Ls Vie Ln Electiontomorrow Tomorrow Vote¡S Will Go to the Paþn

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Ls Vie Ln Electiontomorrow Tomorrow Vote¡S Will Go to the Paþn FRESNO C ¡ TY COLLEGE JACKIE CTARK ELECTION Reigns os Spring Tomorrow. Poll Queen. See Poge 3 Mop on Poge I € PUBI.ISHED BY THE ASSOCIATED STUDENÏS vot. xvlll FRESNO, CAI¡FORNIA, THURSDAY, MAY 2I, 1964 NUMBER 27 ls Vie ln ElectionTomorrow Tomorrow vote¡s will go to the paþn. Harolcl Eric (Rlck) Com- -A,ssociated'Women Students pres- cil will be installed and awardg sentative-at-large on the student polls to vote for their new student stock and Raymond Bay, Jr. will ident, and David Turner, Associ- will be presented to the retlring council, is also a member of the body office¡s vie for the top office, with Fred- ated Men Students president. members, .A,MS antl tr'reshman Class com- Only one office out of 16 will erick \il. Wrightson, III holcling Margo Darnell ls a write in candi- "More responsibility should lie missioner of publicity and public be contested, that of associated a "Henry Cabot Lotlge" type of date for .A.WS p¡esitlent. with the students," says Com- relations. student president. .A.Il other names write in campaign. RunniDg for the ten posts of stock, presidential hopeful. He Ray Bay, Jr. is the second can- wlll appear singly on the ballot. The rest of the office seekers, representative-at-large a¡e Ronald feels that the student body con- didate. His motto is "To make \ürite-In are Jerralynn (Suzi) Holloman, Primavera, Joseph Golden, Dixie trols should be shiftetl from the milions safe and happy." He A three way race for president runnlng for vice president; Jo- Sinkovits, M arih el e n Thomas, hands of the administration to is presently the freshman class Etlith Hughes, Maurice Joy and those of the students. plesident and represents his class should atld some color to an Ann Tuck, secretary; Myra Aten, 'Write otherwise dull springtime cam- treasurer; Barbara Ehrenburg, Jeanne Banta. in camPaign- Comstock, presently a repre- at the student council. ers are Teil Smith and James Shipman, Pictu¡es Pictures of the candidates will again appear on the ballots, ac- cordfng to Marlhelen Thomas, commlssloner of electlons. The new ballots were initiatetl in the last student body electlon to Pro- mote spirit and participation. "With pictures on the ballots the students can associate the name with the face," sald Miss Thomas. "We are hoping for a big turnout tomorrow." Threo Polle The polls wlll be open from I AM to 3 PM, with voting booths Iocated in the studeDt cehter, the main foyer of the adminlst¡ation building and in front of the li- brary. Results of the electlon will be announcecl in the student bulletin COMSTOCK RAY BÄY, BARBARA EHRENBURG FREDERICK WRIGHTSON on Monday. The results Ìsill also RICK JR. ÄlVS Hopeful "Henry Ccdcot Lodge" ïfrite In be podtecl on the door òf the stu- "Control Bo* to Students" "Moke Millions Scde, Hcppy" dent president's office. Tuesday evening the new coun- JACKIE CLARK cil will join the old council at FIVE COLLEGES CONVENE QUEEN the DeI lilebb Townehouse for the annual student council ban- WINS FORMAL CROWN quet. A.t that tlme, the new coun- FOR P-TO.P CONCLAVE BY BETNY SIIf,¡ I<ENNY Representatives from five junior colleges will Rampage Staff Writer codverge upon the campus Saturday when tr'resno Jackie Clark, an 18 year olcl FCC tr'reshman Boolh Locolions City College's chapter of People-to-People hosts was crowned the new Spring Queen at the Spring Bc,llot an all-day international relations conference. forma-I, Hitch Your 'Wagon to a Star, last Friclay tr'oreign students and People-to-People memberg night. E from colleges of Ärea tr'ivè of the Callfornia Junior Miss Clark, sponsored by the Associated Men longolow¡ Srúdo¡t L----3 College Student Government Àssociatlon wlll be I presented long- = c*J. those attending the conference. Students of FCC was with a dozen . t'Ø¡E I l-r_-- Btemmed plnk roses by Terry Edgmon, Associatetl o 61il ò r-L- J:l-l The day will be dtvided into periods starting Student Body president. mlr Ë with the mÒrning general assembly at whlch A¡chle rer j present Volvot McLore Bradshaw, dean of instruction, will the The traclitional red velvet robe and the crown É Hqll welcoming add.ress and Tony Babb, regional dlrec- were also presentecl to Miss Clark. îhe first person tor of PTP, wtll tell of the purposes of the con- to have the honor of dancing with the Dew queen ference. Á,fter the assembly a serles of workshops was Charles Bain in the queen's dance. will be held so that students can discusg va¡ioug Miss Clark was in the queen competition with topics and. problems ln an Informal atmosphere. three other tr'CC coeds, Royann Sordl, sponsorecl by Unlvêñlty AYônu. A recreation period inclqtllng swimmlng and. sports will precede noon barbecue. tr'ollowlng the .Associated Women Students; Barba¡a Shoe- ct o a maker, sponsored by the Marketlng Club and. Jean- E lunch there will be more workshops and finally oz nte Skiles, the Mystery Cancliclate sponsored by the a another general assembly tluring whlch the day's D Fine Arts CIub. activities and. dlscussions will be recapped. Home Economics The workshops and chairmen for the parley are Mlss Clark is a graduate of Mclane High School public relations, Jerralynn (Suzi) Holloman; orl- and is a home economics major at tr'CC. After she POLLING PLÄCES Bcllot booth locations for the Associ- entation to the campus, Samsudin l{abtb; activitles graduates from tr'CC she plans to transfer to Fres- qted Student Body- election tomorrow cre mqrked on the of PTP on campus, Rodrigo (Ruaty) Dar; ambassa- no State and then become a home economics teacher. crbove mcrp. No. I is in the mqin foyer of the cldministrc- dors, Carol Cloves; and hosting foreign students, Miss Clark saicl that she is grateful to everyone tion building, No. 2 is locqted in the student center crnd Kathleen Murphy. for helping her to become the new queen. No. 3 is in the librcny. tr'rederick W. Wrtghtson III, chairman of the PTP organlzation, is general chairman for the conference, As- Student Invited sisting him is Miss Holloman. Jan l-l¡gh School Kahn will serve as the recreation To llleet, Tolk Journal¡sts Host chairman and. lifeguard. To Au. H2O, tr. -JOBS OPEN- Scr¡bes At Saturday Confab The following opportunities J, Wilkins, chairman of Job Charles publications the Fresno CountY Youth for Student journalists from three Chowchilla Union, Sanger Unlon by recruiting more are listed by the placement office Goldwater campaign, has invited valley high schools gathered at and Laton Joint Union. experienced staffs." for summer employment: n'resno City College last Saturday Recruiting Progra,m Registration for the students ME¡N tr'resno City College students to 'Wholesale meet Barry M. Goltlwater, Jr. at afternoon to get a closer look at The prime purpose of the con- began at 1 PM in the newsBaper $¿lqs salary 9425 gathered per plus - h Youth for Goldwater college journalism. ference, according to Charles office. Visitors then in month car and expenses; t e new 'Wholesale g¿le5 headquarters this SaturdaY at \L The group BarticiPated in Pub- Wright, etlitor-in-chlef of the FCC the student lounge for an official 9465 plus opening session. - ÀM. llcations, rrorkshops and competetl Rampage and coordinator of the car and expenses; and etlitorlal program, was to attempt to te- Awartls Programmer Data Process- Goldwater, Jr. will be ln tr'resno in feature, sports - for the GOP's Picnic at KearneY writing contests. cruit hlgh school students lnte¡- .A.wards to winners of the three ing Backgrountl-96000 per year; headed bY etl- ested ln writing contests climaxed the pro- Ballot counting 21 of Park, Prio¡ to the Picnic, he wlll Workshops were Journalism. - Years speak at Ashlan Pa¡k shoPping ttors of the three FCC Publtca- "The students were shown rea- gram. age or older for June 2 only; the newspaper, magazine sons for continulng journallsm ln Tim'Welch, tr'CC journalism ad- Servlce Statlon resort area; center. tions, - The youth heactquatrers ls loi and yearbook. college," Wright sald, "whlch wlll visor and Rampage ad.visor, was WOMEN hÍgh schools were lmprove the quallty of college in charge of the session. Resort f¡¿l¡gs cated at 1407 N. Van Ness Ave. Particlpating - Poge Two RAMPAGE Moy 21, 1964 Teens Fight Mental lllness ë I 'rttio, @ By JEAIVIIE B.¿I-IIITA Publtsheal weekly by the Journallsm students of Fresno Clty College, 'Write¡ tr'resno, Composed by the Central Call- Rampage Staff ll01 Unlverslty, Callfornla. you fornla Typotraphlc Servlce. Unsignetl edltorials are the expresslo¡ Can sBare one hour out of per year of the edltors. .'@" 8,766? That's all it takes to be a TÁ,MI (Teens Âgainst Mental lllness. *9, JL CHÄRLES \MRIGHT The fund drive, which requires per person Etlitor-in-Chief only one hour and a By DENNIS JACOBY in this years' ed.ition of the tele- 50 cent donation from each home, Rampage Columnist phone book. Now, I realize that Editor Barbara Dftller--------.-- ---------Managing will be held Monday evening, May I WOULD SURÐ like to know this decision may be contested by George Kuempel-----. .-----------------Sports Editor 25, from about 5:30 to 6:30 PM. w'here the paper and mimeograph a few, but gosh darn, the whole sponsored Dennls Jacoby---------. --------------------News Ðditor It is by the board of machine usetl by the two people idea of liquor establishments out- directors of the Mental Health running for that highly esteemed numbering churches really makes ..Elberte Hurst I Exchange Eilltor.....-.-.The¡esâ Johnson Association in Fresno.
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