Comhairle Contae 053 919 6000 Loch Garman Carricklawn, Wexford Y35 WY93
[email protected] Roads Section 75 of Roads Act 1993 – Temporary Closing of Roads Wexford County Council has DECIDED TO CLOSE the following roads on Saturday 7 September, 2019 and Sunday 8 September, 2019 to public traffic to facilitate the holding of the Wexford Volkswagen Stages Motor Car Rally. Closures Date Stage Alternative Route Times Townlands Road Numbers Clohamon to Strahart to Tombrack to via L2006, L1020, Clohamon, Graigue Beg, Knockanure, L6160-3 / L61601-1 / L61591-1 / Bayandrew Crossroads to Ballybeg to L5138, L1017, Ballynaberny, Knockaree, Borris, L6159-1 / L1037-3 / L1017-6 / Ballytarsna Crossroads to Umrygar to Stage A, From 8.45 a.m. L1014, R746, Saturday 7 September, 2019 Ballyroebuck, Bolinahaney, Kiltilly, L5145-1 / L5146-1 / L5147-1 / Tombreen to Prospect to Corragh to Kilrush to 6.01 p.m. L20021, L2003 Knocknalour, Bolinrush and Ballytarsna. L1016-2 / L1016-1. Gorteen to Brady’s Crossroads to and L6162-1. Clohamon Ballybeg to Kilthomas cross roads to Ballybeg, Kilthomas, Clonee Upper, Clonee Lower to Bolinaspick to via L1014, L1019, L5069-1 / L50691-0 / L10141-2 / Ballyduff, Monasootagh, Raheen, Camolin to Ballyduffbeg to L5071, R772, Stage B, From 9.15 a.m. L10151-2 / L5067-1 / L5068-2 / Saturday 7 September, 2019 Coolnaleen, Carriglegan, Boley Upper, Rossminoge North, to Brideswell Little L1021, L1013, Ballyduff to 6.30 p.m. L1019-1 / L5073-1. Boley Lower and Ballyduffbeg. to Askamore to Ballytarsna cross roads L1015 and L1014. to Ballybeg Boolavogue, Ballytracey, Monagreany via L1023, L1024, Boolavogue to The Harrow to Lower, Mullaunreagh, Ballyregan, L5100-1 / L5099-2 / L5099-1 / L5093, L5094, Rockspring to Clologe to Camolin to Ballyfoley, Ballymore, Ballymore L5102-1 / L10242-0 / L1024-5 / L5092, R772, Stage C, From 9.45 a.m.