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Nigeria’s Financial & Business Newspaper JSE dwarfs Nigerian Stock Exchange Monday, August 24 - Sunday, August 30, 2020 www.businessamlive.com 29 times, nears $1trn market cap MOSES OBAJEMU Exchange. rocco has a market capitalisation With a market capitalisation of of $52,084,378,318; the Egyptian ESPITE THE $34,509,132,315, the Nigerian Stock Stock Exchange ($36,078,945,194); SIZE OF THE Exchange is a distant fifth position, NSE ($34,509,132,315); and Nigerian trailing the Johannesburg Stock the Botswana Stock Exchange economy and Exchange, the Namibian Stock ($33,074,974,539). over a decade’s Exchange, the Casablanca Stock Others are the Nairobi Stock longD target by at least two Exchange and the Egyptian Stock Exchange with a market capitalisa- successive leaderships to Exchange in that order. tion of $18,902,672,283, followed business More curious is the fact that by the Ghana Stock Exchange raise market capitalisation to the $1trillion mark, the the Namibian Stock Exchange with a market capitalisation of Nigerian Stock Exchange comes second and has a market $10,294,461,397. The Bours de Tu- is not in the bracket of the capitalisation of $130,296,514,807. nis has a market capitalisation of top four stock exchanges in Namibia has a population of less $8,249,978,765. Africa. than 10 million people. The Namib- The South African economy is The Johannesbourg Stock ian bourse is four times bigger than touted as the most industrialised Exchange, the largest, with a the NSE. on the African continent, boasting total market capitalisation of
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