Site Profiles May 31, 2018
© Crown copyright and database rights 2018 Ordnance Survey HDC 100022322 Huntingdonshire Local Plan Policies Map: Former Alconbury Airfield and Grange Farm - SEL 1.1 Scale 1:25,115 o Date: 05/06/2018 Key Site_Ref SEL1 Huntingdonshire Local Plan to 2036: Proposed Submission: Site profiles May 31, 2018 SEL 1.1 Former Alconbury Airfield and Grange Farm Site area: 575ha Amount of development proposed: 5000 homes (including 400 units of supported housing some of which may be classed as residential institutions) with potential for more homes to be supported subject to capacity, Safeguarding of land to facilitate provision of a realigned A141, At least 290,000m2 of business floor space (class 'B') on the designated 150ha Alconbury Enterprise Zone, Approximately 7,000m2 retail floor space (class 'A') to be contained within defined centres to comprise, Approximately 4,500m2 shop floor space (class 'A1'), with a maximum of 1,500m2 floor space in any one store, Educational and community facilities appropriate to the scale of development, to include a secondary school and at least 3 primary schools and day care/ nursery provision, Indoor and outdoor sports facilities appropriate to the scale of development Planning status: Outline and reserved matters planning permissions granted Application No. Description Date submitted Date approved Progress 1201158OUT Up to 290,000 sqm of employment floor 15.08.2012 01.10.2014 space, 5,000 dwellings; a mixed use hub and mixed use neighbourhood facilities, including retail, commercial, leisure, health, place of
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