Present - Councillors Sandra Peake (Chairman), Andrew Anderson, Salena Berry, Christine Dale, Brett Elliott, Connor Elliott, Stephen Fritchley, Helen Hornsby, Christopher Kane, Kath Sharpe and Joyce Wycherley.

Also in Attendance - Simon Oldham (Clerk) , County Councillor Joan Dixon and one member of the public.

2015.35 Apologies for absence – Councillor Lisa Fritchley.

2015.36 Police Liaison Officer, if in attendance will be given the opportunity to raise any relevant matter

PC Kat Newton-Jones was in attendance and reported that there had been 13 reported crimes in the last month. One drugs warrant had been issued, there were four assaults child related, an arrest over a Section 5 Public Order (swearing) and issues relating to historical sexual offences, one damage to a motor vehicle and a dog bite which had resulted in a control order being issued.

In addition, she reported that there had been a lot of anti-social behaviour in the village, 30 calls received during the last month. Discussion took place and Members were given the opportunity to ask questions surrounding these incidents and raised issues regarding complaints of gangs congregating at the end of Scott Street, other reports of drug dealing at a property, snorting at a litter bin as well as the prospect of CCTV surveillance being installed to help combat these issues. PC Newton-Jones outlined that the Police were doing all within their powers to tackle this but much depended on the willingness of people to come forward and give statements without the fear of recriminations. She outlined that they were progressing an application for a Public Spaces Protection Order where conditions can be applied regarding alcohol use and dispersal orders being granted. They had collected a lot of evidence to support them in this application. In addition 3 new Officers were coming on stream to help tackle issues in this area.

In response to a Member outlining that as newly elected Councillors, the people of Langwith who had elected them had a right to expect that the Council would strongly advocate action be taken by the relevant authorities to tackle these anti-social behaviour activities more effectively and that the Police were becoming a laughing stock over their inability to combat the perpetrators. As a consequence, the Council RESOLVED that a letter in these terms be sent to the Chief Constable strongly urging that actions be put in place to tackle these behaviours more effectively.

2015.37 To consider Motions for Variation of Business.

There were no motions to vary the order of business.

2015.38 Declarations of Members Interests.

Councillor Stephen Fritchley declared an interest in relation to item 8(f) “Parish Communications – To consider the re-introduction of publishing a Parish Council page within the Post Newsletter” and withdrew from the meeting during it’s consideration.

2015.39 Acceptance & Signing of the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 19th May, 2015

RESOLVED that the minutes be approved as a correct record subject to the correction to the attendees listed as “Lisa Fritchley” not “Louise Fritchley”.

Matters Arising: An update was given on the conditional approval given to Rhubard Farm re parking provision on the Recreation field for limited events during the Summer, given by the Clerk in consultation with the Chairman, following a site visit by the Clerk and Councillor Brett Elliott to assess the safety aspects relating to the children’s play area. Appropriate measures were being put in place.

(Councillor Joyce Wycherley asked that her dissent regarding this decision be formally recorded).

2015.40 Public Speaking Session.

A Langwith resident of 71 years spoke to the Council with regard to the poor state of the village which he viewed to be a tip. In particular, he reported that the area of land at the bottom of Pitt Hill as you turn towards the Jug and Glass was a real mess and despite raising these issues with BDC, they were claiming it was not their responsibility and the grass cutting of this piece of land also seemed to be in dispute. There had been fly tipping in Station Road, there was parking outside the shops 24/7 despite a no parking warning sign and questioned why there couldn’t be a no drinking sign at Poulter Country Park. In addition he reported that the area near the railway station was extremely untidy and needed tackling. The Council advised that the Clerk would be asked to make representations to BDC in respect of these matters and for appropriate actions to be taken.

County Councillor Dixon had no specific issues to draw to the Council’s attention but in response to issues raised by Members, undertook to raise with the Countryside Service the reported issues of drinking at Poulter Country Park and the request for a no drinking sign. In addition, she would look into the reported incidences of overhanging trees near the bottom of Devonshire Drive on to the Main Road as well as overhanging brambles that were a danger on the corner of Portland Road near the Primary School.

Councillor Hornsby read out the contents of a letter she had sent to the “Post” regarding her observations on walking routes around Langwith and suggested improvements. This was welcomed by the Council.

2015.41 Chairman’s Announcements.

The Chair had no announcements to make other than she had asked Councillor Brett Elliott to look at the current state of play facilities in Langwith, who gave some photos to the meeting and it was generally acknowledged that these were of a very poor quality and that he, in conjunction with the Clerk would be looking into options and funding streams to be able to begin to address these and secure improved facilities over the next 12 months and beyond as part of a phased programme as funds would allow.

2015.42 To consider a proposed advert and recruitment timeline to seek an Assistant Clerk for the Council and to agree the continuation of temporary relief support from the Locum Assistant Clerk pending the permanent recruitment to the post

RESOLVED that (1) no action be taken at this stage regarding the proposed recruitment of an Assistant Clerk, the matter to be reviewed again after 3 months when the Council are in a better position to determine what level of staffing requirements will be needed going forward and (2) to note the reporting of the circumstances of the relief Locum Clerk and that this temporary arrangement ceased on 31st May.

2015.43 To consider a way forward to procure a replacement Council van to support current Parish Council activity

RESOLVED that the Clerk in consultation with Councillor Christopher Kane be given delegated authority to examine the scope and options for the purchase of a smaller replacement Council van and subject to liaising with the Chairman, to proceed with the purchase and the disposal of the existing Ford transit.

2015.44 To consider proposals for developing a new Council website and a quote from 2Commune and whether to arrange for a demonstration of their package

RESOLVED that the Clerk be requested to arrange a demonstration for 2Commune to present their web package and for two other potential suppliers to be pursued for a quote for comparative purposes.

2015.45 To consider a schedule of Non Fixed Assets of the former Parish Council at 31st March, 2015 and a way forward to reach agreement with the former Parish Council on the division of these assets and the split in the allocation of reserves held at 31st March, 2015 between each of the two Councils

RESOLVED that delegated authority be given for the Chairman/Vice Chairman and the Clerk to meet with the Scarcliffe Parish Council counterparts to negotiate and agree the division of non fixed assets and reserves in accordance with Section 99 of the LGPIH Act 2007 relating to “Incidental Matters” requiring agreement between the respective Parishes. A split in the reserves 65%/35% in favour of LPC be pursued.

2015.46 To give approval for the allocation of remaining Lottery Grant monies for further security fencing at Langwith Junction Allotment Site

RESOLVED that approval be given to the quotation from BFL for the additional security fencing works at Langwith Junction Allotments to complete the spend of the Awards for All Lottery funding.

2015.47 Parish Communications - To consider the re-introduction of publishing a Parish Council page within the “Post” Newsletter

RESOLVED that approval be given to the re-introduction of the Council publishing a news item page within the “Post”.

2015.48 To consider a Member request on the state of the bus shelter on Langwith Road, outside the Gate Hotel and a proposal for its replacement

RESOLVED that quotes be sought regarding options for replacing this bus shelter, for further consideration by the Council.

2015.49 Consideration of the level of Anti Social Behaviour Activity in Langwith

RESOLVED that this matter had been adequately discussed under minute number 2015.36 above.

2015.50 Finance - To approve a schedule of proposed payments

RESOLVED that (1) the following schedule of payments be authorised:-

Date Supplier Details Amount £ 28/5/15 Employee Payroll - May including May payroll (on-line 4815.24 HMRC PAYE/NI banking transfer) 19/5/15 British Gas Village Hall Electricity 157.87 Bill - April Direct Debit 17/5/15 Severn Trent Water Recreation Road 395.86  £360.37 of this bill relates to Allotment Site Water Direct charges incurred from 7/10/14 to bill Debit 31/3/15 to be recharged to Scarcliffe PC 22/5/15 Severn Trent Water Recreation Ground, 20.70 • £19.58 of this bill relates to Main Street, Langwith Direct charges incurred from 15/10/14 to Water bill Debit 31/3/15 to be recharged to Scarcliffe PC 30/5/15 Severn Trent Water Whaley Thorns 21.15 • £19.58 of this bill relates to Pavilion, The Direct charges incurred from 15/10/14 to Woodlands, Langwith Debit 31/3/15 to be recharged to Scarcliffe Water bill PC 29/5/15 Severn Trent Water Recreation Ground, 19.98 • £19.00 of this bill relates to Hardwick Street, Direct charges incurred from 15/10/14 to Langwith Water bill Debit 31/3/15 to be recharged to Scarcliffe PC 2/6/15 Council Registration fee re 50.00 Langwith Cricket Club Premises Licence “notification of interest” TOTAL 5480.80

(2) the year to date financial summary, be noted.

2015.51 Planning

Councillor Stephen Fritchley as a Member of the BDC Planning Committee declared an interest and withdrew during the consideration of this item.

(a) Planning application consultation - 15/00223/FUL - Two storey extension to side,18 Station Road Langwith Junction Mansfield NG20 9AQ RESOLVED that no objections be raised regarding this proposed development. (b) BDC - Sustainability Appraisal Consultation/ Invitation to Comment RESOLVED to note the consultation document and timeframe and should any Member wish to comment they should advise the Clerk accordingly.

2015.52 To note Association of Local Councils’ Circulars 2015

RESOLVED to note the following Circulars:-

1 DALC 10/2015 Government Transparency Fund of £4.7m; My Community – free advice and grants; FREE – Audit Briefing Session – Grant Thornton; Section 137 – Expenditure Limit 2015/16 2 DALC 11/2015 Parish and Town Councils which are inquorate; CiLCA 2015 and CPD Points; The General Power of Competence; Connecting Derbyshire; Training 3 DALC 12/2015 DALC Executive Committee - Call for Members 2015-19 4 DALC 13/2015 Good Councillor Guide – Addendum; New Documents – Finance and Audit section of DALC website; Governance and Accountability; Connecting Derbyshire – Consultation; Derbyshire Dales CVS – Funding Talk

2015.53 Information Items/Correspondence - Nothing to report

2015.54 Date of Next Meeting - Tuesday 7th July, 2015 at 7pm

The meeting closed at 8.56pm.

Chairman -