BURSWDOD PARK BOARD ANNUAL REPORT 2009 WEcI*\ Mc1(U ii 'I .1W AUK' NI \VOOD 130 MU) STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE FOR THE'EAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2009 TO THE HON TERRY WALDRON MLA MINISTER FOR RACI!IG AND GAMING In accordance with Section 61 of the Financia Maiegmiit Act 2006, we hereby thmt fr your infarmabon, and presentation In Fadiamerit, the AflflLi Rrort of th Biir'oo1 Pad Rod for th finanriat year ended 3i June 2009 The ArnuaI Fepod has been prepared in aocordnre with th prcvisionscit the Fn.rcict.I1 Mantgment Act 26 4 I Barry A Spfgeaflt Vin Nairn PRESIDENT MEMBER 31 August 2009 31 August2009 Cover: Buiswocd Park Thousands of locals and vsiors enjoy The facmties at 8urcwood Pm* andfheButswriod PeskPub4c Go?! CourseVftyenr TABLE OFCONTENTS Statement of Compliance to the Miniter Presidents RepQrt 3 General Managers Overview 4 The Year in Review Executh,e Sunimay Highlights ot 2008/2')09 5 Looking Ahead - Planning for the Future 5 Agency Profile Mission Statrneni and Borci Otactrves 6 Burswoc,d Park Board 7 Bi.rswood Park Board Operating Structure 8 Legislative Environment g A ci n rti Po rfr ryn n - P rw i4 Mmnisti'ation 10 Burswood Parks and Gidens 20 Bi.rswood Park Pubhc (3olr Course 28 RiversideFunchon Roam.Sprig Bararid C:afè 29 Golf Olubouse Leases and greenent 29 Golf Professional Shop and Operations 30 Significant Issues and Trends 32 Financial Statements Financial Statements 33 Audit Opinion 53 icey Pert ormance Indicators 55 Annual Estimates far 200W20tO 59 PRE$IDENr's REPORT MINISTER FOR RACING AND GAMING In accordance wilh Section 61 of tne F'runoaJMafiagement Acr 'uo. it5 wnn pleasure that submit for your information and presentation IcPartiarnerit the Annual Fepert of the Surswood Park Board for the year ended 30 June 2L)09. The Annual Report includes a synopsis of the B)3rds activtes icr the 12 months ended 30 June 2009 periormnce indicators and audited fnanoal statements for the period Ths report is designed to outline the Eoards aivties duringI 2008/2009 and to satisfy its statutory reporting requirements. Over the past year, the Board arid maragemeit have sought tc attact a boac range ot local, interstate and international 'istors to Burswood Iark to enjoy its unique mix of natural attrachons Iandscaoed gardens. herage tours. worldclassgolf ccurse ard recreational faciIities We have also continued to promote Rurswood Paias a unique location - nestled between an international- standard erite mnrnent complex and Perth's icnic Sar River - to further extend our tourism r.ach. The Rurswood Park Board remains comrnitted tn making the niost of us riverfront location and maximising access for locals and visitors alik UurIn9 the year. cur continued support for OOTTUTiunity-based outdoor events helped raise millions for Western Australian charities.Of particularnote is the success of Movies by 8ursood at Burswood Park.This year, the unique otdocr cinenia raised a record-breaking $501162 for charity - a staggering B6 per cent growh on thia previous seasonIn eght seasons, Movies by Burswood has now raised more than $1.&million Ior Perth-based chilrens charities, and continues to be exlrernely popular wth some 52+551 peop4eattending dunng 200612009 The daily free heritage and garden walking tours of Burswood Par1, continued to be a major altraclion for year-round visitors with demn and 'orthe guided valking tours remaining steady. The helicooter service that commenced aoeratiriifrom the Park in Novmher C}flis nroiriina i popular aleriae activiy for visitors whe are a1le tn experience a birds eye view & the city by enjoying a helicopter tour. The Parks locabon on the barks of the Swan River combined with its actve recreaiona I program and iconic mix of exotic and Australan native 10vers, shrubs and trees has seen t become a weir- utile 5ed, seasonal disccvery centre or local andoverseas .,Isctos, arid a popular year-round park, playground and barbecue location for family relax:atior' arid celebrations. Burswood Park,ri particular the Swan She'l. cor'itinues to grow in popularity as a vedding venue, with some 110 couples holding their wedding cerirnony in the Park during the 12-nicnth perod, Over the past year, our commrtrnen to improvingand protectn the natural environment has been extended to an unprecedented levelThe Board has contributed an unheralded $6million to a range cf river protection project5 for the Svan and Canning River system - a significant contribution that will ensure this precious natureii resource will continue o be maintained foi' the enjoyment of generations to corneIn 2O08t2O0the Board also embarked on a major initiative to reduce the current dependence or groundwater for irrigation of the parks arid golf course and ensure the most efficient use of our water rescurtes Dunng the year, Mrs Bartara Cook retired as a3oard niember The Board and !taff thank her for her valued contribution Burswood Park remains a valued and very popiilar community arid tourist destiriabon in Western Australia, On behalf of the BoardJ would like tci thank all Burswood Park staff and volunteers for their unwavering commitment, enthusiasm andhard work - and their invaluable contnbUicfl to another successful year rry S-eant PRESI' NT GENERAL MANAC3ERtSOVERViEW The BurswocdParkoard wasetabIished as astatutory authorityriJanuary 1986 inaccoraance witfl ciause 6(1)(C) of the Casino (BurswooiI Island) Agreement scheduled to the Casino (Bursivood Island) Agreement 4cr, 1985 flTho St.tegrernnt). Under the provisions of the Parks aod ReserkesActp895, the Board is responsible for the control and management of Burswood Park.The (urswood Park by-laws are creatod under the provisions of the Parks a,id Reserves Act 1895. Burswood Park comprises 110 hecares of C ciass reserve which surrounds live major buildings which nake up the Burswocd EntertainmentCompiex, an 18hole public golf course on 60 hedares. 43 hectares of parks ard gardens (ncludin 48 hectaresofpermanentcar-parking areas) and the State Tennis Centre on seven her The Burswood Park Board is a tody corporatewithts President arid Members appointed by the Governor of dVestern AistraliaThe Hon Terry'iNaldron MLA. Minister for Racing and Gaming is the Minister responsible for the &irswt>od Pa'k Board.There were no Minstenal directives received during the financial year.During 200E..2)09 the BDard held eight ordinary meetings as well as a number of golf sub-commfttee meetings Under he terms of the State Agrocrncrit, Our5woodPark s developed and maintained by the Board from re'enue receied from Casino operations each and every month.The amount received is equal to the greater of $S3 334 or th'aggregate of 14 o Casino Gross Revenue from Ta1e Games, 1% from International Comrmsiion Business and 2% from Electronic Gaming Machine for the month.Payments receivedIrom the Trustee under this Agreement for the 2OO8'2OOfinancial year totalled $7,41145 The Boarc aiso reerved $17O8.690 from tre golf course operations The Board has complied wth the internal auditrequirerrerits of the Financial Management Act 2006 Coote Lawty. Chartered Accountants, corripleted n internol audit review incccrdance with il' rrt,fidif rdri.i'i,'I, iru"lirfc'I fh'l' rFc.rr.'i ir,rpIcrt Th interral audit function r an on-going processto provide assurances to the Board that the responsibi'ities under the Fmaruial ManagemonAct are being adequately discharged. The Board maintains performance indicators tcmeasure the effective delivery ct programs to achieve its objecti.'es The Board's volunteer tour guide service contini.es to flourish as an impollant community asset. This year, our Tour Hosts were recognised byhe Town of Victoria Park as part of the National Volunteers Week celebratiDrs.The seniuce continues to play a vital role in community and education building progranis and provides support to a wide range of charity fundraisers and community events. Burswood Parks popularity as a recreation detiraEon continues to increase in popuarty and orofile and itsse by the community and loca! ald overseas visitors, istestament to the quality of the facilities, the active program ot community elgaQenlent and conriued viQianice by the Board. It is thanks to the combined efforts of staff, volurileers and contractors that we continue to maintain world class standards of presentation Our success over the past year would rot hwe been possbIe without thecommitment and l)rofe5sionaIisnl of our team of dedicated sta'fmd volunteer5. Our achievements over the past iear are a direct result cit tteir passion and enthusiasrn, so to them, my sincere thanksI feel p'ri'iileged to be a part of this team. &ian RWisl'iart GENERAL MANAGER THE YEARIN REVIEW EXECUTiVE SUMMARY - HIGHLIGHTS C)F 2008/2009 During 2008/2009 Burswood Park: Welcomed 73755 golreis to the BurswoodPark Public Gor Course. In 2C0812009 the Board received 51708690 rom golf couise operalions, coaipared to $1 e2 855 n 200712008 Contributed $6rriHlon to projects that help to protect aniimprove the qualityf th Swan and Canning River systm. Supperted Western Austrahas onlynot-tar-profitoutdoor ciema,Movies by Burswood. whicti was attended by more than 52.55 1 peoplernd raised aIecord-breakiig $601162 for charity. Hosted an annual free concert by the WA Vo4h Orchestra and West Australian Opera Welcomed thousands of local, interstate and international visrtois to celebrate Chrstrnas with Carols in the Park. Provided freeguided tours ofBurswood Fark highlighbng Western Australia's heritage and ke featores of the Park and welcomed many school and TAFE student groups to expeoence and Learn wthin the Park Hosted a rançe of events, including the 14rannual Have-A-Go Day, Walk to Cure DiaDeles he Telethon Toddle and the WA VeleransAthletics Ctub Walks 1 Runs. The Walk to Cure Diabetes event has rased more than3300,O00 for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation since it started at Bur5wood Palk 12 years ago. Hosted in incrcacd number ofporIingsocial and cor1u11Qn-interr.sL guups fr group activthes as well as some 110 couples who chose Burswod Park as the venue for their wedding ceremxiy.
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