The Winners Awarding Ideas That Work Agricultural/Industrial/Building Automotive, Products & Services Silver Bronze Silver IBM Cargill RAMP Bosch
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® Effie is a registered trademark / service mark of Effie Worldwide, Inc. 2012 the winners the Awarding Ideas That Work That Ideas Awarding Agricultural/Industrial/BuIldIng AutoMotIve, PRoduCts & seRvices sIlveR bronze sIlveR IBM Cargill RAMP Bosch “Let’s BuiLd A smArter PLAnet” “right to the Bunk” how storm ChAsers IBM CargILL CLeAr the Way rOBert BOSCh LLC Ogilvy & Mather Bailey Lauerman OgilvyOne Worldwide team Detroit Neo@Ogilvy Leopard SYPartners AutoMotIve, vehicles gold sIlveR bronze Chrysler Porsche Chevrolet imPorted From detroit how PorsChe CreAted new Chevy voLt, it’s more CAr thAn ChrYSLer LLC reLevAnCe For A revered iCon eLeCtriC POrSChe CarS NOrth aMerICa ChevrOLet Wieden+Kennedy Cramer-Krasselt goodby Silverstein & Partners Universal McCann Struck axiom Starcom (SMg) OmnicomMediagroup anonymous Content MrM BeAuty PRoduCts & seRvices Beverages, AlCohol sIlveR bronze gold Axe dove Canada Johnnie Walker Axe CLeAns your BALLs singin’ in the rAin sAy it without sAying it UNILever UNILever DIageO BBh New York Ogilvy & Mather BBh New York and Carat Mindshare Wunderman edelman Brand exPerienCe BReakfAst foods sIlveR sIlveR bronze gold American express oPen IBM Microsoft Bing Kellogg’s special K smALL Business sAturdAy Watson how miCrosoFt CreAted A whAt wiLL you gAin when you aMerICaN exPreSS OPeN IBM seArCh engine For A new Lose? generAtion KeLLOgg’S BINg CP+B and Digitas Ogilvy & Mather Droga5 Leo Burnett/arc Worldwide and Mindshare OgilvyOne Worldwide Starcom (SMg) M Booth & associates Neo@Ogilvy Ketchum Public relations vitrue Catapult Corporate RePutAtIon/PRofessIonAl seRvices gold sIlveR IBM IBM Watson “Let’s BuiLd A smArter PLAnet” IBM IBM Ogilvy & Mather Ogilvy & Mather OgilvyOne Worldwide OgilvyOne Worldwide Neo@Ogilvy Neo@Ogilvy Leopard SYPartners 1 / 2012 Effie Awards Winners – Awarding Ideas That Work DavId vs goliath gold sIlveR sIlveR bronze Chobani Baby Carrots eos smooth sphere schick hydro lip Balm A Love story ABout yogurt eAt ‘em Like Junk Food eos is reinventing LiP BALm “A BLAst oF hydrAtion” ChOBaNI BOLthOUSe FarMS eOS eNergIzer PerSONaL Care gotham CP+B Juniper Park JWt Media Partnership h L group Behrman Communications MeC amplitude Marketing Content & Co. eleCtRonics gold sIlveR sIlveR bronze IBM CdW Intel/toshiba lenovo “Let’s BuiLd A smArter PLAnet” CDW: PeoPLe who get it the inside exPerienCe Boot or Bust IBM CDW INteL LeNOvO ToshIBa MICrOSOFt COrPOratION Ogilvy & Mather Ogilvy & Mather Pereira & O’Dell McKinney OgilvyOne Worldwide Mindshare B-reel Neo@Ogilvy Neo@Ogilvy rSa Leopard SYPartners eneRgy/nutritIon PRoduCts & seRvices gold sIlveR truvia® natural eAs sweetener sweetness stories eAs unstoppable tour trUvIa aBBOtt LaBOratOrIeS - eaS SPOrtS NUtrItION Ogilvy & Mather McKinney rF Binder Mindshare Universal McCann Catalyst Public relations MarS advertising Periscope enteRtainMent/SpoRtIng events sIlveR bronze bronze dead space 2 Call of duty: Black ops RIft your mom hAtes deAd Space 2 there’s A soLdier in ALL oF us CreAting CrediBiLity For riFt, eLeCtrONIC artS INC. ActIvISION, INCOrPOrateD A new video gAme, AgAinst A dominAnt mArket LeAder trION WOrLDS INC Draftfcb San Francisco tBWa\ChIAT\DaY hIgh WIDe & haNDSOMe Wieden+Kennedy Ignited fAshIon/style gold bronze adidas Basketball new era sLim Chin rivALs Are Forever aDIDaS BaSKetBaLL NeW era 180La the Brooklyn Brothers Crossmedia DKC News Mulholland Drive entertainment 2 / 2012 Effie Awards Winners – Awarding Ideas That Work FinAncial PRoduCts & seRvices sIlveR sIlveR bronze h&R Block Raymond James American express oPen never settLe For Less LiFe weLL PLAnned campaign smALL Business sAturdAy h&r BLOCK raYMOND JaMeS aMerICaN exPreSS OPeN Fallon Martin Williams CP+B and Digitas OMD Mindshare M Booth & associates vitrue goodWorks - Brands gold bronze bronze At&t American express oPen Walgreens ConvinCing youth not to text smALL Business sAturdAy Walk with Walgreens AT&t aMerICaN exPreSS OPeN WaLgreeNS CO. BBDO New York CP+B and Digitas Leo Burnett/arc Worldwide and Fleishman-hillard MindShare Starcom (SMg) M Booth & associates MarS advertising vitrue Digitas Liquidthread goodWorks - non-PRofIt gold sIlveR bronze bronze troy Public library underheard in new york Keep A Child Alive truth Book Burning PArty underheArd in new york keeP A ChiLd ALive - digitAL deAth unsweetened truth troy PUBLIC LIBrarY NYC reSCUe MISSION CAmpaign LegaCY FOr heaLth KeeP a ChILD aLIve Leo Burnett/arc Worldwide Detroit BBh New York tBWa\ChIAT\DaY New York arnold Worldwide PhD goveRnMent/InstItutIonAl/RecruItMent heAlthcare - OTC gold sIlveR bronze troy Public library Pepto-Bismol Poise Book Burning PArty PePto-BismoL: From symPtoms to 1 in 3 Like me troy PUBLIC LIBrarY occasions KIMBerly-CLarK PrOCter & gaMBLe Leo Burnett/arc Worldwide Detroit Publicis and SMg Mindshare Possible Worldwide Marina Maher Communications Saatchi & Saatchi x Organic MSL heAlthcare - Rx Hispanic household fuRnIshIngs & ApplianCes bronze sIlveR sIlveR bronze vesIcare Allstate Insurance sealy Posturepedic sherwin-Williams Company PiPe PeoPLe CAmpaign mALA suerte CAmpaign suPPorting whAtever you do CoLor ChiPs aSteLLaS PharMa aLLState INSUraNCe COMPaNY in Bed SherWIN-WILLIaMS gLaxOSMIthKLINe Sealy euro rSCg tonic Leo Burnett/Lapiz and tapestry Leo Burnett/arc Worldwide and McKinney targetbase Spark Communications PhD 3 / 2012 Effie Awards Winners – Awarding Ideas That Work household supplIes & seRvices sIlveR bronze bronze Woolite febreze Kleenex sAving wooLite “BreAthe hAPPy CAmpaign From Pushing tissues to shAring reCKItt BeNCKISer LAunCh” CAring PrOCter & gaMBLe KIMBerly-CLarK euro rSCg Worldwide New York greY JWt New York zenith Optimedia SMg Mindshare Porter Novelli Possible Worldwide Studiocom Iris MSL Ogilvyaction eastwest Marketing group g2 Ketchum Chicago InfluenCeRs gold bronze bronze dead space 2 American express oPen dove Canada your mom hAtes deAd Space 2 smALL Business sAturdAy singin’ in the rAin eLeCtrONIC artS INC. aMerICaN exPreSS OPeN UNILever Draftfcb San Francisco CP+B and Digitas Ogilvy & Mather Wieden+Kennedy Mindshare M Booth & associates vitrue InsuranCe InteRnet/teleCoM gold bronze bronze bronze Allstate Insurance Aflac google Chrome zoosk Company mAyhem the seArCh For the new Aflac the weB is whAt you mAke oF it onLine dAting, your wAy. aLLState INSUraNCe COMPaNY duCk voiCe gOOgLe zOOSK aFLaC Leo Burnett/arc Worldwide and the Kaplan thaler group BBh New York and Ogilvy & Mather Starcom (SMg) Digitas google Creative Lab OgilvyOne Mediavest OMg Off the Leash Insights Paine Pr essence leIsuRe PRoduCts & seRvices neW PRoduCt oR seRvice office & delIveRy PRoduCts & seRvices gold gold sIlveR bronze dead space 2 Kinect for xbox 360 uPs fedex your mom hAtes deAd Space 2 you Are the ControLLer uPs: we Love LogistiCs your uLtimAte CAddie eLeCtrONIC artS INC. MICrOSOFt UPS FeDex COrP. Draftfcb San Francisco twofifteenmccann Ogilvy & Mather and Maxus BBDO New York Wieden+Kennedy aKQa OgilvyOne OMD Wunderman resolution Media Mother NY Universal McCann 4 / 2012 Effie Awards Winners – Awarding Ideas That Work Packaged food gold gold sIlveR Athenos Baby Carrots snICKeRs® Brand APProved By yiAyiA eAt ‘em Like Junk Food iF you Like PeAnut Butter And atheNOS BOLthOUSe FarMS ChoCoLAte, you’LL Love PeAnut Butter And sniCkers® MarS ChOCOLate NOrth aMerICa Droga5 CP+B BBDO New York Park Pictures h L group Starcom (SMg) Beast NY Weber Shandwick Sound Lounge thomas J. Paul, Inc. Digitas RenaissAnCe RestAurants gold sIlveR gold sIlveR h&R Block denny’s Boston Pizza Buffalo Wild Wings (BWW) never settLe For Less heLPing America’s diner re-Find Boston PizzA FLAtties And FLAvor FAnAtiCs h&r BLOCK its souL drummies BUFFaLO WILD WINgS, INC. DeNNY’S COrPOratION BOStON PIzza INterNatIONaL Fallon gotham Inc. TAXI 22squared, Inc. OMD erwin Penland PhD BFg Communications Optimedia Steam Films Retail sIlveR bronze bronze sears IKeA target turF Wars ikeA: the LiFe imProvement store. 2-Day sALe CAmpaign SearS hOLDINgS IKea target Y&r Chicago Ogilvy & Mather and Wieden+Kennedy MeC North america aKQa haworth Single Impact engAgeMent gold sIlveR bronze Comcast sports network IBM Kia worLd ChAmPionshiP BABy Watson not your AverAge sLAm dunk COMCaSt SPOrtSNet IBM KIa MOtOrS OF aMerICa BBDO San Francisco Ogilvy & Mather David&goliath OgilvyOne Worldwide Initiative Neo@Ogilvy Innocean Worldwide zeno group Small Budgets - PRoduCts & seRvices gold sIlveR bronze troy Public library Keystone light Baby Carrots Book Burning PArty CAnhoLe eAt ‘em Like Junk Food troy PUBLIC LIBrarY MILLerCOOrS BOLthOUSe FarMS Leo Burnett/arc Worldwide Detroit Leo Burnett/arc Worldwide CP+B trinity Brand group h L group razorfish Saatchi & Saatchi 5 / 2012 Effie Awards Winners – Awarding Ideas That Work snacks/desseRts/ConfeCtIons sIlveR sIlveR snickers® Brand truvia® natural sweetener iF you Like PeAnut Butter And sweetness stories ChoCoLAte, you’LL Love PeAnut trUvIa Butter And sniCkers® MarS ChOCOLate NOrth aMerICa BBDO New York Ogilvy & Mather Starcom (SMg) rF Binder Weber Shandwick Universal McCann thomas J. Paul, Inc. MarS advertising Digitas Periscope software gold sIlveR sIlveR IBM dead space 2 IBM Watson your mom hAtes deAd Space 2 “Let’s BuiLd A smArter PLAnet” IBM eLeCtrONIC artS INC. IBM Ogilvy & Mather Draftfcb San Francisco Ogilvy & Mather OgilvyOne Worldwide Wieden+Kennedy OgilvyOne Worldwide Neo@Ogilvy Neo@Ogilvy Leopard SYPartners sustained success gold sIlveR bronze Mcdonald’s Above the Influence vesIcare reBuiLding An iCon: A Love rise ABove the inFLuenCe PiPe PeoPLe CAmpaign story OFFICe OF NatIONaL DrUg