Notification of Ministry of Industry Subject: List of Hazardous Substances (No. 2) B.E. 2547 (2004)

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Notification of Ministry of Industry Subject: List of Hazardous Substances (No. 2) B.E. 2547 (2004) 1 Notification of Ministry of Industry Subject: List of hazardous substances (No. 2) B.E. 2547 (2004) ---------------------------- To revising the notification of Ministry of Industry B.E. 2538 (1995) dated 17 th February B.E. 2538 (1995), regarding the list of hazardous substances, for better coherence. By the virtue of section 5 paragraph two and section 18 paragraph two of the Hazardous Substance Act B.E. 2535 (1992) which contains some provisions concerning the limitation of the people rights and liberties that is permissible by the provisions of section 29 together with section 31, section 35, section 39, section 48 and section 50 of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand, the Minister of Industry, with the opinions of the Committee on Hazardous substance, hereby issues the ministerial notification as follows: Article 1 To withdraw certain hazardous substances listed on the list of hazardous substances annexed to the notification of Ministry of Industry B.E. 2538 (1995) dated 17 th February B.E. 2538 (1995) as follows, (1) Thirteen hazardous substances in the responsibility of Department of Agriculture. They are ALDICARB, CAPTAN, CHLORANIL, DICOFOL, DICROTOPHOS, ENDOSULFAN, ETHION, ISAZOFOS, METHYL BROMIDE (BROMOMETHANE), PARATHION-METHYL, QUINTOZENE, Extracts from plants e.g. Neem, Galanga and Lemon glass for the purpose of preventing and controlling insects which are pests to plants and animals, and Active ingredients, microorganisms or products containing active ingredients or microorganisms intended for preventing, destroying or controlling insects or animals which are pests to plants and animals (excluding parasites inside animal bodies). (2) Ten hazardous substances in the responsibility of Food and Drug Administration. They are ANTU, AZAMETHIPHOS, CRIMIDINE, 1,2-DIBROMO-3-CHLOROPROPANE (DBCP), HYDRAMETHYLNON, PHENTHOATE, PROTHIOFOS, TETRACHLOROETHANE (ACETYLENE TETRACHLORIDE; 1,1,2,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE), 1,1,1- TRICHLOROETHANE (METHYL CHLOROFORM), and ZINC PHOSPHIDE. (3) Twenty three hazardous substances in the responsibility of Department of Industrial Works. They are AMITROLE, CAPTAN, CHLORANIL, CHLOROPICRIN, DBCP, 1,2- DIBROMO-3-CHLOROPROPANE (DBCP), DIELDRIN, EPN, ETHYLENE DICHLORIDE, Unofficial Translation Only the Thai version of the texts is legally binding. 2 beta-HCH (1,3,5/2,4,6-HEXACHLOROCYCLOHEXANE), HCH-mixed isomer, LINDANE (>99% gamma-HCH or gamma-BHC), METHAMIDOPHOS, MGK Repellent-11, PARATHION-METHYL, POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYL, PYRINURON (PIRIMINIL), SCHRADAN (OCTAMETHYL PYROPHOSPHORAMIDE, OMPA), SILVEX, SODIUM ARSENITE, STROBANE (POLYCHLOROTERPENES), TDE or DDD [1,1-DICHLORO-2,2- BIS (4-CHLOROPHENYL) ETHANE], and TRIS (2,3-DIBROMOPROPYL) PHOSPHATE. Article 2 To remove CAS NUMBER of CHLOROFLUOROCARBONS and its substitutions, from HCFC-21 to HCFC-271, listed in the list of hazardous substances annexed to the notification of Ministry of Industry B.E. 2538 (1995) dated 17 th February B.E. 2538 (1995), regarding the list of hazardous substances. Article 3 To designate the hazardous substances listed in “List Kor” and “List Khor” annexed to this notification as hazardous substances of the list of hazardous substances annexed to the notification of Ministry of Industry B.E. 2538 (1995) dated 17th February B.E. 2538 (1995), and to arrange the substances in “List Kor” in alphabetical order. Article 4 The producer, importer, exporter, or possessor of the hazardous substance who has already been in business shall notify their operation relating to type 2 hazardous substance, or shall submit an application for a permit for type 3 hazardous substance to a competent authority of the responsible agency within 30 days after this notification enters into force. Any hazardous substance which registration is required, it must be done within the same time period. The business shall be allowed to operate as normal during the time in suspense for the admission of registration application until the competent authority denies the registration as applied. This shall, thus, enter into force on the day following the date of its publication in the Government Gazette. Announced on the 30 th September B.E. 2547 (2004) (signed)_________________________________ Mr. Pinij Jarusombat Minister of Industry (Published in the Government Gazette, Volume 121, special part 118d, dated 18th October B.E. 2547 (2004)) Unofficial Translation Only the Thai version of the texts is legally binding. 1 "List Kor" annexed to the Notification of Ministry of Industry (No.2) B.E. 2547 Number Hazardous Substance Type of CAS Number Responsible Agency Condition Hazardous Substances 1 ALDICARB 3 116-06-3 Department of Agriculture except the part in responsibility of Food and Drug Administration. 2 ALDICARB 4 116-06-3 Food and Drug Administration in products for household or public health uses intended for preventing and controlling insects and other animals. 3 ANTU 4 86-88-4 Food and Drug Administration in products for household or public health uses intended for rodents control. 4 AZAMETHIPHOS 3 35575-96-3 Food and Drug Administration in products for household or public health uses intended for preventing and controlling insects and other animals. Unofficial Translation Only the Thai version of the texts is legally binding. 2 Number Hazardous Substance Type of CAS Number Responsible Agency Condition Hazardous Substances 5 BERYLLIUM OXIDE; (BERYLLIUM 4 1304-56-9 Department of Industrial Works MONOXIDE) 6 75-26-3 Department of Industrial Works 2-BROMOPROPANE; (ISOPROPYL 4 BROMIDE) 7 1,4-BUTANEDIOL; (1,4-BUTYLENE 3 110-63-4 Department of Industrial Works GLYCOL; TETRAMETHYLENE GLYCOL) 8 gamma-BUTYROLACTONE; 3 96-48-0 Department of Industrial Works (BUTYROLACTONE) 9 CALOMEL 4 10112-91-1 Food and Drug Administration in products for household or public health uses intended for preventing and controlling insects and other animals. 10 CAPTAFOL 4 2425-06-1 Food and Drug Administration in products for household or public health uses intended for preventing and controlling insects and other animals. Unofficial Translation Only the Thai version of the texts is legally binding. 3 Number Hazardous Substance Type of CAS Number Responsible Agency Condition Hazardous Substances 11 CAPTAN 3 133-06-2 Department of Agriculture 12 CHLORANIL 3 118-75-2 Department of Agriculture except the part in responsibility of Food and Drug Administration. 13 CHLORDIMEFORM 4 6164-98-3 Food and Drug Administration in products for household or public health uses intended for preventing and controlling insects and other animals. 14 CHLOROPICRIN 4 76-06-2 Department of Industrial Works 15 CRIMIDINE 4 535-89-7 Food and Drug Administration in products for household or public health uses intended for rodents control. 16 (R)-1-CHLORO-2,3-EPOXYPROPANE; 4 51594-55-9 Department of Industrial Works (R-EPICHLOROHYDRIN) Unofficial Translation Only the Thai version of the texts is legally binding. 4 Number Hazardous Substance Type of CAS Number Responsible Agency Condition Hazardous Substances 17 (2RS, 3RS )-3-(2-CHLOROPHENYL)-2,4- 4 106325-08-0 Department of Industrial Works FLUOROPHENYL)-[(1 H-1,2,4- TRIAZOL-1-YL)-METHYL] OXIRANE; (EPOXICONAZOLE) 18 DICOFOL 3 115-32-2 Department of Agriculture except the part in responsibility of Food and Drug Administration. 19 DICOFOL 4 115-32-2 Food and Drug Administration in products for household or public health uses intended for preventing and controlling insects and other animals. 20 DICROTOPHOS 3 141-66-2 Department of Agriculture except the part in responsibility of Food and Drug Administration. 21 DICROTOPHOS 4 141-66-2 Food and Drug Administration in products for household or public health uses intended for preventing and controlling insects and other animals. Unofficial Translation Only the Thai version of the texts is legally binding. 5 Number Hazardous Substance Type of CAS Number Responsible Agency Condition Hazardous Substances 22 DINITROCRESOL; (DNOC) 4 534-52-1 Food and Drug Administration in products for household or public health uses. 23 DINOSEB AND DINOSEB SALTS 4 88-85-7 Food and Drug Administration in products for household or public health uses intended for preventing and controlling insects and other animals. 24 2,3-BIBROMOPROPAN-1-OL; (2,3- 4 96-13-9 Department of Industrial Works DIBROMO-1-PROPANOL) 25 2,5-DINITROTOLUENE 4 619-15-8 Department of Industrial Works 26 3,4-DINITROTOLUENE 4 610-39-9 Department of Industrial Works 27 ENDOSULFAN 4 115-29-7 Department of Agriculture excluding CS FORMULATION 28 ENDOSULFAN 3 115-29-7 Department of Agriculture only CS FORMULATION, except the part in the responsibility of Food and Drug Administration. Unofficial Translation Only the Thai version of the texts is legally binding. 6 Number Hazardous Substance Type of CAS Number Responsible Agency Condition Hazardous Substances 29 ENDOSULFAN 4 115-29-7 Food and Drug Administration in products for household or public health uses intended for preventing and controlling insects and other animals. 30 ETHION 3 563-12-2 Department of Agriculture except the part in responsibility of Food and Drug Administration. 31 ETHION 4 563-12-2 Food and Drug Administration in products for household or public health uses intended for preventing and controlling insects and other animals. 32 ETHYLENE DICHLORIDE 4 107-06-2 Food and Drug Administration in products for household or public health uses intended for preventing and controlling insects and other animals. Unofficial Translation Only the Thai version of the texts is legally binding. 7 Number Hazardous Substance
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