Shaving for Success Zoe Diana Draelos, MD
COSMETIC CONSULTATION Shaving for Success Zoe Diana Draelos, MD having is a daily activity practiced by both men razor with replaceable cartridge blades will be weighted and women. Many dermatologic conditions are in the handle to insure that the blades strike the skin at S related to problems with unwanted hair growth, the proper angle. When the razor is held in the hand, necessitating some form of hair removal. Perhaps the the head angles the blade to meet the skin for optimal most common method of removing hair is shaving. While hair removal, minimizing skin removal. Second, dispos- shaving can exacerbate eczema, pseudofolliculitis barbae, able razors generally do not have high-quality, laser-cut, folliculitis, impetigo, verruca planae, and sensitive skin, spring-mounted blades. These 2 advances in razor design most dermatologists know relatively little about this lead to less skin irritation, which will be discussed further grooming practice. Even medical literature has little to in this article. offer on the pitfalls of incorrect shaving techniques. This In summary, if the razor blade is not well cut and article investigates common shaving practices and offers not well mounted in the handle, a good shave cannot practical tips to optimize hair removal while minimizing be obtained. Patients should be encouraged to carefully dermatologic complications. The topics for consideration select shaving equipment. are razor selection, razor andCOS blade design, blade care, DERM selecting shaving products, shaving technique, spread of Razor and Blade Design infection, and shaving of special skin areas. Selecting a well-designed razor with a state-of-the-art blade is also important.
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