"Serbian Factionalism" Hostile to the Future Integrity of Yugoslavia
Robert Thomas. The Politics of Serbia in the 1990s. New York: Columbia University Press, 1999. xx + 443 pp. $18.50, paper, ISBN 978-0-231-11380-9. Reviewed by Robert Whealey Published on H-Diplo (February, 2001) "Serbian Factionalism" hostile to the future integrity of Yugoslavia. But in If journalists advocating American interven‐ the end, Milosevic's "Socialist Party," i.e. the bu‐ tion in the Yugoslavi- an civil wars at The New reaucracy, counted the votes. Dominating the se‐ York Times and The Washington Post had owned cret police and the mass media, he manipulated a detailed book like this in 1992, much debate elections and demonstrations from 1990-2000, within the State Department about Yugoslavian thereby maintaining himself in power. conditions might have been avoided. Why did the Nevertheless, Yugoslavia evolved, rather U.S. take military action in that lengthy crisis from slowly, toward a fedgling democracy. This book 1991 to 1999? focuses on how Milosevic's great power Serbia President Slobodan Milosevic, as portrayed by first consolidated and then declined. British au‐ Robert Thomas, is a narrow-minded patriot born thor Thomas is the great historian in English of in rural Serbia, raised by an Orthodox priest, who party poli in Belgrade 1987 to April 1998 (his cut- repudiated the multi-ethnic internationalist Yu‐ off date, not the end of the conflict.) His major goslavia created by Josip Tito. Milosevic, although sources are some 35 Serbian periodicals that educated in a Titoist, so-called socialist system, be‐ flourished after 1989. The usefulness of Thomas came a banker and state capitalist.
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