Model and Miniature TRACKWORKER (incorporating the Signal) MRC eld from the members of Uck Articles and Features SUMMER 2009 News, The journal of Uckeld Model Railway Club. Published on an occasional basis TW_June2009.indd 1 29/06/2009, 05:50 Model and Miniature TrackWorker Summer 2009 Editor: John Pollington. e-mail:
[email protected] CONTENTS Next Issue: Winter 2009/2010 CLUB DIARY Deadline for the next issue will be determined by the Key events for summer and autumn: 2 amount of material submitted to the Editor. SELECTING LAYOUTS Submission of any item which may be of interest Guidance on choosing layouts for our shows: 3 to our readers would be welcome, including good quality colour or monochrome photos or diagrams for inclusion on the front and rear cover, or to EXHIBITION REPORT complement written articles. Publication cannot be Club Show 2008 - a view from an exhibitor: 5 guaranteed and material may have to be edited, split or held over for future issues. LAYOUT FEATURE Stourcombe, Roger’s 00-gauge layout 7 Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the Editor, the Management Council or the Board CLUB LAYOUT REPORTS of Directors. Leysdown (P4): 10 Buckham Hill (0): 10 Test Track “Polo Mint” (N, TT, 00, EM &P4): 10 Cover photograph Netherhall and Fletching (00): 10 Oak Valley (N): 10 “the road ahead . “ newly-refreshed trackwork at Melling (P4): 10 Bentley Miniature Railway. photo by the Editor Editorial Summer has arrived all too soon again, but it will soon be “Exhibition Time” again. The main theme of this issue is therefore exhibitions, and ours in particular.