(12) United States Plant Patent (10) Patent No.: US PP19,979 P3 Hambali (45) Date of Patent: May 12, 2009

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(12) United States Plant Patent (10) Patent No.: US PP19,979 P3 Hambali (45) Date of Patent: May 12, 2009 USOOPP 19979P3 (12) United States Plant Patent (10) Patent No.: US PP19,979 P3 Hambali (45) Date of Patent: May 12, 2009 (54) AGLAONEMA PLANT NAMED TWYAG.0022 (58) Field of Classification Search .................... Pt. 1376 (50) Latinatin Name:N AgilAglaonema hybrihwbrid See application file for complete search history. Varietal Denomination: TWYAG.0022 (75) Inventor: Gregori G. Hambali, Bogor (ID) Pririmary Examiner Annette HPEaa Assistant Examiner—Louanne C Krawczewicz, Myers (73) Assignee: Kerry's Bromeliad Nursery, Inc., Apopka, FL (US) (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm Jondle & Associates, P.C. (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this (57) ABSTRACT patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U.S.C. 154(b)(b) bybV 22 davs.ayS A new Aglaonema plant particularly distinguished by having (21) Appl. No.:y x- - - 11/903,7609 foliage that is medium to dark green and variably marked 22) Filed: Seb. 25, 2007 with spots and coalescing blotches of bright pink, primary (22) Filed: ep. AS, veins that are pale green and flushed with pink, midribs that (65) Prior Publication Data are pale green and variably tinged with pink, a dense, full, US 2009/0083888 P1 Mar. 26, 2009 low spreading growth habit and intermediate in stature and (51) Int. Cl yellow-green spathes, is disclosed. AOIH 5/00 (2006.01) (52) U.S. Cl. ....................................................... Pt.f376 1 Drawing Sheet 1. 2 Genus and species: Aglaonema hybrid. DESCRIPTION OF THE PHOTOGRAPH Variety denomination: “TWYAG0022. This new Aglaonema plant is illustrated by the accompa nying photograph which shows the overall plant habit and BACKGROUND OF THE NEW PLANT leaf color. The colors shown are as true as can be reasonably obtained by conventional photographic procedures. The present invention comprises a new and distinct culti var of Aglaonema, botanically known as Aglaonema hybrid DESCRIPTION OF THE NEW VARIETY and hereinafter referred to by the variety name as The following detailed description sets forth the distinc TWYAG0022. The new variety originated from an open tive characteristics of TWYAG0022. The data which define pollination made in Bogor, West Java, Indonesia between these characteristics were collected from asexual reproduc unknown individual plants of Aglao nema (species tions carried out in Apopka, Fla. The plant history was taken unknown). The new variety was discovered as a single plant on 12 month-old plants started from a single four-leaf rooted within the progeny of the stated open pollination in a con cutting, still in a vegetative state and grown in Apopka, Fla. trolled environment in Bogor, West Java, Indonesia. 15 Rooted cuttings were planted in 15 cm pots and grown in a The new variety was created in Bogor, West Java, Indone greenhouse in August 2006. The plants were pinched once. sia and has been asexually reproduced repeatedly by vegeta Color readings were taken under natural light. Color refer tive cuttings in Apopka, Fla... for two or more generations. ences are primarily to the R.H.S. Colour Chart of the Royal The present invention has been found to retain its distinctive Horticultural Society of London (R.H.S. (2001). characteristics through Successive asexual propagations. DETAILED BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION Classification: Family.—Araceae. Botanical.—Aglaonema hybrid. The following are the most outstanding and distinguishing 25 characteristics of the new variety when grown under normal Common.—Chinese Evergreen. horticultural practices in Apopka, Fla. Cultivar name. TWYAGOO22. Growth: 1. Foliage that is medium to dark green and variably Form.—Low spreading and much wider than tall; new marked with spots and coalescing blotches of bright leaves emerge Straight upright and mature leaves pink; 30 lean outward. 2. Primary veins are pale green and flushed with pink; Growth and branching habit. Dense, full, low spread ing growth habit and intermediate in stature. 3. Midrib is pale green and variably tinged with pink; Height (from soil to top of leaf plane).-15 cm to 21 4. Dense, full, low spreading growth habit and intermedi C. ate in stature; and 35 Diameter (area of spread, as measured from leaf tip to 5. Yellow-green spathes. leaf tip across the canopy). 42 cm to 57 cm. US PP 19.979 P3 3 Growth rate.—Somewhat slower than typical commer Shape.—Ovate. cial Aglaonema varieties. Apex. —Acuminate. Vigor:—Plants produce axillary branches and numerous Base.—Obtuse. leaves; consistent progressive growth. Margin.—Smooth, entire and with some broad undula Time to produce a finished flowering plant.—About 12 tions. months starting from a single 4-leaf rooted cutting Texture.—Upper Surface: Smooth, Supple and leathery; with the plants pinched once in 15 cm to 20 cm pots. new leaves are shiny and mature leaves are glossy to Root description. Thick, fleshy, white roots with finer dull; Lower Surface: Smooth and glossy; the leaf lateral branches. blade is convex between the main veins resulting in a Number of divisions or clumps per year—About four textured appearance. 4-leafcuttings per year. Pubescence.—Absent. Durability of foliage to stresses.—Foliage holds up Venation pattern.—Pinnate and radiating outward from well against damage from shipping and handling; the midrib in a herringbone arrangement. plants are durable and have excellent indoor keeping Venation color:—Immature leaf (newly expanded leaf): quality. Upper surface: Primary veins: RHS 146D and tinged High temperature tolerance.—About 104 F. for sev with RHS 49C. Midrib.: Between RHS 148D and eral hours without damage. RHS 156D and tinged with RHS 49D at the proximal Low temperature tolerance.—About 55° F. for several end and RHS 52B at the distal end. Lower surface: hours without damage. Primary veins: RHS 52C. Midrib: RHS 148A to RHS Stems: 148B at the proximal end and 52C at the distal end. Number of branches per plant.—About 9. Mature leaf Upper surface: Primary veins: RHS Tipe of branching.—Basal. 146D. Midrib: RHS 148D and streaked with RHS Length (from soil line to junction of the newest two 148A at the proximal end and RHS 52B at the distal leaves).-5 cm to 7 cm. end. Lower surface: Primary veins: RHS 49C to RHS Diameter (measured from the midpoint).-1.1 cm. 49D. Midrib: RHS 148A to RHS 148B at the proxi Internode length. 0.8 cm to 1.0 cm. mal end and RHS 52C to RHS 52D at the distal end. Color:- Immature: RHS 146B to RHS 146C and tinged Petioles: with RHS 144A and RHS 164B. Mature: RHS 147A Aspect.—Vertical and upright when newly expanded and RHS 146A and tinged with RHS 164B. Oldest and becoming curved outward to about 45 degrees Stems: Between RHS 147A and RHS N189A. with maturity. Shape and appearance.—Columnar, cylindrical and Length.—5.0 cm to 6.1 cm. upright. Diameter. —Distal: 0.4 cm. Proximal (petiole and peti ole sheath clasps the stem proximally): Flattened: 2.4 Aspect. Vertical and upright or leaning outward about cm. Not flattened: 1.1 cm. Depth (not flattened): 0.65 30 degrees; the apex of the stem is often turned up. C. Strength. Sturdy and somewhat flexible. Color:—Distal (between the top of the wing and the Axillary buds.—Shape: Elliptic, convex. Length: 0.6 base of the leaf): RHS 147A. with RHS 145D spots cm. Width: 0.3 cm. Color: Between RHS 145C and and often tinged overall with RHS 49D. Proximal: RHS 146C. RHS 147A to RHS 147B with RHS 145D spots and Leaves: streaks and often tinged overall with RHS 49D. Arrangement.—Alternate and simple; the leaves are Areas adjacent to the stem: RHS 146D and streaked arranged opposite along the stem; the leaf blade is with RHS 145D. mostly flat. Wing.—Length: 1.5 cm to 2.0 cm. Diameter: Mid Ouantity of leaves per stem.—2 to 3. point: 0.8 cm. Base: 1.1 cm. Depth: 0.65 cm. Color: Immature leaf (newly expanded leaf).—Color: Upper Inside: RHS 157A tinged with RHS 185D. Outside: Surface: Base color is darker and greener than but RHS 147A to RHS 147B with RHS 145D spots and closest to RHS 147A and variably marked with RHS streaks and often tinged with RHS 49D; margin is 51B to RHS 51C to RHS 51D spots and coalescing often flushed with RHS 185A and tinged with RHS blotches. Lower surface: Base color is RHS 147A 185C. Area adjacent to the stem: RHS 146D and and has an overall cast of RHS N186C; the upper streaked with RHS 145D. Surface patterns and markings are visible through to Cataphylls. Length: 3.3 cm to 7.0 cm. Width: 1.7 cm the lower surface of the leaf; the leafblade is variably to 2.0 cm. Shape: Lanceolate, keeled and translucent. marked with RHS 52B to RHS 52C spots and coa Apex: Cuspidate to emarginate. Base: Clasps the lescing blotches. stem. Texture (inside and outside surfaces): Smooth Mature leaf Color: Upper surface: Base color is and glossy. Color: Inside: RHS 49C tinged with RHS darker and greener than but closest to RHS 147A and 48C. Outside: the proximal end is RHS 146D and variably marked with RHS 146D spots and coalesc RHS 145C and the distal end is RHS 48C to RHS ing blotches tinged with RHS 49C and RHS 54A to 48D and often mottled with RHS 146B and RHS RHS 54B. Lower Surface: Base color is RHS 147A 146D. and has an overall cast of RHS N186C; the upper Inflorescence: Surface patterns and markings are visible through to Appearance.—Hooded spathes Surrounding a colum the lower surface of the leaf; the leafblade is variably nar spadix are borne atop an upright peduncle; marked with RHS 52B to RHS 52C spots and coa monoecious; the spadix is a central column of lescing blotches.
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