On-campus overcrowding blamed on clerical error

by LEE SOWERS late to prevent an overbundance administrator, Mrs. Carolyn apparent effect of having extra assigned a larger share of off- A clerical error in the Admis- of on-campus freshmen. Cason, into rooms for seven stu- male students in both Hanszen campus Freshmen. The number sions Department last Spring During late June, those stu- dents. A residents associate's and Baker was to reduce their of O-C Freshmen varies with caused many male students, in dents who had not received rooms were also used to house male/female ratios without each college from a little over 10 excess of the allotted quota, to forms were mailed copies. When four more students. These reducing the number of girls liv- in Lovett to 2 in Sid Rich. Wiess be admitted as freshmen this a final count was available, there changes allowed Baker to in- ing there. As a result, both co-ed received 53 off-campus fresh- year. These extra freshmen have existed a great number of fresh- crease on-campus capacity from colleges are a little below the tar- men, or about 49% as opposed in large created the overcrowd- men who had paid for and been 202 to 213, and thus have get ratio set for this year in the to about 10% for other colleges. ing that exists in Wiess, Lovett, promised a room, but for whom enough space for all students. co-ed college agreement. This greatly alleviated the seri- Hanszen, and Baker. no rooms were available. A letter Hanszen College had several Wiess College still has 8 stu- ous overcrowding there. By an apparent oversight, the was sent to upperclassmen to ask "swing rooms", rooms to be dents on their waiting list. These Lovett had two students liv- College Information Forms, for volunteers to move off- used for either female students students are currently living off- ing in the Tidelands Motel(paid which indicate if a freshman will campus, and as always some or male students as required. campus in apartments. The by the University) until two desire on-campus housing, were freshmen withdrew during the These were used for male stu- apartments were not provide by "triples" were formed last week. omitted from the packets sent to summer. Some upperclassmen dents, solving Hanszen's problem. ohe university, but found indi- Although many upperclassmen about half of the freshmen notified their colleges that they No girls were juggled between vidually by the students, moved off-campus and there is a admitted under Rice's interim would not be returning. After all the co-ed and girl's colleges. A although they had earlier been large list of Houston freshmen decision program. Dr. Stabell available spaces were tallied ther higher proportion of girls were promised rooms. Last Spring and other students waiting to said that the interim freshmen were still 37 freshmen who had admitted this year as compared Wiess had 23 Sophomores with- move on, all out of town Lovett were notified of their admission requested rooms, paid room to last (29% last—32% now) and out rooms. As a result of this freshmen have now been accom- on February 1, but that the deposits, and been promised so the women's colleges are both and the admissions mistake, Dr. odated. CIF's were not sent to those rooms, but for whom no room almost at capacity. However, the Baker requested that Wiess be freshmen whose 'last names existed. ranged from N-Z. A meeting was held to deter- This oversight resulted in a ming possible solutions. It was rather small number of freshmen suggested that temporary mobile requesting on-campus housing. homes be set up on campus to Unaware of the mistake, admis- house the students. Also men- sions requested the number of tiones was the possibility of con- spaces available for freshmen in verting the basements of Lovett the colleges, and then set about and Sid Rich into temporary filling these spaces with fresh- "barracks" for all the freshmen. the men on the waiting list. By May Another alternative was to con- 15, the original quota of fresh- vert some of the female "wings" men had been reached. Since the in the co-ed colleges back to N-Z group had not been inclu- ded in filling this quota, there male wings. For a variety of was actually an excess of fresh- reasons none of these sugges- „ uce men desiring on-campus resi- tions were approved, and it was dence. Rice's policy is to keep decided, at the request of the the colleges at capacity for Committee of the Masters, to financial reasons. assign the freshmen to the col- leges and let each college In early June Admissions handle its own problem. noticed that many freshmen Baker College converted the thresher were requesting the forms which rooms of retiring Food Service august. 29, 1974 volume 62, number 3 they should already have had. A cross check was made on all requests and it was determined that apparently the N-Z group New policy on 'bad' checks to be enforced admitted in February had not received the forms, as heretofore by JOHN ANDERSON lead "as a last resort" to the pro- past twelve months ranges from in his chair, feet propped on the believed. The missing forms were Due to an "unusually large secution of students writing 100 and 150. desk: "Chief disciplinary officer later discovered in an admissions number of bad checks," the Uni- checks which "bounce" twice. Asked to provide statistics sounds very ominous. But you office filing cabinet verifying the versity has announced a new In a memorandum dated Au- showing the extent of losses, the know, I don't look on it as a accident. It was, however too get-tough policy which would gust 26, Proctor Samuel M. Car- proctor shook his head saying, prosecutorial function. I think rington stated that, "As a last re- "No, I really can't give you the the important thing is to make sort, the Cashier's Office will figures. Let's just say the losses preventive or rehabilitative judg- have to turn checks which have were heavy." ments, not to persecute or to pu- "bounced" twice over to the However, as Carrington was nish." District Attorney's Office for quick to note, before action is Carrington also spoke of his possible prosecution." taken, the student will be noti- predecessor in the role of stu- Interviewed by the Thresher, fied by registered letter that he dent discipline, former Dean of Dr. Carrington justified the new- has ten days in which to redeem Students Frederick A. Wierum, a ly instituted policy, saying that the "hot" check. "very fair and even-handed man, Rice had absorbed what he des very understanding of pro- cribed as "significant losses'over blems." the last year because of the high Carrington noted that. "My number of so-called "hot Later, the Thresher talked philosophy is basically the same checks" cashed. According to with Dr. Carrington about his as his. If our policies should dif- Carrington, the number of new role as Proctor of Rice Uni- fer then that is because I am a checks which bounced over the versity. Carrington leaned back different person." Unfair phone practices alleged by LEE SOWERS Students were given these "cam- switch phones. The Thresher is investigating pus models" when they request- Additional hassle was encoun- certain practices used in instal- ed a phone. Theyxwere not told tered by students who wanted to lation of telephones by South- that it was a more expensive mo- change the name billed for ser- west Bell on the campus. Several, del, simply that it was a "special vice when rooms were juggled in members of Jones College have model" for students. Jones last week. Students there reported being misled by com- Upon finding that they had were informed that the phones pany representatives when order- received a more expensive could not simply be assigned to ing phones. Any students having phone, several students reques- the new persons occupying the had trouble with the phone com- ted that it be switched for a room, but that a new phone, pany in reference to having cheaper model. The phone com- (still with the same number) phones installed this year are pany informed them that unless would have to be installed, cost- urged to contact the Thresher at they had specifically inquired ing and additional $15. How- extension 221. about the possibility of having a ever, those students who called Among the irregularities re- cheaper phone, the trimline was the main office (rather than the ported was the fact that com- installed. Their order was special number for Rice stu- pany representatives were pass- marked to indicate if such an in- dents) were told that the name ing off a special "campus mo- quiry had been made. If no such of the owner could simply be del" phone: actually a trimline inquiry was made, the company changed on the company's re- phone. Trimline phones are one further explained, an additional cords. -mike mc dure of the more expensive models. $15 fee would have to be paid to the rice thresher

Editor's note: This article, written by John Edwards (Lovett, '77), is an example of what will become a regular QM feature in the Thresher this coming year. Our goal is to provide some indication of widely-held, strongly personal, or unusual opinion held by members of the community outside the regular staff. The Nixon administration is now ended, but its influ- ence (both good and bad) on the office of the Presidency and American's perception of that office remain. The Nixon administration has been instrumental in de- fining the character of the Presidency in the world theater. A three phase economic experiment showed not merely that the President had the power to alter the economic flow and in fact to completely dam it up, but also gave incontrovertible evidence that he should not be entitled to do so. Fortunately the experiment was not explosive, des- pite being in incompetent hands, and gave keen-eyed econ- omists a mass of date otherwise impossible to obtain. In the rough The President as Ambassador was well exploited, and possibly successfully so. By journeying himself to the U.S.S.R., Nixon soothed the atomic arms race. Naturally his effectiveness is yet to be demonstrated, but the gesture Budget cuts at gym decried remains. Gestures, in world theater, are not trivial. By Dear Dr. Hackerman: Department and the Rice stu- student interest in physical activ- bowing to the Chinese, smiling, and saying hello, Nixon A few days ago, when I was dent body that this has been ity beyond an introductory year. opened up eight hundred million new buyers of American in the gym, I noticed a sign list- allowed to happen. The students I realize that money was cut resources. At the same time, he made it possible to get fire ing several activities the Physical are obviously the losers; they are from the Physical Education Education Department will be crackers (purchased from the People's Republic) from now deprived of adequate phys- Department to help Rice pay its forced to curtail this year. No cal recreational opportunity. bills without drawing on its Canada without smuggling. However, the price of Chinese longer will a student be able to The Physical Education Depart- endowment. Nonetheless, while explosive has risen above the smubbler's cost because the check out paddleball, squash or ment loses also. They teach in balancing the budget is a noble dollar was dropped out from under them. The true tennis balls and racquets for Freshman P.E. that physical goal, when it compromises the advances under Nixon wer

Continuing, Wright argued belonged to the moderates, activism. Mr. Justice Harlan is Replying to the allegations, that, 'It is said that a temporary Potter Stewart and Byron White. gone now too. In their places Frank I .Cobb, de facto editor of 'Congress shall make no law restraining order suppressess free When the court hastily deliv- came Lewis Powell and William the World, wrote in a now fa- j respecting an establishment of speech only for a few days, and ered its opinions, both White Rienquist, appointees of an Ad- mous editorial: religion, or prohibiting the free what is the hurry? That argu- and Stewart were found with the ministration which promised to 'Mr. Roosevelt is mistaken. exercise thereof; or abridging the ment, in my opinion, cheapens judicial liberals? the press had bring law and order and instead He cannot muzzle the World.... freedom of speech or of the the First Amendment. All of the won in court. brought prior restraint and the Mr. Roosevelt, in the absence press; or of the right of the peo- pre sumptions must run in favor shabby excuse of 'National of law, officially proposes to use ple peacefully to assemble and of free speech, not against it. It The vote was 6-3. Harlan, Security.' all the power of the greatest gov- to petition the Government for a is the government not the news- Burger, and Blackmun dissent- ernment on earth to cripple the redress of grievances.' papers which should be asked, ing. Burger argued that, 'In this freedom of the press on the pre- Amendment I to the Constitution 'What is the hurry?...The burden case, the imperative of a free text that the Government itself Sixty-five years ago, another is on the government .' and undeterred press comes into has been libelled--and he is the collision with another impera- President tried to cow the press. Writing almost one hundred The final decision lay with Government.' tive, the effective functioning of Fortunately, he too was eighty years later, Justice Hugo the Supreme Court. With its a complex modern government rebuffed in the courts. Black of the United States Su- longtime leader Chief Justice * * * and specifically the effective ex- The President was Theodore preme Court had need to remind Earl Warren retired, the Court ercise of certain constitutional Roosevelt. The newspaper was Americans that, 'The press [in had become a disparate body of powers of the executive.' Joseph Pulitzer's New York Mr. Roosevelt was not the on- the Founding Fathers' view] was four liberals, three conservatives, World. Acting under orders from ly President to believe himself to to serve the governed, not the and two moderate swing votes. the White House, the be the government of this On that day, June 30, 1971, a governors. The government's The two Roosevelt appointees Department of Justice alleged in nation. As recently events must battle had ended? a long and power to censor the press was (Hugo Black and William Doug- a court that the World had sadly remind us. he will not be cruel campaign pitting the abolished so that the press las), one Eisenhower justice, Wil- libelled the name of President the last. would remain forever free to liam J. Brennan, and Justice Administration against the press Roosevelt, his successor A Presidential term, however censure the government.' Thurgood Marshall, appointed had only begun to intensify. President- elect William H. Taft, significant, is but an episode in Justice Black's words came by Lyndon Johnson, could be and others when it charged that the journey of history. The press amidst what may have been the counted as votes for a free press. * * * a syndicate of American in a free society is an institution. greatest concerted campaign in Conservative John M. Harlan and capitalists had directly and It will continue, indeed it must the history of the Republic to the two Nixon appointees, Chief Today, the court no longer illegally profited from the continue, despite the coercion, openly censor and discredit the Justice Warren Burger and Jus- can count on the wisdom of Jus- purchase of the Panama Canal. despite the threats, despite the free press. tice Harry Blackmun, were ex- tice Black, whose passing per- Indeed, the World did charge influence of power exerted upon The Black opinion and five pected to vote to block publica- haps marked the end of the that Roosevelt deliberately lied it by any government and by other indi dual concurring tion. The key votes clearly court's great years of judicial about his role in the affair. any President opinions signaled the climax of a momentous date in the history of American civil liberties: June 30, 1971, the day the Pentagon Papers were released to the Getting rid of the munchies--at all hours American people, the day the presses began to roll again. As a public service, the Thre- and OK food 24 hours a day. **'Alack in the Box (all over ** I nternational House of Pan- The court's decision ended a sher is pleased to present How to Prices about what you'd expect. town) serves decent hamburgers, cakes (2412 W. Holcombe). All long week in which the press's Cure the Munchies: A Midnight Some people hate it, but it's fries, and other franchise foods. kinds of pancakes, cooked de- right to free, uncensored publi- Cordon Bleu, or, A Guide to the worth checking. You may have a long wait in cently. Other food is OK, and cation and the public's right to All-Night Restaurants. While this line, but the service is quick. prices are ?a\r. But the place is unvarnished information had listing in in no way complete, it *** Denny's (3137 S. W. Free- Some Jacks, get your order right cold, the service slow and grou- been seriously questioned. does cover, with reasonable ac- way) is pretty much like Charlie at least half the time. chy. Appearing first in the New curacy, most of the night-owl Brown's, but tends to be deser- *'/? Dobbs House (Steak and York Times and then in the roosts. ted late at night. E gg) (2 locations: 4321 MOn- Washington Post, the so-called ** Methodist Hospital Automat trose and 2317 W. Holcombe). 'Pentagon Papers,' a classified **** Marriott Coffeehouse: ***Dunkin' Donuts (So. Shep- like others in the Med Center; Bad food, good jukebox. Small Defense Department study, were Greenbriar and Braeswood. Ex- herd near Richmond) — Many has an assortment of coin ma- and too expensive. being revealed to the American pensive: malts around 75 cents, different varieties of doughnuts, chines. You can get not only public. burgers $1. Limited menu, but both cake and raised types. Coke, candy, sandwiches, ice ^Smiles (4201 Bellaire Blvd.) It's In New York and again in good: sandwiches, ice cream, "Baked fresh every four hours," cream, etc., but also hot soup, dark, gloomy, and too expen- Washington, the Department of etc. Try their Black Forest Cake. but we doubt it. Good coffee; dips for your potato chips, and sive. If their overcooked ham Justice went to court to stop the cops like to stop by here. Prices other goodies. They also have a burgers don't get to you, the publication of'the papers. What *** Charlie Brown's (Kirby at S. reasonable—a good place to go micro-wave oven which heats smiling face on the wall will. Justice and its head, Attorney W. Freeway) has lights, people for just taking a break. your sandwiches. And it's close. Their coffee is OK, but their General John Mitchell, clearly foam cups leak. desired was nothing less than prior censorship of publication. At the primary level, federal district court, the Justice Dep- artment lawyers were unsuccess- w§mmms>wimm ful. But at the next step, a three WW', judge federal court in Washing- Mm ton complied with the whims of W///m. the Administration. In the opin- ion of two of the three judges, Freedom of the press, as important as it is, is not bound- less...We think the law permits an injunction against publication of material vitally affecting the national security...We are aware -—-I*' that the government has not set forth particular elements of prej- udice to the national defense... COiWisT" mm, [ but] the government did present ,affadavits of officials in a posi- tion to know what sort of harm might result from publication of material derived from the docu- _ | ment. ' Mk Dissenting in the decision was Appellate Judge J • Skelly HEVIOUN Wright, who wrote that, 'This is a sad day for America., Today for the first time in the years of our history, the executive depar- tment has succeeded in stop- ping the presses. It has enlisted C'mon, health, health, health! Let's get the ol' circulation moving again...! the judiciary in the suppression of our most precious freedom.' the rice thresher, thursday, august 29, 1974—page 3 Black composers to be featured in Symphony program

The Houston Symphony and Endowment for the Arts, has as gram with a concert on Saturday $1.50 for students. Baines. the Afro-American Music Oppor- its primary purpose the promo- evening, September 7, featuring Works to be performed at the As a part of the Symposium, tunity Association, Inc. tion of works by black com- soprano Shirley Baines and the Saturday evening concert in- a panel discussion of "Black, (AAMOA) have released their posers. It is being centered violinist Aaron Rosand in soloist clude Roque Cordero's "Ex- Brown, and Beige: Music in final official program for their downtown in Jones Hall. roles. During the week prior to cerpts from Cinco Mensajes Latin America," has been set for five-day Symposium of Sym- Dr. Paul Freeman, Conduc- the concert, rehearsals will be Breves," which will be a world the Rice campus on Wednesday, phonic Music by Black Com- tor-In-Residence for the Detroit held in the afternoons at Jones premiere performance, and September 4 at 3:30pm in 301 posers on September 3—7. Symphony and Principal Guest Hall, at1 which admission will be Ulysses Kay's "Three Pieces Sewall. Panelists will be Mr. Cor- The program, which is partial- Conductor of the Helsinki Phil- free. The cost of the Saturday After Blake," which will feature dero, Dominique-Rema de ly being funded by the National harmonic, will headline the pro- concert will be $3 for adults and a solo performance by Ms. Lerma, and Marian Brown. Other events of interest on the agenda for the symposium include a presentation of "Two Old jazz group gets off some new licks Hundred Years of Black Concert Music., at the Black Arts Gal- by M. VAUGHAN JOHNSON classic "Blues March," switching cell en t. Blakey, too, is still Having survived a lot of lery, 3303 Lyons Avenue, Tues- from acoustic to electric bass coming up with new licks after changes over the past twenty day, September 3, at 7:30pm. Although amplified and and laying down a bit funkier all these years. years, including the recent death A program of choral music reduced in size, the group Art rhythm. The whole band seemed After the electric foray at the of pianist Bobby Timmons, Art will be presented by the choirs Blakey and the Jazz Messengers to wake up, whereas much of beginning of the set, the band Blakey and the Messengers are from Prairie View A&M Univer- is as tight now as they were the audience, composed largely played a mixed bag of old and still a creative force. They are sity and from Texas Southern twenty years ago. A young man of older listeners, drew back. new, including Thelonius Mark's performing now through Satur- University, in the TSU auditor- in the 40's when the Messengers Lawson never let up- the rest of famous "Round About day at La Bastille. They should ium, Friday, September 6 at first started, Blakey now shows the evening, combining his amaz- Midnight." not be missed. 8pm. Free. his age when setting up his ing proficiency with piano strange trap set. He perspires stylings which ranged from lyric profusely and has difficulty beauty to raging ferocity. CAPSULES maneuvering because of his pot Each member of the band • * * • belly. But after downing a drink (Lawson, keyboards; Stafford at the beginning of the set, he James, keyboard and arrange- by NANCY TAUBENSLAG on Thursdays-Saturdays and 5 For the ice-skating freaks, the sits down at the drums and out- ments; Olu Dara, trumpet; and pm on Sundays... All-New Ice Capades, starring performs many drummers half Carter Jefferson, tenor and so- TUTS to you...Theater Under Karen Magnussen, will offer his age, both in his speed and prano saxophones) showed a tre- the Stars will be staging three most of the same old flashy force of strike. mendous command of his instru- different musicals for their choreography. Performances will After opening with a few ment, plus a talent for innova- 1974-75 indoor season. Lerner Returns...As if there weren't run from Wednesday, September acoustic, older numbers, during tive improvisation. and Lowe's Camelot is slated for enough new films in town, area 4 to September 11... which Cedric Lawson displayed All were well received, except October 16-20, Bacharach- theaters are re-releasing and re- some really muddied thinking Stafford James, whose inven- David's Promises, Promises for re-releasing their more lucrative and playing at the piano, the tions reminded one somewhat of December 25-29, and Rogers old 'movies. Both the Absent- band became a bit more electric those of ex-weather report bass- and Hammerstein's The King Minded Professor and Dumbo Free dance performances will with a fresh arrangement of the ist Miroslav Vitous. He was ex- and I for March 5-9. Mediocre are again playing on a limited be given in the upcoming week. Music Hall seats can be bought basis in area movie houses. Like- On Friday, Saturday, Wednes- for little money... wise The Summer of '42 and day, and next Thursday and Born Losers. Beginning this Friday at 8:30 pm, the Houston Colleen's Book Store week is Harold and Maude at the Ballet will perform in the Miller Village Theater (replacing the Theater in Hermann Park. Tic- Houston's Best (expletive deleted) Used Book From September 12 through Marx Brothers' Animal Crack- kets are available on the day of Store. Free Book Search. Free Coffee, Too October 6, the Reunion Theater, ers). And the Bijou continues the performance... at 502 Louisiana, will present showing short runs of oldies 6880 Telephone Open 10-6 641-1753 Bruce Jay Friedman's comedy from the '20's to the '70's... Steambath. Showtimes are 8 pm The Ballet will return to HAROLD'S GARAGE Jones Hall in late October. Labor Day Weekend promises Violette Verdi and Edward HENRY J. ENGEL, Owner Villella, principal dancers of the Automatic Transmission — Air Conditioning to be a good time to hit the rock WANTED: Talent agent to concerts. On Friday, Deep Pur- New York City Ballet will make Brakes — Engine Tune-Ups — Front End represent major S.W. Talent guest apearances as featured ' Rebuilding — Wheel Aligning ple, J. Geil's Band, and Elf are Agency in your college mar- featured in "An Indoor Rock performers. New works on the 2431 Dunstan 528-5323 ket area. Must have frater- Extravaganza for the First Time bill include George Balanchine's nity, social chairman, or Prodigal Son and Con Spirito, a 1 Ever!" in the Astrodome. On STILL HERE AFTER /2 YEAR! $1 Off with Rice ID I.F.C. experience. Prefer Sunday, from 3:00 pm till ?? at ballet set to the music of The LINDA LOVELACE IN sophomore or junior. Send UT Memorial Stadium, Z. Z. Bartered Bride... resume to: (in their only Texas appear- mi rm iii ® ance this year), Santana, and Joe ADULTS ONLY IN COLON Hatchett Talent Associates Cocker will boogie in the First 11.00, 1:30, 4:00, 6:30, 9:00, 11:30 4407 Medical Parkway Annual Texas size Rompin', Now through October 4, PLUS ON THE SAME PROGRAM Austin, Texas 78756 GCOROINA SPEIVIN AND HARRY REAMS Stompin' Barn Dance and Bar- Sewall Gallery is exhibiting IN B-Q. . . prints by Stanley William Hay- ter... tWcvil SMiSS Joqes Tuesday September 3 marks 12:35, 2:55, 5:25, 7:55, 10:25 5 COLLEGIATE CLEANERS the fifth anniversary of the ACADEMY THEATRE Students 10% discount on "dirty movie tax" voted in by 529-0396 4816 South Main the Texas Senate...Enjoy the Op«n 10:45 A.M. 0»n* Drycleaning & Alterations "Let us do your dirty work" . long .weekend. You won't get another for quite a while. Whatever happened to 2430 Rice Blvd. 523-5887 "One of the classiest porno flicks (straight up the street in the Village) to come along in quite a while!' INQEPf'NOF NT FILM JOURNAL 1SS "WHATEVER HAPPENED TO MISS SEPTEMBER' distinguishes See Your Local Junky For The Really Good Stuff itself with high calibre refinements of the sexploitation field. Lush We've Gotcha Covered with Everything to Furnish Your Pad surroundings, professional acting, stupendous camera work and a plot. Our Prices Are So Low It's Almost A Crime Tina Russell will turn many people on'.' SWANK So Sneak In Sometime and Satisfy Your Craving For Bargains "The phenomenally faithful close- ups are superb. 'WHATEVER HAP- PENED TO MISS SEPTEMBER' is adroit at its prurient providing By the way, don't forget to tell 'epn "Joe sent ya." power'.' Al GOLDSTEIN STARRING CENTRAL GARAGE SALE TINA RUSSELL Located '/a block east of 6418 Windswept 781—2142 ADULTS ONLY (8),IN coios Kirby between Rice and Art Cinema University Boulevards in At 3700 Hillcroft behind U-Tote-M $1 DISCOUNT the Village by Rice Sta- 6140 Village Parkway with Rice ID dium. Plenty of free Open 11am — 7pm Closed Tuesdays 528 8186 parking. the rice thresher, thursday, august 29, 1974—page 4 «r>

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iiiiiaMiiiiiu No service charge, no check charge, no minimum, no jive. We'll give you a No-Service-Charge-For-Life Jake advantage of this enlightened self-interest checking account now, while your account is slim, at our University Banking Center, Monday through Houston in the hope that you'll keep using it later, when your Thursday, 9 to 4. Friday till 5:30. Park free. account is fat. We'll throw in all your banking post- This offer is limited to college and university stu- age and free personalizing of the first 200 checks. dents, faculty, and staff. vrtc 77009 F 1801 Main, Houston, Texas 77002 Member ^ F.D.I.C. the rice thresher, august 29, 1974—page 5 Fall films to include many never before seen in Texas The Media Center has an- and 8. an important movement, show- Cubans upon their first movie a Nation and Intolerance will be nounced a fall film series focus- The controversial French film ing the coming of consciousness viewing. presented. Von Stroheim's ing on French, Third World, and The Mother and the Whore will and struggle for identity in Latin African films scheduled for Greed (1924), Ke a ton's Sher- historical cinema. be screened September 27-29. America and Africa. We are giv- presentation include: Emi Tai, a lock, Jr. (1924), and Chaplin's Many of the movies have Jean-Pierre Leaud stars in the ing the community possibly wartime drama depicting "the The Gold Rush (1925) are also never been screened in Texas. anti-traditional portrayal of con- their only opportunity to view French colonial domination of a planned for September. For the first time in the state, temporary French youth. The these films," said James Blue, a devout African tribe," for view- Due to a cut in funding and The Little Theater of Jean Ren- film was lauded at the Cannes Media Center professor. ing on September 21; Sambi exorbitant film rental fees, ad- oir will be shown. The 1969 Film Festival, though many Umberto Salas' Lucia, a Zanga, a fictional movie about mission will be charged for sel- film, Renoir's last, recapitulates reviewers have criticized it for its Cuban film concerning women's Angolan guerillas, filmed by a ected movies. Students and the famour French director's use of rough action, language, role in revolution, will open the woman director, on October 18 faculty may purchase tickets for themes. It will be presented Fri- and concepts. Third World film series on Sep- and 19; and Usman Sembari's $1.00 apiece. Members of the day and Sunday, September 6 "The Third World cinema is tember 7. On September 15, Black Girl, a drama about a girl community will be charged Chris Marker's The Battle of the from Senegal "virtually enslaved $1.50 per ticket, but may get a Ten Million, a work concerning by a middle class society." discount by buying a $12 season "Cuban realities today," will be ticket for twelve films. ROBERT F. ZEPLIN Member of I.G.A. of Texas An historical film series, shown. On October 26, another similar to the one given last year, Further information about scheduled Latin American film, will be shown every Wednesday the scheduled movies may be ob- Owner The First Time, analyzes the night. This week, two silent tained by calling 528—4141 ext ZEPLIN GARAGE reactions of mountain-dwelling films by D. W. Griffith, Birth of 1396. Complete Auto Repairing Leinsdorf leads off HSO season Erich Leinsdorf, one of the guest conducting them, on their over the musical directing of the Air-Conditioning—Automatic Transmissions most recorded of the so-called home stages or on world tours. Cleveland Orchestra and the 3405 University 523-3250 "generation of giants," is sched- And, when he is not conducting Rochester Philharmonic. In uled to arrive in Houston Sep- recording sessions or concerts, 1957, he was named director of tember 5 to begin rehearsals he may be found in the pits of the New York City Opera; later with the Houston Symphony for the most famous opera houses. that same year, he returned to the opening concerts of the new Leinsdorf, one of the fore- the Met. season, September 9 and 10. most Wagnerian conductors in In 1969, he retired as music Earn Extra Cash Maestro Leinsdorf, who will the history of the Metropolitan director of the Boston Sym- conduct the opening three pro- Opera, was in the pit this past phony, a post he held for seven for yourself, for your organization grams of the Houston Sym- January when critics and audien- years. phony's 61st season, comes to ces alike heard what was termed Leinsdorf will conduct Donate Blood Plasma Houston from London, where he a "historic" performance of Weber's Overture to Oberon, conducted the New Philhar- "Tristan and Isolde" in that New Beethoven's Symphony No. 1, To Help Make Life-Saving Drugs monic Orchestra in the recording York theatre. Brahms' Variations on a Theme debut of Eugene Fodor. It was at the Metropolitan by Hayden, and Moussorgsky/ For More lnforation Call: Fodor is the first American where a 25-year-old Leinsdorf Ravel's Pictures at an Exhibition violinist to win a Tchaikovsky first burst upon the American in his appearance September 9 International Prize; he was musical scene. Later he took and 10 at 8:30pm in Jones Hall. awarded second place in the UNITED BIOLOGICS famous competition earlier this 1520 Capitol Street year. Museum offers special tours Houston Open 6:30 a.m. Earlier this summer, Leins- With the initiation of the new urn's permanent collection. The Phone 225-9177 to 3 p.m. dorf led the London Symphony Gallery of the Week Guides pro- comprehensive tours will be con- Orchestra in a recording of gram on September 4, visitors to ducted the first week of each Group Donations by Appointment Liszt's "Totentanz," with Andre the Museum of Fine Arts, Hous- month from September to June. Watts as piano soloist. Watts tonians will be able to take in- . During that week, the Gallery of electrified Houston Symphony depth tours led by extensively the Week will display works audiences with his performance trained volunteers from the from a particular period. of the Liszt work last November. Museum Membership Guild. Antiquities are featured in When Leinsdorf is not record- A tour schedule has been the Gallery of the Week from ing with some of the world's designed to allow th^sMsitor to September 4-8. During the first best orchestras, he is usually chronologically study the Muse- week in October, the Museum will exhibit Early Christian, waterbeds Medieval, and Northern Renais- sance works. FULL OR PART TIME HELP WANTED The Beck Collection of PIZZA HUT Impressionist and Post-Impres- BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIAL sionist paintings, on extended Flexible Hours 2400 Holcombe loans, will be highlighted during ON COMPLETE WATERBEDS 664-1391 (at Morningside) the second week of each month. Guides will be on hand every with floor frame Wednesday, Thursday, and Fri- day at 12:30 pm and on Sunday at 2 pm. Tours begin at the Bis- sonnet street entrance of the Museum. No reservations are $ 79- Old Spaghetti necessary. Includes: SHUFFLE BOARD -• Foam TOURNAMENT Insulator Warehouse Every Wed. Night 20 Mi RESTAURANT 7:30 - 2400 Times Mattress Waterproof VILLAGE DRIVE IN !s.slv^OOO Frame 901 COMMERCE Po Man's Country Club —^ Platform mid Pedestal Extra. FULL OR PART-TIME Checks Cashed For Rice Students "Lets Get Together on a Waterbed' DAY & EVENING POSITIONS BY AQUARIUS COOKS, DISHWASHERS, WAITERS, HOSTESSES, Jackson Lee BUS BOYS, COCKTAIL HOSTESSES. Exxon Service 1603 WEST ALABAMA 524-1333 236 1313 2015 CONGRESS Apply in person 2361 Rice Blvd. 1207 MAIN AT SOUTHMORE $5 off any complete 528-0148 in PASADENA waterbed unit with 901 Commerce 462-1664 this ad. Mechanic On Duty (Between Main & Travis) Wrecker Service

the rice thresher, thursday, august 29, 1974—page 6 ©

STUDENTS! STUDENTS! REE! FREE! 4 Good Things Happen1o You Q) When You Visit @ <23 Our Store At 2407Rice Blvd. 1. You get a 10% discount off the retail price of any individual item you buy . . . and even greater discounts on complete stereo systems. 2. You get a FRLE, $20. pair of stereo headphones with any stereo system. 3. Just for showing up at our store . . . you get a FREE mem- bership card in our exclusive Record 'n Tape Discount Club . . . which allows you a continuing discount of $ 1.00 off the already discounted price of any tape or record . . . from any Sounds 'N Imports store! 4. You get a FREE Sounds 'N Imports Body with any $20. purchase. Or, you can buy one of these great for just two bucks and not buy a thing!

HOW DO YOU GET ALL THIS? Simple .. . come to the Sounds 'N Imports store at 2407 Rice Blvd., 2 blocks west of Rice Stadium . . . and show 'em your Student I.D. card.


the rice thresher, thursday, august 29, 1974 -page 7 HP-6 5 Calculator, Multipurpose Programmable Integer/Fraction Truncation $795.00 Program Memory to 100 Steps 4-Register Operational Stack Program Insert/Delete Editing Reverse Polish Notation Five User Definable Keys Roll-Down Operational Stack Review Subroutine Labeling up to 15 Labels Roll-Up Operational Stack Review GO TO Label Search (0-9, A-E) Square, Square Root Two Flags for Skip or No-Skip Programming or Branching Reciprocal Relational Tests for Skip or No-Skip Programming or Branching for: Pi X=Y Log, Natural Log X does not =Y Base e Antilogs RR 01 CSS KB X less than or = Y X-Y Register Interchange GS3 CSS OS X greater than Y Memory (9-Registers) Decrement Register and Skip on Zero Programming or Branching Memory Arithmetic Single Step Program Running or Inspection Last X Memory Register Magnetic Card Reader/Writer Factorial Floating or Fixed Decimal Polar to Rectangular to Polar Coordinate Conversion Scientific or Fixed Notation LED (10-Digit Mantissa, 2-Digit Exponent) Decimal to Degree, Minute, Second to Decimal Degree Conversion' Tactile Feedback Keyboard Degrees (Hours)/Minutes/Seconds Arithmetic Standard Pack of 18 Pre-Recorded Programs, 20 Blank Cards, 2 Diagnostic Cards Radians, Grads or Degrees Rechargeable Battery or AC Power Decimal to Octal to Decimal Conversion

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the rice thresher, thursday, august 29, 1974—page 8 Movies present three aspects of the American dream

by NANCY TAUBENSLAG swallowed when his ghetto back- police are incompetent and have Significantly, in all gambling ligent as his brother in med- ground is understood. His too large a case-load to do more That national historic myth, scenes, bettors are played by school, Duddy's Dream is to Dream, one of the more pub- than a perfunctory search for "The American Dream," con- members of SYNANON, an Make It Big, and fulfill his grand- licized in the US, has revealed its the criminals. It is up to Kersey tains as many variations as there organization to aid compulsive father's dream of owning land. deceptive nature: not even the to make the city safe again. He are people. Regional background gamblers. The movie, though primarily a Boy Wonder can succeed in the seems to succeed; in the weeks defines the lifestyle: the easy By assaulting the senses, the character study, also touches the total absence of experience or after the mystery vigilante California pace alters attitudes as movie conveys the pressure of Dream of Success that can only knowledge. The innocence of appears, the crime rate drops much as the paranoic New York gambling, without showing originate in slum poverty. the Success Dream corrupts. from 950 to 470! City bustle. In a curious reversal, actual play. Backgroung noise Duddy (played by Richard "The great American tradi- the Dream is now used as a obliterates much of the dialogue. Dreyfuss, the boy intellectual of tion of self-defense" manipulates Bronson is currently rated at metaphor for the lifestyle, as Gaudy colors and flashing lights American Graffitti) stumbles even the audience in Death Wish. top actor in the world in terms occurs in three recent movies, increase audience tension as from one business to another, Set in New York, crime lurks in of box office receipts. It is dif- California Split,The Apprentice- well. Director Robert Altman making contacts on sheer chutz- every alley and supermarket. ficult to understand why. His ship of Duddy Kravitz, and (of M*A*S*H, McCabe and Mrs. pah, and losing equally often. Paul Kersey, (played by Charles acting runs the gamut from A to Death Wish. Miller, and The Long Goodbye Being born too late to reap the Bronson), who is supposedly a B. No semblance of intelligence In California Split, the char- fame) utilize swift non-con- profits of inventing the Toni bleeding heart liberal (though or architectural skill can be acters live a moment-to-moment sequential scenes with quick cuts Home permanent and Kleenex, never showing such an inclina- noted, though other characters existence, revelling in easy rela- to capture the exhilerating feel he tries any legal or illegal busi- tion), becomes a mugger-killer as make frequent reference to his tionships instead of goals. The of the risks. ness venture to obtain his lake- soon as his wife is killed and skill. two gamblers, played by Elliott Action build smoothly from front property. daughter raped by three typical Though Kersey cannot pos- Gould and George Segal, drift scene to scene, preparing the Dreyfuss palys Kravitz with street punks. He shoots to kill sible be the Eastern liberal he is from poker palaces to race audience for the climax in a an ingratiating smart-ass demean- any criminal, seeking them out cracked up to be, his conversion tracks to a Reno gambling parlor finally tragic work. On a larger or that explains his later repul- in deserted parks and subways. to the one-man jury and judge of in search of the "feeling," the scale, the West Coast style is siveness as a typical money- crime in the streets satisfies the certainty of being a winner. taken to task for its easy, anti- grabber, a fulfillment of the The criminals are invariably played as dirty, freaky, young average man's wish for socially Even the story, containing no human influences. Thrills with Jewish stereotype, not allowing unacceptable self-defense in a plot, exhibits the theme of alien- no hardships are available, cre- the audience to write him off as "hippies," an image from some years back that is no longer threatening world. Even the ation further. ating a wasted existence for the simply a poor, greedy kid. Every law-makers agree not to arrest One character survives en- blase characters. As all chal- major role seems well-cast, every valid, except in the imaginations of a middle-class paranoid pub- Kersey, since they realize that tirely on gambling money, co- lenges dissolve in the over- characterarole seems well-cast, his guerrilla tactics reduce crime habiting on occasion with two civilized area, the culture ulti- every character a natural. Of lic. Disdain for the "establish- ment" and presence all through as no "civilized" force can. ladies of the night. Hi§ com- mately suffers the identity pangs special note is Randy Quaid as a So, despite overwhelming panion hocks all personal that the "winner" experiences. dumb slot-machine smuggler the city will arouse even the marginal law and order type. annoyances of bad acting, dumb belongings to follow a sure thing Though not an American- easily used by Kravitz. gimmicks and excessive stereo- that he has a "feeling" about, made film, Ted Kotchoff's The When I saw the movie, several audience members cheered and typing, the film achieves its goal; although he realizes that the Apprenticeship of Duddy Nonetheless, The Apprentice- the audience's Death Wish is feeling is a pretense. When his Kravitz, captures a boy trapped ship of Duddy Kravitz runs true yelled "Kill the goddam mother ..." every time a young scruffy exploited. The resulting drama intuitions prove true, the goal is in a Horatio Alger success to human instinct. Even Duddy's holds audience interest and gone. Actually being a winner syndrome. Ignored by his father adoration of the materially ugly character even appeared on the screen. maintains a steady level of means little in comparison to the and uncle for not being intel- upper-middle class Jewry can be excitement, but lacks the satis- dream of winding. Violence is explicit. The robbery-rape of the female Ker- factory character development Relationships portrayed are seys repels the viewer enough to to support a real life emergence mercenary, entailing a depen- Carrier Needed for Houston Post set the tone for revenge. The of big city vigilance. dence on anyone who can insure Car Necessary No Collecting a good time with no commit- Short Hours Hill croft—'Westheimer Area —26TH SEASON—AT 4 LOCATIONS^ ments. Gould disappears sud- Good Part-Time Job denly to try dog racing in 777-4389 495-2838 Mexico, not caring that his YOUR STUDY LOAD friend wanted to accompany o him. Later, when Segal plays r- high-stakes poker, he plays with BECOME A O & his friend's money, but won't it won't be very long now. HI even allow Gould's presence in (/> the gambling room. Moments of > m friendship are confined to bet- SPEED READER C/> ting, drinking, and trivia. AT THE YMCA THIS FALL z Gould and Segal play off each NO SINGLE ENDEAVOR CAN SAVE YOU j> other with precision and humor, > r~ making a formidable screen team MORE TIME AND HELP YOU MORE. J3 C/> that outshines Redford and Haircuts $2.75 with Rice ID 1000 words a minute guaranteed with good comprehension. Newman in timing and spirit of Make your decision after attending one of these •< O TIMES BARBER SHOP camaderie. The characters avoid FREE TRIAL CLASSES the stereotyped slick gambler, 2423 Times N> z focusing instead on the mistakes Mon. to Fri. Sept. 7 to Sept. 21 and nerve of the real-life bettor. Sat. 11 a.m. Sept. 7-14-21 at all 4 Y's H Equally amoral are the two <0 X COLLISION REPAIR INSURANCE 5:30 & 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays & Thursdays prostitutes, who change partners ESTIMATES 01 m with no qualms and no shock POST OAK FAMILY YMCA 1331 Augusta Dr. O) over the strange company. When DOMESTIC & FOREIGN (north of San Felipe — 2 blocks West of Chimney Rock) the younger girl despairs at los- BODY REPAIRS & PAINTING EAST END YMCA 7903 La Porte Frwy. "U ing the man she thought "really (Get off at Broadway Exit) "O 2 cared," she is comforted by ACROSS FROM UNIVERSITY STATE BANK 5:30 & 7:30 p.m. Monday, Wednesday & Fridays X z thoughts of an upcoming all- S.W. YMCA 4210 Bellaire Blvd. o o expense paid trip to Hawaii with (3 blocks West of Stella Link) z a "very nice" stranger. DOWNTOWN YMCA 1600 Louisiana at Pease m During the opening credits, a f 516-3781 j (1 block West of Exxon Bldg.) CD mechanical voice announces that The YMCA approach was originally designed in college to enable .. rn "everyone either play^ or would High School and college students to do a better job with the reading required for their courses. Students have consistently like to play poker," and intones DEMO'S AUTOMOTIVE CENTER O & improved their grades after taking the course. Physicians, law- the rules. The players inside the yers, and engineers report that they use the skills on their tech- J3 5 plastic parlor, however, show no nical reading. Our files include many grateful comments from z sign of enjoying the game. Faces people in all walks of life. A carefully planned step-by-step D process leads each student into a whole new level of reading m appear resigned to failure, but efficiency in ten-two hour sessions held once a week. Classes z the cards continue to be played end week,of November!J o with desperate compulsiveness. HERE'S WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT $ Reading Speed drastically increased 4 to 10 times. MILBURN SHELL Improved Comprehension eliminates excessive rereading. (/> m Retention Techniques give students valuable tools for m We Specialize in BMC The Mingling Place' efficient academic work. Mature Reading Skills promote greater self-confidence. 7s tuneups, etc. 5010 Richmond at Post Oak Reading Speed Flexibility brings efficient study time. Holcombe 627-3430 at FOR INFO • PHONE 774-9938 or 526-3593 Greenbriar NO RESERVATIONS NEEDED-JUST DROP IN ,.—4 the rice thresher, thursday, august 29, 1974—page 9 Touch footba/l deadline is near mm. owlook by Dana Blankenhorn by PHILIP PARKER the same place. You can play in and squash. In the spring, there Registration for intramural singles, doubles, or mixed dou- will be softball, and volley- An ex-Thresher sports editor, Paul Burka, has noted in touch football closes next Fri- bles competition. The entry fee -wall-ball. The Colleges will also this month's Texas Monthly the phenomenon of SWC day, September 6, at 4 pm. All is 50 cents per person per event. be pitted against each other in football - its imminent demise under stampeding Long- interested teams need to sign Intramural soccer will be swimming and track and field horns. Texas has taken six consecutive titles, sweeping with the P. E. Department on offered for the first time this meets in 1975. even in "poor" years such as 1973, when it lost three of the second floor of the gym. year. Registration is scheduled Specific deadlines for winter four non-conference games. But more ominously, if you Each participant will be charged to close September 6, but the and spring sports will be posted draw a line through the center of 1974's prognostications, a $1 entry fee. Individuals NOT Health folk say that slightly later in the Colleges, the Gym, and you'll probably see only public schools above that line, already members of a particular entries will be accepted. As with later THRESHER issues. Indivi- and private schools below. team who still wish to play football, a $1 fee will be dual competition fees will be 50 The temptation is to divide the conference along that should contact Mr. Barker at the collected upon sign-up. cents, but $1 fees will be gym-he may be able to find an Coming Attractions charged for all team sports public-private coundary, and attempt the realism of beat- available place. Other sports for later in the requiring officials. ing TCU, rather than pretending to compete with LSU, Students who want to play fall will include basketball, hand- Last year was the best year Texas, and Notre Dame. But the strategy fails. intramural tennis need to ball, badminton, and table ten- for the intramural program so register before September 13 at nis. Also racquetball, volleyball, far, with 3290 total entrants. For Rice, the result of such a split would inevitably be a This figure includes many who de-emphasis on sports, and perhaps an eventual move back played in several sports. The ad- to the track stadium. justed total falls colser to 2000, For the public schools, it could also prove disastrous, for JOIN THE CROWD in a total population of 3300, in- what makes college football more than another minor AT BLOOD BANK cluding faculty. league is a clash of lifestyle more pronounced than that of OF HOUSTON Next to the service Pittsburgh with Cleveland. Universities have traditionally academies, Rice has the largest percentage of students involved built fan constituencies of gossamer stuff, religion, in intramural competition job, social position, Baylor, A&M , SMU, and it is this n a t i on wide. Comparison with separation that is most threatened by the rise of the pro the military schools, however, game. A man might move to Cleveland and become a can be deceiving. For in the Brown fan, yet he will always remain an Aggie. In a con- army-navy-air force world stantly changing world, such identity and permanency can athletic play is mandatory. be relieving. College football's desireability is built on the education of jocks who otherwise would hurtle towards dead-ends within the decade in professional sports, and publicity which brings money and buys education's tools. In today's FOR SUPER high stakes battles among the Oklahomas and Alabamas, Commercial and Fine that goal has been lost, the result being that even OU is scratching to pay the bills. Bringing emphasis within the ART SUPPLIES programs back to that first objective, the preparation of In Southwest Houston the jock for life as an educated being, is the first step CANARY HILL toward the revival of the game. MAKE A DONATION NOW Here then, are some minor reforms: TO HELP MAKE LIFE-SAVING DRUGS GALLERIES 3033 Fountainview Dr. BLOOD PLASMA DONATIONS ONLY 783-8990 Eliminate the depletion allowance which allows non- 5104 Almeda 417 La Branch 2429 Jensen profitable sports teams to continue, thus reducing com- 529-4045 224-3438 223-3673 Open Monday and Thursday petition for the sports dollar from professionals. Presently, 7:30am - 2:30pm &:30am - 2:30pm 7:30am - 2:30pm a millionaire deducts losses from his dabblings in the OUR BANK PAYS YOU Nights 'till 9:00 PM Louisville Losers from his profits on the oil company, AND takes a human-depletion deduction on his athletes, as though they were factory equipment, which in fact they are. Require "brain coaches" to be teaching professors, and eliminate "jock majors" nationwide. Since the modern The 63-cent jock won't be working his life long to play for Louisville, there being fewer pro openings, he'll be inclined to accept Student Concert it, and look upon the college diploma as an end in itself, A live concert these days costs o lot of money. As a student you can hear all 20 concerts for rather than a pass to humiliation under George Allen. It's not unusual to spend $5, $10 — even $15 as little as $ 12.50 — that's 630 a concert. Force reductions in expenditures, particularly-reducing for a single ticket to a performance. And when Beethoven would be pleased — and so would coaching staffs and recruiting. This would allow more you're trying to cover the costs of your tuition, MENDELSSOHN, RODRIGO, DVORAK, BRAHMS schools to compete. And more, rather than fewer, players books, board and room your entertainment — just a few of the great composers you'll hear. will be recruited. budget often becomes a problem. Performed by master musicians — ISAAC STERN, CHRISTOPHER PARKENING, ITZHAK PERLMAN, A Rice football game will be more than an opportunity The Houston Symphony has come up with Lawrence Foster and the Houston to give the world the bird when people stop treating the with a solution — a Season Ticket Symphony. Seven Season Ticket Plans game as business and quasi-religion. The answers lie with- Plan designed especially for are available to students starting out ourselves, however, and without them, this wildly spi- students. Choose any seat in Jones Hall as low as $7.50. And you can charge raling inflationary world will one day soon fling us off and and receive an automatic reduction your tickets on your Foley's, Joske's, leave Rice Stadium to the pigeons and the high schoolers. of $15 off the price of o 20 Sakowitz or Battelstein's account. concert series, or $9 off the price Complete and mail the coupon below of ony 10 concert series. and we'll send you our Season Program Naturally Aged Naturally Better and order form. Houston Symphony LAWRENCE FOSTER, Music Director I am interested in receiving information NAME about the Houston Symphony's 1974-75 ADDRESS- Concert Season and Season Ticket discounts for students. Please send me the Symphony's Concert Calendar and order form. CITY -STATE. _ZIP_

Send to: The Houston Symphony, "Roll Over, 615 Louisiana, Houston, Tx. 77002 Beethoven!" 224-4240

For Keg Beer 229-0297 For Pkg. Beer - 237-1281 the rice thresher, thursday, august 29, 1974—page 10 Owls grasping to hold last year's 3rd place SWC finish By GARY VYAS no wrong. Arkansas and A&M broke away for winning returns By GARY VYAS over the first seven games de- wrong. Arkansas and A&M broke away for winning returns 0off timtimee ttoo ththee kickinkickingg ggamea , Las,»stt. fall the RipRice Owls were lighted the Texas punditsnnnHif-s, whowhn , were making the mental errors of over 90 yards against A&M with Landrum,. Pringle,. and picked to finish seventh or it seemed, had for once forecast that had so typified the Owls and TCU, and freshman James Sykes returning. "We aren't eighth in the Southwest Confer- Rice correctly. over the first half of the season. Sykes finished second in the na- going to beat people with our ence football standings by every- Then began the turnabout. tion in the department with a offense," Conover went on. "We ons except Ray boy, who tabbed With breaks going our way, it Last year's team won on the 28.1 yard average. As the just don't want to beat ourselves. us for third, and a 1-6 record seemed as though we could do strength of the "special teams", annual Southwest Conference As the season progresses, and the and defense. The offense was as press tour stopped off at the sophomores and juniors get a pathetic as ever, averaging a campus Monday, A1 Conover few games under their belts, we mere 100 yards per game, but promised more of the same. hope to get better." Huser's Jewelry Daniel Boone the defense held opponents to Cycles an average of nine points over "Big Owl" explained that The defensive line, upon Diamonds — these last four outings. Rice would continue with the whom so much will depend, just through Hermann Park Jewelry same low mileage offense that looked sharp. Conover tackled DAN & JOY Meanwhile, punter Mike Lan- 2409 Rice Blvd. 528-4413 won in the last third of last Jody Medfore the most 5318 Crawford 528-7109 drum was named the AP offensiv season, and when asked about underrated player in the SWC, player of the week on "Banana the big play on his offense, he and both he and Cornelius Day,", and Alan Pringle led the replied, "Punt." Walker appeared to be in team in scoring with 50 points mid-season form. coming off one foot. Carl Swierc So, Conover has devoted a lot

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5250 W. ALABAMA we offer. A Restaurant of Casual Elegance for Today's People The Jack Steak Sandwich. Onion rings. The Jumbo Jack. Hot apple turnover. is now interviewing for:

The Jumbo Jack with cheese. Coca-Cote®, root beer Waiters Bartenders and orange drinks. The Bonus Jack® Waitresses Busboys Pure orange juice. The Breakfast Jack. Hostesses Food Service Workers Hamburgers. Chocolate, strawberry and vanilla shakes. Hosts Cooks Cheeseburgers If you're interested in enjoying your work, meeting fan- @ The Moby Jack Fish Sandwich. Milk. tastic people, and sharing in Daddy'$ Money. Tacos. Coffee. French fries. CONTACT: ROBERT ALLISON Daddy$ AFTER 4 P.IVI 'Money

steakseafoodsptnts Kirby Rd. & Rice the rice thresher, thursday, august 29, 1974—page 11 rice people's calendar

Thursday the twenty-ninth Saturday the thirty-first 10:00pm Request line opens at 8:00pm Film: Son of the Sheik 9:00am Sidewalk Art Show, KTRU. As far as anyone can at the Alley. Valentino lives 8:00pm Alley Theater. Film: 1840 Westheimer. Thru Sun- determine, this is the only again on celluloid. Mondo Cane. $1.75. day. Free. thing happening all day. 8:30pm Dance on ya'll. 8:30pm Miller Theater, Her- 2:00pm Autry Court (Large mann Park. Houston Ballet, Gym). Karate demonstration Wednesday the fourth Friday the sixth Dance in the Park Festival. by Master Kim Soo, chief 7:00pm TexPIRG office, 2nd 7:30pm Valentino's lineage is Free. instructor of the Rice Karate floor RMC. TexPIRG organi- 10:23pm Not again. Club. questioned at the Alley. zational meeting. 8:00pm (maybe) First RPC film. 7:30pm Alley Theater. Film: 7:05pm You're welcome, Bananas. $1.00. That Night in Rio. $1.75. Friday the thirtieth Hobbit. 8:30pm freaks invade 8:30pm Ballet lovers out in 8:30pm Ballet is back. Miller Theater again. force in the park. Hmm. 12:00pm Thresher office. Primal 9:30pm Sorry, Rudolph. 9:30pm Rio again. scream. 6:00pm Lovett PDR. Thresher Saturday the seventh staff dinner meeting. Sunday the first Thursday the eighth 6:00pm Bad news. First grossed 12:00noon Final registration for beef of the year sighted in 6:30pm We're trying. (Very try- the fall semester. Beware the college commons. 6:00pm That Night in Rio plays ing.) lines at the Registrar's office. 00 6:27pm. Barf. on. 7:30pm 223 HB. Rice Christian 7:48pm Archi lab. First annual Community lecture. Dr. celebration of the holy frogs. I miselassifieds Frank B. Jones, Rice Univer- 8:00pm Whatever did happen sity, "Christianity and that night? Misclassifieds are free ads for Unfurnished 1 bedroom Apt., Scholarship: Mutually Exclu- sive?" Monday the second Rice people. Buy, sell, trade, in- $100/'month, all utilities paid. 7:30pm Alley Theater. Mondo sult your friends. Bring your 523-4663. Cane $1.75. Labor Day Holiday. Library 8:00pm RMC. RPC's Back-to- closed, weiners will have to stuff by the Thresher office. * * * find someplace else. School Party. Band (Silo) * * * and (of course) beer pro- For sale: E-flat alto saxophone vided. Sorry, no Pearl. Tuesday the third Be alert. The world needs more King Super sonic, with silver bell 8:00pm Richard's. Communal 8:00am Classes resume. No one birthday party. Rufus, too. lerts. and gooseneck. Great condition. is happy. The Rolls Royce of saxophones. case included. Contact: Bob Milam, WRC 213. * * * Room for rent—comfortable house—commuting distance- WELCOME. / quiet— $75.00/month—668-7940 nights. (Close to campus.) R.ICEL'79 IjC JJI TRT is a closed system. We all Ed.NffettE.hT37 know what that means. =t'- * * Wanted: Barstools, good con- h, I s. "Executive Look" dition, at a reasonable price. 142 The VESTED SUIT Baker. Traditional smart solids of * * * lexturized polyester with Adidas (Rom) , worn once, REVERSIBLE VEST for ttie size 714. $8.00. Thick SPORTY LOOK a REAL BUY! foam mattress, double bed size. $10.00. W * * * $ "JV su» Rice Professor needs regular" afternoon babysitter for two charming girls, 3Vi2 and 7. Will consider any combination of 3 or more afternoons. Call Dr. 100% POLYESTER Wiener, ext. 828, or after 6 call DOUBLE KNIT 664-8064. * ^ for Burglar (expert treasure-hunter) SPORT wants a good job, plenty of excitement and reasonable Casual wear reward. 946-9474. Appoint- ments Wednesday tea-time.

•}••}• *1* handsomely tailored by Wanted: 2 people to live in h.i.s. in new smart colorful plaids House at 4507 Graustark. r SIZES $235/month plus utilities. 1900 S-M-L-XL Sq. Ft. (pronounce skwooft) PANTS with 2 car enclosed garage, beer, and Only 29-42 aWORLDofh.U READY CUFFED and naked women. Call ityours at 522-4516 if interested. This is also available in for ljeal, you dummies. EONIRKEN'S solid colors H* UNIVERSITY If only I had the money. Miss- SHOP class editor. * * * Happy birthday, Rufus. suton Engo S Steve Zelvin Mystinc, Conn Eic. E. * * * Well, Wobbert, it's another year, but it's only fair to CO-ORDINATE warn you that C.W.A.P. is YOUR still as vigilant as ever. EVERY WARDROBE With our exciting SHOULD HAVE A STYLE SHIRTS for SPORT and Dress SPORT . WANTED: Dependable female roommate for 2-bedroom duplex A color to suit your fancy, whether for OUR ONE and ONLY SHOP $100 per month plus utilities bold or conservative, its always proper. (appro* $125) — 2910 Uw Linda 664-9357 $ 50 Call midnite to noon and priced from 57 9».9w contrast or harmonize with our tremen- dous selection of POLYESTER KNIT GOOD USED CARPETS SLACKS in SOLIDS or PLAIDS Hundreds to choose from Lots from $10—$25 from *14®® Greens, golds, beige, white car# No checks, please WA6-9026 the rice thresher, thursday, august 29, 1974 -page 12