WEcI*\ Mc1(U ii 'I .1W AUK' NI \VOOD 130 MU)



In accordance with Section 61 of the Financia Maiegmiit Act 2006, we hereby thmt fr your infarmabon, and presentation In Fadiamerit, the AflflLi Rrort of th Biir'oo1 Pad Rod for th finanriat year ended 3i June 2009

The ArnuaI Fepod has been prepared in aocordnre with th prcvisionscit the Fn.rcict.I1 Mantgment Act 26

4 I

Barry A Spfgeaflt Vin Nairn PRESIDENT MEMBER 31 August 2009 31 August2009

Cover: Buiswocd Park Thousands of locals and vsiors enjoy The facmties at 8urcwood Pm* andfheButswriod PeskPub4c Go?! CourseVftyenr TABLE OFCONTENTS

Statement of Compliance to the Miniter

Presidents RepQrt 3

General Managers Overview 4

The Year in Review

Executh,e Sunimay Highlights ot 2008/2')09 5

Looking Ahead - Planning for the Future 5

Agency Profile

Mission Statrneni and Borci Otactrves 6

Burswoc,d Park Board 7

Bi.rswood Park Board Operating Structure 8

Legislative Environment g

A ci n rti Po rfr ryn n - P rw i4

Mmnisti'ation 10

Burswood Parks and Gidens 20

Bi.rswood Park Pubhc (3olr Course 28

RiversideFunchon Roam.Sprig Bararid C:afè 29

Golf Olubouse Leases and greenent 29

Golf Professional Shop and Operations 30

Significant Issues and Trends 32

Financial Statements

Financial Statements 33

Audit Opinion 53 icey Pert ormance Indicators 55

Annual Estimates far 200W20tO 59 PRE$IDENr's REPORT

MINISTER FOR RACING AND GAMING In accordance wilh Section 61 of tne F'runoaJMafiagement Acr 'uo. it5 wnn pleasure that submit for your information and presentation IcPartiarnerit the Annual Fepert of the Surswood Park Board for the year ended 30 June 2L)09. The Annual Report includes a synopsis of the B)3rds activtes icr the 12 months ended 30 June 2009 periormnce indicators and audited fnanoal statements for the period Ths report is designed to outline the Eoards aivties duringI 2008/2009 and to satisfy its statutory reporting requirements. Over the past year, the Board arid maragemeit have sought tc attact a boac range ot local, interstate and international 'istors to Burswood Iark to enjoy its unique mix of natural attrachons Iandscaoed gardens. herage tours. worldclassgolf ccurse ard recreational faciIities We have also continued to promote Rurswood Paias a unique location - nestled between an international- standard erite mnrnent complex and 's icnic Sar River - to further extend our tourism r.ach. The Rurswood Park Board remains comrnitted tn making the niost of us riverfront location and maximising access for locals and visitors alik UurIn9 the year. cur continued support for OOTTUTiunity-based outdoor events helped raise millions for Western Australian charities.Of particularnote is the success of Movies by 8ursood at Burswood Park.This year, the unique otdocr cinenia raised a record-breaking $501162 for charity - a staggering B6 per cent growh on thia previous seasonIn eght seasons, Movies by Burswood has now raised more than $1.&million Ior Perth-based chilrens charities, and continues to be exlrernely popular wth some 52+551 peop4eattending dunng 200612009 The daily free heritage and garden walking tours of Burswood Par1, continued to be a major altraclion for year-round visitors with demn and 'orthe guided valking tours remaining steady. The helicooter service that commenced aoeratiriifrom the Park in Novmher C}flis nroiriina i popular aleriae activiy for visitors whe are a1le tn experience a birds eye view & the city by enjoying a helicopter tour. The Parks locabon on the barks of the Swan River combined with its actve recreaiona I program and iconic mix of exotic and Australan native 10vers, shrubs and trees has seen t become a weir- utile 5ed, seasonal disccvery centre or local andoverseas .,Isctos, arid a popular year-round park, playground and barbecue location for family relax:atior' arid celebrations. Burswood Park,ri particular the Swan She'l. cor'itinues to grow in popularity as a vedding venue, with some 110 couples holding their wedding cerirnony in the Park during the 12-nicnth perod, Over the past year, our commrtrnen to improvingand protectn the natural environment has been extended to an unprecedented levelThe Board has contributed an unheralded $6million to a range cf river protection project5 for the Svan and Canning River system - a significant contribution that will ensure this precious natureii resource will continue o be maintained foi' the enjoyment of generations to corneIn 2O08t2O0the Board also embarked on a major initiative to reduce the current dependence or groundwater for irrigation of the parks arid golf course and ensure the most efficient use of our water rescurtes Dunng the year, Mrs Bartara Cook retired as a3oard niember The Board and !taff thank her for her valued contribution Burswood Park remains a valued and very popiilar community arid tourist destiriabon in , On behalf of the BoardJ would like tci thank all Burswood Park staff and volunteers for their unwavering commitment, enthusiasm andhard work - and their invaluable contnbUicfl to another successful year


The BurswocdParkoard wasetabIished as astatutory authorityriJanuary 1986 inaccoraance witfl ciause 6(1)(C) of the Casino (BurswooiI Island) Agreement scheduled to the Casino (Bursivood Island) Agreement 4cr, 1985 flTho St.tegrernnt). Under the provisions of the Parks aod ReserkesActp895, the Board is responsible for the control and management of Burswood Park.The (urswood Park by-laws are creatod under the provisions of the Parks a,id Reserves Act 1895. Burswood Park comprises 110 hecares of C ciass reserve which surrounds live major buildings which nake up the Burswocd EntertainmentCompiex, an 18hole public golf course on 60 hedares. 43 hectares of parks ard gardens (ncludin 48 hectaresofpermanentcar-parking areas) and the State Tennis Centre on seven her The Burswood Park Board is a tody corporatewithts President arid Members appointed by the Governor of dVestern AistraliaThe Hon Terry'iNaldron MLA. Minister for Racing and Gaming is the Minister responsible for the &irswt>od Pa'k Board.There were no Minstenal directives received during the financial year.During 200E..2)09 the BDard held eight ordinary meetings as well as a number of golf sub-commfttee meetings Under he terms of the State Agrocrncrit, Our5woodPark s developed and maintained by the Board from re'enue receied from Casino operations each and every month.The amount received is equal to the greater of $S3 334 or th'aggregate of 14 o Casino Gross Revenue from Ta1e Games, 1% from International Comrmsiion Business and 2% from Electronic Gaming Machine for the month.Payments receivedIrom the Trustee under this Agreement for the 2OO8'2OOfinancial year totalled $7,41145 The Boarc aiso reerved $17O8.690 from tre golf course operations The Board has complied wth the internal auditrequirerrerits of the Financial Management Act 2006 Coote Lawty. Chartered Accountants, corripleted n internol audit review incccrdance with il' rrt,fidif rdri.i'i,'I, iru"lirfc'I fh'l' rFc.rr.'i ir,rpIcrt Th interral audit function r an on-going processto provide assurances to the Board that the responsibi'ities under the Fmaruial ManagemonAct are being adequately discharged. The Board maintains performance indicators tcmeasure the effective delivery ct programs to achieve its objecti.'es The Board's volunteer tour guide service contini.es to flourish as an impollant community asset. This year, our Tour Hosts were recognised byhe Town of Victoria Park as part of the National Volunteers Week celebratiDrs.The seniuce continues to play a vital role in community and education building progranis and provides support to a wide range of charity fundraisers and community events. Burswood Parks popularity as a recreation detiraEon continues to increase in popuarty and orofile and itsse by the community and loca! ald overseas visitors, istestament to the quality of the facilities, the active program ot community elgaQenlent and conriued viQianice by the Board. It is thanks to the combined efforts of staff, volurileers and contractors that we continue to maintain world class standards of presentation Our success over the past year would rot hwe been possbIe without thecommitment and l)rofe5sionaIisnl of our team of dedicated sta'fmd volunteer5. Our achievements over the past iear are a direct result cit tteir passion and enthusiasrn, so to them, my sincere thanksI feel p'ri'iileged to be a part of this team.


EXECUTiVE SUMMARY - HIGHLIGHTS C)F 2008/2009 During 2008/2009 Burswood Park: Welcomed 73755 golreis to the BurswoodPark Public Gor Course. In 2C0812009 the Board received 51708690 rom golf couise operalions, coaipared to $1 e2 855 n 200712008 Contributed $6rriHlon to projects that help to protect aniimprove the qualityf th Swan and Canning River systm. Supperted Western Austrahas onlynot-tar-profitoutdoor ciema,Movies by Burswood. whicti was attended by more than 52.55 1 peoplernd raised aIecord-breakiig $601162 for charity. Hosted an annual free concert by the WA Vo4h Orchestra and West Australian Opera Welcomed thousands of local, interstate and international visrtois to celebrate Chrstrnas with Carols in the Park. Provided freeguided tours ofBurswood Fark highlighbng Western Australia's heritage and ke featores of the Park and welcomed many school and TAFE student groups to expeoence and Learn wthin the Park Hosted a rançe of events, including the 14rannual Have-A-Go Day, Walk to Cure DiaDeles he Telethon Toddle and the WA VeleransAthletics Ctub Walks 1 Runs. The Walk to Cure Diabetes event has rased more than3300,O00 for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation since it started at Bur5wood Palk 12 years ago. Hosted in incrcacd number ofporIingsocial and cor1u11Qn-interr.sL guups fr group activthes as well as some 110 couples who chose Burswod Park as the venue for their wedding ceremxiy. Enibaked on a water strateqto reduce th4cun'ent reliance on qrcundwater suppI, to irriciate the Park and Golf Course Alternatrve watr sourcesre being investigated. ani an irrigation audit of the site has commenced to detrmine the effectweness of the current irrigation system.

LOOKING AHEAD - PLANNING FOR THUE FUTURE The Board wfl continue to plan for continued groMb and an exciting future for Burswood Park. In 200912010 this will include: The progressive roll-out of a coniprehersive water strategy to reduce relance on the teederville aquifer for irrigationV'ater vok'me anJ quity testing will conimence n 2009. as well as a review of storrvater hanestmg oDt)OflS The ongoing devel.opnient and maritenanciot Burswood Park facilities and attractions - and supporting educational touts and program- to maxin'iise local, interstate and international rlSitOr5 and their eroyment of the Past rts 1Facilites and surrounds

The irvestigaion ci partnerships WitFI local and charity groups tc furThr inhance lhe Parks carendar nf events and strong support of 'Nestcn AUstralian cliarly organisationc Continued work with the lccai communltyplanning authonties,local government and developers to review planning slrategiesnd support the creahon of nnoiaIve inlegrated urban development with sustanabIe environment parkiand arid leisure activities. The development or a macro plan whsch Ikes into account a ferry jetly. the foreshore lake near the InterContinental fltirwood ResiDii PerTh Hote'fiitur(Rtirswnd Fnleilainment Complex (BEC) deve'opments and the Borwood Peninsula residential development, Continued support ror Movies by Burswoxfor a furTher two years. with &od approval that Burswooi Piik will host the outdoor rm)vieevent ror te 2009i2010 and 201 Oi2011 sedSOn AGENCY IPROFILE

MISSION STATEMENT Ta develop Burswond Pk ala the premier park iDf FtS type in Australia

BOARD OBJECTIVES The ur5wood Park board s key cibectives are to Achevt (he higtes1 standards of Park nia intenance and management. PrDmote the Park to Western Austrahark5 and visilocs to the State as an attractive and accessilIe 'enue for actrve ad isive recreati041.

Provide maximum visitor enjoyirient andI satisfaction. Enstre that the Park is develoçedwithin environmental gukteflries that ae compatib'e with and complementary to,the original environment of theita Establish the ParI as an educationalresource or the study 0! the hlstoiy ani environment at the Burswood site, AGENCY FDROFILE

BURSW000 PARK BOARD Street address: Burswood Part Public Golf Course Clubhouse Roger Mac Ka Drive BURSW000 WA 610D

Postal address: PC Box 114 9URSW000 WA 6100

Talc phone: (08) 9361 4475 Facsimile:(08) 9470 3018 Email: reception@burswoodparkwa gov-a Website: www.burswoodpark ww gov au

Btrrswood Park Board Members barry Sargean President Barry Feltead Member Carolyn ..akobsen Member Viii Nairn Member

General Manager to the Board Rrin Wichir

Bankers Bank ct Westm AustralI irri ted (VictorPark Branch) 108 St G&wes Tprraciø PERTH WA 600C

Financial Stanton Partnecs Level 1.1 Havelock SVeet WEST PERTH WA 6005

Auditors Audttor General or WA 2 Hav$ock Street WEST PERTH WA 6005 Cooe Lawty Chartered Accountant5 Level 1, 1 The Esplanade MT PLEASANT WA 6153

Public Relations and Marketing MiUs Wilson Commi.njcaon Consultants 2'64 2 Wewcastle Street LEEDERVILLE WA 6007





PridruI Mmber RernDer

airySargeint CtoIyn Jkobo VinNairn rry Fottad Vacant

Cherw Counc oi Ch& Eeutivt Oficec Gaming ani Town ot ViCIOnParl Wagerrng Burwood Ciin c,'NA EnLinment Coex Nominatoci by Nominated by Norninatdby tominated by Ganivig and Mnister for Town of VIclona Park BurswcodResod Wagenng Environm1 (Manament) Uin'nsssonf WA UmiLeci 1.-en-. trirnt Tn.... e. ..e%i.-e.r Tn -... 31JuIy21D 31Juy2O11 31Ji4ry 2(W) 3 Jvy2OO

ConiiuItant Fiiiance and Admnlstration Manage' Lagia Fnci PtibO, R9l9Of$ Ofticsr a Mar G cQr5e and Pa,* SnnMhart A'vhecE QW Pmas in Jufle TLU5 Cowie Ccrn!ru1l Tht Food ann fii.ra9e

Operaonis Manager Golf Cour, Pirk andardens

Superintendents - Goff Courso Sam Frno - Rrks nd Gardens

Grourd Staff Cjnt,doc AGENCY'ROFILE

LEGISLATIVE ENVIRONMENT Enabling Legislation The 6.irswoodPark. Boafd was estab'ished in accordanoe with cIaus6 (1) (C) of the Agreerneni schedu'ed to the Cairio 4Buf'wuoc1 ?s,ud rnenr Act 1 95 Under the provisions of the Parks and Rsrves A1985-1983. the board is resporisible for the control and nianagement of Burswood Park; a class C reserve tr park5 and eCredtion. Legi&Iatlon impacting on the Burswood Park H;oards Activities In tfle peulorniance of Its kinctiwis, true board cornpJis with the 1oIIowiiij relevant wiitten 'aws: Contaminated Sires Ad' 2003; Ccmlptioo &d Cnm'e Commissk,n Act 2003 DisabltyServices Act1993, Eetoil Act t907, Eiectmnic T,ansacttons Act 2003: EqwsI Oppcwtwiity Ac! 1984. Financtal Manaqernent Act 2006: Freedom of Informeikw Act 1992; industrial R6iatior?s Act 1979. Lbr8ry Board o( Western At1staha Act 1951, M'nimum Conditions and Emp/oyments Act 1993.

-.-,I ,i... 4ñO !JI C1I I-J I.J 1"1 I'7' Par1amentary Cornmisioner Act 1971; Ptibc dnteresl Oisclosuro Act 2003; Pibuc SectoiManegi3'ment Ac!1994: Sa1ines find Mowances Act 1975, Sffite Records Ac! 2000; State Superannuation Act 2000; Stete Supply Commissbn Act 1991 Workers Compensation and 1nury Manaçj'ementct p981.

In thefinancial administration of the Board, the Eoard has complied with the requirements o tP'e Financal Management Act 2006 and every otherelevant written aw, and exercised controls wtnch provde reasonatle assurance that the receipt.expenditure of money and The acquisition and disposal of public property ad incurring cf liabilites have been in accordance with legislative provsions At the date of signing, theoard is not awareof any circumstances which would rende the particulars inc'uded in thrs statement misleading or lnacctm'ate. AGENCY PERFORMANCE -REPORT ON OPERATIONS

ADMINISTRATION Staff The Board experienced a stable staff situationduring he year, whith had a positve effect on productivity. The ra.mber of full time equwalent ei-nr'Ioyees at 30 Jurbe 20O wa five The Boards staff conditions of enipêoynientare governed by the Public Service General Agreement 2008. Ttiee we rio industrial issues during the year bteer employees and the Board Tte Board has a commitment to the de'eIopmeft of its employeesThe Board ainto build a hghly skrlled, professonal and fair wrkforce v.rdh the ability to adapt to thanges in bu5riess climate, tech notogy and the environment. During the year, Board staff at1ericed training couies and seminars on Playground safety. irrigation, fire safety, g1f course construction and turf rnahinery State Supply Commission procurEment P0licies Department of Treasury ad Finance purci,asin'Q pi'actices, Occup.tiona safety, health and injury mariagenient and Accountability, governance and ethical dicsion making in the Western Aiistnilian pubflc sector.

In July 2008 theol1 Supeiintendent dltendlC thiAuUaIiari TurF (3rasi Conference in Melbourne and in April 20)9 Ihe Gerieal Mandyel 'epesenled the Board on an official delegation ed by the 1 ord Maycr of he C ly of Perth on a sister city visaIto Kagosbirna, Japan Equal Employment Opporftinit The Board renialns Coniznt cf Fts responsibiFityas an equal opportunity ernpoer and continues to app4y just arid equitable trealnwffl across all stifVing issues Purchasing of Goods and Services The Board Continues to mplement purchasing pacbccs outhnod in khc Gocrnmen Purchasing Charter and has fflalntained a partial exemphon;crtific.aion for purchases up to $20000 from the Statc Supply Commi5son (SSC) eriabl,ng internal responsibility and contr0! of tendering and procurerrie nt Disability Services Plan The Board has oontrnued to rileruent rts Ds.aIDIlrty Services Plan t nure high stanciard f visrtor facilities and services for all vsitors, which Include Access fr d sabled peope and their Ca rers to playground facilities, toilet areas and thE gott clubhouse cafe and function areas; Disabled par¼ing and Roaø crossing ramps. The Rard a&pted rts first Disability Srvic Plan(DSP) in 2000 to address thbarriers for popl wth dahilhes who need to access ts serves aud facilities Durir'g 200912010 the Board will conuinue to irrtpIernenits DSP and corplete a new Dtsabibty Atx.ess and Inclusion Plan (DAIPI The new DAIFwill repIe and bijild on the DSP to ensure that people with disabihties cnGCeSs servicesiii way that allows increased independence, opportunlUes and Inclusion within the conimunity AGENCY PERFORMANCE -REPORT ON OPERATIONS

The Board is comnitted to achievirg the folowinçj six desired Disability Access and Inclusion Plan outcomes

1 People with disabies tiave tIle same oportunities as other people to access the services of, arid any events organised by a pubhciuthority 2 People with disabilities have the same opp'ortunihes as other people to access the buddtnQs andotherfacilities of a publicauthnrity. 3 People with iiisabilities iecemve informationfroni a public author iy ii a format that will enable them to access the information as readiPy as othe people areable to access it 4 People withisandities receive the samelevel and quality ot service fron the staff of a pubbc authority as other people receive from the sIaN of that public authority. 5 People with disabilities have the sarlie L)ortunitles as otflei people to make complaints to a public author ity 6 People with a disability have the same o)portunities as other people to participate in any consultation by a r.ublic authority. Occupational Safety and Health and Injury Maiiagement The Board places a bigt' importance on providing a healthy and safe work envTronment and is pleased to report that no days were lost through irijury by Board staff in the past 12 months The Board Iscorrmrtted toOccupational Safety aiid Health OSH and injury mariagemerit During the year staff participated in the establishniet of an Injury Managenent policy and return to work plan focussing on ealy intervention for injured employees, in accordance with the injury management reIiremen?s of the Workers Cornpensation and ftijwy Management Act 1981. In 200912010, the Board wil ievew and lmpn1ent proceduies in accordance with 2010 annual ItpI?ILIIIy IUIiIrtIlt UUUI!IU II! U! ririr II,UIdI LIJ!Js'.'I, During the year no claims for worcers compensation werelodged as follows:

Indicator 2008109 Target 2008109 Actual

Number of fata'ities Li (J

Lost Vrne lnjury(dlseases (LTIfD) lncden( rate C C

Number of severe clarnis C 0

Lost brne injuryfdiseases (1.TlD) severity rate ci 0

Freedom of Informafton cuiing the financiac no Freedom of Inforrrabon applications were receivedThe General Manager is thc dcsigratcd Freedom of lnfo.rmaton Co-odtnator and s responsible for assl5tuig with public access to document5 with any inquiries tbe directed to thc General Manager Public Interest Disclosure (PlO)

As required by the provisions of tho Pubc fntere.r scios,m Act 2003. tho General Manager has corrpliad with the obligatirns imposed pursuant tcsecbon 231). In this respect, the Geneal Manager has beenippointed as the oatds PlO Officer and internal procedures relating to the agenc(s obligationshave been pubshed and niade available br access by all stall arid mernbefs of the pubbcThe oarhas a'so ado ped internal procediJi'es tt'at meet its obligation to provide protection forpeople who riaHe a public merest d!5closlJre and the Dutcorne at the assessnei1 of the disclosure As at 30 June 2&39. no Putic Interest Disclsures had been made AGENCY PERFORMANCE -REPORT ON OPERATIONS

Audit Results Report by Mlii isterlal Portfolios The Ohce if the Aultcr Gecieial advised tfleBoard on 1 D Noeniber 2COC that the Auditoc Generals Audit Results Report by Minlsteual Partiollos was tabled in Pailiarneul on 10 November 2008. and that the Buiswoo Park Board was rateiJ as one of 51 of Ihe better practiceagencies rroni 171 agences auditedii 200712008 Burswood Park Board was denified as dspiayirig better practice in managing flnanral reporhng. The Auditor Generars assessment was based onthe quality and ti nietines of financial statements. quality at coriroIs arbzkey performance indcitors, and general good financial management practCe5. 2008WS Lonnie Awards On 23 June 201)9, the Institute of Public Admirislrahon Australia advised that Rurood Park Board was short-listed for the WS Lonnie Awris whidi recognise the importance of being accourtabte and transaventii a succinct andindependent way More than 120 State Puhc Sector annual reports were reviewed to assess whether they met the benchmark cntecia, including report avaiLability and accessibility, Burswood Pai-k Board's annual report was in the top 29 reports of those assessed Exemption Ironi Chief Finance Officers (CFO)Qualification Requirements The Department of Treasury and Finance adviied the I3urswood Park Hoard that it has been granted an exemption from the q ualiticat3on reg uirements of Treasurers Instruction (TI 824 Tb Oepartmenl of Treasury and Finance advisedthat: Pursuant to TI104 (Exemptns), theBurswcod Paric Board has been granted an exmpbori from the qualification requirernentof TI 824, cubjct to thBoards CFO contiluung to be supported by a suitably cualrfid accounting frrr arid ttwre not beFnq any rn.teiaI chancie tc the nat.ire and extent nf the Rrrds nr.ritinn and The exemption is apphcatie to the tenuriot he current ircumberit CEO and should the positon become vacant in future. tPe circumstances will ne to be reconsidered in relation to the requirements of TI 824 Code of Conduct In September 1999. the Board adopted a Code ofConduct based on a Ternp!a(e Code of Conduct fGovemmelit 8owds 8nd Comrnttees prepared by the OfiFice of the PUblic Sector Standards Commissioner. The Code of Conduct providesguidance to all enployees in matters relating tQ their work and re1itionships with other errployeesand cu5lorners. Rcordkcoping Plan tn acccrcthnce wilh he SeotRocords Ac! 2000.every Government agency is required to iave a Recordkeep4ng Pan, The Boards RocordkeepncPlan was approved for a period of five years by the State Records Commission at its rneetinq in 2'DOS The BoanJs plan sets out to ensure that recordsare created, managed anii maintained over time and disposed ct in accordance with the principies arid standards issued by the State Records Corn in 155 Ofl The Board is also currntty planning to complyw1h thminimum requirements of SrirIa.rr 2 RecotlikeepnQ P'ans and Standard 6 Ot,tsourtàrg by submitting documents lo the State (Records Office of Western Australia tmeet these requirerinents The Boards compliance and record keeping acthiities also include. Ar evaluation or the eftciency arid &fectrveress of tte Boards record keeping systems not less than once every five years. A ecxxdkeeping training program conduct'd by the Board, AGENCY PERFORMANCE -- REPORT ON OPERATIONS

Regular reviews of the efficiency and effectiveness of the recodkeepnq trainirg program; and The Board5 induction program addresinempIo'ee roles ani reouslblIjUes lii regard to their compliance with the organisations Rcordkeeping PIan Compliance with Pub fic Sector Management Acl 1994. Section 31(1) Public Sector Standards and Ethical Codes 1.In the administration of the Burswood ParIc Board, the Board has complied with the Pubbc Sector Standards in Human Resource Managenient, the Western A ustral ian Public Sectcr Code o Ethics and the Boards Code ol C)nduct. 2 The Boditi hds putinplace procedurus desçjned to ensure such compliance and cunded appropiae internal sesnient5 to satisfy the state!nent made iii paragraph 1 3.No applLcaticns were received for a breah of standardsAccordingly, the corresponding outcomes for the reporbng period are Number loded-NiI Number of breaches found including details of multple breathes per application - Nil Num.er Still urder review - NI Compliance with the Electoral Ad 1907, Sectciin 175ZE In acccidance with section 175ZE o the EIeclorni'Act 1907 the Burswood Farc Board Incurred the following experidture durinthe 200&20C9 tinincsal,ear in re'ation to advertising agences, rnarlcet research, poIIin. direct mail and media advertising orga nisa;ioris

Media advertising organ Isatlo ns Mills Wilson Communication Consuants $12, 240 Advertising agncie5 Mcorp Marketing 56,070 Maricetforce Produc1io ns 54220 Market research organ Isatlons Polling cirganisationc S Nil Direct mIII orgar1lsatons $N1 Total ExpendiWre -. $22, 530

Risk Management Whilst a risk manaement review hs not ideritfed arly risks arjnacc,tabI a ntinthr rf potential risks were identified and a nsk management policy wrtti pi'ocdur and guidhns has been apIiedto address ttese risks A Cnsis Magenient and Business ConIiniy P?.wits beingdeveloped wi LIiRiskCover (Insurance Commissn o Westein AustralIa), 0 dii ellurt toprotect the safetyand well beingor andmembers ofthe puic. and to ensure continuity of ctitical buines ftzndions. Corruption Prevention The Board is developing a policy statement for theprevention of fraud corruption and rniscond'jct The policy wIJ be part of the Boards risk rnariagenentand securityassessment process The activities which the Board will report in their staternent include: The development and implementatienof a strategy for identfyingmanaging and preventing misconduct and Corruption: AGENCY PERFORMANCE -REPORT ON OPERATiONS

Communication to staff about internal ndfication pocedures for dealing with misconduct and corruption The education of 5tdff who are employed iiri areas of high risk and awareness (taming in the Boards induction process be inclusion of nusconduct and corruptcri preventon stratege5 in relevant management development activtes: and The integration of n'uiscolHiuct and coruption pieentIon into Uiagencys existing risk maiiagernenl system. The Boards miernal audit review for 2008/20 reported that in respect of the Board s term deposits and investments, payments cycle. fixedassets wages, rceipts and renaI ncorne, (he review confirmed that the controls in place in thfse areas have beer audted and they could be riir1 upon and are operatrng satisfactorily Corporate Services During the year, theoard received reports froirthe Office of Shared Services on the whole-of- Government approach to the consolidation ofshared corporate srice delivery and central procurement initiatives to provde savings and b!tter mariaementThere is a )rogresstve rofi-in of aencies into the shrei1 servipc frmiworand the planned roll.in date for the Briard is 201112012. Swan and Canning River System Enhancement Amendments in 2007 to the Agreement schedulecI to the Casino iBurswwd lsLand) Agreement Act 1985 provided that the Board can apply rnonies received undef clause 23(t)(c) on p4ojects approved by the Minister resi,onsible for the admrnstration of the Swar and Cnnning Rivers Man mont Act 2OO

ri.JLJIy uuo tue e&ra proviuea iuiairig CM Orniuiiori rnuiiuon in irieut iuIjouugei &bU 3rniIlion caEred over from2007f2038furpri)jecls fotile protection and enhancement of ecologica and oomniunity benefits and the a'renty of the Swar and Canning Rrers and assc.cated lands. Working in partn&ship with the Swan Rivet Irust, this unprecedented funding suvcrts the implementation of the Heaflhy Rivers Action FIan The goat of this plan is to protect the environmentalea Ith and conimu nity benefit of tie Swan and CanninQ rivers arid improve water qualrti by reducing nutrients and other contaminants rninimising sedirrent loads entering the rivrs increasing oxygen levels In the iivei's, and protecting an rehabilitating the foreshore The Boards $6million funding direcfty supports tIifollowing nine projects

1.$920, 000 for Hea?Thy Catchments - This Ixogranl aims to reduce nutrient inputs into eight priority calcl'vTlent areas by 30 p& cent by 2015 through setting nutrient reduction targel:s and imroirIland manager'ent practices 2 $115 000 for Land Use P'annsng -This progrøm aims to reduce the impact at future land deveCpnuent b improving planning schen185 and pohcies, app'ying Water Sensittve Urban Dign, and iJing environmental offseiIcrduc th ovralI prssr of increased urban growth

. $962 000 for Vrnwiage Nutrient 1nterventc- This p4ogram Involves draInage Improvement worksdevelopment and application of sci?ntific methods and products. and monitoring arid evaluation, Its 'ocus is the urban and ruraldrains of the Elen Brook Catchrneni


4 $2068000 for (tverbank - Thisprogram protects and enhances the environmental, cultt,al and comrnunity arneruty values ofthe foreshore areas along the Swan and Canning riers. Under the program, these areas are çrotected and restored usrig native veetation and enineeing worl

Assess transport (includingthe E3elrnc)rutPaiki'ailwaystation),civilinfrastructuie. environmental corisideiations and geotechnical aspect5 ol the Durswood Pnir1sutd. Review the strategic contexl of the StateGovernment land around Belmont Park Rai'way Station having regard tocther transpcrt and land-use proposals on the Burswcod Peninsula AGENCY PERFORMANCE -REPORT ON OPERATIONS

Provide the Town of Victona Parl andr&evant State Government Departments wth a detadeO Development Strategy for the ara around the Belmont Park Raitay Station and Lh whole of the Bur5wuod Peninsula The results will fcrrn the basis of a District Struct'.ire Plan for the area The Burswood Part Board General Mariage-r attends the Working Group meetins and provides information to the Working Group arid Departnient for Planning arid lrfrastructure (DPI), The General Manager attended a Burswood Peninsula Working Group meeting on 17 September 2008 and the DPJ tabled a Concepi Plan that indudes residential development of thcBurswood Park golf course and parkland. The Board resolved at a meetng on lB September 20)8 not to support the DPI Concept Plan. Burswood Park Tour Hosts Ttie award-winning Burswoxl Park Tour Host program. now in its 17th year'. continues to be a popular catalyst for visitors to discover WesternustraIias history and the unique flora and fauna of the Swan River and surrounds.Tours alsohgh1iQht WAs prestigious Citizen at the Year awardees honoured at Btirswood Park s Citizen a'Ithe Year Lake Burswood Parks tour hosts are a vibrant, well informed part of the program. ThES yeir, four of the original hosts celebrated 16 yins of continued service, with another eight hosts having provided more than 10 year5 servi;e.Dai!y tours cortinue to dOt as a drawc.ard laf locals. tourists afld visLtOrs and Burswood Park cintinues to receive positive industry omment on the higti standard arid value of the tours. In May 2009. the Burswood Park Tour Hosts were recognised by the Townf Victoria Park at the National 'Ioiunteers Week Morning Tea. Each nnember of the team has their name added to the Ti of Victona Park's Roll of Hcncur for 2009 At thefunction, His Worship Towu of Victoria Park Mayor. Trevoc Vaughan, presented certificates to the Tour Hostsnd 30 other volunteer groups n recxniton of the invaluable contribution of vviuriieeu U!JPUIIPI!Y ISrUeuIIdfIUUIiIITIUIUy YI'I!IJIII!Pr! we i UYV!I UI VII..U!Id rdr.. The Mayor said we are so fortunate to have suct dedicated and enthusiastc people working in our corrimurty to preserve our local knowledge auid history of the area Burswood Park is aIso fortunate to attract volunfter hcsts w10 are highly skiled and dedicated to the conservation of Burswood Park as part of ourState heritage The coninidment of the voluneer5 is reflected not only in the hours of service, but also in their average length of membership, which is apçroxiniateIy eight and a hati years The Tour Hosts are informed and passionate, bening ai appreciation of the Park to hundreds of visitors oacJ year by conducting free guided walling touts that take in the Parks flora, faina and life-sized sculptures Burswood Park Boara fro'dIdes the volunteerswith stylish uniforms and 1raining, as well as meeflniacilrties and secretarial support The8oard also continues to source and train new volunteers to ensjre continuity of this very succe;sluI program The Tour Hosts are higi, pofile promoters of the Park who enhance the reputation uf the Park yeai-round. and who extend their daily programsFor a wide range ol members of the coniTiunrty by also hostinQ speol interest, school and bun St grDUP5 The tour program is offered every day of the yearexcept Christnia Day and Ariac Ddy, ensuring that lcl, national and inrnaiional visitois are gieeted and welcomed tc We5tem Australia's most ppuIar park on the Swaii River In addition to their scheduled daily tours, the Tour Hosts have an ongoing commrtmerrt to meet and greet the Perth Trani which visits the Park eich morning. Special tours luring the past year included Laclies Probus Clibs and the Burswood Residents Association AGENCY PERFORMANCE -- REPORT ON OPERATIONS

In 2OQF2OO9, 188 lourisls attended the hertagetrail tour com9ared to 231 tourists in 200712008 arid there were 118 tourists on speQal group tours compared t192 in 200ll2OO, During the year, rnarvisitors also chose to uriclertake self guideif tours of the Park away from the organised daily tour departures, vith the Tor Hnts rady to provirSa fren1l Irorn nd advice Several Tour Hosts were guests of ladles Probus Clubs and other seniors c'ubs, presenting to a total of 378 peple about the history at BurswoodPark and ttie Heritage Trail tOUr5 Customer Focus Program The Board has a tormal, published Cusrarner5orvice Cla(tef and has conducted several customer sirveys of golf course ani park patrons to si?ek suggestions and feedbiack The Board is corrimited to providing a quality service to satisfy customer needs for an efficneffective and courteous service, and will continue to condLict s.irveys Public Relations and Marketing Burswood Park has ar active promotona1 prograthat cxmprses media relations, advectlsn9 and cross promcticns to maximise awareness of the F'arks otterings. Corporate Image Targeted prornztlonal arid editorial rnatenals. couçled wTth te sourcing and promotcn 01 engaging communuly events have been developed andnplementecl as panof an Integrated strategy to reinlorce the unique offerings and 1versde poslloriIng of Burswood ParK and GotI Cow'se. Promotion arid media outreach has bue-ibanced understanzhng and der appreciation for the Parks location, its passive arid aclive offeflngs and famity-style corriniuMy events. A unirlue aspect of Bursoi Park is its focus onpirniking and h eties as family entertainment, rather th a r*%ce 11irbI1 rrnmrrI nfferinnsThis nhitr'snnh has r4rhi tn tIPrs rAflitlatinn a picnic pr¼ for rpie & all ac Travel Industry Liaison The Park has beer strongly promoted to theit.v1nd tounsm industry and to media through cooperative visits, media relallon5 and the webmse,wiTh hnk5 10 Iounsni Activilie5 Fiave iiduded dired mailmedia laisor ard provision of photcgra*uc and edordI material to appropriate travel indu*y outlels. As anember1 Urn Assvcaation of Perth Attraclions and Tourism Council WA snce I 999. Bwswood Park has Uken advantage of the marketLng inthatives and opportunrties p'esented by Ihe Association and Council to achieve a more structured approach to tourism promotional opportunities dnd to feature alongside olhev sigeificani and unique Perth attractions. Advertisements aid lishngs in vanous Australian Tourisrn Comnissiori and other lifestyle publications and websites continue to maximise awareness ofhe Park. which en,oys Accredited Tounst Busriess status through Tourism Council WAs Qually Assur.a rice p'ogram. EIurswood Park and Golf Course is featured in arange of travel guides, publications and weLs-rtes published by Tounsm Westrn Austr3lia and the prae sedor The Burs wood Park Board General Manage is ajudge !o' the Western Austrauan 1ouism Awards, urideilaking assessment or subrnssions to the ayards including entrant inspections, and is aiso a member of Parks and Leisure Australia With a reputation as one of Perths IeadinQ puicgolf courses Eurswood Par1is regulaity the &st point of contact for golf media wishing to xofile WAgoPf corses A close relationship with the Perth Tram Conipany ensures that at 11 .5Qam daily, touri5ts arrive at Durswood Park for a walking tour. On disembarking the tram nsdors are provided with a proinotiorral bcxicn uark highlighting seasonal events ai id golf options. AGENCY PERFORMANCE -- REPORT ON OPERATIONS

To enaue visitors to appreciate the qualities and sgnificarice of the Swan River, a Bircs at Burswood ParW poster, featuring the rivers ruarij returning waterbørth Is preseiited tci each guest.

Awarei,ess of thePark and its facilties has beerI clearly estabHshed with local tour operators and riroviders of tourist I vi&tor services, with onqoingelaticjnshipmarketng astrateqic part of the Parl's pubic relations program. Ttircugh the continued developrrierit of the Boardsseasonal event prograni and Garden and Henage T,urs, Burswood Paric is now recognised by cach operators as cxie of Perths quality tounst attractl'0n5 and referenced and described in tourist cIriver comnientarles. Awards and Recognition Ttie Boards achievements have teen recognisecand acknowledged through the Parls induction into the Western Austiahan Tourisrr Awards 1-la IIof Fame in 1996, by Parks arid Leisure Austraa as the recipnt of the 2K3 Organisation of the(ear, arid through the 2003 Australia Day Awad presented to the Burswood Pik Tour Hosts Publication5 and Brochures The Boards public profile continues to be promoted through the p.resentation of its promotional and educational brochures offering information onthe Park and the golf Course. Brodures are distributed from 150 tourist reIateI retail and commercial' outlets th!oughout Perth as well as from stategc points within the Park. Ttie brochures and tour informationflyerspi-oruoting Burswood Park are niade avaiLate throughout the Burswocd Entertainment Con1ex including customer service weas. The brochures and publications are designed to er-ourage visitors to participate rn the actle and passive recreational options offered at BuiswocI Park and the riveiside Burswo Park Public Golf Course The Golf Course imagery forms a significant palof iromotional vsuals utlis.ed by the Bu rswood Peninsula Residential deeIopment and to tap intthis and convert nterest into sales opportunities for the golf course, the golf course brochure isilsdistributed through the Development s sales display unitThere continues to be a high detriand for brochures, with current annual distribuhon al rno'e than 20000 Indditon,urswood Parks cngaging seasonal)ookmark h ighhghting ts facilities and events is a prorno'tioral element that carries strong ,istor aipea}The design an quaty of the promotion has resuhed in a long shelf life fr the bookmarls. with audiences using them as keepsakes and key event referencesThe bookmarlc adds to thipositioning of Burswo3d Park and Goti Course and pronbotes awareness of its eor-changing program of oerts, Visitor Surveys A vitor survey questionnaire is used by Parksmd Gardens andoard staff to ecEt information and opinions from Park visitors This informalonas proven to be valuabte to the Boards decision-making. and has been utilised to makeosithie adtislments to activibes and as an aid to long term planning A simiar survey of gotfeis s conucte and has teen ettective ini1entt1ylng te numbers arxl origins o golfers playing the course.Player iostcodes o home state / country details are reco(ded and regularly leported to assist market ing analysis Media Liaison During the year. the Board received exposure iinnt and electronic media from its media relahons program which inctuded the Creation and distribution of informational releases and media liaison Coverage on the Park's events and actives werhighlighted through media, as wetl as articles in targeted journals such as the pubc. sector magazirme, Intersector. which profiled the Parks Christmas Carols event. AGENCY PERFORMANCE--REPORT ON OPERATIONS

All events req ulally receive rriedia coverage with'ugh profile media support given to annual events including have-AGo-L)ay. Carols in the Park, theWA Youth Orchestra aid West Astraan Opera Concert, the BLlrswood Media Golf Day and the Ielethon Childrens ToddIe In an ongoing program, etori material andhotograpbs flave beer proidod to local, state- based national and international media w'th ml:erest from the Sunday Times .Nest Austrilian, Comm.inrty News, Channel 7 golfing anc sportsomaksts and Have-A-Go Nows Media r&ationships continue to be actively 1051:ered and enhanced through the staging of the increasingly popular ard well attended annual M'edia Golf Day, which attracted high profile media representatives from all key media organsations Newsletters The Board achieves regular cross-promotionalopportunities through exposure in the Town of Victoria Park newsletters, with editoilal supportinp Burswood events including the shared Summer of Furinitiative,theCarols in the Park' p1ogram, Movies by Burswood, the WA Youth Orchestra's concert, Seniors'Weekl'-lave-A-(o Day and MIRVAC Residential cornrnunty newsletter, 'The Penrnsrda Post. Advertising Continuing a communrcation strategy that focuses on hmited paid advertising (with a focus on media relations and ottier strateges. as outlineu) Bursood Park utlises paid advertising to promote specdic events, such as Carols ii the Park and the Tour Hosts' daily guided tours. The Carctin the Park event attracted thousarids of guests in 2008. with funds raised fo.the chaplaincies of Kent Street Senio high School arid Riding for the Disabled Associahon of WA. The traditional and highly successful oft-seasonGreat Gor rtitiabve, offering a golf package for just $38. again benefited from acti'e participaticin by a boad section of go1fers with more than tB7U packages sold during the promotion, This inrtiative is important to achieve satisfactoryp'ayer numbers during mo qLntor wntor months and capture and increasid market share Advfrtis for the Groat Go'f package from May to Oe1nhr 2008 wa principalli' through the sporis paces of The West Ausfrabanriewspor. Staffing Oururig the year, an improiernent in the retentionnd attraction of staff was evident Park and Golf Course Supennterudents had less diffcut1y in mintaininq the coriracted number of staff for the park and golf course wrth the tightening of the Western Australian economy Horticulture and turf industry staff who, in recent years, were taking rrioe lucrative job opportunities in the mining and 'esources sector, were rtor, availble during 2008f2009 and there was a noticeab'e improvement in the quality o! applicanh5- Burswood Peninsula Residential Deelopment Th nature and environ mont of tho Burswood sitehas changed signifcanUy with the remediation of the for,rior Swan Portland Cement srte and the cous1ructiont me Graham Farmer Freeway The former cement site was fuiy reinedited in 2)04/2005 and its development has had a positive impact on the attractiveness of The Park, wutfl theprevious wastelard being replaced by up-market private housing and pubhc open space A chain of six interconnected Lakes form a visually appealing bolirElary between the third fairway and the new residential development heinbuRl adjacent to the Burswood Entertaini-nent Complex These lakes sinifIcar'IIy enhance the narrow sirvice road and open 1rain that comprised the previous boundary of these sites. During the year, the Board receid updates enlie 11.1 hectare development andrelations were fostered to include the Burswood Park broch ureIn the display suite on the site arid golf course and pak 5lorie5 in the cievelupers community ancsa$es pu blicatioris AGENCY PERFORMANCE -- REPORT ON OPERATIONS

More than 300 new resicents received a personl letter roiu the General Manager welcoming them to the Burswood cominunfly and inv!ling tem to enjoy the many activities and events that Burswood Parc has to offer, includin9 Cyclingand walking paths, the golf course, Movies by Burswood ad other park events Sprinkler Bans

The l3Dard has complied with the 900am toI300pm sprinkter Iestriction5 extended to Local Goverrment and State Government agencies.

The Waler and Rivers Corn mssori previousJ approved exemptions forurswood Park to allow daytime wateflng at new annuals during extrei-ne beat wae conditions, for irrigation system testing, and for watering in the event of equipment breakdcwn. Howevef, the Board was advsed by the Department of Water on 28 August 2007that the new water efciency measures do not allow exemptions for State Goernment agendasfrrr complying with 900am to 600pm watering restrictions In order to comply with the spnnkler retric1ioris directive from Uie Depa itinent o( Watet th Burswood Park Board has discontinued the annuals display at the Otlton Avenue entrance to the Resorl and in the garden beds along Gret Eastriri -1ighway. The decision b Board staff to discontinue the annuals dsptay was based on the fact that it would be impossible to maintain these displays dUringthe summer and early autumn plantings without additional watering between the hours of 9:OOain and 600prnThe extra watenng is required because of the excess tve heat experienced d4irirg this time, wtiich is further exacerbated by the additional heat from the surface of the roads thatsurround these garden beds. The annuals wou'd not survive wrthout this additional watering The annuals bed areas have been replanted ini formpattern using hedging, shrubs and plant 5pecies that provide eaonal floweringnd folige contrast using mare water effcient perennat .1.. _a ..._..I.i _. 'a... tui -- ._ :...s. - .1 S - . - -- JI1LII Idi I..1JUU JJI LVU IUII %.LJIIJUI IIIItcU LupIuvt . The only walering now carriedut wthrn the nestrctiori period is for trngation system testing, watering-n of herbicides and fungicides, and vatennq in the event of eciuiproent breakiown. Appropriate sinage isdisplayed inorominent areas to inform the public when sprinklers are being operated fo these purposes BURSW000 PARKS AND GARDENS Burswooa Park is recogniseds one of Perths Iey deshntions for locils and tourists alike, with the Park's reputation growing as it evolvos aridkwo(ops to moot the chngrng needs of tourists and West Austraarts. The use of Burswood Park as an outdoor venue Io stagng events has ircreased r'!s use for other activities and entianced the Parks positive expoiure, via teleiisor and newspaper adverhsing of tIie many events The Pak and itsfacdtties conbnued ID enjoymajor usage during (tie year wtth the Hoard piogressing is ongoing maintenance programs .vithout undue inconvenience to patrons. Dunng the year a new park shelter, barbeqiies. tabs and seating were instald. Swnal flcweiirid shrub bed pIdritings were carried cut to schedule and achieved rnagnifcent seaunal colour dl5plays throughout the year, eniphasised by the introijuctk,n cI new varieties of shrubs resultin9 in greater colour coritrasis Theroundabout with its display of shruts and a Large Christnias tree prnvided a showpiece for Christrnes and the New Year perod. As part of our ongoirg prDg"am, an assessmentf the status of the health of the Park's trees was Ca med out by the Park Stperintendent with a procram implemented to overcome any nsks of tnjury to patrons and to comply with the Burswoocl Park Board's site risk management policy related to public safe1y AGENCY PERFORMANCEREPORT ON OPERATIONS

Repairs to tPie dual-use paths were completed dtirlrg the year as part of our regular rnaintenane programThe work involved remcving IfltU5IVEtree roots from damaged areas, rebuilding the foundations and re-bitumising the affected areas Sections ol car parks ad access roads that rad slumped cairsing extensive puddling dunny previous winters were atsoremediatedThis was lone by upgrading the drainage system in the affected areas, filling in the depressed sections ard re-laying the bitumen, SI u dents During 2C0812009 Burswood Park has been hostto many stucens studying in the technical tield of Horticulture, lrngation ard AmoncultureA totil of 58 students from ditfenng disciplines have participated in hands-en worlshop actities ranging from, grass laying and maintenance, iirigatiwi installation and mainterance, and tree/shrubplanting and care, as well as environmental sustainabibty, correct use of cflermcals, lertibsersmulches and efficient water use. The students range from young apprentices to pairt and full-tire students and include a number of international studentsThe Soard has also provided opportJnities for a number of high school students to partcipate in a worlexperienceprogram. Students and their lecturers hado acknowledged the great contnbuton Burswood Park provides to industry development by conhinuing to promohe ongoing educational work experere programs through the Burswood Park. Furtheimore, a Iota. ct18 TAFEstucents werehosted during the year as part Df the practical I nstruchions segment of thel' hort cultu a I prog rafTi.Four students from Chflenger T/'FE Murdoch and 14 students from Peel and Mandurah TAFEwere involved in park rraintenarice techniques and Bursw'ood Park is now an integral part of programs operated by the Department of Education, providing hands on expenence in aspects of horticutture. Burswood Parks Superintendent is also a TAFE lecturer Eicollent feedback was recervod from the Studonts highlighting the benefits gained from their YflArinrr4ir, ,Ir1-iin dtIrrunr, fhr irirl i I ri ' irirr it'ikrrir'iirr -n,'1 r',', Burswood ParkOur Customers in 2008'2009 meruc and iricrasing numbers of sport'njsocial arid comnion interest groups now use Rurwood Parkas their preferred venue for re ular group actJvity. with the reputation of the Part. as a suitable event location fc comm unrty events.increasing each year A hihght of the year was the increasing numb of charUy events and tundralsers conducted In the Park and on the golf ourse, attesting to theconhence the community has in the setting and offering ci the Pa,i, and the lepuLation Buiswucd Park has gained for its ipproach and service style in partnering charity organisations For the p'easure of the thousands of locals and'sitors to Burswood Park, our 15-strong ten of Qualified horticulturalists and gardeners continue to preiare and maintain a diverse range of garden disptays

An increased number of school children and Iocal arid international visitors have learned to appreciate the birdlife of the Swan River through iistnbut'on of the Parks Buíds of Burswocd Park broctue an poter a'-,d the daily heritage tours Events atBurswood Park in 200812009 Once again there was a widevariety of highly uccessful events heldt Burswood Park throughout the year. with a strong focus on family onented events and concerts Highlights from the event program irolude: JoIrn HIo g Walkthis new charityevent on the Burcwood Park ralndar took p1arr on IOctober 2008Burswood Park çiartnered with event coc4dinators tre Rotary Club of Mosman Park and the Pnricess MargaretHospital Foundation to offer a new walk route aroundurswood Park and increase parflcipant nuniberfor the eventThe result wc a tremendous success -apprnxlrnateiy 4200 walkers took part, comgiared to 800 the AGENCY PERFORMANCE- REPORT ON OPERATIONS

previous yai. and more than $72 000 waraised for the cancer ward at Princess Margaret 4uspitaI. Walk to Cum Diabetes - Forthe 12th year. Burswood Park hosted this annual walk which was a resounding success attracting morthan 12,000 participantsMany of the wkerc ame from more than 100 corporale groupiand 500 palicipaling organisations. The event exposes Burswood Park to awide conimunity audience. anci In 2008, raIsed more than $350000 towards the natlonaItotal ot $2 2 mllon for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. The funds we used to continue research Into a cure for juviiile diabetes.1ore than S3rrHlIlon has been rairsed at the Burswood Park event sn 1 997

The Parks Superintendent, Sam Francx. ensured the Park was well pesented and coordinated azrangemerlts with the orgai-users,ncluding the set up of more than 100 marquees.The inspirational d,arity walkhas catapu led true event vito one of Western Austrahas most successful local commundy events Teieffion Toc1cle - The fifth annual toddlEc was held in the Burswood pariclands in March 2009, encouraging families to exercise andplay together in a non-competitive two kilometre walk. More than 4000 peop'e attended, riisng rrore than S50 000 ror mecJcaI research o support the ct'iddren of WA, The event, which was 'tailed as a major success by channel Seven, has raised more than $290000 over the past five years Mt.sc by Moonhght - This years annual fre concert, he4d in March, featured the WA Youth Orchestra for the second time wth thNct Auctralan Opera p'aying Murc from Mcvtcs - a selection of the nst weIl-loyegorchcrI and operatic pires from a host of the wodds favniinte films The event attracted5,000 spectators The event was maJe possible bV the generous sx}nsorship of toe Burswc-c>c Entertainment Complex, tIle Town of Victoria Park. Lotter,west and the Burswood Park Board TcJit Concvii Sones - urswood Parksdrstinctiv, Swan Sh1I was the stunning location for two popular comrrunity concerts, preseiited as part ot six in association with the Town of Victoria Park The flamboyant Musica piesdIivred a Irve show nopera,operetta,rnuicat medy and European b21Iadon 18 Jaruary 2009, while oral band Bluegrac Parkway donneii Stetson hats and 40s suns to dElrver an authentic uegrass performance on 8 February 2009 14r Anrwai Carolsin !te'av* - More thn 4[X)O locai people. nCludung school children. families and seriors celebrated the spirit 01F Ghnslmas at Burswood ParkChanne' Sevens Monika Kos and Rick Ardon hosted the program, which featured the Johnny Young Talent Team of WA and incuded performancesy Perth City Brass Band. Coastal Scottish Pipe Band and the Rossinoyne Community Cirn.II The event attracted an enthusiastic ai.xhence and the carol sinqers jave their time generously wth the proceeds fromthe event directed to the Chaplaincy at Kent Sireel Senior School and Riding for the Disabledssociaton of WA Mcves by Burswo.od - The eighth seaion of Movies by Durswood was outstand lng Attendances were up 49 per cent on lastyear - a record 52,50 people attended in 2008 compared Mh 35,325 the prewous year T'he avciago nightly attcndancc was 424 over 124 scrcoriing nights, with the highest audcncc on any given night reaciing t,564.Fifteen screenings had udiencos exceeding 1 OOCI people Mciies by Burswcod at Bursw3od Parks Westein Austrakas only not-for-prott outdoor garden cineniaThe event is sponsoredby Drop 5 Save Lives, Burswood Entertainment Complex, . Town ofIictoria Park, Water Co4poat]or, TAFEWA, Channel 10, Nova 93.7FM. MIRVAG, McClonald's. Lotterwest, Domino's Pizza, l-tawaiiari, the Community Newspaper Group and theBurswood Parl Board. Run entirety by a team of 300 volunteers, proceeds from the seasonbenefited R'dirfor the IJisabled (WA), Starlight Children's Foundation Au5traIa. Honakf MDonald House Lharities and Youth Focus AGENCY PERFORMANCES- REPORT ON OPERATiONS

In 2008/2009, a record-breaking $601 162was raised for charitjip a staggering $286462 on the prevtous yr The reputation ofMovies b.i Rursod continues to grow as an importantpart d Fr1h'ssummer entertairimnt program The 'family friendlyr movies add to the appeal of the venue However in wiiat is becoming a great tradition Valentine's Day ttrarted the largest nUmber of ptrr wth 1564 attending that evGnsn9. Three hundred VolunteerS contributed about I 4C0O hours to the eventMovies by Burswood has ncw raised rroe than $1 Gmillion n its eight se'Sons 14th Anrwal Have-A Go Day - More thar14,000 enthusiastic seniors participated iii this annual event held at Burswood Park in October,In 2008 the event was offically cpened by the Hon Robyn McSweeney MIC, Mineter for Sen.ors and Volunteering: Community Services Hae-A-Go Day is a free annua. event aimed at encowag.n9 people over 45 to experiment with more than 160 sperting and 'eisure octhiities on dtspIa, from achory and dancing to canoeing and 9oIf.It is now a mayor part tf Seni o's Week celebrations and has become a Western Australian tradition and a iey evert on the seniors calendar. Na/Ic to DFeet MND - Ttis event for theMotor Neurone Disease AssocatiDn of WA on 3 May 2009 was supported by Burswood Fark staff and volunteers, including some of the Tour Hosts who provided guided walks onhe heritage trail. The WA Veterans AtN& clubrd Miitirc Athletic- Seen events at 0urswod Paric - from 5km to 25km races - Throughout theyear. attractng up to 150 peope to each event with members praising the location for its aiDpeal to the club a'-id its supporters. Cetn for Corribrai Palsy W/ee Big DayOut - This event at Burswood Park in April 2009 heed raise a record $42OCO to createrealer awareness and understanding or cerebral patsy and fund keprojects inWe5terri ,ustralia including facilily upgrades, wtteelctiairs and othr eqiiprnerit, and cornmurc.ationsdevices forchildren.

Over-55s Senio CyrJit Group - Tli is rciup. whch has more than 250 membeis, conies logether to cyole around Bur5wxd Park every week, and then stays on to use the barbecue and other facities within the ParI Team biildinxwpotate thaenge cømpanies - These Q1OUS reqularty use the parlfor teamuildirx and netNorkirbQ sessions LoJ/haol - Lcalhols at utilisecJ the parks facilities for suhool health education events. Media Golf Day - This annual gclf clay waheld in April 2009 and once again, was a hhy successful event ainied at introducinq ancexposng the Western Australian media to the quality services and broad community offrrins of BurswDod Park, BLrswood Park Pbhc Golf Course and the Burswood Entertainmnt Goniplex. The media gaff day strengthens local meclie relatorships with 8urswood Parsi Board and Bursood Entertainment Corn piec ard s1owcasos the !aciritles and services at the Golf Course complex Soriie 70 media goitersplayed in the evcnt with 80 media representatrves atlendng the annual presentation dinnerButswood Media Golf Day acttieves unprecedented interest from media and contrnues to assist inbuilding elfeclive relationships and suppocting inforrrel knowledge ofu rswocxi Park Council o' thc Ageing 50-year coib,aror- liftieth birthday rnomintea celehratirinc for the Cotncil on the Ageing WA Inc wereetd at the Swan ShI! at Rurswood Park on 15 Marcri 2009 The event was atterideby the Governor of Western Australa, Hs FxceIlencDr Ken Michael AC and Mmis.ter for Seniors and Volunteering, Hon Robyn McSweeriey MLC, alone with bmer Seniors Ministers Sue EUery, Sheila McHale, June van AGENCY PERFORMANCE-- REPORT ON OPERATIONS

de Klashorst, Bob Kucera, Kay Hallahannd Margaret Quirk. The Commissioner for Aged

Care Rhonda Parker. also travelled from PAelbourne to attend the event &eukar'rrna Foundations Ligtit the Nkjhf lv.'ilighf walk - Burswood park hosted the inaugural Light the Nlight event for the LeukaemiaFourdatior on 17 Seplember 2008.More than 1200 participants caine together at the Pal'k to ght taIloons and enjcy a faniily atmosphere with entertainment stalls and speakersrre event helped to raise more than $130000 in Western Australia which will iIssist the Uukaemia Foundation to provide tree seriices o patients during heir treatment and beyondand also furthering research efforts AustmI,a ray - Thousands of people came to Burswoc.d Perk on Jonuary 26 to find a family spot on the foreshore to enjoy the tr.oditional AusraIia Day Fireworks. The Park is the venue for monthty arkltate Champiorships o remote cxrntrot oft-road type radio controlled 20 b? 8 vehicles The Park was atso used for numerousornmunity arid piivate eenLs during the year, including 110 wedduig ceremonies or phologrphs in the tautiIul Swan $hcil. Helicopter Service Ahgneci with theoards mission statement to deietop Burswood Park into the premier park of its type in Australia and en objective to promote thePark to Western Austraharis and visitor5 to Uie State as an attractive arid accessible venue for active arid passive recreatiun, the Buswood park Board granted a thre year licence to Rotorwest Pty Ltd, trading a i-Ieliwesr for thoperdtiorl of a heicopter scenic sig4d-seeinservice for mernbenuf the public froni theurswoud Park Reserve All aspects of the operation wll be conducted inaccordance with the rele,ant Acts, Regulations and Oi&s of the Civil Aviation Safety Authorityof Australia.In accordance with Civil Aviation Safety Authority CASA) legislation the Operatcr must obtain carriers liability insurance and a Certificate ot Compliance from CASA. During the 2006/2009 period 6,619 pa5sengers tiok advdrlldge uf the riye oferYiCe5permitted by the Licence including. City scenic fiights Flights to the Swan Valley and Flights to FremantIe Citizen of the Year Lake The Citizen of the Year Lake is the centrepece cif the Park and is named foi' Western Australias prestigious Citizen of the Year Ards For the past 36 years these significant State Awards have provided Western Austra liars of all ages and walks of life with outstanding examps of living rolernod.es who strengthen the civic, cultural and commercial fabnc of this &ate Narries at award recIprens are displayed on placues hxeclto thecobbled limestoneedge of the dais adjoining tfle lake, in recognfllon a! their conk'Ibutions CommunIty Club Displays The Park hasso proied to be a popular locationwth community car clubs for their static displays at restored and rebuit vintage and veteran oarb. For the 18lear, Big Ats Poker Run came to 8-uiswood Park with the show 4ri shine disptay of a range of vehiclesBurswocd Park staft helped viith tte planning and location of ttue eeiit whi'e parking and secunty staff from the Burswood Entertainrnent Ccmple also vorked hard on the day. There Nere 680 cars on display arid more thani 2500 people attended, raising $3500 br the Caitlin Lenaghan Foundation (for people with Cerbral Pats,) and the Floreat and Wan neroo Lions Clubs


Exercie Equipnient The exercise equipment instaled in 2005 east ofthe bartecue area adjacent to the dual use path continues to be very popular, with active localsusing ttie taclrtes to warm uprior to exercise routines as well as for toning exercisesPtanninçI-as now begun fDr cther exercise statons to be installed Park i rig Ttie parkiand area near the causeway was usecI extensively for public parking during Burswood PantBoard's popularoutdoor events, including ti"concerts, movies and comnunit events. Conienent public parking wai also provided formajcr Burwood Entertainment Coinplex events, including the Hopman Cup, various concerts andxhibiticns Maintenance practices enable the Board to keepgrassed areas in exce4lerit condition. whIe also providingtheflexbiJity for large numbers ovisitcrs to paric close to evenls, without iry harmful eftect. increasing Community Demand for Recreationand Outdoor Entertainment Options The continued rejuvenation and development of:ast Perth has resulted in its growing o3mmunity ulilising the facilities ot burswood Park, The duaI-use pathways have seen enthus4astic daily use by people of all ages who jog, walk, cycle, or pu5rI strollers alor'g the riverside pathways. With demanr for the facilities conittrivally increasing, the presentation and appearance of the Pa-k is cistauned and nb through ongoing mainl:enarce and program development Burswood Park oonnues to provide a well pcesnted picnic tacdity areaThe barbeque taciities are cleaned on a daily basis and all our staff arcommitted to maintaining the Parks facirties to the highest standard. In2Afl7 thTown rif/inri P!irknvitr1 thRiircwr,d Park Rnarrl frinthrjritct n th daveIomnt of a nw bike plan, by includng thiir larid holding and partnrirg with the Town to identify ways of promoting cychnas an integral rart of transportation, access and physical activity wthm the Town of Victona Park and urswood Pirk

Tenders were called for suitatty experiencecI companies to quote on assisting with the develop.ment of a new bike plan, with MRB Gro'up Pty Lid curnniissoned to undeitake arid audit of existing cyclig intrastruclure The audit identified actons that needed to be ta:en to realise the Towns and Boards vision or a safe, accessible and enjoyable cycling experience o all and incorporated the area under contiol by the Burswood Park Board by providing recornrnendations to reduce conflict between cyclists and pedestnan5 on dua4-use pattiway5 TheBurswood Park Board has implemented these recommendations Vandalism Graffiti and Security The Park continues to experience damage to oufurnitt,e and fixtures caused by vandalism and graffiti, inflicted by a small minority of people The Board is currentty working on several intiatives wth the Department of Housing and Works in anattempt to reduce this vandalism in the pa& The Rari continiied to work closely with the Rurswood Fnt1ainment Complex to look at wars to combine resources to overcome this problem, amwith the Ofhc of Cnmo Prevention and the WA Police to cietercnine the most suitable method ofddrecsng the situation The use of stand-alone digital camea between trouble spots is being corsidered on a thai basis During the ar. a reinforced boundary lance waIS rnstalled beiween the roresnore dual use path arid the gulr course driving range to plevent uruthoused entry to the golt course Lighting was installed along the foreshore duaI use iiath near the thildrens playground and barbeque areas for public safety and securdy, AGENCY PERFORMANCE -- REPORT ON OPERATIONS

Security camera' were installed in the golf prof:sioria shop. fwst tee, practise putling areas and cameras upgraded on the golf drwing rare Environmental Statement The Board continues to implement measuresto ensure that Western Australians have an enviroiiment in w$iich resources are managed developed and used suetainably, bio1ogcal diverscty is preserved and habitats protected. Burswood Park's 110 heclares of gardens, herilaçe trails and public golf course on the Swan River has been transformed froiri an environniental wasteand iritc world ctass parkland, The Burswcod ParlBoard has embarked on major initiative to reduce itsepondonce on groundwater from the Leedarville aquifei, to irrigeto its parks arid golf cour&e A oasibility study has been commissioned through the Departmnt of Housing and Works to iniestigate three options: Develop an Aquifer Storage and Recoveiy (ASR)&eme b8sed on - Harvestrig of storm waler from budding roof areas. roads and hardstand areas, golf course sub-soil drainage systems ctc, watcr whict would otherwise ultimately disdmrgc to the rivcr Conveying this storm water to one or mre points where itis injected (after appropriate treatment) into a suitab'e aquifer via purpoe-buiIt injection bores and bstracting thercund water from th same or drfferent borec in the same aquifer, the latter pssbly inckidinj one or more of the eóstiung bores, for irrtion purposes. Deve/op a Sewer Mriii'g Scheme based on: Harvesting wastewater train one or more siwers in the area; onveyun ins wastewater towasiewateirearmen piani iocaea on sne; ana Rectaimed water from the p'ant could Thenbe used for irngatiori purposes, with the volume treated adjusted seasonally to match the inigation demand Consfrt,ct a river water d isiMãn plant based a Desalinating via reverse osmosis water sotirced from the nothern-rnost lake on the golf Eourse, which is hdraulical1y connected tothe river The treated waler from this1ant could then be used to fill the irrigation storage lakes on the golf urse and The Boards hason with ttie Departmentof Water. Swan Rwer Trust, Water CorpDratlon. Town of Victona Parl, Purswôd Entertini nt C.c.rnpIx 2nd Mirvar Stage t of the study was ciompleteci ani a draflreport examined by the burswood Park Board The study examined three oplions - sewer mlning, stonnwater capture'aquder recharge, and desalination. Stage 2 of the project was to furth.ef investigatethe viability o using sewer mning at Burswood Park, however This has teen put on holzi in ordir to investigate an alternative option relating to stormwater harvesting from the Foreshore Lakearid aquifer stDrage aid recovery (ASR)The ASR option may provide a much more cost-effectiye alternative to sewer mining The folowin9 will be implemented over the winterncniths in 2C09: Water flows from the foreshore lake will bemonitored arid volumes recorded; . Water quality will be tested: and A project viability assessment will be madEt the end Cf winter. The option of infilling the middle section of Foresiiore Lake to assist in the redudjori of bore water use on site is still a viable option.An evaporinneter his been in5talled adiacent to the lake to AGENCY PERFORMANCE- REPORT ON OPERATIONS

povide accurate e\aporation fqures over next summer, which will allow actual calcdatrons to be mace on how much bore water Will be saied if ttblake ifilled in An irrigation audit of the sitc has commenc o ascertain the current effeLiveness of the yol course irrigaton systom. Options for reduciriç water usia on the gof courseinclude Upgradinglreplacing the current irrigation!ytern, wtiich was installed in 1985186: Rernovng all coos season grass from Ihe golf course ouh areas (34 hectares) and replacing with couch grass: and/or Removing al grass from *he rough areas Erid reptacing wltfl drought taerant plants Ttie Board supported the process to examine Storrnwater harvesting and to furthr eiarrine the infill of part o( the Foresh,re Lake, and review ttie irrigatior systeni and golf course sign to use less water, Buiwood Parks best proctce methodology acidifldu5try commnment has made it an outstanding contributor to the clevelDpment of industry stindards arid a park thai is embraced by the community. More than 40 varieties of uniQue river birdsrealso now seen regularly and enjoyed on a site, which was larQely uninhabited prior to its redevelopment Ourswod Park contributesto community an industri discussions sharing knowiede to strenyttien the parks and leisure Industry. Burswood Park contruaIIy works withindusry associationsto enhance oppc(tunibes for commniy deve'opment initiatwesSuccesful pirtnershps include Swan River Trust Deptier'it of Water Water Corporation Acsocialion of PerthAttractions Tourism Western Australia Tourism Council of WA OPympic'Paraympic events Town of Victoria Park Schools anii Ternary Institutions Bu rwocd E nter' inment Complex Bursvooi Park Boarc embraces industry bestiractIce to reduce costs and add value by undertaking the foflowirtg. Turf and water analytic and nutrient monitcring to minimise environmernal impacts Use of waste paper recyctinbins o reducwaste emanating from the Boards actrvities Mulching tree loppings for application on thperk nd gnlf rOurse Reconstruction ano tilling In of imgation aks to reduce the use of bore water Regeneration of the Swan River fcneshorimth the j>Inting of reeds, trees 3rld shrLibs. Acquisition 01 only tour cylinder vehicles fortt'e fleet 01 four vehicles AGENCY PERFORMANCE -- REPORT ON OPERATIONS

In addition: The Board has been proactive In makingchan9es to the way ii which water is being used on-see.Continual improvements to automatic irrigatiDn systecris ensure a more efficient deliverysystem minimising water wastage Burswood Pirkhas also imi4emented straitogics to harvest surface rur-off and stDrrn water collected in the Par1i $ lakes ard pumpedto irrigation Iake w1ich are currently being filled by underground bores.This water wokhave otherwise flowed into the Swaniver and has helped reduce the amount of water taen from groundwater reserves, The Bcard has replaced all ageiriq verticai tLrblne pumps at the four IrTigation pumping stations in the Parl and gott course with rroie efficient submersible pum that will improve water pressure and reduce poter consmptIon Chemical injection units have been inslalhd at three pump stations on the yolf COu(58 and are proving to be very efhcsent and etlei;Iwe.The units are calibrated to inject welting agents ciirecliy into the irrigatton system,ullowirig sprinklers to disperse wetting agent orio the turf.Previously, staff used a large spiy tank towed by a taclo to disperse the weftirg agent then watefeJ In by tte ir®atlon spillik ler system. BURSWOOD PARK PUBLIC GOLF COIlRSE The anival fairways and greens renovation progrmi was conducled again in 2008/2009, The program includes erti-m-owing, heavy coringand sanding, ensuring that tile fairways playing surface is maintained at a high leeI tflrougFout Iiie year. The remcwal of thatch from the si.tface of the fain''ays and crganc rnaierial from the root zone also reduces the incidence of funQal problems and ifl5ed attack and allows easier absorption o water into the soil profile. Trial renations weie also canled out on the prdctice greens arl the betLng riole on Vie goff course as a way of lengthening the Irfe span of thtgreene.

The drainage system upçjrades to the third aixI fturth fairways at Burswood Park Public Golf Course, carried out in 20D6 after heavy rain cau!eci substanhal floodng. have proven to be very successful Hwever, further areas on Itie thirdand fourth fairways were identified as requiring drainage as the areas beccme boggy and unpayable after heavy ranfall.This was particularv apparent during Apr 2008 which wa the wettestor record. The drainage works were corrpletod in dune 20C9 and have proved to be successful after heavy rain. The 8card is examining ways to reduce water uiie on the Gclf Course, including a review of the effectiveness of the curreni irrigation sysleni potinhia Ii ni provernents to the I nigation retwork. the removal of couch grass from the rough areas ofthe golf course, and the use of drought tolerant plants. Severa' effective promotienal canipaigrwere runto promote awarnes of thUoll Course during the winter months, with a1v&tising also p1ced intount publications aimed it vsitrrs to Western Australia Burswood Park Public Golf Course -Our Customers In 200812009 The continual improvement of player facilitiesaugniented by an active promotional program attracted 73,755 golfers to the course far both inclependent play and corporate goff functions, and returned green fees reverue of $ 1,586450 AGENCY PERFORMANCEREPORT ON OPERATIONS

Golf Course Work Experience Program mere were fewer work eiperience sludents tiltsyear rriaurily due to the lack of staff available on theoK course 10 nionitor their progressTilts Shoulcl change next year dLIe to a more stabdiseci worktorce The students undeilook various got course andhorticultural duties, eitherin two week blocks or one day a week for a ful' terniprovidin9 them v.irth valuable experience in whal ma be a future career choice In many cases the students poved to be verycapable workers who showed a great deal of promise. TPie program is valuable as it assists tte students to make ecsons about their futures and enab'es the board to see potefflial employee5before they leave school Golf Security Gurdc Tile continued presence of Golf Security (3uardipraiding 24-hour coverage at Burswood Park Public Golf Course and car park added to the sea.irity and confdence of plajers ana guests Management of bird overpopulation burswoocl ParK Public Golf Course. which ispart of the class C Burswood Paric reserve, periocticaly expenences an overpopulaton or rlaned Geese and Eurasian Goots.Ovei many years, the Board has sought advice froni the Departrnent ofEnvronment arid Gonservatn (DEC) in relator 10 the best way to manage the over poiuFation of the biros. This has ultimately involved bwd re1ocatin and culling programs undertakerby Onithologeal Tecnnical Services (OTS), a DEC-norrinateJ contractor, usiriapproved DE methods.Since 2001, DEC has issued the Board with 11 licerices to undertaiie this work In Apnl 2009, OTS was trapping and euthanizlng Maned Geese on the golf course The Departnent of Environment and the RSPCA weu-e alerted to the activity by bcal residents. The r)Fr Iicenrfnthis wni'k hr11nc.ct4l n1 riIt flFnf with thi rr'ntrrInr nn )Q Ariril 2009 arid 015 ceased trapping ard uthanizing tie birds. The 6carti has since met with DEC and has beenassured thaI the contractor remains on the Ist of approved contractors an that the methocs usedwere correct, hurrane and in line with that of the appropriate AustraIin Standards and global pr:ctice DEC has advised ttIe RSPCA that the cQnhractofs pi'cceduies weie huiiirie. CGrUrT1Lnications proceJure5 for anfuture work of thus natuf a have also been reviewed. RIVERSIDE FUNCTiON ROOM, SPRIG E5AR AND CAFÉ The unique 'ocation and st4e of the Function Rom, Bar and Cafe has continued to provide an appealing hospitality 'pocus for vistcrs and golfecs. Highlights of the yew inciuded the ann'aI Media Colf Oay dinne with the venue extensively therned and prisented for the fixction as weI a many coorote golf days raising funds fo chanbes The Sprig Bar, as the 19Th hole', has retained rts co;rropolitan appeal as a favoure location for golfers coaling oft the courserhis year. the Spng Bar arud Riverside Function facdities were upgraded wrh new chairs and tables The outoor areas of both the Spiig Bar and Cafe \/ardon were a'so improved wth new benches, tatiles and seating GOLF CLUBHOUSE LEASES AND AGREEMENT FoHowig approval by the Minister fr Racingard Gaming and Biirswnod Nominees Lirufted (Trustee of the Burswood Property Trust), the Board Leased to Kiemap Pty Lid (ACN OO9021079), trading as Spces Catering, the Function Room, Spig Bar and Cafe fr a tectn of tiye years commencing on 1 Febuary OO9, th an opticn of a furitier flue years, and AGENCY PERFORMANCE -REPORT ON OPERATIONS

Leased to Golfwest Trading Ply Ltd (ACN009330483) the Goll PtoessonaI Shop and cart More, and appoint as gopiofessiaIIs/course contrlIerstor a term ot frye years eornniiciny on 1 February 2009, wh anoption fui a Vurthei five years GOLF PROFESSIONAL SHOP AND OFRATIONS T$ie Burswood Park Public Golf Course is niaiiaed on behalf of the Board by a contracted coniparly, Goitwest Trading Compan# Ply Ltd(Goliwest).Golest employed atotal ofSIX pofessoiaIs and other key staff as at 30 June. 21 Key staff: Paul Sackmai GOlf Pro(ess,ojrial Tony Eldndge F1r7ancal Coni'oller Tony McSkimmiri ead Teachog Profior) Darren Abraiarns Glen frwin Heleneattv Golf Professcrnals Cameron Green Tr&ni, (r1Y Pr-f V wri AJar Brown Co,porare Golf Dmcror Rob McheIl Pro Shp Manajer and Golf Pmfessional Grace Mclloy Marketing and Business Development Manaqer In addition. four full lime and three part time staffare mpayed in the pro shop cperation5 and the corporate golf service Pr conhnued pursuit of market growth, Golfwesthas maintained its partnering arrarlçjefnent with Swan TAFE and offers a diverse range of TAFEaccredrted golf cbnics and certificate courses at various levels Through the programs offerecI,Golfwest aims to furthef pubic interest and knowledge of golf lhereb' increasing market grovith. In-house golf clinics arc also on a steady upwardtrend wth extensive promotion of urswood Park Goff Tuition through a new tuition bochureGolfclinrcs are now held on a regular six-week basis ensuring new students are guaranteed a place Inan upcoming clinic. Junior Pro9rams Gotiwest has also concentrated on deeIopingjuruof got at Burswo.cxl Park with the Graham Marsh Junior Golf Foundation Program at Burwood Part by toteinrelationships with local schoolsThroug'iout 2008.2009 Golfwest profesionais held junior gait tuit'n ciinics at several primary and secondary schools.Junior golf dinics are also conducted or a regular basis at the Golf Course during school holidays and have pnved to be aopuIar attractbn for botP stucents and p3ents AGENCY PERFORMANCE-REPORT ON OPERATIONS

Women's Golf Helen Beatty continued wfh the Gotwest team c,f teaching pro1essionals in 2008/2D09Helen is one of only three female professionals leachingri Perth, and has a stconassociation with Women's Golf WA having previously served as their Development Coordinator She has continued to buiki a strong female client base with her Laclies Clinic proving ry popularThe dines promoted by Wrnens Golf WA via their websde Hen has entered irito a cross promotional arrarigerrent with Curves gyms, which support Ier Ladies Go Hour through the distribution of ffyes at their facilites Golf Course Proniotions The popular 'Great Gotr imd-week package wasoftered once again on Monday to Friday at $38 ifl 2D08 The package was promoted with a prmt media campaign and proved successful in maintaining numbers in the traditionally low patronage months frni May to Oober with more than 8,670 packages sold, Specific adiertising aimed al the tourist market v,as placed inthe travel media and the Bursocd Parl Public Golf Course promotional brochure was distributed to both local and ,isito markets. Golfwest urøertook an n-oom compendiumadvertising campa gr targebng domestic and international colters at 33 hotels and motels in dose proximity tothe golt course As a commitment to the West Australian Golf Lcague (WAGL) clubs. Golfwost advertised in the WAGL annual fixture book and committed to providing special packages fo league ckibs playing at Burswood Comparative olaye numbers and green fee revenue (exdudes GST) for the past eight years are

Year Comparative Number.f Players Green Fee Revenue (Ex GST)

2008'2009 13j55 $1 ,58645O

2007f2C08 71500 $1524L0

2OO62O07 74100 $1532D0

Z0052OO6 73700 S14562D0

2004'2005 69r100 $1374000

20032OO4 75250 Si 41 3000

2002/2003 77783 51307100

200112002 78340 Si 345700

200012001 78 350 Si 3173D0

The board reviewed golf course green tees in Ncvember 2008 and rt was resoted to Increase the fee rates froni 1 Jant.ary 20C9. Green fee rateswere inczeased b 51 for both nine and 18 holes Monday to Friday (except public holiclais), by3 for both nine arui 18 ho'es on Satt.rdays. Sundays and public holidays, and by $1 for nine holes and S2 fo 18 hoIefor Senor"Pensio Card hokers The Board also rosol,ed ir February 2009 to rocluce the green rate during major drainage works on the thirdnd fourth fairways from $26 to $20n Monday to Friday, except pubhc hohdays. and $35 to $27 on Saturdays, Sundays arid public holidays AGENCY PERFORMANCE -REPORT ON OPERATIONS

Corporate Golf In 200812009 6045 players aftencled a variety atcorporate golf days at the golf course compared to 6562 in 2007/2008 - a slight decrease due to IJie economic downturnRegular corporate client Axis Finar)clal Group enioyed rt5 13 annual golfday arJ the Rck l-Iart'Make a Wish Foundation charity golf da raised tticusands of doars, Webs lie 0rirg the fInnc1aI year. GoIwest identWledthe need to update the current webelte at www bjrswcodparkqolf course corn to bnng thesite into the top category of those offered ;n A1stralia InAugust 2008, a contract to redevelop the websrte and create an online bookInQ system was reached with Titan nteracte Group. The website will offer prepad bookings for members of the public uø to four weeks in advance. Coincithrl9 with the website upracle, the custuruer database will be updated arid maintained through the web5ite sjsleni, allewhg targe{ed rnwketing canpai9ns arid special oilers to loyal custrrers SIGNIFICANT ISSUES AND TRENDS Staff The tightening Western AuStralidri ecwicmy resuIted in an increase in the number and quality of appUaLions i200812009Staffing levels werefore ea5ily maintained over the pa5t year in the hart icu tu re and turf ndustries. Burswood Peninsula Residential Development During the year, the Board ieceived updates onthe residential development on the 17 1 hectare site adjacent tu the Bursiood Enteitainment Cornplex, A clra in of sx iiitercu n nected lakes forms a - _.- -AL - AL._, VibUdII.t ------L.d dIiI LMUP - Udi UWIWUL II LI 1IIUPJ1 Wd dilU LI IIIYY ueviupii ItI1I, IlIIIR..dIII4y enhancing the narrow service road drid oper di-airi th comprised the previous boundaryAs residents move into the development there is ex'ected to be an increase in the rurnber of people reg ulaily util sing the Park for leisure actiwties. The Environment The Board remains committed to the local environment and a best practice approac1 to ensuring resources are managed developed and used sustainab.ly. biological diversity is preserved and habitats protected In a major commtment to improving the local enviroriment, Burswood Park Board resoved at its meeting of 17 July 2tO8 to contnbute $6mllonto a range of river protection projects that will ensure the Swan and Canning Rivers are a source of enjoyment for the con muriity into the future. This signiticant contribution, wfl'ch will ensurethe park and river system will continue to be maintained to a very high standard, has helped e;tablish a strong working relationsli I p between the Bjrswood Park Board and the Swan Rrver Trust.

During the year the Board also embarked on . rnaor initiative to reducethe dere-ndence on groundwater supphes for irrigationWater volurne and ruity testing that will commence in 2009 as the first phase of a wider water strategy The Burswood Parknd Golf Course adoptedthe E-Par Environmental Management System (EMS) to assist the park and golf course uperinberidants to manage enviionmental issues, a-Par includes erwii onmental aud Liri.iisk asse-ssrnirit,tcainingind nientoiin and perforniancc repoiling. a well as infrastructure design and EM.S development and impleirientaton. The Boafds environmenlal conrrtment alsoextends t0 maintaining Burswood Parks 110 hectares oF gardens heritage trails and public gollcourse as a worki-class parkland for al Western Australians, Burswcod Parks best practise rnethJdDIogy and industry commitment has made it an outstanding contributor to the development of inckistry strdards andi park that is embraced by the community FINANCIAL SATEMENTS

For the Year Ended 30 June 2009

Cerhicahon of Financial Statement5 34

Income Statement 35

Balance Sheet 36

Staterrieni of Change in Equity 37

Cash Fkiw Statement 38

Notes to the Financial Statements 39

Audit Opinon Financial Statements and Pirfcwrriance Indicators 53

Certification of Performance I ndicalors 55

PertcrrrarceIndicators 56 BURSW000 PARK BOARD CeIfcoton of F1nonça1 5tcjtmnt (o(Ircycor endec 30 i'jri2009

The cwrranyin flnanaal tatementol Ihe Bur;o1 Pür Brthavebeen prep&redincompliance with the provS1or%S or the FinanI Muienen1 Act 2006 Irorn procr accounts31d rrdto proonI arly l?'iiini 1ransaconI r he rc1 year ending 30 June 0C andLhfjraz':ipa.ition as at 30 June 2009.

At thCáte of ininu we re not awr of any circu fl$t4rce which would render any porticuler5 included in U finaiaI statements m.&Rding or irurate


Not. 2OO 2008

INCOME S S Revenue Truee payi'nent 5 7411,465 6,338483 hteret 6 704,908 827 102 Otherrevente 1 2,141,287 2,038732 Gain Rev3lu3tion increment 273,403 460 562 Total Income 10531,083 9,663 539

EXPENSES Exponses Empk,ee beneIrt expen-e 8 526,787 414674 Supiies and services 9 226.209 166690 Depreciaton 10 379,272 330 157 Ground mairtenance 2670,367 2,282 481 Swan and CanrinRiver System Enhancement 28 6,000,000 her expenses 11 1277524 1,143661 Total expenses 11,082,159 4337 663


The Income Statement should be reaC in conjunchonwutti thacco'npanyln9 notes BURS WOOD PARK BOARD BA(ANCE SHEET AS TOJLJNFXO9

Note 2009 2005 S $ ASSETS Current Assets Cash and cash eQuiva'ents 20(a) 12447. 36C I 3873.4OF Receivabs 12 69315 584.994 Other urrnt assets I 3 7435 43.M1 Total Current Assets I3.1541O 14502.240

Non.Current Assets Proper;y, plant, equipment 14 11.032,575 16.115196 Totil Wori-CurTent Asset 17032 57S 16 115196

TOTAL ASSETS 30186685 30617436

LIABILITiES Curreiit LlibHrtis Pibes 16 363.311 267,653 Proqisjor I 7 94.694 119,463 Other current liab1itie 20726 15578 Total Current Liabilities 478731 405,594

Non-Current Liabilities Proiisior IT 170.730 123,551 Total Non-Curient Liabilities 1O/39 123,551


NET ASSETS 29,531,215 3008891

EQUITY 19 Rtird Earn 29,537215 30.088291 TOTAL EQUITY 29,537215 30088,291

The Balance Sheet Sl)OUId be read in conjuncon WthIhe ccTipriyIng 36 BURS WOOD PARK BOARD S1AEMEN OF CIANGE$ IN EU1Y FOR4L YEAR NO 30 JUNE 2(X9

2OO Z008 S S

8dIaiIe of equity a! the start of the period 3OO68 291 24762415

Retalnd Eaming 19 balance a! me s1 of We penoa JO,UO 291 24.16145

(1oss p'o4 for thperiod 561 UTh 5.325,876 Balance a! the end o t1iperioc 2?37 215 3OC'291

Balance of equity al the end ci the period 29,537215 30,088 291

Total lrczm and expense br Ihe perod a) 551 W'I 5.325876

(a) The areate net moun1 atrlbutable 10 each catory cr QquItP .s os cif 5551076(2008 prnf0q 5.5325 B76

The Staternen of Changes in Equry should be road in conuictbo with the accnpan'y5ng notes BURSW000 PARK BOARD CAr 51A4M FOR 1-3E YEAR E?%D& O JUNE 2D


Oihcr rcó*s 2.188024 2005.104 I.I wivfl 712,12U 8I6,06 Turii irn.,n 73fl0.10 62*7.Rfl GSI r,00's 221102 196.351 OST receç rorn !ax. auolly 2i 588 2!849

Empèoyi,eWnnrd 402! 10) Supp and saNis (ii 114 558j (36O.0&4i Svan Rm,ef Eihancecn,ç (OOOUO0) GST pamenls or purrias i; ;I I 4il UUF1 I caiti (u3cd hi) proed by operiflriq acUvilic 425ocJ5I SO49.8

CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTiNG ACTMTTES Pur of -ojrrr pfyr soI 99Q Not caih (udin) énvtwtn9 èCIIVi1iQ

Nsl d.cr.a.) I increase In cash end cash squvisnts I 14H4 3?a.354 C.ah irrd c4riqur. icita fl t.t 1mr iod 1ae34os 0500.04 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT THE END OF PERIOD 12A473')O L83 405

Tha Cash Flow StunI shci$d be read in conjunct2o1 wflFi the acoDrflparvylnç noi.


I 1. iE1 3C JIJEXY

1 An oQnvsns W nitønI F'rci. Iaptnq Ishir

Tho od r kwpffl MoIqf It Irul 6H O June 2O( P ii r cctI.nt1I! rnn gwI uiI'riUiiFi*ncuugt indiPQ ncnSo AWR$, .ch o 1crk k.r P Pr'jnior in P&tm ol icii nre u:rrrouijsId Ar.)h,r Act 1JIJC I:cMIri, t'e.olTInAofrjrfIa,o'n Thkso M E iiiiKd, .iJH iIW b* Ii,nd*.isI. Mik s frwn I'óf MU iooi Ibe&d b thu. AA .0 fnr,nw 'i. .p&i Gvup

Eady adcdOn & otindanl% font u.3p kovhei Acc1ig $lsu,dsu.I o A.qesn ¼cevBhf!J IKfl .flSa4 11 1 ci A*l*an cwfl'.9 Shunri OIIP!'on N Sdrt .f1vs 1.04,1 U04I cr Jir4u. 1.uf ru ot osco rioi bUm oiri doVIodDy M ord krP wial pr1pqroj 10 kro J1

2 uuw,,ur ol mlyrUic.ni clrs po4kl,.

Ca) Gsnuvo SLM.,pt

-fl $ jsgs .op Mihu. m th.. Aw r.c..tiI*J J4,bI I,u.ri ,H.u.,% Iur*. of Aic.iunlrg Cnvupl, -mJ Si3EI & t'i, .&itriotcr',nto'dn cjn 2 2PV0d by *.i s.si Irian.ana So md y th. Tq.s,jw, ory opC4cI bit od dng.

I5 IIj.gç pçi j4j 7.Vm ? vpirr-'' ol a1omo'r acid e ioted.T.0 ro AuanIf.g SaTII2.'o Fro-omux, S cuflL-J cflr Ihrta1u.a rir.efflrr41 I U* Alolnalon Acar4.'l ido'c fowd

Y, dJin-ubjc iIzV0 o itIof1 cn 3JTJ*fl1 na'caI occ -VOlI thiszdltIkr Ii9nj ln-ciol 4Teui,o 4cb.nd ii mm Uim lInircii W.loror1

B.us of Pr.imruho'n llfl,r4OU3 is bee' rd 7t I c iovj ijI O1 or.t nodMud by 1* of twC or. Idr'gm Wl' u'e bce' maMso1 il r

Th. 1cGiuiIii.j pèe iuwlccm ii the Ills * ciii mtltrrcr'h io I IcIod dire7xiu zi oth 'rà5 M.o..,e ¶*Od The fl4ru01 *MI4,llsuuls W$ t0u04liWl Sn P*wi onid ii,kp; .no ,c.rmk.0 n'ItrnLc

,IV .)U$II rlIwll W1I1U1 (1 IUII W.1 JITH Iuç WI1IuI!I ItWMI'Wf I 1W '1; !ri ttiy. I i CiU?1 11i5iI Jiflaçpofltt0 #i amepjvl & e ;ai th* 'ast IUnd u& e ckiied ]I it0 1 K,*cult c$ 1%lton CffT.Ifl1

fr4 ¶tie -tt ,,fl*y c mi'efiwc.1 Ph !l3t Id) icoie kwur4.Ii U0Wii iws flHPbU'Hd ii ll! 1*! ieaw rt i IIiy. rni rrnip,rJW! ictbe as !o.:

Tri -p.iy. I* rt1 liU'P. Tnjl. p*grs ! r Cafrna Rjroc I.d) qrnsnt SdaiJ0 10 1c Cro a1 Dd) iqEuvir!t J.ct 5 1fiU M CO9'L4I $

&riDq cit 'ogrsed cii esirc me *SriIa o' oy 'Irc to me isçr 01

e '0jJ?ftedthe nws osls aM 1tv ocIl *mo ii 1K01JMt4d tHisjs vhn t?Bxpytrarn c,t The awt, c. me C rtLEr&uay ir CJt I toco1.!1

1avu v b w ..ie.ik.d _ ,-...i.d zt * nc!.v *eseh sitir* U,c'e aI uc,-c.,t st (.) PiôIty PIni iiui c,qiii and In(tiindir. 1I* lynpp*il wd 4.c5JV?1Whfld V Iw1h1r1ii nsIUij ii $1 I) Wt*G 31 II*dIwI Pp ml KIrJ 1hr i.eki )i 1.rf pmo. dart w .i*mngiM .:H'O Tw! tjleiDa.cI 5(E tL me 'ICLTrC 1Eam1l IcffwtI'.w ksm lI . s.,miW rpn .lI URWUOD PARK BEJARU till fOR b* NDD 3O AJN( 2O

hJ pn'r ,pn.1 fnfl..gflIoi$ Al 1M'N I an4 oain4 'id

propGrt, la,,gI #i # a,md ii .oco,t ,omil# tVI1 1 ?O? S *In t rnafrVrV

AcyItw l' .UIM ? m M .n*,r.'aif OV I &NI Z Is4 bc 1 PLUttV.fMI .i'd qr*ii udIn11.jU'! Id ruJ buIir. ,n NI .lñ.! k5I AUd ]1or WLthbJ n-t AloIhmI in tt nI ndqqtâpiosffl sr wd si leccdtn

iit,w, ItP f'v.$c r$wiI 1 tt&I!I2S dU o' i!oss & cQ 1!%sl bii ibe zkIrimre t Jfl$ Us.ud by rIII(i lo rcI iwksl rJc,ur ]CCUflU s cd rfJ ft IlwsfI ol Ihs Øs& ni I?r Oirl c,Iftsy b h rw-iI.,srItj,I

ICB 5 r1c llUbI. f laL.Q o( hind nd bi4d kvvnn tssr & Ié5I9s INS ppss s$uiv b4dsi9, . oi*hu. litlil im. S 'wuS' isr lr .Mst*Ig wuli 5$ dscSmird b 10 1e M ryrnç $th,e eprcvic tensIcrbodod Fs v aisol. $'o OabiJ5$Ii SIQ:Vffl cost WIr IS. -iMjS 0 *kn5 $, hg Ih capo:.sJ rqtunlm c].t tflpr ryrq sl isrd lbs icc.kIed cIcpI WV UHwd

kdHusI 15kn4 tI IS-J r-J fflL11J]J' Lard I mUv AiTcffly IVlIcs S(z,WIlVdIFi dfI,I ce.Aslt Pn e'ss th V L.wr W1lIIo* (Il 11kv 1Jl IfYT1 V $Ul. .SJS f thS ii tI

Al'i cro,l ss tli1 u'SA l as &afrli hip.ISd sSulsu II ,lucIs tI cJy1lon f !I.4r I*.ws owuc bnHIt

and I; rt Cup ceI v dPi ø)s è iàd u.Ir,J U* sVI4i'a 'jsns &i,h c*a..I lrnuh EsImud L$S!tJ Ir,I'th ---

02JJ fl1I tIrhcruøqJpnunt I) Wmunt ol Ai.ol Pçrty. ipvvi nd nIvtrutr jevted ir 'udtnniI t I" iIlcwlovi t' ,.eJat irrL,.i, ir.il&4v r.e Ihe .41 ra i'*ufl !'ier t'*ö1 i'fliIIV1t1 mnv'ivnt k iv, 1II1 p wIJWnty iii ig hlv (*it e& tt' ceciU# iium s Ihi a aiul i to bss c u I p*àled i,pOciffl c.ot

The dpesvrvsrI p.uv m ed o'c*ineIrue ..iwe in IIL*I ci 2iii ,v,vivt vI5 Iiee.j (iih iuv1 dnl.50! ISidi iiY.aI Ii l ste rv ii.vvvvI ii..ølvv lvi mr Sc ulpefmr4i sk ril, fçvv, flli1j I)UaI..

The 3DI11i heQd fl HH er'vvç,.vtn.* w 'inkf vv 't,s* is e* th eiivvd b.nAli. iivC-$O1 O!* em h$LJKJe Y,e D&i we * ilcQ$Ue ,ilem?f'I t PVv,ii Ivrrn ii liii'pricicic o psIIii ( b,veFl te 1ucIw1 ii SM e.h4lI

Ihii.uvijuI bhts-vwivt*

' iiiIiii.n - I OQ NIIIec.iiDuro iuoi WeIJIOWI Lo nd mb I1IndI$ liII.Ie, Uivv,jiv,dandsisd cv

Theie he,Q seen ili.I iN I?


- - 4f tF.R .*: iINF ?l(9

O3fl!U' wd fl ir ihi. I qIh* I I br .fl *ftd.qir M WWSUOd t th* CUØO vinm .nct

I uf Y4I!i 'I pi Wic' cet 0! U!S L Uisii n UiIiiiriflq iisLi oJ OqRr rtyvtfl .rot rw 9'o ea ot dttitrW,' Imibn 0)C.h w,dCjeEuiti oi I0 c9'Csb Ia.mwl, c.' wiiqq.iv*IeIt vvii fi !,wl as'I 144.I,,i I'i nitir f.cil IwinKTJrn, W B ir ,pdbj clii.1in "crtrl& cMIi nd Mh e ,bjed b ricItngt1 F v1*J.

4)R.t*bk.i tCCitIr.Pd ir flI19t* fli t!!O IRS it! .w1' rrh.trM.,,yri4flkIII. mr,risi1l1 'te roLi riaoo.iCOnn w ML.n:oc1b l hc1, cf 1j! oi,nc*toutt 11.aic tnroircI bbcun:do..tti ii siec Ic1. P* B.oevl I tYbe i.I k eLid us Ths ! 10, iI.e.i dii nr ii i) Pw1s. ir corn,od cue, Iho Oxd beCno t4o Irn 1iflJ OITI!I11 rosi1iji O 5Cf!L t4tiyu 'wiii (UI n4u, 4$ .i..n.IyiII.d .*.n % dupi. 'p Atcco,d $.r* f1J,,d j1fl0 :!0 F! l f!Wi lcul1,e eroinI 10I: biZ r-e iiTi Iri.0 r. Is Ie erd -f 9's Lsft (r% IMI fra(b oui doesi .im I1s 501t i-a fi ii &.tai

.idhil U d*ci kiul % UISJ Ibe 0WtW5IH!( thp WFIR mtlAi . irttiJd bt !L'1b* tr ,Ie f,41 f,, tss

mI 5 5U'Ió4I ci &urbitt $IYI1SSII Ir?II It t. itqIi.4d 'i $1. " iI itrrlyp =iI-in SRI ms1 nl t 1Ew0 P'ej(fbi o teectjttss ouiboyr ror.c (a, Se cilb.rujut ot tileeaOs' Pross ens et,,leReri s !!Oth baIe '

i *ErncrHt1s.Irb I.t!fq5Ic.esits Tb. lishity 1t ernulL .ssi s,n sp Lo ho qsCfbe tsV 12 ronIts'?h irru ¶ht.qb *iIitroen-o5od md i ?ie tv,soej,*nours ectI I, be J M1W, uis I1bLI10 50 S Artii mnd Ui4IOCO1 55 tie setles rn Uuet.ISCOIJU ci thS nne t It u's yss tit lmltJriU up:IiIJ ti.d ii if 1 5',, I,LiIi,,,,, u,t1,1 .eas IiiIhp' Iii r't,'r-t rf ',,-4rt,R irn41 1'. ,,rrl lit tr, tr tu,L'wr ttrrt mu.

u1 q3I.rnc clAatMmK1 ixIS.dsfMon 'I I it',c tjkir n*drsj rlrg 3J$ citItei, k )dIU, IM bç QQ LibNy o cda'r. Uiujnuic* Q,rçqe lsaMLrtd pn,di UIIijka h* hurl. r l$Iøl rniim*'.I t P'us b. d OA 4OIJJ 9OVIfflON bod$! Iois N rat a itthe qnct Uuv 'z.jI'.

AS iii Ii. Mid &flfllI pi, r$wi j IiNQc Jchobd dc c( !J 5fld!I fl1 z1t' sflbflc'1 ) tNi UbSr ( at bia r,ont5 1r !flsac

The nt1J 5n,ijri 9cit1 t5B Ir j1ar3wu n SUf1E ]TM1Wi1II iI & he erioti Sthc. a txniit nc, oI b Ca. m rtfLth 'oEt Iiir ucan-Lknvr Schimu I drlPkJ burid"C urip dw 1a ci cia

ImpO1eeec*?InU mpt7YTrI irr tp ?A )OTWt jr not rrcciitcc tc E3'th QiT trVtPJDmc.1b i iY LMSS orruidn SMn IWS5: ffçQI L'3fl C4 8 Apiil am rmwn.Ihe t8B ILfI Ii.w *9jiøi , The cte mtei ccccunr :n,uoii GES8 ctePiV iirip1O8e c U? rc Ccn'mQriIP' Wffl SupIu (uaIwlte mrttnIn Act 2 Theae nvti.r x1nJh I11l! cli :ha In .usp.d ci 4 Md GES. tiUI.I

I he eni 5cne aNt the ree-ater bcflftti c tanhetiiC O Ih 35SSd*'. iIriu buMflt ch'ui. Thei bciti as iaS 4tr,tud Nt I lutir,yt.i dutf i tnlin fln *fl$.s .-#- ,eeI pflW!I3'eIrrusnj fl eI hide Yita4he ude rri, Cffic1 britJN at cM IcYfTIe eI8f WIIt!f $IITIMI ReJJVeornuW tiMte 1c i1tfl crr.IF rnd

TM ddMd PL1Ii5$iiiuK ir idwtjthtd tim1 th aII, biiir. & Ir E1i Ccbt,lI mh b, r'*5tIIy thai luftcti aetei,t a aIe eai'nad 4.ur, TM SS Sthai'w, IM WS$ Ssu ari the GE385 Sd.m,,id.r- ?h& urr.,ri1. jpinn.,bn th 8aeiI to the 3ESO, w, &tivi,d croui ie,e fle sae, Io cr er 35$ $dcn! W55 So'onii. aNt th QES chu'e a' MdcguiM'ed 4h CQUIY1 ea,Ir & tI th

The GcSi Saweioa Shosso t a dCifd'cd bsne Wi.in POr 0i cwpoa0V ON$ wd omr*q Ite an iqari p.,cIM, atud from trianahe bw,flt., lie, pn .od AASBII9 BUR3W000 PARK BOARD .:ittc' , v ctDjo jjP' 2O

Ey',swt 3CoJi

flcI4Iif *V4f røi.r& ire cfl bflis & J% pJt$E unflItJi4 t*i!mpmn b iUi .i occJ uh r.4 tU,St - ..u14 thi rrrIo.oibwsUl Qa* óiuthød i o'.cuI3 'OFI S nc ar rrn 1 Pcto- (cii S ,rriMn Expn

Th iipwuwi.b q*puI&i1 fiw ifWd pUs flhpI$* Imi Cc1rvft*ocgI: r1qiit :c indng f tt, £-III sd d iric wit

liaWii JØ'$IIG1MII I l b*I 4IIIi ltUC491d duhy q

.n- .vefe I thi h'4d4jSb4op.nI-UW).d - p Cmpwtive Piuris C$v J($i e In c nrnciriiIUi 1afl

3 at .u..t*i ol

Owk- tetIt tV,flt,flkr

Ii dmMIrq IM eoirø'iiiUUft. 0i O fliIisi4 11pInv1IIEf C11i15 rropu* elnon i!.d tIc1c r 16 icri 4 OIicir, & .ceouMbI9 iolknd .Uns 0I Assi*nhin Aoufln0 'ontd

Th I4Ti.ftI IiII Iuiuq A Vd,i 4,,dij $h.iJi.nic.i Au,Imwi .øy I -T

4A.S 2D ArwI,ini th.t kS7. ztMse3.Asg & "-.,x, .0 i.".?Ir .. . rv. L .j. I-U

ug 'wVn.nhi i MS 27 MS 29 ii'd kA3 beer I-$rn to I 'bc rw nC rij ticid S*wwtijiITJ SJISifl WSIV 'TlV rII'wt iI4:M_flqk I 1Q5OAA5 ?'1 1I1A 5l.t i SiJu L4utI 1jIM( SLs1c*tiiii mu* , 1I .ir'rvd Iout cdwEu +ic AI4UMHfl n.3Hflce AA$ 1? pt md apr rnsaj'd oi2uui J5Qt FIll. Iifl 1!lIllcI, QlI U irWE lIctçcllt.

FuWrIn.p oAu.Mar ceountillgSIdMds1 ytpsnti. fl-fl &jrl -!-1 u acçI w ALalnuIai uthng 1wl W' A.. P4HCIiS* :eflnuIcI b Iii 0f 4pàctrl ci Avn Accrig $Imnrd d Orle PrcuIC!I! Cocue'-tf. ?* ONI pöduIlI tlIl iuMlg tlIIl1AwIu9 5i.nd rI 4Liiti rnrij i?rp ri FIuI Id ti rTF1s"O&i Vie Jtt bJ ani finIC( Qlt.d WP.ie klIi4UI.lafi! p1 oip* rFWrttor frau Dir dI

I,,rTL,th bew1J

£AS 101icnt]tci Ot itrUflG aInrenlSupnIier237j Thi Siwdald bi*t (*igd nJ wi* rii u(tw, ol I y 2O 1 iTIwlJIEcriI hu Wi cq.ire ififi w in $uv il frç q- Uiy T. Ir,I 4Uç tfl wri-'nhfrn:&iI mt'mc MlrcI Pie dan c iippd 4AIJ V-2 Ann 1t Ar.t!XUTflO 5r.atJ Ommcui% 2I.&iI iIiuIIriI&&SI 4, USE 7, USB 1Ifl .L AASB I03$JlSt-dw mnI.-i1 ad iii I3II iIit !mr th1e V ie11W d O4dti risk 17 r,-.iI iisInu. liiin 4ie i'n xi jiiiiiir,-iil Imcs.rt vIPiwiIb Mdald IC iil ppIed BURSWOOI) PARK BOARD :i'[(1 T! I F,.AN:IAL STAU.. Th* Ni*tIJ Ri 2IXi

2Di9 206 $ $ 5 'Tri,I., FTDII Ic,Or'CeóieC and recei 741I45 633&4&3 ?4l 1.415 6 336483

Il(rII r.nue

tfit&I &veflUe - TniOepoit R27Th2 4.9OS l27762 I Otherreerue

1.41 1 524534 f*e Rsgçy H.ve 71.976 G5.G90 L3O IorlCcmmissèon 2421 Rent 1461O 275192 On.irg 47.143 3C.128 R,cQr-f ,ocp 549 cw mmieeO 7273 7.273 ceiRaverijs 4l3 Hecopier LMerce Fee enue 41 2412S7 2flI 732 bnpot4 bt,nfIl! Waç rJ ie 465,23 kruI *v (bi 5,310 11,852 Lirq er'ce oave b) - eetvied nntrWir pn 36,26 -. (e PoIe I?) 13,5 1.602 flI 717 414,171

rJude thei.* cIIqIrng reft O ?hnuploo.e lU Ihe frrr4I:.re*,ts Lax ccmpcnr*

IniudOc fnnruahOnøOiIbøi ccmx,nent

ErnpIo&n4n OrCOLS UCtI *wQic camprns.ibOn nLrn ad py1I aiMencb.ad at n,ie ii illPr fXDCnc. I ho OrrpkhTnnnt Cfl

9426 9,403 Ciuibcbr I T1,21 114259 ConjmM,ee 18CI 40,421 Ciei mrIsI,oUo costs 2.60' 22*2O9 I G669

( Audit cool, see note 23 Reuho ol Aum?

10 D.pr,cl.tion

dcMEPf101'1 14331 1 1212M Cc ci.çnnnt nd Iii nj 4O4 Bukng? 136,019 128.211 I nIraMrucur9 9:L975 69,271

11 Other.

M.crbng 1. PmIor 9502 94566 Ei'gy Costs 2G1 064 13295?! ':rnoi Eons coinmo*cne I 152.462 ind 328,260 242,aR5 206211 ClFmr n*an0ns 226302 173,156 3outp.Ovecnenls olIInf 25,449 72950 CIw s.hl! (dl 12?7.54 1143861

&) InP&,es Norker cns1I, n%ura The).41)lI&Qiy Med ib rt r.cogin ci rnuI nd ong seviceIeee IMliIyUckci!t row 17Prvn 43 5UR8W000 PMPc HOARD Tc 1 'rr.+i p r YA1 -NO XI jt 7C-,

23 200! S Ii I%..ivEIIøS


TriO ehtTt 63' Of3 54C' X15 1sT 443 ca4Q4 C'5dl RN o eevabiiclu. bU nd rd un M n(cjicn 1 acno n.TrrL al tarca flnr

Not ',S jç, mrnMbs

Th B* oe n iciø ooflaleiil a securtydM1 cr.dI nIwimt rw4irig Ia ui.fIote W fl oyibe end iote 24 Fn.iI Inuffi 13 0thr Ctruit tsse

wud fltdfl t456 2I I& 743s 43341 14 Progio.ly, P.ni arid Fquptiiffl

antupr$*tiI Mcc 4.96ei ¼u.rnu d driii1 on j 1.1UQ) I ItIi24 Ofhc. ucrh.tcumut. kxru1 cçctD1

AlFiW kø 45_7. curnuit Depvcisrn

VIhtIndLru I21 Ae1!,nu iii1aII),t Z14L,44)

7000,000 6 cc 000 7000000 F.9C0I

1uI PjryPInt md I7,O3Z57 i.iiSI.

(aLmnir4 t,uIrn I P 2UO b tie WeslernA.Mf1$Ld nIocMebon AurVM,jbi Servcfl wakr' w, p,tior,ned øuing Ihe 'w eidnd 30 Asia (XIO and recn.sdil 31) 0t.9 n un0sSIng IM 1Iua1 $á .tJu wi d1Wrwisd 00 cJfrLUVUr4 ts vøu JIVC ,gcfflTI1 cuit! $ Z 'i Pruw1y, PviJ nl ircru rIrnst Pconc41e1iont RnciinI ITIe r.rrmQ im.wt o 5Ty,pleNd rwf IIJdLJI t 0 JQi1flj1UadITI GI VI t D4

PIarfirwt & 2009 Ecupineri Fumitu Buk1EB tgit LtIE1 $ $ $ $ S Cwr3fflQITTJVIdIV's SIM1 CIi's ,iet 724 2&4 47,O 14Q,4-LJ L6QQ.ODU 15 I I, g6 Addlhons 14tG40 s2.03* Devrec.z,crn iCI 4I.QPi °' Re'.dLUIUOflinnw1dmi.n1) 310,000 273403 4 ewsw000 eoo rCj T 0 r-lr F] iSrJ[ [AL Ttr.'r4T FOIl 1H R NOC 30 JUNE 2IX

2009 2006 S C1rnftngamoun1 Mlho mJ UM 119103 3506S S88092 3,512.3E5 7000000 1?.O3257


PLwt nd E JçlTI.nI & 2108 Eqiiner Fijn4r BuIdrg hIrsIrucbxe L'id ToaI $ $ 5 $ $ CIrTyIig iniurI th trt 04 !iT2.2J ZO.0O1 &IT].3 2.O17]04 0700000 132443 1S337' 13 5.44 1 ilO 1233O 55.0356 iprcuhos 1 21,768i 5404 281. i {.69.V1) - I ::.n R ii1rem'crtcrfwt - 470.56Z rri c4oi 460562 Crring n!ouM M thirdf thc et 1I9Uj24 20,9.41 5,4570U Z740,443 ,090000 lGj 15190 IS ImpirrneM 01 Ad

rø lo ndictI DI lprmQnt lô prnprPy pin1 quçriInr IfltflAc!ur (0 Jisi 200Q Tti 6o-J iid riooudw*I or nIriplêi, et Wti ifl fld1,1iluiithi hitdunnQ U-,u,ly1 nd w-idt bIs'*ce h1 it yktiItIrbr i

JI urpIuri Sdt ar 30 June 2009 havti eslhar Ier cietiied e k lot ot Tr,r o!l

1 Piybios



17 Prv.ion%

Current ii;.n, t.ari&iIKUYIQ1

Mnu31 1s.Q I 47.55 425.49 Lrq roe ntve ib) 45, I9!. 73,374

ceer ipflton-CoMa Ii 1641 1,641 3,541


Plon.Curruryt Eiipb& t&nelL prOis.on Lan;ie]$ei.b) 1715 Sipw-nnuior 14 S{J I'O,21 I 2,S61 Othw PrSn £ruçbymnt OrC* c) 15 1Qj3I t2551

AriruIoi 1W.1iim i.vcbein :Ias*d o.wren LI,ccndIcn.Irijh to Ir 9IIIrnlkyt k,it I 2 mcct' flcwc st4 ttAsmens rcate l$( iCIUI ernerL c th wI QCO.r

Vnlhfl 12 monhP'ol brr# dMA 33g71 More thx 12 rro1Ps ttr Inr'h dt ,s77 47O BUHSWOOD PARK BOARD r4DTE T THE HAt..: EE rEAp 1ND )OUNE 2O9

2009 2008 $

I p Long or,co btaLMIt nq 1s*IPj w ajcreqi wF& AC condibenI d4 or1cv, foI Ict PmcnU hoet Ie. AiwsnI iv4iI* tPt && lie'I &the IiIb is riiw

MPifI I nthsô balanieeeldft 2614 45112 rrn hzrt mirth%dtr binC. srot ePp 46,9Y6 2O282 T2J10 73314

(C)Th *iIP*nI of *v,u 9don eeriice Peeve I&ihee giiee r to Ine o( mpa,ment on-co.i rdiing ockei' on1pan1bn çrriiurtcn1 oaoII rex Tb pvinIs MLvesiI the tevI( vje e'peute Iuure The oaiiect oIpecI. ipt fronr the uriinl1in9 oIIhn riourit tnario ci roi. 11 OIrer expencaC

(ii DIked beneM Iuperemtm5ion pne

The amounI recoçyueed r herncon tatei fo Ii Pre-trinfr bnoft - upormccn Scflw,w

200Q 2008 tctoeI(urIndIrq oltho d.:ountr 8000 Net ecIucri e5eng TXaI mcljiled lt EmØyeo en&fl expsns& tee NoSe 6 18,985 1602

The amccih. revogrileed rhe UIera eheeile e kowe.

Preesni *a o uri%u'ed ,bIQaban l4r4 123 Lsbilly ii the bM.rce hee1 142,506 123551 RncIL*'n ct me unfunled I cIM reco I n the baIaroe eIeet ie IDIO

LhPIf öI clafl01 year 123551 121949 fl W., !U 'VIU U,,'.fl I.,e OIAfl

N ctun Ioani I r. I LblIy J end ci er 142,O6 123551

T1 çrncI &*atI assumhxs used eresI ql-id avrci) wrru I1VA 2009 20

Dsccnl r 534% 64% Fi.!uie jIw inciss 450% 4.50%

1itor.c IâflIYIW(

-4anr beneAt - Gold Stte Superrnuahon Stheme 20cm zooa 2007 2006 PreWnL "al* 0? unirCed oblqbon 142505 123551 121)49 116,843 Far ali.a o' pw cRl

De1t 142SOS 123551 121,949 11,843

per.enc a rnesi rj phm

e-inrtr eAt - Goic Sdc S prrnuhon sme. 1000 1,000 4,CO0

rnoLy tir wrrçwnorL Ir 1118 doAriDonefliar

&w milrbubor ol Sli OOC' arepe1ed p1 lo Ihe Goic! I upscnhIu1Yrn Smc (or he ,r crnri 30 Ju-e 2o0

rnoIce DL Qr1Yj!QI

arrrç amot 81 81art 01 year 3,541 AiIiM piovilicob r.y-W*d 1,340 1,011 Pn1ol! tnr acrdv 1)1 c,mrniIt 27'22 Caning rnjunt 1 rd Of Z154 1.54 BIJR8W000 PARKHOARD ;ric tt '-or4yf.Jiixo X iU*

0O 2c08

S S II Oth.rcUriIIbüIfi.3

cuued 5fles 4.004 2421 PAYG VV rig Ta. 14456 057 '.wuel r 764 2DJ26 1* Equ

E.tnh 6snc. .1 ttrt Q pe,oct 24762,415

uUI Ue DI!$Od !357g *nd rc$od 211 375 30 OI2,i 20 Ioei eoth CaVe Ioiw St.mnt

Rcir oL*bWi al a.h

Cui t ihnc 01 ma-icE& r c 1ow 5i&n'I reconcld ID tuelWf1 In! n tPie &ice 5lue Cast' F.lsgil. P_tI çah cii *06 Tami DOOIII 1'J64i14 fePut anI

12447,6O 1 113,40i

R,ccnd.tIon a! openitirq i'asufti nI cash flaw. p'O.doCbyuasd.iJ çprtli acIii4j

I U! .wr1cJcI DJIl Nonc5h nDms 312T2 330.151 fuhan wIcrwyrg 1V3403

fl4kI Ctrw ecvt' i123331p cuir ca.zcent aie )6.40 t11O6 In IEIc Ct,rn *Th CIRT.I* rQcfl Q4rgi o,I&Qirnt Ihls 2,14 Non -ajrrcnt rc 47,'o (424I N dST en.ipyntont O0l cJ Chanç n OST RecbI'Psites (171OT) Net c*s' (*et In)i pco1de-h by aper9n VvItI5 BURSW000 PARK BOARD Nr;1.:. f:j fL tuCi4L rt:tuf. YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2009

2008 21 CmLueits ;j Cpb Rpl,fI4&r9 wy,nl,ieb

Ths Ood hn Ijkw. jp'enof $1 I 56O(() tv -mp$l,Le ., 2Q2O10 pf oze p' aro imprnar Th OI8 lulurn rinmdml,n 0t53 T8.4O rI.1 lo çpocoive rk rd ariiens imprrr'.ert nd Swin .nd Cnnirg ve rIreiYenI IrCjC

1_±1 58±000 3,72,4O0

( 1Q.lO c*WThtfn&IL

ri le iphnt wnlrid cV e h ce ht d but riot rn1 p.IiIwc-

wrnffi I pr 14426 LbIIun I year zrd r1 ijt ! 6721 'no' 21 14T 27753

2 Rçmnl,rIion of M.nbs. o Ihs c,til,b4e A&iUb'iIy .nd S,nioc Rrnunqflion ol P.%rr tje urrl hnI uIc rurrber 01 r-erbe% 0? 1h AoiMi1a Aj?-d, iA,OIIoI èwiiii. ;innuiUo', non-ror.tr t,iitn inc othl,ene4t, ie 1i,no, f& l'rlr th crA4 bjn are:

so-slooco 3 3

tII T1U1 JIOn I I?I bQT Ifll, A OuflLl, AulliOrly l 16,443 Th incIøs 0 sip ustnsxpese roircI byht d ii rlwecf cit menib.r ol lb. AcounIabI. MiIbont N m.nrs ci h, Accouffl A ar mnibr ol th8 Pnsècin

RnIn slrnQr O4kc The rucrber oF Senor Officir oftw in .crnor c,FfiC rnporled mrrbS of Iho Ac rte kid-ofly, I lees. salres, upOr -n&elrr beq'e!i? nd u benefi r lie frwil yCr, al M!lir e 1Q.ifl9 bws us:

1oc_oo1 - $1l0000 2 11OQO1 $l2.00Q 5130.001 - $140.000

The b1I reinureraii cI nnc 3fbccrr,; 25i93 2017419 The fefnurer.1on ónduijiisWu5 su&OtI e*p.e ,r..ur,jd ¼h ad i rp ci nio Qfficer t'er tsian sercr ofkes reesrt is mnbeo ftA jnF.Ie Ar.hfly Nn Snw Offis 0V the Pereoqi Sctee. 23 RuflvkIou O Audiuc rion peh ID ti udtorereral tbf nrRl year 'e es o

A.cI1f? I,e 3Cmunt ersrs ind ratr I2$on 11100 BURSOOD PARI( BOARD '4DT IC TH F L,1L IMTI * iix*7009

21 FmnaiiteI Intiiim.nl*

a) iinrnt Ri A1ri1qrfn*N Otrnctiiand Pthcies

VrienoinrunenLi htdd by Oie Ooer icari end ca,h urntn. krvrdpoitn ,rid rncawabI nd ia.abIes Ih3oaM Iiac Irndad xim in Im.1ncI rtck TPi r1 NI r'unejrttfl pr.rn hiss on fl9 lie 'aks Iad becm crcn rIe riei kØ4 lP'feIh* g&*iMIy af the RiM* t r.ablee d.uIIr n P*sV CCrIrh otiqice'is 'esI nin friarci& toss to Ihe Board Thr Bcard csue credit r!k on ir wid riici,tors nst on aragu

The rnaxirium epoeure to crrdsl rnk beiero :t dto inrtion to h c1 of reGogrlcd eria aseic r. the'Iiss cair.ir*flurM -E th asada & an,pmaCwItcM asetEM! tn lie laöle at Note 24tc

The Eoerd urty *etih ircgrth.od. usdf.or2riy hlrd peri*a The Budhpokion Øce to .rujIe thai ol poducanJ are nai$e to cebners h en appcpctie cI1to'y. Wi a&dtEL riccfaDh b,ces are monlorel cu an on9oricI basr *IIli the re itialhG Hcwd

cupoure 10 irnrwnai Thare are riorjrcaii (Olcenlraftore 1crcdt.5k Lqjtc*y iài The (kteri te eipSed In IqJlly fltk 9lrOoph its lredinQ1 Ille nrv,n cvr%ol buin' Li1iAdiIt flk iriset4'en the Boardis urIe to meal triancal cliçsbcns as they (

Thi öiiJj U l. 10 ajitarice 1.ei ii uriIlniiIi (iqtJiniaN Th cva has jçpn,riaie arocedure to mar-ag. caVm tkma by iriondonrig ior,cat ch 1cc 10 enur that ttf-at tufl5 ate aaihle to mt lt rn.nIfrruls

Mar.ti rs The Bawd itoeio( Vacto In loietgr c.rroy arid Is riot melwlolt, epoiod 10 do esanm,te epiity eeiiflbacv ccmmndy p dng.s. Th Rearid bo mweI nIt I

chwes in rterasl ates retele priniarty Ic the In irvesirnenhi Other tha I S n th Iri1*$t ro wmrutrfy Ivais tabhr i1 Note 24ci the Board ha hrnno eam ire 10 tn rt1rr .J1J IffiJI rI... bj CIrQnr ci Firnrn :rirt

h'JiMsvi to ch.Ii uirjaITIJU!Ibd uM ,'A oe Iir,j ckJutI C' ol d 1sncaI ji tPotào IoI dk ro o1k

rr)ar,y kt 2009 2008 $ $ CW nd caehgwt&flt* F34Qe. Lcwi rC rct'ib' ji 5644e6

F LP6 Fnnc,aI habIlbe rrd 1 urorbadc0I 4C37 Iii The arout at Rcerbèe txide GST 'rrn the Alt) FrnønIiut,inI RU UQud4 R I n!st Ra1 R

ffiIflQffl L..Liii 1M1($uto iridirfv iIe .'ek si I IW1J ul fsniyijl bitce dIflie mmur ciOtum h! Id nk I the iJto camjtg moiint ol iM&Caets as -frii on tts bloMnç Ie Theat1e decbee the ot nanc48I essat% flet e pest de b* not rnpve andtps'ed tnWCI$ aII$ Th? Lit' bd on pOIddo ero n ccrer1 ol DP,iord The cor1 mIurflyc1IcPJnUn9 hes bcir cme *hrrc mTefl

Th E3optjdns rvth( wy ccIisiii s sieciwiiy or oitcrethi nIrcrrwc!Ttr3rqC frirUzct r 'iai:

1te ioigstJ Joe hu ry itini eeI thei h to høv., It-cur teini e that t*ilieOIhrIe ruIIed .n them bsivlQ el due or ai BURSWOOD PARK BOARD L)1 Ic.) 1Q r I. :1 r- ri UW 1 iuN rJJv ft -1i *xpours rdln9 niii & ?i'NII aIa PmsI Du.uI Inijr r Nsgh$ud Arnriq. Cwrilr, Jir,.bIe n Iftc1ve Amcunt Intrt rti 9artny inIierIt ralt FNiiiClA55.et $ I $

F nar:AuOIs c.1 'C cashuiiIrt S 3Th 12417 GO 12 447 3G0 631O6 631 O6 Othe' 1nMxiI 7 7.435 'r,tø trci t L8I icii 1'i44P.):I 3941

Fr cii casl, equnt 7 lB% 13.B13 405 13.8734 - 540625 OH Ø!4nOHI $*3 43.541 43,841 TI finrcaI 1$%* 14.457 71 13,873,4)5 584.466

'flc .ro'*%d t GST vMj w' Uu ATO


loinç tatilccCIJiSiC COflEICiUa I1iI P)SII ¶C(IIACIi OIUs ThO COrWCIurfl1IUrlt amOuci1 urwtgr'ød irniurIi U het c1o. I'Ie thb cLJ bø4ti rfl*r zirid yfICCl cash fk. An ljuriI hibonn rrdn hr mtonaI. kiWret rat* xpournd maluflly .nly o ft4Incl Iab4tie MurItV InW31 r Nlghd Are Carrying V.nabl Nn lrest Upto 3 1we A,n.cjunt kis.ret rt nrfrj mciIh, *ui'*t rMI FIn.Fca LbIII

33 11 . 363J1 I WL31I 2Ot2t - 2OT? 2072

IB1 - 384.1)31 3.84.031

261.553 251.553 267 563 BURSWOOD PARK BOARD 4iflfffl Th .fEj,L T1fHtN'. W T X JL* JI Ir!*,,-t ...cPvty *'aI,Ii

cç rpni a i&i nvr c, 1?IflIW r014 1,II' ofe On1s kWiQ& Ijaj 5 k laa an re p'iLa Iü end equth Sot '5% marçe a r4t i suird Via ChaFq Ifl Ifl[Wr1 rOS bhd @natuI IhmtIioul thr rpoflflc5 .t% chi ctiq ZDQ Prt Eqiy

C' wi ca9i Q4,ruls i 44 $44t4j t4 174 124 414 Ttiai ncv.'tii I24,41aI IIU 1145 124474 t?4471


ari aciafitOuld I3173. 5 liP rus lie t34r 11&734

t1Li 11TI.al i1'511t 1 ?I1

1:j 1LI

M frd.I isea wI lb1ihe nrnd r TiU bnce r it c"e S am IOQnWI N r wratthi xtrtm-.trt cii tu *iP rict aPt'. taId r*

01IgNflcan y1ñM10p3 be4win es1matoi stid ictuaI msuhs for the IlicI yôer

5nrc.rn vi0Icri or. C M1toI 10 b thus. gr,ator ha4 10% mu

rrfrn and imayia mr ujnIfrnnwina flr v1nland 4.h1 I 1,uI'

2OO fl..IUa1 u..iu.ia V .lr IdItt $ $ EV[NUE

704,08 450000 54,90 jnince ocur'Ud duqQ IiigW rn 'md Wrr dpo4 bnr

Employie bensthti 5261V 42000 101f8'

wr .ghor 0thch out Ofrofl 01cwd 'i1t'rurt Q 19 cviIsby incro 10 rupEayoos p fl 200$ k1d fromMarth 200fr ard Saar reddka1bTh.

Sw and Cannn Rir Syem nhjriccmcrI 6000,000 000,000 3000 000 The 36000 X)0 in 0062009 incIude $3 millori in Ihe 2006i2009 badr Iimes il 13 mlhc*, cjmed orer rrcirmcOTIOOa tør In nolmiflIcr ft1h SInfJcont wrlat}on bcweeq acu rcenu ind ex dftre $or the Jnn1 aiwt r,r,nu,s..nd f a' th. dlpy pvc.n I3niiO.I sr

SlgnrftcifrUitIors re cosdrcd Ic bc thosii 9rtr than 1% nd$1 00 C 00.

a-id roirs for inmfanI ruitm% cmu rd Mth tn cr'i lams o Ito procflQ pr w di b&ow BURSWOOD PARK BOARD jt 1c flit - r.-t tit tND!12.I .IJN

200Q *O V3Cfl(S S $ REVENUE

Tra$ss p.ymun iiii.ie G.336.463 1.oflocQ ii ac:mnco wm ciu23(1)ctat ri Cano iBuodiMrd rv scSidMi IC Ib'e Caric (Biir&cdwid) Agt Aç 1R5 Ih I3oMd pn-.* Itc.i* thTru#Ie .A rtwrnol1 It.OQ2 oJri,4 1e lo tbc C rvu bW I'Pw tr,w thar rn th tirnng iii

$riect5t 7D4IG8 321 732 t1Z264)

ThH VIC Qtu'Mdój to ftiew,ighh,d w.ercIeeN,ciiv snkrt WI IOOf 20082OCa (S1% hr rn 2001230117


EmpI3 bøiirn 53GOF 414574 I1211

vre riir cPje ro IicaQi aui at ior5ont ccnd on1flnrIS tornci tr.cc Lq by sarUiS!ompioy paic n Octcei2OO ae icckded from Maick 2D ud .1$y c:i

S*ii RIsc &iancement 3000,000 - 6.000OCO

rC rIhnr ç)JLQ Vooc1 $0 $l .rI1U1 ti 11gMI x $3 rvilloan cffld o' utxn 2O712IXI0 R o ncle 20 ¼t fulhw 1et]d

15 Conlin9sntLI Ikte rd CcntiriinIAtat

Thr re no kiwi Coritrgecitaaet. i1 banCe cSite Chert tjbIi1ies thdev the C3nlMnvieJed Ste's Act 2OCr3, Bs.eoed P Boyd 's riqwid ti1Ir Iu1M wsped cInIo IIsIre Dep'an of EnUonmer and Corrvalioc OC) In aconianceIJ, tfle Acr. DC asdèes O* Wje on Ite besis of-ie nst IofljmirfleIh IThc eqw,rnn,ent arc VCYflN Vro re la4Iudwitai - osebty cc ir,e11on eQui1 IPioirdiI h3 j fl re!31!ct refrusdi exrne.

Id' May ZO7 ho 8.ord mrud ccaminated lo DECTheee liyeCt 10 AIS4dId Durod Pxk bIod uaor nd icacDnI a nr ta.II and i vc 1 F4o1 flatdo 0 assess IIkeouIcc4ne of f IIcahon pre ,d accDdflçIv ,1rt CI(Ot& Ia .51Hfl5& J' ih5I hnariaI eI!ect c 1der(y the ur.aclainberdri o 11n irnounf or bnilng of w oudIo Whb therc Ia no poaiblci Sfl 01 *Iy lIUt 4*dkSj IhaI r't he incn.1 Ihe. u t1aIio o hi-.i aiethe ad nr irIi1vig rrm tIe Coniamriaiied SISe5M.iaqrriirnt¼winf bo undeil*c tJrV"rIWSca11w r* or 10 mt remLOn cøs1 that may ho riqu red IlCedd.Ised IheIlcerd n 2OO theDEC MPco,leeU'* ci Pn, ,iIetvi wil .i-ktr-i ha Duerd '4 laaaihr.ahct' u ;I,IIe rp.rted

ZIv.nI OcwrIfig AftBalance Sheet Dole

oors heio ccur f I' )aI.an:o f.e thal raqu kiawo h lii. Ii

2$ Swar andCaiwiln9Riec Syolom Enhsiiceerl

n iOC1 W Ih rorIhaduIo Ic, Thu r,n IIjre Inl 1JrrPnI Ad 18 provded lIat the Boyd ca. o0ffyniOfleyerec1U 23(1Kc I on to!ccI acpvo..d I, the Riwi .emrnf Miniior icr theprotecuciri aM er ancenierutoti nd onimunity benctlt andnnrt Uu S,aian jnd Cannffl RW. urd ui nthT1 RIver IJiniii meune Tie 4 theCroi, Ir te flmcbenQ chW]cd1'i p dniinIrftoc 01 Si and Cennng RMir Maragwnrni Ad 2)06

ci .Ju ZUQa,Iha hturtIapp'uvedpr1oct tiIaUrqSc millon ($ mlhnIn uCIgrn MØ ii1llcn0r,cdcier tcorci 2037P200$i AuditorGeneral


II,tIICPtrliimento(We,tcrn Au*rrilia


I havv audited the iccounis. fmimcialairnints. centro5 wd kcy perforrnancindtcators of flie Burswo,d hirk I3oanI,

The flnarhcUll st1-enierts cmprke the Ra1uicShcrt as ill 30 lime 2009, and the tricoinc StatcmcnL Statement t1Ch3nge in Equay nd Cath Fl,w Siatement roT thc vert then cndccL summary ofsignificanicourIting poicic auJ iilie expbanntur Nut

The key perThrmn.nce dicinr cen%It ifkeiMicators of cffeiwc'ncs and efficiency. Boards Respon!ibility for thc FInical StitemnL and Ky Pcrfiirnianct Indlcator The Roard i rpnriihIc fir liecptng pwper:ccnun1, and the preparation and fair prcn1atton oI t fininciai satemens in acccrdancc wuli Autra1ian Accounnng Stciwth iincI1udinthe A i.rtr.sInft. rra,...rtr, I.I._ I______-- .1 1 4 iip I I'.CLU 1IUUI...1ILiIL,- - 4IJIU UI perfonTIancc iidt. ihis rcpoiisi bUityi11c1udci cLabRhing and maintaining Intenial cuntrok relevant to the preparalionand fairpresentation of the Iinarcial statements and key perfoimancc indicators that an tree from matenal misstatement. whnhcr due to fraud or erior; scectinan! applvinapproptlaic accountrnpoticic. mahrig accounIinc%limitcthat are reasonoble in the citumstances and complyirig with the Financial ManLnnL Ad2006 and other relevant wntlrn law

Summary or my Role A riquircd by the Auditor Gcncr& ftct()O6Imy rcponibi1ity b to cpes an opinion on thc tinania1 3t1tcmcuLs, onirob and ke'perkrniance indicators bascd on nv audit. This was donc hresting selected snmplcs ol the audt cvidence. 1believe thit the audit evidenie I hac ohiarncd is sufficient and appropriate to,rovide a hviii for my3udilopinion urthcr inftiniaiiun on my nudit UpprQadisprcvided in my audilpractice statcrncnt. Refer www aud Lwaov au,uAudiiIracStatcmcnt FcJO9.df.

An audit does noi guarantee thai every amount and disciDsure in thc Financi1 ttements and key perfornance indic-utors ierror frye Thtcrm "rea1nu1.bIc asunincc" rccgmsc ihat an audil does not ecarnincfl cvidcncc and cc:y tran.sc1krn. liuvcvcr, my audit pncdurc should identify ctTural olUtS5ft)fl siruJkmtenough to advcrc1y affect the decisori ol ueii of the financial sttLenients and key perforTmlm:e indicatcr.

53 4D* -44 ivai *nt,e2 1thck %trt WtIt Ptilh 4 ttfl Au,ita!a&: OB 9fl1 ?J f OE W71 Th flu rwuutI I'*rk Boiird Financtal Statemcnand Key Performance Indictoi, for the ear ended 30 June 2009

Audit Opinioi In my cipinicn,

(I) thc financial stalcincnts are bascU o:1prnper acc41unt and prcscnt fairly the flnancial posiLiun of Thc I3urwood Park Lion1rdat 30 June 2009 and its financial performance and cash flows fir ihc year cndtd on that date, ]'heare in accordance with Austrahan Accounting Siandaris (includitigthe Austraijan Accounting

In(erprctations) and the Freiuer 1nstn.i intis; (IIthc conircis cxcrcscd b\ tc board providereasorah1e assurncc Lhat the reccipt. expedrurc and in\r-stmcni of moncy. the acquisition and disposal of prpertv. and the incurring of liabilities havc beenin accordance with Ieislatie provisicins and

Iiiiihc kv perIcrrnance indicalors of tlie Ikiard are rckviint kindpçrc'priatc o help usets assess Ihc Bar s performance andfain) represent the indictcd performancc for the rear ended 30 June 2009.

COL[N MURJ AL1)ITOR GENERAL 2 August 2U09 BURSW000 PARK BOARD $:tI 1 Pe1crrrxj r' c1orS ror the yeended 30 JuAe 2009

We hereby certify Ltat ie pe1orrnance ndcatws ae bse'I an rnpe tecor, are reIeari ad approçxiaIfor asistnusers to assess thepr1oiwance cf eurswood Park Bud and aLrPy rproscnl the pedorirane o the Bursood Park B>ard tcc the hnancat yew emded 30 June O9


PERFORMANCE INDICATORS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2009 In accordance with thewinnc,aI Mtrwgement At 2006, stat utoi-y authorities are required to provide in their annual reports infoiniation wiich wtfl enab4e users to asses-s performance in achieving outcomes The Board has deeIoped key pe1ormance irbdicators tc enable the Board ani interested parties to assess and nionitcr the achievemeni o( stated outcornes, Performance indicators are required to be relevant and appropriate, hannç reard totieir purpose arid 1arty represent the indicated performance.

AN OVERVIEW OF THE BURSW000 PARK In 1986 the BuNwood Park Board was establ'shed as a statutory authority in accordance wilh clause 6(1 (cot the Agreement scheduled to the Casino (8uvswood Is'and) Agreement Act 1985 with a brief to develop, maintain and manage the park:Iar'ids and gait course, and to promote its use to Western Australians and visitors to the State asan attractive and accessibte venue for active and passi'e recreation. Burswood Park is comprised of the 110 hectares of public reserve that surround the five major buildingsn theur5woodEntertainment Compiex The parkiands include an 18-llQle publcott course on 60 hectares with nine lakes, park5, gaiens and car-parking areas on 43 tieclares and the State Tennis Centre on seven hectares

THE PRINCIPAL AIM OF THE BOARD The principal aimof the Boad is to develop B'irwood Park into the Premier park of ittype in Australia and to maximie visitor iicag, enjoyrerit and satisfaction The Board will eris.ire that the partc is developedNnhln envlranmenta guidelines that are conipat ble with, and complementary to, the original enirn:>nment of the site Furthermore, the Board will establisri the park as an educational resource tcx the study of the history and environment of the urswoocI site

OUTCOM ES To achieie its objectives, the Board has dev&ored a nunibe of primary outcomes (i,e outcomes that relate to the achievement f the Boa rd's mission) To pi-cmote the park to Western Austialians and visitors to the State as an attractive and accessible venue for active and passive recreation. To proiide maximum visitor enjoymeot anI satisfacUori Burswood Park achieved a sign icant honour in Jjne 1998 when it was inducted into the Western Australian Tourism Hall of FamE, in recognition of its performance in winning the Signilicant Feional Attractions category In the State Tourism Awards ¶or three corsecutive years The prestigious Parks and Leisure Pustralia Organlsation of the Year' award was won b urswood Park Board in Septembr 2003 ard was gilen in recognition of us outstanding contribution to the deveopment and standard of the Parks and Leisure Industry of Australia. 1. EFFECTIVENESS INDICATORS Effecbvoncss indicators should erable users ci Uie Boards pei1ormirtce iridicatoi-s to indeper'denUy assess the extent to which thBoard achieditoutcomesThe park and golf course can be measurcd by the percentage of users who ratehe racilitif 5, apperanLe etc as satisfactory for the purpose of their visit.

Outcome 1: To provide rna*knum visitor!njoyment and satisfaction Key Performance Indicator - Puihlic Satisfactic The level of client satisfaction is r'neasuied by comments in U'e park visitor book, letters of appreciahori, arid visitor numbers 10 the parkmd patronage to the golf course Detals of the responses are as fnllows Parks and Gardens visitor comments Goninents frolTi paTkvisitors wererecorded inthe park risitor book ar1 lettersAll visitors were impressed withthe high stanilard of mamlenance throughout the park, in particular the planning regarding garden design aid plant selection In 2008f200'9, 188 tourists allended the heritagftrail tour compwed to 231 tourists in 2007.r2008. and 118 tourtsts attended special group tours compared to 192 In 200712008In a1ditiri, marii visitors those to undertake s&t guided tours of tte park away fromthe organised da1y departtires. Several Toir Hosts were guests or Ladles Probus Clubs arotter seniors clubs, presenting to a total of 378 people about the history of BurswoodPark and the Heritage Trail tours In 20081200g 1(XWn of park visitors who had maSe entries in the visitor book were satisfied with the park facIitses and maintenance (2007/2008 also I00%), and no negative comments were received. Some examples of the comments recorded indude iIi 1 ri' with mi1rf rin-" Ic+ cfir4mi tialLi gl .lL"(rr,it r Wonderfui portrayalf our history in sculptur&, INorderful tourt, Gorgeous park and woriderfuI bird lif&, Thanks for the tcur and information, 'V1iFonderful tour wdI interesting stories about our past', "Informative and great company excellent experenc&, 'Many thanks to Doard staff who assisted the Motor Neurone Disease Associationcharity wk, 'Thariks f0 all your help with the Wak o Cure 2008 Juvenile Diabetes Event' tnks for yot.0 khd support to tte Cerebral Palsy Big Day Out", Rotary Club o Mosman and ttie Princess Margaret l-losptal Foundation express Our thanks for assistance wth the John Hughes big IPalk', Movies by burswood thank the board for its support ot the event duñng the past year.

Outcome 2:Topromote the park to Wesiern fWstralians and visitors tothe State as in attractiveand accessible venue for actiye and passive recreation Key Performance Indicator - Park Usage In pomo?irg the park, th RurNood Pirk Boardseeks to increase usage of the park and golf course and to increase revenue Yearly golf player numbers arid green tee reveriu(GST exclusive) are as follows

1995/6 - 76,280 - $861000 1996/97 83850 $lrOO3 OL)O 1997/98 83320 $1.126 800 1998/99 82,180 $1.31.4,7 DO 1999/DO 77450 $1.323,600 2000101 78350 - $1.317,4 DO 2001/02 78340 $1.345 7 DO

2002/03 - 77,780 $1.307000 2003/D4 75,250 $1,413000 2004/05 - 69110 $1.374 000

2005106 - 73,700 - $1.456200 200&07 - 74,700 $1.535,200 2007/05 - 71,500 - $1.524 400

2008109 - 73750 $1.586500

The tdrget for 2008/2009 geeii fee revenue was1 .600,000.


Efficiency iixiicators sbculd enable readers of tileAnnual Repert to understand the resources appiied to produte tfle outputs whicri drectly relate to meøesredoutcome Key Performance Indicators The eflicuericy oflie Uoards maintenance andenhancement pograrn can be measured by the veraqe total cost of maintenance per hectare cipark and golf course, and by average total hours worked per hectare of p31k. aridclf course

Hours worked perhectare Maintenance cost per tiectare

Actual Est. Actual Actual Es!. Actual 2008/09 2008/09 2007108 2008.109 2008109 2007)08

$ $ $

Golf Course437 398 456 41.028 37.127 35+182

10 552 51 45008 40530 37472

Maintenance and enhincemcnt cosis per t-tctare do not include deprecation costs or green fee5 commission. BURS WOOD PARK BOARD Projected Lncorn Stcemenf ¶nr year ending 3C June 2J 10

Estimates Estimt 2009/201C 2008/2309 Revenie S $ Revenue5 from ordinarf activities Trustee payments 7300000 7500000 Intefe 600000 450OCO Other revenues from ordinary actIvities 2,370000 2 1200(X) Total revenues from ordinary activities 10270000 10,C'70 000

Expenses from ordinary activitiu Employee expnes 467003 425,000 Supphes and servces 125.003 45000 Deçre aton 365.003 30,000 Admlnlstratwe expenditure 6000 66,00 Ground mainterance 2,976000 261,GO0 (ira.ind course lake rec0nstructiOfl 1940 COC Other exerses frorri ordinary actMties 2015,000 1,235Q0 Swan Rtve EnJancernent 000.000 3r000' 0CC TQtaI expenses from ord!nary activities 13.564000 76620CC

NET PROFIT(LOSS) 694000 240,000


Projecti P4OAd 2009120 0I 5oO?2O0 )

Current Asaet Cash set 1Q937( 0CC 95G96II Recervabo5 417,(99( 00006C Other currentaset 60,( oocc Total CurrentAssets 1' 414,(9C 9SCLLCZL

Non-Currsnt Assets Property, plant. equment axid 'Iehc5 17368, P$ PPOLOLL Total Non-4urnt Ascts 17 368 i $cjo0I

TOTAL ASSETS 25, 782,i061 C6P'L9C6

Current LiabiIitie

Paahes 460,1 00< Qoc.00p Pro.sons 140,100( CO0O' Other ]ibiIities 75,1 OUC oD09 Total Current Uabittes 675,1 00099P

Non-Current LJabllrtie5

Prncirrc 160.DOD 260000 Total Nori-Cun'flLiabiIitIs 160 2OOOD


NET ASSETS 27,947,49') 28,641.490

EQUITY Acuru'.td urpus 27947490 28641 490 TOTAL EQUITY 27,947 28641 490