RA10.3 Part 3 Background on Port Lands Planning and Port Lands Flood Protection

May 17, 2018 Gregg Lintern, Chief Planner & Executive Director David Stonehouse, Director, Waterfront Secretariat Agenda

1. Port Lands Planning Framework 2. Precinct Plan 3. Port Lands Flood Protection 4. Framework for Waterfront Revitalization

05/16/2018 2 3. Port Lands Flood Protection

• Long-term priority of Council • EX 31.2W considered by Council on February 12, 2018 • Seven year 1.25B construction project, to 2023 • Tri-government funding announced June 28, 2017 • Contribution agreement executed in April 2018 • Quick-start component of project ( Stormwater and Lakefilling) underway • Project will flood protect 715 acres

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Port Lands Flood Protection

• CreateTO staff engaged • Numerous CreateTO tenants affected • In total, 160 acres of CreateTO land will be impacted by construction; accessed through temporary agreements • Of this, 90 acres of CreateTO land will be needed in the long-term for river, parks, roads, bridges, etc. • To be transferred to relevant City Divisions or TRCA at end of project • 70 acres of CreateTO land will be available for redevelopment at end of project • Loss of CreateTO revenue to be addressed through budget-related reporting in future years

05/16/2018 5 4. Framework for Waterfront Revitalization • Tri-government partnership • 2006 Memorandum of Understanding • Business and Implementation Plans • “Waterfront 2.0” • Status of current work • Next steps

05/16/2018 6 Tri-Government Partnership

• Waterfront established in 2003 through Provincial legislation (TWRC Act) • Governments appoint Board of Directors • Government participation through Intergovernmental Steering Committee • Initial commitment of $1.5B • Implementation of “1.0” projects continues • Port Lands Flood Protection now funded • Waterfront transit eligible for Phase 2 Federal Infrastructure (transit) funding

05/16/2018 7 City-TEDCO-WT 2006 Memorandum of Understanding • Approved by Council in February 2006 • Covers and Port Lands • Subject to Council approval of Business and Implementation Plans, the revitalization lead for mixed-use precincts • Carve-outs for City/TEDCO projects (film/related, heavy industry, etc.) and incremental use • All land sale and lease proceeds to be reinvested in waterfront renewal (with front-ending) • Value of lands contributed by each government to be accounted for and recognized

05/16/2018 8 Business and Implementation Plans • Prepared by WT, in consultation with City Divisions and Agencies • Council approval required (staff reports and recommendations) • Business and Implementation plans cover the following: • Revitalization and infrastructure costs • Funding and revenue strategy • Schedule and phasing • Financing and front-ending • Roles and responsibilities • Disposition of public lands

05/16/2018 9 How Revitalization Has Worked in East Bayfront • East Bayfront Business and Implementation Plan approved by Council in July 2006 • WT designated revitalization lead • TEDCO responsible for managing lands until ready for mixed-use development • TEDCO responsible for Corus • Build out of Precinct in latter stages of implementation

05/16/2018 10 “Waterfront 2.0”

• EX 7.6, Waterfront Strategic Review, approved by Council on July 7, 2015 • Key direction: “Assuming a scenario of tri-government funding and governance to support a second phase of waterfront revitalization, City Council affirm Waterfront Toronto as the preferred delivery entity” • Funding for Port Lands Flood Protection secured; waterfront transit eligible for Phase 2 Federal Infrastructure funding • Staff to prepare comprehensive update for Committee and Council in 2019 • Staff update to include comments on alignment of Waterfront Toronto and City real estate responsibilities

05/16/2018 11 Status of Current Work

• Port Lands Flood Protection construction underway • Waterfront Toronto has initiated a Business and Implementation Plan for Villiers Island • City and Waterfront Toronto staff are leading numerous detailed follow-up planning studies • City and CreateTO are leading film projects • Planning for waterfront transit continues • Coordination of Lower Don infrastructure projects • Sidewalk Toronto/Quayside initiative

05/16/2018 12 Next Steps

• 2018: • Business and Implementation Plan for Villiers Island • Opportunity for new era of City/WT collaboration given broad and strategic role established for CreateTO • 2019: • Staff reports on: • Waterfront “2.0” • Transit funding priorities (including waterfront transit) • Villiers Island Business and Implementation Plan • Sidewalk Toronto and Quayside Business and Implementation Plan

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