Name of Deceased
Date before which Name of Deceased Address, description and date of death of Deceased Names, addresses and descriptions of Persons to whom notices of claims are to be given notices of claim • (Surname first) and names, in parentheses, of Personal Representatives ' • to be given CATTO, William George 143 Buxton Road, Spixwoth, Norfolk. 31st May 1960 Foster Calvert & Marriott, 11 Queen Street, Norwich, Solicitors. (Barclays Bank I'Sth August 1960 Limited.) (245) GLEAVE, Louise 14 Warren Drive, Appleton, Cheshire, Spinster. Longland1 Stansfield & Keeble, 2-4 Egypt Street, Warrington, (Lanes, Solicitors. ((Francis 20th August 1960 Maudfcley. iFound dead on 17th March 1960. Oliver Stansfield.) (246) TOURNEUR (otherwise "Nun«ton," Moorhill West End, Hants, formerly 2 lEwing, Hickman & (Clark, '18 Brunswick Place, Southampton, Solicitors. (Humphrey 2-2nd August 1960 GASTON), Joseph iForest View, Southampton, Retired Hairdresser. Cressey Hickman, Harvey Frederick Becfcford Clark, Charles Eden Tatton Brown (1247) S Theodule Gaston. 18th January 1960. and Harold Stanley Leathers.) W MULLINER, Arthur Rose Cottage, Onneley, near Madeley, Staffordshire, Knight & Sons, P.O. Box No. 4, iNewcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire, 'Solicitors. 15th August 11960 Retired Roadman. 6th March 1960. {James Derek Poole and Harry Lawrence Poole.) (248) FOSTER, Percy 5 Amberley Road, Rustington, Sussex, Medical Prac- Holmes Campbell & Co., 1 Arundel Road, Littlehampton, Sussex, Solicitors. (Bernard 3<lst August 1960 § titioner (Retired). 19th May 1960. (Philip Vincent Elsden and iLaurence Sinclair Foster.) (249) i CARR, Frederick James " iPiercliff e," 3i2 Saint Hilda Street, Hartlepool, County Harrisons Retton & Walker, 47 Church Street, West Hartlepool, County Durham, 3)1 st August 1960 (Durham, Retired Insurance Manager. 1st April Solicitors.
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