Journal of Seybold Report ISSN NO: 1533-9211 A Review on Phytochemistry and Medicinal Properties of Lantana Camara Linn. Mayuri Patole*, Vipul Patil, Shitalkumar Patil *Department of Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance, Ashokrao Mane College of Pharmacy, Peth Vadgaon, Dist.- Kolhapur, Maharashtra, Pin-416112, India. e-mail- *
[email protected] 1 | Page VOLUME 15 ISSUE 9 2020 Page: 2494 Journal of Seybold Report ISSN NO: 1533-9211 Abstract: Traditionalmedicine,knowledgeof medicinal plants,andthestudyof scientific chemical principlecan contribute tothe discoveryof newand cheapest medicines. Lantana camara plantistreatment ofmanyillnessesand is used for different medicines forpeople. Thechemical composition of theentireLantana camara planthasbeen researched inan extensive way byscientistsand researchers across theglobeinthelastfewdecades.Lantana Camara as wellasthe pharmacological biological operations. Such studies identifiedLantanacamara therapeutic potential in modern medicines, as well as a potential candidate fordrugdiscovery. This study gives a glimpseof ethnobotany, phytochemistry, pharmacology. Keywords: Herbs, Lantana camaraLinn., Phytochemistry,Pharmacology. Introduction: Herbage are an excellent resource basefor the traditionalmedicineand herbalindustriesand theyprovidealarge number of livelihoods and health care to Indian residents[1]. Modernmedicinal products, mainlyherbal innature,are nowa dayusedto treat the disease.Differentherbalformulations exist now a day [2].The WHOacknowledged this factin the early 1970'sandurged government