Civic Trust News
Discover Gloucester at your own pace... ‘Eavesdrop on History’ Audio Trails available from St Michael’s Tower and the Tourist Information Centre Hire the audio trails to discover Gloucester's architectural gems and uncover its rich heritage. Combined with a fascinating audio experience, they recreate the atmosphere of a bygone era! Gloucester Mystery Plays Civic Trust News Gloucester Civic Trust Ltd We have taken on many projects in the past composer Robert Perry, and we now have To top it all off we have Rick Wakeman coming to which have sparked the imagination and grown scripts and music to produce a performance of perform The Myths and Legends of King Arthur at Reg. Charity No. 264719 a little larger than we had anticipated, but never The Gloucester Mystery Plays which is uniquely Kingholm on the Saturday. Then there will be a Registered Charity No. 264719 one that has developed a whole life of its own and Gloucester’s. charity concert on the Sunday to raise, we hope, which we hope will unite the city in the way that a large sum of money for the Cathedral and other Email the Gloucester Mystery Plays have. A cast and crew of over 100 is being assembled local charities. The County and City Councils, to tell the greatest story ever told, in two cycles; Chamber of Commerce, Federation of Small Since Edward II was performed, my association Fall of Lucifer to Death of Herod took place Businesses, Rotary, Women’s Institute, Tesco, Winter 2013 with Gloucester has continued, and when I in November 2012 and the Life of Christ to Sainsbury and Civic Trust to name but a few No.
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