The island was inhabited between 28th February and 20th November. A total of 145 was recorded (146 in 2007). Eider was recorded for the 8th time, Little Egret for the 8th and 9th time, Red Kite for the 3rd - 5th time, Black-throated Diver for the 4th time, Leach’s Petrel for the 2nd time, Grey Phalarope for the 5th-7th times, Dotterel for 6th time, Greater-spotted Woodpecker for the 10th time, Bluethroat for the 5th time and Sub-alpine Warbler for the 10th time.

Also notable were White-fronted Goose, Balearic Shearwater, Mediterranean Gulls, Corncrake, Wood Sandpiper, Great Skua, Long-eared Owl, a record number of Long-tailed Tits, Golden Oriole, Grey Shrike sp, Melodious Warbler, four Yellow-browed Warblers, ten Firecrests, Tree Sparrow, four Lapland Buntings, Snow Bunting and Yellowhammer.

Another poor year for waders, particularly in the spring.

Of the breeding seabirds Kittiwake numbers and productivity improved on last year, Fulmar and Guillemot showed the 2nd lowest breeding success on record, Razorbills and Lesser Black-backed Gulls showed the lowest breeding success on record

Systematic List

WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE One seen flying over on November 1st.

CANADA GOOSE Up to nine pairs nested and twenty three young fledged. . SNOW GOOSE (domesticated) One seen on August 1st, 2nd and 3rd.

SHELDUCK Pairs present from March 20th. One nest with found in Shearing Hays on the 30th April. Seven young on North Pond on May 14th but all had disappeared by the end of the month. Last record a single adult on June 15th.

EURASIAN WIGEON A pair present on North Pond from 19th March to 10th April. Three seen flying west on May 3rd and a single present on May 8th. Recorded on six dates in September with a high of seventeen on the 7th, two present on October 1st and a male present on November 1st.

EURASIAN TEAL Monthly maxima: Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov 8 4 1 0 0 56 11 36 44

MALLARD At least six pairs attempted to breed and raised four young successfully. The first chicks were seen on the 17th May. Monthly maxima (excluding chicks): Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov 6 12 9 6 0 3 17 54 18

NORTHERN SHOVELER About three pairs attempted to breed but no young were raised to fledging. Three chicks were seen on May 8th but not seen again. Monthly maxima: Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov 14 14 5 0 0 0 4 12 9

TUFTED DUCK One pair was present and bred, six chicks were seen on North pond on June 11th and 12th but were not seen after that. Adult last seen on June 26th and a single on October 8th.

EIDER Four seen off Skomer head on May 19th, making the eighth record for the island.

COMMON SCOTER Six on July 10th, twenty two on July 23rd, seven on August 28th, twelve on August 29th, twenty five on August 31st, five on September 3rd, two on September 12th, 18th and 27th and a single on October 1st.

PHEASANT Present throughout, with more recorded in October and November.

RED-THROATED DIVER One seen flying north on September 4th.

BLACK-THROATED DIVER One seen flying north on October 19th.

GREAT NORTHERN DIVER One seen flying over on October 15th and 27th

LITTLE GREBE One present on North Pond on September 19th and October 13th and 25th.

NORTHERN FULMAR 565 AOS’s (apparently Occupied Sites) recorded, a 2.7% decline on last year. A mean breeding success of 0.26 is also a decrease on last year and the second lowest on record. First was recorded on May 23rd and chicks on July 14th. The last few Fulmar were still on the cliffs on September 7th and one seen close in to the island on September 19th. First returnee seen in North Haven on November 7th. Occupying cliffs from November 8th.

MANX SHEARWATER First individual heard on the night of March 10th. By March 24th several dozen were heard around North Haven. The first egg was recorded on May 11th and chick on June 21st. First young ready to fledge on August 21st. Numbers declined by 9th September, young still being seen regularly at night around October 19th. Last one heard on the night of the November 1st. Study plot population 908. Breeding success 0.68. Adult survival rate (2006) 87.99%.

BALEARIC SHEARWATER One on September 11th.

EUROPEAN STORM PETREL First recorded on May 17th. Fifteen new nest boxes installed at Toms House. None of the ten existing boxes at Mew Stone showed signs of occupation. Whole island survey work carried out by Cardiff university found a population estimate of approx. 160 AOS’s. Some mist netting carried out at Toms House, Mew Stone and North Haven.

LEACH’S STORM-PETREL One seen at North Haven on October 3rd early morning.

GANNET Daily until November, recorded sporadically in first week of November.

GREAT CORMORANT Eleven nests on the Mew Stone, four of which were on the south side and not visible from the island. Eleven chicks fledged from the seven nests that were visible giving a productivity rate of 1.57 young per nest. The first young were noted on April 17th. Spring movements consisted of 45 north March 20th, 10 north April 4th, 17 north April 5th, 9 north April 6th, 7 north April 7th, 9 north April 8th, 10 north April 14th. Autumn movements consisted of 16 south on September 22nd and 25 south on October 13th. Few were seen in November.

EUROPEAN SHAG One pair nested around the corner of High Cliff (east of South Plateau) another pair probably nested on the north east coast. On Middleholm the Pembrokeshire Ringing Group recorded 58 nests, the highest ever total. There was a minimum breeding success of 2.2 chicks per successful nest.

LITTLE EGRET One seen on Moorey Mere on April 27th was dead the next day. One on July 20th.

GREY HERON Singles on June 7th, 11th, 16th and 23rd, July 12th and 20th, August 11th and 23rd and four on August 30th. Recorded on eleven dates in September and sixteen days in October.

RED KITE Singles seen on September 14th, October 17th and November 1st were the islands 3rd, 4th and 5th records.

HEN HARRIER One present on the island throughout most of March and April with two seen fighting on March 17th and two seen together on March 23rd and April 22nd. Not seen after April 23rd.

MARSH HARRIER One juvenile on September 26th and 27th.

EURASIAN SPARROWHAWK days as follows: Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov 6 12 4 0 0 8 22 42 24

COMMON BUZZARD Six pairs nested and raised between two and four young. Nests at the Table and South Castle were known to fail. One nest on the north east coast was not visited so success unknown. Eggs were noted on May 20th and chicks June 4th and young fledged July 21st. High count in autumn of 16 on October 18th.

KESTREL Bird days as follows: Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov 0 19 20 0 10 38 80 128 47 Maximum of six on one date in August, three dates in September and six dates in October.

MERLIN Spring records consist of one present April 25th to 28th and May 2nd. Recorded regularly from October 4th onwards with up to two present through to the Wardens departure.

PEREGRINE Four fledged from four territories

WATER RAIL Singles on March 2nd and 8th, one on August 23rd four on September 5th and then recorded most days until Wardens departure. Highs of fourteen (estim) on September 28th, thirteen on October 12th, fourteen on November 4th and fifteen on November 6th.

CORNCRAKE A single sighted in North Stream Valley briefly on September 29th.

MOORHEN First chicks a brood on 25th May, a second on 30th May. Six juveniles seen on16th August. High of eleven on 25th August.

COOT Several visits this year with a single on 1st April and two on April 12th, one on September 12th and three the next day, one on October 7th.

OYSTERCATCHER 52 + pairs bred. Tall, thick vegetation meant productivity monitoring was abandoned as nests and chicks were impossible to locate. First chicks were not noted until 14th July. High of 120 on September 30th.

RINGED PLOVER No spring records. Singles on September 11th, 23rd and 28th.

DOTTEREL A single on September 16th is the first record since 2004 and only the 6th time it has been recorded on the island.

GOLDEN PLOVER No spring records. One on August 31st, singles on September 7th, 20th, 27th and October 6th.

LAPWING Singles on April 8th and June 10th. Two on October 17th, one on the 18th and seven on the 31st. Singles on November 3rd, 5th, 13th and 14th.

PURPLE SANDPIPER Two on May 19th were the only spring records. Two on August 29th and one on November 3rd.

DUNLIN Singles on two days in April, four in May, two in June, two in July, one in August, two in September and one in October. High of five on August 31st.

SNIPE Seven bird days in March and April. Thirty four bird days from September 17th to November 6th with a high of six birds on October 31st.

JACK SNIPE One seen near West pond on October 22nd.

WOODCOCK Singles on October 26th and two on October 31st. Another single on November 6th, two on the 8th and a single on the 12th.

WHIMBREL Sixty six bird days between April 5th and May 25th. Singles on July 23rd and 24th. Twenty six bird days from August 3rd to September 9th.

CURLEW Eleven pairs bred, nine chicks were seen but it is unknown how many of these fledged. The first chicks seen were three on May 19th. The biggest count was twenty on October 14th.

REDSHANK One on June 28th was the only record.

WOOD SANDPIPER One on September 5th. Just the third record in ten years.

GREEN SANDPIPER Several records in July, six on the 27th and a single from the 29th to 31st. Singles on September 1st, 5th and 23rd.

COMMON SANDPIPER Singles on May 13th, July 22nd, 23rd, 25th and 26th, between August 3rd and 8th and September 17th

TURNSTONE Between two and six most days in March and April. Recorded on six dates in May and two dates in June. Up to seven present from late August through September and groups of 3 to 8 recorded on ten dates in October and most days in early November.

GREY PHALAROPE Seen in St Brides Bay on September 11th,12th and October 7th. The 5th to 7th records for the island.

GREAT SKUA Single record on September 11th.

MEDITERRANEAN GULL Two on October 8th and singles on November 5th and 7th.

BLACK-HEADED GULL Three bird days in March, one in April, two in May, one in August, twelve in September, eighty six in October and forty three in November.

COMMON GULL Three on October 28th and twenty one on the 31st. Thirteen bird days in November.

LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL An estimated 10419 pairs nested with a very poor breeding success per pair of just 0.04. First eggs were recorded on April 28th (a day earlier than last year). Numbers declined from mid August through September. Single figures by end of October and early November but numbers increased in mid November to around 80. Bird with yellow wing tag 2a recorded on May 24th.

HERRING GULL 412 pairs nested, breeding success per pair was 0.69. First eggs noted on April 27th and first chicks on May 22nd.

GREAT BLACK-BACKED GULL 85 pairs nested on Skomer, a 13 % decrease on last year. Breeding success per pair was 0.87. Twenty seven pairs nested on Middleholm. 150 + on September 8th was the highest count.

BLACK-LEGGED KITTIWAKE A mean of 2282 Apparently Occupied Nests were counted (range 2323 – 2241), a 17.5% increase on 2007 figures. In 2008, 828 nests were started in the study areas, 206 of which were not subsequently completed. The 622 AONs produced a minimum of 530 chicks. The mean productivity of 0.55 is a large improvement on 2007 results. Big swells did wash nests and chicks off lower ledges at the Wick at the end of June, with predation of chicks by Great black-backed gulls also a major factor in chick survival. Nest building was first seen on the 8th of May, just a day later than in 2006 and 2007 (see table 12). The first egg was seen on the 24th of May, one day later than in 2006 and five days later than last year. The first chick was seen on the 20th of June, again a day later than in 2006 and four days later than 2007.

SANDWICH TERN One on April 23rd, three off Skomer head on May 20th, four on September 4th and one on the 6th.

ARCTIC TERN Singles on September 8th, four on the 11th and six on the 12th.

COMMON GUILLEMOT A mean total of 17,088 birds were counted, a 2.6% decrease on 2007 (Table 11). 207 individuals were counted on Middleholm. The mean productivity of 0.59 fledged birds per active and regularly occupied site (0.66 per active site only) is the second lowest on record. Predation of eggs and chicks by great blacked-backed gulls was regularly noted, while the species was also observed predating adult guillemots on a number of occasions. 78% of chicks ‘fledged’ between 7 July and 13 July inclusive (seven days later than 2007). The first egg was noted on 11 May at Bull Hole (six days later than in 2007), the first chicks on the 14th June and the first ‘jumpling’ between 25 June and 28 June at Traverse Ledge (five days earlier than 2007). The last ‘jumpers’ were 20-21 July (one day later than 2007).

RAZORBILL The mean total of 4973 (range 4879 - 5067) individuals was a 2.6% increase on 2007. The mean productivity per active and regular site was 0.17 (0.28 per active only site), the lowest record since records began in 1993. 69% of chicks ‘fledged’ between 4 July and 10 July inclusive. The first egg was noted at Tom’s House on 6 May (four days later than in 2007), the first chick was seen on 5th June and the first ‘jumplings’ at High Cliff 28-29 June (four days later than 2007). The last chick jumped between 23-24 July (between four and eight days later than in 2007).

ATLANTIC PUFFIN The maximum spring count of 10, 487 is down 11.2 % down on the 2007 figure which was the highest ever recorded. Breeding success per pair was 0.63. Two seen on the water on March 19th, numbers increase over the following week with first landfall noted on March 25th. Intermittent thereafter until nest building in early April. The first adult seen taking fish down a burrow was on May 25th and youngsters seen at burrow entrances from July 10th. Numbers dwindled to single figures by beginning of August and last individual seen with fish was August 14th.

FERAL PIGEON Small numbers seen infrequently.

STOCK DOVE A single on June 15th, six on November 1st and a single on November 5th were the only records.

WOODPIGEON A few pairs present throughout the season. Big numbers passing through in autumn with an estimated 855 on October 29th, 295 on October 31st, 200 on 1st November, thirty on the 3rd and twenty on the 12th, forty six on the 14th.

COLLARED DOVE Twenty two bird days between April 16th and June 30th. Singles on 18th and 20th September.

TURTLE DOVE Singles recorded on five dates in May.

CUCKOO Spring records were four singles in May and in autumn singles on September 7th and 9th.

BARN OWL Breeding suspected although no nest or young seen. Recorded throughout the season. Often heard calling around North Haven. Pellets found at Moorey Mere and North Haven through October and November.

LITTLE OWL At least three territories with at least three fledging. Chicks first seen June 15th.

LONG-EARED OWL One record on September 18th in bushes at North Valley crossing.

SHORT-EARED OWL Three pairs were thought to breed with at least two young fledging, possibly four. First chicks recorded on June 9th. A second brood is suspected in one territory. A high of ten present on October 20th.

SWIFT First record a single on April 10th. 135 bird days from May 3rd to July 27th. A single on the 16th and thirty five on 17th September.

WYRNECK One present between September 4th to 8th, 12th to 19th and 21st to 22nd. Three present on September 15th.

GREAT SPOTTED WOODPECKER One on the neck on September 25th (10th record for island), and singles on October 13th, 17th and 24th.

SKYLARK Thirty three territories. Peak passage consisted of 100+ on October 8th, 70+ on 13th and 17th, 80 on 22nd and 24th, 85 on 27th and 70+ on 31st.

SAND MARTIN First record was a single on March 5th which is the earliest record for Skomer. Last record was seventeen on October 16th. Bird days as follows: Mar April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov 1 294 137 0 1 9 241 17 0 Maximum was 150 on September 18th.

SWALLOW Spring passage consisted of 3664+ from 17th March to 25th May with a maximum of 1500+ on May 4th. Residents taking up territory from May 22nd. Ten pairs bred around the Farm with some pairs attempting second brood, eggs noted on August 11th. Autumn passage consisted of 6616+ from 27th July to 4th November with peak passage on September 16th (2500), 17th and 18th (1500) and 27th (1200).

HOUSE MARTIN Spring passage was noted between April 14th and May 25th and 366 birds passed over with a peak of 200 on May 4th. A single bird was noted in July on the 15th. Return migration was noted between August 2nd and November 4th with 1481 birds passing over and peaks of 200 on September 16th and 17th, 400 on October 6th and 200 on October 7th and 8th.

TREE PIPIT Singles on 30th April, 6th , 8th, 10th and 19th May, 23rd August, two on 31st August, single on 8th September, two on 20th September and singles on 27th September and 13th October.

MEADOW PIPIT 88 territories mapped. Autumn passage peaked with 400+ on 13th September.

ROCK PIPIT 40+ territories were mapped but this is probably an underestimate due to difficulties in surveying cliff locations.

YELLOW WAGTAIL Spring records consisted of singles on April 28th, May 7th, 13th and 15th. No autumn records.

GREY WAGTAIL Twelve spring records between April 29th and July 18th. 98 bird days from August 22nd to November 6th with a high of twenty five on September 8th.

PIED WAGTAIL Three pairs nested with the first chicks seen on June 20th. Bird days as follows: Mar April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov 172 203 147 Residents 92+ 176 171 57 7

WREN Seventy one territories were mapped. Young first note on June 20th.

DUNNOCK Eleven territories mapped.

ROBIN One or two present through March and the first half of April. Singles on May 3rd, 5th and 19th. Then not recorded until singles on August 8th and 15th. Autumn residency started on August 20th. Numbers reached twenty five on September 1st and further influx was noted on October 11th.

WHITE-SPOTTED BLUETHROAT A single seen on Moorey Mere on April 10th and 11th. First record of Bluethroat since 1990 and first definite record of a White-spotted Bluethroat since 1946.

BLACK REDSTART Singles on April 12th and 16th, May 12th and October 31st and November 13th.

COMMON REDSTART Singles on April 16th, 17th and 20th, May 9th, 16th and 17th and September 21st and 23rd.

WHINCHAT Two on March 18th, two on April 17th, singles on April 20th and 30th. Singles on May 5th, 6th, 20th, 21st, four on the 18th and two on the 22nd. June records of one on the 5th and 10th. July records of singles on 18th, 25th, 29th and 30th. Singles on August 7th and 17th. Between one and five were recorded each day between September 15th and 23rd. Between one and six were recorded on six dates in the first half of October.

STONECHAT Two pairs nested. Young fledged on June 11th. Peak of twenty five on September 19th and twenty on October 8th.

NORTHERN WHEATEAR Firs record two males on March 15th. Twelve pairs nested, seen with nesting material on May 6th, and young noted on June 10th. Spring max thirty five on April 20th and autumn peak of forty on September 16th. Last record a single on October 10th. Greenland race recorded on May 18th (4).

RING OUZEL Single recorded at the Farm on April 20th. Juvenile seen at the Wick on July 23rd and 25th.

BLACKBIRD Eleven pairs nested. Peak of 130 on October 31st, 125 on November 1st, eighty on November 5th and sixty on November 6th.

FIELDFARE Fifty six bird days from 28th October to 20th November. Maximum of twenty on November 1st.

SONG THRUSH Spring records consisted of two birds on March 2nd and singles on March 30th and April 16th. Singles on August 29th and 31st. Twenty three bird days in September, 349 bird days in October and November with a high of forty five on November 4th.

REDWING Singles on September 26th and 27th. 704 bird days in October and November with a high of 350 on November 5th.

MISTLE THRUSH Singles on November 3rd, 4th and 6th.

GRASSHOPPER WARBLER Two on April 23rd, a single 24th to 26th and five on April 28th. Singles on May 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th and 8th. One record of a single on August 31st. Single on September 18th and 23rd.

SEDGE WARBLER First record was three on April 14th. Breeding pairs present on the island and young first noted on July 13th. Numbers declined from mid September and the last record was two on September 27th, the same as last year.

REED WARBLER Two on April 30th, three on June 26th and one on June 28th. Singles on August 24th, 30th and 31st. Autumn records consisted of singles on September 12th, 13th, 15th, 18th, 19th and two on the 20th.

LESSER WHITETHROAT One record of a single on September 21st.

WHITETHROAT Two + territories. Twenty five recorded on April 20th, singles on April 22nd and 23rd, three on April 27th and one on April 28th.

MELODIOUS WARBLER One in North Stream Valley on September 21st.

SUB-ALPINE WARBLER One male at North Haven on May 19th. The islands’ 10th record.

GARDEN WARBLER Two on May 9th and a single on May 10th and 17th. Autumn records consisted of singles on September 17th, 28th and 29th.

BLACKCAP The first records were males on April 8th and 9th. Three birds were present on April 15th one of which was a female. Fifty two bird days on April and May with a high of twelve on the 20th April. Singles on June 4th ,5th and August 27th. Forty four bird days in September with the highest being six on the 19th and 20th. Twenty five bird days in October and until November 13th.

YELLOW-BROWED WARBLER Singles on September 28th, October 15th, 16th and 25th.

CHIFFCHAFF Bird days: Mar April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov 17 59 13 0 1 12 64 66 6 First record was a single on March 25th. High of twelve on April 16th. Last spring bird was a single on May 24th. First return bird was a single on July 24th. Last record was a single on November 14th.

WILLOW WARBLER Bird days: Mar April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov 164 334 78 0 20 93 77 7 0 First record was a single on March 17th. High of 150+ on April 20th, some of which were singing. Last spring bird was three on May 22nd. First return bird was a single on July 20th followed by an influx in late July. Last record was a single on October 6th.

GOLDCREST Very few spring records, a single on March 31st, two on April 1st and a single on April 3rd. First return bird was a single on August 23rd – 24th and another single August 29th-30th. Highs of thirty on September 7th and twenty two on September 19th. A total of 224 bird days in September, 201 in October dropping to thirty nine in November, birds were still present when the island was vacated.

FIRECREST Single female on March 17th and single records on October 28th and 29th. A single recorded on seven dates in November.

SPOTTED FLYCATCHER Seventeen dates in May with a high of eight on the 18th and 19th. Four dates in August with highs of seven on 29th and six on 30th. Nineteen dates in September with a high of five on the 21st. Two on October 2nd, singles on 3rd and 4th and three on the 5th.

PIED FLYCATCHER First records two males at the Wick on April 20th. First female on April 24th. Single on May 8th. A single in North Stream Valley on August 30th. Two on September 8th, three on the 11th and 12th, singles on the 13th, 16th and 17th. Single on October 17th.

LONG-TAILED TIT A record year for Skomer, usually only one or two sightings in the autumn and none recorded since 2004. Four on October 24th and three on the 29th. Ten present on November 1st rising to twenty five on the 3rd (highest ever record), a flock of twelve were seen heading for Grassholm on this day. Over twenty two present on November 4th, ten on the 5th, eight on the 6th, five on the 8th and four on the 14th and 16th.

COAL TIT A single on September 25th. Three present on October 3rd and two on the 8th and 16th. First records since 2005.

BLUE TIT Singles on July 6th and 15th, singles on seven days in August. Singles recorded on thirteen dates in September and two present September 15th to 17th. Singles on October 5th, 6th and 8th, six on the 17th and two on the 18th and 19th.

GREAT TIT Single on October 16th, four on the 17th and singles on 22nd, 26th and 27th.

GOLDEN ORIOLE One female or juvenile present around the Farm from May 21st to 25th.

GREY SHRIKE sp Seen briefly at dusk on October 27th. Not seen again.

MAGPIE Present throughout season and breeding recorded.

CHOUGH Three pairs fledged five young. Highs of twenty present on August 27th, September 22nd and October 12th. Twenty nine recorded on October 14th.

JACKDAW Present throughout season and breeding recorded. Highest counts in late October with 320 on the 28th and 310 on the 31st. 200 counted on November 3rd.

ROOK Nine flew over on April 28th and a single on November 4th were the only records.

CARRION CROW Present throughout and breeding recorded. Twenty five on October 28th was the highest count.

RAVEN Five nests, eight fledged, first fledgling noted on April 30th. As usual, numbers built up around peak shearwater fledging, from mid September and decreased from early October, max of 80 on September 23rd.

COMMON STARLING Two on March 31st. Singles on April 10th and 11th and two on the 17th. 114 bird days in July from the 13th with a high of thirty on the 27th. 578 bird days in July with highs of 60 on the 21st and 24th. 1548 bird days in August with highs of 150 on the 4th and 120 on the 27th, 30th and 31st. 236 bird days in September. None recorded from 24th September to 12th October. Big flocks passing through from 22nd October and through November until island vacated, in total 23 806 birds estimated. Highs of 3000 on November 12th and 9500 on November 14th.

TREE SPARROW One on May 12th.

CHAFFINCH Singles on March 20th and 24th were the only spring records. A single on September 20th. Small numbers in the middle of October before passage got into full swing with 3297 bird days from 22nd October to 7th November. Peaks of 1100 on October 24th and 4850+ on October 31st.

BRAMBLING A total of forty three bird days from 28th October to 12th November with highs of thirteen on October 31st and nine on November 3rd and 5th.

EUROPEAN No spring records. 208 bird days from 8th October to 12th November with highs of forty on 27th October and 60 on October 31st.

EUROPEAN GOLDFINCH Bird days: Mar April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov 0 34 42 53 48 86 95 148 86 First record on April 2nd, spring high of seven on May 10th and 12th. Autumn high of forty on October 8th and 35 on November 6th.

EURASIAN SISKIN Spring records of singles on May 6th- 9th and 21st. Sixty three bird days in September, 161 bird days in October with a high of forty on October 29th. Sixteen bird days in November.

COMMON LINNET Three pairs nested, fledglings recorded on June 16th. Bird days: Mar April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov 253 374 134 125 328 194 596 447 78 Highs of 114 on October 8th and 185 on November 8th.

REDPOLL Single on April 29th, thirteen bird days in May with a high of three on the 18th. Two recorded on June 11th and September 25th. Twenty seven bird days in October with a high of five on the 6th. Seven bird days in November.

LAPLAND BUNTING One flying over towards the south on September 25th. Single on November 5th and two on November 13th.

SNOW BUNTING Singles on October 24th and 31st.

YELLOWHAMMER One on April 23rd.

REED BUNTING Eight breeding pairs. Maximum of seventeen on 6th November.

Jo Milborrow.