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Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-05933-7 - War and Cultural Heritage: Biographies of Place Edited By Marie Louise Stig Sørensen and Dacia Viejo-Rose Index More information INDEX 1954 Hague Convention on the Protection of belonging, 4 Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Bermeo, Spain, 72 Conflict, 4 BešlagiC, Selim, 233–234, 240, 242 Bilbao, Spain, 72 abandonment, 13 biographical approach, 10 accounts of events, 3 biographies of places, 2–3, 10–11, 157 aerial bombardments, 9, 69 as an approach, 11 affective associations, 6 different kinds of time within, 13 aftermaths, 1, 6, 9 potential of approach, 11–14 in Gernika, 76–77 Bismarck, Otto von, 18 agency, 2, 7, 8, 10 Blagojevic,Ljiljana, 169 of materialities, 5 Blobel, Günter, 122 agents, 2, 10 Bloch, Marc, 59 Aguirre y Lecube, José Antonio, 75–76 bombings, 7 American Civil War, 26 borderlands, 11 Angoso, Angel, 78–79 Bosnia, 13, 225–226, See also Slana Banja memorial anthropocentric understanding, 10 complex anti-fascism, 105 1992–5 war and, 226–227 appropriation, 5 importance of Tuzla, 226–227 architectural conservation, 5 political uses of past and, 228–230 architectural conservation guidelines, 10 Slana Banja memorial complex, 227–228 architectural styles, 12, 70–71 Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1, 15, See also Kozara, battle architecture, 157 of; Kozara monument and memorial complex artefacts, 10 Mrakovica monument, 211–214 Ashmore, Wendy, 11 boundaries, 4 Atatürk, Mustafa Kemal, 251–252 Brandt, Friederich, 27 atmosphere, 8 Brandt, Willy, 252 atrocities, 8 bridges, 2 audiences, 70 Brown,
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