_ mmmmm wmmmmmhmmwmmm mmmimmmmmammmmmmmmmm—mmwmm*' ''" ": ■'' . Scrvingr The Southern SubscriptionRates Half Of The County - Year-$2.00 Of Wtlßßf THE REVIEW Outside Canada £06 -' - 9, VOLUME 10 NO. 3 MilkRiver, THURSDAY, JANUARY 1958 Killed In Drilling Accident Mrs.DeanGundlock MILK RIVER NEWS tragic accident, t ;A which occuxed bridge hospitalby Mr,Harold Fink, Passes in Gladys Thielen and Billy Vorn- Welsh 3rd, Dugald McMillan, 2nd, a drilling rig. on company employee, stopped \jit located the a who Hospital broek University and Tom Harty lead. 66 rinks com- Stroman miles returned to the of "^taester farm 22 at Warner to obtain the assistance Mrs 'Dorothea Jeanne. Guadlock, .Alberta after spending the holidays peted m this 'spiel, nut of Warner, claimed the life of of Municipal Nurse, but Uens the 40 years, wife of Dean Gundlock. with their parents m Milk River. Ted Urns, Monday morning, was dead at this point, Mr.and Mrs, Howard St Peter oai;ly reeve of Warner County Council, Uens, who was working on the The young man was of Roy and family of were holiday a member and a member of the Lethbridge Swanson and Hovey Reese .night shift with the Arrow Drilling the Arrow Drilling crew and was have at the homes of Mr. and Hospital Board, died m hospital at returned to the School of Ag- visitors Company, "was assisting pulling the sou of Mr. and Mrs, Uens Mrs, NyleSt Peter andMr.and Mrs- m of Lethbridge Tuesday morning. She riculture at the University of Sassk- the pipe from the hole and Napanee, Ontario. atehewan at Saskatoon, after spend- Dong when had been ill for only two weeks. St Peter. bit was being broken from the Coroner W. Kretta of Milk the D. Mrs Gundlock, a daughterof the ing the Christmas holidays with Inst length, the large tongs used to ttivcr will conduct an inquest into their parents. late M. Conner, MLA, prominent fcreak the threads, flew back and the accident, at Warner onJanuary SCOUT NEWS Warner pioneer farmer, was bom "truck him m the chest, knocking 13th. Wray Swanson and John Dobro- m the United States and came to completing Run Tinconcious, Christensens of Lethbridge are cane are home after a Alburn* m rhe early days. She is two-month bookkeeping course He was being rushed to the liCth- m charge of funeral arrangements. at survived by her husband and five the Henderson Business College m children. Calgary.

Gunnar Holte Wins Jackpot Hovey Reese from the University NEWS NOTES ot Saskatchewan at Saskatoon and Bonspiel Lois Smith, who is m training at Ralph Reese of Red Deer spent the the University Hospital m Saska- holidays with their parents,Mr- and The Milk River Mammoth Jack- Hougen 2nd, and Magnes Hougon toon, spent the holidays with her Mrs, John Reese- pot Bonspiel started on Friday, .Jan- lead, parents, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Smith uary :irtl witli rinks competing .12 Two local rinks met m the finals Mrs. Jim llowitt and son Jimmy The weekly meeting of the First m Ist and 2nd prizes m Troop for fino.OO m the 2nd Event- The Dave La- T-ncc Peterson and Merle returned recently from Vancouver Milk River Boy Scout was 2 events, Entered 14 Russell were home foursome, with Bert Swanson Stn'v.olL left this week for Calgary where they visited her son-in-law held m the legion Hall onJanuary rinks visiting foursomes !Jrd. and IS from Bud Ellert 2nd Dean Smith where they aro attendingschool for and daughter. Rev. and Mrs- C 6th at 7:30 with about 37 Scouts Warner, Wrentham, Raymond, Mag- and lead, defeated the Ken Welsh rink two months- Gilbert. present After flag break Mr. T. rath, Foremost, Lethbridge, Coal- to take top money m thai event. Miyagawa instructed m Morse Code dale mid Butte. Mr. and Mrs, Harland Gunther of Congratulations are extended to Picture Curlingon the Welsh rink were Joe and Richard Welsh passed his sig- The Holte of Loth- Calgary were visitors at the Lawr- ihe Glen Ellert Rink of Milk River Gunnar rink Kiclkc :srd, Gerald Tomfohr 2nd nalling tesi. This was followed by bridge with Schwartz, Mcl ence Peterson home for a few days- who attended the Lethbridge High Kddie and Harold Anderson lead, the staff circle game. The Lions won Piatt aud Dave Herron, outscored Mr. and Mrs. Jim Olson and fam- School Bonspiel and captured Ist 4 points and the Eagles 5. the Arne Hougen foursome from Three other prize winners over ily of Warner were Sunday visitors prizem the 4th even.Curlingon"tn<> Dr. Clementi lectured ou the circ- home, Foremost to take lop money m the the weekend were Bud McNabl), kit the Art Fald rink were Glen Ellert skip, Wayne ulatory system of the human body. Ist Event. Curling on the Hougen Archie Willock and Ray Thielen, He described how to stop bleeding rink were Floyd Nelson 3rd, Trig holders of the winningraffle tickels by pressing the various pressura points. He located these points as East Warner News well as the location of the large Coutts W. A. Meeting Mrs. Harold rink and children of Kock on Thursday. veins and arteries. Twelve members wn present, »t i.Vrr«Tp

and son William of Calgary wen guests of the formers brother, J.W, THE REVIEW WARNER NEWS Carr Sr, on Friday last. AUTHORIZED AM SECOND CLa * JA4UU " rum'l' OfTiS* . DEPARTMENT. OTTAWA LAO Bruce Gillies was home for tellini were returning home from Pat Gunderson Hardieville holiday of to SERVING THIS OOCNTI the season with his parents. town when the car went out of con- »f Verna Erlckson this TUB SOUTHERN UAJUP Uf WARNER over, a guest "" week PRiNTED BACH THURBDAT trol and turned Mrs. Castellini ■« AT MILK RITBR. ALBBRTA Mr. and Mrs. Wm- Coombs broken collar bone und - EDITOR AND and suffered a Rita,Evans, nurse D.W. FRETTB PUBLISHER Wm, Carr were here from Edmon- other bruises but Mrs. Hoskins pass- Miss In train* HF»mim alhwrta nivrsfoN oanaptaw ing at the University Hospitalla wkkklt ton for Christmas with relatives- ed away enroute to hospital, NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION ■■" ■ , was here for Chrlstmaa Mrs. Althea Hoskins was born at with her parents. Mr.and Mrs- Has SBPOWK3O0B»38BB»0008KBB3^^ Wm. Carr of Taber was here for Sheldon, North Dakota, coming to Evans, the Yuletide Season with Mr. and the Warner district with her par- ARTHUR Mrs. J- Carr Sr. ents m the springof mar- MEIGHEN VIGOROUS AT 83 -* "" 1908. Sht. LAC and Mrs. Samuel Augusttaa Chris Hoskins lived m ried and and little sonKevin fromCold Late Mr. and Mrs. Gordon of Montana since 1024 at Moccasin, Brasher were here for the holidays with her Calgury spent Christmas her movingto Great Falls later. with parents, Mr,and Mrs,Larry Collini parents,Mr. andMrs- Gox and " " Tuff of OBS of 4 other relatives. She was a member the HiObson, Montana, Pythian Sisters Mr, and Mrs. J. Sbarpe and little of Sweetgrass the Fifty-Plus son of Calgary visited the formers Gary Phil and and Oswald. Dickson Club at Great Falls. Her mother, Mrs. Annie Sharpe daring Danny Tessari were among the husband pre-deceased her m Left to the Christmas holidays, University students home forChrist- 1931. " """"" mournare her daughter Mrs. Elethn mas- "" * " Pcete of Great Falls, fyuv brothers. Clarence of Edmonton, Arthur of Larry Hale of Peterborough, Onfc» urio and Donald Hale the Univ- Delbert home from New Dayton, Ralph of Vernon, B,C- of Ashmore was ersity of Alberta werehome for Missoula, with his and Andrew of Warner Four sis- tht Montana parents Yuletide holidays with their par- for the holidays. ters,Mrs. Kate Barrows of Warner, """" Mrs. Opal Johnson of Headley, B.C. ents. "" " " Jackie Ashmore and LaVerne Mrs. Garnet Bloom of Edmonton and Mrs,Effie Young and Mrs. Schmidt were home from Mount Mrs. Pearl Castellini of Warner, Bees Anton spent Christmas at Taber Royal College m Calgary to spend I'uneral services were conducted with a neiee aad family, the DcMar the Yulettyle holidays with their from Evangelical at the Church Russets. parents- """" Warner with Rev. Sherman m charge. The cortege proceeded to Rev- audMrs. Sherman and child* Mr. and Mrs. J.Kanewischer and Great Falls where interment, follow- ren spent part of the Yuletide seas- sons Christmas with relatives ed on Tuesday afternoon. Pallbear- spent on with relatives at Vulcan anf Medicine Hat. ers were nephews of the : at * deceased Calgaay- #» n m Ambrose and Grant Hale of Edmon- Tributes to the career of Rt. Hon. Arthur Meighen, left, community was shocked ton, Barrows of Lethbridge, former prime minister of Canada, were paid by members ot The to Henry Parliament and business men at a testimonial dinner m Toronto. learn of the sudden death of Mrs. James Barrows of Cotltts anil Mr. and Mrs,J. Meisser of Holly* Prime Minister Diefenbaker, right,.said that "posterity will dis- Althea Hoskins m a car accident Chas and Don Hale of Warner. wood,spent the holiday season with cover and re-discover him from his utterances, his literary west of town on late Friday night. parents, 83, the formers Mr. and Mrs. qualities and the sheer magic of 'lis words." Though Mr and her sister, Mrs. Tony Oas- Mr. and Mrs.Percy of Tuber Lowell stud Meighen spoke with vigor and clarity. She Carr Meisser other relatives. IT'S COLD, BUT THEY'RE NOT COMPLAINING

| CAfl O/V TRACKS \ \ 1X10's AND 1X 12's | | NO.IROUGH BOARDS-ALL % \ LENGTHS —NO BARK i | per m $69.00 — 1 \ 2X4 2X6AND2XB % ALLLENGTHS^-VERY GOOD \ GRADE | I* PER M $69.00 j \ BEAVER -(ALTA) LUMBER 1 - | Mgr. Dave Russell | It's an ill wind that blows no one flood, and definitely good. What else could theysay about when it's ablast cold enough to freeze the milk " windthat e*v« then fee* let cream? v. *k* ridwirtifrn thflm cui& would aav tt WM ' ' %|!'ir, \ YOU DONT HAVE |CWHAT 5 "E TROUBLE,V *x I|/...AMDNOV/T CAN'T f— ! i / TO^ X, ( GET HIMTO CO/ME f^Sim t ,° / (BE AFRAID...NOBODYisl I SKEETER? r~/ JUNIOR oLTrJ^k%| SKI! N^?!C S V FROM UNDER NcO^ONOUr"^ / \ GOING TO HURTYOU!! ) 1* T^r^ g^' -T^O^ONOLm^) COMEON, BOY!! r-^ WITH MUGGS \^NP^I> \^4/ THE REVIEW THURSDAY. JANUARY 9. MS* " " ■-_ — — — - ,-, fai"iiw— !■ .. _— —t .— aaqaa t EAST Salt Lake City on Januray 61.11 and WARNER from tliere he will leave on a 80 CLASSIFIED /VIIS NEWS :,montu mission for the LDS Church- East Warner News — FOR SALE Oil TRADE for Mr. and Mrs. J. Bolokoskl and Mr. Blchurd Jensen and hruther Mr. and Mrs. "Alf \^erk nnd fam- Theure-€hrlstinas Xelghl>orhhood barley or Spring wheat, one family feed Dale of Stirling stopped for a brief ily motored to;Vanscoy, Sask. to Ciu't) party and turkey supper was andMr,and Mrs. W. Kizema registered 3 year old Hereford bull. at Boyd Bpend Mrs, were Christmas day guests at the visit the Currie home on Chrlsinas with Werk'H held at the homeof Mr. -and Mrs. Steve Ralo-, Milk River. 1-30 Boxing Day. Mr, Jensen leaves forsister who resides there. Oivil'le'Orcutt m Warner on Dec- home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Teren- ember-14th. Forty-four adults sat tluk of Lethbrldge. FOR SALE — bids are now being down to thc_ prettily decorated PUCKSTERS, for the PARAPLEGICS CRACK SHOTS tables'. The Mystery Fal exchange Mr. and Mrs, Gene Matlock and acffpted the purchase of lumber from the Elks skating rink of gift? was.revealed and everyone family spent Christmas at Cham- fence InMilk See I). Eves, enjoyed.a pleasant evening. pion, Alberta. River. T. :>;"rotary The Neighborhood Club's child- Mr. and Mrs. Mcl Korsberg and ren's Christinas party was held at daughter Darleue spent the Christ- FOR SALE —; Lethbridge* lioine of Mr. and Mrs. Tony One of the masholidays at llolliuv Hills- loVilest location,spac- Schoen Tuesday, December 17th homes- Choice on. louh living " room fire- re hot lunch wus served Mr- and Mrs, J. Brooks and fam- dluln^ with aft schoJ&A place, e.vceptloniilly the children and games and a fish ilyof Lethbridge, andMr.and Mrs. lar^e kitchen with eutlng area, generous pond were enjoyed. Each received a Wayne Currie spent Christmas Day sized bath, master bedroom and den with bag of treats before leaving for at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Boyd fireplace on main floor. home- Currie, Basement Mastered and completely finished Home for the holidays were Alan Mr. and Mrs.Albert Cavelle. Owen rumpus room with field stone fire- Orcutt, and Rudy and EdwardNem- and Bruce and Mrs. Ted Win, all place, two bedrooms und b'th. Util- eth who are attendingschool at Cal- of Taber were Christmas Day vis- ity room. Hot water heating- Easily gary and Edmonton. itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, duplexed. Large enclosed breezeway Bryan Currie. Joins house and double garage- Full Mr. andMrs, A. J. Halvorsjuof price $35,000.00. For appointment Lethbrldge were visitors at the cull Fairfax 7-517-1. 12-19 Oscar Halvorsonhomelast Saturday aWCTTOaßrfllol^al Stanley Mlllhaem spent several SPECIALS IN NEW days visitingat the home of Mr, and AND USED Mrs. Oscar Halvorson during the Wc a;e overstocked and must ileai Christmas holidays- the Lot for Spring Trade-Ins. MACHINERY NEVER BEFORE Christmas guests at the home of Halmrast were OFFERED SO CHEAP Mr. and Mrs.Elmer WD9 McCormlcks as low asf1395.00 Mr, and Mrs. Lowell McNeely and Even though there's no hockey net, Montreal Canadle/. Model "D" John Deeres as low pucksters Tom Johnson, left, and Bert Olmstead prove their family of Calgary. Mrs- Elmer as $150.00 accuracy as they win turkeys at a pre Christmas the Montreal Anglers' annum Halmrast was also Uassey Engines low Christmas shoot. McNeely Harris 56 Gas vMtor at Calgary at the ts *89Si» home. Oliver "99" with new rubber |4,90.0U Fordson with front-end loader #iuu Christmas guests at the Chester W9 McCormick - a real bargain. Edith — Stroman home were Miss SEEDTIMEand DC Case Just like new another Clark of Trenton, Ontario. Mr. and bargain Mrs, Bud Clark and children of HARVEST New 1957 Fargo Vi Tun.- Ucgularly Winfleld, Alberta,Mr.Earl dark of H. ), Moth.r, BJBc., priced at $2670.00 now Ouly Calgary,and Miss Shirley Arsnol of AMUtant Diractoi, H9BBJB0L Un4rUYototi Tata Sarric*. Clareaholm. Winnipeg, Manitoba. A *n> more bargains., too numerous apooMiad or lii» loUewiag oompaalau; motion be ml F.d.rol,FionMt. Alberta Pacific, Casadlaa w so sun eomeearl> Consolidated, Patenoo, ffcCab*, PariUh < W avoid dlssappoaHoient. HcUabick*x,Inter " Ocean, EUlesn KUUju D.T. Eves uud Quake* OaU. TERMS ARRANGED " - THE WEED WAR CONTINUES Grain taken on Trade for the Hail Fire Auto At the Western Canadian Weed Hltfttst Priee Intoivu Control Conference heldm Victoria, QCINN MOTORS B.C.recently, the results of research MILKRIVER ALBBRTa Insurance work carried out during the past N — season were discussed. Based on SALE Woodrow Strlngam these discussions, plans for future ITOR research work andrecommendations home in Milk River. Will take bar- regarding weed control, which will ley, wheat oats or cattle. Contact HARTFORD FIRI guide the extension worker and Aime Croteau, Milk River, INtURANGE COMPANt farmer m the field m 1955, were WESTERN UNION drawn up. FOR SALE Hesearch Continues. A great deal 1355 Fftrgo Half Ton INSURANCE COMPANt of experimental work with weed GENERAL control chemicals carried out 1907 Ford Halt Ton ALBERTA was 1950 OM one and onehalf too INSURANCE COMPANY m 1957. Weed workers are striving for a "single shot" chemical that 1930 Mercury Sedan WAWANESA MUTUAL will kill weeds with one application. 1953 Pontlac Sedan Wheelchair marksmen, -Jean Paul Rochon and Gaetan INSURANCE COMPANY In this they have not always been 1" Used Cockshutt 40 Tractor Bourgouln,certainly aren't handicapped when it comes to trap- successful. Canada thistle and sow shooing. The two Montreal paraplegics fared well at the city's ALBBRTA HAIL MARS' thistle, for instance, still defy any WILL HANDLE GRAIN* IN Anglers_and Hunters annual turkey shoot. . ■atvo>xxmxyi«%%'»'E»»»'WF«w "single shot" chemical treatment, TRADE except on non-croppedland. A com- IMPERIAL SALES & SERVICE bination of chemicals and cultiva- — tion is giving good results on these WANTED Housework by the weeds. It is expected that this ap- hour. Apply Bor .407, Milk River- While They proach will be stressed until more — Last completely efficient chemicals are WANTED TO BUY Brlggs und found. Stratton 2 to 5 h. p, engine. See Wild Oats Still No. 1 Problem. Joe Siarko,Milk River. Wild oats are still our number one weed problem m Western Canada. So far no chemical has been found NOTICE which will control this weed onland The Junior C w L will bold a which is to be cropped to cereal Bake Sale on Saturday, January 18, grains. Delayed seeding is still the from 2 5 at the Robinson Store best means of control. And with up to. to 70 bus. of wild oat seeds per acre In Milk River. some — GIANT m the soil of fields it is ob- year LOST 2 old white face vious that a successful control pro- gram will require several years to Hereford steer. Last seen10 miles complete, northeastof Milk River.Brand ~]~ Use Chemicals Properly. In the onleft thigh. pt use of 2,4-D and MCP two points Finder please contact Roscoe Hulit were stressed at the Conference: (1) Farmers, many instances, are- — m STRAYED One 2-year-old Here- not applying enough chemical to TIDE obtain maximum weed control. Too ford Bull. Brand on right Mp PF often they do not consider the har- This bull has been in my pas- M der-to-kill weeds present m their tore for the past six months fields,or allowances for and the do not make owner is requested to contact the stage of growth of the weed,or Leslie the effect of weather conditions. Baczuk, Milk River, immediately -12 (2) Farmers are spraying too late )»UimUIIIUtllllllllUI!l(ll!!lll!IIIIIIllllll!IIIIIIUII!|!||!|||IUUUe m the season. In many cases, the effect of weed competition has al- WALLPAPER ready reduced crop yields before 69c requires IF IT'S WALLPAPER YOUMI the field is sprayed, and it more chemical to kill weeds m the NEKDINQ, COME IN AND LOOK later stage* of growth. OVER OUR SAMPLE* QUICK "Get them early and hit them DELIVERY. Ellert'sgßed & White ■ard" it a good moll* to ohaawal irwß wottnL ' Ellert't V ""«i'MHii.nl.«Tim,.ni„Miiiiil, limttll|,i,ni,l,M... THE REVIEW THURSDAY, JANUARY 0, IMS


Hostesses for tho December meet- ing were Mrs. I Livingston and Mr«. W.- Ford. MrH. Cliff Peterson gave a prayer and a mouienL-J>f bll- -enee was observed for a "departed member. Sixteen answered the roll call with Interesting things remum- batetf of their earliest Christmas- s9.oo was collected at the meeting for the ONIH. Many letters of con- gratulations were road m wluulLj: the Tweedsinuir Cup for the IU(?t- -""ry. One from JI-A. i.llua) Omoii, Member of Parliament, read In part "Congratulationstin taking a trophy home to good old South Albertu," The Club also received letters from Premier Manning,Ij.C. Halm- rast, and Walter Kane, Bre.sldeut of Kan Equipment Ltd-, Winnipeg. who knew the Coutts country from Floods are nothing ntw to Beaticeville, Que., but this one mounds of ice against houses, flooding basements and driving first experience. A card wus is the worst on record ami means a winter of privation to the 250 families their Even if subside, hand from homes. the floods soon also received from Mrs. Lefsrud, town's 1,000 homeless. Two days of rain swelled the Chaudirro there will be 'many houses uninhabitable for the rest of the river to the point where it spilled over its banks, piling hufif season. Past Proviulial President, and a. letter from the Coaldale Institute Mrs. C.Peterson gave a quickie on CAC with it list of resolutions that were to be dealt With. Mrs. Ford gave A quickie on Cltl/enshlp deal- ing With changes m succession |iWe srouj-turn, duties. noWmAc v^SSp A vote of thanks was given to the Qlrl Guides for decora tiogn the hall- In appreciation for work well to- buy your new done, last year's officers werepros, "nted with small gifts. Group two i» to bring something for the bak« table for the January meeting at the home of Mrs. N. Thompson Christmas gifts w„ve exchanged and Mrs. V. Tolton woi the tea prize.

"~ ~~~ ■""" ■ Read the money-saving reasons. See' lf It doesn't i ■"" make sense tostartthe year.the newPlymouth wayl you When thinkof all'theadvantages,Plymouth' standsout as X-/inL\ruA hD/Vtfl +tXh Ra an especially good winter-time buy. rUbIULm. ptmti JUT UO What You're cozy as a bug inside, thanks to Plymouth's quality- "I"" \) , > I fittedbody, its high-capacity Cuatomairc heating-ventilating I JI■ I I biggest !/*/! /*C\J f l/l your family system. You get the . windshield and yvipers.of any J*"""*!!J 111I^7lA IMlI low-priced car— with defrostingcapacity to.match, plus new | W»vt v» dual headlampsformaximum.safety-visibility. And;for not a . | WON'T get... penny extra, you get advanced Torsion-.47.ft/':suspension, to 11[Ut^...O^fl/i| /Urt ciuihQii'tohhifi'r 1 Ifyaudiesuddenly,your fuoily won't cushion you over frozen rough spots... .level you around iuapt^UWLCfJG gat your whole estate. There willbe Cf.u-ves. ..andlet you stop without brake-dive.. heavylast expenses, bills will havete ' be paid; there may be succession What about power? It's yours to spare with Plymouth's t Thrill-Power Six, or-313-cubic-inch V-8, transmitted through duties and business taxes.You will proved trouble-free push-button automatic drive. , need a certain amountoflife iosur- ; You fe a|ways a step ahMd|f| cafg If like all the reasons why ante te take careof theselast ejtpenaea you'd money-saving Plymouth's °" ' "^w. your estate ♥hebuy, andwhy the get yours,just comesee ua. he rorvvard aadUxee to preserve for now's time to Look^^p* yeur family. la your present life teaMtrsne*adequatefor these things? net,calk CHRYSLER CORPORATION OF CANADA, LIMITED If - Lon Blenner Haaaett QUINN MOTORS m 7th 91. &, LETHBRIIXifi bun life: assurance: co, $8 - PHONE MILK RIVER __ of canada listingfor and channel YTtLtfih CUmax - Shower of Stars,.every .Thursday night onTV-chock your local programme time THE REVIEW THURSDAY,JANUARY 9.ÜBt

her school chums to her home oa WARNER NEWS Saturday afternoon to help celeb- rate her 10thbirthday. Mr. and Games wen MARTIN BROS Mrs. Dale McKenzie en- Mr.and Mrs. Ivan Norris and played and lunch enjoyed. tertained some 82 relatives ata tur- children were Christmas holiday "^ |key supper Christmas Eve- They guests of Mr. and Tasky Mrs. Hugh Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dies entertain- included the O. Soice family of of Olds ed a of Lethbridge. number their friends oa 1 the Oliver Soice family Thursday evening. Court whist mi IDirectorsJOfi ofKnappen, the Mr. Spence RexMcKenzie fam- and Mrs. Lawrence played and a tasty lunch enjoyed. ily of Kelowna, B.C„ Mr. and Mrs. and children of Edmonton and Mr. """ * Snyder, . B. Mrs. Mac McKenzie Cecil McNeely SERVICE I and and Mrs. and daugh- Mrs. Belle Ostby and daughter son They Gldon. also enjoyed the ter of were guests at FlorenceandsonEldon wereholiday Christmas tree and exchange of the Chas tfrickson home during the visitors Lethbridfire* Alberta 1gifts. Christmas with the formers slates, """" holidays."""" Mrs. Richard Vassberg and Me, Vassberg and family Banff. $: Mrs. Aria Ryan at Phone 7-3561 7~ I was« Calgary and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Thomas of ""*# Banff visitor last week. Medicine Hat were Warner visitors Mrs. E. Evans of Vancouver wm during the holidays, here for ""if. """" a the funeral for the late Miss Heather Oassel was home HazelBabb onTuesday AMBULANCE from the Crippled Chlldrens Hos- "" " SERVICfi f Art Giles left on Thursday v pltalat Winnipeg fur where she is em- Mr. and Lloyd ployed. Creston, B.C. where he will be In Mrs. Christiansen, charge of his brother's business son Kenny and daughter Linda Lee during of were visitors at and Mrs, his absence m"Arizona. Mr. Andrew Swadinski ""» c theformers sister,Mrs. Dallas Min- announce engagement the of taoir Mr. and Mrs. James and ion and Mr. Minion last week. '< you spoor youngest daughter, Marjorle Elliot ft follow the of men who 1 Helen faimly of Lacombe spent Christmas R.N., to Jnmes Milton Cain, son of g g-rt ti:ere tills winter— you'll find it's week with the G. Woodford family Mr. and Mrs.Frank Norris were f General and Mrs. Memory H. Cain and other relatives and friends. guests at the Stead-Dykstra nupt- ?; !-<"ui« tbey have NEW CUSTOM of Sanra Fe, New Mexico. Tho """"■ ials held m Southminster £f wedding Churchm "- - - will take place m Santa Roy Caldwell left Tuesday Lethbridge during Christmas Li '""^^i i _> winter tires by £? Fe m February. morn- week. Ootdyezr. ing for southern Califorua when? hi* Mrs. Joe Neilsen has been a pat- \\ 6 will spend the next coupleofmoutns ient m a Lethbrldge hospital Mr- and Mrs. Percy Gaetz and since i.t?,y before Christmas suffering ■>c;" ctmore traction than children of Red Deer were holiday from "p aTom | Srenda a jaundice. m Cat skiania:,'up a slippery quests at the C. Woitte home- Warner Invited few of elm tree. | """ c c ■j Ifoi^K-.t you come m and get a pair- I Mr. and Mrs. Fransis Home and -" now pnd h»p* son Kirk,- and the former's mother, t *lio winter roads. i Mrs. M Home of Cottage Grove, Oregon and Mrs. Helen Stovelof Let's Eat Los Angeles,California wereChrist- "V ■■■ mas quests of the Norris families. ./^*Jt&^'x J DA BAILEY ALLEN THE UNITED TOMORROW'S DINNER m layers m the bakingdish. Top Tureen of Vegetable Soup with creamy whipped potatoes. CHURCHOF Baked Turkey or Brush with melted butter Chicken Shepnerd'sPie Bake-brown S5 mln. m a CANADA Whipped Potato Topping moderate oven, 371 dee. F. Corn Kernel Saute Danish Apple Bake: Combine Tossed Winter Greens Salad 2 (No. 2) cansapplesauce, 1tsp. Danish Apple Bake apple pie spice, 2 c. toasted en- Coffe Tea Milk crumbs, :' *' ' riched bread 3 beaten ■■> ■ '-> ; " ■v, egg yolks, V& tsp. salt, M> c. All measurements are level: sugar recipes proportioned to serve and Va c. melted butter or margarine. 4 to 6 Transfer to a buttered low Baked Turkey or Chicken 2-f|t. casserole. Shepherd's Pie: Hub a long ob- Bake 45 mm. m r moderate long 2-qt. baking disb that can oven, 325-351deg. K. Kemove. go to table with savory fat. Cut Beat 2 tbsp. i?lly with a fork. all turkey, chicken or other Spread over '.he pudding. stuffing m dice-sized cubes. meringue Following Services flaked, Make a from the 4 To 3 c. cooked turkey es'4 whiles. bp;itine them stiff Every Sunday m chicken stir m 1 UOlfe ozj with Va c. sugar and ¥2. tsp. can condensed mushroom soup, vanilla extract. Spread over the MILKRIVEk: 1GOVfe oz.) can condensed chic- apple bake. soup and 1 hot Sunday School am. ken can-measure Bake 15 mln. longer, or until 11:00 water. golden brown. Serve warm or 99 MOTORS Divine Worship 7:30 pm. Saute V6c. each fine-chopped cold. COUTTS: onion and chopped u:.--n pepper THICK THE CHEt In 3 tbsp.fat. OF Sunday Wm. Kidd School 11:00 a- m. Add to Hie pie mixture. St>a»on corn kernels saute - crushed cumin seed PHONE 13 MILK RIVER Divine Worship 12:80pm. Arrange with the cubed eti.iff'<-q with a little - — „ ■- "mmmmmmmmmmmwmrimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMmmmm . « ACROSS S.Seaweed 15.Dried OIL, GRAVEL, GRAIN BRING WEALTH TO INDIANS 1.Father 3.Travel out 5.Softdrink back 17.Nimble 9.Completely and 20.Game Weekly 10. Putout forth of lZUnre- 4.Affirmative cards strained vote (var.) 22. A feasting; 5.Stamp sold girl X-Word 13. Punish at a 23. Tavern U.Polynesian premium 26.Needs drink 6.Baking- 27.*Glrl's Puzzle 15.A drunkard chamber name 16.Personal 7.Dagger (poss.) 37. A wall pronoun 8.Stress 29.Diving bird surface 17.Ooze 9.Froths (poss.) material 18. New 11. Court 30.Relieves 38. Cook,as Mexico periods 33. Sloths in anoven (abbr.) 13. Partof 36. Chest 40. Sack 19. Slender, "to be" sound 42. Music note graceful *!.= out 24. Abounding In ore 25. River (Pol.) 26.Man's name 23. Color slightly Si.Rough lava 32.Electric catfish 34. Sun god 35,Shorten 38Godof pleasure 39. Venomous snakes dnd.) 40.Mr. Ruth 11.Spoiled paper The whiteman's ways are decidedlypopular on their properties. In all, 2,675 members of reserve Leth- the tribe received $25 each, and some families ,42. Feigns with Indians of the Blood near $350. Here, Mrs. uv. »?. »» r.u t i .-time, ii w„-» collected Florence Brave 43.Plant ovule bridge, Alta. At Christmas all members Rack ftnd her familjf accept $150 as their share 44.Grows old of the tribe line up to receive cash Inpayment min the distribution. The annual inepmeof the ' down of their leases for oil, gravel and grain rights tribe i$ $1,000,000. 1.Supply. M THE REVIEW THURSDAY,JANUARY 9, IKS WARNER TELEPHONE MILK RIVER OPERATOR PASSES IN SCOTTS SCRAP 800K By R.J. SCOTT UnknownHOSPITAL NEWS v Let's Eat tiien ana joanne uncnrist, wno Tlii* Community is mourning- th« are attending University of ST the j pussIm; of a beloved friend Mrs. Saskatclicwan at Saskatoon, spent Bmlili, t>A BAIIEY ALIEN Hazel telephoneoperator here the holidays with their parent**,Mr. sinew I!U^. who passed away In the and Mrs, Joe Gilchrist- TUMUUKUW'SOVUN-DINNEB Raymondhospital on Saturdiiy. She Hot or Chilled Vegetable Juice had been In poor health- for some Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hertz and. W *^f *miBELL Roast daughter Cheryl ,gf *^I*%%ttS. Shoulder of Veal lime Init with the help of her son, small spent a few PotatoesItalian holiday ut Sausage-d Acorn Squash- Itttymoud, was always- on the job. days during the season Lettuce Wedges llev husband pra-dcceased her m (he homes of their parents m Med- Chutney Dressing icine flat and Rals'ton Pears with lirJl.- She is survived liy two sons. Baked Walnuts Raymond Corfee or Tea Milk Lawrence of add Raymond Csi, Merlin Murton of the Grande oi" Warner, a and a Potatoes Italian: IntoV.-qt cas- Forks Detachment JtCMP, spent two serole, pour drippings from half- ii.iiidsuu of Itayinond. v.;ct'ks m Milk River visiting his roasied veal.Add 1 minced small Hazel Bnlib was born m Cowan Murton, onion. 1 tsp salt. Vi tsp. mar- parents, Mr.and Mrs. Ivan joram County on February 3, IStVJ. She and 1 c. hot tomato iuice. Mr, Add H ueeled small potatoes and married Fred Bahb In 100S, coming and Mrs. Warren Arnold and boiling water to the depth of 1 out lo Warner m IiIHJ. son Kym were holiday fniusts at the m.Covet, bake 40 to 45 mm.. or Funeral .services were held from home of Mr- and Mrs. Howard until potatoes are fork-tender. Turn once. the Kvaniri'lcial Church on Tuesday Arnold py tno/,.1, „,ji,k Miutw»«»w Saimage-d Acorn Squash: afternoon with Sherman Offic- / n lt AS AXAlt> w " Cut Rev. Mrs, tjuinii vll 1 £ PRACTICED Russia. *? 1 small acorn squasii m halves ill!;. Cecilia had her child- ial I* oK^tt.SHORES of IAKt-fAKQAMKIKA , for each 2 persons. Scoop out ren home for the holidays, Kathryn Kill A.WUCA,. . seeds Honorary pallbearers were li. W. If'[V IK HPi M9EAM AUPI^EHPIP AftaiK HAI.J-iKAf Steam-boll about 15 mln. of ,.Pat and Roy of AMD AS

m~~% T~m EBB £331 EBB «■ BS3S OH QHB KB BBS IBB! ■■leH .BH 818 VH [IrkMilrats'taw! ; Sib^»M Mb j Honesty can be embarrassing, discovered Peter Kaczer, a modest New Canadian who finds himself a celebrity in Toronto. He rose to fame when he returned $4,870 to the bakery shop that gave him the week-end receipt.*in mistake for a bag of buns. An unemployed photographer and father of two, Peter didn't realize the true contents of the bag until the next day. The C'zechoslovakian-bnrn immigrant, shown w'th his \«iff immedi- acy returned the money to its owner. He is now enjoying a sjSaue Fue/ Bills sew | i |. | WITH

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