President’s Page

Funding Our Future

The financial strength of an association is ideally built on a foundation of multiple income streams and consistent revenue generating pathways. How does AsMA fare against this description? We operate primarily on a uni-dimensional platform, a single revenue generating income stream, called the “Annual Meeting,” i.e., risky business. What would hap- pen if we had a global swine flu outbreak, or a volcanic eruption in Iceland, halting air travel, that would paralyze our meeting? We certainly faced such familiar environmen- tal and public health threats in the recent past. It is time for us to take action. We need to create greater diversification in work processes that will generate multiple Marian B. Sides, Ph.D. income streams to empower this Association to more effec- tively “Fund our Future.” The Executive Committee, our process. The time is NOW to be proactive in creating and Executive Director, and home office staff are actively work- supporting priority issues in innovative science and med- ing on initiatives that will directly impact operational ex- ical research. I challenge the Scientific Program Committee penses and build financial strength for the Association. and the Long Range Planning ad hoc Committee to work These initiatives include better utilization and rental of the collaboratively in identifying top research priorities that home office space, increase in parking spot rentals, more as- will drive the future for scientific exploration in the field of tute financial management of our investments, options to aerospace medicine. Once the platform on priority issues is stop receiving a paper journal, and many others. defined, grant proposals can be written to solicit monies to So, what else do I have in mind? It is a quest for the fund selected research. Government resources and funding discovery of alternative streams of revenue and nodes of at other levels are available along with guidelines for effec- innovation that can create new opportunities for member tive grant writing. Interested members are invited and participation. I will discuss four mega issues that can, encouraged to join these efforts in support of Association over time, augment the strength of our financial platform, research and educational activities. by flanking our direct revenue streams with alternative in- The third mega issue is Fundraising. We need to em- come pathways. brace revolutionary concepts in fundraising to provide new The first mega issue is the Foundation. Founded in revenue streams in support of Association activities. 2006, under the leadership of Dr. Richard Jennings, M.D., Membership fundraising programs, such as annual fund M.P.H., and other AsMA leaders, the Foundation supports campaigns, can solicit monies for specific kinds of research scientific and educational activities and facilitates career as- and educational programs and activities. Annual campaigns pirations of AsMA members. The Foundation is well rooted are the workhorses of the fundraising world and are a main in solid financial principles, is structurally sound, and is vehicle that can keep non-profit organizations operational. brilliantly managed by Association leaders. My purpose Corporate sponsorships can be formed to sponsor fundrais- here is to provide widespread visibility and increased ing events, such as golf outings and charity runs. Associ- awareness of the powerful implications The Foundation has ation auctions are another avenue of fundraising that can be for the future growth of AsMA and its constituents. held in conjunction with the annual meeting. I am certain Do you know that when you allocate your constituent that members would consider contributions of books and assets or part of it to the Foundation, as a directed or re- other useful items in support of an auction event. stricted gift, it is still yours? That’s right, you do not lose it. The fourth mega issue is Philanthropy. We need to You earmark that money for a specific purpose and it will seize the challenges, opportunities, and new directions for be used only for that purpose. So then, what do you gain? philanthropic fundraising. Members of a new generation You gain expert management of your funds, potentially are changing the way philanthropy is done. Persons of greater growth of your investment, which would enable you wealth are seeking out causes for which their dollars can to offer one additional scholarship, for example, or expand make a difference. For many, it is a form of giving back. As whatever service you are offering. I encourage every entity the saying goes, “you gotta give it away to keep it.” that has available assets to strongly consider investing a Deserving organizations will reap the benefit of this wealth portion of these funds into The Foundation. Some of our in the form of charitable donations, planned giving, and constituent organizations have already done so. For further business investments. Let’s be one of those deserving orga- information, please visit the web site at nizations. After all, we have the people in place to do the The second mega issue is Grant Writing. A call for pa- work. You will never find a more talented and devoted pers for the 82nd annual scientific meeting is two months in membership.

802 Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine • Vol. 81, No. 8 • August 2010 Association News

through 2013 are Richard E. Bachmann, Jr., Sides Installed as President; Anzalone Becomes M.D., M.P.H., Charles R. Fisher, M.D., President-Elect of AsMA M.P.H., Robert Johnson, M.B.A., M.D., M.P.H., and David B. Rhodes, M.D., M.P.H. Marian B. Sides, Ph.D., R.N., [Col., and Policy, Chief of Naval Operations (N931), In addition, Gabor Hardicsay, M.D., was USAFR(Ret)], was installed as President of the from July 2003 to March 2006. In this position elected to fill the member-at-large seat vacated Aerospace Medical Association during Honors he coordinated and implemented Surgeon when Dr. Anzalone was elected President- Night ceremonies of the AsMA 81st Annual General of the Navy's participation in Plan Elect. Arleen Saenger, M.D., will continue as Scientific Meeting in Phoenix, AZ. She is the Program Budget System process valued at $4.3 Secretary, P. Glenn Merchant, Jr., M.D., will second woman and first nurse to be elected to billion; developed balanced medical and den- continues as Treasurer, and Jeffrey Sventek is this position. [A full biography was printed tal programs within available resources; and our recently appointed Executive Director. last year (ASEM 2009; 80:752), and is available developed and evaluated plans and policy for on the journal page of our website.] medical support of general war and contin- Fanancy Louis Anzalone, M.D., M.P.H., gency operations. He was responsible for AsMA Council Meeting Highlights: C.P.E., FAsMA, was elected to the office of oversight and coordination of all aspects of ex- May 9 and 12, 2010, President-Elect of the Aerospace Medicial peditionary medical systems and hospital Sheraton Phoenix Downtown Hotel, Association at their Annual Business Meeting, ships as well as medical R&D initiatives con- Phoenix, AZ May 11, 2010, Sheraton Phoenix Downtown sistent with operational support requirements. (Complete minutes with attachments are available Hotel, Phoenix, AZ. He will automatically suc- He developed and coordinated Navy and from AsMA home office.) ceed to the presidency in 2011 at the AsMA Marine Corps operational support require- meeting in Anchorage, AK. Dr. Anzalone is ments and developed and assessed legislative At the Sunday Council meeting, minutes currently Medical Director, American Airlines and policy initiatives involving Naval from the November 18, 2009, Council meeting Medical Department, Miami International Medicine. In his previous role as Executive were approved with one minor correction. The Airport. Assistant, Surgeon General of the Navy, from Executive Director (ED) briefed Council on the A native of Louisiana, Dr. Anzalone re- May 2003 to July 2003, CAPT Anzalone coor- events of the Executive Committee meeting. In ceived his Bachelor of Science from dinated daily responsibilities and managed all particular he reviewed the revised benefits Southeastern Louisiana University, communications and served as Navy package for AsMA employees. The ED re- Hammond, LA, in 1977. He earned his Doctor Medicine’s subject matter expert for ported significant progress in modifying the of Medicine from Louisiana State University Congressional inquiries. He represented Navy IMPak database to meet the needs of the School of Medicine, Medicine to other services and the Department Association. He reported the IMPak database New Orleans, LA, in of Health and Human Services. is a robust software package offering AsMA 1981. He went on to Other Naval assignments include capabilities in a consolidated database. Plans earn his Master of Commanding Officer, U.S. Naval Hospital, to maximize these capabilities include consoli- Public Health from Naples, Italy, August 2000 to April 2003; dating data from the Fellows and Associate Tulane University Officer in Charge of the Naval Aerospace Fellows databases; offering server space for School of Public Health Medical Institute and the Director of Fellows, Associate Fellows, and Constituent and Tropical Medicine, Academics, Naval Operational Medicine Organizations websites to be hosted; integrat- New Orleans, LA, in Institute, August 1998 to July 2000; and Officer ing all websites on the AsMA hosting server 1987. His residency in in Charge, Naval Branch Medical Clinic, Key with the IMPak database to facilitate member- aerospace medicine was West, FL, January 1995 to July 1998, where he ship management; and working to allow with the Naval established Telemedicine capability for members to pay all their appropriate member- Aerospace Medical Institute, Pensacola, FL, Dermatology, ENT, Psychiatry, and ship dues at one time online. from August 1987 – June 1989. Gastroenterology as well as Teleradiology for Regarding our status as a nonprofit organi- Dr. Anzalone is an experienced physician the new clinic based on Business Case zation, once the updated Articles of and physician executive with critical analytical Analysis. He was Executive Officer / Incorporation are approved by the membership skills and a wealth of knowledge related to the Commanding Officer, Naval Medical Clinic, (done during the Tuesday business meeting), development, implementation, and execution Key West, FL, April 1994 to Jan 1995. ED will meet with the attorney to complete of clinical practice guidelines in accordance Dr. Anzalone is a Certified Physician 501(c)(3) application paperwork with the with evidence-based medicine. He has proven Executive (CPE), American College of See COUNCIL, p. 804. leadership skills and during several successful Physician Executives; a Fellow of the command positions in the U.S. Navy he Aerospace Medical Association; Past Chair of worked closely with local health care commu- the AsMA Associate Fellows; Past President of Submit your 2011 nities from the Florida Keys to Naples, Italy, to the Society of U.S. Naval Flight Surgeons; and establish cost effective, comprehensive, and a member of the Society of Military Surgeons Scientific Meeting convenient medical support for these diverse of the as well as the American populations. Medical Association. In addition he is a Senior Abstract In his current position with American Aviation Medical Examiner, Federal Aviation Airlines, he is responsible for all employees’ Administration, and a Medical Review Officer, occupational health requirements. He is a Department of Transportation. He has been an member of American Airlines’ Medical Expert Witness for Joint Commission on Site available: September 1, 2010 Review Board which evaluates employees for Accreditation of Healthcare Organization’s Deadline: October 29, 2010 long-term disability and verifies they continue Patient Safety from 2003 to present. to receive healthcare based on clinical practice Online step-by-step instructions guidelines with the goal of returning them to work. In addition, he is responsible for in- Other AsMA Elected Officers: will guide you through the process. flight medical emergencies and evaluation of The newly-elected Vice Presidents are: You will receive immediate confir- passengers with medical conditions that could Philip J. Scarpa, Jr., M.D., M.S. ,and Susan E. mation with a control number for on- be compromised by air travel. Northrup, M.D., M.P.H., Jarnail Singh, M.D., line submissions. Prior to his retirement from the U.S. Navy and James T. Webb, Ph.D., continue as VPs. he was Director, Medical Resources, Plans, The elected members at large with terms

Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine • Vol. 81, No. 8 • August 2010 803 COUNCIL, from p. 803. manuscripts was 99. Overall, these numbers ship with AsMA. The Membership committee District of Washington. This could take 6 can be interpreted as indicating a somewhat will continue to work all avenues to increase months for approval after the application is stable level of submissions. (Further statistics Association membership and member partici- submitted. available in report.) pation. Corporate and Sustaining Membership The Policy and Procedures working group Managing Editor (Pam Day): Feedback on (Yvette DeBois): The committee and the affili- will continue work through calendar year 2010 blast e-mails has been positive. We are using a new paper as a cost savings measure. We are ate of corporate and sustaining members have with plans to publish the updated manual. looking into social media. According to been very active over the past year. Incoming president Marian Sides and Chuck Ingenta, our journal ranks in the top 10 out of The primary immediate objectives for the DeJohn will ensure proper integration of the more than 13,530 titles for number of full-text Corporate & Sustaining Membership manual changes with the AsMA Bylaws. downloads. For the period March 1, 2010, to Committee (CSMC) this cycle include: stan- One of the highlights of the meeting was March 31, 2010: Aviation, Space, and dardizing the process of new member solicita- welcoming back the Undersea and Environmental Medicine ranks 9th with 5592 tion with incorporation of the AsMA Home Hyperbaric Medical Society as an Affiliate downloads. These include downloads by our Office resources; supporting the seven benefits member. Their mission and objectives are very members. of affiliation for the Corporate & Sustaining closely aligned with AsMA and we look for- Education and Training Committee (Eilis Affiliate (CSA) members with an emphasis on ward to working more closely with them in Boudreau): The committee has been very ac- advocacy and cultivating leadership; develop- the future. tive. The “This is Aerospace Medicine” slide ing infrastructure geared for independent func- Finance (Glenn Merchant): AsMA experi- show is ready for approval and a room is tion of CSA with special emphasis on financial enced a $341,568 loss in 2009 as a result of available to view the show during the meet- support of operations and functional presence multiple factors that created a “perfect storm”: ing. The Compendium of Aerospace Medicine on the worldwide web; supporting CSA lead- increased expenses in the form of depreciation, Programs is now being updated quarterly and ership in preparation for the historic event of maintenance, credit card fees, insurance, is posted on the AsMA website. She discussed their first annual business meeting/luncheon. database management, website, mailings, edu- MOC and who should determine how it is ad- The Corporate Forum was moved from the cation/training, pensions, bonuses, journal, ministered. It was decided the committee November meeting to the May annual meeting and travel; decreased revenues in the form of would work with ASAMS on this activity. and the Corporate Speakers Bureau is planned decreased membership and reduced journal Aerospace Human Factors Committee (Tom for Monday evening. revenue, reduced meeting revenue of nearly Nesthus): Melissa Mallis’ briefing package on Communications Committee (Joe Dervay): $50K against the projected average; plus ac- the AsMA Position Paper “Fatigue The committee worked throughout the year to counting adjustments in the form of accrued Countermeasures in Aviation” is now avail- support the new membership database initia- leave liability and several one-time accounting able for download from the AsHFA website. tive. They will next work on a new updated adjustments which accounted for over $105K History and Archives (Stan Mohler): The website; a survey of members; creating social alone. Reinhartz Endowment is being used to sup- media contacts; and our enhanced blast e-mail Annual Meeting (Sventek): Meeting statis- port videotaping of the “Greats in Aerospace capabilities. tics for Phoenix: Percentage of room block sold Medicine” interview series. Genie Bopp, Resolutions (David Gillis): Two draft reso- – 97%; Number of registrations – 1008 Mark Campbell, Jan Stepanek, and Stan lutions addressing fatigue in flight crews of Advance, 1383 Total; Number of exhibitors – Mohler are coordinating this effort. transport operations have been prepared for 35 exhibitors/46 exhibit spaces. Science and Technology Committee (Barry the business meeting. [Note: one on in-flight Scientific Program Committee (John Shender): The Committee will have published in-cockpit napping was returned to committee; Crowley): PowerPoint presentations will be 100 Science and Technology Watch columns in one on prescription sleep medications passed.] collected from presenters this year. The plan is Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine as He noted that we need to revamp the resolu- to post them on the website for members and of May 2010. The Watch has served as a forum tion process for electronic approval so that is- attendees. There were 510 abstracts submitted, for members to introduce and discuss these sues do not go “stale” awaiting approval. 484 accepted, 26 rejected (5.1% rejection rate). new concepts. Since January 2009, columns WEDNESDAY Other innovations for 2010 were an enhanced are no longer part of the News section and During the Wednesday Council meeting the ethics statement and the addition of a human have been published in a format consistent following actions of interest occurred. use/animal use statement. with journal articles. The committee is also in- The two examinees who passed the Outreach (Jeff Sventek): The ED is working vestigating using Camtasia to help capture Aerospace Physiology certification examina- with the American Meteorological Society, the audio to go with the PowerPoint Presentations See COUNCIL, p. 812. NASA Applied Sciences Program, and the at the upcoming Scientific Meetings. CDC National Center for Environmental Membership (Gloria Carter): The member- Health/Agency for Toxic Substances and ship of the Aerospace Medical Association Disease Registry (NCEH/ATSDR) to deter- consists at this time of 208 Student/Resident mine if improved communication and collabo- Members; 649 Three Year Memberships; 252 ration with these agencies would enhance the Life Members; 46 Corporate Members; 1,084 environmental medicine components of our Active Members; 47 Member and Spouse Association focus. These agencies have been Memberships; 452 Emeritus Members; and 12 completing research that shows health effects Sustaining-Technician Members, which gives a associated with changes in the atmosphere. current membership total of 2,750. Member- They are looking for an appropriate venue to ship as of 1 January, 2009, was 2,770; member- present their information. The AsMA annual ship as of 1 January, 2010, was 2,834. Gaines scientific meeting and our journal may pro- outweighed losses for the period of 1 January vide those venues. 2009 to 1 January 2010. Editor (Fred Bonato): The new Editor-in- Compared with the 2008-2009 year, we Chief thanked the journal staff and Editorial have cut down on the number of delinquent Board for help in the smooth transition. He members and fewer members died. There is noted that his assistant, Sarah Pierce-Rubio, concern regarding the make up of the mem- will be staying on at least until the end of next bership categories with so many moving to year. Dave Ludwig has stepped down as 3-yr and life memberships, which must be Statistician and was thanked for years of ser- amortized over a long period, thereby diluting CORPORATE SPEAKERS BUREAU--The vice. On April 25, 2009, there were 119 their impact on association coffers. Corporate and Sustaining Affiliate held its manuscripts in the pipeline, meaning Membership Committee (Joe Ortega): The speakers bureau on Tuesday, May 11, 2010. manuscripts either assigned or under review. ad hoc committee recommends that we focus Jan Stepanek (left) receives a plaque from As of April 29, 2010, there were 108 in the on member services and strengthening mem- Marian Sides (right). Dr. Stepanek’s presenta- pipeline. These numbers represent a snapshot ber satisfaction within AsMA. We will conduct tion was “Commemorating the 40th comparison of the two dates. The mean num- a survey of our membership. Data analysis Anniversary of and Aerospace ber of manuscripts in the pipeline this year will determine the top areas of interest, needs, Medicine at the Mayo Clinic.” He explained was 117 (based on weekly sampling). For the and desires of our members and will deter- the history of the clinic’s involvement in previous year the mean number of mine what they value most in their member- Aerospace Medicine. 804 Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine • Vol. 81, No. 8 • August 2010 Opening Ceremonies--Phoenix 2010

OPENING CEREMONIES—(Top left and center) Crowd gathered for the Opening Ceremonies. (Top right) The Color Guard from Luke AFB, AZ, presented the Colors. (Above) Mountainside Middle School Band provided the music. (Left and Right) The Exhibit Hall, Membership, and Registration Areas were the places to meet colleagues.

For more Annual Meeting photos, check out the photo gallery on our website at on the Meetings page. All photos by Pamela C. Day.

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR RAYMAN RETIRES--(left) Incoming Executive Director, Jeff Sventek, and retiring ED, Russell Rayman, admire the plaque presented during opening ceremonies. (Center) AsMA President Robert Weien presents Dr. Rayman with the plaque. (Right) Dr. Rayman and two of his sons, Ariel and David, during opening ceremonies. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine • Vol. 81, No. 8 • August 2010 805 Minutes of the Aerospace Medical Association 81st Annual Business Meeting Tuesday, May 11, 2010, Sheraton Phoenix Downtown Hotel, Phoenix, AZ The Foundation funds the Fellows Group scholarship through a com- mittee led by Dr. Melchor Antuñano and the 2009 winner of the $1,500 scholarship was Dr. Nicole Powell-Dunford. The Foundation’s Board of Directors met on Sunday, May 9, 2010, and elected two new board members – Mr. Roberts Ellis, Group President of Wyle Integrated Science and Engineering, and Mr. William Mitchell, President and CEO of Environmental Tectonics Corporation. The Foundation Board of Directors re-elected seven Board members with staggered terms. Dr. Vanderploeg encouraged all to consider donating to the Foundation. 7. GOVERNANCE (Sides) • Committees o Nominating (Hastings): Dr. Hastings read the proposed slate as listed below. A motion to approve the slate of new officers passed: President-elect: Fanancy Anzalone; Vice-Presidents: Susan Northrup Bob Weien Jeff Sventek and Philip Scarpa; Members-at-Large – 2013: Richard Bachmann, Charles Fisher, Robert Johnson, David Rhodes. In addition, Gabor 1. Call to Order (Weien): Dr. Weien called the meeting to order at Hardicsay will replace Fanancy Anzalone and serve his remaining two 12:05 PM. years on the Council. 2. Recognition of Past Presidents o Bylaws (Lischak): Dr. Lischak reported the proposed 3. In Memoriam: A moment of silence was given in memoriam to changes to the Bylaws were published in the February issue of Aviation, members who have passed away during the preceding year. Space and Environmental Medicine, p. 160. Each proposed change was 4. Report of the President: Dr. Weien thanked all those who sup- presented, discussed, and voted upon by the members. All proposed ported him during his year as President and gave a brief overview of changes were passed. accomplishments. He cited the work of the Editor-in-Chief Search ¶ Articles of Incorporation (Sventek): The Executive Director re- Committee that resulted in the selection of Dr. Frederick Bonato as the ported the proposed changes to the AsMA Articles of Incorporation new Editor-in-Chief of Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine. Dr. were published in the October issue of Aviation, Space, and Weien also cited the work of the Executive Director Search Committee Environmental Medicine, p. 913. The proposed Articles of Incorporation that resulted in the selection of Jeffrey C. Sventek as the new Executive changes are designed to facilitate application for IRS 501(c)(3) status. Director. The changes were presented, discussed, and voted upon. All proposed 5. Report of the Executive Director (Sventek): changes were passed. Mr. President, officers, and members of AsMA, it is my pleasure to o Finance (Merchant): Dr. Merchant explained the multiple fac- report that the previous year has been an active one. As is obvious by tors that resulted in the $341,568 loss for the Association in 2009. A se- my presence here, we said goodbye to Dr. Russell Rayman as our ries of unexpected increased expenses combined with reduced revenues Executive Director after 18 years of dedication and service to AsMA. as a result of decreased membership, poorly attended annual meeting He leaves a history of accomplishment and leadership as the Executive in Los Angeles, and reduced journal subscriptions produced most of the Director. He will be a difficult act to follow, but I will work hard to 2009 financial loss. There were also several one-time accounting adjust- continue providing our Association with the leadership and day-to-day ments made as a result of changing accounting firms that resulted in operational support you deserve. Thank you, Dr. Rayman. over $100,000 of the loss. Several recommendations for improving the I am pleased to announce that this year’s meeting will be a success- financial status of the Association were discussed and will be reviewed ful one for the Association. As of this morning, we have registered a by the Executive Committee. total of 1,374 attendees for the meeting. Of that total, 1,009 were regis- 8. REPRESENTATION AND ACVOCACY (Manning) tered in advance of the meeting and 365 attendees registered here on • Committees site. Many of you are aware that the AsMA Home Office transitioned o Resolutions (Gillis): Two resolutions on Aircrew Fatigue to a new Association management database system called IMPak this Countermeasures were presented. year. This is a rich management system with a robust suite of manage- ¶ In-flight In-Cockpit Napping: Therefore be it resolved that the ment modules. The management system is a web-based software pro- Aerospace Medical Association strongly recommends that air transport gram that allows the Home Office staff to access the database from operators establish policies and procedures to ensure adequate preflight anywhere an internet connection can be achieved. One of those modules rest for crew, and that regulatory agencies, in coordination with is used to register people for meetings. We established an Advanced aerospace medical experts, determine the criteria for use of in-flight, in- Registration process in January 2010 to allow for on-line registration cockpit napping where safe, in extended flight operations. and payment. This process was quite successful but will require some - Concerns were raised with the resolution and a motion carried to modifications prior to the 2011 advance registration process. We antici- send it back to the Resolutions Committee for additional work. pated a larger than normal on-site registration this year and the ¶ Prescription Sleep Medications: Therefore be it resolved that numbers are proving that is the case. We did not anticipate the slow the Aerospace Medical Association strongly recommends that regula- internet speeds and the large amount of data that would have to be tory agencies, in coordination with aerospace medicine experts, in addi- entered manually for on-site registration. These factors significantly tion to the established need for adequate crew rest, determine criteria slowed the on-site registration process and required registrants to for the safe adjunctive use of prescription sleep medications for off- spend an inordinate amount of time standing in the cueing line. For duty/layover crew use. that, I apologize and I promise we will work feverishly to correct this - A motion was made and carried to approve the resolution. It now process prior to our 2011 meeting in Anchorage, AK. becomes AsMA policy and will be placed on our website and sent to There are 35 companies exhibiting with us this year using 46 ex- appropriate outside organizations. hibits booth spaces. We very much appreciate our exhibitors and cor- o Air Transport Medicine (Dowdall): Martin Hudson reported porate members. They provide our attendees with great insight into the for Nigel Dowdall. There were no action items at this time. During latest technologies and processes to improve the delivery of Aerospace 2009 the committee has focused on cabin air contamination, cabin crew Medicine. medical fitness, and developed AsMA’s comments on the World Health Finally, I am required to report that the Aerospace Medical Organization’s draft generic risk assessment model for aircraft disinsec- Association experienced a significant financial loss in 2009. I will leave tion with chemical insecticides. the details to our Treasurer to explain but on December 31, 2009, the o Communications (Dervay): Dr. Dervay reported there were Aerospace Medical Association reported a loss of $341,568.00. The no open action items. He presented an exciting opportunity to work Executive Committee and I are working aggressively to identify areas with the University of Texas Medical Branch Aeromedical Grand for improving the Association’s financial status. Rounds program that might allow AsMA members to participate in the 6. Report of the AsMA Foundation (Vanderploeg): Dr. Vanderploeg monthly Grand Rounds training programs and obtain CME credit for reported total assets for the Foundation at $56,750. This year’s winner participating. of the Mohler Scholarship is Dr. Sasi Jeevarathinam, completing the 9. EDUCATION AND RESEARCH (Webb) Diploma in Aviation Medicine course at King’s College, London, UK. • Committees See MINUTES, p. 807

806 Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine • Vol. 81, No. 8 • August 2010 MINUTES, from p. 806. o Awards (Holland): Awards will be • Committee o Aerospace Human Factors presented at Honors Night. o International Activities (Hardicsay): (Nesthus): Three panels were sponsored at o Corporate and Sustaining (DeBois): Committee recommended a half-page space in this meeting. Don White assumed the Chair There are 45 members. The Corporate Forum, the journal every other month dedicated to from Tom Nesthus. Planning has now begun traditionally conducted in November each international activities and a request to add for panels at the 2011 meeting in Anchorage. year, was moved to coincide with the Annual upcoming international events to the o Aviation Safety (Cimrmancic): One Scientific Meeting in an effort to broaden the Announcements section of the AsMA webpage. panel was sponsored at this meeting. audience. 12. Unfinished and New Business: None Planning has begun for panels at the 2011 o Membership (Ortega): Membership 13. Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at meeting in Anchorage. is currently at 2,770, a slight decrease from 2:15 PM. o Education and Training (Boudreau): 2009. The Committee will conduct a member- Respectfully submitted, The “This is Aerospace Medicine” slideshow ship survey this summer to evaluate member- Jeffrey C. Sventek, M.S., CAsP, Executive was approved by the members. E&T Commit- ship trends. Director tee continues to work with the American 11. INTERNATIONAL SERVICES (Singh) Arleen Saenger, M.D., M.P.H., Secretary Society of Aerospace Medicine Specialists to Meetings Calendar Convention Center, San Francisco, CA. Info: improve Maintenance of Certification and or contact Continuing Medical Education offerings for September 26–29, 2010; American Academy [email protected]. the Association members. of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery October 27-30, 2010; XXVII International o History and Archives (Mohler): Dr. Annual Meeting and OTO Expo 2010; Boston, Meeting of Aerospace Medicine; Dorado Jennings was thanked for providing historical MA. Info: Pacifico Hotel, Zihuatanejo, Guerrero, movies for our annual scientific meetings. The meeting/index.cfm. Mexico. Info: Luis Amezcua, committee has begun the Reinhartz video in- October 7-9, 2010; CAMA Annual Scientific [email protected]; or visit terviews and will continue over the coming Meeting; Pensacola, FL. To be held at the months. Crowne Plaza Pensacola Grand Hotel. Info: November 8-10, 2010, 48th Annual SAFE o Science and Technology (Shender): Symposium, Town & country Resort and Four panels were sponsored or co-sponsored October 10-14, 2010; 58th International Conventin Center, San Diego, CA. Info: at this meeting. More than 100 Science and Congress of Aviation and Space Medicine; Technology Watch columns have been pub- Marina Bay Sands, Singapore. Info: November 6–10, 2010; 138th Annual Meeting lished in the journal. A process for collecting & Exposition of the American Public Health and distributing slide and poster presentations October 21–24, 2010; American Academy of Association; Denver, CO. Info: was developed and is being used during this Environmental Medicine's 45th Annual meeting. Presentations will be posted to the Scientific Meeting; Hilton La Jolla Torrey February 16-19, 2011; Preventive Medicine AsMA website following the meeting. Pines, San Diego, CA. Info: 2011; San Antonio, TX. American College of 10. MEMBER SERVICES (Silberman) Preventive Medicine’s Annual Meeting. Info: • Committees October 24–28, 2010; American Osteopathic Association's OMED 2010; Moscone

Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine • Vol. 81, No. 8 • August 2010 807 Honors Night Reception and Banquet President’s Citations AsMA president, Robert Weien, M.D., (below) presented citations to Sarah Nunneley, Editor, the Editorial Search Committee, and the Executive Director Search Committee. All Photos by Pamela Day.

PAST PRESIDENT’S PLAQUE--Dr. Marian PAST PRESIDENT’S PIN--Gail Weien “pins” Sides (left) presents outgoing president, Dr. her husband, Bob, with the AsMA President’s Bob Weien, with the crystal plaque. pin.

ASMA FELLOWS CLASS OF 2010—This is the class of 2010 Fellows: Ahmet Akin, Anthony Artino, Richard Beane, Michelle Bryce, James W. Butler, Clayton Cowl, Iaonnis Diamontopoulos, Bryan Funke, Karen Heupel, Kenneth Knight, James Laub, Margaret "Peggy" Matarese, Jerry Owen, Eduard Ricaurte, and Paul Young. Those present at the Honors Night Ceremonies are pictured here with the Chair of the Fellows Group, George K. Anderson (back row, right).

JOURNAL IN SPACE--Michael Barratt, M.D., presents Dr. Weien with a copy of our jour- Home Office Staff, Stan Mohler and Eileen Hadbavny, Wing Members, Jim Webb and Fred nal which he took with him on the Bonato. For more photos of the meeting, check out the photo gallery on our website! TMA-14/Space Station Missions 19/20. 808 Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine • Vol. 81, No. 8 • August 2010 AEROSPACE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION HONORS NIGHT AWARDS PHOENIX, AZ, MAY 13, 2010

All photos by Pamela C. Day

Robert Weiein, M.D., 2009-2010 President of the Aerospace Medical Association, presented awards to 17 outstanding physicians, researchers, and nurses during the Honors Night ceremonies at the 81st Annual Scientific Meeting, May 13, 2010, at the Sheraton Phoenix Downtown Hotel, Phoenix, AZ. Dwight Holland, M.D., Ph.D., the Chair of the Awards Committee, read the citations. The names of the awards’ sponsors and representatives, when RAYMOND F. LONGACRE AWARD present, are printed in parentheses. The President’s Norbert O. Kraft, M.D. Citations were also presented during the cere- (Jeffrey Sventek representing Genevolve Vision Diagnostics) monies.

LOUIS H. BAUER FOUNDER’S AWARD WON CHUEL KAY AWARD Melchor J. Antuñano, M.D., M.P.H. Yehezkel “Geoff” Caine, M.D. (Clayton Cowl, M.D., Mayo Clinic) (Dr. Oh Jung Hyub, Aerospace Medical Association of Korea)

JOHN PAUL STAPP AWARD MARIE MARVINGT AWARD Robert D. Banks, M.D., B. Eng. Lt. Col. Anthony P. Tvaryanas, USAF, MC (George K. Anderson, M.D., Environmental Tectonics Corp.) (Alain Martin St.Laurent, French Aerospace Medical Association)

Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine • Vol. 81, No. 8 • August 2010 809 MARY T. KLINKER AWARD JULIAN E. WARD MEMORIAL AWARD Col. Eleanor C. Jarrett, USAF, NC Maj. Kevin J. Bohnsack, USAF, MC (Les Sherman, Impact Instrumentation) (Col. Margaret Matarese, USAF, MC, Society of USAF Flight Surgeons)

THEODORE C. LYSTER AWARD HARRY G. MOSELEY AWARD Warren S. Silberman, D.O., M.P.H. Susan P. Baker, M.P.H. (Dennis F. Shanahan accepting) (Guy Banta, Eagle Applied Sciences) (Jeffrey Sventek representing Lockheed Martin Corporation)

ERIC LILJENCRANTZ AWARD BOOTHBY-EDWARDS AWARD Larry P. Krock, Ph.D. Dougal B. Watson, M.B.B.S., B.Sc.Med., DipAvMed (Aerospace Medical Association.) (Jeffrey Sventek representing Harvey W. Watt & Company)

810 Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine • Vol. 81, No. 8 • August 2010 KENT K. GILLINGHAM AWARD JOHN A. TAMISIEA AWARD Brian P. Self, Ph.D. Guillermo J. Salazar, M.D., M.P.H. (Wolfgang Lindlbauer, AMST) (David Millett, Civil Aviation Medical Association)

ARNOLD D. TUTTLE AWARD SIDNEY D. LEVERETT, JR., ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AWARD Desmond P. Connolly, Ph.D., M.A., M.B.B.S. Lt. Col. Valerie E. Martindale, USAF, BSC (Bob Ellis, Sr. VP, Wyle Laboratories) (George K. Anderson, M.D., Environmental Tectonics Corp.)

JOE KERWIN AWARD JOHN ERNSTING AWARD Michael R. Barrett, M.D. Frank S. Pettyjohn, M.D. (Joseph P. Kerwin, M.D., Wyle) (George K. Anderson, M.D., Environmental Tectonics Corporation)

Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine • Vol. 81, No. 8 • August 2010 811 COUNCIL, from p. 804. Aerospace Medicine Student/Resident The team went back in 2006 to try again. This time the weather was favorable, but tion, Ross M. Canup and Thomas E. Sather, Organization – Alex Garbino during the first attempt on 28 August Steve were approved. The “CAsP” indicating The following are the Constituent Fossett's pressure suit inflated prematurely Certified in Aerospace Physiology was ap- Organizations’ Nominating Committee and excessively at 33,000 feet, in a strong proved as a registered trademark and is now Representatives: climb, and the flight was aborted. The next authorized to be used by those approved for Aerospace Human Factors Association – day, on 29 August, after one of the pressure certification in Aerospace Physiology by the Valerie E. Martindale suit regulators had been changed, the Aerospace Medical Association. Dr. James Aerospace Nursing Society – Diane L. weather conditions were still favorable, so Webb was appointed as the Council represen- Fletcher the team made another attempt. After a tative to the Aerospace Physiology Certifica- Aerospace Physiology Society – Donna M. 4-hour climb, Enevoldson and Fossett tion Board; Maj. Troy Faaborg, USAF, BSC, is Murdoch reached the record altitude of 15,447 m the new the Chair of the Aerospace Physiol- Airlines Medical Directors Association – (50,671 feet)-the first ever glider flight into ogy Certification Board; and CDR Deborah Thomas B. Faulkner the Earth’s stratosphere. The previous White, MSC, USN, became a member of the American Society of Aerospace Medicine record was shattered by 1,662 ft (507 m). Aerospace Physiology Certification Board. Specialists – Daniel A. Shoor (This claim was subsequently ratified by In addition, the “This is Aerospace International Association of Military Federation Aeronautique Internationale as Medicine” slideshow was approved for use. Flight Surgeon Pilots – Dwight Holland 15,460 meters [50,727 feet]). To find out more The following members of Council were Life Science & Biomedical Engineering about the Perlan project, you can become a approved to sit on the Executive Committee: Branch – Deborah J. White friend on Facebook! There is an overview of Joe Dervay, Chuck DeJohn, and Richard Society of United States Air Force Flight the project available on Wikipedia at Bachmann. Royce Moser will continue serv- Surgeons – Devin P. Beckstrand ing as the AsMA Parliamentarian. Society of United States Naval Flight The following are the Constituent Surgeons – Frank Chapman Organizations’ Council Representatives: Space Medicine Association – Denise L. Aerospace Human Factors Association – Baisden Lt. Col. Raymond King United States Army Aviation Medical 45th Armstrong Lecture: Aerospace Nursing Society – Lt. Col. Association – John S. Crowley David Hemenway Eleanor Carolyn Jarrett Aerospace Physiology Society – Vincent Installation of the New President—Dr. The 45th Annual Harry G. Armstrong W. Musashe Weien “passed the gavel” to Dr. Sides. Lecture was delivered by David Hemenway, Airlines Medical Directors Association – The next meeting will be held in Alexandria Ph.D., of the Harvard School of Public Gordon S. Landsman on November 17, 2010, just prior to the Health. His topic was “Successes and Heroes American Society of Aerospace Medicine Scientific Program Committee meeting on of Injury Prevention.” During the lecture Dr. Specialists – Hernando “Joe” Ortega November 18 and 19, 2010. Hemenway highlighted the achievements of International Association of Military several notable as well as lesser known Flight Surgeon Pilots – William Scott This is only a brief synopsis of reports champions of public health. These included Life Science & Biomedical Engineering given during the Council meetings. It should Maurice Hilleman, who invented many vac- Branch – Lloyd Tripp be noted that many committees have actively cines including MMR, and Hugh deHaven, Society of United States Air Force Flight organized panel presentations for the annual an American pilot, who invented the three- Surgeons – Timothy Jex meeting. A number of new committee chairs point seat belt. Dr. Hemenway highlighted Society of United States Naval Flight were appointed—please check the website our own John Paul Stapp, who was at one Surgeons – Charles Ciccone under Members Only>Committees for details. time the fastest man on Earth and who had Space Medicine Association – Jan It should also be noted that a number of sur- the foresight to realize that more pilots died Stepanek veys will be sent to members this year including in auto accidents than in aircraft accidents United States Army Aviation Medical the journal, member services, communica- and began work on auto safety and testing Association – Justin Woodson tions, and exhibits. and invented the crash test dummy. Another hero, Andrew McGuire, was responsible of 56th Bauer Lecture: high altitudes where the views of clouds are the fire safety standards for children’s paja- spectacular. He founded the Perlan Project mas. Hemenway noted the many improve- Einar Enevoldson and the set out to beat the record for gliding ments in public health made over the years at altitude, and record meteorological data such as changing the rules in the sport of For the 56th Annual Louis H. Bauer lec- in the process. The late Steve Fossett in- football to prevent injury, the safety stan- ture, Einar Enevoldson, Director of the vested in the project. After designing, con- dards implemented during the building of Perlan Project, took us on a journey structing and testing designed a special the Golden Gate Bridge leading to fewer in- “Soaring Above All Clouds.” Mr. sailplane, in 2005 it was shipped to El juries and ahead of schedule opening, the Enevoldson had always wanted to study Calafate, Argentina, a small town at 50o changing values for a healthier worker safety clouds, so he became a glider pilot. Using south latitude. Unfortunately, five attempts culture, and the reduction in the stigma of the powerfully rising and sinking air in in a 3-week period, none in favorable mental health and domestic abuse in the mountain waves, gliders regularly climb to weather conditions, were all unsuccessful. armed forces.

BAUER LECTURE--Einar Enevoldson (center) receives a certificate and honorarium from MOUNTAIN WAVE PROJECT--Einar ARMSTRONG LECTURE--David Hemenway Bob Ellis (right) representing the sponsor, Enevoldsen, the Armstrong lecturer, Sally (right) accepts a certificate and honorarium Wyle, while AsMA President Bob Weien Nunneley, Editor-in-Chief Emerita, and from George K. Anderson, representing the looks on (left). Juergen Knueppel discuss the project. sponsor ETC.

812 Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine • Vol. 81, No. 8 • August 2010 WELCOME RECEPTION--(above and top cen- INTERNATIONAL RECEPTION-- (Above and ter) Sponsored by Mayo Clinic, the Welcome bottom center) ETC sponsored the event to Reception kicked off the meeting Sunday honor our international members. The food evening with a taco bar. and the weather on the patio were delightful. Society of U.S. Naval Flight Surgeons Awards May 2010

The Society of U.S. Naval Flight Surgeons (SUSNFS) held its lun- cheon and award ceremony on May 10 in Phoenix, AZ. The award winners are pictured on this page with the exception of the winner of the Robert E. Mitchell Lifetime Achievement Award: Dr. James Baker.

Graybiel Award -- LT Marc Taylor, MSC, USN, Carter Award -- CDR Mike Acromite, MC, recieves the Ashton Graybiel Award for Out- U.S. Naval Aerospace Experimental USN, was the 2010 recipient of the Sonny standing Contributions to Medical Literature. Psychology Society Awards (Below) Carter Memorial Award.

Lifetime Achievement -- Dr. William F. Leadership Award -- LCDR Henry Phillips, Excellence in Research -- Dr. Eric Muth was the Moroney receives the Paul R. Chatelier Lifetime MSC, USN, is awarded the Michael G. winner of the Robert E. Kennedy Award for Achievement Award. Lilienthal Leadership Award. Excellence in Aviation Research.

Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine • Vol. 81, No. 8 • August 2010 813 U.S. Army Aviation Medicine Association Awards

Outstanding Aeromedical Achievement - COL Keith Hiatt from USAREIM, Natick, MA (left), and MAJ(P) Steven Gaydos from USAARL, Fort Rucker, AL (right), receive the Outstanding Aeromedical Achievement award for their work from COL Steve Bernstein, the outgoing presi- Order of Merit - Mr. Martin Quattlebaum, dent of AAMA. from the U.S. Army Aeromedical Activity, Fort Rucker, AL, receives the Order of During the U.S. Army Avaition Medicine The Spurgeon Neel Award was given to Aeromedical Merit from COL Steve Bernstein. Association luncheon, AsMA President Dr. LTC Edward Bailey from the 10th Mountain Weien addressed the audience. The awards Division, Fort Durm, NY. ceremony followed. They concluded with The Theodore Lyster Award was given to COL John Albano assuming the role of MAJ Daniel Bigley from the 12th Combat President and welcoming new President- Aviation Brigade, Illesheim, Germany. Elect (VP), MAJ Nicole Powell-Dunford from The Aerospace Medicine Specialist of the the U.S. Army School of Aviation Medicine. Year award was given to LTC Shean Phelps Other awards given at the luncheon to re- from USAARL, Fort Rucker, AL. cipients who were not present included:

NEW ON THE WEB! HALEY AWARD (Right) -- Dr. Bjorn Ang of • News Online in html Sweden receives the Haley Award for his • 81st Annual Meeting Photo Gallery paper “Neck/shoulder exercise for neck pain in Air Force helicopter pilots: a randomized controlled trial” from COL Steve Bernstein.

European School of Aviation Medicine

Training courses 2010/2011 for JAA/FAA-Aero Medical Examiners

AME class 2 Basic course 18 – 26 September 2010

AME class 1 Advanced course 4 – 12 December 2010

Aviation Medicine/ Travel Medicine Diploma course 19 – 27 March 2011

FAA-Refresher 26 – 29 August 2010

Venue: Hotel Dorint, Wiesbaden/Germany

Application forms and further details under or

814 Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine • Vol. 81, No. 8 • August 2010 Send information for publication on this page to: Jan Stepanek, M.D., M.P.H. 13400 East Shea Boulevard Scottsdale, 85259, AZ SPACE MEDICINE ASSOCIATION NEWS Tel: 480-301-4481; [email protected]

From the President: evaluation of their presentation and inter- Each year it seems I am reminded of impor- Dear Colleagues, views. tant life lessons by these Young Investigators. The time since our Aerospace Medical The potential applicability of the findings As Kat’s story shows, every team member Association Conference in Phoenix has passed to Space Medicine and the degree of involve- makes an important contribution and any one very swiftly and early planning for the next ment of the student in the project are major of them can give us a great discovery. And program and our Space Medicine Association considerations. The finalists in this years’ com- even though we may have come from humble (SMA) activities and petition, selected from 92 contestants, are beginnings, we can soar to great heights! programmatic points richly talented and diversified. It was yet another great pleasure as I are well underway. As The winner of the 2010 SMA JM YIA was watched former Young Investigators Michelle your new president I Kathleen M. Garcia, B.S., RDCS, FASE, RVT Bryce and Karen Huepel receive their Fellows would like to engage in (these are her echocardiography credentials). ribbons on Honors night. So with another year more direct communi- Her paper was entitled ” Right Ventricular passing by and a very tough one ahead for cation with you, our Tissue Doppler in Space Flight.” Kat began her our space program, I pause and reflect. It may SMA members. adventure as a Missouri farm girl. After earn- be true that politics may present a challenge. Therefore, it is of key ing her B.S. at Missouri State University, she But the dream will live on. And if you can importance that we won a stipend to study various types of ultra- dream it, you can do it. After all, we have Kat, have all of your e-mail sound, including echocardiography. She con- and Stephen, and Charles, and all the other and contact information tinued to develop her skills until she was a Young Investigators on our side; and with a available to our secretary, Casey Pruett, and local expert utilizing new techniques to assist team like that, we’re going places! our executive committee, which will greatly with surgical vascular repairs. Kat was inter- facilitate our direct communication with you, ested in the space program from an early age our members. and jumped at the chance when she saw an ad We are planning to conduct a membership at JSC for an ultrasound expert. With her survey during this year to make sure that we skills, it is not surprising that she got the job. provide you with the services that you need Always striving to be her very best, Kat took a and find opportunities to serve you better. hiatus to run Dr. Debakey’s echocardiography This survey will be distributed via e-mail well lab at the Texas Heart Institute. At a new level before the Scientific Program Committee meet- she then returned to JSC and joined the Wyle ing of the Aerospace Medical Association in Advanced projects team. It is there that Kat Alexandria in November of this year, such chose to employ the tissue Doppler in studying that the executive committee can effectively the right ventricular function in spaceflight use that time to discuss any needed changes in and developed a technique that proved the response to our members needs. best yet for the difficult environment and re- I want to also highlight the Space Medicine strictive experimental conditions of spaceflight. Association website that is available to you as Kat was recently promoted to senior scientist! members and is a tremendous resource. You The first runner up is Stephen Houston can access the website at the following URL: MB, a graduate of the King’s College London Diplomate of Aviation Medicine program, as smb.htm. I am grateful to Dr. Mark Campbell well as an airline captain flying for British for his dedication as our webmaster and Midland Airways. The second runner up is archivist; without his efforts and contribution Charles Mathers, M.D., from the UTMB of resources this excellent tool and its content Aerospace Medicine Residency at Galveston, would not be possible. TX. Other finalists include: Sanaa Mohasib I am looking forward to a productive and Abady, M.B., from Egypt; Melissa Ziarnick stimulating year as your president and en- from New Mexico State Univ.; Dr Linsey courage you to share any ideas or suggestions Wagner from Mayo Clinic Scottsdale, AZ; Maj. that you have with me, Casey Pruett, or one of Sean Jersey from Beale AFB, CA; Ryan Davis, our elected officers. M.D., from Brooks City-Base, TX; and Eric President: Jan Stepanek, M.D. Deussing, M.D., from USUHS Bethesda, MD. [email protected] Secretary: Casey Pruett [email protected] Best wishes and kind regards, Jan Stepanek, M.D., M.P.H. The SMA Jeff Myers Young Investigator Award

The Space Medicine Association Jeff Myers Young Investigators Award is a competition intended for those making their first major ef- forts into Aerospace Medicine Research. To compete for this award, contestants must be making their first presentation of a scientific paper or poster at an AsMA meeting SMA AWARDS--(Top) Paul Kuklinski receives (excluding cases presented at Grand Rounds the President’s Award from Pat McGinnis; as a student resident); they must appear as (Center) Laura Drudi receives the Jeff Davis first author on the paper; and they must pre- Scholarship Award; (Bottom) Pat McGinnis pare and submit a manuscript for judging. receives the Past President’s plaque from Jan Finalists compete in a second phase of compe- YOUNG INVESTIGATOR--Kathleen Garcia Stepanek. Not pictured, Irene Long received tition at the AsMA Meeting involving further receives the award from Pat McGinnis. the Strughold Award. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine • Vol. 81, No. 8 • August 2010 815 Send information for publication on this page to: Lt Col Andy Woodrow 63 Main Circle Dr, Ste 3 Randolph AFB, TX 78150 COMM 210.652.9154 AEROSPACE PHYSIOLOGY REPORT [email protected]

High Points in Aerospace Armstrong, who replaced Grow as he Air Surgeon instituted the “Altitude went off to Washington to convince the Training Program.” It was an AF-wide Physiology: A USAF Surgeon General and other general officers training program that all aircrew were re- Perspective, Part II of the importance of the Wright Field lab. quired to complete. Wartime expansion of By 1935, they had established the the program allowed for 45 units staffed Maj. Yvonne Brandt, USAFR, BSC Physiological Research Unit as a branch of with 120 Ph.D.s and 88 M.D.s. The program Aerospace & Operational Physiology Programs, the Equipment Lab at Wright Field. was designed to familiarize aircrew with Office of the Air Force Surgeon General, Captain Armstrong whistled a happy tune new fangled oxygen equipment and instruc- Arlington, VA as he received a new low pressure chamber tion in the hazards of flying in a low pres- and found the old one left from Lyster sure environment. As time went on more This is the second part of the series that when SAM was packaged up and sent to elements were added to training, such as documents the high points of Aerospace Texas. The new experimental lab at Wright night vision training, lectures on G-forces, Physiology history. The first installment Field was ready by 1937. The new facility and heat stress. The end of WWII resulted (ASEM 2010; 81(5):535) took us from the boasted a centrifuge and air conditioning (a in the disestablishment of the program in beginning of flight and the U.S. War novelty at the time). 1945. With no work left, the M.D.s went Department issuing Special Order No. 243 Interestingly, those at SAM at Randolph back to private practice and the Ph.D.s went to the Army Surgeon General Major watched the growth at Wright Field with back to teaching. Theodore Lyster, M.D., which instructed raised eyebrows. Looking back to Special During the WWII post-war era, many him to “…take whatever steps needed to Order 243, the lab mission was technically changes were occurring as the AF became establish the practice of aviation medicine.” theirs even though it had been dissolved its own branch in September 1947. In 1949, Dr. Lyster established a lab which evolved years earlier. While SAM was not a re- Col. Alonzo Towner, now the Surgeon for into SAM (School of Aerospace Medicine) search facility, it still took on projects to re- the 8th AF, reactivated the Aerospace and tracked flight training from New York solve aircrew issues as they emerged. Physiology program. Reserve physiologists to Texas. Fortunately, a friendly competition devel- were canvassed for interest and found none The early 1920s ushered in flight medi- oped between the two facilities and re- due to their developing college teaching cine and technology at SAM. In 1926, the search flourished. During this period, careers. Additionally, aircrew wanted in- transition from wood and fabric aircraft to Armstrong published more than 30 papers structors with more practical knowledge, metal monoplanes had begun. The Boeing and “Principles and Practice of Aviation leading to pilots being recruited to provide B-17 bomber was on the horizon and Medicine,” which became the standard training and a new Medical Service Corps caused aviators and engineers to ponder authority on aerospace medicine and the to supplement instructors should the pilots questions of how man could survive at alti- primary source in every flight surgeon’s li- need to go back to flying. A few of the spe- tudes up to 30,000 ft traveling at speeds of brary for decades after it was published. cial projects working in support of the flyer 230 mph. One of the most pressing con- Armstrong also personally accomplished a included pressurized suits, “G” suits, cerns was the effect of a possible rapid de- number of death-defying experiments. He Liquid Oxygen Systems, and the ejection compression up to 30,000 ft. Because the demonstrated high altitude egress, flew on seat. lab was dissolved from the SAM mission in the experimental XC-35 with an experimen- 1922, there was no authoritative source to tal high pressure cabin, and ascended in the investigate the risks associated with the Explorer II balloon. SOURCES technological advances. A young flight The feeling that WWI had been “a war to surgeon named Malcolm C. Grow at Wright end wars” led to monumental aerospace 1. Peyton G. 50 years of aerospace medicine – Field identified the urgent need for a lab. discoveries that contributed to the “...sur- 1918 to 1968. Series No. 67-180. Washington In 1933, Maj. Grow convinced the Materiel vival of Anglo-American civilization in an- DC: AFSC Historical Publications; 1967. Division to grant him a lab at Wright Field. other great war” (Peyton G, p. 95). During 2. U. S. Air Force. Medical Service Digest, Maj. Grow recruited Capt. Harry George the years of WWII, specifically in 1942, the Vol. XXVII No.4, p.21-25.

RAM Bowl 2010 The RAM Bowl has grown from 2 partici- bership approved funding for a reception to pating residencies and audience participa- follow the RAM Bowl in Anchorage next The RAM Bowl is in its third year. This tion of about 25 to full participation from year. was the first year that it was sponsored by the ASM physicians, all 4 residencies, and a ASAMS and competed in a regular session standing room only crowd of over 200 in time slot during the AsMA meeting. There the largest conference hall at AsMA. The were a total of six teams competing this audience included all interested in aero- year: three from USAFSAM at Brooks City- space medicine from medical students to Base, TX, and one each from Wright State General Officers sitting in the front row University in Dayton, the Navy/Army pro- cheering on the competitors. At the ASAMS gram at Pensacola, and UTMB. annual business meeting this year the mem-

Ram Bowl Champs: This year’s winners are the UTMB team, from left to right: Kathleen Samsey, a U.S. Army resident attending the UTMB M.P.H. program in aerospace medi- cine; Ronak Shah, Chuck Mathers, and Greg Shaskan, who are ASM residents at UTMB; and Dan Murray, who is a USAF resident at- Ram Bowl Finalists: The UTMB (left) and Navy (right) teams were the finalists at this year’s tending the UTMB M.P.H. program in aero- competition. space medicine. 816 Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine • Vol. 81, No. 8 • August 2010 Send information for publication on this page to: Corporate News Aerospace Medical Association 320 S. Henry Street NEWS OF CORPORATE MEMBERS Alexandria, VA 22314-3579

Exhibitors at AsMA’s 81st Annual Scientific Meeting in Phoenix, AZ

AsMA would like to sincerely thank all those who exhibited at our annual meeting. Pictured on this page are some of our loyal corporate members who ex- hibited during the meeting. All photos are by Pamela Day.

Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine • Vol. 81, No. 8 • August 2010 817 Send information for publication on this page to: News of Members Aerospace Medical Association 320 S. Henry Street Alexandria, VA 22314-3579 NEWS OF MEMBERS [email protected]

P. Glenn Merchant, M.D., M.P.H.&T.M., has was also a member of the Societe Francoise de tary, in remote locations, or in humanitarian been selected by The American Board of Physiology et du Medecine Aeronautiques et relief efforts. Preventive Medicine (ABPM) as its next Cosmonautiques. During his lifetime, he There are 115 medical conditions that could Executive Director. Dr. Merchant, currently served in the French Air Force and with Air occur on the space station and would require ACPM’s Secretary-Treasurer, will succeed France. IV fluids. For example, an astronaut with se- James M. Vanderploeg, M.D., M.P.H., upon his vere burns can require about 100 L of IV fluids retirement from the position on August 31, New Members for weeks, with 30 L needed in the first 3 days. 2010. In this role, Dr. Merchant will serve as One recent NASA study reported that a mis- the Chief Administrative Officer of the Board French, Jon, Prof., Ph.D., Daytona Beach, FL sion to Mars may need as much as 248 L of IV responsible for carrying out all functions of Gallagher, Michael, B.Sc., Medicine Hat, AB, fluids on board. Currently there are 12 L of the Board. Canada fluid stored on the space station. Even less se- Most of Dr. Merchant’s career has been Greuner, Stephen, M.D., Charleston, SC vere conditions can deplete the stock quickly, spent in the Naval Service. He currently is McCormack, Terry, Capt., M.D., CF, Winnipeg, especially if more than one astronaut is sick or Captain in the Medical Corps and serves as MB, Canada injured. At more than 2 lb of weight per liter, the Director of the Department of Defense Porat, Moshe, M.D., Ness Ziona, Israel IV fluids are very costly to take into space and Medical Examination Review Board at the have a limited shelf life. U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, IV Water Filter Developed by Devising a workable filter system for space CO. He served as Trustee of the ABPM from presented more hurdles than just removing 1999 to 2007, including Chair of the Board Scarpa & Team contaminants successfully. Without gravity, By Steven Siceloff from 2003-2007. “The medical profession is the air in the system doesn’t separate out from NASA’s John F. Kennedy Space Center facing new challenges in improving the qual- the fluid. This may form bubbles in critical ity of medical care and demonstrating the Dr. Philip Scarpa’s team at Kennedy part- areas, such as filters. If the filters are blocked, enhanced value of board certification to our nered with NASA’s Glenn Research Center in the water will not be screened. Scarpa‘s team patients and the public at large,“ said Dr. Ohio to develop a device that filters micro- devised the use of micron-sized filters to trap Merchant. “I am looking forward to meeting scopic contaminants, including heavy metals and squeeze out the bubbles from the system. the challenges and seizing the opportunities and toxins, out of drinking water to produce By 2006, the team had developed a suitcase- ahead.“ fluid as sterile as any made on Earth. This sized device that filtered both drinking and water filtration system got a major test during dirty water, producing ultra-pure sterile water Francisco Rios Tejada M.D., Ph.D. , was pro- the STS-131 mission as it was called on to cre- that meets all U.S. Pharmacopeia standards. moted to Colonel of the Spanish Armed Forces ate water clean enough to be used intra- Based on that, the team from Kennedy and Health Services. He has been confirmed as venously (IV). This system could prove critical Glenn developed a flight-ready system. Head of the Department of Aviation Medicine to future astronauts if they have a medical Dubbed “IVGEN” for IntraVenous Fluid at the Institute of Aviation Medicine in Madrid, emergency while traveling far from Earth. It Generation, it produces IV-grade water from Spain, better known by its Spanish acronym could also find earthbound uses by the mili- available space station drinking water. The de- C.I.M.A.. This Aeromedical Center has a long vice is hooked up to an Iodine Crew Water tradition in the field of aerospace medicine, Container on the station and water is trans- being founded in 1940 under the command of NSBRI Postdoctoral Fellowship ferred into an accumulator. Nitrogen from the the Spanish Air Force, and for the last 7 years Program Soliciting Applications station pressurizes the bag to push the water under the command of the Ministry of Defense out of the accumulator and through several (Military Health Services Inspectorate). The The National Space Biomedical Research micron filters, a deionized packed resin filter, Institute is dealing not only with military avia- Institute (NSBRI) is soliciting applications for then another set of micron filters, and into an tion but civil aviation and supporting academy its Postdoctoral Fellowship Program. Two- IV collection bag similar to the kind used in and industry in education and research. year fellowships are available in any U.S. hospitals. The bag, which contains salt and a laboratory carrying out space-related bio- stir bar, thoroughly mixes the fluid and salt to medical or biotechnological research that CAPT Felix Tormes, MC, (FS), USN, was in- form normal saline, like that used on Earth. supports the NSBRI’s goals. NSBRI research stalled as president of the Flying Physicians After the solution runs into another collection addresses and seeks solutions to the various Association, the national organization for bag to measure mixing uniformity, the sterile health concerns associated with long- physician pilots, at its annual conference in saline will be complete. duration human space exploration. Kansas City, MO, on June 17, 2010. CAPT Dr. Scarpa also realizes the great potential Applicants must submit proposals with Tormes is an orthopaedic surgeon assigned benefit of this technology for applications the support of a mentor and institution, and presently to Naval Hospital, Pensacola, FL. He right here on Earth, so he has been developing all proposals will be evaluated by a peer- holds an instrument/commercial rating and a small, handheld unit that could be used by review panel. The program is open to U.S. has logged over 3500 hours as pilot in com- the military in remote field operations, in sub- citizens, permanent residents, or persons mand. An FAA Aviation Medical Examiner, he marines and on ships, and in medical relief with pre-existing visas obtained through their holds membership in AsMA, the International efforts. sponsoring institutions that permit postdoc- Association of Military Flight Surgeon Pilots, toral training for the project’s duration. and the Aeromedical Advisory Council at the Detailed program and application submis- Naval Aerospace Medical Institute, Pensacola INDEX TO sion information is available at Fl. ADVERTISERS html. Notices of intent and applications must Obituary Listing be submitted through the NASA Solicitation Aerospace Medical Association and Proposal Integrated Review and Corporate Members ...... ii AsMA recently learned that Fabien Coriat, Evaluation System (NSPIRES). Notices of Information for Authors . .Cover III M.D., died in June. A citizen of France, Dr. intent are due July 23, 2010, and the applica- ETC ...... Cover IV Coriat was an Aviation Medical Examiner, a tion deadline is August 18, 2010. European School of Aviation . . . .814 Diplomate of the American Board of Questions may be directed to David A. Preventive Medicine certified in Aerospace ICASM ...... 814 Watson, Ph.D., NSBRI Postdoctoral UHMS ...... 807 Medicine, a Diplome Etudes Superieures Fellowship Program, e-mail: post- d’Hygeiene, a Laureat de la Faculte de [email protected], or phone: 713-798-7412. Medecine de Paris, and a Fellow of AsMA. He 818 Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine • Vol. 81, No. 8 • August 2010