THE STANDARD MODEL AND BEYOND: A descriptive account of fundamental particles and the quest for the uni¯cation of their interactions. Mesgun Sebhatu (
[email protected]) ¤ Department of Chemistry, Physics and Geology Winthrop University, Rock Hill SC 29733 Abstract fundamental interactions|gravity, electroweak, and the strong nuclear|into one. This will be In the last three decades, signi¯cant progress has equivalent to having a complete theory of every- been made in the identi¯cation of fundamental thing (TOE). Currently, a contender for a TOE particles and the uni¯cation of their interactions. is the so called superstring theory. The theoret- This remarkable result is summarized by what ical extensions of the Standard Model and the is con¯dently called the Standard Model (SM). experimental tests of their predictions is likely This paper presents a descriptive account of the to engage high energy physicists of the 21st cen- Standard Model and its possible extensions. Ac- tury. cording to SM, all matter in the universe is made up of a dozen fermions|six quarks and six lep- tons. The quarks and leptons interact by ex- 1 HISTORICAL INTRO- changing a dozen gauge (spin|one) bosons| DUCTION eight gluons and four electroweak bosons. The Standard Model provides a framework for the Our job in physics is to see things sim- uni¯cation of the electroweak and strong nu- ply, to understand a great many com- clear forces. A major de¯ciency of the Standard plicated phenomena in a uni¯ed way, in Model is its exclusion of gravity. The ultimate terms of a few simple principles.