U.S., Soviet Avoid Issues of Cold
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Bloodmohile Visits Parkade^ Manchester Memorial Hospital Tomorrow Average Daily Net Press Run The Weather Forecast of D. S. Weather Bureaa For the Week Ended \ Deo. SL 1980 Ir, colder tonight, I»w 28 to M. wSSnesday liicreealng oleudl* 13,314 neso, cool, rain likely In afternoon Member of the Audit or evening. High In 40s. Bureau of drcnlatton Manchester— A City of Village Charm MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 1961 (Classified Advertising on Page 12) "PRICE PlVHTCEN'l'S VOL. LXXX, NO. 132 (FOURTEEN PAGES) ^Ther^s Still Hop€^ State News Roundup Seven Doctors Hold U.S., Soviet Demps^y^backs Urgent Consultation Ref|^6ndum on ^cing, Betting On Elizabeth Taylor Avoid Issues of Cold War Hartford, March 7 (/P)— Gov. John N. Dempsey says By' EDDIE GILMORE #year-of^ film beauty had passed a fair' night and a medical b^istln he Would approve legislation London, - Malch 7 (JP)— earlier said she wag "breathing calling for a referendum on Nikita Calls Seek T alk Seven doctors held an urgent quietly and peacefully.'/Tt added whether to permit horse rac- that she was definitely Improving conference today at the bed- ing and pari-mutuel betting side of Elizabeth Taylor and "although the general situation re ' mains grave." / in Connecticut. U.S, Envoy a friend said later “there’s The pneumonia Is In both lungs. He said yesterday he personally opposes racing and gambling in On Urgent still hope." She is breatlvibg only with the aid The doctors made no statement of an electronic breathing device the state, but that he felt "This Is on emerging from the room where and through a tube Inserted In her a question that the people of the To Siberia the beauteous 29-year-oId .film throat,'^ state should decide for themselves.” Questions star Is fighting for her life against Dempsey also said he would pneumonia In both lungs. veto any bill passed by the Legis- Moscow, March 7 (/Py-jVre- (Continued on Page Seven) “While her condition Is still lature that would legalize horse mier Khrushchev today invit- United Naiions, N. Y., very critical, there’s no reason racing and, hsri-mutuel betting ed U.S. Ambassidcr Llewel- the moment for any fresh without a referenlum. lyn Thompson to meet him in March 7 (4*)—The United ^ apondency,” said the He made It clear that he would States today proposed that Dempsey Asks not like to see the legislature pass Siberia tomorrow to deliver - zanne Cardozo. the resumed session of the "The doctors believe she's main- a bill permitting horse racing, a personal message from U.N. General Assembly avoid taining at least a little of the Im' Tax Relief for even with a referendum. President Kennedy. provement she showed this mom-’ His remarks, however, that he Embassy sources said Thomp- Cold War issues and restrict Ing.” would be willing to let the people son will fiy to Siberia at noon to- its work to the most urgent Leaving the hospital after the decide the issue was a departure morrow but declined to disclose New Haven RR from the posltldn held by gover- questions. ' doctors’ conference, Richard Han-* his exact destination. TTie proposal was made by ley, adviser and private secretary nors In many previous administra- Hartford, March 7 (ffl—Gov. John It is assumed he will meet the Chief U.h. Delegate Adlal E. to the actress and her singer hus- tions. Soviet premier in Novosibirsk for Stevenson shortly before the 99- band, Eddie Fisher, talked briefly N. Dempsey today sent a special Bills to legalize betting on horse exploratory tijlks on improving message to the General Assembly nation assembly reconvented after to reporters. Asked if she was races in the stateTnet with strong Soviet-American..... relations........... ............ This. Is ah 11-week recess. It came on the ...Still conscious, Manley replied: urging.tax relief legislation for the support and equally strong opposi-1 Khrushchev has been busy aid of the New Haven Railroad by tlon yesterday, as did proposed leg- heels of Soviet suggestions that "Well, some of the time.” with an agricultural meeting. It the current session steer clear of Queen Elizabeth’s physician. March 21. islation • to permit operators of is the same town that former Vice bingo games to offer cash prizes the Cold ’War. Lord Evans, attended the confer- A similar plea was being made President Richard M. Nixon toured Stevenson discussed -the agenda ence. He arrived at Miss Taylor’s today by governors to the legisla- instead of merchandise. two years ago. hospital, the London Clinic, tures in New York Massachusetts, Bills on these subjects were dis- This is the first time an Ameri- problem yesterday with Soviet shortly before the star’s pai'ents, Rhode Island and New York, cussed by the legislature’s general can ambassador has made such a Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gromy- Mr. and Mrs. Francis Taylor. The administration also sub- law committee yesterday trip to see any Soviet leader. It Is ko, ' but no agreements were Their expressions reflected . the mitted a substitute bill repealing also the first time that any foreign reached. g ra^ty of Mias Taylor’s condition. the gross revenues tax of $1.2 mil- envoy has met KhrushcKev outside "If the majority of the mem- 7 Escape injury bers agree, we will support such a At one point. Miss Taylor lion against the railroad. East Haddam. March 7 — A of Mo.scow except when- they^ luhave rotised from a coma and whisper- Similar bills are being introduced family of seven escaped Injury yes- visited him at one of his holiday move," Stevenslon said. “If they ed: "I want my mother.” In'other states. All provide that the terday when a fire ruined their homes. don't, we are prepared to discuss Mrs. Taylor, the former Ameri- tax relief to be offered by the ^ ^ T,-j I The fact that Khrushchev has in- all items on the agenda. But w# four-room cottage In East Had- cannot make a trade or a deal to can actress Sara Sothem, was in states be contingent on Improve- daih. vited Thorhpson to see him In the the room hut Miss Taylor appar- ment In service during the first They are Mr. and Mrs. James midst of a busy toiir dominated by delete some Items in exchange for ently did not recognize her. year the a^t would be in force.- Martin Jr., and thqir five chil- ddmestic farm problems indicates others.” A spokesman for the star’s per' A hearlng'^n the new adminis- the Importance which he attaches Democratic congressional leaders pose at the White House today after their weekly meeting with' Items which would be dropped sonal physician, Dr. Carl Heinz tration bill hM been scheduled for dren. to the Kennedy message. President Kennedy. From left: House Speaker Sam Rayburn; Vice President Lyndqn Johnson, and under the U.S. proposal would in- ' ■ Mrs. Martin, who said she was Sen. Mike Man.sficld of Montana. (AP Photofax.) Goldman, said: Thursday. awakened by crackling flames and The note expresses hop^ for bet- elude Cold War questions such as "We can say nothing right now The earlier bill was redrafted to ter understanding between the Hungary, Tibet and the U2 and make it conform In some of its the smell of smoke, roused the RB47 flights. The Russians have onff we’ll probably have nothing others, all of whom left through United ' SUtes and the Soviet before 6 or 7 o'clock tonight (1 or provisions with those of the bills Union, but detail* have not been U.S. Recalls Task Force Indicated a willingness to drop tha 2 p. m. EST).’’ the front door. disclosed. Kennedy Firm Matter two subjects. Stricken ’pneumonia, the 29- (Contlnned on Page Seven) The family spent the night at Thom peon flew back to Moscow Stevenson listed the fiancing ot the Moodui Fire Station. laU last month with the message The Congo operation as one of tha after'consultations In Washington Against Aid to UN Bolsters Forces must Items for discussion at this Boat Bill Heading with Kennedy and the State De- session. He indicated that disarma- Bridgeport. March 7 (P) — The partment. But Khrushchev had ment might better be discussed l&ennedy Moves to Connecticut Boat Qwners Associa- already left on his agricultural Private School after a more favorable Intematlon- tion today urged-Its 10,000 mem' tour. I In Leopoldville Area ai climate has been attained. hers to attend ^public hearing on Thompeon asked Foreign Minls- Washington, March 7 (/TO— “Accordingly,” he said, ‘ "Tha ' I ' ' ' ' . ^ _ ------- United States delegation would ba two bills dealing vvith boating set President Kennedy still Is opposed (Continued on Page Seven) Washington, March 7 (,ip)— <*-the U.N. force In The Congo. glad to see the agenda cut to the Discrimination on for March 28 In Hartford. to granting federal aid to paro- bone.” * One of the proposed bills would chial and* private schools. Sen. The United States called off the Sudanese President Ibrah'im create a State Motorboat Safety Mike Mansfield, D-Mont., said to- sending of a naval task force-to Abboud accused the U.N. Com- Stevenson said further discussion, mand of carelessly deploying the of The Congo problem itself may WiMhlngton, March 7 (IP) ..^K. Javita, R-N.Y. “But It Mils Commission. The other would day. The Congo area today after be necessary, but otherwise the ses- President Kennedy — to his first to provide for legislation which is e s^ Iish a state system of licens- Another Storm Mansfield, the Senate Demo-' being Informed that the United Sudanese contingent at Matadl and failing to provide proper re- action In the civil righU field — the only real way to give a com- ing boats with the fees going Into cratic leader, reported Kennedy’s Nationi did not need the force.