Inclusive Nucleon Decay Searches As a Frontier of Baryon Number Violation
UCI-TR-2019-24 Inclusive Nucleon Decay Searches as a Frontier of Baryon Number Violation Julian Heeck1, ∗ and Volodymyr Takhistov2, y 1Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California, Irvine Irvine, California, 92697-4575, USA 2Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California, Los Angeles Los Angeles, California, 90095-1547, USA Proton decay, and the decay of nucleons in general, constitutes one of the most sensitive probes of high-scale physics beyond the Standard Model. Most of the existing nucleon decay searches have focused primarily on two-body decay channels, motivated by Grand Unified Theories and supersymmetry. However, many higher-dimensional operators violating baryon number by one unit, ∆B = 1, induce multi-body nucleon decay channels, which have been only weakly constrained thus far. While direct searches for all such possible channels are desirable, they are highly impractical. In light of this, we argue that inclusive nucleon decay searches, N ! X+anything (where X is a light Standard Model particle with an unknown energy distribution), are particularly valuable, as are model-independent and invisible nucleon decay searches such as n ! invisible. We comment on complementarity and opportunities for such searches in the current as well as upcoming large- scale experiments Super-Kamiokande, Hyper-Kamiokande, JUNO, and DUNE. Similar arguments apply to ∆B > 1 processes, which kinematically allow for even more involved final states and are essentially unexplored experimentally. CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION I. Introduction 1 Baryon number B and lepton number L are seem- ingly accidentally conserved in the Standard Model (SM), II. Nucleon decay operators 2 which makes searches for their violation extremely impor- A.
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