580000 585000 590000 595000 600000 605000 610000 21°57'30"E 22°0'0"E 22°2'30"E 22°5'0"E 22°7'30"E 22°10'0"E 22°12'30"E 22°15'0"E

GLIDE number: N/A Activation ID: EMSR271 N " Product N.: 03SOFADES, v2, English 0 3 ' 7 2 X ° ! X 9 N 3 "

0 !

3 Μικρό Β ουνό ' Sofad es - 7 2 ° 9

3 ς η τ Flood - Situ ation as of 28/02/2018

ώ ι


α 200 Delineation Map σ

ρ ! α Α στρίτσα as Kentriki

n Φ Kozani o Maked onia ! 200 m Κα λυβάκια k lia Grevena A Pieria Dytiki s ς o Maked onia η ! in ζ s τ p Black ν i Μα κρυχώ ρι the Form er Y ugos lav Bulgaria Sea έ L Republic of M acedonia λ Larisa

α Sea of Marm ara Κ Thes s alia Albania

Μάρκος ! Greece Aegean 0 Φύλλο 0 01 ! 02 Sea 0 0 Aegean Sea

0 0 Magnisia 5 30 5 Athens 6 200 0 6 04 Turkey 3 0 3 Ac Sofades

4 0 400 4 h ^

3 e !(


0 Arta o 0 o 03

4 s Ionian Sea

2 s 0 o 0 i Sea of e in Crete , P fs Mediterranean Ε ρμήτσι e 05 ! p Sea N Evrytania En i " 0 ! ' 5 2 ° Sterea Ellad a Evvoia 9 3 N Α μπελώ να ς " Fthiotida 0 '

5 Dytiki

2 30 ° 9 3 Ellad a km Fokida Aitoloakarnania Σιδηροδρομική Ε ν Μύρινα Στάση ι ! π έ Ορφανών α Cartographic Information Ορφα νά ! X ς Σιδηροδρομική 1:45000 Full color ISO A1, low resolution (100 dpi) ! Γοργοβίτες Στάση Ορφανών 0 0,75 1,5 3 km

Grid: W GS 1984 UTM Zone 34N map coordinate system ! Μα τα ράγκα Υπέρεια Tick marks: WGS 84 geographical coordinate system ! ± Β ! ρ έ ^ ν Legend ικ Λεύκη ο ! Cris is Information Facilities 0 ς 0 0 0 Flooded Area Dam 0 0 (28/02/2018 04:20 UTC) 0 0

6 6 Construction for mining or

3 3 General Information

4 4 extraction Area of Interest Heavy industrial plant, not elsewhere classified 100 Image Footprint

N Trans portation "

0 Not Analysed - No data 3 ' Highway 2 2

° Placenames 9

N Primary Road 3 "

0 X ! ! ! Placename 3 '

2 Πρόδρομος Secondary Road

2 Κυψέλη ° Bu ilt-Up Area 9

3 Local Road Πύργος Residential Long-distance railway ! ! Κιερίου Hyd rography Ά γιος Airfield runw ay River 1 00 Θεόδωρος Stream m X Point of Interes t Στα υρός X X^ ! Building used as place of X worship and for religious ^ X ^ activities Πα σχα λίτσα Communication building, ^ ! X station, terminal and associated building Άγιος X Hospital or institutional care Αλέξανδρος K building Πολυνέρι Phys iography ! Elevation Contour (m)

Consequences within the AOI

Unit of measurement Affected Total in AOI

! Μα σχολούρι Τ Flooded area ha 451.1

α Estimated population Number of inhabitants Gavrias μ 72 37676 π 0 0 Settlements Residential ha 2.0 6270.3 0 Σοφάδες Σοφάδες ά 0 0 0

5 X 5 κ Transportation Airfield runway No. 0 1

5 ο 5

3 3 Highway km 0.0 57.3

4 ς 4

ΚΤΕΛ Σοφάδων ΚΤΕΛ Σοφάδων N X! " Primary Road km 0.0 59.0 0

Κα ρποχώ ρι ' ! 0 Secondary Road km 0.4 173.3 2 Σοφάδες enik ° Vr os 9

3 Local Road km 0.6 799.6 N " 0 ' Long-distance railway km 0.2 109.5 0 K Κέντρο Υγείας 2 ° Facilities Dam No. 0 1 9 ! 3 Σοφάδων Μέλισσα Construction for mining or extraction ha 0.6 4.33 X Heavy industrial plants, not elsewhere classified ha 0.0 0.48 Πτελοπούλα X ! Map Information In Trikala Prefecture, Central Greece, all the tributaries of Pinios River have overflowed since Saturday 24/02/2018 and hundreds of acres of rural and urban areas have been affected by Στα υρός flooding around the villages of Valtinos, Dendrohori, Exalofos, Kostareika, Eleftherohorio and ^ ! Matsoukeika. Several other villages in this area are reported at immediate risk of being flooded due to the due to heavy rains expected for the next few days.

The present map shows the flood delineation in the area of Sofades (Greece). The thematic layer has been derived from post-event satellite image using a semi-automatic approach. The estimated geometric accuracy is 5 m CE90 or better, from native positional accuracy of ς ο the background satellite image. κ ι τ ί ! δ Α γία α Relevant d ate record s


Πα ρα σκευή ο Event 24/02/2018 Situation as of 28/02/2018

Σ Activation 26/02/2018 Map production 02/03/2018 Ζα ΐμι ! !

0 Ά γιος 0 Data Sou rces 0 0 N "

0 0 Pre-event image: Sentinel 2A (2018) (acquired on 16/09/2017 at 09:20 UTC, GSD 10 m, 0 0 0 3 Β ησσάριος ' 5 5 Γεφύρια 7 approx. 0% cloud coverage in AoI), provided under COPERNICUS by the European Union 1

3 ! 3 °

4 4 and ESA. 9

N Α νώ γειο 3 " ! 0 Post-event image: COSMO-SkyMed © ASI (2018) distributed by e-GEOS S.p.A. (acquired 3 ' 7

1 on 28/02/2018 at 04:20 UTC, GSD 3 m), provided under COPERNICUS by the European °

9 ! 3 Union and ESA, all rights reserved. Ά μπελος ) 0 UTC 4:2 I Base vector layers: OpenStreetMap © OpenStreetMap contributors, Wikimapia.org, 8 0 t /201 o 28/02 GeoNames 2015, refined by the producer. ed ( l -SkyM i OSMO Inset maps: JRC 2013, © EuroGeographics, Natural Earth 2012, CCM River DB © C EUJRC2007, GeoNames 2013.

Population data: GHS Population Grid © European Commission, 2015 http://data.europa.eu/89h/jrc-ghsl-ghs_pop_gpw4_globe_r2015a. Κα λλιφώ νιο Digital Elevation Model: SRTM (90m) ! Νέο Ικόνιο ! Dis claimer Δα σοχώ ρι Products elaborated in this Copernicus EMS Rapid Mapping activity are realized to the best ! of our ability, within a very short time frame, optimising the available data and information. All geographic information has limitations due to scale, resolution, date and interpretation of the original sources. No liability concerning the contents or the use thereof is assumed by the ! a ! r producer and by the European Union. It Κα ππα δοκικό a o l Please be aware that the thematic accuracy might be lower in urban and forested areas due Μα υρα χάδες k i k to inherent limitations of the SAR analysis technique.

a 2 Map produced by e-GEOS released by e-GEOS. 0 K


! For the latest version of this map and related products visit http://emergency.copernicus.eu/EMSR271 Μελισσοχώ ρι Φιλία 20 ! [email protected] 300 0

N © European Union " 0 ' For full Copyright notice visit http://emergency.copernicus.eu/mapping/ems/cite-copernicus- 3 5

0 1 ° 0 0 0 ems-mapping-portal 9 0 0 3 N 0 0 " 0 5 5 ' 5 4 4 1 3 3 ° 9 4 4 3 ! 200

21°57'30"E 22°0'0"E 22°2'30"E 22°5'0"E 22°7'30"E 22°10'0"E 22°12'30"E 22°15'0"E 580000 585000 590000 595000 600000 605000 610000