May 2018 $2.25

Plan to Ban Islamic Full-Face Covering in Public Page 14 Still the 11th Happiest Nation Page 16 Kosher Pig Meat Page 18 : A Very Special People – Part 20 Division of the Kingdom

929 Day Bible Study in • Nuclear Power in the Middle East? Celebrate 70 Years Israel with Us!

In honor of Israel’s 70th birthday, the staff of Midnight Call Ministries has designed a t-shirt appropriate to show your support and love for the nation. Israel has a future like no other country in the world: “He showeth his word unto Jacob, his statutes and his judgments unto Israel. He hath not dealt so with any nation: and as for his judgments, they have not known them. Praise ye the LORD” (Psalm 147:19-20). Yes, God has not dealt so with any nation in the world except Israel. Take advantage of this opportunity to celebrate 70 years of Israel in their land again.

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Published twelve times a year by Midnight Call Ministries, Inc. Editor’s Note PO Box 84309 4 Lexington SC 29073 By Fredi Winkler

Physical Location: 4694 Platt Springs Road Cover Story West Columbia, SC 29170, USA 6 Dr. Wim Malgo (1922–1992), Founder Israel: A Very Arno Froese, Editor Fredi Winkler, International Editor Special People – Michelle Kim, Layout Designer Kimberly Farmer, Copy Editor Part 20. Division Gaby Berry, Barbara Lavery, Melanie Makin and Helga Tirrell, of the Kingdom. German-English Translators By Thomas Lieth

Web: If Jeroboam remained Toll free phone: 1-800-845-2420 faithful to God and Local and International: +1 (803) 755-0733 followed Him, he was to partake of the blessings. Jeroboam, however, very soon turned ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION RATES: to idol worship, thus forfeiting God’s favor. U.S.A. $18 Canada $26.50 11 On The Horizon All other countries $38 U.S. 11 ISRAEL CHANGE OF ADDRESS OR

SUBSCRIPTION INQUIRY: 929 Day Bible Study in Jerusalem Please send your OLD and NEW address 12 SAUDI ARABIA when moving or when making any Nuclear Power in the Middle East? inquiry about your subscription. 14 DENMARK Plan to Ban Islamic Full-Face Covering in Public INTERNA TIONAL EDI TIONS 16 ISRAEL Nachrichten Aus Israel (German), Postfach Still the 11th Happiest Nation 290, Ringwiesenstrasse 12a CH --8600 18 ISRAEL D¨ubendorf Switzerland • Nieuws Uit Israel (Dutch), Postbus 193, 3940 AD Doorn, Kosher Pig Meat Netherlands • Noticias de Israel (Portuguese), Action for Israel Caixa Postal 1688, 90001–970 Porto Alegre 24 RS, Brazil By Arno Froese • Noticias de Israel (Spanish), PO Box 84309 Lexington, SC 29073 • Nouvelles d’Israel 28 Ebenezer Home (French), Case Postale 290, Ringwiesenstrasse By David Phillips 12a CH --8600 D u¨ bendorf Switzerland Editor’s Note

Dear Friends of Israel,


here’s one question that comes up all the time: What happens to the sins of the Jews, Tsince there is no longer a temple for them to of - fer sacrifices for their sins? The author of the Book of Hebrews wrote, “It is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins” (10:4). This is why the Old Testament used the word “kappara,” which didn’t mean “to forgive” or “to take away,” but rather “to cover.” The sins in the Old Testament were simply covered up with God’s forbearance until He came to truly for - give the sins, in the person of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who shed His blood as the final and eternal sacrifice for the forgiveness of all the sins of the world. When John the Baptist proclaimed Jesus, he said, “Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29). Seen like this, the entirety of the sacrificial ceremonies under the old law were just precursors for the coming final sacrifice that Jesus Christ would make in the fullness of time. Significantly, 40 years after Jesus died and rose again, the temple was utterly destroyed, putting an end to the sacrificial ceremonies, just as God predicted through the prophet Daniel, in chapter 9 of his book. The suffering, death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ must therefore be the central and most important theme of evangelism. Suffering and death by themselves, though, aren’t the important part of the Good News, but rather the resurrection. If Jesus had not arose from the dead, He would have just been a martyr and would have simply been classified among all the other founders of religions. Above all else, it is the fact that Jesus rose from death that makes Him greater than all others. Many times, the suffering and death of Jesus are emphasized more than His resurrection, but it is actually the resurrection that should be the focus

4 of the gospel message. For the Orthodox Church, the day commemorating the resurrection is the most important day in the church calendar; not so much Christmas, as in the Western church. In fact, they call the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem by a much more glorious and befitting name: the Church of the Resurrection, or Anastasis in Greek. The greatest gospel message that Jesus entrusted to His followers was the promise of resurrection and eternal life; a message that they were directed to share with the entire world. This message is sometimes referred to as the message of grace, because it contains an offer to receive a pardon from death and the punishment for sin. The Jews were also beginning to understand that it wasn’t the sacrifices, but rather the grace of God that was most important. When the temple was destroyed and the sacrificial ceremonies ended, the Jews transitioned al - most seamlessly to a new religious practice, in which the day of Yom Kip - pur and the preceding ten days of atonement became the central instrument for the forgiveness of sin. In the ceremonial prayers of that holiday, they re - cite a verse from the Book of Micah, “Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy” (7:18). This expression was one of the most important verses that convinced the Jews that God’s grace is needed for the forgiveness of sins. For them, how - ever, some uncertainty remains as to whether God will really be gracious. By contrast, those who believe in Jesus Christ know that they have received grace, because God always fulfills His promises. Another question that often seems to come up when this topic is dis - cussed is the issue of offering sacrifices in the future temple, which was spo - ken of by the prophet Ezekiel. What will be the purpose of sacrifices during the millennium? They will probably be a commemoration of the sacrificial death of Jesus, much like communion with bread and wine is a reminder for us of what He did. In the thankful knowledge that God is our personal Savior and delights to show us grace, Shalom,

MAY 2018 5  Cover Story

Israel: A Very Special People – Part 20 Division of the Kingdom

“And he said to Jeroboam, Take thee ten pieces: for thus saith the Lord, the God of Israel, Behold, I will rend the kingdom out of the hand of Solomon, and will give ten tribes to thee: (But he shall have one tribe for my servant David’s sake, and for Jerusalem’s sake, the city which I have chosen out of all the tribes of Israel)” (1 Kings 11:31-32).

6 Cover Story


fter Solomon’s death in and he had clad himself with a 931 BC, the kingdom was new garment; and they two were Adivided because of its sin - alone in the field: And Ahijah fulness. This is described as fol - caught the new garment that was lows in 1 Kings 11:26-39: on him, and rent it in twelve “And Jeroboam the son of pieces: And he said to Jeroboam, Nebat, an Ephrathite of Zereda, Take thee ten pieces: for thus Solomon’s servant, whose saith the LORD, the God of Israel, mother’s name was Zeruah, a Behold, I will rend the kingdom widow woman, even he lifted up out of the hand of Solomon, and his hand against the king. And will give ten tribes to thee: (But this was the cause that he lifted he shall have one tribe for my up his hand against the king: servant David’s sake, and for Solomon built Millo, and repaired Jerusalem’s sake, the city which the breaches of the city of David I have chosen out of all the tribes his father. And the man Jeroboam of Israel:) Because that they have was a mighty man of valour: and forsaken me, and have wor - Solomon seeing the young man shipped Ashtoreth the goddess that he was industrious, he made of the Zidonians, Chemosh the him ruler over all the charge of god of the Moabites, and Milcom the house of Joseph. And it came the god of the children of Ammon, to pass at that time when Jer - and have not walked in my ways, oboam went out of Jerusalem, to do that which is right in mine that the prophet Ahijah the eyes, and to keep my statutes and Shilonite found him in the way; my judgments, as did David his

Visit MAY 2018 7 Part 20. Division of the Kingdom.

Rehoboam, son of Solomon, became king over Judah; that is, the remaining two tribes in the South: Judah and Benjamin. This Southern kingdom was from now on to be called Judah (1 Kings 12:17). Shechem (Nablus) came to be the capital of the North, and Jerusalem remained the capital of the Southern kingdom. father. Howbeit I will not take house, as I built for David, and the whole kingdom out of his will give Israel unto thee. And I hand: but I will make him prince will for this afflict the seed of all the days of his life for David David, but not for ever.” my servant’s sake, whom I chose, Thus, Jeroboam of the tribe because he kept my command - of Ephraim came to be king of ments and my statutes: But I will Israel, of the ten Northern tribes take the kingdom out of his son’s who would be called Israel from hand, and will give it unto thee, that time on. Jeroboam was even ten tribes. And unto his son promised God’s blessing, even will I give one tribe, that David though he was not from the house my servant may have a light of David or of the tribe of Judah. always before me in Jerusalem, But if Jeroboam remained faithful the city which I have chosen me to God and followed Him, he to put my name there. And I will was to partake of the blessings. take thee, and thou shalt reign At the same time, God reaffirmed according to all that thy soul His irrevocable covenant He had desireth, and shalt be king over made with David—namely, that Israel. And it shall be, if thou a king from the tribe of Judah wilt hearken unto all that I com - and the house of David would mand thee, and wilt walk in my forever be king of Israel (Judah), ways, and do that is right in my despite the transgressions of sight, to keep my statutes and Solomon and other kings. my commandments, as David Rehoboam, son of Solomon, my servant did; that I will be became king over Judah; that is, with thee, and build thee a sure the remaining two tribes in the

8 Cover Story Jeroboam, however, very soon turned to idol worship, thus forfeiting God’s favor and blessing. He tried to fortify his kingdom on his own.

South: Judah and Ben - jamin. This Southern king - dom was from now on to be called Judah (1 Kings 12:17). Shechem (Nablus) came to be the capital of the North, and Jerusalem remained the capital of the Southern kingdom. Later, the kings of Israel made Samaria the capital of the Northern king - dom. Jeroboam, however, very soon turned to idol worship, thus for - feiting God’s favor and blessing. He tried to fortify his kingdom on his own. He feared a loss of power for his Northern dynasty, since the temple, and everything connected to worship, was located in Jerusalem, the the disastrous step of building capital of the Southern realm. altars in Bethel and Dan, placing This shows Jeroboam’s lack of golden calves upon them, and trust in God. And God had prom - beginning his own cult of wor - ised Jeroboam His help and bless - ship. Thus, he had turned from ing! But despite God’s clear God and provoked a curse upon guarantee, Jeroboam feared losing himself (1 Kings 12:26-33). his dominance. He just did not “After this thing Jeroboam believe God. And then he took returned not from his evil way,

% 1-800-845-2420 MAY 2018 9 Part 20. Division of the Kingdom.

“After this thing Jeroboam returned not from his evil way, but made again of the lowest of the people priests of the high places: whosoever would, he consecrated him, and he became one of the priests of the high places.” Jeroboam sacrificing to his idol, oil on canvas by Claes Corneliszoon Moeyaert, 1641

but made again of the lowest of repeatedly arose between Judah the people priests of the high and Israel. Though they were places: whosoever would, he con - brothers, they now grew to be secrated him, and he became one enemies. The Northern kingdom of the priests of the high places. Israel, with its ten tribes, existed And this thing became sin unto for 209 years. Without exception, the house of Jeroboam, even to it was governed by kings not cut it off, and to destroy it from pleasing in God’s sight. The deeds off the face of the earth” (1 Kings of those kings were openly 13:33-34; cf. 14:7-11; 15:25- ungodly. Not one of them, begin - 30). ning with Jeroboam, followed During the time of this division and served the Lord. of the kingdom, violent clashes (NAI1217/915 )

10 On the Horizon ISRAEL 929 Day Bible Study in Jerusalem

Borrowing from Daf Yomi, the 91 year worldwide Jewish prac - tice of studying a page of Talmud a day that was con - ceived and initially promoted in Poland by Rabbi Yehuda Meir Shapiro, 929 was officially inau - A Bible. (photo credit: INGIMAGE) gurated at the President’s Residence in Jerusalem on the Bible he said, but in connecting with 929, second night of Hanukka. he personally was studying the Bible not 929, the brainchild of Bayit Yehudi only as president but in the same way as MK and Deputy Education Minister any citizen of the state. He said that for Avi Wortzman, is the daily study—five him, the Bible represents the identity card days a week—of a Biblical verse. […] The of the Jewish People, which is also the project cycle is of three-and-three-quarter identity card of all humanity. years’ duration, with the last verse scheduled Rabbi Benny Lau who is the spiritual to be read on the 70th anniversary of Israel’s leader of the project lauded former education Declaration of Independence. minister Shai Piron for having made 929 President Reuven Rivlin who together one of the flagship projects of the Education with his wife Nechama hosts a regular Ministry. Lau said that 929 could be Bible circle, as have his predecessors before accessed on the Internet (, him, said that he was excited at the prospect on social media, and on smart phones, and of embarking on something that was a little would include commentaries posted by different, and in fact unique. The presidents people studying the verse of the day. of Israel all saw a value in studying the, 4 April 2018

Visit AMPRAILY 22001188 1111 Commentary: Reading is very impor - This is good advice for our fast- tant; it equals hearing. That’s why moving times. Today, slowly but in the last book of the Bible, we are surely, reading is being replaced by admonished with a promise: seeing and hearing: radio, television, “Blessed is he that readeth, and internet, and—as one can see any - they that hear the words of this where in public places or traveling— prophecy, and keep those things the mobile phone dictates the behavior which are written therein: for the of the people and begins to dominate time is at hand” (Revelation 1:3). their time. Years ago, in Israel, someone said Ephesians 5:16 that the Jews read more than any other gives excellent admo - people on earth. The result is sharing nition: “Redeeming knowledge, and that is one reason the time, because the why Jews in general, and Israelis in days are evil.” 6729 particular, are more intellectually suc - (See Spiritual Strength for Each cessful than most other people. Day, Item #1062, $16.95.) Here we are reminded of the times of Nehemiah some 2,500 years ago. SAUDI ARABIA It says in Nehemiah 8:5, 8, 10: “And Ezra opened the book in the sight of Nuclear Power in the all the people; (for he was above all Middle East? the people;) and when he opened it, “Saudi Arabia does not want to all the people stood up…So they read acquire any nuclear bomb, but in the book in the law of God distinctly, without a doubt if Iran devel - and gave the sense, and caused them oped a nuclear bomb, we will to understand the reading…Then he follow suit as soon as possible,” said unto them, Go your way, eat the Prince Mohammed bin Salman fat, and drink the sweet, and send told CBS in an interview. portions unto them for whom nothing The Sunni Muslim kingdom has is prepared: for this day is holy unto been at loggerheads with revo - our Lord: neither be ye sorry; for the lutionary Shi’ite Iran for decades. The coun - joy of the Lord is your strength.” tries have fought a long-running proxy war

12 On the Horizon

NEWS IN BRIEF  POLISH JOURNALIST DEFAMES WJC afał Ziemkiewicz, a Polish journalist and Rpublicist, described the World Jewish Congress as “a gang of international blackmailers.” The Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Mohammed bin Salman Ziemkiewicz, who in arrives at Lambeth Palace, London. R EUTERS/Yui Mok/Pool January said on air that Jews in the Holocaust “were part of their own in the Middle East and beyond, backing rival sides in armed destruction” and that Nazi conflicts and political crises including in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon death camps should be called “Jewish camps,” and Yemen. said in a post on Facebook He downplayed Iran’s power during the interview, saying that murdered French Holocaust survivor Mirelle that Iran was far from being a rival to Saudi Arabia. Kanol was poor because Saudi Arabia is stepping up plans to develop a civilian she received no financial nuclear energy capability as part of a reform plan led by Prince aid “from these hundreds of millions of dollars, extorted Mohammed to reduce the economy’s dependence on oil. under the guise of The United States, South Korea, Russia, France and China ‘compensation for Holocaust victims’ by the are bidding on a multi-billion dollar tender to build the country’s Jewish gang of international first two nuclear reactors. blackmailers, called the World Jewish Congress.” U.S. companies can usually transfer nuclear technology to another country only if the United States has signed an 5 April 2018 agreement with that country ruling out domestic uranium enrichment and the preprocessing of spent nuclear fuel— steps that can have military uses., 15 March 2018

% 1-800-845-2420 MAY 2018 13 Commentary: Recent news reports ing nuclear weapons is a civilian claim Israel has developed an nuclear reactor. Will there be a war improved relationship with Saudi in the Middle East? Not even the Arabia, although not officially rec - experts can answer this question ognized. Needless to say, the conflict with certainty. War, as one politician between Iran and Saudi Arabia fits noted long ago, is Israel’s political aims rather well. the result of failed This is just another circumstantial political attempts event that lifts some pressure off to avoid it. 6711 Israel and places it increasingly on (See Democracy Invades these two nations. Of course, the Islam , Item #1072, first step toward eventually obtain - $12.95.)

DENMARK “With a ban, we draw a line in the sand Plan to Ban Islamic and establish that here in Denmark we show Full-Face Covering in each other trust and respect by meeting Public each other face to face,” he said. All three parties in the coalition had said The Danish government is last October they would support such a ban. poised to become the next It has been previously estimated the European country to introduce introduction of the law in Denmark will affect a ban on Islamic full-face cover - ings in public places. fewer than 200 women. The government said it planned France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Bulgaria to fine people who wore items and the German state of Bavaria have all including the burqa and the niqab which are implemented restrictions on Islamic full-face worn by some Muslim women. veils in public. “It is incompatible with the values of the, 7 February 2018 Danish society or the respect for the com - munity to keep the face hidden when meeting Commentary: Most European nations each other in the public space,” Justice Min - are likely to follow the full-face cov - ister Soren Pape Poulsen said. ering ban. There are many reasons

14 On the Horizon

NEWS IN BRIEF  GOOGLE CHOOSES TEL AVIV oogle—which can hire the cream of the Gcrop from anywhere in the world—has picked Tel Aviv to be the site of a new accelerator that will The niqab, which leaves a gap for the eyes, will be banned assist start-ups that along with the burqa, in which wearers see through a specialize in machine mesh screen G etty learning, artificial intelligence and data for support and opposition to this ban. The main reason science. The accelerator began for the ban is that terrorists could hide behind this operating in the beginning covering. While this has not happened in Europe, we of March as part of Google’s Launchpad know that Israel has experience with female terrorists. startup program. It’s the Israel’s reaction is somewhat surprising: first time Google has taken In July 2010, some Israeli lawmakers and women’s its machine-learning program outside the United rights activists proposed a bill to the ban - States. ning face-covering veils. According to the Jerusalem Post, the measure is generally “regarded as highly 2 April 2018 unlikely to become law.” Hanna Kehat, founder of the Jewish women’s rights group Kolech, criticized a ban and also commented “[f]ashion also often oppresses women with norms which lead to anorexia.” Eilat Maoz, general coordinator for the Coalition of Women for Peace, referred to a ban as “a joke” that would constitute “racism.”…/Hijab_by_country.html

% 1-800-845-2420 MAY 2018 15 The tradition of veil covering comes Nowhere does the Quran make from the Old Testament, as we can mention of the Muslims’ claim to the read in Genesis 24:65: “For she had Holy Land. Instead, God reveals in the said unto the servant, What man is Quran that The Holy Land is desig - this that walketh in the field to meet nated for the followers of Moses. us? And the servant had said, It is my Because the Promised Land is theirs master: therefore she took a vail, and according to the Quran, only the fol - covered herself.” lowers of Moses may determine A recent article in the March 2018 where their capital must lie. issue of The Berean Call, on page 5 - reads: the-jews-an-islamic-truth/ …As a believing Muslim observing Islam, I am compelled by the Quran Another article by a German author to support Israel’s sole claim to the states, “If Muslims were to believe Holy Land; the Quran says it is so. their Koran, the con - The 80,000-word document 1.6 flict between the billion Muslims accept as the Jews and the Arabs revealed word of God, the Quran, is would be solved categorical about the destiny of immediately.” 6714 Israel and the people who can claim (See Terror Over America, its ownership. Item #1050, $9.99.) The Quran states: “Moses said to his people: O my people! Remember ISRAEL the bounty of God upon you when Still the 11th Happiest He bestowed prophets upon you, Nation and made you kings and gave you that which had not been given to Israel has retained its spot as the anyone before you amongst the 11th-happiest country in the nations. O my people! Enter the Holy world for the fifth year running, according to this year’s UN Land which God has written for you, annual World Happiness Report. and do not turn tail, otherwise you Israel’s happiness index moved will be losers.” down only 0.134 percentage point.

16 On the Horizon

Within the report, Israel ranked 12th in the “happiness for the foreign-born,” meaning immigrants. One of the poll’s examples NEWS IN showed that Russian immigrants who moved to Israel have a BRIEF much happier and better life than in the former country.  Israel’s position was influenced by its health system. The FORMER QATARI report placed the country in sixth place, as a result of its PM AFFIRMS improvement in life expectancy, after Japan, Iceland, Italy, ISRAEL Switzerland and Canada. n an epic Twitter strain, Among other Middle Eastern countries that ranked, the former Qatari Prime IMinister Hamad bin Palestinian territories ranked 104th, while Syria ranked 150th Jassim bin Jaber Al Thani out of 156 countries that were surveyed, Lebanon in 88th expressed his opinion that Israelis have a right to live and Jordan in 90th position. on their own land, as do the Meanwhile, the US slipped from 14th place in 2017 to Palestinians. These comments echo the 18th place this year. It was Finland that clinched first place, sentiments made clear by as Norway—last year’s winner—went to second place. Saudi Crown Prince Among the top 10 countries included were Denmark, Iceland, Mohammad bin Salman in an interview he gave with Switzerland, Netherlands, Canada, New Zealand, Sweden The Atlantic. and Australia. In several Arabic- language tweets, Al Thani, 15 March 2018 referred to the nature of Qatar’s relationships with its Commentary: neighbors and wrote, Besides European countries, the top “...Israelis have a right to spots usually belong to Canada, Australia, and New live in their land in peace and safety, this is my Zealand—the three nations that did not fight against conviction. I’ve had this the crown for independence but obtained it for free. conviction for many long Israel’s prime minister made this statement: “Israel years, and I still do.” is right there. It’s beating most of the Western countries 5 April 2018 —it’s No. 11.... [Israel’s ranking on the happiness index] keeps going up, and people say, ‘How can it be? It’s a country [situated in a] horrible neighbor - hood, you’ve got terrorism, you’ve got radical Islam, you’ve got challenges,’ but it comes up ahead of most countries in the world.”

Visit MAY 2018 17 shall not be defined as prohibited for con - Israel’s position is indeed the sumption—including with milk.” most noteworthy when one consid - In the interview ahead of a Bar-Ilan ers how Prime Minister Netanyahu University symposium titled “Science and fittingly describes it as being in a Halacha” featuring a talk by Cherlow, he “horrible neighborhood.” One does advocated rabbinic approval of cloned not need much imagination to think meat “so that people would not starve, what would happen if peace comes to prevent pollution, and to avoid the suf - to the Middle East. Israel undoubt - fering of animals.” edly will be world number one. What is written in Deuteronomy 7:6 When the “cell of a pig is used and its is yet to become visible reality one genetic material is utilized in the production day: “For thou art an holy people of food, the cell in fact loses its original unto the Lord thy God: the Lord thy identity and therefore cannot be defined God hath chosen thee to be a special as forbidden for consumption,” Cherlow people unto him - said. “It wouldn’t even be meat, so you self, above all can consume it with dairy.” people that are “Without prophesizing, clearly there upon the face of will be a major disagreement,” Cherlow the earth.” 6719 said over the consumption of what he (See Miracle of Israel , called cloned meat. And while “there is Item #2303, $13.99.) merit” in prohibiting this meat, too, “halachic thought should examine the needs of all ISRAEL humanity, not only one’s own case,” he Kosher Pig Meat said., 22 March 2018 A prominent Orthodox rabbi in Israel said that meat from a Commentary: Many of us elderly genetically cloned pig would be kosher for consumption by remember when visiting Israel, guests Jews, including when eaten had to go to another room if coffee with dairy products. was served with milk, for example, Cherlow is quoted as saying that after having consumed meat products “cloned meat produced from a pig in the cafeteria. Today, it’s not milk

18 On the Horizon

but artificial milk, thus acceptable to be con - sumed with meat NEWS IN products. BRIEF We are, of course,  aware that this is an NAVAL ATTACK issue of interpretation in the Jewish religion and THWARTED has been observed for millennia by devout Jews. sraeli naval vessels in Gaza waters were Today, the tendency is to be like all others. Equality Itargeted in an Islamic of all people; “all are created equal” is the direction Jihad plot let by Amin Juma, 23. The Shit Bet has the Jews are approaching. revealed that Juma was A kosher kitchen requires strict separation of dairy- accused of smuggling based foods and meat products. The Scripture used weapons into Gaza as well. The Shin Bet caught for this religious interpretation is Exodus 23:19b: “Thou wind of the planned attack shalt not seethe a kid in his mother’s milk.” The Tanakh when the suspect’s fishing boat broke the permitted reads, “You shall not boil a kid [goat] in its mother’s fishing zone of Gaza waters milk.” The teaching developed which required one in an attempt to distract, to separate the meat dishes from the milk dishes. then damage an Israeli vessel with a Russian- Before God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, Gen - made anti-tank missile, esis 18, verses 1-2 read: “And the Lord appeared unto and then board the Israeli vessel and take the IDF him in the plains of Mamre: and he sat in the tent door crew members hostage. in the heat of the day; And he lift up his eyes and looked, and, lo, three men stood by him: and when 4 April 2018 he saw them, he ran to meet them from the tent door, and bowed himself toward the ground.” Abraham knew these were the messengers of God, and invited them to rest and take a meal with him. “And he took butter, and milk, and the calf which he had dressed, and set it before them; and he stood by them under the tree, and they did eat” (verse 8). Butter, milk, and meat were consumed by the heavenly host . 6724 (See The 10 Minute Bible Journey, Item #2330, $21.99.)

% 1-800-845-2420 MAY 2018 19 URGENT! 2018 ATLANTIC COAST PROPHECY CONGRESS Make Reservation 7-8 October 2018 EARLY! Sands Resorts Myrtle Beach, South Carolina


“God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets” (Hebrews 1:1).

BY ARNO FROESE the Bible we read: “I Jesus have sent mine angel hese powerful words are directed to the to testify unto you these things in the Hebrews, the Jews, to Israel. Notice the churches” (Revelation 22:16a). He is the Alpha Twords, “God…fathers…prophets.” and Omega, the beginning and the end. He tes - Prophets pass on the words of God to the fa - tifies to that fact four times in the book of Reve - thers. Priests, on the other hand, present their lation. He is the all in all; we do well to carefully substitutionary sacrifice to God for the people. read and hear what the words of the prophets One should not read verse 1 without verse of old and the prophets of the New Testament 2: “Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his have to say to us today. Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, At this point in time, the news media is oc - by whom also he made the worlds.” The Son is cupied in particular with the country Iran, Jesus Christ the Lord, in whom we believe and whose leaders have repeatedly stated their de - through whom all of creation was made. We do sire to wipe Israel off the map. Of course, if they well to carefully, consciously, and prayerfully could they would, but they can’t. How this is de - read Holy Scripture to fully observe the mean - veloping is an issue we will be dealing with at ing intended for the believer. the Atlantic Coast Prophecy Congress. We realize that God has spoken in times Another important issue is Europe; we have past—the Old Testament—and now He has been taught for decades that Europe is the spoken unto us by His Son—the New Testa - place where world government will be estab - ment. Thereby He has unveiled to us His inten - lished, and from there planet earth be ruled. tion for mankind, from the past to the present Much speculation in the past has proven to be and the future. wrong. It is for that reason we will strictly stick This immediately raises the question: do we to the written Word of God. have prophets today? The answer is simple; we One prophet in particular, Daniel, writes don’t need any. Although some may call them - about the Antichrist: “And in his estate shall selves prophets, if analyzed from a Biblical per - stand up a vile person, to whom they shall not spective, in reality they are not. Jesus Christ has give the honour of the kingdom: but he shall given to us the full counsel of God contained in come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by the book we call the Bible, from Genesis to Rev - flatteries. And with the arms of a flood shall elation. As a matter of fact, in the last chapter of they be overflown from before him, and shall

20 be broken; yea, also the prince of the covenant” Massive and oppressive, the system will be (11:21-22). This is extremely relevant to politics ultimately destroyed. What challenges do in our days, when we note the words “peace - Christians (the Church) face as this system ably” and “flatteries.” Can we see this man on unfolds? And, what role will Israel play? God the horizon? One thing we do know: he will has a specific and wonderful plan. come, he must come, and he is about to come. The desire for a “strong man” is evident ARNO FROESE throughout the globe, for one that can create Israel’s Threefold Exodus – Part 2 unity among the diverse political opinions in a The second Exodus was less spectacular, for peaceable way. it mainly involved the tribes of Judah, Ben - How this all relates to the nation of Israel, jamin, Levi, and a remnant of the other celebrating its 70th birthday, is what this impor - tribes. This second Exodus climaxed in the tant event, the Atlantic Coast Prophecy Con - coming of the long-prophesied Redeemer— gress, is all about. the Messiah of Israel, the King of the Jews. Again, here are three descriptions of mes - Thus, the second Exodus, the return from sages from some of the speakers: captivity in the land of Babylon, brought us the New Testament, which is the living Word RON BIGALKE of God: God the Son. A Biblical View of Government The fact that God ordained government is evi - BEAUTIFUL MYRTLE BEACH, SOUTH CAROLINA dent in the Noahic Covenant. All nations are ob - ligated to heed the stipulations of the Noahic The average temperature for October is be - Covenant. The Abrahamic Covenant extends its tween 57 and 75, and the chance of rain is blessing to the nations, and necessitates a bibli - only five days for the whole month. This is an cal view of government that is pleasing to God. excellent chance to combine this event with a mini-vacation, enjoying the beauty of WILFRED HAHN South Carolina’s beaches and nature. Most of Israel & Global Financial Signs of the Endtimes The Bible speaks often of the endtime emergence of a global system of extreme commercialism. It is mankind’s final crown - ing manifestation of serving Mammon. It may already exist.

MAY 2018 21 2018 ATLANTIC COAST PROPHECY CONGRESS URGENT! Make Reservation 7-8 October 2018 EARLY! Sands Resorts Myrtle Beach, South Carolina


the rooms are facing the Atlantic Ocean, connects with this generation, engaging where the sun rises in a spectacular way them with biblical truth in a positive, practi - each morning. cal way. He is a graduate of the University of You will be edified and encouraged by Arkansas (BA) and Dallas Theological the messages you hear and the fellowship Seminary (ThM). Jeff and wife Beverly have you will experience with other believers, been married for 35 years and have 3 grown who love Israel, love the Lord, and are look - sons. His website is ing forward to His soon return. Ron Bigalke is the Georgia Remember, rooms are available first- State Minister with Capitol come, first-serve, so do not delay. Commission, and missionary We urge you to register early and then with Biblical Ministries make your hotel reservation at the Sands Worldwide. Dr. Bigalke has Resort. Remember, registration is 100% re - more than twenty years of fundable for any reason at any time (consult experience in numerous dis - hotel for their policy on refunds for rooms). cipleship and evangelistic ministries. He is a We here are praying for this event and hope frequent contributor to and editor for vari - to see you there. ous publications through Eternal Ministries. His church and leadership experience MEET THE SPEAKERS includes conference speaking, pastoral min - Jeff Kinley is on a lifelong istry, pulpit ministry, and youth ministry. Dr. mission to empower peo - Bigalke is an ordained minister, and serves as ple with God’s vintage, a research associate with the University of lifechanging truth. The Pretoria (missions and ethics project). He and author of 31 books, Jeff his wife Kristin have two children. served as youth pastor and senior pastor for over three Victor Kalisher is Director of decades in churches ranging from small The Bible Society in Israel community congregations to mega-church and elder of a local messian - size. Jeff is known as a “discerner of the ic congregation in times,” and has been described as a “rising Jerusalem. He was born in voice in the world of Bible Prophecy.” He Jerusalem in 1964. His par - delivers a unique communication style that ents are Jews who came to

22 Israel following the Holocaust, and with the from a Biblical perspective. He has global establishment of the state of Israel in 1948. investment industry experience spanning Both came to saving faith in Yeshua the three decades, having held various executive Messiah shortly after and became one of the positions from Director of Research for a first Messianic families in Israel. major Wall Street firm, to Chairman of Victor Kalisher has been leading the work Canada’s largest global investment group. of The Bible Society in Israel for the last 10 years, after 18 years of working at a leading Arno Froese is the execu - high-tech company and 6 years of service in tive director of Midnight the Israeli Navy as an officer. He is married Call Ministries U.S.A. and to Esther and together they have 4 girls: editor-in-chief of the criti - Roni, Naomi, Odeya and Gili. cally-acclaimed prophetic magazines Midnight Call Wilfred Hahn comes from and News from Israel. He has Canada. He is known for his authored a number of well- writings and insights on received books, and has sponsored many present-day world economic prophecy conferences in the U.S., Canada and money trends, viewed and Israel.


CONGRESS REGISTRATION NFI0518 HOTEL RESERVATION NFI0518 Mail to: Midnight Call Registration by phone: Mail to: Group Sales Dept., Sands Resorts, PO Box 2998, Myrtle Beach, SC 29578 PO Box 84309, (800) 845-2420 or (803) 755-0733 Reservations: (800) 599-9872 or Fax (843) 449-1652 Please mention Atlantic Coast Prophecy Congress when calling. Lexington, SC 29073 Web: 2018 Arrival Date:______Departure Date:______

7-8 October 2018 ❏ Ocean Dunes OV Double $52/night ❏ Sand Dunes OF Jr. Suite $82/night Sands Resorts ❏ Ocean Dunes OF Double $62/night ❏ Sand Dunes 1 Bdrm Suite $92/night Myrtle Beach, South Carolina ❏ Sand Dunes OV Double $62/night ❏ Sand Dunes 2 Bdrm Suite $132/night ❏ Sand Dunes OF Double $72/night ❏ Sand Dunes 3 Bdrm Suite $152/night MIDNIGHT CALL OV: Ocean View OF: Ocean Front # in party: ______Participant's Name: Attending Banquet? $___ /night x ___ nights = $______1.______Yes__ No__ *Plus 24.3% state and local taxes or applicable hospitality and resort charges $______2.______Yes__ No__ *Plus $3.01 per night for unlimited use of in-room safe and telephon e and beach access $______3.______Yes__ No__ 4.______Yes__ No__ More than 2 adults in room add $12.43 per person $______Total for Accommodations $______Registration Fee: $59 per person (under 18 free) # in party: ______x $59 Total Registration $_____ Your Name:______# Banquet: ______x $48 Total for Banquet $_____ Address:______

Total Enclosed $_____ City:______State:_____Zip:______ Your Name:______P_ hone:______Email:______Address:______❏_ Check/Money Order ❏ Visa/MC/Disc/AMEX City:______State:_____Zip:______Card# ______Phone:______Email:______Expires:______Security Code:______Signature:______❏ Check/Money Order ❏ Visa/MC/Disc/AMEX Card# ______Expires:______Security Code:______Signature:______MAY 2018 23

Israel MIDNIGHT CALL “But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day” (Proverbs 4:18).


hat light is Solomon speak - This can be applied to the nations of ing of? Obviously, this is a the world. Think of all the wars they Wprophecy of Israel’s Messiah, have fought. While the nations proudly who later testifies: “…I am the light of present their soldiers as heroes, erect the world: he that followeth me shall not great monuments, and exhibit their pride walk in darkness, but shall have the light in military parades or special holidays, of life” (John 8:12). What if we neglect to the real reason behind it all is: darkness. walk in His light? Here Solomon an - It is the work of the god of this world, swers: “The way of the wicked is as dark - who translates himself into light, but it is ness: they know not at what they fake light. “And no marvel; for Satan stumble” (Proverbs 4:19). Note the himself is transformed into an angel of words “…they know not at what they light” (2 Corinthians 11:14). stumble.” Wikipedia has a daily column titled This is interesting, because it shows “On this day…,” where it lists several all of humanity. The natural man, when events that took place during that partic - something goes wrong, in most cases ular day. We notice that in most cases it is blames someone or something else: be it war. circumstances, objects, family, relatives, Why war? Because one nation is being neighbors, etc. Why does he blame oth - indoctrinated to such an extent that they ers? Because that person is in darkness wholeheartedly believe the other nation and does not realize why he has stum - is wrong, and to solve the problem there bled. must be war.

24 Not surprisingly, Jesus in His but because they have learned not to tan - prophetic speech made this statement: gle militarily with the Jews. “…ye shall hear of wars and rumors of However, in the north, it looks quite wars.” different, particularly in recent days. Syr - Take the founding of the 35 nations on ian President Assad declared that he is the American continent (North and willing to be at peace with Israel if he can South). How were they established? By put his feet in the Sea of Galilee. Seven weapons of war. The original inhabitants years have passed, and Syria is being de - of these countries were decimated to such stroyed by a civil war. It seemed like those an extent that, after a while, they no who rebelled against the Assad govern - longer played any role in the newly estab - ment had the upper hand until 30 Sep - lished country. tember 2015, when the Russians got Israel is different, but they too estab - involved militarily, particularly with their lished their nation through weapons of air force. war. The Arab enemies were continually In the meantime, Iran has become and repeatedly defeated on the battlefield, more and more active in the Syrian civil yet something strange is happening: the war. world denies Israel’s right to conquered This causes great concern in Israel, for territories. Yes, the whole world is upset Iranian leadership has repeatedly de - when the government in Jerusalem au - clared publically that their desire is to thorizes a new subdivision to be built on wipe Israel off the map. A recent article in Israeli soil. All countries, without excep - , 11 February 2018, had tion, declare these to be illegal, although this to say: they themselves are guilty of it more so Israel has boosted its air defense in than anyone else. Why more? Because the North following a significant they have not received a direct promise confrontation between the Jewish from God for their territory. state, Syria and Iran that led to the In the south (Egypt), military conflict loss of an F-16i fighter jet. is very unlikely—not because of Egypt Israel’s air defenses currently having signed a peace treaty with Israel, include the Iron Dome, designed to

Visit MAY 2018 25


shoot down short-range rockets; the infiltrated into Israel. It flew for about Arrow system, which intercepts bal - a minute and a half in the northern listic missiles outside of the Earth’s Jordan Valley before it was shot atmosphere; and the David’s Sling down by a helicopter flown by Lt.- missile-defense system, which is Col. “L.,” commander of the 113 designed to intercept tactical ballistic Squadron. missiles, medium- to long-range “Iran has been using the base in rockets and cruise missiles fired from recent months for the purpose of ranges of between 40 km to 300 km. transferring weaponry to be used The first use of the Arrow system against Israel,” said the IDF was in April when it was launched to Spokesperson’s Unit. “These actions intercept three surface-to-air missiles by Iran at the base are ostensibly car - fired toward IAF jets by Syrian- ried out under the guise of support - regime air defense. ing the fighting against the global [Recently], an Iranian drone, which Islamic jihad forces, but the actions took off from Syria’s T4 airbase in carried out in the past 24 hours prove northern Homs province, flew that its real concern is direct, violent through Jordanian territory before it action against Israel.”

NFI0518 Mail to: Midnight Call Ministries, PO Box 84309, Lexington, SC 29073 r After prayerful consideration, I/we have decided to Israel support the project “Action for Israel.” MIDNIGHT CALL r monthly r one time $______

Name:______“I will bless them Address:______that bless thee...” City:______(Genesis 12:3). State:______Zip:______With credit card ready, call: 800-845-2420 Credit Card #:______or 803-755-0733 Exp:______Phone:______Web: Email:______

26 “As far as we are concerned, the not understand that the entire world lies event is over but the Iranians are in darkness, and there is only one light: determined to continue to establish Jesus Christ the Lord. themselves in Syria; the next incident We rejoice that Russia on 6 April 2017 is only a matter of time,” he said, warn - recognized West Jerusalem as the capital ing that Israel does not rule out that city of Israel; the US, under President the Islamic Republic will continue try - Donald Trump, followed in step nine ing to attack Israel. months later—6 December 2017—for - “We do not know what the mis - mally recognizing Jerusalem as the capital sion of the Iranian drone was. It is their city of Israel. But these and many other most advanced drone and they did things are temporary; they happen due to not expect our radar to detect its pen - political circumstances and opportuni - etration into our territory,” the senior ties. It cannot and will not change God’s official stated. “Our aerial freedom will eternal resolutions: “Behold, I will make not be harmed. We will continue to Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the destroy targets.” people round about, when they shall be Why does Iran desire Israel’s destruction? in the siege both against Judah and The same reason Syria does and Lebanon as against Jerusalem. And in that day will I well. “For, behold, the darkness shall cover make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for the earth, and gross darkness the people: all people: all that burden themselves but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his with it shall be cut in pieces, though all glory shall be seen upon thee” (Isaiah 60:2). the people of the earth be gathered to - We are not telling the whole truth gether against it” (Zechariah 12:2-3). when we highlight various countries we The nations need light and so does Is - view unfavorably in our minds as being rael, but contrary to all other nations of the problem. We need to take careful no - the world, Israel has a specific promise: tice of what it says: “darkness shall cover “Sing and rejoice, O daughter of Zion: the earth”—that means all people. for, lo, I come, and I will dwell in the Apparently, the overwhelming majority midst of thee, saith the LORD” of people, and in particular Christians, do (Zechariah 2:10). NFI

% 1-800-845-2420 MAY 2018 27 NURSING WARD PROJECT

Spread the Word in Your Community!

Dear Friends of the Ebenezer only take a few minutes, but for Home, us—and especially for those who Thank you all for your prayers are waiting/dependent on care— during these past months. It is so this would be a big help. You can encouraging to know that there contact me at any time and if I am are brothers and sisters standing traveling, I can also possibly behind us. Your letters and en - schedule a visit to your church to couragement refresh and give you a short explanation of strengthen us over and over again. the project. If it is on your heart, With this update regarding the please contact me. state of things, I have an urgent Honestly, in recent weeks we’ve request for anyone reading these been playing a sort of “ping-pong” lines: PLEASE PASS THIS INFOR - with the authorities. Every time MATION ON, because our need we change the plans according to for a Nursing Ward is urgent! their requirements, they find Each of you has relatives, friends, something new for us to change. congregations, a contact list, and No big changes, but they take many of you are on Facebook. time. We aren’t giving up. We Please take this opportunity to in - have a goal, a vision that the form people about our project and LORD has placed on our hearts, to find willing participants who and we will fulfill it with His help are ready to help us raise the total and for His glory! amount that we need for the Those of you who deal with Nursing Ward. For you it may construction projects know that a

28 project of this size goes through a out of Egypt hoped to come to the lot of planning and change, but Promised Land. Many of our resi - better now on paper than after dents and others hope and wait stones and concrete have been for the coming Nursing Ward. laid. May our Heavenly Father bless The Passover holidays here in your resolve to help us. Israel are a time when we grate - fully remember the Exodus from In His Service, Egypt. Everyone has been work - David Phillips, Project Manager ing together to prepare for this festival, and we’re remembering Ebenezer Home, Meir Rotenberg Str. 41, what God did for His people Is - PO Box 525, Haifa 3505509, ISRAEL rael. The Israelites who were led Email: [email protected]

Mail to: Midnight Call Ministries, PO Box 84309 NFI0518 Lexington, SC 29073

r Yes, I wish to support the Ebenezer Home Project MIDNIGHT CALL

Note: Donations for the r monthly r one time $______project by check/money order should be made Name:______out to Midnight Call, and Address:______specify Ebenezer Home City:______in the memo line. State:______Zip:______With credit card ready, Credit Card #:______call: 800-845-2420 or 803-755-0733 Exp:______Phone:______Web:

Visit MAY 2018 29 To order online, visit NFI0518 qEnter Quantity Here Item# Price Author Total __ Amazing Claims of Bible Prophecy 2259 $13.99 Hitchcock, M $ Y C

E __ Answers to Most Important Questions About the End Times 2312 $10.99 Hart, J $ H P O R

P __ Are We Really Living in the Last Days? Hardcover 2277 $17.95 Liebi, R $ __ As It Was in the Days of Noah 2286 $11.99 Kinley, J $ __ Baker Book of Bible Charts, Maps and Timelines Casebound 2318 $29.99 Beck, J $ __ Baker Illustrated Guide to the Bible 2316 $14.99 Hays & Duvall $ __ Bible Prophecy Answer Book NEW 2333 $14.99 Rhodes, R $ __ Bible Prophecy for Everyone Reprint 2305 $14.99 LaHaye, T $ __ Can We Still Believe in the Rapture? NEW 2332 $15.99 Hindson & Hitchcock $ __ Case for Zionism 2327 $14.99 Ice, T $ __ Charting the Bible Chronologically Hardcover 2322 $29.99 Hindson & Ice $ __ Charting the End Times Hardcover 2320 $26.99 LaHaye & Ice $ __ Charting the End Times Prophecy Study Guide 2321 $9.99 LaHaye & Ice $ __ Coming Oil Storm 2248 $13.99 Rhodes, R $ __ Cross in the Shadow of the Crescent 2300 $14.99 Lutzer, E $ __ Daniel’s Prophecies Made Easy 1057 $12.00 Froese, A $ __ 40 Days Through Revelation 2301 $13.99 Rhodes, R $ __ Democracy Invades Islam 1072 $12.95 Froese, A $ __ End Times in Chronological Order 2284 $14.99 Rhodes, R $ __ Exploring Bible Prophecy from Genesis to Revelation 2275 $19.99 LaHaye & Hindson $ __ 15 Future Events That Will Shake the World 2285 $13.99 Hindson, E $ __ Global Financial Apocalypse Prophesied 1068 $14.95 Hahn, W $ __ Glory of the Messiah: Adult Coloring Book 2323 $9.99 Perlman, S $ __ Great Mystery of the Rapture Hardcover 1038 $18.99 Froese, A $ __ Hidden Signs in the Olivet Discourse 1060 $10.95 Lieth, N $ __ How Democracy Will Elect the Antichrist Hardcover 1064 $17.95 Froese, A $ __ Israel Matters NEW 2328 $17.99 McDermott, G $ __ Messianic Psalms 1074 $14.95 Lieth, N $ __ Miracle of Israel 2303 $13.99 Frazier & Fletcher $ __ 119 Most Frequently Asked Questions About Prophecy 1055 $11.95 Froese, A $ __ Northern Storm Rising 2294 $13.99 Rhodes, R $ __ Popular Encyclopedia of Bible Prophecy Hardcover 2201 $26.99 LaHaye & Hindson $ __ Prophecy for Judah NEW 1084 $17.50 Froese, A $ __ Prophecy for Ten-Tribe Israel NEW 1083 $14.50 Froese, A $ __ Prophecy for the Gentiles NEW 1082 $12.50 Froese, A $ __ Revelation 13: Satan’s Last Victory 1067 $11.95 Froese, A $ __ Target Israel 2293 $15.99 LaHaye & Hindson $ __ Temple and the Tabernacle 2314 $19.99 Hays, J $ __ Terror Over America 1050 $9.99 Froese, A $ __ Through the Eyes of the Prophet 2297 $10.50 Liebi, R $ __ You Can Understand the Book of Revelation 2306 $14.99 Heitzig, S $

S __ 10 Minute Bible Journey Hardcover NEW 2330 $21.99 Mason, D $ E C R U

O __ Evidence for the Bible Hardcover NEW 2341 $29.99 Anderson & Edwards $ S E R

R __ Remarkable Journey of Jonah 2272 $9.99 Morris, H $ E H T

O __ Remarkable Record of Job 2273 $8.99 Morris, H $ __ Remarkable Wisdom of Solomon 2223 $12.99 Morris, H $ __ Spiritual Strength for Each Day Hardcover 1062 $16.95 Froese, A $ __ Zondervan Handbook of Biblical Archaeology Hardcover NEW 2339 $42.99 Price, R $ C S A M C E E t m x i a d a y t p r O y t d a

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