Learn how to read leaves (and develop a sought after, fun skill)

Workshops and frivolity conducted by Megan Bayliss (BSW, Dip SOC, MAASW, TAE)


Learn how to read tea leaves is a 2-hour bonus workshop offered to attendees of Megan’s Founding Astounding workshops, wherever they are held across Australia.

Facebook: Founding Astounding Instagram PDCoachBayliss

Tea Leaf Reading:

Tea and drinking is part of our social fabric – a shared hot drink seems to halve problems, isolation and loneliness. But even more so, reading the left-over tea leaves/coffee grinds is fun. It draws connections between people, helps us all to think intuitively and is a most delicious way to spend time with a friend, mentor or family.

Once upon a time, gatherings of women used to gaze at the magical images that their tea leaves produced, and they would intuitively interpret what those images meant in day to day life. Ribbing each other about lovers, secrets, holidays or impending pregnancies, these women formed strong bonds and aided the development of intuitive links between each other and each other’s families – there is no mistaking in the leaf reading that friendships and support systems aided emotional intelligence.

With the introduction of tea bags, the delightful skill of tea leaf reading (also known as tasseomancy and tasseography) almost dried out (pun intended) ...with it went the importance placed on intuition. Isn’t it time then that we all started to take tea with our friends and reconnect with our inner voice, our feelings, our intuition, our emotional intelligence?

Not only have we today forgotten to befriend our intuition we have also forgotten to spend time in a group with friends. Shame on us! The aim of this tea leaf reading workshop is to introduce you to new people, to facilitate the making of new friends, to teach you the link between what you see, what you feel and your interpretation of that. In short, we aim to reconnect you with your inner voice. About the workshop facilitator:

My name is Megan Bayliss. I am a Social Worker and Personal Development Coach by profession with expertise in child protection for sexual assault and the teaching of emotional intelligence. I am published and have written a protective program around using intuition to keep us safe.

I am a mother of four and a grandmother to five. I have no special psychic skills, but I am an intuitive and I am experienced and trained in helping people to interpret and rearrange the symbolic nature of their lives.

I am not a professional tea leaf reader, a gypsy or a psychic. Tea leaf pictures are symbols: a means of gaining self-knowledge and a deeper understanding of the hidden causes behind how we see the world. Just as I have read the symbols in 30 years of counselling stories and sand plays, so too I now help you read the symbols that turn up in your finished cups of tea…..now pass the cake will you, because tea is best taken in the ritualistic company of friends who can do the passing.

Megan Bayliss [email protected] https://www.meganbayliss.thejunkwave.com/ What to expect if you have a workshop

The workshop will run for 2 hours and is only offered to people who attend any of Megan’s two-day workshops, wherever they are held.

The evening gathering will begin with the selection of a symbol card and each person will briefly talk about the picture they selected and why. This is to loosen your mind, soften your eye & assist with symbolic interpretation: all in preparation for the seeing and feeling of meaning in the tea leaves.

Over supper, Megan will share the role of symbolism in modern day life and the gloriousness of the abundance of symbols around us. You in turn will talk to those present, about what ever takes your fancy. Friendships are established by first meeting, then talking and then feeling the goodness of the other person.

After your loose-leaf tea has been consumed, your instructions begin. All I am willing to tell you now is: leave just a tea spoon of liquid in your cup and a saucer free from rubbish. The ritual and process of the reading will be shared when we are all together.

I do not get to read every single person’s cup – rather, the workshop is about teaching you how to read tea leaves. Whereas I will get to demonstrate my intuitive eye in a couple of cups, I will then mingle with you as you each attempt to interpret what you see in your own or another person’s cup. I will be there to help and offer further intuitions of course.

If you would like me to read/teach your group of friends, then you need to attend one of my Founding Astounding Workshops WITH your friends. Contact me at [email protected], 0422594018, or via my web site, https://www.meganbayliss.thejunkwave.com/ to discover where my next bonus tea leaf reading workshop is. WARNING - Laughter is mandatory:

I have done a lot of training and teaching throughout my career, including having taught at University. In all of my trainings, laughter is mandatory. Tea leaf reading is fun. Enjoy your Tea, relax, make some new friends and you will notice that your eye softens and your intuition arcs up – it is only in this state that you will be able to see what the tea leaves reveal.

Megan Bayliss [email protected] https://www.meganbayliss.thejunkwave.com/ How to read the cup (teaography)

The cup is divided into three height wise:

• Bottom – Leaves creeping up the cup from the

bottom suggest improving conditions. Dark clumps of leaves on the bottom may indicate heavy and buried issues so always look for the positive: a rise toward the surface. • Mid – The images that appear in this mid cup section are important – they hint at something central, something core about the drinker…it may be an event or a part of the person’s history. Rather significant though. Similarly, an up and down image may represent the normal ups and downs of the drinkers life. • Top – The closer the images to the rim, the stronger the outcome. When a leaf is sitting right on the rim, fantastic, it means that something is happening right now or within the next 24 hours. The other images hint at what it is so it is always important to read the entire geography of the cup.

The cup is divided into even quarters around the circumference of the rim, starting at the handle and moving clockwise.

Each quart represents a specific time period. While these quarts can be three months each or a week each, our readings are going to concentrate on the fun we will have within the next 24 hours. Therefore, you will read each quart as being 6 hours duration.

• 0 – 6 hours • 7 – 12 hours • 13 – 18 hours • 19 – 24 hours

The symbols closest to the handle and sitting close around the rim circumference refer to impending circumstances. Very exciting!

The darker the tea leaf picture or leaf on the rim, the more powerful the symbolic suggestion is. Position and colour of images:

A converse image (upside down and pointing toward the bottom of the cup) can mean the converse of the symbol is true or a weakening of the accepted symbolic traits.

Images pointing straight to the top mean exactly that – you are heading straight to the top with whatever the symbolic interpretation is.

Bubbles on the surface (of a full cup) mean money, honey, is coming your way.

Megan Bayliss [email protected] https://www.meganbayliss.thejunkwave.com/ Lighter and brighter colours (there are grades of black even in ) are always more positive when juxtaposed against darker clumps or dots.

Greenish leaves suggest a wonderfully energetic person or situation (the symbolic picture will guide you to know if it is a person or a situation).

Bright brown or gold leaves indicate joy.

Leaves creeping up the cup from the bottom suggest improving conditions. Dark clumps of leaves on the bottom may indicate heavy and buried issues so always look for the positive, look for the rise away and up toward the surface.

The images that appear around the middle section are important – they hint at something central, something core about the drinker…it may be an event or a part of the person’s history. Rather significant though and areas that may need change. Similarly, an up and down image (like a series of joined w’s) may represent the normal ups and downs of the drinker’s life.

The closer the images to the rim, the stronger the outcome. When a leaf is sitting right on the rim, fantastic, it means that something is happening right now or within the next 24 hours. The other images hint at what it is, so, it is always important to read the entire picture geography of the cup in relation to each other. The following guide of symbols:

You may like to print out the remainder of this document and bring it to the workshop with you. It contains just some of the accepted interpretations of common tea leaf symbols: a guide to help you. Have you ever wondered why the leaves you got made such particular pictures in your cup? You called them; your subconscious has attracted them. They travelled from a bush to YOUR cup, held in YOUR hand. Now read them as though you are talking with your subconscious in the symbolic language that it understands and tries to communicate to you in your dreams. To learn this language, look into your cup first, have a go at describing what you see and talk to your tea cup partner about what those pictures may symbolically mean (draw upon accepted knowledge and meanings, folk lore and fairy tales). Then consult the written down symbols and see how you went. It is unlikely you will ever remember all the symbols (I sure can’t) so be willing to consult, to share and to be open to difference. The more you do it, the more theatrical and sure you will become. Have conversations and allow your knowledge of symbolism to become dominant. Happy reading & thanks so much for coming to my workshop. I am grateful for the opportunity to meet you, share with you and to bring emotional intelligence back into mainstream activities with you. Now let’s have some fun

Megan Bayliss (BSW, Dip SOC, MAASW, Dip SOC, Dip SUS, TAE) www.meganbayliss.thejunkwave.com, [email protected]

Megan Bayliss [email protected] https://www.meganbayliss.thejunkwave.com/ Tea leaf symbols (this is NOT a comprehensive guide so also consult the books available at workshop):

Acorn: Fertility plus, baby, because from little things, big things grow! If your acorn is surrounded by typical night-time symbols (stars, moons) then the fertility is strengthened because traditionally, the strongest bringers of fertility were acorns gathered at night. Your fertility may be in business, social, creative or baby creation. Trust that your project, idea or relationship will grow from humble beginnings into something magnificent. Slow but steady, mighty oak tree growth is in store for you.

Anchors: A solid sign assuring you of hope and reprieve and some peace in the storms of life. While the sea around you may have been rough and out of control, you can drop your anchor and be grounded.

Animals: Eureka – animals in your cup are S.P.E.C.I.A.L! Whether wild or domesticated, animals in your cup correspond to your inner nature. If you see a large powerful animal it may be your animal totem or protector, bringing you a special and strong message. The cup will reveal the positive or negative aspect of the animal by the shade, how high in the cup it is (the higher the better). Near the rim, good fortune (especially if it is a fish), unless the animal looks threatening. While we are all familiar with animals and associated meanings, always, always take your first impression into account – listen to your feelings about what and how you see.

• Bear: Either you, or someone around you needs a little respect at this time. Bears offer great guidance and a bear in your cup is a wonderful image, particularly if you are feeling lost. But…if there are zigzags or other marks around the bear, be wary because a bear with a sore head can cause havoc!

• Bee (see beehive below too): You are going to be a busy bee! Even though you rush around, you will achieve much. Social creatures, bees remind us that we do not have to do everything on our own – working together brings much satisfaction. A bee with an obvious sting is driven by fear and a need to protect the hive. If someone around you is like this then please be careful lest you get stung. Just as the bee goes pollinating from flower to flower, so will your message reach large groups of people simply by word of mouth or from an initial few. On the flip side of this, be aware that negative messages such as gossip can also spread this way, so be mindful of your behaviour and intentions.

• Beetles: A sacred symbol of disposal. If life is difficult at the moment, the beetle will make short work of it so that you can move forward.

• Bird: Freedom, news and ideas. You may unexpectedly hear from someone or a new idea may pop into your head. A specific bird shape? What do you know about them? Their particular qualities and abilities are about to guide your life. For example, a swan suggests that something beautiful is emerging out of something that seemed ordinary.

• Bull: Strength and stability OR rage and mayhem? Do you know where the term “bull market” comes from (stock market term)? When the market is strong, it is called a bull market. Therefore, bulls suggest wealth prosperity and good investments. When a bull appears, grasp all the opportunities before you and you are sure to have the strength to see

Megan Bayliss [email protected] https://www.meganbayliss.thejunkwave.com/ them through.

• Butterfly: A deep yearning for spiritual freedom but also an expression of the pure joy that comes from living in the present: the here and now. Enjoy every single day of your life and fly free. An omen of transformation, things will change readily for you if you so wish it. A butterfly on cup bottom may signify a flighty person around you that cannot be trusted.

• Cat: A happy symbol suggestive of domestic joy and contentment of spirit. However, back arched or looking reluctant? Be cautious and await happiness’s approach to you.

• Chick: Something new is hatching in your life.

• Cow: Patience, gentleness and abundance. A feminie symbol, abundance is flowing to you like milk pours from a cup. A deep sense of security is coming your way, just as the dependable cow provides daily milk.

• Crab: Feeling crabby or a wee bit emotionally scattered/all over the place? Or is a Cancerian on your case??? Crabs give a key message of lateral thinking and boundaries. A crab indicates that family members and domestic matters are important. However, it also suggests that those around you are a wee bit clingy and demanding (snappy even). Crabs are shy and you may want to hide in your shell and let others get on with it. But, you don’t need anyone at the moment; you’ve got yourself and your hard shell. You have more resources than you realise so solve problems with some lateral and creative thinking. You are strong and it is time to let go a little and believe in yourself.

• Crocodiles: Crocodiles have no tongue and therefore symbolise silent power and strength of nature. Perhaps its time for you to be strong and keep your thoughts to yourself (bite your tongue when otherwise you may have run off at the mouth). Instinctual, a crocodile rarely deviates from its path. Very long lived, the crocodile suggests you have many years ahead of you. Pay particular attention to your intuition when you see a crocodile in your cup: you are being warned of an enemy who may well be dressed as a friend (Never smile as a crocodile).

• Dog: Loyalty and trust between domestic relationships – yourself, partners, family members or friends. An angry or threatening dog – take heed, the leaves are warning you that a trusted friend may turn on you. This is a domestic symbol and may well indicate that you stay loyal to yourself and those you care about.

• Dolphin: Dolphins carry us beyond danger and while you may currently be in an uncomfortable situation, your dolphin is here to help move you beyond it. Any loneliness is over as dolphins suggest communication and playfulness. These social creatures suggest a happy time ahead with friends and loved ones.

• Elephant: What an honour. You are being gifted strength, endurance and kindness. Plus, an elephant magnifies ALL symbols around it. Elephants never forget so you are going to remember the wonderful and challenging people/events that have helped shape your life. What a privilege to have such insight. But, rather than become stuck on the challenges, you must move forward with dignity. Elephants are slow and purposeful so make your life

Megan Bayliss [email protected] https://www.meganbayliss.thejunkwave.com/ journey thus so – enjoy the journey and stomp on the obstacles – you are so much bigger than them.

• Fish: Positive, positive, positive. Up the cup or near the rim, a very positive omen suggesting financial benefits and emotional well being. Monetary gain is likely, especially when the fish is alongside coins, purses or dots. Make a wish because something close to your heart will come true. Fish also represent projects and ideas swimming in your mind but will deliver success in the end.

• Fox: Umm…cunningness or a false friend surrounds you (or are you that false friend?). Alternatively, perhaps you are feeling “hounded” and need to be as clever as a fox to escape.

• Frog: Very good luck to have a frog rising up your cup (both money and love). This is an ancient symbol of creativity and good luck. A master of transformation, the frog has multiple changes throughout its life cycle. This frog is offering you its ability to adapt to change. Keep your eyes open as frogs often herald romance or good luck in existing relationships (now go kiss your Prince all you women).

• Giraffe: Here’s an opportunity to reach life’s highest and tastiest leaves. Problem solving is about to become easier and your giraffe is here to assist you bring together heaven and earth and do what you or others thought impossible. Giraffes herald a time to be inspired, to come up with brilliant ideas and to make your own luck – today is your lucky day. Grab a top shelf idea and chew it up.

• Horse (also see Saddle): Freedom of spirit, strength and speed. Horses carry us beyond current circumstances (emotional or physical) and suggest a journey ahead. A weighed down and dark horse – it’s a work horse letting you know that you WILL reach your goals. But, it is reminding you to look after yourself – to water the horse so to speak. A bucking or rearing horse is restless. What do you need to do to placate this feeling? A race-horse suggests a desire to win and win fast! A horse rising up your cup is an excellent sign for all your ventures.

• Insect: Insignificant challenge, anxiousness, small fear. There is nothing to worry about so stop bugging out! Your fears are not justified!

• Koala: Slow pace, serenity, recovery. You need to take things far slower than you currently are. The need for serenity and solitary time may hasten your desire for healing and wholeness.

• Lion: Courage and leadership. King of the jungle, the lion may well dominate other images in your cup. A lion with a closed mouth is positive, but open mouthed, it is full of fury. Are you feeling furious, or perhaps a Leo in your life is angry at you. Lions can also represent your boss or someone in a leadership role, suggesting you have powerful friends and allies you can call on. Use the Lion to give you courage to say something that you have been holding in or do that thing you have been worried about.

Megan Bayliss [email protected] https://www.meganbayliss.thejunkwave.com/ • Magpie: Curious – you are asked to exercise curiosity. A solution to a problem may be found by an unexpected discovery. A new friend will soon fly into your life.

• Otter: Otters are the builders of the animal kingdom, so if one appears in your cup, it signifies you will be creating something of substance. They are also cheeky and mischievous creatures so do not be afraid to let go and play a little in your spare time.

• Pig: Pleasure and abundance. You are as happy as a pig in mud.

• Platypus: A multi talented person, skilful, private and caring.

• Rabbit: Rabbits are ancient signs of fertility and rebirth that can also herald a period of strong growth in your life – be it business ideas, opportunities or conception of a child, expect RAMPANT fertility! Because of its alertness, speed and timidity, Rabbits suggest vigilance and that you are fleeing temptation. However, for the single person – yeehawwwww, expect a steamy love affair. Enjoy ☺

• Ram: New beginnings and fresh starts when Aries appears. Don’t try and ram your future, it is happening and all will be fine and woolly.

• Seahorse: Family joy and harmony is yours. The male in your life (or the male part of yourself) is oriented toward child protection at present.

• Shark: Stay calm, danger will pass. Someone unscrupulous is circling.

• Snake: Yahoo! Great creativity and the capacity to transform yourself/situation is under foot. As the snake sheds its skin so too will you shed all you have outgrown. The key here is to let go of all those things that no longer fit your life so that new people and experiences can be yours. Snakes also represent healing and healers: especially when entwined around a staff. Coiled snakes suggest unexpressed power that can spring into action at any time. Depending on the symbols around the snake it may be warning you of unscrupulous people close by: “snakes in the grass.”

• Spider: Money and a small windfall. A creative symbol, this suggests that design is important to you at the moment or that you will be given the understanding and patience to solve a problem creatively. The spider may also describe someone trying to entrap you. At the bottom of the cup – BEWARE: a dubious person or situation is trying to ensnare you.

• Tiger: Tigers are hunters…so you may need to be alone, to plan your strategy or to fight fiercely for what you want. This symbol also suggests victory and well thought out strategy. Do you need to be more like a tiger – to think and plan before you pounce? To thrive, tigers need to be free and without restrictions.

• Tree: Fullness of life, healing, spirituality, strength, goals. Roots and branches that reach heavenwards. Trees represent the family or the home/land in which we grew up. Without leaves, perhaps you are feeling exposed, stripped or have a family demanding much attention. A pine tree; are you feeling prickly? Trees indicate growth ahead so read in

Megan Bayliss [email protected] https://www.meganbayliss.thejunkwave.com/ conjunction with surrounding symbols. If you have been through a rough time recently you are already beginning to heal. Spend more time in nature, get back to your roots, to hasten this healing.

• Whale: A rebirth. Your relationship may get a new lease of life or perhaps your business will have a facelift. Unsure of yourself? Give yourself over to the whale and you will soon find yourself in a better place with many more fish to eat. Just as whales communicate through their song, so too will you connect with others of like mind both far and near. Your whale may also suggest that you are drawn to the sea, may be about to take a sea voyage or even take up singing. Have a whale of a time.

Angel: A blessing and a divine messenger, offering protection from harm. You are free to move beyond present fears and your angel is here to guide you. If someone is sick your angel is watching and may even help to heal. Angels send rays of help and hope to images around them.

Arrow: Focus, true aim, being on target, clarity. The universe says it’s time to clarify your intention and move forward with a solid goal. If you have already done this, an arrow signifies that you are on target and on your way. An arrow can also be a “TAKE NOTE” very obvious sign. Down pointing arrows equal unfocused intention or the need to clarify instructions or issues.

Axe (tools): A strong symbol that helps clear the dead wood from your life and open the way ahead. Freedom by cutting through what no longer serves you; male sexual power; female sexual intent. There are behaviours that no longer help you. Identify and remove these behaviours and greater joy and freedom is yours. Be honest in relationships – particularly those of a sexual nature. Think before you act or you may destroy something you later regret.

Barrow: Movement, burdens lifted, involvement, the garden. Restless and stagnant? This is about to be lifted. You are encouraged to get your hands dirty to resolve a problem. Do it because you will feel stress relief from connecting with the earth. Either go for a bush walk or do some gardening. You are the only one who can change your situation and produce growth. Push your own barrow for once.

Bee Hive (honeycomb, honey pot): Lots of activity around you and you may even get to be Queen Bee for a while. Happiness and loving times are coming

Bridge: Finding similarities, journey (physical or spiritual), change. You are being asked to build a bridge between two things, people or businesses. Perhaps the bridge is even between your inner and outer life. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to find the similarities between the two different spaces rather than continually notice the differences. A bridge is a win/win symbol (a favourite of mine). Is the bridge broken and in need of some work before you cross it? Are there obstacles around the bridge? Keep focused as once you cross that bridge you have entered into a new and wonderful space.

Broom: Sweeps into your life, brushing away the cobwebs, to help clear the ground for what lies ahead. If the broom is dark, lots of hard work is yet to be done. Brooms near work symbols (spades, chairs, horses, boots, shoes, computer) suggests many changes sweeping your way. A broom can also mean you have a need for a good spring clean – inside and out. Should you find a witch’s broom in your cup it represents magic and a wonderful journey ahead. Megan Bayliss [email protected] https://www.meganbayliss.thejunkwave.com/ Cactus: Living through difficult circumstances, stamina, late bloom. Your goal may seem far away but you have the courage to endure, to survive the time it takes to bloom and come into your own.

Candle: Hope, inspiration, illumination, learning. Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. Inspiration is inside you. Ensure you only surround yourself with those who support you. Your situation is not fixed, but changeable. Hope abounds and lights the way for you. Remember that you cannot have a light without a dark to hang it in. Congratulations to you…that is not a train you see but the other side of the tunnel. A candle with a wick but no flame is an idea that you have not yet put into practice – be brave – now is the time to light your idea.

Car: Cars indicate a journey ahead or the progress you have made to date. Are you enjoying your journey or are you driven in all you do? Appearing alongside happy symbols, you are travelling well and at a pace you like. Racing, upside down or heading toward the bottom of the cup you are either going to fast, or the wrong way…maybe even both! Pull over and reassess your journey. If the car symbol is faint or poorly formed, get your car in for a service!

Church: Highlights the family, community or where you think you belong. Given the association with marriage, perhaps an announcement is soon to be made. What are the signs around the church – any hint of a date or the name of the person? A tall steeple – a sense of spiritual wonder

Circles (Egg/Oval): An unbroken circle symbolises good fortune ☺ and wedding rings, job offers or circular opportunities are yours. An incomplete circle just means a break in time before your fortune comes to fruition. If the circle looks like a ring, a partnership is very likely, two rings together – joy and happiness. Three rings or more – a chain. Read the symbols around to decipher is this is a positive or negative chain of events. Remember that chains can imprison us, keep us secure or set boundaries for us. An egg shaped/oval circle is the symbol of life itself and something new is about to hatch in your life.

Clouds: You have your head in the clouds…but perhaps with your God! Clouds depict a divine presence. If you are feeling a little misty, try talking with your higher presence and clearing your mind. Just a note: For those who come to the coffee froth reading – use the same technique for reading the clouds.

Crosses and dots: Money, talk or communication. Feel into these symbols and consult the other leaves around them. This will give you clues about whether to interpret as money, talk or communication. Do the crosses look like kisses – perhaps they are. Are there four X’s in a row – are you about to have a beer?

Dart: Focus, target. You may well be the focus of a positive intention or the target for some unwelcome attention. Keep your wits about you so that you can discern the difference. To hit bullseye, you must take control of your inner life and be mindful of those around you. Surround yourself with positivity to aid your positive focus.

Diamond: A gift of jewellery or money is coming your way, or perhaps it’s your time to sparkle. A dark diamond or a diamond on the cup base suggests you are hiding your inner diamond, your inner jewel, your inner sparkle. It wants to come out and your subconscious is asking you to shine.

Megan Bayliss [email protected] https://www.meganbayliss.thejunkwave.com/ Doll: A person who is vain or pretentious is causing agitation in your life. Know that this shallowness comes from a base of fear and self loathing so this insight may help you deal with them more easily.

Door: A passage from one place to another. An open door suggests a new beginning. Closed door – you may be feeling rejected or dismayed. But, if there’s a handle on the closed door you are to trust that as one door closes another opens. Take control of your life – solve unresolved issues and move on.

Dots and crosses: Money, talk or communication. Feel into these symbols and consult the other leaves around them. This will give you clues about whether to interpret as money, talk or communication. Masses of dots together may look like the milky way – you are reaching for the stars and the universe is yours.

Dragon: Dragons are strong, fierce guardians of treasure and protectors of empires. Your dragon suggests some treasure for you or the need to be on guard. Also associated with wild winds and storms, your dragon foreshadows a change of atmosphere in some aspect of your life.

Easel: Creativity, support, an artistic individual, a gallery. Oh la la – your creative side is well supported here. If you are an artist, it is indicated that you continue to develop because a substantial patron/client is within a frames view. Invited to an artistic event – go! You will meet someone special there.

Emoticon: Yep, tea leaf reading goes millennium. Emoticons are those little symbols, like a smiley face, that convey a particular feeling. Study the feeling in the emoticon and look at the symbols around it. What is it telling you about the emotion in your cup?

Envelope (also see Letter): You will receive an official document or notification. Ensure any documents you have the need to remain confidential are protected that they remain so.

Exclamation mark: Surprise, danger, urgency. Pay attention. An issue needs your attention or a surprise is about to be unleashed upon you. For clarity, look at the other symbols in the cup.

Faces: Take note of the emotion/expression. This is a clue to your inner vibration. Moving up the emotional scale may be something you need to do pronto. Eyes indicate someone is watching you, or you need to keep both eyes on something so make sure you read the fine print! Consult the books for other facial parts (noses are interesting).

Fairy: Whimsy, a garden, romance, a mischievous little girl. You would be different! Most people have fairies in their garden, but you are special because you’ve got one in your cup. Fairies foretell romance and relationships that are as breezy, light, whimsical and happy as they are. If you are single, this fairy tells you that your wish is her command. Always, always remember that you can ask and it is given. The Law of Attraction says this is so. But, be exact and focused on exactly what you want to attract.

Megan Bayliss [email protected] https://www.meganbayliss.thejunkwave.com/ Fences and Gates: Boundaries and obstacles. Is someone or something fencing you in? A gate offers you a way out. Are your ready to see it? It is time to look at how boundaries help/hinder your life at present.

Fig (also see Fruit): Take advantage of the positive omen of the fig and relax knowing that all areas of your life will experience abundance and fertile growth.

Flowers: Growth, love, success and recognition. Happiness and recognition are coming your way. Your life is to be blessed with all kinds of growth and sweetness: materially and spiritually. A bouquet or posy signifies an admirer or perhaps you have fallen in love. It can even be a premonition of an upcoming wedding! Posies can also be appreciation for something you have done. Consult the books for individual flower types (rose, daisy, etc)

Fruit: Plenty, prosperity, positivity and health. Fruitfulness is yours and you have abundance in all things (particularly money). Close to the rim: good health. Consult the books (see Fig above too) for the many, many meanings for the different fruits.

Gallows: The emphasis here is to know and love yourself more and to be aware that you may be following a set of behaviours that will only sabotage your success. This may be a repeating pattern and one that has cost you dearly in the past.

Gate: see Fences.

Genie: SURPRISE, wishes granted, a helpful stranger. Rub your cup, baby, because a long held wish is about to be granted. Be careful what you wish for though because the Universe promises to give what you seek. Think positively, stay in joy and visualise your wish fuelled by a myriad of happy feelings. “Your wish is my command,” says Genie. Get, “The Secret” and watch it.

Glasses: They may be on their own or worn by a figure. Alone – you may have to adjust your opinions about someone/thing so you can clearly see the full picture. Perhaps you need to take a wider view or give more thought to the future. Your eyes are not enough, you need some help. Glasses worn by a person suggest you take a close look at that person or that they are looking closely at you.

Hammer: Flashes of intuition and great strength are yours. It is time to come up with new ideas or to construct something. Perhaps you are building/renovating a home or perhaps your relationships need work. Although you feel beaten by the forces of life, you are strong and can form a new shape about you (thinking, ideas). People of the hammer have strong opinions and try to force their ideas on you as they hammer home their point. In a woman’s cup, a hammer can represent a physically strong male in her life.

Hands: Take note – are they asking you to stop or encouraging you on? Linked hands suggest love, loyalty or promise.

Hat: Change, luck, a new home, commitment in love. Expect change in job/home within six months.

Megan Bayliss [email protected] https://www.meganbayliss.thejunkwave.com/ Heart: Courage, love and understanding. You are passionately drawn to the creative side of life. Well formed or rising up the cup, love and romance is in the house, baby. You can now put our heart into everything you do and have the courage to follow where your heart leads. An indistinct or incomplete heart signifies a time of sorrow and heart break…but this can be overcome through positive thinking, gratitude and immersing yourself in all that you love to do.

Hills: Pregnancy and birth (although not necessarily a physical pregnancy or birth). This relates to almost anything yet to be birthed: an idea, creative work, a business. The hill is also a symbol of spiritual contemplation so this is an excellent time to pause, just as you would after a climb. You may be keen to reach the summit but by taking time out you will have the chance to assess your journey thus far and to plan for your future.

Horseshoe: A lucky time ahead. Pointing downwards, your luck is running out and it is time to change your actions/habits because you can create your own luck.

House: Home life, moving/staying, domesticity. Your present home, your ideal home or somewhere you may live in your future. Is the house part of a bigger picture. This one must be read alongside the other symbols. Focus is on your home and home life and you are urged to pay attention to all things domestic.

Hurdle: Having a hurdle or two in your cup may seem to be a negative thing; however, you can still win the race by jumping them. It’s very much about attitude and preparedness.

Ice Cream: Seeing an ice cream in your cup invites happiness and innocence back into your life. You have your troubles licked and are moving up the emotional scale of well being.

Island: Privacy, isolation, solitude, peace, tropical journey. The palm trees are calling and the water is warm and calm (hello, we’re at home in Cairns!). Peaceful! An island in your cup tells you that you have all this to look forward to. Take some time out from others and concentrate on private pleasures or at least those with a high degree of sanctuary.

Jar: The slightly old fashioned symbol of a jar is an invitation to keep and store something precious. This could be something material like money or something intangible, like a memory. A jar also symbolizes long term creativity, so if you are an artist of some kind, this is a great sign.

Jigsaw piece: Clarity, resolution, solutions: At last the puzzle will be solved and you will see the way forward in a totally clear manner. The challenge now will be to put plans in place to take the best advantage of the situation.

Key: A puzzle will soon be solved and this will pave the way for faster advancement that will have major consequences over the short to medium term. Something that has been closed for you will now be opened. YEEHAW! Note the images around the key for hints at what may be unlocked. Keys are symbols of achievement, like being given the key to the city: you are fully appreciated or have new freedom granted you. Similarly, keys represent a rite of passage (21st birthday or becoming an adult) and the gifts and responsibilities that come with this.

Kite: Dreams, freedom, aspirations, ambition. Oh thank goodness! You have big dreams and the fulfilment of them will change your life. Let’s go fly a kite, up to the highest height - Ensure you are Megan Bayliss [email protected] https://www.meganbayliss.thejunkwave.com/ up to the challenge by planning and preparing now. A kite on the bottom of the cup means that the plan needs MORE preparation, more wind beneath it, to succeed.

Ladder: Promotion, increases, status. You will be stepping up onto a new level! This may mean at work, with money or with education and wisdom. The ascension will be free of challenges, however, if the ladder is damaged or lying down it indicates obstacles to your success. You are about to claim something that has been out of reach. Just remember you can go up a ladder and come down a ladder.

Lace: Old fashioned, wedding/christening, patience, success. Success will come to you through patience and old fashioned methods (face to face rather than email for example). For those awaiting a proposal…you won’t be waiting long ☺

Leaf: Growth, new starts, new attitude. Part of a bigger organism yet able to produce beauty alone. A single leaf can be a reminder that you have a bigger support network to call upon, or, depending on what’s around it, it may be suggesting that you have some quiet/alone/meditation time. The literal translation is to: take a leaf out of my book. This leaf has a message for you. Feel into it to know what the message is. I bet the answer is found in a book that you are currently reading. You too can turn over a new leaf by ensuring you have learnt from the past and the supports of your past. Leaf on the bottom of the cup, more positive thinking is required to help you dance in the breeze to a new resting place.

Letter: News by mail is coming so expect something important and wonderful. Surrounded by symbols pertaining to matters of the heart, you will get a love letter.

Letters (as in, of the alphabet): What does the letter mean to you? It is significant and you have called it in. Take note, this letter contains your answer. The letter Z represents Zorro – the dashing revolutionary who is calling you to be adventurous. Consult the books for other accepted interpretations.

Light bulb: Ideas, inspiration, solutions. You will receive a FANTASTIC idea which is a solution to an outstanding problem. If you make your living creatively, this validates that many more good ideas will flow your way.

Lighthouse: You are being protected from but warned of hidden problems ahead.

Lines: Easy/hard, simple or complex. Straight lines indicate a straightforward way ahead. A line connecting two images shows a strong link between the two. A house with a straight move to a boot may mean an impending move to Italy, or that a family member from Italy is coming to visit you. A straight line between two images means an unimpeded transfer. A straight line between people shows good communication and connection. Wavy lines indicate an up and down road ahead – obstacles will slow you down. A heart symbol near a wavy line suggests a rocky time in love or with someone you love. A boat floating on wavy lines though means you may be about to undertake a sea journey.

Magnet: A magnet in your cup indicates a strong attracting force. You may attract money, people, good luck and even some of the other symbols in your cup. Say out loud, “I am a money magnet.”

Megan Bayliss [email protected] https://www.meganbayliss.thejunkwave.com/ Maple leaf: Ohhhhhh….lovey dovey, honey bunny: this is the symbol of lovers. North American settlers used to place maple leaves at the foot of their beds to ward of demons, as well as to encourage sexual pleasures and peaceful sleep. What is it that you love, are seeking and warding off?

Mask: False, secrecy, inauthentic. Everyone at some time or other has wanted to hide who they are or they have wished to be someone else. However, a mask says that a person of significance is displaying a false front and they are not at all what they present. This will adversely affect you unless you recognise it and treat it for what it is – dishonesty.

Mountains: The taller the mountain, the more powerful. You have lofty ambitions that you are working toward or maybe your spirit seeks the purity of mountain peaks. The mountain before you will support all your present aspirations. Mountains strengthen the symbols around it – take a good look and read with confidence. A mountain tilted suggests a little life chaos and a belief that you will never reach your goal. Oh rubbish – this is your chance to right the mountain and draw from its power! Mountain partially hidden by clouds, you may be confused about what you truly want/need to be happy. Meditate on the image of a clear peak and wait for the clouds of life to pass.

Nest: Security, parenting, protection, building. A nest is made of many small and insignificant pieces woven together into something strong yet gentle. You have built yourself a secure sanctuary (boundaries) and the rewards of that will now flow to you. Snuggle down, parent bird and know you are protected and safe. Your nest is a BRILLIANT platform to now take off from. Congratulations.

Nil: There is nothing to fear or you may receive nothing in a monetary settlement. A nil or zero also indicates a new beginning or a blank slate enabling you to rethink and stage another more successful attempt. If you are asking a specific question requiring a positive or negative answer, the zero equates to NO.

Nose (also see Faces): Representative of your sense of smell and ability to sniff out the truth. Long noses represent keen interest, deception or someone who is nosey.

Oar: Guidance, control, teamwork. Take control of your ship and mane way under your own steam. Do not be afraid as you are being guided. If you need/have a team to achieve your journey then ensure that it is you leading the effort.

Orange: Oranges are happy messengers of radiant health and well being. If you have been feeling down, an orange signifies this will pass. Note: Sometimes it is the colour of the tea leaves that changes a circle to an orange or perhaps it is little dots inside the circle that look like the pitted skin of an orange.

Parasol: Spiritual power. The Parasol was carried over important people and deities during processions. Which part of your spiritual power are you showing off or are encouraged to show off? You are both the power and the protector of that power, so move forward with confidence and dignity.

Paw: Connection with animals, the world self, adventure. You animal, you! Time to get back to nature and your wild self. Take time out and be amongst nature. At the very least, walk the dog or play with the cat – TODAY!

Megan Bayliss [email protected] https://www.meganbayliss.thejunkwave.com/ Pie: Yes, you can have your pie and eat it too. A plan will be successful and many people will share in your success.

Pine Tree: Symbolic of strength of character and virility. An evergreen, the pine is linked with immortality. A white pine is the tree of peace so expect a peaceful inner time.

Pregnant: Fertility, new life, incubation of ideas, creativity. A pregnant figure suggests conception, particularly around ideas. Because of the fertility symbolism, these ideas will generate much prosperity.

Pyramids: Longevity, remembrance, ancient wisdom, Egypt. You are blessed as this is a profound spiritual symbol. Built to last forever you need to be proud of your long memory. You are leaving or already have received a great legacy. Steps on your pyramid – you are walking toward your goal. Pyramid rising with apex toward the rim, ALL your endeavours will be strengthened. Inverted, pointing down, take note of any destabilising influences around you – things may be a little topsy turvy for a time.

Question mark (?): Doubt, curiosity. That nagging doubt about what is occurring – VOICE IT! Now is the time to ask those big questions. Until you ask, you cannot receive. Look at situations with curiosity and a sense of adventure. You never know what you will discover. Rather than criticize something or someone that you do not understand, be curious and fascinated.

Quill: Always wanted to write that book? Now is a good time to start. Unleash your creativity and begin writing in a journal today.

Rain: You are being given the opportunity to start afresh. This new start allows you the benefit of hindsight. Examine carefully where you went wrong last time and do not make the same mistakes again.

Rainbow: Happiness, good fortune, money. Raise your cups and toast because, a happy ending is yours. Here’s to you. Your questions are to be answered positively. If you are asking for increased cash flow then you will be shown a way to ensure this. Your pot of gold awaits you…it is up to you to follow your intuition and walk to the pot.

Ring: See circle.

Rivers: You have a long life ahead of you. A BEAUTIFUL symbol, I hope you find it in your readings. To qualify as a river, the picture must be longer than a snake, originate in a mountain AND end in a delta. Is there fish in the river? Health and abundance are in your cup. Dark patches in the river are life’s difficulties while lighter patches are the happy times that await you. A bridge across a river is the symbol of haste in any action you are currently involved in and confirms that the help you require to carry you beyond current difficulties has arrived.

Rockets: You are ready to take off – to undertake an adventure into the unknown. This could be either a physical or inner journey (what is around?). Be prepared for unfamiliar conditions when you touch down. A rocket rising up the side of your cup is FANTASTIC! Downwards – your adventure may be cut short. You may be cut short, land on your head (never good!) or come down to earth

Megan Bayliss [email protected] https://www.meganbayliss.thejunkwave.com/ with a thud. But, never fear, a rocket symbolises lingering dreams and gives you transportation to try again.

Saddle: Stability, control, balance. Take immediate control of a situation in an assertive yet calm fashion. There’s no need for aggression, just be gentle, balanced, and deliberate to lead the situation where you want it to go. A horse with a saddle indicates that the freedom you are enjoying comes with some strappy costs.

Sky scraper: You are faced with what feels like the world’s ultimate achievement. You, or someone close to you, are driven to achieve and succeed. But, you may be over extending yourself and feel somewhat superior to those around you. Remember 9/11 and the fall of the twin towers? Just as sky scrapers aren’t totally safe, neither are achievements assured. Sooner or later you will be surpassed. Be cautious and climb atop your skyscraper for a complete view. The big picture is very important here so that you can consider all your options before you take action.

Snowflake: The fragile beauty of the snowflake is symbolic of impermanence, wisdom, truth, hardness and purity. It also represents individuality because no two snowflakes are alike.

Stars: Good health, recognition, reward, love or success - Success in presenting yourself or your abilities will be recognised as you shine out from the crowd. Perhaps you’re destined to meet someone who is a star. Combined with other lucky symbols, it may be time to be in gratitude – to thank your lucky stars. Perhaps this is a guiding star, guiding you in a certain direction – be sure to read the star in conjunction with the symbols around it.

Spade/shovel: Work ahead or work that has already been done. The ground is prepared and the way ahead much easier. The size of the spade suggests how big the work task is. A sign of honesty (call a spade a spade), perhaps you need to have a good look at yourself and your present work situation.

Spirals: Oh zing, baby, zing. This is a powerful little symbol as the galaxies themselves are made from great spirals of stars. Spirals are at our very core, our DNA. You are about to experience a great surge of creativity. A heart or a ring near the spiral, you love life is about to get a boost. Spiralling downwards? Perhaps this is how life is at the moment, but, you can change it.

Square: Protection or restriction. Objects inside a square or box are significant and signify you are protected. But, an animal or person inside the square indicates restriction and capture – what is happening to you, time to free yourself now! When a square appears on a path between two people or animals, there’s an obstacle you need to clear, unblock or overcome.

Spider web: Fate is at work in your life right now. Remember though, that you always have free will, even if it is restricted to how you will respond to a situation.

Sword: The forging of your strength in the fire of experience. You may have felt like the sword as it was heated, beaten, plunged into icy water, reheated and beaten again. But, fire = thought and water = feeling. The triumphant sword is the power we attain when we learn to think and feel in equal measures – EQUAL. This sword says you have been brave, but, remain humble regardless of your achievements. Upright and progressing from the base – the gifts of courage and resilience are yours. Broken – you may be unwell or perhaps something in your life needs mending or your courage needs bolstering. Megan Bayliss [email protected] https://www.meganbayliss.thejunkwave.com/ Table: Honesty, openness. It’s time to put all your cards on the table and be honest with yourself or someone else. Clarity and honesty are needed to resolve a potentially explosive situation.

Teddy Bear: Uncomplicated love, joy and support. Or, perhaps you are really in need of a cuddle and some inner child play.

Tick (as in ): What ever symbol is beside or atop of this tick is absolutely the right thing to do. Pay particular attention to this group of symbols and enact what ever it is suggesting. Your intuition is confirming that you are doing the right things. Congratulations to you.

Train: You have a clear goal in sight and although the journey will take quite some time, you will get there and be successful. You are on the right track.

Triangle: Ummm…a three in one. Is this symbolic of getting lost in the Bermuda triangle or is it symbolic of reaching an apex. Take note of where the triangle’s point is pointing. Upwards is a very good sign and you can expect good fortune, goal achievement and social inclusion at the top of your chosen area. Downwards, problems with money, bad luck, obstacles placed in front of you. If the tip is pointing sideways (past is to the right or future is to the left) look that way for your answers. A triangle beside a person may indicate a triad between people….beside a heart a love triangle, beside a dot communication between people. A triangle amidst a dark blob of leaves may be symbolic of being lost in the Bermuda Triangle….look to the other symbols for clues on how to pull your self out.

Treasure Chest: Unexpected fortune, money, success. Whatever your heart and mind desires is coming to you, quickly. Material riches and beautiful things are yours if you stay in alignment and think and feel the strength of your inner desires.

UFO: A flying saucer in your cup is pointing you towards developing a great sense of discovery and curiosity. If you are involved in technical or scientific projects, this could mean a major breakthrough is just around the corner.

Umbrella: Protection, support, health. Trust that you will be protected and supported through out a difficult time. The offer of support to you is genuine. A slightly closed umbrella or umbrella at bottom of cup – go get a health check up for ultimate protection.

Vase: A vase of flowers is domestic joy. Your efforts are appreciated. Vases are often associated with women and pregnancy: are you pregnant or trying to be pregnant. Perhaps you have some other womb issue. Vase upturned- trouble ahead but ultimately hope will win out.

Vice: You may feel you are being squeezed and pressured into something at present. Either renegotiate the situation or do not play at all.

Volcano: Anger, fire, resolution, relief. Consult the books and perhaps call Megan for this one as Volcanos are particularly significant for learning about emotional intelligence. This symbol offers you resolution and relief by confronting your simmering anger.

Megan Bayliss [email protected] https://www.meganbayliss.thejunkwave.com/ Walking stick: An older person, support. You may be seeking physical, mental or financial support and this may be a source of great anxiety for you or someone in your family. A walking stick tells you that help is forth coming and there will be someone to lean on.

Wheel: There are natural cycles to everything. The wheel of life continues moving through life, growth, death and transformation. A wheel also indicates travel in the short term.

Windows: View, opening, discovery, new opportunities, spiritual awakening. A new spirit of openness and clarity is about to breeze through your life. A new point of view or life outlook will be sunshine for your mind and heart. If you are drawn to looking inwards you may discover a part of you that is hidden from view – you may even find your soul’s purpose. Looking out through this cup as a reading consider this a frame – does the frame need to be repaired so you can see better – perhaps you need to reframe old ideas? Whether you look out or in, grasp the seen opportunities before you, as your window of opportunity will quickly pass. A dirty or broken window suggests a situation, or a friendship needs to be repaired/cleaned before the opportunity can be opened up.

Wings: Associated with the spirit flying to the heavens. You will feel uplifted even though you may have been thinking of people who have passed on.

X Ray: You are being asked to look beyond the surface motives of a newcomer. Honesty and knowledge are important at this time.

Xylophone: A childlike personality, simplicity. You are reminded that despite the complexities around you, the simplest solution is often the best. You may encounter a person who has a playful and childlike nature – this person may bring the innocent joy of the young or the ignorance and stubbornness. Choose your music (people you hang with) carefully because joy is much more fulfilling that stubbornness.

Yarn: The appearance of a ball of yarn indicates a tendency for confusion or unnecessary entanglements. Keep things simple and focused for the best results.

Z: Like the dashing Zorro, you too can be revolutionary and a Z slashed across your cup calls you to action. This is not the time to play it safe, be adventurous.

Zero (0): (see “Nil” above).

Zodiac sign: For any animal or symbol that looks like one of the Zodiac signs, consult the core meanings of that sign. Sometimes a single letter, like “S”, can signify the sign – Sagittarius.

What we call a symbol is a term, a name, or even a picture that may be familiar in daily life, yet that possesses specific connotations in addition to its conventional and obvious meaning. It implies something vague, unknown, or hidden from us.

As the mind explores the symbol, it is led to ideas that lie beyond the grasp of reason.

Carl Jung

Megan Bayliss [email protected] https://www.meganbayliss.thejunkwave.com/