nova americana in english Beyond the Nation: Pushing the Boundaries of U.S. History from a Transatlantic Perspective edited by F. Fasce, M. Vaudagna, and R. Baritono Susanna Delfino, Helen Laville, Raffaella Baritono, Susanna Garroni, Elisabetta Vezzosi, Ferdinando Fasce, Paul Schor, Simone Cinotto, Maurizio Ricciardi, Matteo Battistini, Marco Mariano, Axel Schäfer, MaurizioVaudagna nova americana in english Beyond the Nation: Pushing the Boundaries of U.S. History from a Transatlantic Perspective edited by Ferdinando Fasce, Maurizio Vaudagna, and Raffaella Baritono Beyond the Nation: Pushing the Boundaries of U.S. History from a Transatlantic Perspective edited by Ferdinando Fasce, Maurizio Vaudagna, and Raffaella Baritono Collana Nova Americana in English Comitato scientifico: Marco Bellingeri, Marcello Carmagnani, Maurizio Vaudagna Translator: Michelle Tarnopolsky This book has been published with the support of the Department of Political and Social Sciences at the University of Bologna with funds provided by the PRIN 2008 national research network. Prima edizione maggio 2013 ©2013, OTTO editore – Torino
[email protected] ISBN 978-88-95285-43-6 È vietata la riproduzione, anche parziale, con qualsiasi mezzo effettuato, compresa la fotocopia, anche ad uso interno o didattico, non autorizzato. Table of Contents Foreword 1 Ferdinando Fasce, Maurizio Vaudagna, and Raffaella Baritono Introduction 3 Susanna Delfino Placing the U.S. South in the History of Economic Modernization: From the National to the Transnational Approach and Beyond 21 Helen Laville Internationalism, Transnationalism and Organizational Identity in Women’s International Associations (1945-1975) 45 Raffaella Baritono “We Must Have Eagle Eyes:” Eleanor Roosevelt, the United Nations, and the World Trips of the 1950s 61 Maria Susanna Garroni Peace, Reform, and Democracy: U.S.