible Waterbodies for Recognized Métis Harvesters by Harvesting Area, Community and Settlement This applies to Métis who have been recognized as having harvester status in Alberta, as per R v. Powley. See Harvesting Area Maps on Pages 13 to 16.

Harvesting Area A: : Bistcho; Caribou; Cladonia; Golden; Haig; Joker; Lesser Slave; Rivers: Hay; Cadotte Métis Community; Margaret; North Chain; Pitchimi; Rainbow; Sawn; Semo; Snipe; Sturgeon; Meander; East Prairie Métis Settlement; Talbot; Thurston; Twin; Wadlin; Wentzel; Winagami Peace; Ft. Vermillion Métis Wabasca Community; Paddle Prairie Métis Settlement; Peace River Métis Community

Harvesting Area B: Lakes: Amisk; Athabasca (Powder); Baptiste; Base; Beaver; Behan; Big Rivers: Bonnyville Métis Community; Johnson (Chump); Birch; Blackett; Bocquene; Bourque; Burnt; Calling; Chief; Athabasca, Clearwater; Buffalo Lake Métis Chipewyan; Christina; Clyde; Cold; Colin; Cornwall; Cowper; Crane Embrass; Community; (Moore); Crickett; Crow; Dabbs; Deep; Duck; East Marten; Edwards; Elinor; Ethel; Fawcett; Flett; Floatingstone (Boyne); Fork; Francis; Frenchman; Roche; Cold Lake Métis Community; Wabasca. Conklin Métis Community; Frezie; Gardiner; Garner; Garson; Georges; Glover; Goodfish (61-13-W4); Ft. Chipewyan Métis Goodwin; Gregoire (Willow); Grist; Gypsy; Hanmore; Heart; Helena; Hilda; Community; Hope; Ipiatik; Ironwood; Island 67; Island 79; Jackson; Johnson; Jumbo; Kinnaird; Kirby (Sternur); Lac La Biche; Little Sandy; Lodge; Logan; Long 63; Ft. McKay Métis Community; Lower Mann; Magician; Marie; May; McLennan; Meyer; Middle Marten; Kikino Métis Settlement; Moose; Muriel; Namur; North Buck; North Wabasca; Orloff; Pelican; Lac La Biche Métis Piche; Pinehurst; Rich; Richardson; Rock Island; Royemma; Ryan; Community; Sandy; Seibert; Side; Sinclair; Skeleton; South Wabasca; Spencer; Square; Wabasca Métis Community; Steepbank; Sucker (Unnamed); Sunday; Tawakwato; Touchwood; Tucker; Métis Community Unnamed 66 (Lost Magician); Unnamed 78; Unnamed 103 (Brutus); Wappau; Wayetenaw; Whitefish; Winefred; Winnifred; Wolf; Wylie

Harvesting Area C: Lakes: Baptiste; Bear; Berry; Brintnell; Burnt #1; Burnt #2; Calling; Chip; Rivers: Cadotte Lake Métis Chipewyan; Clear; Corn; Cranberry; Crooked; Deep; Driftwood; Duck; East Athabasca; Community; Marten; East Twin; Equisetum; Fawcett; Freeman; Gardiner; Gift; Gods; Peace; Wabasca. East Prairie Métis Settlement; Golden; Goodfish (89-05-W5); Goosegrass; Graham (Trout); Gregg; Haig; Ft. McKay Métis Community; Hebephrenic; Iosegun; Island 67; Island 79; Joker; Lesser Slave; Little Gift Lake Métis Settlement; Sandy; Little Whitefish; Long 89; Long 90; Lylich; Maria; McLeod; McMillan; Grouard Métis Community; Meekwap; Meyer; Middle Marten; Mink #1; ; Mink #2 Mistehae; Muskwa; Lesser Slave Lake Métis Namur; Nipisi; North Wabasca; Orloff; Peerless; Pelican; Rock Island; Community; Round; Sander; Sandy; Sawn; Shiningbank; Skunk; Smoke; Snipe; South Peace River Métis Community; Wabasca; Sturgeon; Talbot; Thurston; Twin; Unnamed 75; Unnamed 78; Peavine Métis Settlement; Unnamed 81; Utikuma; Utikumasis (Little Whitefish); Trout Lake Métis Community; Vandersteene; Wadlin; West Twin; Winagami Wabasca Lake Métis Community

Attachment to Domestic Fishing Licence | 2019-2020 August 6 2019 Version | Page 11 Harvesting Area D: Lakes: Amisk; Angling; Bangs; Baptiste; Base; Battle; Bear; Beartrap; Rivers: Bonnyville Métis Community; Beaver; Behan; Big Johnson; Big Ling (Bates); Blackett; Bourque; Buck; Athabasca; Buffalo Lake Métis Buffalo; Burnt; Cache; Calling; Chickenhill; Chief; Chip; Christina; Clear; Wabasca. Settlement; Clyde; Cold; Cowper; Crane (Moore); Crickett; Crooked; Crow; Dabbs; Cold Lake Métis Community; Deep; Devils; East Marten; Edwards; Elinor; Eliza; Ethel; Fawcett; Fickle; Conklin Métis Community; Fishing; Floating Stone (Boyne); Fork; Francis; Freeman; Frenchman; Frog; Garner; Glover; Goodfish (61-16-W4); Goodwin; Gregg; Grist; Hanmore; Elizabeth Métis Settlement; Heart; Helena; Hilda; Hope; Iosegun; Ipiatik; Ironwood; Island 57; Island 67; Fishing Lake Metis Island 79; Isle; Jackson; Jumbo; Kehiwin; Kinnaird; Kirby (Sternur); Lac La Settlement; Biche; Lac La Nonne; Lac Sante; Lac Ste. Anne; Lessard, Lesser Slave; Kikino Métis Settlement; Little Sandy; Little Smoky; Lodge; Logan; Long 56; Long 61; Long 63; Lac La Biche Métis Lower Mann; Magician; Majeau; Marie; May; Meekwap; Meyer; Middle Community; Marten; Moose; Muriel; North Buck; North Wabasca; Orloff; Pelican; Lac Ste. Anne Métis Piche; Pigeon; Pinehurst; Red Springs; Reita; Rich; Rock Island; Community; Royemma; Ryan; Saddle; Sandy; Seibert; Shiningbank; Side; Sinclair; Lesser Slave Lake Skeleton; Smoke; Soars; South Wabasca; Spencer; Square; Steepbank; Métis Community; Sunday; Tawakwato; Thompson; Touchwood; Tucker; Unnamed 66 (Lost Smoky Lake Métis Magician); Unnamed 75; Unnamed 78; Vincent; Wabamun; Wappau; Community; Wayetenaw; Whitefish; Winefred; Wolf St. Paul Métis Community; Wabasca Métis Community; Wolf Lake Métis Community

Eligible Waterbodies for Residents of Métis Settlements This applies to residents of Métis Settlements who are not recognized as having harvester status in Alberta, as per R v. Powley

Buffalo Lake Métis Settlement All waters within the settlement, unless otherwise closed to all fishing

East Prairie Métis Settlement All waters within the settlement, unless otherwise closed to all fishing

Elizabeth Métis Settlement Big Ling (Bates) Lake, Red Springs Lake, Soars Lake, Thompson Lake, and all other waters within the settlement, unless otherwise closed to all fishing

Fishing Lake Métis Settlement Fishing Lake, Frog Lake, Unnamed (Island 57) Lake, and all other waters within the settlement, unless otherwise closed to all fishing

Gift Lake Métis Settlement Gift Lake, Unnamed 81 (Long 81) Lake, , Utikumasis (Little Whitefish) Lake, and all other waters within the settlement, unless otherwise closed to all fishing

Kikino Métis Settlement Whitefish Lake, and all other waters within the settlement, unless otherwise closed to all fishing

Paddle Prairie Métis Settlement North Chain Lake, Peace River (portion adjacent to settlement boundary) and all other waters within the settlement, unless otherwise closed to all fishing Peavine Métis Settlement All waters within the settlement, unless otherwise closed to all fishing

Other Waterbodies Eligible to First Nation Harvesters The following waterbodies are not located within any Métis Community or Settlement

Lakes and Reservoirs: Cowoki, Fincastle, Jensen, Keho, Little Bow, Rivers: No eligible rivers Louisiana 13, McGregor, Murray, Newell, Rattlesnake, Milk River Ridge, Rock, Rolling Hills, Scope, Sherburne, St. Mary, Stafford, Tilley B, Travers, Unnamed 10, Upper Chin, Waterton, Yellow Maps of Métis Harvesting Area A, B, C and D Harvesting Area A

Wood Buffalo Wood Buffalo National Park National Park

¬«58 ¬«58

¬« ¬«3535

! FortFort! McMurrayMcMurray ¬«69¬«69




¬«59 ¬«¬«22

! ColdCold Lake Lake Air Air WeaponsWeapons Range Range


¬«33¬«33 ¬«36¬«36 ¬«40 ¬«44¬«44 ¬«55¬«55 ¬«32¬«32

¬«18¬«18 ¬«28¬«28

Note: Information as depicted is subject to change, HARVESTING AREA AA therefore the Government of Alberta assumes no responsibility for discrepancies at time of use. Eligible waterbody for Provincial BorderBorder Produced by Indigenous Relations domestic harvest Waterbody ± Note:Note: Information Information as as depicted depicted is is subject subject to to change,– change,Stewardship therefore therefore the the Governmentand Government Policy Integration. Waterbody ± of Alberta assumes no responsibility Métis Harvesting Area of Alberta assumes no responsibility Major Road 00 5050 100100 150150 forfor discrepancies discrepanciesBase Map at at time time Data of of use. use. provided Produced Produced by byby Indigenous Indigenous the Government Relations Relations of Alberta Major Road StewardshipStewardship and and Policy Policy Integration. Integration. Base Base Map Map Data Data provided provided by by the the Air Weapons Range KM Government of Albertaunder under the Alberta Alberta Open Open Government Government Licence, 2019. Licence, 2019. Air Weapons Range ! KM Government of Alberta under the Alberta Open Government Licence, 2019. ! City / Town Date: 20190110 1:3,000,0001:3,000,000 Date: 20190110 | © 2019Date: Government 20190110 of Alberta ©© 2019 2019 Government Government of of Alberta Alberta National Park NADNAD 1983 1983 10TM 10TM AEP AEP Forest Forest

Attachment to Domestic Fishing Licence | 2019-2020 August 6 2019 Version | Page 13 Harvesting Area B

Wood Buffalo WoodNational Buffalo Park National Park

¬«58 ¬«58

¬«35 ¬«35

Fort !Fort ! McMurrayMcMurray ¬«69 ¬«69

¬«63 ¬«63


¬«2 ¬«2 ColdCold Lake Lake Air Air WeaponsWeapons Range Range

¬«36 ¬«43 ¬«33 ¬«44 ¬« ¬« ¬« 36¬«55 43 33 ¬«44 ¬« ! 55 ! ¬«32 Cold Lake ¬«32 Cold Lake

¬«18 ¬«28 ¬«18 ¬«28

HARVESTING AREA B Note: Information as depicted is subject to change, HARVESTING AREA B therefore the Government of Alberta assumes Eligible waterbody for Provincial Border no responsibility for discrepancies at time of use. domesticEligible harvestwaterbody for Provincial Border Waterbody ± Note: Information as depicted is subjectProduced to change, by therefore Indigenous the Government Relations domestic harvest Métis Harvesting Area Waterbody ± Note: Information as depicted– Stewardship is subjectof Alberta to change, assumes and thereforePolicy no responsibility Integration. the Government for discrepancies at time of use. Produced by Indigenous Relations 0 50 100 150 of Alberta assumes no responsibility Major Road Stewardship and Policy Integration. Base Map Data provided by the Métis Harvesting Area Base forMap discrepancies Data provided at time of by use. the Produced Government by Indigenous of Alberta Relations Air Weapons Range 0 50 100 KM150 Government of Alberta under the Alberta Open Government Licence, 2019. Major Road Stewardship and Policy Integration. Base Map Data provided by the ! City / Town Date: 20190110 Air Weapons Range 1:3,000,000 KM Governmentunder the of Alberta Alberta under Open the Alberta Government Open Government Licence, Licence, 2019. 2019. © 2019 Government of Alberta National Park ! City / Town NAD 1983 10TM AEP Forest 1:3,000,000 Date: 20190110 | © 2019 GovernmentDate: of Alberta 20190110 © 2019 Government of Alberta National Park NAD 1983 10TM AEP Forest Harvesting Area C

Wood Buffalo National ¬«58 Wood Buffalo NationalPark ¬«58 Park

¬«35 ¬«35

Fort McMurray ! Fort McMurray ! ¬«69 ¬«69

¬«64 ¬«64 ¬«63 ¬«63

¬«49 ¬«49

¬«59¬«59 ¬«2 ¬«2 GrandeGrande Prairie Prairie ! ! Cold LakeCold Lake Air WeaponsAir Weapons RangeRange

¬«55 ¬«55 ¬«33 ¬«33

¬«43 ¬« 43 ¬«44 ¬«44

¬«40¬«40 ¬«28 ¬«18 ¬«18 ¬«28 ¬« ¬«45 ¬«32 ¬« 38 ¬«38 ¬«45 32 ¬« 29 ¬«29 Elk IslandElk Island ¬«3 ¬«15 ¬«3 National¬«15 National «¬216 Park ¬« «¬216 Park ¬«31 16 ¬« !\ ¬«31 16 !\ ¬«41 ¬«60 Edmonton ¬«41 ¬«4 ¬«19¬«60 ¬«36 ¬«4 ¬«19 ¬«36 ¬«21 asper ¬«22 ¬«39 ¬«21 ¬«14 Nationalasper ¬«22 ¬«39 ¬«14 ParkNational Park ¬«26 ¬«20 ¬«26 ¬«20¬«13 ¬«13 ¬«56 ¬«56

Note: Information as depicted is subject to change, HARVESTING AREA C therefore the Government of Alberta assumes HARVESTINGEligible waterbody for Provincial AREA Border C domesticEligible harvestwaterbody for Provincial Border no responsibility for discrepancies at time of use. domestic harvest Waterbody Produced by Indigenous Relations Waterbody ± Note: Information as depicted is subject to change, therefore the Government Métis Harvesting Area Major Road ± Note: Information as depicted– Stewardship is subjectof Alberta to change, assumes and thereforePolicy no responsibility Integration. the Government Métis Harvesting Area 0 50 100 150 for discrepancies at time of use. Produced by Indigenous Relations Major Road of Alberta assumes no responsibility Air Weapons Range 0 50 100 150 BaseStewardship forMap discrepancies and Data Policy provided Integration. at time of by use. Base the Produced Map Government Data by provided Indigenous byof the RelationsAlberta !\ Capital City KM Air Weapons Range Governmentunder ofStewardship Alberta the under Alberta and the Policy Alberta Open Integration. Open Government Government Base Map Licence, Licence, Data provided 2019. 2019. by the National Park !\ Capital City 1:3,000,000 KM Government of Alberta under the Alberta Open GovernmentDate: 20190110 Licence, 2019. ! © 2019 Government of Alberta National Park City / Town NAD 1983 10TM1:3,000,000 AEP Forest Date: 20190110 | © 2019 GovernmentDate: of Alberta 20190110 © 2019 Government of Alberta ! City / Town NAD 1983 10TM AEP Forest

Attachment to Domestic Fishing Licence | 2019-2020 August 6 2019 Version | Page 15 Harvesting Area D

¬«35 ¬«35 Fort ! ! McMurrayFort ¬«69 McMurray ¬«69

¬«64 ¬«64

¬«49 ¬«49

¬«59 ¬«59 ¬«2 ¬«63 ¬«2 ¬«63 !! ColdCold Lake Lake Air Air WeaponsWeapons Range Range

¬« ¬«55 55 ! ¬«33¬«33 ! Cold Lake ¬«43 Cold Lake ¬«43 ¬«44 ¬«44

¬«40¬«40 ¬«18¬«18 ¬«28 ¬«28 ¬«32¬«32 ¬«38 ¬«38 ¬«45 ¬«45 ¬«29 ¬«29 ¬«3 ¬«3 Elk IslandElk Island National National ¬«15 ¬«15 ¬«1 ¬«1 ¬«¬«31 EdmontonEdmonton ParkPark 31 !\!\ ¬«16 ¬«16

¬«4¬«4 LloydminsterLloydminster! ! ¬«60 ¬«60 ¬«39 ¬«39 ¬«21 ¬«21 ¬«14 ¬«14 ¬«22¬«22 ¬«26 ¬«26 asperasper NationalNational Park Park ¬«13 ¬«13 ¬«20 ¬«20 ¬«53 ¬«53 ¬«36 ¬«36 ¬«50 ¬«12¬«12 ¬«50 ¬«11¬«11 ¬«56 ¬« ¬« 56 ¬« 42 ¬«42 54 ¬«54

¬«2 ¬«2 ¬«9 ¬«9 Banff NationalBanff National Park ¬«10 Park ¬«10

«¬201 ¬«41 «¬201 ¬«41 ¬«68 ¬«8 ! ¬«1 ¬«68 ¬«8 ! ¬«1 ¬«66 ¬«66 ¬«24 ¬«24 ¬« ¬« ¬«23 ¬«23

HARVESTING AREA D Note: Information as depicted is subject to change, HARVESTINGEligible waterbody for Provincial AREA Border D therefore the Government of Alberta assumes domesticEligible waterbody harvest for Provincial Border no responsibility for discrepancies at time of use. domestic harvest Waterbody ± Note: Information as depicted is subjectProduced to change, by therefore Indigenous the Government Relations Métis Harvesting Area Waterbody of Alberta assumes no responsibility Major Road ± Note: Information as depicted– Stewardship is subject to change, and therefore Policy theIntegration. Government for discrepancies at time of use. Produced by Indigenous Relations Métis Harvesting Area 0 50 100 150 200 of Alberta assumes no responsibility Air Weapons Range Stewardship and Policy Integration. Base Map Data provided by the Major Road for discrepancies at time of use. Produced by Indigenous Relations !\ Capital City 0 50 100 150KM 200 GovernmentBase ofMap Alberta Data under provided the Alberta Openby the Government Government Licence, of 2019. Alberta Air Weapons Range Stewardship and Policy Integration. Base Map Data provided by the Date: 20190110 National Park !\ Capital City 1:3,500,000 KM Governmentunder ofthe Alberta Alberta under theOpen Alberta Government Open Government Licence, Licence, 2019. 2019. © 2019 Government of Alberta ! City / Town NAD 1983 10TM AEP Forest National Park 1:3,500,000 Date: 20190110 | © 2019 GovernmentDate: of 20190110Alberta © 2019 Government of Alberta ! City / Town NAD 1983 10TM AEP Forest Map of Battle Lake Conservation Closure and Specific

Rules for Domestic Fishing Licences

Range Road 12 Road Range ag od12 Road Range Date: 20190115


Road 12 Lake

Range Pigeon

Road 12 Lake Pigeon assumes no responsibility © 2019 Government of Alberta Date: 20190115 Alberta Open Government Licence, 2019. 1 assumes no responsibility 77 ¬ « © 2019 Government of Alberta 771 ¬ « ! 5 Base Map Data provided by the by the Base Map Data provided Valley Government of Alberta under the Government of Alberta under the ! 5 5, all tributaries & the outlet Alberta Open Government Licence, 2019. Peaceful Produced by Indigenous Relations by Indigenous Relations Produced Valley 5, all tributaries & the outlet Peaceful – Stewardship and Policy Integration . – Stewardship Alberta Open Government Licence, 2019 .

r 462W e

v at time of use . for discrepancies responsibility i r 462W

R e Policy Integration. Base Map Data provided by the Government of Alberta under the Date: 20190115 | © 2019 Government of Alberta therefore the Government of Alberta assumes no the Government of Alberta assumes no therefore e iv for discrepancies at time of use. Produced by Indigenous Relations - Stewardship and l Note: Information as depicted is subject to change, therefore the Government of Alberta t

t R Note: Information as depicted is subject to change, a e l B t t a Policy Integration. Base Map Data provided by the Government of Alberta under the

B for discrepancies at time of use. Produced by Indigenous Relations - Stewardship and Note: Information as depicted is subject to change, therefore the Government of Alberta 4 KM April 1 to May15 1 CLOSEDApril 1- May 31 CLOSED CLOSED April 1 - May 31 KM 4 1 2 ± 1:65,000 NAD1983 10TMAEP Forest 3 1 ¬ « 1 13 ¬ « 2 1:65,000 0 downstreamto Sec. Rd.7 The portion west of the west boundary of section 22 Theremainder of thelake NAD 1983 10TM AEP Forest Lake Lake Battle Battle 1 downstream to Sec. Rd. 7 The portion west of the west boundary of section 22 Lake Lake Lake: Battle Battle ek Cre

Muskeg 0 Battle Muskeg Creek Battle Lake: Unimproved Road Watercourse Area Day Use ek

e k ! 5

Butte r e Mount C re e l C t t d a k y e o B e l k

Butte r L e Mount C e

r Unimproved Road Watercourse Day Use Area e l C t t

d ! 5 a y o B l L (see note (see for details) ClosedWatercourse Area Closed Fishing Area Natural Waterbody PavedRoad Gravel Road Lloyd Creek BATTLE LAKE BATTLE (see note for details) ClosedWatercourse Closed Fishing Area Natural Area Waterbody Paved Road Gravel Road Lloyd Creek BATTLE LAKE

Attachment to Domestic Fishing Licence | 2019-2020 August 6 2019 Version | Page 17 Rules forDomesticFishingLicences Map ofBistchoLakeConservationClosureandSpecific

KirknessKirkness Island Island

BistchoBistcho LakeLake

Jackfish Jackfish Point Point No. 214 No. 214

iver Bistcho ot R iver Bistcho etit t R Lake P tito Pe No. 213 Lake No. 213

BISTCHO LAKE BISTCHO LAKE Bistcho Lake: Area CLOSED to Fishing March 2 to June 30 Bistcho Lake: Area CLOSED to Fishing March 2 to June 30

Closed Fishing Area Watercourse Note: Information as depicted is subject to change, Closed(see Fishing note Area for details) Watercourse therefore the Government of Alberta assumes no (see note for details) First Nation Reserve responsibility for discrepancies at time of use . Produced by Indigenous Relations First NationWaterbody Reserve ± 0 2.5 5 10 KM Note: Information– Stewardship as depicted is subject and to Policy change, therefore Integration the Government . of Alberta WaterbodyIsland assumes no responsibility 0 2.5 5 10 KM forNote: discrepancies InformationBase at time as depicted of Map use. Produced is Data subject by toprovided Indigenous change, therefore Relations by the -Government Stewardship of and Alberta Island Policy Integration. Base Map Data provided by the Governmentassumes of Alberta no under responsibility the Wetland for discrepancies at time of use. Produced by Indigenous Relations - Stewardship and 1:200,000 Government of AlbertaAlberta Open under Government the Licence, 2019. Policy Integration. Base Map Data provided by the GovernmentDate: of Alberta 20190110 under the Wetland NAD 1983 10TM AEP Forest Unimproved Road 1:200,000 Alberta Open Government Licence,Alberta© Open 2019 2019 Government . of Licence, Alberta 2019. Date: 20190110 NAD 1983 10TM AEP Forest Unimproved Road Date: 20190110 | © 2019 Government of Alberta© 2019 Government of Alberta

Area CLOSED to Fishing March 2 to June 30 Area CLOSED to Fishing March 2 to June 30 Rules forDomesticFishingLicences LakeConservationClosureandSpecific Map ofChristina

Ja c Ja k c f k is f Sawbones h is Sawbones h R Bay R i Bay v i e v

r e


Christina Christina Lake Lodge Christina )"× Lake Lodge Christina )"× Lake eek Lake Cr eek h Cr irc h B irc B A ttachment

k e k e r e e C r

to y C a d y a Domestic n u d n S u S A ugus

Fishing CHRISTINA LAKE Sawbones Bay: CLOSED March 16 - May 31 t 62019 Version|Page 19 Sawbones Bay: CLOSED March 16 - May 31 CHRISTINALAKE Christina Lake: Remainder of Lake CLOSED April 1 - May 14 Christina Lake: Remainder of Lake CLOSED April 1 - May 14 " Note: Information as depicted is subject to change, Licence Closed Fishing Area )× Lodge Closed(see Fishing note forArea details) )"× Lodge therefore the Government of Alberta assumes no (see note for details) Waterbody responsibility for discrepancies at time of use . Waterbody ± Produced by Indigenous Relations Paved Road 0 1.25 2.5 5 KM Note: Information– Stewardship as depicted is subject and to change, Policy therefore Integration the Government . of Alberta Paved Road assumes no responsibility | 2019-2020 Gravel Road 0 1.25 2.5 5 KM for discrepanciesNote: Information atBase time asdepicted of use.Map Produced is subjectData by to Indigenousprovided change, therefore Relations by the the - StewardshipGovernment and of Alberta assumes no responsibility Policy Integration. Base Map Data provided by the Government of Alberta under the Gravel Road for discrepancies at time of use. Produced by Indigenous Relations - Stewardship and Unimproved Road Government of Alberta Open under Government the Licence, 2019. 1:80,000 Policy Integration. Base Map Data provided by the Government of Alberta under the Date: 20190110 Unimproved Road NAD 1983 10TM AEP Forest Alberta Open Government Licence, 2019 . Watercourse 1:80,000 Alberta© 2019Open Government Government of Licence, Alberta 2019. Date: 20190110 NAD 1983 10TM AEP Forest Date: 20190110 | © 2019 Government of Alberta Watercourse © 2019 Government of Alberta

CLOSED March 16 - May 31 CLOSED March 16 - May 31 for DomesticFishingLicences Map ofColdLakeConservationClosureandSpecificRules

r BourqueBourque r e e Cold Cold v v i Lake Lake i Lake PP Lake PP R R

y Murray y Murray e l e l Island d Island d e e M Marie Marie M Lake Lake

LemingLeming English English Lake Lake !9 !9 Bay Bay

k e k Cold e e Cold r e C r Lake e CLittle Lake ri e Little a ri M aBear Lake M Bear Lake

Ethel Ethel897 «¬ «¬897 Lake Lake Crane Crane Lake Hilda Hilda Lake Lake Doris Lake Doris Island Island

Maloney 892 Maloney «¬ 892 Lake «¬ Lake !9 French Cold Lake !9 French Cold Lake «¬ Cold Bay No. 149B 28 ¬ !5 Cold Bay No. 149B «28 Lake !< !5 Lake !< French French Cold Lake Bay «¬55 Cold Lake !9 Bay «¬55 No. 149A !9 Edward No. 149A Edward Beav Lake er BRea African COLDLake LAKE ivevrer R African COLD LAKE iver AreaLake CLOSED to Fishing Cold ColdLake: Lake: AreaLake CLOSED to FishingApril 1April to May 1 to 14 May 14

Closed Fishing Area Paved Road Note: Information as depicted is subject to change, Closed(see Fishing note forArea details) Paved Road (see note for details) Gravel Road therefore the Government of Alberta assumes no First Nation Reserve Gravel Road responsibility for discrepancies at time of use . First Nation Reserve Unimproved Road Provincial Park Unimproved Road Produced by Indigenous Relations Watercourse Provincial Park 0 2.5 5 KM Note: Information– Stewardship as depicted is subject and to Policy change, therefore Integration the Government . of Alberta Province Boundaries Watercourse !9 Campground 0 2.5 5 KM Note: Information as depicted is subject to change, thereforeassumes the noGovernment responsibility of Alberta Province Boundaries for discrepancies atBase time of Map use. Produced Data by provided Indigenous Relations by theassumes - Stewardship no responsibility and Waterbody !9 Campground Policy Integration. Base Map Data provided by the Government of Alberta under the !5 Day Use Area ± for discrepanciesGovernment at time of use. of Produced Alberta by Indigenous under Relationsthe - Stewardship and Waterbody 1:145,000 Policy Integration. Base Map Data providedAlberta Open by the Government Government Licence, of Alberta 2019. under the Island !5 Day Use Area Date: 20190110 !< NAD1:145,000 1983 10TM AEP Forest Alberta Open Government Licence,Alberta Open 2019 Government . Licence, 2019. Group Use Area © 2019 Government ofDate: Alberta 20190110 Island NAD 1983 10TM AEP Forest !< Group Use Area Date: 20190110 | © 2019 Government of Alberta© 2019 Government of Alberta

Area CLOSED to Fishing April 1 to May 14 Area CLOSED to Fishing April 1 to May 14

Rules forDomesticFishingLicences Map ofLacLaBicheConservationClosureandSpecific r

NicotNicot Lake Lake 858 r «¬ 858e «¬ e v Square i v Square i

R R Lake l Lake l w w O O Cache Cache LagoonLagoon LakeLake Lake Lake Red FoxRed Fox IslandIsland SavouyeSavouye Lake Lake

BirchBirch IslandIsland CurrantCurrant IslandIsland

BlackBlack Fox Fox Island LacLac la la Island Biche PelicanPelican Biche Island !5 Island !5 Big Sir Winston Big Sir WinstonIsland Churchill PP Island Churchill!9 PP!< Sir Winston!9 !< Sir WinstonLong Churchill Long ChurchillIsland Island A ttachment

«¬881 «¬881 «¬ Claude 55 LakeClaude

to «¬ 55 Lake Domestic Birkland Leicester Birkland Leicester

August 62019Version |Page21 Lake Lake Antoine Lake Lake LakeAntoine Fishing LAC LA BICHE Lake Lac La Biche: Condition of Toodleslicense number 3. Area LAC LA BICHE Lac La Biche: ConditionLake ofToodles license number 3. Area «¬36 BeaverCLOSED to Gill netLake fishing «¬36 «¬663 !9 LakeBeaverCLOSED to Gill net fishing «¬663 !9 Lake

Licence Closed Fishing Area Gravel Road Note: Information as depicted is subject to change, Closed(see Fishing note for Area details) Gravel Road Unimproved Road therefore the Government of Alberta assumes no (see note for details) Provincial Park Unimproved Road responsibility for discrepancies at time of use . Watercourse Provincial Park Waterbody Watercourse Produced by Indigenous Relations !9 Campground 0 1.75 3.5 7 KM Note: Information– Stewardship as depicted is subject and to change, Policy therefore Integration the Government . of Alberta

| 2019-2020 Waterbody assumes no responsibility Note: Information as depicted is subject to change, therefore the Government of Alberta Island !9 Campground 0 1.75 3.5 7 KM for discrepancies at time of use. Produced by Indigenous Relations - Stewardship and !5 Day Use Area Base Map Data provided byassumes the no responsibility Policy Integration. Base Map Data provided by the Government of Alberta under the Island for discrepancies at time of use. Produced by Indigenous Relations - Stewardship and Quarry !5 Day Use Area Government ofAlberta Alberta Open Governmentunder the Licence, 2019. !< Group Use Area ± 1:100,000 Policy Integration. Base Map Data provided by the Government of Alberta under the Date: 20190110 Quarry NAD 1983 10TM AEP Forest Alberta Open Government Licence, 2019. Paved Road !< 1:100,000 Alberta Open Government Licence,© 2019 Government 2019 . of Alberta Group Use Area Date: 20190110 NAD 1983 10TM AEP Forest Paved Road Date: 20190110 | © 2019 Government of© 2019Alberta Government of Alberta

Specific RulesforDomesticFishingLicences Map ofLesserSlaveLakeConservationClosureand

«¬679 «¬679 Kapawe'noKapawe'no First First NationNation No. 150D No. 150D (Pakashan(Pakashan 150D) 150D) Kapawe'noKapawe'no First First Nation No. 150C Salt Creek Nation No. 150C PoliceSalt CreekPolice South (Halco 150C) Point South Heart River(Halco 150C) Point

Kapawe'noKapawe'no First First Nation No. 229 Nation No. 229 (Grouard 229) (Grouard 229) Kapawe'no First Nation Kapawe'no First Nation No. 150B (Freeman 150B) No. 150B (Freeman 150B) Kapawe'no First Kapawe'no First Nation No. 230 k Nation No. 230 e k (Grouard 230) re e (Grouard 230) C re s C Hilliard's r Hilliard's e s Hilliard's r Hilliard's v Bay PP e a Bay A/B/C v r Bay PP a !< Bay A/B/C T 750 r «¬ Hilliard's Bay !5 !< T «¬750 !5 Hilliard's!9 Bay Sucker !9 CreekSucker No. 150ACreek No. 150A


a E s a k t s e P e k t r e r P e a C r Lesser i r r a d C Lesser i e i u r d i Slave R e M u Slave i v R M e Lake i r v e Lake r

«¬ 2 «¬ 2k e e k Waters CLOSED to All Fishing . Lesser Slave Lake, the portion west of a r e Lesser Slave Lake: Marc h 1 to June 15 C e r Lesser Slave Lake: Waters CLOSED to All Fishing March 1 to June 1. Lesser Slave Lake, the portion west of a r line drawn from Shaw's Point to the point of land in 26414W5 known as Little Grassy e C line drawn from Shaw's Point to the point of land in 26414W5 known as Little Grassy LESSER SLAVE LAKEk r Point,including Buffalo Bay and the Grouard Channel and their tributaries c e LESSER SLAVEu LAKEk Arcadi eek Point,including Buffalo Bay and the Grouard Channel and their tributaries S c u Arcadia Creek Miss n Cr k S Mission Creek ClosedWatercourse Wildland Provincial Unimproved Road Note: Information as depicted is subject to change, Park ClosedWatercourseClosed Fishing Area Wildland Provincial UnimprovedWatercourse Road therefore the Government of Alberta assumes no (see note for details) ParkWaterbody responsibility for discrepancies at time of use . Closed Fishing Area !9 WatercourseCampground (see note for details) Waterbody Produced by Indigenous Relations First Nation Reserve Island !9 Campground !5 Day Use Area 0 2.5 5 10 KM Note: Information– Stewardship as depicted is subject and to change, Policy therefore Integration the Government . of Alberta FirstNatural Nation Area Reserve IslandWetland assumes no responsibility !5!< DayGroup Use Use Area Area 0 2.5 5 10 KM for discrepanciesNote: Information at timeBase as of depicted use. Map Produced is subject Data by to Indigenous change,provided therefore Relations by the - Stewardshipthe Government and of Alberta Policy Integration. Base Map Data provided by the Government ofassumes Alberta under no responsibility the NaturalProvincial Area Park WetlandPaved Road for discrepancies at time of use. Produced by Indigenous Relations - Stewardship and !< Group Use Area 1:150,000 ± Government ofAlberta Alberta Open Governmentunder the Licence, 2019. Policy Integration. Base Map Data provided by the GovernmentDate: of Alberta20190115 under the Provincial Park Paved Road NAD 1983 10TM AEP Forest Gravel Road 1:150,000 Alberta Open Government Licence,Alberta© 2019 Open Government Government2019 . of Licence, Alberta 2019. Date: 20190115 NAD 1983 10TM AEP Forest Gravel Road Date: 20190115 | © 2019 Government of ©Alberta 2019 Government of Alberta

C r a ee

i o Rules forDomesticFishingLicences Map ofPinehurstLakeConservationClosureandSpecific

LakelandLakeland PP PP

SeibertSeibert Lake Lake


30 10 10 30 40 20 30 40 20 50 60 50 60

40 30 40 30 20 20


20 70 70 10 10 Pinehurst Pinehurst 60 Lake 50 60 Snug !9Lake 50 Snug !9 40 30 40 Pinehurst Cove 30 Pinehurst Cove 10 Lake 10 Lake A

ttachment 60 70 60 60 70 60 50 40

30 50 40 30 20 10 20 Pun 10 k 10 C Pun 10 r k to e C

e r

e k

e Domestic

Pullar k Lake Pullar Lake August 62019Version |Page23 Pinehurst Lake: Domestic gillnetting CLOSED on any waters of Pinehurst Lake less than Pinehurst Lake: 10 metresDomestic (33ft) gillnettingin depth CLOSED on any waters of Pinehurst Lake less that Fishing PINEHURST LAKE 10 metres (33ft) in depth PINEHURSTIronwood LAKE CLOSED ALL YEAR to domestic angling and gillnetting LakeIronwood Snug Cove: CLOSED to domestic angling and gillnetting Lake Snug Cove: CLOSED to domestic angling and gillnetting

Licence Closed Fishing Area Unimproved Road Note: Information as depicted is subject to change, (see note for details) Closed Fishing Area UnimprovedWatercourse Road therefore the Government of Alberta assumes no (seeProvincial note for details) Park responsibility for discrepancies at time of use . !9WatercourseCampground Provincial Park Produced by Indigenous Relations Waterbody !9 Campground 0 1 2 4 KM Note: Information– Stewardship as depicted is subject and to change, Policy therefore Integration the Government . of Alberta | 2019-2020 WaterbodyIsland assumes no responsibility 0 1 2 4 KM for discrepanciesNote: Information at timeBase as ofdepicted use. Map Produced is subject Data by to Indigenous change,provided therefore Relations by the - Stewardshipthe Government and of Alberta Policy Integration. Base Map Data provided by the Government ofassumes Alberta nounder responsibility the IslandDepth Contour (ft) for discrepancies at time of use. Produced by Indigenous Relations - Stewardship and 1:60,000 Government ofAlberta Alberta Open Governmentunder the Licence, 2019. ± Policy Integration. Base Map Data provided by the GovernmentDate: of Alberta 20190115 under the Depth Contour (ft) NAD 1983 10TM AEP Forest Gravel Road 1:60,000 Alberta Open Government Licence,Alberta© 2019 Open Government Government2019 . of Licence, Alberta 2019. Date: 20190115 NAD 1983 10TM AEP Forest Gravel Road Date: 20190115 | © 2019 Government of ©Alberta 2019 Government of Alberta

Rules forDomesticFishingLicences Map ofSandyLakeConservationClosureandSpecific W W a a b b a a s s c c a a R R i v i v e e r r

Wabasca PelicanPelican Wabasca Lake No.No. 166 166 Lake

Sandy 813 Sandy «¬«¬813 LakeLake

Open to Fishing une 01 - March 01; CLOSED to SandySandy Lake: Lake: Open to Fishing une 01 - March 01; CLOSED to fishing March 02 - May 31 SANDYSANDY LAKE LAKE fishing March 02 - May 31

Closed Fishing Area Watercourse Note: Information as depicted is subject to change, Closed(see noteFishing for Area details) Watercourse therefore the Government of Alberta assumes no (see note for details) First Nation Reserve responsibility for discrepancies at time of use . First Nation Reserve Produced by Indigenous Relations Waterbody Waterbody 0 0.75 1.5 3 KM Note: Information– as Stewardship depicted is subject to and change, Policy therefore Integration the Government of . Alberta Paved Road 0 0.75 1.5 3 KM Note: Information as depicted is subject to change, thereforeassumes the Government no responsibility of Alberta for discrepancies at timeBase of use. ProducedMap Data by Indigenous provided Relationsassumes by - Stewardship the no responsibility and Paved Road Policy Integration. Base Map Data provided by the Government of Alberta under the ± for discrepancies at time of use. Produced by Indigenous Relations - Stewardship and Gravel Road 1:50,000 Policy Integration.Government Base Map Data provided Albertaof Alberta by Open the Government Government under of Licence,the Alberta 2019. under the Gravel Road Date: 20190115 NAD 19831:50,000 10TM AEP Forest Alberta Open GovernmentAlberta Licence, Open Government 2019 Licence, . 2019. Unimproved Road © 2019 GovernmentDate: of Alberta 20190115 NAD 1983 10TM AEP Forest Unimproved Road Date: 20190115 | © 2019 Government© of 2019 Alberta Government of Alberta Closure andSpecificRulesforDomesticFishingLicences Map ofNorthandSouthWabascalakesConservation NorthNorth WabascaWabasca WabascaWabasca LakeLake No. 166BNo. 166B

Hoole CreekHoole Creek WabascaWabasca No. 166A No. 166A813 «¬ «¬813


e r

v e i










o i




i W ttachment W South «¬754 South «¬754 WabascaWabasca LakeLake to Domestic A ugust 6 2019Version |Page5 2 Wabasca No. 166DWabasca

Fishing North and South Closed to fishing March 2–May 31 WABASCA LAKES No. 166D North and South WABASCA LAKES Wabasca Lake: Spring Conservation Closure Wabasca Lake: Spring Conservation Closure

Licence Closed Fishing Area Unimproved Road Note: Information as depicted is subject to change, Closed(see Fishing note for Area details) Unimproved Road Watercourse therefore the Government of Alberta assumes no (see note for details) First Nation Reserve Watercourse responsibility for discrepancies at time of use . First Nation Reserve ± Produced by Indigenous Relations Waterbody 0 2.5 5 KM Note: Information as depicted is subject to change, therefore the Government of Alberta Waterbody – Stewardship and Policy Integrationassumes no responsibility . | 2019-2020 Note: Information as depicted is subject to change, therefore the Government of Alberta Wetland 0 2.5 5 KM for discrepancies at time of use. Produced by Indigenous Relations - Stewardship and Base Map Data provided byassumes the no responsibility Policy Integration. Base Map Data provided by the Government of Alberta under the Wetland for discrepancies at time of use. Produced by Indigenous Relations - Stewardship and Paved Road Government ofAlberta Alberta Open Governmentunder the Licence, 2019. 1:75,000 Policy Integration. Base Map Data provided by the Government of Alberta under the Date: 20190110 Paved Road NAD 1983 10TM AEP Forest Alberta Open Government Licence, 2019. Gravel Road 1:75,000 Alberta Open Government Licence,© 2019 Government 2019 . of Alberta Date: 20190110 NAD 1983 10TM AEP Forest Gravel Road Date: 20190110 | © 2019 Government of© Alberta 2019 Government of Alberta