† York City Centre Churches Parish Profile From left to right - All Saints’ Pavement, St Denys, St Martin, St Olave and St Helen This Parish Profile has been written in October 2012 to offer an overview of five churches held in plurality in York city centre. Contact details The Rev’d Jane Nattrass 01904 623559 or 07568 530503 or
[email protected] Parish Profile for the five City Centre Churches: All Saints Pavement, St Denys, St Helen and St Martin, Coney Street and St Olave’s Page 1 All Saints Pavement, St Denys, St Helen and St Martin, Coney Street and St Olave’s, the five churches which are held in plurality, are exploring ways to be 'one'. †Introduction The Revd Jane Nattrass is Priest-in-Charge and is supported by the Rev'd David Simpson who is an SSM, three Readers and many retired clergy. The current House for Duty priest the Rev'd Allan Hughes, retired at the end of September 2012. This vacancy and the York Deanery Plans mean that we are in a position to recruit two colleagues. 1. A House for Duty priest who will live in All Saints' Rectory, 52 St Andrewgate and 2. A part-time stipendiary priest to take up a .75 post. This is three-quarter time post with three-quarters of a stipend. No Diocesan house or housing allowance is available. Both colleagues will be expected to support, develop, and bring to fruition the plans for the parishes so that the churches can grow both spiritually and numerically. York City Centre and its Churches All Saints Pavement, St Denys, St Helen, St Martin Coney Street and St Olave are five of the seventeen Christian churches in York city centre.