COOLERATOR Whyte Richard Stockton Chapter, D
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F R ID A Y , JU N E 5, 193G Take inventory of your printed sup One word can tell the story o* con-; plies. If you need anything, the •tinued business activity in the com* • Times stands ready to give you service. THE OCEAN GROVE TIMES munity—Advertising. GOLD ALONE A l l lff l E EHOJLX T ill KH VOL. LXI. No. 24 OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 1936 FOUR CENTS ACT AT ONCE Is Not Enough! PLAN BIRTHDAY LUNCHEON! BARBOUR GIVES OCEAN GROVE TENNIS CLUB Richard Stockton Chapter, D. A i Evening AuxiliarymxwaW . !•. K,taA M. NATIONAL BANK TO PAY 5 R., Celebrates June 15 STAND ON T A X 1 '®lec‘8- Ofr^ . ENTERS TWENTIETH SEASON Plans are completed for the au- j The evening auxiliary • of the TWENTY PER CENT DIVIDEND by ntial Birthday Luncheon and ob -1 _ „ ™#nnci?n r Roman's Foreign -Missionary. So- Stephanto servance. of Flag Day by thej. 01 POoLiJ ij.AlLol *ciety of St. Paul’s church held its COOLERATOR Whyte Richard Stockton Chapter, D. A ,; NKW ,)EAL MOVI final meeting of the season last _ ^ -ni ' 1 n 111 R. This.year it will take place! Courts Are Being Conditioned For the Sum next Monday, June 15 at the Hotel; RFC Loan Is Granted— Checks Ready About The A ir Conditioned Refrigerator Victoria, Seventh avenue, Asbury d ccj. ‘Appropriation and .Tax Missionary to Korea, was guest Park. speaker, her title being “Do You July First— Total Returned To Depositors mer, Under Direction of Frank J. Ferris, The speaker is-to be Rev. Russell ation .Must go' Hand in Hand.” Know?” Miss Robbins gave some | Purdy, pastor of the First Bap I 'a d i c a t e s Adm inistration’s interesting information about the j Founder of the Club. tist church, Asbury Park. He will Korean people and her work among! Will Reach Sixty-One Per Cent. KEEPS FOODS FRESHER AT speak on the “Message of the Spending Record. \ them, together with an exhibit of! Flag.” Miss Ada Totten, of New beautiful hand made novelties. United. States Senator W. War t ' . ./ ark, State Librarian of the D. A. Miss Grace . Magathan led the I ren Barbour, of New Jersey, out- The Ocean Grove tennis courts, R., will talk about the value of devotions and Mrs. Ella Borden [ A s forecast in the Times last The per cent is. figurcil; on the HALF THE COST! Boswell never missed one of these ylined his stand against the New located on the south side of town occasions. preserving old books and manu had charge of the Social Commit-j week, a dividend of twenty per amount of the original deposit and Deal’s latest tax bill this week. He not on the net balance in each in near the new Ocean Grove park On many occasions, the club has scripts which have to do with tec. ' ccut will be paid .to. depositors of said that his main reasons for vot- stance, and the total paid, includ ing* lots, are being put in condition won competition matches with oth American and family history. inn- ncr.,in*t «mnrtcitinn u.,.rni The annual election of officers j the closed Ocean Grove National ing the coming dividend, will; be for the 1936 season, which will er like organizations along the: There will be several guests from L £ • > ° P ? •ltT XVC\tM preceded the meeting at which bank a« soon as the checks can because, it does not impose an!1..-. +1w, fnii u 01 per cent. , mark the 20th anniversary of the shore and several stars have been Nova Caesarea Chapter of New founding of the Ocean Grove Ten turned out on the local courts. ark. equal burden on nil people ;,nd bo-J p.csident MiirMnrirarotDuckers-'! 1,0 ,mulu mlL ;AuU>o«ty.t6Since payWcart has been i-cceivsr. cause previous taxes figured on j progjdsnt> .Mi8Se Grace M aga- j was reccw e.l , from W ashington by nis Club. Plans are under way to make the Mrs. Aram Sayre, former Re vi(.0 of the closed bank, he has made It was in 1916 that Frank J. 20th anniversary season the most gent, is chairman of the luncheon. the basis"‘T of increased “‘Tnational 1,1m-1 than.'than; titreasurer, cas u iMiss e r, AnnaMiss • ASnal Rceeiver;-\Villu>w.--g.. collections of approximately $1,- (“Pop” ) Ferris originated the Oc She is assisted by Mrs. William H. come, already-bring as much rev- H .... rccort]inir secretUrv Miss i Mo,J<!ay of Uns wcek- A«ked wh 100,000. Payments to thjpositors successful in the organization’s SOc re - re- ean Grove Tennis Club, with a MiUer, Mrs. Howard Stiles, Mrs. enue as the new tax would, j en,liJ!’.Knne; corrcspondinp : tl>? d>“ ks would be rcady. the have totaled about $480,000. The history. Income from the member lor., 'i v*:..- mt.-i i said ni'oimd the ftrstfor Only Coolerator has the handful of players, on a sand lot. ship dues and from visitors fees Philander Betts and Miss Jessie . tnrvtary, Missa>uss Ethelisrnei Earlisan* steward- • wiver: said around the first of coming dividend will give deposi . He said, “I am against! , David O’Reilly; pro- ! TI* checks will bo prepared Uncrowned Hats The club, under “Pop" Ferris' dir is used entirely to defray expen Staats. Reservations for the lun tors about $240,000 more, the larg patented Air-Conditioned the T ax Bill not solely bc-l^1 ,S».rtr Mis l>5' the regular bank staff. Millinery has gone light-headed rection, has grown into a prosper ses incurred in the upkeep of the cheon are accepted up to today, wnwa wiiii.liy thertgular est amt. paid at any ont time to ; L U . deposit places a chambcr. As the air in for summer! The newest hats ous, well-known organization, w*th grounds. June 12, at the residence of Mrs. cause oi the inequitable p ro -) David’ O’ Reilly,* Miss A nna*H ardy; The com ing dividend will be the date. This payment has been made visions of the measure,. _ but' literature sscretary. Mrs. Minnie j fourth since the bank-cosed on De- possible by another RFC loan, the food compartment are mere brims. Milady’s head several well-kept clay courts. Mr. Ferris, who dedicates nearly Miller, 89 Mt. Hermon Way. bocause it, as the 1 resident | Co)e Treasurer reported a bal-1 comber 2fl, l»31. The last dividend ..... .............................. .................. will be exposed to every cool The grounds were donated by all of his annual vacation in the Friends of tho Chapter and all which in turn, must bo paid hack constantly passes through breeze that passes . so let the the Ocean Grove Association and Grt /e to the Tennis Club, was also D. A. R. members are invited to himselt stated, the national >n-|anCcd budget. The resignations ofi paid , was on September 2G, 1034, | before the. fifth' dividend will be come has-increased, trom 2d . ml- jjj Gertrude Gibbons and Mrs. | when the amoiint was 15 .per cent, forthcoming.' this chambcr it is washed, sun scorch, it wifi be no avail! have becomfe one • of the Grove's the originator, in 1927, of the Oc attend. Gas Hoiise-IIea£!sig SJisit in Yoin* H om e The new. open hats may be found principal attractions. At the end ean Grove Swimming Carnival, ions in. 1032 to G5 billions in 1036, | George ItaU were accepts with re- ______________________ the present • tax on corporate purified and humidified. right now, in the Millinery Dept, of each playing season it is the and each season unti 1934, the car grcts. and individual earnings undoub at Stcinbach Kresge's in Asbury custom of the club to award nival was a summer feature. Many Strong food odors are el tedly will provide automatically as Park. They come in linen or prizes to the winners of the tour local swimming enthusiasts are CHILDREN WILL much revenue, because of the in GIVE CONCERT iminated. Foods dry out pique, with grosgrain. ties . naments conducted during the urging, the revival of that event, ADDITIONAL HOURS FOR creased national income, as would G. A . A . CONDUCTS ^KTo further piaym ents for a full year less, you do not need to nnd stiffly starched for a crispy summer. The late' Dr. Charles M. which was not held last year. HAVE PROGRAM CERTIFICATION OF BONDS look. White and pastels. Price, this new hurriedly prepared and AT SAINT PAUL’S cover dishes. Foods stay 2.98. untried tax now proposed by the ANNUAL BANQUET | New Deal. The Ocean Grove Post Of . fresh longer, taste better. CONCERT DATE APPROACHES |IN ST. PAUL’S CHURCH SUN “The administration is side-step fice will be. open for the cer CHOIR SPONSORS RECITAL BECK ADDRESSES ping the real financial .problem : MOTHERS ARE ENTERTAINED, tification of Bonus Bonds on DAY MORNING Monday, June 15 (If the bonds Tlie response Co our gas house-liealing free-trial offer nearly Bible Class Entertainment, Meeting! now facing the country. B Y A R T IS T S are received in time) from Next Friday “That. problem, is the reduction j AT AFFAIR swamped our house-liealing division last Fall and popularized gas NEPTUNE SENIORS Summer Program, Already Under of governmental expenses, not,’ — 7.00 p. hi.' to 9.00 p. m. also Next Friday , night is the dato levying new taxes, and it is bal Tuesday and Wednesday for Young Woman’s Choral Club Way Lists Several Features; Dr.