The Bulwark Magazine of the Scottish Reformation Society JULY - SEPT 2017 // £2 July - September 2017 1 The Bulwark PROBLEMS CONFRONTING THE CHURCH Magazine of the Scottish Reformation Society The Magdalen Chapel 41 Cowgate, Edinburgh, EH1 1JR Tel: 0131 220 1450 9 Email:
[email protected] Registered charity: SC007755 Chairman Committee Members NEGLECT OF CHURCH HISTORY » Rev Dr S James Millar » Rev Maurice Roberts Vice-Chairman » Rev Kenneth Macdonald AND FORGETFULNESS OF GOD’S » Mr Allan McCulloch » Rev Alasdair Macleod Secretary MERCIES IN THE PAST » Rev Douglas Somerset » Mr Matthew Vogan Treasurer » Rev Andrew Coghill John J Murray This is the final article in a series by Mr Murray on “Problems confronting the Church”. CO-OPERATION OBJECTS OF THE SOCIETY In pursuance of its objects, the Society may co- (a) To propagate the evangelical Protestant faith operate with Churches and with other Societies and those principles held in common by those Churches and organisations adhering to The Triune God is the ultimate and the the Church and of the world, regarded as whose objects are in harmony with its own. the Reformation; eternal reality. He is the Creator and a whole, is but the evolution of the eternal sustainer of the whole universe and all purpose of that God who ‘worketh all Magazine Editor: Rev Douglas Somerset (b) To diffuse sound and Scriptural teaching on things therein. He is an intelligent, personal things after the purpose of his own will’. All literary contributions, books for review and the distinctive tenets of Protestantism and Being who has foreordained whatsoever Deep in the secrets of his own breast is hid papers, should be sent to: Roman Catholicism; comes to pass.