Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage E PAID Norwich, CT 06360 Permit #329 TH RETURN TO: 28 Channing St., New London, CT 06320 Serving The Jewish Communities of Eastern Connecticut & Western R.I. CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED VOL. XLII NO. 14 PUBLISHED BI-WEEKLY WWW.JEWISHLEADERWEBPAPER.COM JULY 29, 2016/23 TAMMUZ 5776 NEXT DEADLINE AUG. 5, 2016 16 PAGES HOW TO REACH US - BY PHONE 860-442-8062 • BY FAX 860-443-4175 • BY EMAIL
[email protected] • BY MAIL: 28 CHANNING STREET, NEW LONDON, CT 06320 Operation Cool Down The Jewish Federation of Eastern CT’s Operation Cool Down program has concluded another successful season – from June 16 through July 22, 2016. During that time the Federation gave out 24 new air conditioners (ACs) and four Please check out our special pull out section gently used, donated ACs. The Federation could not on the life of Elie Wiesel (pages 7-10) do this program without the support and generosity of area businesses, agencies and other Pres. Rivlin calls for l-r: 2013-14 Emissaries Bar Halgoa and May Abudrham met up non-profits. SupportersCore of Plus this with eastern CT’s 2016-17 Emissaries Tal Gilboa and Guy Carmi. Federalyear’s Operation Credit Union; Cool DownChel- unity after killings seaprogram Groton include Bank, Lawrence By Edgar Asher, Ashernet + Memorial Hospital, Tal & Guy on their way here the Norwich Rotary Founda- By Marcia Reinhard, Assistant Director tion. and- - Following the terror attack in the Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray church in Northern France on Tuesday, July 26, Israeli President Their combined generos As we are heading into the last week of July, I am busy prepar Reuven Rivlin reiterated his call for international unity in the- ity allowed us to purchase an ing for the arrival of our new Young Israeli Emissaries at the end- face of the threat of terrorism and religious hatred.