Annual Review 2015 - 2016 Transforming Lives, Supporting Business
Annual Review 2015 - 2016 Transforming Lives, Supporting Business Contents From the Chair 2 From the Chair and the Principal and the Principal Chair’s Welcome Further Education Colleges (FE) make the difference 3 Our Provision between the next steps on to the ladder of a worthwhile Meeting the Skills career, or settling for low paid jobs. Colleges are the choice of significantly more young adults than universities Needs of the County each year and help ensure a professional, technically skilled workforce can help grow the UK economy. 4 Investing to Meet the The Board of Gloucestershire College believes passionately in the value of Further Education in the county Needs of the County to meet the demands of labour markets, employers and students. 5 Transforming Lives That is why it is determined to continue its mission to upskill students and help them progress into a world of better paid work. Gloucestershire College students must leave for their destinations Student Success equipped, not just by training but also by hands-on experience. That is why, in 2015, the College invested directly in successful businesses, such as Graduations at no.9 and Chelsea Bar and Brasserie to name but two of several, in which students become immersed in the real world of work 6 Supporting Business and use the practical skills they have learned. Initiatives like these, combined with an increased emphasis on the teaching of Science, Technology, English and Maths (STEM), will ensure students leave work-ready to meet the needs of Gloucestershire’s employers. 7 Supporting our The world of FE is changing, significantly and fast! That is why Gloucestershire College is changing Community too, as part of its Strategic Plan, to provide greater organisational agility and a more effective operation which maintains and enhances the focus on students and employers as the key drivers of the organisation.
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