BY Mrs. Nancy Omonte, M.S. School Counselor Challenges Exist-Be Aware

• While dangerous online challenges do exist, the cyber psychologists say because of the internet, these trends can spread instantly across the world and can be overhyped. • These challenges are not unique to the online environment. It’s just that the internet acts as a way of communicating these behaviors to a wider, more public audience. • Momo challenge is not the only challenge. Challenges are ongoing. There are many “challenges” that face our children: • Some bad ones: Lip challenge, blue whale challenge, choking challenge, tide pod challenge, . • Some good ones: bottle flip challenge, , etc… BOTTOMLINE:

• Best general advice is for parents to address such issues proactively: • Don’t necessarily dwell on any specific challenge but rather advise your children to be responsible and let you know if they encounter anything in the digital realm that appears frightening or threatening. • BE INVOLVED: Be aware of your child’s mental health, self esteem, interests, friends, what they’re doing online! WHAT TO SAY/ASK

• For your younger children:

• Gently ask your younger kids if they know about this. • Say something like: • “You know, there are some scary things that pop up on phones and tablets and if you ever see something like that, come get me.” • For your older kids (tweens or teens): • Get them to promise they’ll talk to you about the Momo challenge or any challenge if it’s sent to them. • It’s not realistic to simply take their phone away, but let them know this is , it’s potentially dangerous, and that you’re trusting them to let you know what’s going on. • Especially as kids get older and they are teenagers, they want some of that independence, and they deserve it as long as they can show you they’re responsible enough.

•Check their phones and apps on a regular basis! Be Proactive!

• Use parental controls- In settings, set a passcode only you know so your child can only download apps with a password or have you allow it by unlocking it. • Set up Safe Searches- blocks explicit content for search results:

• Have all devices in central location not bedrooms so you can actively monitor. • Have you sat down and spoken to your child about internet dangers? • Review apps, movies, games at

• Stay informed- Get brief weekly tips at: Get Help!

•Golissano free parenting classes with childcare •American Red cross is providing free counseling through Catholic charities- purple flyers GET INVOLVED STAY CONNECTED