mmmmm_wmmmmmhmmwmmm mmmimmmmmammmmmmmmmm—mmwmm*' ''" ": ■'' . Scrvingr The Southern SubscriptionRates Half Of The County Canada- Year-$2.00 Of Wtlßßf THE REVIEW Outside Canada £06 -' - 9, VOLUME 10 NO. 3 MilkRiver,Alberta THURSDAY, JANUARY 1958 Killed In Drilling Accident Mrs.DeanGundlock MILK RIVER NEWS tragic accident, Lethbridge t ;A which occuxed bridge hospitalby Mr,Harold Fink, Passes in Gladys Thielen and Billy Vorn- Welsh 3rd, Dugald McMillan, 2nd, a drilling rig. on company employee, stopped \jit located the a who Hospital broek University and Tom Harty lead. 66 rinks com- Stroman miles returned to the of "^taester farm 22 at Warner to obtain the assistance Mrs 'Dorothea Jeanne. Guadlock, .Alberta after spending the holidays peted m this 'spiel, nut of Warner, claimed the life of of Municipal Nurse, but Uens the 40 years, wife of Dean Gundlock. with their parents m Milk River. Ted Urns, Monday morning, was dead at this point, Mr.and Mrs, Howard St Peter oai;ly reeve of Warner County Council, Uens, who was working on the The young man was of Roy and family of Calgary were holiday a member and a member of the Lethbridge Swanson and Hovey Reese .night shift with the Arrow Drilling the Arrow Drilling crew and was have at the homes of Mr. and Hospital Board, died m hospital at returned to the School of Ag- visitors Company, "was assisting pulling the sou of Mr. and Mrs, Uens Mrs, NyleSt Peter andMr.and Mrs- m of Lethbridge Tuesday morning. She riculture at the University of Sassk- the pipe from the hole and Napanee, Ontario. atehewan at Saskatoon, after spend- Dong when had been ill for only two weeks. St Peter. bit was being broken from the Coroner W. Kretta of Milk the D. Mrs Gundlock, a daughterof the ing the Christmas holidays with Inst length, the large tongs used to ttivcr will conduct an inquest into their parents. late M. Conner, MLA, prominent fcreak the threads, flew back and the accident, at Warner onJanuary SCOUT NEWS Warner pioneer farmer, was bom "truck him m the chest, knocking 13th. Wray Swanson and John Dobro- m the United States and came to completing Run Tinconcious, Christensens of Lethbridge are cane are home after a Alburn* m rhe early days. She is two-month bookkeeping course He was being rushed to the liCth- m charge of funeral arrangements. at survived by her husband and five the Henderson Business College m children. Calgary. Gunnar Holte Wins Jackpot Hovey Reese from the University NEWS NOTES ot Saskatchewan at Saskatoon and Bonspiel Lois Smith, who is m training at Ralph Reese of Red Deer spent the the University Hospital m Saska- holidays with their parents,Mr- and The Milk River Mammoth Jack- Hougen 2nd, and Magnes Hougon toon, spent the holidays with her Mrs, John Reese- pot Bonspiel started on Friday, .Jan- lead, parents, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Smith uary :irtl witli rinks competing .12 Two local rinks met m the finals Mrs. Jim llowitt and son Jimmy The weekly meeting of the First m Ist and 2nd prizes m Troop for fino.OO m the 2nd Event- The Dave La- T-ncc Peterson and Merle returned recently from Vancouver Milk River Boy Scout was 2 events, Entered 14 Russell were home foursome, with Bert Swanson Stn'v.olL left this week for Calgary where they visited her son-in-law held m the legion Hall onJanuary rinks visiting foursomes !Jrd. and IS from Bud Ellert 2nd Dean Smith where they aro attendingschool for and daughter. Rev. and Mrs- C 6th at 7:30 with about 37 Scouts Warner, Wrentham, Raymond, Mag- and lead, defeated the Ken Welsh rink two months- Gilbert. present After flag break Mr. T. rath, Foremost, Lethbridge, Coal- to take top money m thai event. Miyagawa instructed m Morse Code dale mid Butte. Mr. and Mrs, Harland Gunther of Congratulations are extended to Picture Curlingon the Welsh rink were Joe and Richard Welsh passed his sig- The Holte of Loth- Calgary were visitors at the Lawr- ihe Glen Ellert Rink of Milk River Gunnar rink Kiclkc :srd, Gerald Tomfohr 2nd nalling tesi. This was followed by bridge with Schwartz, Mcl ence Peterson home for a few days- who attended the Lethbridge High Kddie and Harold Anderson lead, the staff circle game. The Lions won Piatt aud Dave Herron, outscored Mr. and Mrs. Jim Olson and fam- School Bonspiel and captured Ist 4 points and the Eagles 5. the Arne Hougen foursome from Three other prize winners over ily of Warner were Sunday visitors prizem the 4th even.Curlingon"tn<> Dr. Clementi lectured ou the circ- home, Foremost to take lop money m the the weekend were Bud McNabl), kit the Art Fald rink were Glen Ellert skip, Wayne ulatory system of the human body. Ist Event. Curling on the Hougen Archie Willock and Ray Thielen, He described how to stop bleeding rink were Floyd Nelson 3rd, Trig holders of the winningraffle tickels by pressing the various pressura points. He located these points as East Warner News well as the location of the large Coutts W. A. Meeting Mrs. Harold rink and children of Kock on Thursday. veins and arteries. Twelve members wn present, »t i.Vrr«Tp<mdivff' Secintary, Mrs. [&■■ Stett'.cr, AlbuiU are "visiting for a- Robert is home again At 9:00 o'clock Alan Andersoa the December meetingol the i.'outls Ostby, Treasurer, Mrs. N. Thomp- wt?ek with Mr- Fink whois employ- Lien after spendingsome time In was ufter makingtne WA,at which Mrs. M.'Koy ga\e son. ed with the Ltd. the Municip- invested scout the Pacific Petroleums oath. Robert Kuhl was presented and moment of silence The WA the cbild- Mr. Fink is stayingat the home of al Hospital at Lethbridge. Devotional a assisted with with his class badge b] was for a departed mem- Sunday School and Mrs- Chester Stroman. second observed rens' treats at the Mr. A baby boy,Thomas Garfield, was scouter Earl Homer of New D*y« ber- New programs were read and concert and the Fellowship Hour An accident that proved fatal to born to Mr. and Mrs. John Otto on ton, Mr. Homer came down espec< changes were made where necess- which followed. This was held m Sunday. January Ted liens Napanee, Ontario, 5th at the Munic- ially to make this presentation and ary. The President expressed her the Aids Room on Mr. of School Visual employed with drilling ipal Hospital at Lethbridge. to invest T- Miyagawa. to Mr. Johnson and the stu- Sunday December '22. who was a thanks afternoon. of Warner, occured early dents who helped set up the tables crew east Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Halvoraon River Cub, Boy Monday morning. The Milk Seoul for the banquet A thank-you was COUTTS NEWS and Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Currle were Group Committee met immediately and the guests of Mr. and also extended to Mr. Homer who Mr.and Mrs- Roy Rice daugh_■ Mr. Mrs. Korsberg Mrs. Louie after the troop meeting. Present ' and Melford Lagler donated the ash trays,and to every. ter Fay from Vancouver were and Darlene and Mrs. John Bolok- at the New Years Eve supp- were E. Tomfohr, K. J. Clementi, at one who donated food and helped Christmas week visitors at the home oski and Bryan were Calgary visit- er and ball Fort Whoop I'pat P. Madge, Jay Snow, Scouter Earl Lethbridge. with the work. of Roys mother,Mrs. Helen Hemhre ors over the weekend. Homer. Bill Horgus, Cecil Nelson, Annual reports were read and tho and graudmother, Mrs.L- Bikman. M- Miyagawa and Leo Ellert The Mrs. J.Brooks election of officers resulted as foll- Edward Hncke, who is m the Air Mr.iand Mrs- Clyde Sweet are vis- and children spent first item on the agenda was the " couple days visiting ows: President, Mrs I. Coover, Vice Force, was home for Christmas i iting here with friends after spend- of at the Father and sonBanquet, It was dec- They Boyd home. President. Mrs. G- Sinclair, Record- leave. He is now stationed at Camp) ing Christmas at Los Angeles. Currie ided that this would be held on Feb- home White ing Secretary, Mrs. Albert Homer. Borden m Ontario. are leavingfor their .it Bruce Caveile, who has been stay- ruary 22 with Jessie Snow m charge ingat the Bryan Currie home for a of the meal. Volunteers to help with SUPREME COURT RETURNS BOY TO NATURAL MOTHER week, has left for his home in the serving and cooking may con- Taber. tact Mrs. Snow, The hour and place the banquet will be held will be an- nounced later. Paul Madge will be CARD OF THANKS m charge of the program, 1wish to thank all my friends The next item discussed was the loi the many cards and flowers rec- formation of a cub pack and the eived during my recent stay m hos- tentative Cubmaster is Bill Horgus pital, with Harvey Miller as assistant. VIEWS FROM 643 The first Session of the twenty- other country violated what should third Parliament resumed proceed- be binding agreements. ings at 11:00 am on January 3rd, The people of the Medicine Hat after a short Christmas recess. Constituency will realize how very The first order of business was, important this oil market is to the as could well have been expected, Province of Alberta. When weknow a longand vigorousquestion period. that well over i>o per cent of all During this period, Finance Minis- Municipal, Hospital aud School ter Donald Flemingcharged that the Board revenue comes from the Al- United States Government had viol- berta Provincial Treasury, you can ated agreements with Canada cov_ see at once how directly any cuts ering economic co-operation for de- m Provincial revenue will affect fence when the United States Gov- both our local and Provincial Gov- ernment imposed additional curbs ernment budgets- During the past on imports of Canadian crude oil- few years large sums of money have Iasked Mr.
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