Administration of William J. Clinton, 1998 / Oct. 10 2029

programs so that every child will be able to as a nation. We must all reaffirm that we read well and independently by the end of will not tolerate this. the third grade. It should help bring out of Just this year there have been a number school youth back into a learning environ- of recent tragedies across our country that ment. And it should support our new mentor- involve hate crimes. The vicious of ing initiative to reach out to young people James Byrd last June in Jasper, Texas, and and encourage them early to stay in school, the assault this week on Mr. Shepard are only learn their lessons, and go on to college. among the most horrifying examples. Small classes, trained teachers, modern Almost one year ago I proposed that Con- schools, high standards, public school choice gress enact the ‘‘Hate Crimes Prevention and more—this is a plan that can revolution- Act.’’ Our Federal laws already punish some ize education in America. But the Repub- crimes committed against people on the basis lican majority in Congress hasn’t even passed of race or religion or national origin, but we the annual education investment bill yet. should do more. This crucial legislation When it comes to education, Congress sim- would strengthen and expand the ability of ply must not settle for an incomplete. I ask the Justice Department to prosecute hate the Republicans in Congress to join the crimes by removing needless jurisdictional Democrats to put progress over partisanship, requirements for existing crimes and by giv- and send me a full education investment bill. ing Federal prosecutors the power to pros- Remember, the budget Congress must ecute hate crimes committed because of the now finalize will be the last complete budget victim’s sexual orientation, gender, or disabil- of the 20th century. We cannot pass up this ity. All deserve protection from golden opportunity to invest wisely now to hate. help all our children seize the promise of the There is nothing more important to the century to come. future of this country than our standing to- Thanks for listening. gether against intolerance, prejudice, and violent bigotry. It is not too late for Congress NOTE: The President spoke at 10:06 a.m. from to take action before they adjourn and pass the Oval Office at the White House. the ‘‘Hate Crimes Prevention Act.’’ By doing so, they will help make all Americans more safe and secure. Statement on the Attack on Matthew Shepard October 10, 1998 Statement on the Death of I was deeply grieved by the act of violence Clark M. Clifford perpetrated against Matthew Shepard of Wy- October 10, 1998 oming. The Justice Department has assured me Hillary and I were saddened to learn of that local law enforcement officials are pro- the death of Clark Clifford, an American ceeding diligently to bring those responsible statesman who helped shape half a century’s to justice. And I am determined that we will struggle for freedom. From his first days by do everything we can and offer whatever as- President Truman’s side as a young naval sistance is appropriate. aide, to his wise counsel to President Carter, Hillary and I ask that your thoughts and he was someone upon whom Presidents your prayers be with Mr. Shepard and his could rely for judicious and effective advice. family, and with the people of Laramie, Wyo- When his wisdom and experience were need- ming. In the face of this terrible act of vio- ed, which was often, he offered it with lence, they are joining together to dem- charm, grace, and a certain humility. As Sec- onstrate that an act of evil like this is not retary of Defense at a critical time under what our country is all about. In fact it strikes President Johnson, he helped to begin the at the very heart of what it means to be an search for peace in Vietnam. His legacy of American and at the values that define us public service is notable in our history. Our

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thoughts and prayers go to his wife, Marny, 35 or more students all vying for a minute and their three daughters. of attention from the teachers, about schools so old they can’t be connected to the Inter- Statement on Congressional Action net. This can be changed, but we cannot afford on the ‘‘Charter School Expansion to wait. And we are waiting for the Repub- Act of 1998’’ lican majority in Congress to bring this year’s October 10, 1998 education investment bill to the floor. The I am very pleased that the Congress has delay must end. On education, Congress approved the ‘‘Charter School Expansion Act must choose progress over partisanship. We of 1998.’’ This law will ensure that the charter need a strong bipartisan bill. schools movement will give parents and stu- Just a few days ago, I had the honor of dents more choices, better schools, and signing into law such a bill to open the doors greater accountability for results. When I was wider to higher education. And in just the elected President, there was only one charter last 2 days, Republicans and Democrats have school in the Nation. With help from the worked together to pass strong charter school charter school initiative I proposed in 1993 and vocational education measures. And I’d and signed into law in 1994, there are now like to thank Senator Jeffords, Senator Ken- more than 1,000 charter schools serving nedy, Senator Coats, Congressmen Goodling more than 200,000 students across the Na- and Clay and Roemer for that. Now it’s time tion. This new measure is an important step once again for Congress to cross party lines toward reaching my goal of creating 3,000 and send me an education budget that I can high-quality public charter schools that will sign that is worthy of our children and their educate more than half a million students. future. There is more to do to create the renais- This bill must make the right investments sance in public education our Nation needs in our children’s future. It must include a and our students deserve. Congress must put strong downpayment on my request for progress ahead of partisanship and strength- 100,000 teachers for smaller classes in the en our public schools by enacting legislation early grades. It must invest in academically that will help communities hire 100,000 well- enriched after-school and summer school trained teachers to reduce class size in the programs to keep kids in school and out of early grades, modernize or build 5,000 trouble. It must invest in modernized schools schools, strengthen early literacy programs, for our children; we cannot raise students up provide quality after-school programs, and in buildings that are falling down. Any budget put in place high national standards and tests that does not do anything to help modernize in the basic skills of reading and math. our schools to give our children safe and clean places to learn does not fully prepare Remarks During Education Budget them for the 21st century. Negotiations and an Exchange With Tomorrow night the funding to keep the Reporters Government open expires again. Senator October 11, 1998 Daschle, Congressman Gephardt, their Democratic colleagues, and I will work with The President. In only 447 days, the 21st the Republican majority to do the right thing century begins, a century in which the edu- for our country. We must pass a budget that cation of our Nation’s children will matter is fiscally responsible, that honors our values, more than ever before. Yet, far too many of that invests in the education of our children. our schools are not ready for that new cen- That is the most important thing we can do tury. We’ve all seen the news stories about in this long-running Congress. teachers teaching classes in subjects they Q. Mr. President, the Republican leaders didn’t major in in college, about schools so were saying this morning that if you were overcrowded they have trailers out back to serious about reaching this budget deal, that handle the overflow, about classrooms with you would stay in Washington instead of

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