Reading Fluency Jan Hasbrouck, Ph.D

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Reading Fluency Jan Hasbrouck, Ph.D Reading Fluency Jan Hasbrouck, Ph.D. Reading FAST My conclusions from reading research: Compelling evidence from a convergence of reading research is indicating that or Reading WELL? 90% to 95% of all students can achieve literacy skills at or approaching grade level. These statistics include students with dyslexia and other learning disabilities. Students succeed when they receive intensive, comprehensive, and high-quality prevention and early intervention instruction, Putting provided by well-informed and well-supported teachers. This instruction must be systematic, explicit, and intensive, and designed to appropriately integrate elements of oral language development, phonemic awareness, phonics and Fluency In decoding, fluency, vocabulary development, and reading comprehension skills and strategies. Perspective Jan Hasbrouck, Ph.D. Torgesen, 2007; Vellutino & Fletcher, 2007; Rashotte, MacPhee, Torgeson, 2001; Al Otailba, Connor, Foorman, Schatschneider, Greulich, Sidler, 2009; Every Child Reading: An Action Plan and Every Child Reading: A Professional Development Guide. Presented by Jan Hasbrouck, Ph.D. Available online from Learning First Alliance Reading Fluency : Educators as Physicians : Understanding and Teaching this Complex Skill Using RTI Data for Effective Decision-Making Jan Hasbrouck, Ph.D. Deborah R. Glaser, Ed.D. Jan Hasbrouck, Ph.D. Four Modules FOUR MODULES Framework for Intervention Defining & Describing this Complex Skill Assessing Reading Fluency Benchmark/Screening Planning and Teaching Fluency Diagnosis Teaching Fluency through Skill Integration Progress Monitoring Summary booklets sold in sets of 4 Summary booklets sold in sets of 4 Available online at Available online at © 2013 Gibson Hasbrouck & Associates 1 Reading Fluency Jan Hasbrouck, Ph.D. Key Ideas about Reading Fluency How to Fluency is a complex skill. Fluency is necessary but not sufficient for reading DEFINE comprehension & motivation. Reading Fluency? We can use rate PLUS accuracy measures (ORF) for important assessment purposes. Some students are fluent enough; others can be taught. FLUENT reading is NOT fast reading! NRP Instructional Components CCSS Reading Standards Phonemic Awareness Literature Phonics Reading Informational Text Fluency Foundational Vocabulary Skills Comprehension Read more complex text Respond using text evidence Close reading model National Reading Panel (2000) 50-50 balance literature & information text © 2013 Gibson Hasbrouck & Associates 2 Reading Fluency Jan Hasbrouck, Ph.D. CCSS Foundational Skills K-5 What is Reading Fluency? Print Concepts “there are still a number of questions surrounding our understanding of what Phonological Awareness constitutes fluency” Phonics & Word Recognition Kuhn, Schwanenflugel, & Meisinger (2010) p. 230 Fluency National Governors’ Association CCSS (2010) What is Reading Fluency? What is Reading Fluency? Fluent reading should sound like Reasonably accurate reading at an SPEECH appropriate rate with suitable prosody that leads to accurate and deep Stahl & Kuhn (2002) comprehension and motivation to read. Hasbrouck & Glaser (2012) © 2013 Gibson Hasbrouck & Associates 3 Reading Fluency Jan Hasbrouck, Ph.D. What is Reading Fluency? What is Reading Fluency? Reasonably ACCURATE? Appropriate RATE? Aim for at least _____ % accuracy th _____ %ile on oral reading (Rasinski, Reutzel, Chard, Thompson, 2011) fluency (ORF) norms on Emerging readers: _____ % unpracticed, grade-level text What is Reading Fluency? Robert borrowed my new bicycle. ROBERT borrowed my new bicycle. Suitable PROSODY? (Robert, not Raymond, borrowed my bike.) Robert BORROWED my new bicycle. Pitch, tone, volume, emphasis, rhythm (Robert did not steal my bike.) Robert borrowed MY new bicycle. Mirrors spoken language (Robert didn't borrow your bike, he borrowed mine.) & conveys meaning Robert borrowed my NEW bicycle. (Robert didn't borrow my old bike, he borrowed the new one.) Robert borrowed my new BICYCLE . (Robert didn't borrow my new book, he borrowed my bike.) Rasinski (2012) © 2013 Gibson Hasbrouck & Associates 4 Reading Fluency Jan Hasbrouck, Ph.D. What is Reading Fluency? What is Reading Fluency? Suitable PROSODY? The ability to read Mirrors spoken language accurately & conveys meaning quickly with expression & phrasing BUT abnormal pitch, intonation, phrasing, pauses can be “suitable” COMPONENTS of fluency What is Reading Fluency? Expression & Phrasing? Word Decoding Skills Text Decoding Skills Prosody REFLECTS • Phoneme awareness • Orthographic knowledge • Sight words comprehension skill rather than • Letter sounds • Phonograms • Decoding connected text CONTRIBUTING to it • Multiple cue efficiency Comprehension Skills • Metacognition • Passage context • Content knowledge • Social context • Vocabulary COMPONENTS of fluency MECHANICS of fluency © 2013 Gibson Hasbrouck & Associates 5 Reading Fluency Jan Hasbrouck, Ph.D. CCSS Foundational Skills: CCSS Foundational Skills: Fluency K - Gr 5 Fluency K - Gr 5 Kindergarten Kindergarten Read emergent reader texts * with purpose & understanding Read emergent reader texts with purpose & understanding Grades 1-5 Grades 1-5 * Emergent reader texts – Texts consisting of short sentences Read with sufficient ACCURACY & FLUENCY to comprised of learned sight words and CVC words; may also include support comprehension: rebuses to represent words that cannot yet be decoded or recognized; see also rebus * Rebus – A mode of expressing words and phrases by using pictures of objects whose names resemble those words CCSS Foundational Skills: “a living work” Fluency K - Gr 5 “The Standards are intended to be Kindergarten a living work: as new and better Read emergent reader texts with purpose & understanding evidence emerges, the Standards Grades 1-5 will be revised accordingly.” Read with sufficient FLUENCY to support comprehension: National Governors Association Center for Best Reading on-level text with PURPOSE & UNDERSTANDING Practices, Council of Chief State School Officers (2010). Common Core State Standards. Washington D.C. Reading on-level text orally with ACCURACY , appropriate RATE , & EXPRESSION on successive readings Using CONTEXT to confirm or self-correct word recognition and understanding, rereading as necessary © 2013 Gibson Hasbrouck & Associates 6 Reading Fluency Jan Hasbrouck, Ph.D. SoWhat is Reading Fluency? What is the A highly COMPLEX skill that is NECESSARY but not SUFFICIENT ROLE for students to read independently , proficiently , and with motivation . of Fluency in Reading? FLUENT reading is not FAST reading! Characteristics of REAL ISSUE: Nonfluent Readers Comprehension & Motivation! MULTIPLE causes of DESCRIPTORS : comprehension problems: Read word—by—word Lack of background knowledge Slow, laborious readers Lack of language foundation Uncertain of sight words Fails to organize and use information to understand--Does not realize when Ignore punctuation s/he fails to understand (metacognition) Unmotivated Decoding and/or fluency skills are weak © 2013 Gibson Hasbrouck & Associates 7 Reading Fluency Jan Hasbrouck, Ph.D. Bridge to Comprehension Doorway to Comprehension? Fluency forms the bridge between word Fluency serves as a doorway between word identification & constructing meaning identification & constructing meaning FLUENCY FLUENCY Constructing Constructing Identifying Identifying Meaning Meaning Words Words Vocabulary Vocabulary Comprehension Comprehension Pikulski & Chard (2005) Hasbrouck & Glaser (2012) The Role of Fluency in Reading? ASSESSING ACCURACY: Comprehension is limited by Reading Fluency inaccurate reading RATE: Comprehension is limited by inefficient, slow , laborious reading Lack of fluency = lack of motivation = fewer words read = smaller vocabulary = limited comprehension (self-perpetuating) © 2013 Gibson Hasbrouck & Associates 8 Reading Fluency Jan Hasbrouck, Ph.D. 3 BIG IDEAS about fluency assessments “Fluency” 1. Assessments of accuracy + rate (ORF) can Assessments help determine which students might need support (benchmark/screening). DO NOT 2. ORF assessments can help diagnose a student’s individual skill level in reading fluency. ASSESS 3. ORF assessments can help us determine if a student is making sufficient progress. Fluency! Assessing ORF Oral Reading Fluency the number of words in text read assessments were correctly per minute (wcpm) MISNAMED ! or letters, sounds, words More Accurate: Performance measure of ACCURACY + RATE © 2013 Gibson Hasbrouck & Associates 9 Reading Fluency Jan Hasbrouck, Ph.D. Assessing ORF Assessing ORF the number of words in text read the number of words in text read correctly per minute (wcpm) correctly per minute (wcpm) or or letters, sounds, words letters, sounds, words CBM Assessments of Curriculum-Based ACCURACY and RATE (ORF) Measurement (CBM) DIBELS Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills K-6 Long research history Reading Fluency Benchmark Assessor Stan Deno University of Minnesota (RFBA ) Read Naturally K-8 GOAL: Develop QUICK assessments that were RELIABLE AIMSWeb Pearson K-8 and VALID to help teachers: 1. Find students who MIGHT need academic help Riverside K-8 EasyCBM 2. Determine if instruction
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