
Radiolarian ages from the Cache Creek and Bridge River complexes and from chert pebbles in conglomerates, southwestern British Columbia F. Cordey

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F. Cordey. Radiolarian ages from the Cache Creek and Bridge River complexes and from chert pebbles in Cretaceous conglomerates, southwestern British Columbia. Current Research, Part E/Recherches En Cours, Partie E, Geological Survey of Canada, 1986. ￿hal-03274268￿

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Radiolarian ages from the Cache Creek and B tJge River complexes and from chert pebbles in C taceous conglomerates, southwes r Britis olumbia


Cordey, F., Radiolarian ages from the Cache Creek and Bridge River complexes and from chert pebbles in Cretaceous conglomerates, southwestern British Columbia; in Current Research, Part A, Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 86-1A, p. 595-602, 1986. -

Abstract Radiolarians from four localities in the Cache Creek Complex and from twelve localities in the Bridge River Complex range in age respectively, from Early to Late and from to Early . Radiolarian chert pebbles from Cretaceous conglomerates in the region show the same Permian to Jurassic range.

Resume L'age des radiolaires provenant de quatre emplacements dans Ie complexe de Cache Creek et de douze emplacements dans Ie complexe de Bridge River varie respecti vement du Permien ancien au Trias recent et du Trias moyen au Jurassique ancien. L'age des provenant de conglomerats cretaces dans la region varie egalement du Permien au Jurassique.

1 Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Laboratoire de Stratigraphie, 4, Place Jussieu, 75230 Paris Cedex, France

595 Introduction The present study, funded by Centre National de la Reche:che Scientifique-ASP 950078 (Paris), and supported in The Cache Creek and Bridge River complexes in south­ the . field by the Geological Survey of Canada under western British Columbia comprise disrupted radiolarian Project 800029, was undertaken in part to determine the chert, argillite, mafic volcanic and ultramafic rock and upper age limits of these accretionary complexes, because locally extensive bodies of carbonate. These rocks are co~od~nts are ~~t known in rocks younger than Upper inferred (e.g., Monger and Price, 1979) to be lower Mesozoic TriassIc. In additIOn, radioloarian-chert clasts in known and accretionary complexes of oceanic provenance. Prior to 1971 possible mid-Cretaceous chert-pebble conglomerates were the only diagnostic fossils that had been reported were sampled in order to clarify the provenances of the Permian fusulinids from the Cache Creek Complex. In 1971, conglomerates. The study is not complete; this paper reports Cameron and Monger extracted Middle Triassic the results of field work during 1984-. f:om carbonates in the Bridge River Complex, 'which at that time was called Fergusson Group. In 1977, .radiolarian cherts collected by Monger (personal communication) from the Method Bridge River Comple.x were sent to D.L. Jones of the United Radiolarians were identified first with a hand lens in States Geological Survey, who suggested in a written the fie!d prior sampli~g. In the laboratory, the samples communication with E.A. Pessagno, University of Texas that !O were dissolved In very dllute hydrofluoric acid (l to 2%) for the range from to Early Jur~ssic. one week, using the extraction technique of Dumitrica (1970) Later.' D.L. Jones (oral communication, 1981) collected and Pessagno and Newport (1972), as slightly modified by De Permian and Triassic radiolaria from the Cache Creek w.ever (1982). :he chert pebbles from conglomerates were Comple~, .and Orchard (1981, 1984-, and personal first cleaned with concentrated hydrofluoric acid to avoid communicatIOn) extracted Permian and risk of contamination (Seiders and Blome, 1984-), and this was Tr!ass!c conodonts from the Cache Creek C~mplex, and Late followed by separate etching of each pebble in dilute acid. TriaSSIC conodonts from the Bridge River Complex.

N t ~SPENCES ) BR~DGE I ./) '" LYTTON chert-pebble cong l o me rate, s andst one , {\), sha le ; ? de no t es lit ho l og i cally sirella r but unda t ~ d s trata (Mo nger, 1985) .

1I0ZAM £EX : c he rt, argillite, limesto ne , and me tamo r phosed equival e nts .

BRID GE RI VER: cher t, argillite , bas a lt and me t amo r phosed equival e nts .

CACH E CR EEK ~ we ste r n fac i es : arg illite t c hert. central fac ies : Marb l e Canyon Fo rmation E2i:9 c arbo na t e , argillite , vol c anics . ea s tern f acies ! me l a nge with c he rt , c arbo nate, basalt in a c hert/ argillite mat~ix i basalt, ultra rea fic rock . * radio l a rian l ocality i n this paper . r o ad IC-3' b KM Figure 72.1. Lithological units and radiolarian localities, southwestern British Columbia.

596 , 122°45' 122°30' 122°15' I '"" 0 5 " 1I1 • I 19 KM , " B09 --" - B12 B04

Figure 72.2. Radiolarian localities, Bridqe River Complex, British COlumbia.

Table 72.1. Bridge River complex localities (see also Fig. 72.2)

Location Locality Longitude/Latitude Grid reference (kilometres by road gi ven)

BOI 122° 15'20"; 50 0 46'00" Bridge River 92J/ 16 52540 On road between Seton and Carpenter Lakes, 3.45 km from Mission Pass. B02 122 0 14'13";50 0 45'21" Bridge River 92J/ 16539228 1.35 km north of Mission Pass. B03 122 0 14'00";50 0 45'06" Bridge River 92J/16 541223 0.50 km north of Mission Pass. B04 122 0 14'10";50 0 45'28" Bridge River 92J/16 536230 1.75 km north of Mission Pass. B06 122 0 45'00";50 0 53'55" Bralorne 92J/15 176384 10 km east of Gold Bridge (bridge), on north side of Carpenter Lake. B07 122 0 32'00";50 0 51 '50" Bralorne 92J/15 324346 28 km from Gold Bridge, north side of Carpenter Lake. B09 122 0 24'50";50 0 49'29" Bridge River 92J/ 16 413303 39 km from Gold Bridge, 0.6 km east of Bighorn Creek, north side Carpenter Lake. BIO 1220 23'26"; 50 0 48'19" Bridge River 92J/16 429282 42 km from Gold Bridge, west of Fall Creek, north side Carpenter Lake. BII 122 0 23' 13";500 48' 16" Bridge River 923/16 432281 43 km from Gold Bridge, east of Fall Creek, north side Carpenter Lake. BI2 122 0 17'16";50 0 46'02" Bridge River 92J/16 502241 52 km from Gold Bridge, 0.7 km east of Viera Creek, north side Carpenter Lake. B13 122 0 17'08"; 50 0 46'00" Bridge River 92J/16 504240 0.9 km east of Viera Creek, north side of Carpenter Lake. BI5 122 0 04'05";50 0 48'47" Bridge River 92J/ 16 657292 North side Bridge River Valley, 27 km from the Carpenter Lake dam toward Lillooet.

597 Table 72.2. Cache Creek Complex localities (see also Fig. 72.3)

Location Locality Longitude/Latitude Grid reference (kilometres by road gi ven)

C02 121 °27'44";50°41'13" Ashcroft 921/ II 086159 2.2 km south of fire lookout on Cornwall Hills. C03 121 ° 19'39";50°48'27" Cache Creek 921/14 179295 West side of settlement of Cache Creek. C05 121 °26'15";50° 53'10" Cache Creek 921/14 099381 On the Highway 12, 3.0 km west of Highway 97. C08 121 °36'51";50°47'05" Pavilion E 921/13 977284 300 m north of Highway 12, 20.1 km west of Highway 97.

Table 72.3. Chert-pebble conglomerate localities (see Figures 72.1, 72.3)

Location Locality Longi tude/Lati tude Grid reference (kilometres by road given)

C07 121 °32'05";50° 51'10" Pavilion E 931/ 13 032342 On Highway 12, 11.2 km from Cariboo Highway 97. POI 120042'47"j50° 10'00" Merritt 921/2 634595 5 km northeast of Merritt. LOI 120° 36'42";50°00'32" Merritt 921/2 711422 0.2 km west from Highway 5 (elevation 3500 ftl. L02 120° 36'57"j50000'08" Merritt 921/2 709415 0.6 km west of Highway 5 (elevation 4000 ftl. ADI 120°46'25";49° 54'30" Aspen Grove 92H/ 15 598305 9.75 km east of Kingsvalej 1.5 km south of Vogt Creek Road

o 5 10 In general, the radiolarians recovered from chert pebbles .... --~K""'M---....I' were found to be better preserved than those from the Cache C05- Creek and Bridge River complexes. The recovery rate, , N namely, number of determinable radiolarians extracted/number of samples collected with visible radiolarians, ranged from 0 to 45% (average 20%) for cherts t within the complexes, to 12 to 70% (average 50%) from chert pebbles in conglomerates.

Bridge River Complex The Bridge River Complex, located west of Lillooet in the eastern margin of the Coast Plutonic Complex, is a Middle Triassic to Lower Jurassic melange comprising o 0.5 L--....J tectonically disrupted chert, argillite, basalt, alpine-type KM " ultramafic rock and minor carbonate (Potter, 1983). Its !' probable south-southeasterly continuation, across the Fraser River Fault System, is the Hozameen Group (Fig. 72.1), which contains Permian to Lower, and possibly strata (R.A. Haugerud, !!l Monger and McMillan, 1984). Radiolarian chert samples were collected along the road on the north side of Carpenter Lake, which lies 20 km west of the town of Lillooet (Fig. 72.2 and Table 72.ll. There, ribbon chert probably forms more than half of the total outcrop, and consists of beds I to 10 cm thick that are commonly broken and highly disrupted; because of this it is not possible to measure sections. Twelve ribbon chert outcrops provided radiolarians that were sufficiently well-preserved to permit the determinations given in Table 72.4. Seven locations are new 121"30' (BOI, 02, 03, 04, 06, 07, 09), and the remainder coincide with localities collected by Potter (I983). Ages range from Middle Figure 72.3. Radiolarian localities near Cache Creek, Triassic (BI5) to Lower Jurassic (B07), with most in the British Columbia. Upper Triassic (Table 72.4). Ages generally become younger westward, with the exception of B06.

598 Table 72.4. Radiolarian associations and age of specimens from Bridge River Complex

801-10 Bridge River Group age: Late Triassic (late t o )

Capnuchosphaera sp ...... Late Triassic (late Carnian to early middle Norian) Kahlerosphaera(?) sp ...... Late Triassic Poulpus phasmatodes De Wever ...... Carnian-Norian Sarla sp. cf S. natividadensis Pessagno ...... Late Triassic (early Carnian to late Norian) stYlQsphaera(?I spinulosa (Nakaseko & Nishimura) .•...... ?Late Triassic Stylosphaera(?) compacta (Nakaseko & Nishimura) ...... ?Late Triassic Tetraporobrachia sp ...... known in late Carnian

B02-01 Bridge River Group age: Late Triassic

Capnodoce sp. cf ~ venusta Pessagno ...... Late Triassic (late Carnian to early middle Norian) Capnodoce sarisa De Wever ...... Late Triassic

Gorgansium spo .0 ••••••••••• • •••• • ••••• • • •• • •• •••••••••••••• Late Triassic to

Sarla sp .. . 0 • • • •••••• •••• •• • ••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Late Triassic (early. Carnian to late Norian)

B03-0 1 Bridge Ri ver Group age: Triassic

Emiluvia(?) sp. cf E. (?) cochleata Nakaseko & Nishimura •... ? to early ? Staurocontium sp. c~ minoense Nakaseko & Nishimura ...... ?Late Triassic Stylosphaera (?) hellcata (Nakaseko & Nishimura) .••.•••.•.•. ?La te Triassic Stylosphaera sp. cf S. (?) spinulosa (Nakaseko & Nishimura) . ?Late Triassic

BO~ -03 Bridge River Group age: Late Triassic-Jurassic

Gorgansium sPo 00 ••••••••••••••••• ••• ••••••••••• 0 •••• 0 •••••• Late Triassic to Late Jurassic

Kozurastrum sp ...... 0 •••••••••••• Triassic- (middle Jurassic?)

B06-02 Bridge River Group age: probably Late Triassic

Sarla spo Late TriassiC (early Carnian to late Norian)

B07-01 Bridge River Group age: Early Jurassic

canoptum anulatum Pessagno & POisson ...... •••.•• .. • •• •••••. Early JurassiC (L . Pliens.) to Mid.Jurassic(Bajocian) Canutus spo ...... Early Jurassic (Sinemur. to Toarc./L.Pliensbachlan) ~diuD1(?) sp. C in HO 1982 .•...•.••••••.••••••••.•... early Early Jurassic? Hsgiastrum sp ...... Early to

Hsuum sp ...... 0 ••••••••••••••••••••• 0 early Pliensbachian to late Valanginian ~rium spo ...... Early JuraSSic (Late Pliensbachian) to m. Jurassic Parahsuum(?) sp. C in YAO 1982 .••••••.••••••••...•••..•.... early Early Jurassic? Stichocapsa sp.A in YAO 1982 ...... early Early Jurassic? Trillus elkhornensis Pessagno & Blome ...... Pliensbachian to Bajocian

809-01 Bridge River Group age: Late Triassic

Canoptum triassicum Yao ...... 0 • • • • • •• late Norian and

Capnodoce sp .... 0 •••••• 0 • • 0 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0 Late Triassic

Pentaspongodiscus(?) sp. . .. 0 ••••••••••••••••••••• 0 ••• 0 • 0 •• 0 Late Anisian to Carnian

Sarla sp ... 0 •• o. 0 •• •• 0 •••••••• 0 •••••••••••••••••• 0 ••••• 0 ••• Late Triassic (early Carnian to late Norian)

810-02 Bridge River Group age: Late Triassic

Canoptum spo ...... 0 ••••••••• Late Triassic (Carnian) to Middle JUrassic

Pantanellium spo . 0.00 •••• •• • ••••••••••••••••• 0 ••••••••••••• Late Triassic (early Carnian) to Early Cretaceous Sarla sp ....•••••.•. ..••. .••.....•.••••••...... •• Late Triassic (early Carnian) to late Norian)

B11-0~ Bridge River Group age: Late Triassic

Capnuchosphaera triassica De Wever ...... 00 •• Late Triassic Kahlerosphaera parvispinosa Kozur & Mostler .0 ..•...... early Carnian

Praeorbiculiforme lla spo ... 0 ••••••••••••• 0 ••••••••••••••••• Triassic

Pseudoheliodiscus spo ...... 0 ••• 0 •••••• Triassic-early Jurassic

Spongostylus spo ...... 0 •••••••• 0 •••••••••••••• early Carnian Stylosphaera(?) spinul osa (Nakaseko & Nishimura) ••••.•••••• ?Late Triassic

Tetraspongodiscus sp ...... 0 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0. ?Ladinian-early Carnian insofar as known

B12-02 Bridge River Group age: Late Triassic (Carnian to Middle Norian)

Capnodoce baldiensis Blome •..•••••.•••••...... •...... •...•• Late Triassic (l.Carnian?-e.to l.Middle Norian)

Capnuchosphaera deweveri Kozur & Mostler ...... 0.0 .. 0 Late Triassic (Carnian to late Middle Norian) Renzium sp ...... Late Triassic (l.Carnian?-e.to 1. Middle Norian)

~campe nova Yao ...... 0 • •••• ••• •• ••• • •• Carnian to Norian

B13-01 Bridge River Group age: Late Triassic

Canoptum rhaeticum Kozur & Mostler ...... 0 ••••••••••••• Late Triassic (Norian-Rhaetian)

Capnodoce sp ...... 00 ••• 0 •• • • Late Triassic

Kozurastrum spo ...... 0 ••••• •••• TriaSSic-Early Jurassic (MiddleJurassic?)

Pantanellium sp ...... 0 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •• 0 •• Late Triassic to early Cretaceous Sarla prietoensis Pessagno ...... Late Triassic (late Middle to early middle Norian)

815-02 Bridge River Group age: Middle Triassic

Falcispongu3 calcaneum Dumitrica ...... 0 •••• late Anisian to early Ladinian insofar as known Oertlispongus sp. . ... 0 •• 0 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0 ••• Anisian to Ladinian 599 Triassocampe deweveri (Nakaseko & Nishimura) ...... ?Ladinian Table 72.5. Cache Creek Complex - Radiolarian associations and age of specimens

C02-08 Cache Creek Group (central belt) age: Middle-Late Triassic (Middle Anisian(?) to Norian)

Eptingium sp. cf h manfred! Dumitrica ...... Middle Anisian(?) to Norian Staurosphaera(?) sp. B in Yao 1982 ...... ?Ladlnian, so far as known Stylosphaera(?) spinulosa (Nakaseko & Nishimura) ...... ?Late Triassic Triassocampe _sp ...... Middle Triassic (Ladin. to Late Triassic (Norian)

C02-14 Cache Creek Group (central belt) age: Middle-Late Triassic (Middle Anisian(?)-Norian)

Stylosphaera(?) japonica (Nakaseko & Nishimura) ...... ?Ladinlan-Norian Baumgartneria retrospina Dumitrlca ...... Late Anisian to Carnian, insofar as known Eptingium manfred! Dumitrica ...... Middle Anisian(?) to Norian

C03-05 Cache Creek Group (eastern belt, matrix) age: Late Triassic (late Carnian to middle Norian)

Capnodoce kochi Blome ...... Late Triassic (l.Carn.(?); e.to l.Middle Norian) Capnodoce sarisa De Wever ...... Late Triassic Capnodoce sp. cf ~ fragilis Blome ...... Late Triassic (l.Carn.(?); e.to l.Middle Norian) Capnodoce sp. cf ~ media Blome ...... Late Triassic (l.Carn.(?); e.to l.Middle Norian) Capnuchosphaera sp ...... Late Triassic (late Carnian to late Middle Norian) Paleosaturnalis sp ...... Late Triassic Renziurn sp ...... Late Triassic (l.Carn.(?); e.to l.Middle Norian)

C03-09 Cache Creek Group (eastern belt, matrix) age: Middle-Late Triassic (Ladinian to Norian)

Stylosphaera(?) spinulosa (Nakaseko & Nishimura) ••...•.•... ?Late Triassic Triassocampe sp ...... Middle Triassic (Ladin.) to Late Triassic (Norian) Welirella sp ...... Middle-Late Triassic

C03-13 Cache Creek Group (eastern belt, matrix) age: probably Middle Triassic (late Anisian to Ladinian?)

Gomberellus sp ...... ?Ladinian Oertlispongus sp ...... Late Anisian to Ladinian, insofar as known Paroertlispongus sp ...... Late Anisian to Ladinian, insofar as known Paurinella sp ...... Late Anisian to early Carnian, insofar as known Tetraspongodiscus sp ...... Late Anisian to Carnian

C03-20 Cache Creek Group (eastern belt, matrix) age: Middle Triassic-Late Triassic (Mid.Anis.(?) to Norian)

Eptingiurn sp. cf h manfredi Dumitrica ...... Middle Anisian(?) to Norian Gomberell us sp...... ?Ladinian Plafkeriurn longidentatum Kozur & Mostler ...... ?Late Anisian-Ladinian insofar as known Stylosphaera(?) japonica (Nakaseko & Nishimura) ...... ?Ladinian-Norian

C03-23 Cache Creek Group (eastern belt, matrix) age: Middle-Late Triassic

Stylosphaera(?) spinulosa (Nakaseko & Nishimura) ...... ?Late Triassic Eptingium sp. cf h manfredi Dumitrica ...... Middle Anisian (?) to Norian Triassocampe sp . .I.:.. deweveri Kozur & Mostler ...... ?Ladinian

C03-26 Cache Creek Group (eastern belt, matrix) age: Late Triassic (late Carnian to Middle Norian)

Canesium sp ...... Late Triassic (l.Carn.(?); e.to 1.Middle Norian) ~e fragilis Blome ...... Late Triassic (l.Carn.(?); e.to l.Middle Norian) Capnodoce sarisa De Wever ...... Late Triassic Capnodoce sp. cf ~ malaca Blome ...... Late Triassic (l.Carn.(?); e.to l.Middle Norian) C<;lpnodoce sp. cf ~ primaria Pessagno ...... Late Triassic (1. Carnian to 1. Middle Norian) Triassocampe sp ...... Middle Triassic (Ladinian) to Late Triassic (Norian) Xipha sp ...... Late Triassic (l.Carn. (?); e. to l.Middle Norian)

C05-01 Cache Creek Group (central belt) age: probably Early Permian

Pseudoalbaillella scalprata Holdsworth & Jones ...... 0 Early Permian Pseudoalbaillella sp. cf .E:!.:. longuscornis Ishiga & Imoto ... Early Permian

C08-01 Cache Creek Group (central belt) age: Middle-Late Triassic (Middle Anisian(?) to Norian)

Stylosphaera( ?) sp. cf ~ spinulosa (Nakaseko Nishimura) . ?Late Triassic

Eptingium sp. cf h manfredi Dumitrica ...... Middle Anisian (?) to Norian

Triassocampe spo ...... 0 ••••••• •••• 0 •••••• 0 ••• 0 ••• 0 Middle Triassic (Ladinian) to Late Triassic (Norian)

COB-09 Cache Creek Group (central belt) age: Triassic

Stylosphaera(?) compacta (Nakaseko & Nishimura) ...... ?Late Triassic Stylosphaera(?) japonica (Nakaseko & Nishimura) ...... ?Ladinian-Norian Triassocampe sp. cf ~ deweveri (Nakaseko & Nishimura) ... 0. ?Ladinian

600 Table 72.6. Chert-pebble conglomerates - Radiolarian associations and ages for specimens

C07-1~ pebble from Cretaceous conglomerate, Highway 12 age: La te Permian

Fol11cuculus scholasticus Ormiston & Babcock ...... Late Permian Follicuculus ventricosus Ormiston & Babcock ...... Late Permian

P01-22 pebble from conglomerate near Merritt age: Middle-Late Triassic

Stylosphaera(?) sp. of ~ spinulosa (Nakaseko Nishimura). ?Late Triassic Tetraporobrachia sp ...... early Carnian Triassocampe(?) sp. of !:. deweveri (Nakaseko & Nishimura) .. ?Ladinlan Triassocampe(?) sp. G in YAO 1982 ...... ?Ladinian

P01-~2 pebble from conglomerate near Merritt age: Early Jurassic

Emiluvia ap ...... Early Jurassic-Early Cretaceous Hallum sp ••••••••.••.....•...... •...... •.....••... Early Jurassic (e.Pliens.) to e.Cret.(Valongnian) ~suum simplum Yao ...... early Early Jurassic?

Praeconocaryomma sp. cf f.:. immodica Pessagno & Poisson .... 0 Ear ly Jurassic (Sinemurian-P liensbachian) PraeconocaryoDlilla spo cf !:.:. media Pessagno & Poisson Early Jurassic (?Pliensbachian?)

L01-01 pebble from conglomerate near Courtney Lake age: probably Late Permian

Follicuculus sp. cf F. scholasticus Ormiston & Babcock Late Permian

Nazarovella sp ..... ::-... 000 ••• 0.00.0 •• 0 ••• 0 ••• 0 •••••••••••• Late Permian

Pseudoalbaillella sp ...... 0.0000 ••••••••••••••••• -Permian

Quingueremis spo 0.000 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••• Late Carboniferous to Late Permian

L02-0 1 pebble from conglomerate near Courtney Lake age: Early Permian

Pseudoalbaillella lomentaria Ishiga & Imoto ...... Early Permian Pseudoalbaillella sp. cf Ps. u-forma Holdsworth & Jones .... ?Early Permian Quinqueremis sp ...... :::-.~ ...... Late Carboniferous to Late Permian

L02-0~ pebble from conglomerate near Courtney Lake age: Late Triassic (Norian)

Canesium sp ...... 0 •••••••••••••••••••• 0 0 0 0 0 •• 0.00.00 ••••••• Late Triassic Cl.Carn? ; e.to l.Middle Norian)

~e antiqua Blome .... 0 •••• 00000000. 0.000. 0 0 •••••••••• Late Triassic (l.Carn.?; e.to l.middle Norian)

Capnuchosphaera sp .. 0 •••••••••••• 0.00. 0.0 •• 0 ••• 0. 0 •• 0 •••••• Late Triassic

Corum spo 00.0 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••• • • •• •••••••• Late Triassic (l.Carn. ?; e. to l.Middle Norian) Poulpus pansus De Wever ...... Late Triassic Poulpus piabyx De Wever ...... Late Triassic (Norian)

Guasipetasus sp ...... 0 •• 00 •••• 0.0 ••••••••• Late Triassic (l.Carn. ? e. to l.Middle Norian)

Renzium adversum Blome ...... 0 •••• 0 0 • 0 ••• 0 • 0 •••••••• Late Triassic (l. Carn.? e. to l.Middle Norian) Sarla sp--:-crs:-del.icata Blome ...... Late Triassic (l. Carn.? e. to l.Middle Norian) spongosaturnaUs----sp:-cr~ elegans Kozur & Mostler ...... Late Triassic

Triassocampe nova Yao ...... 0 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Carnian-Norian

A01-02 pebble from conglomerate near Vogt Creek age: Middle-La te TriassiC

Pterospongus (?) sp...... Ladinian-Carnian

A01-08 pebble from conglomerate near Vogt Creek age: Early Permian

Albaillella sp ...... Carboniferous-Permian Latentifistula crux Nazarov & Ormiston ...... Early Permian (Asselian insofar as known)

Latentifistula ~ ...... 0 •• ••• 0 ••••• Early Carboniferous to Early Permian Octatormentum sp. cf 00 cornelli Nazarov & Ormiston ...... Early Permian

Guadriremis sp ...... -::.~. 0.00 •• 0 •••••••••••••••••••• Late Carboniferous to Late Permian

AOl-21 pebble from conglomerate near Vogt Creek age: Early Permian

Pseudoalbaillella longuscornis Ishiga & Imoto ...... 0 ••••••• Early Permian (Wolfcampian insofar as known) Pseudoalbaillella scalprata Holdsworth & Jones ...... O. Early Permian Pseudotormentu3 kamigoriensi3 De Wever & Caridroit ...... Late Permian insofar as known

Quingueremis sp ...... 0000 Late Carboniferous to Late Permian

AO 1 -28 pebble from conglomera te near Vogt Creek age: Early Jurassic

Dictyomitrella sp. cf sp. C in YAO 1982 ••••..•...... •. early Early Jurassic? Hsuum sp ...... early Pliensbachian to late Valanginian Pantanellium sp. cf P. tanuense Pessagno & Blome ••.•...... Rhaetian(?)-Hettangian

Pantanellium sp ... . -::o~ ...... 0 ••••• 0 ••••••••••• Late Triassic (early Carnian) to Early Cretaceous Parahsuum simplum Yao .000 ••••••• • ••••••••• 0 •••••••••••••••• early Early Jurassic? Parahsuum(?) sp. C in YAO 1982 ...... early Early Jurassic? Praeconocaryornma immodica Pessagno & Poisson ...... Early Jurassic to early Tithon.-!ate Kimmer.

AOl-31 pebble from conglomerate near Vogt Creek age : Late Triassic

Capnodoce 3p ...... Late Triassic (late Carnian to late Middle Norian) Capnuchosphaera schenki Blome ...... La te Triassic (la te Carnian to late Middle Norian)

Capnuchosphaera theloides De Wever ...... 00 •• 0 ••••••• Late Triassic

Sarla sp ...... 0 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0 •••• Late Triassic (early Carnian to late Norian)

601 Cache Creek Complex make any precise correlations; the presence of Jurassic pebbles in the conglomerates near Merritt favours their All radiolarians are from the central and eastern belt of derivation from the Hozameen Group or Bridge River the Cache Creek Complex (Monger and McMillan, 1984). The Complex, rather than the Cache Creek Complex. central belt comprises mid- to Late Permian and Triassic carbonates of the Marble Canyon Formation and minor thin-bedded chert, tuff and chert of Triassic age. The Acknow ledgments eastern belt is melange containing blocks of Pennsylvanian I would like to thank B. Forman and M.J. Orchard for and Early Permian limestone along with chert, basalt, their help in the field, P. De Wever and M.J. Orchard for ultramafic and acidic volcanic blocks, in a chert and argillite critical reading of the manuscript, and J. W.H. Monger for matrix of Late Permian to Late Triassic age (Orchard, 1984). help in corrections and translation. The central belt contains two new radiolarian localities (Fig. 72.3). The first, C08, is located near the road through Selected bibliography Marble Canyon, and consists of a cliff of red ribbon chert and carbonates. Two red chert samples, one in place (C08-09), the Cameron, B.E.B. and Monger, J.W.H. other in the talus (C08-0t) provided poorly preserved 197 I: Middle Triassic conodonts from the Fergusson radiolarians respectively of Triassic and Middle to Late Group, northeastern Pemberton map-area, British Triassic age. The second locality, C02, is situated on the Columbia; in Report of Activities, Part B, Cornwall Hill road. The outcrop consists of alternating, Geological Survey of Canada, Paper ?I-IB, thinly bedded, cherty carbonate and grey to white ribbon p. 94-96. chert that contains clearly visible radiolarians, many of De Wever, P. which are joined together, particularly at the tops and 1982: Radiolaires du Trias et du Lias de la Tethys bottoms of chert beds. The radiolarians extracted were of (Systematique, Stratigraphie); Societe Geologique Middle or Late Triassic age (C02-08) and of Late Ladinian to du Nord, Lille, Publication No.7, 599 p. Early Carnian age (C02-14). The latter were associated with the Gondolella inclinata Kovacs (determination by Dumitrica, P. B. Vrielynck) which is Upper Ladinian to Lower Carnian. In 1970: Cryptocephalic and cryptothoracic Nassellaria in the same general area, Orchard (J 984; localities 2 I and 22) some Mesozoic deposits of ; Revue obtained Early (?) Norian and Smithian ages. Roumaine de Geologie, Geophysique et Geographie, Serie de Geologie, Bucharist, v. 14, Radiolarians were extracted from the matrix rocks at p.45-124. two main locaties in the eastern melange belt. Locality C03 consists of a 500 m long road cut in chert, cherty argillite and Monger, J.W.H. and McMillan, W.J. argillite with a variety of blocks on the west side of the 1984: Bedrock geology of Ashcroft (920 map area; settlement of Cache Creek (Fig. 72.3). Six stratigraphic Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 980. levels were dated there (Table 72.5), ranging from Middle to Monger, J.W.H. and Price, R.A. Upper Triassic. Radiolarians from locality C05, (GSC 1979: Geodynamic evolution of the Canadian Cordillera locality C-087650, collected originally by K.R. Shannon, in - progress and problems; Canadian Journal of Monger and McMillan, 1984) were recollected, and include Earth Sciences, v. 16, p. 770-791. Lower Permian forms. Orchard, M.J. 1981: Triassic conodonts in the Cache Creek Group, Chert-pebble conglomerates Marble Canyon, southern British Columbia; in Small, isolated outcrops of chert-pebble conglomerate, Current Research, Part A, Geological Survey Of sandstone and argillite are scattered across parts of Ashcroft Canada, Paper 81-lA, p. 357-359. (921) and Hope (92H) map areas (Fig. 72.ll. In places, these 1984: Pennsylvanian, Permian and . Triassic conodonts strata are known to be of mid- to age from the Cache Creek Group, southern British (Monger and McMillan, 1984) but elsewhere are undated, and Columbia; in Current Research, Part B, are correlated solely on the basis of lithological similarity. Geological SUrvey of Canada, Paper 84-lB, Radiolarians in the chert pebbles had not been studied p. 197-206. previously, but four collections were made in an attempt to obtain some idea of the provenances of the conglomerates Pessagno, E.A., Jr. and Newport, R.L. (Tables 72.3, 72.6). 1972: A technique for extracting Radiolaria from Radiolarian chert; Micropaleontology, v. 18/2, Exposed at one locality is the mid- to Late Cretaceous p. 231-234. conglomerate that lies within the central belt of the Cache Creek Complex. The chert pebbles within it are slightly Potter, C.J. metamorphosed, and only one, Late Permian age (C07-14) 1983: Geology of the Bridge River Complex, southern was obtained (Table 72.6). Shulaps Range, British Columbia: a record of convergent tectonics; unpublished Ph.D thesis, Chert pebbles were examined from three, undated Uni versi ty of Washington, 192 p. conglomerates near the town of Merritt. Pebbles northeast of Merritt (Locality POI) ranged from Late Permian to Early Seiders, V.M. and Blome, C.D. Jurassic. Outcrops near Courtney Lake (Localities LO I, L02) 1984: Clast compositions of Upper Mesozoic conglom­ yielded Early Permian to Late Triassic fossils. Chert pebbles erates of the California Coast Ranges and their from conglomerate near Vogt Creek (Locality AOl) ranged tectonic significance; ~ Franciscan Geology of from Early Permian to Early Jurassic with some adjacent Northern California, ed. M.C. Blake, Jr.; Pacific pebbles yielding very different ages. Section Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, v. 43, p. 135-148. Conclusion Yao,A. 1982: Middle Triassic to Early Jurassic radiolarians At present, radiolarian faunas in the lithological from the Inuyama area, Central Japan; Journal of packages containing abundant chert (Cache Creek and Bridge Geosciences, Osaka City University, Osaka, v. 25, River complexes, Hozameen Group) are too poorly known to no. 4, p. 55-70.