Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Norwich, CT 06360 Permit #329 Serving The Jewish Communities of Eastern Connecticut & Western R.I. CHANGE SERVICE RETURN TO: 28 Channing St., New London, CT 06320 REQUESTED VOL. XLVII NO.6 PUBLISHED BI-WEEKLY MARCH 19, 2021/6 NISAN 5781 NEXT DEADLINE APR. 2, 2021 16 PAGES HOW TO REACH US - PHONE 860-442-8062 • FAX 860-540-1475 • EMAIL
[email protected] • BY MAIL: 28 CHANNING STREET, NEW LONDON, CT 06320 Campus moves ahead Happy Passover Shared moments and many memories By Marcia Reinhard, JFEC Ass’t Director I don’t know how many of you remember Noa Brosh and Ron Peleg (2014-15) or how many of you had the pleasure of really getting to know them. I sincerely hope there are many of you. I know they made a lot of connections and became close to quite a few people, but I can never keep track of all those who impacted each of the emissaries’ lives. If you were lucky enough to get to know them, you Architects’ rendering of Jewish Community Campus located on the site of Temple Emanu-El in will remember two very sweet people; two gentle souls. Add to that, Waterford. their good nature, their senses of humor and their hard work and A rendering of the proposed new Jewish campus was presented Carin Savel, Executive dedication to the program and to our community. to the Campus committee on March 9. Michael Doherty and Joe Director of the JFEC exclaimed, As I read through Noa’s and Ron’s articles, it struck me how, two Sziabowski, the Boston-based architects presented three thrilling “Very rarely is a project born that emissaries, two young people from the same year, who shared many of options for the campus which would be the new home of Temple inspires this kind of momentum-- the same moments, have different memories come to the forefront of Emanu-El and Congregation Beth El along with a new building for from individuals, families, their minds.