Kropotkin's Revolutionary Pamphlets

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Kropotkin's Revolutionary Pamphlets Hropotkin's Revolutionarv Pamphlets A Collection of Writings by Peter Kropotkin Edited by Roger N. Baldwin Prince Peter Kropolkin (1842·1921), 011(; of Lhe few 1l1cmbCI's or the Czarist nobility to go over to the rcvolulioll, was the ablest and most influential theoretic.1I .ul3.rChist of his lime. For 12 years he lived in exile (mainly in England), Inaking a scanty Jiving, before he was allowed to return La Russia in 1917 at the {Ig<.: of 75. Du dn g this lime he wrote a great number of popular hook� and pa mphlets in which he advocated complete social l'col'ganizalion based on 11luU,wl :dd, sympathy. individual liberty through {ree coop'ralion, and solidarity. KroPOlkil1 saw anarchi:;m 3S simply the fOl'llIulation of .11l aflcie nt and universal desire of mankind. As a principle of fr eedom , it carried him far outside the economic ttlld rolhical struggle (he was biuerly opposed to Marxist socialism) into �\II social rchlliOriS­ marriage, cduc�\tion, lhe It'eatment oC crime, 1J1C funciion of law and the basis of morality. The pamphlets reprinted hel'e include the brief but moving "Spirit of Revolt"; "Anarchist Communism," a brief surnmary of the leading prindplcs: of Kl'opotkin's anar'chism; "Modern Sc ience and An;ITchisltl," an. investigation of LlH.: scientifi p"inciplcs of rcvolutionary anarchism; "L:.lW and Allthot'ilY." all argument (or social control through custOm and education alone; an unpanrllcled description of the evils of the prison system, "Prisons and Lhcil" Moral Influence on Prisoners"; a note on Ihe 1917 revolution ,md thc SovieL government; and Cour others. KropOlkin's EtlC')'clopacd;(I nl'iltanic(l at'tide, "Anarchism," is also repl'il Hed , as the best bri·f SLaLC11lent in English of the meaning, history and aims of I'Cvohllionary anarchism. Unabridged, unaltered rcpubU(;..'llion of original (1927) colleCted edition. New introduclion by the editor. Biographical skctch. NOLes. Bibliography. viii + 307pp. 5% x 8. 22519·4 Paperbound A DOVER EDITION DF-SICNED FOR YEARS OF USE! We have made every elTon to make this the best book possible. OUI' paper i!li opaque. with minimal show+through; il will not discolor 01' become brittle with age. Pages arC sewn in signaLUrcs, in the method traditionally used for lhe best books, and will not drop out, as often happens wilh paperbacks held together with glue. Books open Oat for c;lsy rcfcrcncc. The binding will not crack Or split. This is a pcrmanent book. Kropotkin's Revolutionary Pamphlets A Collection of Wrilings by PETER KROPOTKIN Btl#ea with Introduction, Biographical Sketch and Notes by ROGER N. BALDWIN DOVER PUBLICATIONS, INC. NEW YORK CONTENTS Page THE SIGNIFICANCE OF KllOPOTKIN'S LIFE AND TEACH- ING 1 THE STOllY OF KROPOTKIN'S LIFE I) NOTE ON THE EDITING OF THE PAMPHLETS. 31 COPyright, 1927, by THE SPIRIT OF REVOLT . 34 VANGUARD PRESS, INC. ANARCHIST COMMUNISM: ITs BASIS AND PRINCIPLES. 44 ANARCHIST MORALITY 79 ANARCHISM: ITS PHILOSOPHY AND IDEAL 1I4 MODERN SCIENCE AND ANARCHISM • 145 Copyright 1970 by Dover Publications, Inc. The Place of Anarchism in Modern Science 150 All rights reserved under Pan American and Inter­ The Anarchist Ideal and the Preceding Revolutions 154 national Copyright Conventions. Growth of Anarchist Ideas 158 Anarchism and the Free Commune 162- Published in Canada by General Publishing Com­ Bakunin and the State 165 pany, _ Ltd., 30 Lesmill Road, Don Mills, Toronto, OntarIo. Economic Views of Anarchism • 169 Published in the United Kingdom by Constable and Remuneration of Labor • 171 Company, Ltd., 10 Orange Street, London WC 2. Anarchism and the Law • 174 Economic Laws . 177 The Means of Action 182. This Dover edition, first published in 1970 is an unabridged and unaltered republication of th� work Conclusion • 191 first published in 1927 by Vanguard Press, New York. LAW AND AUTHORITY 195 A new Introduction by Roger N. Baldwin has been I PRISONS AND THEIR MORAL INFLUENCE ON PRISONERS 219 added to this edition. I The Prison as a School of Crime • .120 The Futility of Prisons • .221 The Criminals in Prison and Outside • 222. Standard Book Number: 486-22519-4 Prison Labor . •• .123 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 77-111606 The Effect of Cutting Off Social Contacts • .2.24 The Theory of Will Power • • • • 2..24 Manufactured in the United States of America The Effect of Prison Clothes and Discipline 2.26 Dover Publications, Inc. : I ••• 180 Varick Street i Prison Guards . .2.27 New York, N.Y. 10014 I. How Shall We Deal with Offenders? 2.28 Causes of Crime •• • 228 How Shall Offenders Be Cured? • 23.1 To Sum Up. .235 iii T iv CONTENTS Page REVOLUTIONARY GOVERNMENT . ••236 • Parliament • . • • • • • • 237 Dictatorship • • • • • • • • • 242 INTRODUCTION The Impotence of Revolutionary Governments • • 246 THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION AND THE SOVIET GOVERN- TO THE DOVER EDITION MENT • •• It ••••• Letter to the Workers of Western Europe. IT is forty years now since I compiled these pamphlets and What to Do? • • • • • • • forty more years since most of them first appeared. Yet their AN ApPEAL TO THE YOUNG • • • 260 philosophy retains a fresh relevance to the enduring conBicts To the "Intellectuals�' • • 262 between authority and freedom, to human rights and to the • What You Can Do . • 273 age-old ideals of a society of equality and justice. ou • • To Working Class Y • • ths 279 ANARCHISM-ENCYCLOPEDIA Kropotkin's confidence in thecapacity of mankind to achieve BRITANNICA ARTICLE ::.83 such a society may seem naive. But evidence is not lacking, even The Historical Development of Anarchism • • 287 Anarchism in the International Working Men's in this violent and confused era, to sustain a belief in it. Per­ • • Association • . • • . • 293 sonal freedom, voluntary association, and democratic control PARTIAL BmLIOGRAPHY OF KROPOTKIN'S REVOLUTION- of power are still vital forces in political thought and practical ARY, HISTORICAL AND SOCIOLOGICAL WRITINGS • 30t struggles. Books in English • • 30t Pamphlets E My belief in those principles attracted me years ago to Kro­ in nglish • 30Z. In Other • • • • • • potkin's writing and led me to edit these scattered pamphlets Languages. • 303 Notes on Kropotkin's Books as an Aid to Further in book form. I was then engaged in sodal and political reform • • • • • • • • llead1Dg. • 304 and searching for answers to the problems of the injustices of power, coercion, poverty and inequality. I had explored the gospel of salvation according to Marx and rejected it as rigid and alien dogma. However, Kropotkin offered, not dogma or a blueprint for a revolution, but working principles, as revo­ lutionary in themselves as the Golden Rule or the ethics of Jesus. Like Tolstoi, he called them anarchism-with a non-Christian sanction. I never accepted the whole doctrine nor put a tag on my beliefs, but I took from the philosophy only what seemed relevant to the practical direction of aims of social justice. I have found those principles applicable to much that has marked world history since Kropotkin's time. The revolution that has ended European colonial rule over subject peoples and brought national independence to them, along with the dignity v vi ROGER BALDWIN INTRODUCTION TO DOVER EDITION vii of sovereign equality, is surely in line with the growth of free­ whose dictatorial power represented everything Kropotkin de­ dom, despite its expression in the form of coercive political tested. It is to be explained by the tribute the Russians pa� to states. With the revolution has come the recognition of racial a great revolutionist against the Tsars, a wor1d-�enowned SCIen­ equality, the decline of white superiority, and so a basis for a tist and an author of social criticism and ideahsm. It must be world order of all peoples. Kropotkin's principles, though they noted that Kropotkin called his system of ideas anarchist com­ did not deal directly with the subjection of the colonial peoples, munism and that in common with Marx he believed in the would fit this epochal revolutionary change in attitudes and abolitio� of the State as coercive. "While the State exists�' said power. So, too, only in less degree, has the emancipation of Lenin, "we cannot speak of liberty. When we can speak of women-squared with the thought of Kropotkin, presenting liberty, there will be no State." today a picture of legal political participation all over the world . , But more than that, as I recount in • 'The Story of KropotklO S -been accomplished in the remarkable span of less than a that generation. Life," he had the personal admiration of Lenin, so great Lenin journeyed to calIon him at his country home. And whom I like to think that Kropotkin would have endorsed the first Lenin admired let no Communist reject. So in Moscow I found charter of human rights ever adopted by the world community, him honored above any Russian, except Communist leaders, by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, accepted as goals, having a subway station named after him-apparently the high­ not practical law, by almost all States. Although the product of . est honor of all-along with an avenue, a street and a vtllage. governments most unlikely to observe or enforce them at pres­ His birthplace, a handsome house in a little park-like setting, ent, it sets forth the rights of "every person" against the abuses is marked by a bronze plaque. of power. It presents the old dilemma of authority versus free­ But it is marked also by a use that I am sure would have dom, but at least the world has its first code of rights and in delighted Kropotkin. Leased by the American Em�assy, it �as terms of personal freedoms. been completely renovated as a school for Engl�s�-�peaklOg Whatever speculation may suggest as to Kropotkin's influ­ children, just opened indeed at the time of my VISIt 10 1967.
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