The Republican Journal.


names "1 nun imp. mated in the affair. Tons of Water watching it seemed that the horse dashed Personal. Personal. Nortliport ( amp ('.round and Vicinity. 'publican Journal. A : M-A.ifd bah «-ny at the house through the torrent, dragging Conley the lu ,m-,i Vaeht hub rave Lt-t BI'IJST ITeN TII EI it H A I’I.ESS HHAI*s. A < way Hhers think that the two Mrs. Lizzie M. Beckwith m v s ta fra ids along. escaped Mrs. Kusseli Brier is relatives at g Id" k.and l.a of d. \V. S M K M M. HA 1 K Thursday evening pi .-mpitatine a nuni- EAMII Y IN A MOMENT SWEPT To I'EATII. while himself thinks visiting partus Fought independently Conley Fort in Windsor ''ei .a to ami A I' 1MEIT UlSiOYKliY SAVES Point. *mbs Tli*- 1’avilioi: property on South peoj-lt the pui into the wa- ANOIHKK that a hencoop which he clutched, buoyed ter. Killeen or were AM11.V. A HI Km IHE> WHILE ENf. A»«- •Lillies is at home fr- n: B«*st« i. f.-r Sl.or** and wf.i -ins simmm. dc Journal Co. twenty hurt, and J. him until he found safety. At any rate I Mr Wilson Carter returned to Camden by Fogarty manage < 1 Fnlilisliina 1'. Warm h adei t the iielsea band, A. EU IN I!E>( INI-. DEVASTATION EKoM came a vacation. he out on the north side tor- of the Saturday's boat. H« i. F M. s n .s. f rhe (o-wriior s m < ■: THE HI HSTEH 1 IVinhe;; M. iivse. Mrs. A. 1’. Sim- POHTI.AND KEsEIiVi'llI, rent and to make a detour obliged Fisii Commissioner Stanley ;s ;n ti > c 11rie-i:. H i!:. if*■ aiai mid, arm *’d at the? ula! aun> louhii: uruau: tin- reteiitn-n which Wm. A. s i 11 a i... e a as s .. i,. 1HK 1 Al KK V adopted tin- Pastern Promenade hurst this morning, lit fully \pt_cted to rind his mother, Miss Isabelle Bobbins of Lawrence is visit- Fannie of T. Ado. y>! Mrs i : arn.e-i i,; •!:.• talitt laws 1 >•: ot j-r-'sent ldte New sister- and w \ iv. ». / i ■! letting loose its JU.ikk'.ikio gallons of water ing relatives in tins :ng friends in Belfast. ake-d T• 1 Mass A he W-;k iiantord and New Haven raib-oad city. m the short of about lb minutes, I < o ath *• n space I'H FI f h< 11 F F F | •, C. G. de ? them .f,.. M:- Nathan .1- mulls :;. t.< iLiiil fit- ,| <; t Kali i, e! riageoy in about visit to friends in Camden. from Siow \ Falls, s. 1 >. .1 I! .-hop-. -et free dashed with foiee the >- j mighty upon minute-, b .* iri t::at time the !s •!«• -; .,i .is- v a r. tt u j havoc 1 : a a I on ... j S. as n hy h"Use.- upied by the families of I>r. F. F. F.-.letr I lb klami ame to P>. Mrs. i,. Swift A visit i.g ir :...' « : KM- P -. ;i,rr. •• 1 ■ h oi been teiiiho1. Not had -:n >!i iu s i. : •:!\ ,:. .. !!<>:.. A. -l H.h < wrought only j•. M l.appin and Ihmni- M. j Iasi hvhard ami -nley tile nCis.N i.eeli c rit 111 C»\X il, but theil Saturday t. is it ms parents. Biddef-ad liii 1 wi .1- j *• a > .■ ■! ••!- s •! A Ir.i.i; niidmg- ushed if they had : 'a! ad ; i. \< ( rd■ >.» ! >. vei \ fo :: -n- had been as >■ e ■ Mrs. H. *, Bobbin** ■ *» < .1 i.n 1 >\ ..f (, .N< N y alo mh'd OO ; 1 !1S_ t u, made m a v i i" *ard. and tour j iprooted ■! 1;. t i. isited iar >i pel-mis I well. 11 but tiie street it self i'‘l bi Mi' M il 1-,iriit >. ia>t w*■ ek. rehlt'X « i e! la-T \\ ee'K •, * ! had n ;> 't iullv -i\ t l !,'• .1... \ orb. he ... a :•••;. •v»» m-ve. depth ■- 1 1 i". H t ,. \ Cam. .:i.ii 1. : I e. llx:cud-iiu from ; mb. 1: ,. ,id. n 1 \ :n d- Mrs. F. i >■' > .. V.\ « Ol,!.',- >t an- 1 '• Sllco I In ials Ill 1’.. ia>l list W 111fr:-• 11. A •, C la ■ ii• 11. < ■.: OP t I- •.'1 : 'e! Li- M. id- -. M— eek A | i; II o l. 1 ; V e.11 -. 1 \ ; !.■.>• .: 1 'CO It I ;.: < water ii !.. ..d- h oa mh o a o 7 Mis- Mama mht w. V'. i’l.« -li:1 ■>. mi I. ..V in- j limed Ir. ai \. \ k S. Mai,', a and a G r. n Sal !a> I- r the it :id»-1 h:> a> at:- W. 1 il w ■ ■ ■'!‘: '-i ni- A’ M M i Ml -. \ 0. ;>•’ 1‘ •'1 '■ L ! i i: M ms Neh.e I •! -1 1 U > :nd daughi.-i' i'a nv B- US F M: F. U u A h S M>s \

! .C 'Ci a a t. .*• ; cl, tie nil s.iing ml" .a llu. and Li sw. > no 1-ela- In Ii ■ r■1 | k>i-t.i-t rth. ••i \V r. M ;s> .1 ugs, l"'!." tin r V\ '•> ; •' hay- | ay i’i'-'i- K .1 Ki. \v "in. N \ H. M s F. •. i.a> -all lia'.;.: K:i:i [ 1 •• Tr- h M;. > V dim M \\ m 111■ i Mm. M u h> r. C.. II. r. 11: -I mm- it\. Mi -, Ma Kddav M i» M ar\ F. eii w< t-> Tw biv nt HaL--w if hard In idetl. tile e.c ! U >••• "• «y v 'Ti r. M \\ S A :<-\ ■ Mot,.i.t\ ti Crosbv I

M A; (; ■ M ini n. K: d : II"" ltd M Hart ! !..• \\ ,,

M •' M r. ■' 1' :■■- * ng m.rns n Ik ng in t ii> i m one 11 X t C .• Miss;, in i.eiet.o

M>>- 'I.--. i. d 111 •: ■ 11 t. : a: i\ ■; 1 t r: t. --r trend M As id. •• >. H

A.i ar. g Mi'. 1 a.:,.., C a: k it; i.;s •b i 1! F S'; Oil,,:! !1: \\ b ! I \\ A». 1.‘, .... ; W .. *., iTell m 1 i.d Hn-:r a. atn-n in m* i>< 1 \ A ng :\ r.f i;;• i*i j»e. M >• A. L. Satais r sited i > I|i ! \ M \ I I j Hie I I v. •>* > "I. a> «i 'Si Ullei i Iktngt M T" "tnbi >A\\ : " "■ -Sti Mr> ■ m !!. a. •, J. p. Harris, u r.f"T r the | y i Ml'-'.. S :s-ting M r. T. W 1 *:* a ■ » W eek ’. this u 11! I s wile ami e 1 »1 r’".!. and win- : lb t "lii, > ,.y so. ,••• e _. ‘s ;• Cunningham j. e •: a e.. -. .! •». I;<: U j 1 ?, ;t lie s M Mrs { K C: a-.\ d New York is M ms., are visitmg r-1 lad-, s a; B- .i.isa at hot h ] ms. •' m:e.i ! a Ve.u s. Four of ids childr* 1 k v:< 11 \i-. v .s.tilig gal'il.A. Mi. ai:d Mis, Hr 111'\ '• 'a I a e v« r\ w ile t in- fifth is a Miss Ain e W. Live of Lawr< n s M;ll' |.. lain'.* •! a-’ k y.uniy. youe_ l‘"i. : \ s ;• Tia* anta ills -t Mass tie:. lie. \ W. i'iiurm; it -l < >l:t Huubar. < w 11. a '. 'i : Mr. .!. 1:- ,t!i. .! .1!.' I n •' A y M.s 1 >*•;11**•' * M \ s g and Mrs n H. <"•••" wa- tti ;•« rmam oat: 111a >1 the stl- i_t;• ami oil < Mrs. p. s iu ike m \: s* lived iFniiS M. ■* liar:- ami sen Albert Wes: a *- Male a -i.irx a -tt re>>e;'\ < •;r :i: S"r in'ii.« hav: r< i:'- : ■ he ili<- W •. .■!)v i.t !. tt i'lu w « K. Marshall and Cl. :> K » )\\ lev. ills w ite r o s. au-i dauyloei imi •• Mass., are \ a* ■- Aynes .«>*«-: ; ii'i.i *. d at the » at India 15:"dg»*water, -siting L T a iu-r avr \v im a:v nstan: > :i>, t ‘ii-ii-e.ites t < >i i. t u — ''"ales mi Tin- tin M. to attend :!-• M\s-j ;, j11 Mamie. ami i is s- n. John I > ami his w ite. inlay ai a •- i i ;!,: and wen-a; tended ■ 1 ^. ! : r.I .'to-. e-' w e made 1' [' v •. .; s u >pt by The ride’. M •. < was from | W I'iiicv hun-’ e ■ lb Sn. w start- d M- .... I ..way ! ’-v a immriiM' ! _ .f i‘It*. ham: man at mar m n itor wai' and j't'» Tlu* Mm. F< rs\ ti : K vein :t w n. \ x\ tail Th *v Mas."., i.a> k. A Uh mi \W I K niyht. a niyhi w;.iehman at the a 1’ in s hriny ia• i-n the interest f th- I At. a^ij-ar loti-viiiiii. lb. Tie ■ renu-tery at A I». T" yarn ui-j1 tfi■ -1 t i;e A HU '; i'atn F ess < visiting Chase's r- :;a d sPiir' \}« onipany. I a a u ft ,! a 'iir> M •<«•- ,<• -h .. tiiai k< ; ha- « n a «ic< ;ed i am e The other members «■! ia* ! .uiseiiobi want' > Friday. \ ; iir V'1 u !. T: it-* i t« save the Kx> .: >'"li T a > «•. ,us-. -> u ■. i-i n. — -t |-a: ami m iai it.- _o'Id mini nit in j Miss ..mi tri-m: i:11] t’ home. 4 Georgia Wagtn Mm ■ 'a -*• ! ‘a i- Mnil’ll.i, i;. r- j •11. ! a ! i; a : his at'f-rnoon. M’.s* Ann.-- kimwit li f !>t.'ii > o 'i a iid N >ev i l’i< li li mls are ! >p. | M i• !. of }■"'!• !. are friends n A 1; I Nall iUs. \ UN. i va ■.•a il is.tis.g :. a.o- arts o! V ■A-' at !.*• tatln-r’s. Mr. Fr- i A : : lb ifast. ah.mi o. K TlrW in 111' S ami t h- a- :- h .-%• ne -lo \ o ilt*- r.'vr :• xvn- M m !:’>-* u .• i say Fir* 1 11 uti liiim :ives ,u y. W; ;T Ti !.. I' ! A: Ik it a!" A nuix Hi t dial •in tii i• *iu/»' 1 J | M >s Fl.-ra Black .s wt m» n n. V ue ir l!ii reservoir Mi. ! i u. hint’ i I uhia ;’a ,; tin- I.t't* ia, e >n re- Mrs. AY. K. Marsh \wnt t«.• B«*st« n i,-. 1-h \vi •• '.in w ill T ;••• fan:. .• < !• ■ V * >Ii.‘ ;,• '• w t Frida) j -t hi at \\h-; i on:. ii m ; !ioiisei:i :u consisted t mu. \ :s:f 111g h« r sister. \\ v< t s \Y joim-d ■•mi.v. I 'J I l-'j .r L'.u> wit!; — v '■ < yesterday molliiliy i,,-aiini: Mr- Mansh. M, w).,, h. > h.-.-n >n:i !•.-> 7 n M I H il III*. ; *11 1 >]>■-' w a W< i's ! ‘or-'’ ami h! tin- ! !- ■ boy iTUsrit. is wife, who >yk, his sister. in in a\’ me ; Ma: :iia Wiikes. The io gels. i. s >! ~ M [1 < < "I ■; \ •!!’.' Mail In r t< -r tv w r.-ks r :•; in m-nu n it' ». w i’] past her. :«d»or they M >- iad na !!.;:• i 'ns. and '.is w f.•' > mo; j a i- j thiid mil,- eve; made h\ a F-:w art I !'. « ra t ( ■ 1 g M.f- m-«; ,m V N• i 1 m ant < an : < .... ■ by Mr> \ M. Jom of Few .Mon. M is a: -• Mr. M A. a h sT ami ». \\r-\-t ! >.,• li,,n \ -; s* *11 trot- '' > i r.-iatiws ... F>. .*• v. H ut- :• ns w as ek s it < Kl«!i*n Ko. .mite unlay uiylit. ted m:i«- ■■!i i •; : a: ma -r-i. breaking kiaml am visitit g Mr-, (i s ii; isliv.i even ••. a- sam: < j*a »«■< e ; a \; to: t b .- v ; Uri: a Satunlay. i:d Miss i dna ami Mis. one> ai <>se about the i-e,!,, New i i nn-rlu-r. M i-. t Frost. h 1-' t i-h tie '"A !. 7 he V'-iil!. .inipsl.ii'a*. ...Kmht Marian a some Ul'ce I ■ M r ■* make '• i n >a ia i m\v : > a: buffalo Frida \. .It I: it r. !•>■: s : I- vT. I! \v; ,> Mrs. Ni- keis.'H ai.■ I d i' (An 'at na ,o it i \' soon aft «a F si ny th.-v ’•*,>: u 1 .u^htt •" *■ 11 I lie na a> by Nie;ki in-alo. .siT' i;y aT Frank i‘>. K i.• ui\ i' ;.. W \\ v .* m k i, ! i A .. or a hralu" win* h«t\ A-t is.’ Mr*. AY .i j yi s|t,. r t walk, in nr u he \ t Fa I r i, < i Me "a, k • •. •, :n^ niny ml was !1 t,l:< r M i. lay •. l’’.n hr! haw iriiii in-.i y vt il'ni. n t he pr nm-me e. ov\a .black Wilkes hoinr. H F. Farr- w. K"-. •; i' a '• w eiit : Mr. • m li. Nd.son M:. and Mrs. L. sT.-r Mann \ Band-- 1 ss, ■ <■ M\\rl- i a lilt I'ese 1A o. I M ! s> liu'n A -aka ’. n >m John ,-n MrI. s:. i: .a-** w k .a Ma — ., who havt ir.'ii M:» Malta- -■ s- v.siT.njr i: hiss-;I'm i.o ;u;d -a w a !•, an; \;i_. J M > n. well kiu*\ n will Ft'iZLii it --I1 Mil 1 A >« .Him 'in a V- 1>- 11 a■ i\\ -.\'ri:i V. Ki Uiaiid Fridav. : MU' Ite !miii • huh!,liny .p foivih'y h* •;•>< :.; .» L- .u raimetm fits '■ A : w k n .n.! r M YY... .. M > > F i /a 1 la r. v :. -* * nu a! file foo; .'1 lie- I. \Y •; _. -'S at Mo,path j I 11:. |. >i N rw Yo:-;.. \ >, 1 «■’ ,-n all e\ ! i | .jO, ,n '• = j a-- Ti 'o' r. a i-.m--s v:- i »A •' .V i.k v-w !, .a>t i i !-,;>«• id-,,,-,.i.-i !ia> ! nni n N : S'... r. •: t.;-« t. 'a w ,-ri S. ! >! Ml. M's o I s -• '• •> cl- me MK'lit t i: Y .<• 4 ■ \\ 1 \V: M i" IF-i. tiati-i : i W. u I Mis- }• AY- M a > i Mr W 1 i.,- i Maim- : j K- U ,f .-I ..' a :• i.r’ M:— i H- '• S--M La- A’ In: M.o;-! S'- •>' > 'iya:n a!..f v !-• t :t. M o- s Mf T

M A a A.w ! i' | ;am s, d t!i<- ( J a i' i •! a aid "I I'm; \Yn. <

: ■ ! M M '■ A L _ Mr-. S I:;v. : .- \ ._ -. ail', i With ; •in k ". \n_ esS ifit'S w i- ;iv n-.i'm; ■ w as pnTale .ho a ijuarte ^ | St ia ,i a! ! ha! i.e was ah- n only !-:. 11 Kr. ;i i.-iiifs Min. iu' .iliuos! ilii' :

in w;:> m -Fa > a man's

l.nppin fail i‘y c'.aei : fed anil a ; -• ec:> ami t mt is 11«». ■ fort umit‘ .■'••ri’y. K IV ill' is>. pm>e> i o; ... |-.a : i\ lk;k a s> dan 11 e 1:1. !: t' •' s Mi. Fa. a I hmo',,, I p* a I .appil), foil! ha I lies, the e! :.a;a •• Uld .lame- M. 'self \ had el o ■ Mini'-'i s !,■ o| 'Ia Im se with siieh ('lollies >U '. e\ s,

1 \=T. '• id u! I! T a.'i as-. 1J e took It f L, a_ a :.«■ l! i.a. Mr. i; m. i. v> i ! km, :,>M -a, i; i, all. h «...•• 11 V •!; m o- |., Fan- \\ a mat Meet-; ;11j, 1'*i■ "lit**i.* \ .o :• > ;*.! : iii am: t hi n w i,*, pat,- ami t'ounh ; 11 a.;'.' it" ;ee mlei the i11 ■: aw a. i.o; > w e all read ;ir- ! i ‘111- !•'!;. > '! i > :' tlid heats ami : L, a-a-. La i:._ -mall ma •-■■■• •. ■ ■ ■ > i1 ■! .m.I I ! •*. tel a iv (;• h1.-! mm *■. < : in h 11 i '* a "i ein in ca< 1, v. ns. '-tan Mr- ! l‘F3 I I ■ M !. I ON |,I. N s. M «:!•. AY ... a, a. n .. v * Icy ami 'inJ'1 I 1 \ l’. S:i.:.-■. -. J ! a e on ley !amd\ w as mu so t*»rt liiiate. -• ra A ■ • dm -> ^.n. V I 1 ■ ~ i1.• :m : ;■<1 i- v ■'ti'-ia !> it! tile a s. heats w, Ida y wei w arm. «1 in Mine, and > -tails ! II!.- I v L-- I’l.i : : 1 .1 :.•«j t«. w "M 1 Hilda a: L\ !! eh-i. >. lat Mis. on w as a 11 ean and *y ; p !' mi ai:*■ a■ i ■., lsjm--s at !In- -In a > i. : I>m .. .: r. w an'rd. ami I He tie' !',, : : e: 1 h ad pi\ d ss.-d w lien t he w :u niny earn- Ida ot h- .inpi t in- !a> k "i -m-h t : tain minister* ,! a few v. d> •: art; r,» |,r -•! laetnbe s of tin* lainilv y■ »t lip at t»m e. 'A !•’ -: Friday 11:• •: i. t:*/ ! i Tirll> ■!' 1 !•. a a t*«»r l»v dl l vt r ot i i, >. >eiit in an,: -s imi tliat ; H. Fk-m.ii* .4 li suj.posiny iliey wouhl sun-ly yt iv an.- i- A M M I'-, an v:>.tr., •> t •* t is ore .:. : ’}•• so i- ■: :;!: : a. uumin drove her h« iM-st time \. s -• ii}>- 0 James st;tried for the hare a- y at; i: I oidey W- n s -■ a 1 a Inl t I--!. >a*.’" •; e i It iee.s stable ; n-Fit;-.' .,i •. uni sa> ai. u < I h a '• Alee lie! ha ml it st a Ids horse. Thr M : < ui- a | art : yotuiyer ■' ]• 1 ill' :.*>-. *. .-Iliad ll< ‘l rS at A nimi n. V > -n. Lad an 'A" •: -. > tin- rx < ^p-at {..i«-;t i;. i:i >i t; Inni">- 1 \ did ye’ out in mu niy lit tires'. has-dy. i m ••«!«■•! i- \ .* .-' a]*' :i*n.. ..Mr. easy task wine in si raie|,t ! : ."ii wa.- i ;ei< a about her as shr went. < fol-liny wrapper ’•!. \ r i':.-.i a rr \« d n 1 ’»• .; ■ ! < li-t am Mi K> : A.ii ominatnl ;>r heats. ; Mr*... I. 11,.vi-i,, : \V i.i, r. ! ;• ; < a:,aha ie- •v. 1 ii* an across the road and tell faint iny j i I a-v a w a. k .,; \\ ., ^ .;, ami k i-v !■• 1 >«mi<•■••i atir > ■ -ja*.iK• ! hen-. j i-.f f’ ny :: W I* Fat a. in mm *•! *i it ! > i-ist "t 1 .m >:.« i. In*, n >;;:nn tr .-mis I'.ai; : >; v(;}-r<'srn- < : M, a .is* Saturn;. t-.r !; !■ a-:,!. •! i-j.e \!i'h’}", n The elder Mrs. onloy, with liei two I lie Kates at m : at; -■> w :• Mi Sr." ami Mr Mr I’hrf- Liberty. 1. M.. ... S ala’.. Mass j. ■•xa: ,■ a; he -a a ■: > -i n -la iyliters Aym-s and Mamie, appeared wrr> m; r! : : ia -< .»thri-s 1»\ * I'll i.ll-cl ••• V r. ! ..<• A i«! m-M at tie- door. They were hohliny e.teh ;> Sr S li IT. lld'i --rirr’ as M :**<• W.W i,.in,*. a -, M; .< 1 e a just at Tin < rv 11 i "1 !v lit-} ollirr by ihen arms, and seemed to be Tias«i;t> n_ I'ark w»*r* wrj tu ■ a S a_ « M ikni' > II. M 1'r-nT s<. r.i u mi> !.a i- W >v \Y : .a .. F..-T a M *1 w > ; •:. e lie -I il l• S. 'll l lur- 'i!r> about lo .ome across the street wide- 111»»• hat }•» a arye *■ i11 \v11 ha art or;-: i< :1 a* m. : in- mmi- w -. *... Hi- a • F I -.■ i■ -: t a !;.1 < spr. ■••}*•; ■ pia< V it;- Tivastmi i.hte t lie re was ml time. 1»r* -«■ nt. <'in1 a: _»•*: i-t< r> ! t he Ilia; a*n ot .« .mu ;kinl ■« 1 thr ! -U ii'l la hi- la! in r. M < I r■ i. T -- >' 'I I a 1 \\ a .1 .1 If •- a w ie_ ii "iie\ ir"in ill Srp.khlir Hut for some reason they did mu yo pm thr nliiaum urm al murh < ■' » e my •: V am: i- *•: 11 I mill! I !!•• IvCjni The water was nst thr door- then iiel'.a e (-\e: •. ,i I 1 K. M11.-i.. i; n: dashiny ayai ’lit- 2 ". .-.'my■. - i i. ,1 M. II. I r. — .-r -! Tlir mum: -l mm ordered an i! ■ Ma as > dr}.a just ■ a sill. and perhaps this trrrilied tlit-m, o, ten ill tile 2 4«.1. 2 Ami in -lie lit Tin- ,rk j tr.'iii tin derisi* 1 )a•*•':> j F i> aT N t Til! >f-t a; \\ J! tee \\ i i' >. 'S il.Illie.i .Ml ippeal -ludyv I the hmise would he :;e-e- were i„ if* _ im hi'.! 1 jtrrhaps they thouyln !:, M A!. -I > r'': m Sat tin* -t h*• .mu \ r>. am:a M ;ni Lpt >: a )•* •; ,’•!• i'. ! r:■ M._! i.-l 11 111" : :e- ev.-ni I he deporting tin safest e. The reason wiil never he ■ t pht. S- unroust i tut i a,.; 'if ion \:-.r i;-r •r.-tlnM amt -i-iors, Wn Fa:.. N V Y !‘k. T it ■ h\ .1 J,1 1! e I 11 '1 h •. | ;.; known, hut 11 »e yrotip of horro w-st riekeu t .xi-mdcd ui.;! \\> n V --imier Lcrkn n:_:lian; ami M: -nr'.- In S.-ars- :,. 1«' : ; M, .lie saw diem d’aw and M F ! S. v iyhbors back close "I hat kirn!, am ;! !.ei e i- !l a;. :. *r:..tM-r -d within whirii < ;.i 10, 1-S0:k l’.r Mr- \\V. dnmn Swa am: a t‘ le '! ! St a \1 h.Ui"e the dot u i ■* iiine t hat take- h« >:*• T-11n- ..j jm.rt, Tyn-r Mf' : M > >1’ | \\. Ii- mrrs wllasr .- .- Sax* hri*n 1 a has he*-r: •hium a ten }m \< !' -*i- v ii i;l;«>. M r-. .!• im I11 ■!! : i‘,.-iia>!. faee ii is In >ee he t a -«•- at lied Y\ ,f; r. Sllr 1 ': mird tr«akr >; <»• h* : :;~ S: j ii)' ••'•'■ •' M < helmui "am:- -uim. may pru Mu mail seen is t<> V: rd In a -T \\ K I« T a slmM Y'-'.t W a \ t-. ■ 1 A I .. : ,* a a Mr. were. h.'We'e!' were \v, r: 1. j ta>troplm. Young.lames Moseley, ■ rt < F u k -artl v v a in- a ;: \Y ■ .; i:. *. .: » -M ... an-, the nieei. in.- i Ii. M illii Ot ull^i'C' '. in Main.- la-t s< a< ?: in r In-a i li: w.i- «•: son. ami u it Ii a n..-.. i: | 1 i.appiim’s adopted comprehended ;<»«.'U -i\ an..- t «-t.> IF-, !••• i•'• M M T 11 7 ii.-ii. k iailti t; *. e_ iat ( s a* 1,. : mis ar>- d. t.• i;m: In-r lhe onh wen lost unless tlmv lieat > e.iel; t.. (if. \. « po.’ pi.-as. 1 :; M >!n in V. ;i! 1 * 1 y hil> «>lie | ; Mil! Kri^Iit '!••• all! «t si lias •. ! a- -an I ie -iilei 1 ■ 'mid *t t« •;*’ t the ! > * i; -e at one- in g* hi at was tna’e-i n ::.*• 2 race was _T'm:i pi ... Sin- I- ‘inpam. ••"-•■■-’ ■•'■ .H > >1. l•"u>» n tv.-: < The -l. i. ri<|». lie dashed across the street. tin through tn.tteii t.. a r.nish .• 'V. hn.-'«la\. win n M r. < is. F. F*-mln«-Ii. • Capt. Mai1' ■■ >/ ... l'i < >!* u in n w ■ i. \. 'ini M-m ,.i water, and went into t in d*■ isi- j teasing I. !: !e l; am w: ’■ n-r in- heat A -r;il !'•.-• n. Hah'.ax in.d.-r .:at.- >A -i i: '•!!-• : r- N. w \ M I! d imiisi He was ne er s.-m all e p. j : n Inn i ,t< i’ nun-lit .•!' tlit- again. .. ■ -lit se\e!t -• 1 HIM!.;: inert one t .it -av- M r. Fr\n- ;s In tt' !'-da\ a I t!.. M A. il.i ri.i? r. and that group leighbors l hi A •_ !1 !t U l.i 1 s.i j- -1 « » who witnessed 1 lie stele teelsa i 11 d * : s;; I: i■ rv .11 Id .-aim- In.- alr.-rim. :> in Ill 1 lif (!-• >! if. v. i n r<* < *i i •!- iM Mil lie :• * i >y hi 1 as a 1 h onuh 1 iis veins he it •! •■-. !<•- til «■• > i ■. i»-'; n:: i: % « mi Messrs. llnl- eep i. l'!‘, in-r j led IT« \ ! >• •. •! '• 13II •; I he I ; .earn illli w hat next. .iii.i < »’ N >\ .: iif *t t hri (..ii:; happened !.■ r •11 rin- ••! i. s.i\ Mr. Kry Mrs. ; I’• V .1!,.: M ew W \\ .... \[ ! The >t cam < >t w ater had in W hceoun .WWS: ! X'l \ iff \vf 11 -ii in ■. -• ■ [•<•: :i*irI<• l rat la-tt.-r. l: -l-n- n I -r in a •Ml ra.a a « >a j M .! : <■! rent, and the next instant it w as an M It.!.-', M ;i.i .mi f. M : ! >f irri. h rr ■! | all'! l.MIt e .... .lav > avahmehe. "It s.■ mded as i: ; !.• ■' :: 1 | paving alii \ ! .i.vs a* lia., ar *'l" JI 1 stones on the inside ot the reseiw h r (hi! ln\\>.fnnim !!: •• lining -i I ’. A ati.l hi. ,\. <' < 11. rie- We!i;i;_-. 2 I t 2 2 m.!_- I "fie being bulled against those houses • u. F. 1'. A t: 1 til. 1 a-I 'I !.< I ! I ihrhai.ixMi, ':' .i :».<•«•!• t, •»:;i > l.‘ t »••: = :: 2 .till »* Vie -Ml .... k -"-1.11111 | ;• : T. ;■1: i! ‘I;',: ;•: T ! il n u --11. !i m ■ constant bombardment. said one of the I. ", I v. I in lit Ui Mir -1 i. -. ■ >i ! Iir i;: i hi 2 t 2 ‘1 \\ < is-! ,. 'Minis. M. w w -■ and ; va.-ke.i 11» mu«m i! ,;n, i„ 1 M.wS ! 1( nesses. The immense ■ >! •.•.'u.a.'. i. ! In- i--. h i.r. n .lun’iHr.i *.. eye-wit column I II. ill r\ K.'ie. ! » W.Mel 1st struck tile I-Ollse. divid ; ml: nif til .mil 1 In L.ippin j tine ii; letiiing Tim >U i:;:! 1' ■ m lV'O- ed for an instant, then tore t lie I. from the ••'•.tin ‘I n \\ ;. 11 in I tilii t: 1 ; "1 a M'liM' lispi rat i• n i. lum. W a: « ■■ ■ m at hi. 1 main the 1 a shattered T<> ,iy. < r> < ■■. > \\'i! part, landing frag i mad i. arn that 111 nn.flier and inn I l.n|'. I lit' ims! inll W e '••i'.i: I'll :.,.s st 'll! daught'* • s. .. :L "If ail if .-i <>ii> ill- ii'eiit scvi ra 1 feet hack toward the bank, ■ »*-• I ale d. »•• !•:. I>b- Star II.-r [1 hr .lol.ntfl ii'. Inn eir ,'inTe~ j <• tiay t hat mg ... v.,(_ \h g :• K in- Kin was the u 11«•!u -: .J jin. Au*. it vi ,\ i» f oi w \ms, | V. 11 .! V MMMifli/.ui"!i of v.i u-i.W I >. < .ll'ln e. II...:. '• ; > S I \ 1 1 L tore T!ie .[..lima had. tlie }i. -111'." of .1 *rv the ot the main house from 1.. I. < .1..well. lr. S I picas- Ml Mm a ukv.-f won tin* cm j body K 2 1 iirsi •;i• was r<- ant ea II f'r m .Miliiketi Timm ; I'li-' session ini mi. r II I lea n Kail a 1 2 2 mgressmaii the root and sited this ... •: .<• arc Mi I >rt m»: in 2. gables. dej.o s" Maine r. n. ng. \\ I ; >< a,tie n\ oi New | 1.. <\ Morse. \.le a.'.e 'I 4 2 2 2 ran w a> second I. 1».a !.. Nash. Mii' kiai, 2 2. :: l» \.trs .d ig. l'.i M.k, ii.-, M.i- l-'i-.u.i ti.. :« --w :ng S. \. Wl.'f !m .(• hi:, 1. f ork Its ritie as i’o certain ot repeal it'iii'under the main house away as A. Ii. Kiel,. K.-h.,. .n 4 a ‘ft tin \ wo- m i 1c 11 a nd if a n •' 1> lie will isit ins .a,sin, Mr. S M. Mi ink. '•••.•tions of a- 'i d ill', ». 1 "'.*<« I' le * fit-T l d 4 Star mi Cl. n.; \ ,! j debris. lies! ’mi* 2 2. d New \ .'lk Fi in New Yolk lie \\ ; ! /.) in me: Mian a -i, : m- hall m .,. u;is reft rreo ;o lie- < .-in Kina nee. <• "ii.!"i i I ... iiiii.vo u 1 ! >!.!-•■ [ Whlic this, fate was beta 11 the nev tin- H ii* I s..n and v isit km son win. i> a ago, tgo At f« lit;«> n. < o m and t Ilf halt ! (• If ! i. i! M 11 ing l.ippin tip .,.1* -x. Next two Kills were mtr-*uueed d. Mi at Wi-sj point. Mr. Miliiketi \V t ••• 4 j house the house was faring even I’>en > A Cr<>.-kett. I..: t K •■.. ■! e cadet expects ; Massur. N h Scamp, E \ I >aw \er won the im hiih- Conley >*»• w ■ hr brine ( e-' art, Ne\.ri,i titles worse. As t he water struck it >|*aiiMin^ vV Ingraham. To reaid' Washington Saturday night and r. A. 1 | column of cal in 2. I> is 1 Bang. Ihe •(dnioii restore \\ e] 1 in*rt«hi. I- ant: will he m Ins seat at the extra ses | "To 'lie iii:111 of **iu:i" and t lie housi crushed in like was Monday .. lii'a *' cardboard, S -I < Wa ,, \ ann-iif t! tt !•»■ nishee. Frank N* t !•• convene oil v Mr. Mrs < I,., ns Ax lawyers yiio Id delioieii v in the Sloll of “MgreSS that d a ami Jorge A. lr-'u it urnt .1 M. 1. u. l',| ojM-ned Idie la lit r was p 11 di reels t hr ■ j niduv >;<.■■■- j ad in 1 illl. mass *1 about m the Time. 2.22. ingl.t ■ debris, churning i\'M'k in-in now mini ic ■< < 1 » y See silver id he lain!!v have In n 11 7. U I reta r> o; ht d'reasury to issut vortex of the torrent. Lnder vvliat No. It of Men the 1 >ay ;i Canadian Pm I where sp,-ml;ng cm •' -■ i. just 1 -sed next 11-i• 1 lu* :i •• 1 t es ■ Secret Societies. w v * ert i !e a tor an equal amount of silver "iiditions the four within this trait Caliery. edited h\ l.miis II T,.. h < j a m w. eks 4 ) t lie. ret urn the, pe a | i. l»IS. k •n!'. \ ■ a! "if will people hay oji 1 i• it: tioasarv under .‘ X. Il x Hi**!i the housemet their < d;.\ s l-W .... purehased fate will never be known, tains a very kne portrait and an uleasant at 11ainmoml (,i .ve, an \ ,- .,,,1 ,, ones a.s real as t!ia! ot a.! the mpanying | ii net ol of the I 1th. ill exeess but the Belfast Div siun. '.’n 1' ’1 1! 's duly positions of the bodies when idruini Rank sketch r suniine a < 111; H' d iii rliis in the laM ten biographical John (Purge Pmiri gu-'ta resort, and lunl trip on tin country amount a’ its eoininw value, found indicated that the mother <»f starve 1 morn 1'tiiiin^rl-.iin w !1[ I.,, n hainl s« A fd it will he a cleat deal mmr probably Knights Pythias, yesterday n. t C. M. (i.. Jerk < f the I Ions-.- of Com- iake ;n a steam > aelit. i»| str.i-i. to trrasinv notes lintiei redeem issued bet in hei I;>'s,t 111 clasped youngest fur where *h*\ *ake M ia kt t In>si- .. too.'Die 1 m;i 1 -t t he daughter ing Bath, part in the- mons and a well know n historical w riter and w!:: ,. (| di11y an *• W .M Bn ford ami lm tin r that an*) 1 list the same to provide arms when the crash came. k New burgh Kield I exercises and i:\ 1. 11" lake. (*. ■ad at trfttyshurc ha> hern stop- >ay lecturer. Hr. P* umiot lias lectured in tins hir;i< 1« \ |- \ Kr, for any dele lenev in the revenues of the ami .Bum s C. Stoddard ami w ife t Bangor, •ick of and material, and V IF A I I; Ii Ii I A 1)1 II l-.s« A IT. •s, n Ul‘i fi*ak“ money ot di- Tin- Second a i. I’atriarclis ci at Johns a: ai'raii^fiiM-nt.s t, .•;ir** *n government, Hu surplus smdi cert Reg ci.*, Militant untry Hopkins I'mversify. w< re it; Belfast Mondas to attei d the burial 'mu tors have lelt.. ,.«io\ Uuss«T. balm 1). Conlev, vvlio had started for the A xlH.rt |u,.|!miii wt.l 1,. lates to he used in the of four of Maine will have a id-id at Harvard and hefore the American fnrnmlast purehasr College, "f C. I*. In*' ■ ■-• day Bangor Brown, Mr Bi iixini:. 'Oiled Kdward ul lh-st'-n barn to liberate bis had a most Esq. ugh (Vtnra.lrx. as rail x Flynn pei ent. bonds at the market price, not horse, l'Jth !;,h. The H Asm■. C aiani ml t In September and program will storieal Washington. at the Inn as In m New "lit Had w Im li w i t|, >al shal of the "f HosIod.. dohn thrilling es. ape. The barn was but a few registering Crosby at \u eity rxeerdinu 1j per -ent. ax ix. premium. include ilress meuade and has been a contributor to the «.• .1 i., ,1,, in 11,, M arx lias testified before the fraud feet from the house, hut he had not got parade concert, leading burgh, his old home, is a prominent business f <:''i,v<-i ,,| t informal reception and a an -bake at Isles- reviews as well as the author of hii apt hat the ■•old storap* the horse fully untied before the Hood English man ami politician in Montana, This sum- IX will ... will, \ mi don't know how much belter you will win. ..I rllim, presenta- ''""I" l,attlrlirl,| ,,, — is and then burned to com ea. dr; IT of the barn matter at the this few and has taken much Interest, '■."'■I', ami III il. all, That lireb fee .nj* and make you crashing together. regular meeting evening, years ago Bve of his State in of tie Montana !'"■ |„.| ax laakr t the 1 charge A an I'.a asu.n II nr I,, lie f’s. He pive lie pand ju: y str-uiK- To some of the neighbors vvlio were at which a fail attendance is desired. n the of tins section. .aiirn,l.riril In -ur history Slate Building. ''at rtn'inulvu., A s 1" 1«- in II.tut t«1 I liri a Women. and went nrde at <-t the way. the e\a. t j strauuei>, but tlu-v are very tame with ! Ail Isle all Haut Hall. Self-Supporting

distata e 1 »\ a ;--ute rann-«t > ire direct hee«*r- those who have tin* of them. The 1 lie 1 the Last week a Journal with sev- reporT i-eusr.s, as n.aiT as eai. n \ \ reporter, >; ; : m a re> y estimated I: w a** a pleasant walk. | birds are kept here the year around, and he aseerlatiieil, shews that, outside .f 1 ■ eral friends, made a pilurimaee to Isle au mestie servie. Ameru a had in l>iHh ■ \\ -JT.Oi*1.- ; 1 e \ et Not'd ! 1 a veil has excellent leads, two men are to eaie for them. 000 employed on hr. a.lw inning w.-m.-n and giris w ^ 1 Haut.called friends, rein wu-d acquaint- >;:ii v.i it was : ,t nd t lie \\t '.aveiled led. thr»<.iIt tie- The building and its oeeupams are said to outside ..f their hom.'S riser, were lit) law- aiiees. th< natural beauties j enjoyed of1 yers. 1«•.*. ministers. :> t11r11 il- d, !!>e _!<-\es •! e< W and sent hav» eost >1. ■'<>><>. >;•; «’ the and < nd.-d the \i-it atteiid- sts. •_'"*>1 artists. -Jl s. .-i.em-Ms. :i •! ■••. N t: U r- \\ •?< j locality by f-eth an ::: t:. •«•.*t >. Filially we lvached We eut short our visit as the tide was oharniaeisTs. iMon st*ek raisers and ranehers. :im a maud ball at the Thoroughfare. 1'iie .■•IT. C..\ ernnietit -jr;> iaas an 1 m-ariim l<-w water mark and Isle an llaut .-Ierks. j.» trip to 1 ’eel Isle w;t> made under the surgeons. i:i,lv- |»ri f. >s;..n il u m>. 'm elan s are noted f. .~ dasinm.1 upon Pulpit ld»ek at its en- bountiful was soon secured. After Uee]a-i s, 14,4• heads ; in in. :v, a supply tation of ( all run apt. Henry Harbour of the' Ileuses, r.'.,.-H. |mhi: M !,. 1 te n hers .has,.,! Are you down5 .SI,;/A < Hmu. sat per we bad a pleasant call from ipt. ■ 11 tile el s;m ! 1 s.>.. {1, m U. ,a:a 1 steamei < a-tino. The many pleasing pual- w, men a:n it: t e di>' nnee 1 t. aindeii nn'un- ;i!i-1 Mrs. Chapin. who eame aloim>nie in denendiug n ti u a.- sion of Pure ( od ( • j ities w hich remit t * apt.*in Ha: ••mu s-> Norwegian Inver ■ : ■\ 1: 1: t I >esee!id:nu t a row-boat, ha vine eorue to the vili me \>> ! aureeahle a host and companion, partieu- and I u’\<. muiee that there w as *o be .» ball at A n FditorN <. a .leii. of Pune and S j laidy til him for a successful steamboat lypophosphites -sses tie : nd the w < }:avhor. < 11ecu’ s Landiim that nmht and tin ii.m " ! man. The ot'licers and evew .,f the < a- ill 1 mill 1 \ on on e. e '!i * Id (i. 1 lah- and ile.dr \ apt. w ■;; 11i take a part\ \m.. < up put apt. clapin t me ait all that > an m- ,h sired ioi add: n_ si e; man and n>• w st.n e- tendered the hospital!’, ies <•? the Club and von a j to the enjoyment •: this nip down t’< pivc e!U'd appetite. o i s I i im1. bui a> v.v i to make an earl\ gh 'M\.m meiuiug i\ mi. :! IT e id a. h. when- naiurt ha- ui\« i: -- nmeh in sta:: tin next moruiim we de»dined his Scor’s L imbued ! h .: au can •:: 1 feast his T- -'..f T *[, s .. \\ w cures « \ beauty y ..'I Coughs. ; V lew. I! d 1'. d^pd-a n-w w it i- 1,-i oiler hanks ! n t!it* eveuiim Z irde: llieWh-l e M t h- •!!"'. I Colds. Scrofula eyes in woiidei. On the trip dou m mf Consumption. and w o ..f he wviil asln e t.*r a waik all Anaemic and Diseases. £ ■ I I party -top- are made a! d dr d -a mm< re Wasting JM 1 " J s ■1 Prevents in 11- n.n lie tail t livai t n- i :« i W lee 1 1 wasting children. ami the pi by m< '«'•!’ i •_ ■. uni mo»> a-palaralile a» milk l.etonly d >: V IP ox .p it we:- w ^ pup eil i. Tie lav be 1 \va-» s ivpan alt-met a h» i:; t: m ,f j: ...,k-v .Id m o Ilie genuine 1 ^ H ■ • :.< -fen. *\ men!. ; r- -m. •••, m -rid my at t he U-ii cannim towns m I dr*-dir...

: :tat -n cs :c f 1 : I dd-r nd until tile iiyhi w a> t unn-.l .-ut am; w e * < u.dd. and i• u' 1 an .dm. 'lit -<■ i" >. wr ,di« •1 at hi> ne nn-i s*;• .:. -1.. ■ cm m himilsion pi w ho v. alb. w id tt he:r !*• cupel d .- d-.-nt f •-« ••;: ! pr.e at t he •' .• v- 1 m r ■: kr i To Preserve : ii: :u ••ii; nu m i n \ ! u ■ p i' .id »y • ■ ■ l ■'".tocolor, and So no f r t n n t p? ne : M o s ■: ’. v\ i' i! ir tif. < >>ss,ary. v w s -, 1 — i *" Mist ; i;! ; : 1., STAPLES & :: n;u u h, ng don, hv COTTRELL the use of u W iv.* H ! | h"Ws;M p w a- p.-inn t \ ■; Hawn. i \ 1 Ha;:' wi11 tax -l ine Free ■ in h.m dtl .■!]■., i ii. in t d, u it 1:i:i t*as\ liAA A i AO. T!\ i ! i \ \F A O'! M : '- i'**:t* *t iiai-d.M t 11 .-• ; Mnd.-rtakr I' o C -'hi'. T 'ir \> « II<»ir \ i«rur 1 a. r*d•■!..■ «. •: -no. r re, :,n other > tin- d-nj mm':. \ Ka_td' is'. *.v < p.-t j burinne ie-i!. i. pa t him. p; iu« ipa 1 uni XX p : i.e \x did ;; ■ e1 :pi: will; in- s iit .s' n .-.t hand. \ -. w a m-a: < d • interest :n s|’\e-. _m■.• m' .. k*, 1 "r '• i, o n r w hieh 'la- \ i: dna\ i-a s 1: < (- t: a w ind rar -1V ii t' hr, :• i• -mo- tt.-.n i• i. array. It :M m lists, with -i'-w iMi a li«-i i in-’, spal- ** i •: A y, i !.•1 _.;.n 1' •■•a'* -F-. ;. 11 v •: 'Aii _: : mi ln*i o i-r, : 1 T.-r: •• -it i '' !i>: :.• •: «t t]>« < • l,-“'•: > a j-.ivty la n* i a la; M.-a'Mi, n tin Tlnm.'inHitaiv .1 : I ■ w > \ i aiu'a:: I, ■:'!>. is ir !! \\ 1 a .! ! -A1 SO A •••.' :i .■ .*:• " as [ \K LI Ij '1 ’>! i Fait .ui.f ii im-f tin. v tin s< : n 1 ; aii«'l.->r,iMf in p' :i 1 ! ;,r> I'.r-il' ]•;. .v h at. !;< !.- ,} t '" > k «- a t T •1: ;. 11 a a 1 \ m -a ,-t Mil k«.• ms •• 1 i*t ;t;dt-: m.-M .-f ‘t til..' ] i.U'c T> .;«• 1 !:! THE HAIR ! !•:.:! v.nv .it ala inU .i!l«t " tin Tin* wind snrvann-d muM tin- » day. j iiius ami an <>\ pn^pt I• t• a \\ !ti• 11 :■ a.ia:a_ in t:>li. •and tin- a. ht t"s«n 1 m. •. > tr iinii- aTr tin: ; ;•«-.*]•!«• at.- .a wmrk ami STRAW ^ « 1 HATS, "'l1 M't dat -th >:!■■ and i-w n *d«- ii \',i:vs. Pi i; ui\o i;.< :n ’at.vit im as •• ;>a ■ > \\ F; !.• >t i last. i: t! i«•: tar w matin r ■ »t A i. t it!’. Piiv'v-s L -w .: !!’..!•> n1" it. iiainis am-': in t-x vv». a •. ^. -. > a t >.«a t •. I ! m; i1 > n* Uu* 1 ..a.a F. I i. i F -aa. llial:- *■ ■ j-t. t i:it, v,>t. a dt-MSi- iiw ni‘\l ’11■ 11:i •■ ] m_m ! no. a :!. s •;:.. am.. ■: \. ■«■ l'. a t •. < : .; Fret; *1 ;imi nt w 1 ley. ia]-}*i ’y its,ipj d nti-d. 1' w is wit li 1 •oll'ast. 1; klaml atm >• i.Pr 'a.a:;. 1 \ ■■ a. « •:; kt*\ s ll.n i». >1. 11 a >.•••■; da: d m -aim. and it was n-miu ::: .. a ! Mil t i: o tii- •*; -F»!: a)., wc ian F;x-k F*: our w tlu-i't was ._ a ind in. 11 .ill 1 a v. i!':i .-w! am >k\ ami a a u_ : .<■ ha.i Fia-n ; n«o ••ii. t ■« ;■ r and '•mm t In .m,-w .; \ [; •, ii :> a:. ai:: .'a t .a.:'.. >to mi- is ■ 1 ’"•>1 .. : ••• .■■ ti : a t"U a ir i .'a>in_ «.!>' j lidr and win.', wmmv w a^aiiist ns. ant ,• W olltioii tlu-i! w a » -UI m| li,. •. k I i'. •! m •« i 1 ; :• F u t! o Hano; lava ?: 1 V, ... J 1 a'• M I- MM W Iir.II «-d «' ! iairl-T am! a p. ji a ..... f\\ai \ |

a Haul i ^.a \\ lain Ik ll.i^r. a j 1 ti n •: ••

v ■ ■a•! a at a \\ ><» t.-a a !- j .. l USE A ■ i! V d •• d :: d d v M idrHu n d lit A LARGE LINE OF GENTS FURNISHING

! ! a *1 k < a :!. iPimr. Pi;«. l’t. •! i a:ft ti w .... '-a !■« \ '.’id aw.a an*, .dd, -i ft ... _■ a a./ at ;l.j>

: > A a : < N. ■1; 1 11 a a 1:i> a ; < Mpi atrj ; _. i,. a n 1 I ! n lacltistelies, Enfcr Gcals, Riier GEsi a Mi!’ 'M.': ;\ MM d t-r I'M s It i! 1 1. a: ju, '.alM\ _P al 1 a, a. im> henky •?: a.\ an Ft a Mi. I at net u ••:•*: K25 Main Si. M W t. t ! ■ I'M f\p. !t: M : T..\v -•o'- W:: ! | « \\ -1 ■ key* :!: •!•«• o:: a_ la *: •. a ■. t i' \ V. \V

1 di. d : a i :. Mt-w: a in 'a a! ■ ..p y ay iaij-., •[•'..» a, a w a ; at THE 1 HALLOCK )•■- ".I V. kit:.; v MM :> ill:. .'IT nil’; a :.•; t i: a:a *■>: >•[■.> t.:i:, .•

■■))' 1. 1 ■ w 111. 1; i,.i!ik: j. ■ v i;!!\ imam.,.; ,-n. \ > j ; , Ayer’s IMPROVED PATENT ■ 1 \., ;: _■■■'; ;u 1> >!:• W'.aa :m,.s> fa:._. at w akf .; 11 lilt d* >t i*.uin-i -It a Mm-. lin aaia \\YP. ia_ t Hair "1 ■ >’ Vigor '1 I "li I M r- J iii’M"- ;o\\ s an* I'.vjr: -•lav ai> par, > Dr .1 (' \v-r .\ w i* : ■: \ i- > .,1 1 *n... _;*• a POTATO i. 1"»ti K-- DIGGER J"! iiu mill tli. >> I'iiiu Mi;|. nnk "'••'il.t ■"<-i in \ ■ ., m: : a s«.-.i ami .kill. Wei \ 111i11it -mu. 1 « i.1'11 we l..;-. in l:i> ! Ur, Ur: ,• 1:11:1:111,1 " If ‘I"].]'. .1 III l! It.. V."

I"')"! ill!' I" i' In I 1 V. — ....

Ad,W id •:: M d M _n

1 -d '• \ M. MM ! .Mid Mr. V. ( | < M -s. W ; I till- -V hr;- J M, V r;,

-1 j ",1QPRESTOW.\ N 'I pa: V. MM ;■ w : it.: :a \ <-i

— V. .x I > M >:a

: !I•; a :: I:am. : w, startfd and !, 1 an i\» d '■I., i. a mis :ap. |

\ 1 e-t ( U-e.

• **'■*■! i s u ijai: t; ! ! X ! 1 ! 1 1 ■. < •; J' I I!'!'’? N ’; M A I N hr j-ki.r ■>! a. t:»»n.. -1 a:: r\

s" ’■" •’ 'Mill.! :i_ i i. ;■> :•> ( u mi t v 5*i.l it 11. > i-'!M sin. ■ HTii < i •. i.; Tin- ;a< 1 > e :i -e < t I ... Mited | cfirttjt th'lt < r,( iv '• I !,a- i!!• has 'i i:i;n 11• >ai: 1.!« :• ■ ■* t lif ! ’• 11 •• t -n« ; a .lam hall ami hn !..:n in tin •- : •. >•*!»* against Mi- 11 W .. r. w;:, ,-x STORER'S v. BEST v .’o.i ,a-. Mi. j I work I W ! ! *i«-i ua- !.. ia:: u •im-n aai Inn .i ).\ thr

iMi:I : : at;. Ft < ; a, la. a a if ;al i-fioi ;n 11 a i: a: in a*d j.>y .uiii " •> •' 1 1 i i: i* 11my >i11• i ; ■ The Best on tli'- \ ••• > J»it milt: nmn. 11 is a •.•:• f. r an Digger Earth, ■ i ■ !> i:rM : a : vs <•; .• a-'- -nit- ’m 11- 1!t ”a ; "V’l v. i*,.;. \ sk.-t.-h \v;i> •ti i>t i*i' an .•ntlmsiasi <> n niiulit hr i, w- I ». Il l's, look V M >\ i •>- 1 n-; a Patent i'i/.ais Manic i.a.ici the liabil- Flour •• V ..a v-n *5 ;; i>i ,.ao .,!•.. iis -ns \V *\ V ,u.;. j. ye..].;,* f*l. »vt-i t '!,*• \\ i'i .in t!.r w i m -w r;i "i Kaii>a>. and is a test ease. k >, | a a aa ; •; h.-uscn e I \ Iai a a. .•: x' > s < iln- *. im*«*n 1 he •: 11 e 11 u Western Mates. r*mki hr s,-,-n. at am, >

'• a a : •' 11 < •'"U.-• nnsi.-i »:i♦ i att > .ain.* a h 1 ! il.ise ■states xvheiv Fasteill ,1 1::■ a '.a', rali v. a madr m. sp« hi'mh;, thin jortiv ru *■.! t.\ ,k,nds. A ... : 1 LITTLE H M CON \M, II \. -■"ishaxc inx-.-sted in HIGHER IN PRICE, 8UT Its j •■"tt taes arc a> ; iint-jnimtoi Tim, Western !'••••! W a ami tt from tin* ..t’m i' si'!*' in* ► ri !. t ; Y t> at j tnuis. heimr in snbstanee the same as the V\ •• want \ nf s s a ‘■'ns ''lien tliis "as a Fus\ '■ aiiti thriviia. » w an i: i.x- till' 1 ail IloilM' h< "'krill’ll i nt/'iy i 11 u tin- ?- Kansas statute, the case heard tin- ni'rSflH .*f BEST " .Saturday! '' a a : i* iarufst l"l>>tci aniline xx: d he a test 1 i.:> 1 •:« .• oi watrr is \\a- ca.-c. and it the decision is* nity folks amid tin* isiandrrs and tin* ta i* m Nc'v K. ia. aim against tin is t WHITEST !: : ry _l 1 a .•••: defendant, it believed iiat it j MAKES m I*-!' xai iiau malt a -ai "st HEAD •! tisifniicn. Maine people hundreds of thou- v j SWEETEST 1 «viv ■ tin* fr«»ni m:im*!'"*is .mia_ ami a..inn ill thr sands ot dollar-. lights boats at anriuM ln the afterm <»n a rail \va> '■ Id-- :'>»;!!ir: v. ,■ mane a* the ! hc Tin* «luskint’ss MOST mainly ••v. bank recovered jmiuiuent against a "f half-moons!::-,; ti.irw a I.* <• k*• 111 ilia x Holi.-t*. whirl1, with buildinu in xvhieh Mis. Conm>! % a> t! ! 111 a‘ r i: 11 i! w ] ri j, company l'omancr ..vrr it ali. In tin- dam •• kail ah Oils x\a-a '"Uaues a m stockholder, and failinu t»* collect, ■1 '■ u ! siUT"iimhug occupies wrnt mi'll a INSIST i ! \r\\ Id i.nsw ,.-k :• : jinim iiy Tim >t .j.ns w rrr in t-iv- ON GETTING THIS ibis .-nit \xa.- brought undet the Kansas law BRAND. i.e eastern ••ntramv to the ! Thor-mghfai< rii 1 i kt* o 111 J rit■ m 1 > am! a ii rn making a sto, kholdei iiahie .. the credit- ii,t• j.? i; -> ei*mmaiuii:ig :.a-- views j >' d and in all direi "is of a ninallx mi i m> m cot-potation in which he may hold j -h'ls h>r ].artm*rs. That was tivatmmt > a -r >. mountain and i-html seen- s'"i k. "to an extent to the amount of !>» I■ "'na>! ri! in;. equal ..i n 'iio-h f.-i a kino. Thr ITofrssnr I \ m >:•■{.j.r.l sto. n k by him oi her toevthei xxitli v- \ '• ei>. -\ iettei introduction from Ai- owned, ! ! •': i.ity has r i\ s; its | ki*j*t things liioAinu. a ml ri i 1-■. 0:1 ii 1,00! the amount unpaid then-on.'' juad waltz, t ] I. ( ni'. K- a < a ■" am .. ieurgo A. 1 ■•!«->: ('apt l»"St"ii t im othn 1 .■ main*•»j>masI -mi lion. A. F. Moulton, who appeared for y and favo-Yrs f..llowt*d S’ ;:VT W". I V Ii:.: ( the ii.«i in. -upennoudetn. fimiml us a the hank, x\ as I argued that the action main- uadi "thrr in •. .k sn* *" 1 i idr! is rr>>i,m. \i nr HH k Ii! ^ | k'lriiv re > t n a. ami a tainable ill this Mate. The I 1 leuii Ueli. ai ! 1 — h 1 X v., aj plea-ant .pies- " "<■ J I ; |r > k thr r\. :i saa.i>ls !"i>k I hri a s' rani- IN «*\> «t th'ii of the of a Mate 1 wa- -pent in '.-••'king o\er the < inh. It eonstitntionality iaxx i m v .1. :;nu;ii111 '< l-r> f"i > -king j imj.o-i:,_ abilities upon stockholders i- (Trim's l.amiinu. ;iivd and trm- seems an ideal re-ting plaer. The I admiued. The liuht to ]«■< .,Ver is embod- ) 41 i 1\ worn out. Smt a h satislimi 1 School of Shorthand A in » i- Typewriting. .H": v. sm '-Me : he -. •.t a tw, t- building pi• >pei hot!; convenient ie>i in t he st atntes ant liori/iiiL’' sneli eoi por- that thrrr is still "-mir* i.ima worth 390 Congress S:opp. City Ha .iml comfortable. the fare all that 1 ations. and has been sustained hx the !! v, ! /I; had al! ai! >m. eoithl he fully The f«’i. i inline tin* ■_ tin u ritm had a supreme court of Kansas. He aipm d bat PORTLAND ME 'v!' if! »> de-i re ! Satisfaction Ho’,. \\ >xn,onds. .it: unex be Mo. ■ wo; id. The 1 N 11 1 T 1, < lit e tak« * 1- i ■: 'a::, •, mi! i: i■ t; m -].« Waldo. rig 1 "Miior. made a lone, argument this ! * "tie to < aeain-t .let n'- ) in halt an | 1 1 '! ; ■' amiing hour. /i I T- ia Was imiit t'. I position taken 1>\ M Moulton. He ,-on- j '' hie ia 1 nrv I»a\ iMenn -teams to lh-ck- '< e ’(ti, *»> a if ■ aided that : statute- t lie Mate a a !i a,- 1 ,f-• li 11 it j J I raiistVr*. n lieal K«,tatc ■ Camp oi ivans is e in ex ! Meeting*. :u two >ail aiei w b. > ae hax ra tei. i! oj i.i1 f. i, H •'!'■- ■* u ■ round a I ‘.tips da' J V\ M r Ml i: ! tin supreme untot Maim-assnnu-s juris | •! :• \ : i a m: a 1 1h-k i uni. v. Ph j H diet ion in lids mallei it will .a:,i 1 in » * w b.-eniireix in r. .1 ;n Wad C< M V i ia .f 1 >, e.i.s ..| 1 m‘ _ *l ii | ; nu I'et t e: i.iun to -;; tiie 1 »ra>ae » mmun Si.OO comityand .annot he deniaude.i as a riulit. 1 •; so Maple amp (irouni!. nrluu iues- 1. Week eliding \ I 1 ’;, ,„ p I aii'la and 1 da> morning. VtiiruM |'». and < •>n(1 nninu -t u n IIMI* t »>< m : a \ m du-am the hour-aw a;.. with the 1 here is no Maim- use in iiu. ! rvrin’ditiM i: t more exactly ■.. I’.'-v-- Tin•nitlike, t, \Y :, 11 ip Spring da>s. it * e\ ei. and often \' it h the hut in a case to M»:ne de * u issci •_(■! >1, ata, t ami is ■ >ii ’.angina turbulent water-j present, '• id. A I :• .! W » ark t i, | >. Ul ee like I Ids the eourt a p Mat ii, 11; 11:, ,.. I* ■ ..i Si-a .1 1 "i an l express.-.l doubt R mm •■•! l>le ll.« .t before and near- i j ■1 A. i'\ .Ip: .Mi!:-. i«>; ti t !\ of the ay you. Until I' I > W t,. Ulfs ! 11 it t I; I 1 ,1. 1 M V whether it x\as i.«rci-d to earn into etfoei I .nt,-rp.-i t, |{ ei at hand tie e w ith its |- km (,!••> h-mnd. most Thornuglifai j he remedial ot the ’aw.- of an- A. I’.'tter and an Min »■■..•. \ k Kiri, i capable provisions | 11 Spirit 1. 11M Y 1 ( f I FRENC H S. *[11;ii.I:t little -eltleiiieiit at tlie foot of the oth. Mate. ( ( m :T. w > m experienced mat;. At aiiclim uearbv Monroe. |.. Mass, I 1 Hr said ha he ourts oi mountain. With ( as our M assae !i use Its D. t.o! d. I a k s ■. t, \M. do \\ was tin- steam vacht Ficam>r .»t s;i!c:n, a apt. (‘hapin 11,, have declined to < n force against their own VISIT XJJS and then aim nf < F. Hail, Searsni.-Mi, f. p M. Crnoker. .lo. '.-'ici.i a guide Mr. >1 is as an nj>> n ! ig! \esscl, paint,d deep hiu«\ citizens a a> stoekhoiders in a cor- i liability Harriet et d FOR S'snn... We visited the jott .p Mr. Hassei. .last. t.• May F. it u -picmicnt wit!, burnished i»ra>-and pigeon l*oration organized under tin* laws of an j i 1 ai. do. liolue C. da. 1. son. \|, lit die UNDERTAKING Kdmmid of whieli a other state, which sin 11 bright work, she ''as draped j (Juiney. Oe-eriptiou j liability for-eorpoiate ! CHARLES H. FIELD. debts ex ists oldv b\ t to X'oluey 1 A n11a 1- was in the .Journal. Mr. i form* ol he slat tites of Tli-Miipsoii, w flags and soon started out with a {'ar- recently printed Ms, Bap aufl Valises. the States creating such corporations. Keen. Water, die. to Anna L. St-ph- and his sister " :n n 1 lir !•« -! a. tin i: v ts. 1 lie most remarkable about her (^uiney oeeiipy adjoining I n tiling support of his posit ion he quoted from ensoii. Freedom Lambert A Young. cottages the veranda- of which were ! the was iici French whistle. which makes an pro-1 opinion of ,1 mice Allen of Massachu- to Isaae 11 U. I". AVells, I Orrington, Sherman, and Caskets. Holies and Buna decorated with, setts in the case of the hank of North lie i! a> 1 .1 l,l .• t imiis. ihal'lc sound. It scared one of our profusely dowering plants others, Belfast. Kllen A. M. Nelly. Boston, ^ America against Kindle. He arnued that Keating & Field. in u. out of a s growth. I>r. Weld's large eartliern pots. The plants to Waldo Fit tie tie 111, At t« He.., ! 1 |»ateh i jiart' year* to take jurisdiction would he to subject were furnished and set out Mr. ami another, Northport. to C A Lara, steam yacht Adelita. along, low. rakish by citizens ot this State to a risk of injurs, s M TAX PAYERS! INSURANCE. I!. II Willis H. our Belfast do- while the court would lu* to se- Detroit. Filey Sweetsci. to Count!* A. looking era ft. passed two or three times, Hamilton, powerless Searsport. 10 j cure exact j list ice. das. B., do d. H. Stevens, Thorn sehoonci Frolic list. Passing the cottage we came to the -hall In* at ii -v oilier in ,Mum u ;.i 1 bn iMine % and the sailing yacht of ] ort r 72 The court he ■■ \nf iotml liiiu A 70 and Mam S> decision of the will looked dike, to Ann Littlefield, .1,.. Sahra B. 1 da v III 'in lu t.. 1A m .. anil ; i- >i.. mn ii Ojjicc lir/jiist l«‘ft. a one-storied May Boston, seen at < asline some before, pigeon long building, An trust Id All who wish, to i\ai! then days forward to with the greatest inteiest. and TiIdeii and others, Camden, to d. D. Know 1- persons selves ot t he iliseoinil ot eni on with for the different varieties if to four pet ; 1»• aim* in and anchored. the pens facing adverse Mrs. Coniior it is said that a in ;u as i MUM Among pas- toii. do. Freeman Wentworth, Km>\. to taxes must pay by August .. is *.; multitude of suits will he V >\ 1 *. the water and opening on the landward hejjun against I 1 M >1 .: ; T sing yachts were the line schooners Hun- dolin do. 'fax deeds were recorded the unfortunate Maine holders in stock in l’eiiny, Bellas!. Autrust ... lsp;;. jort side a The FOR 1HE URGES! ASSORIV''i Hnrilla of tlu* Eastern Yacht upon passage way. partitions to the Town of Belmont from dred and j many of the western corporations, especi- the follow ing are of wire. The older birds are allowed ! < lub, from < iimdei) for Bar Harbor. ally those of Kansas and South Dakota. named parties: F. A Sprague. Janus A to come and go as they please, but the V 11. Tower. Chas. A. d. NOTICE. CURLET In the afternoon, after Inning explored Sprague, Johnson, ones are in a them- There is one New Moon a month, Burrows. was decided to young kept pen by only sold out lothiim business amt 1 MILLINERY the small settlement, it my I- .11 !.»*t >.r|i,r-5 *. .• | j and it is full of interest about to leave the State I selves and until are always every HAYINi;beintr request all a distance grown il' In' ''lull I' '! :t Mill h« W < walk across to Harbor, fully only indebted to me to make I Pulpit month. We mean the magazine of that persons immeuiate pay- " r 111 MM HI «.I.I anl> >- '• .r a few hours each There Dai.ion's Sausai’AUU.i.a Nk.kyk ment to l'mer\ Boardman. i u '.-'I-. -hr h;i:’ V -.1 .• estimated at from half a mile to given liberty day. name, at Lowell. Mass., the Ksq. !iijii: variously published by Tonic Bkst on Kakth. Fi.kasant to iakk. MBS \V HANKY | was a at the of New Moon Pub. t o. three miles. As we got oil the w rong road quite fluttering sight Stkk to Ci kk Belfast. Mav l.|isp;p tt p. II. F. WKL1.N. >1 1V-. II. I Will i arming in Paraguay to the cd ami announced wih conveyed burying ground by being were steamers in the dignity. *TMnner eight harbor ami one A SEPEXTABY OCCVPATTOX. I ■ on a horse's -d\. Wi a;• '>« with look- strapped transversely loins: American N Y •: !HK I.!" !U 1 \ alacrity, I large man-of-war, ami the John plenty of fitting and l have an w s \\ t; : : i-1 ■ acquaintance here who d o n and n o t d ad ar-.'i. ,i and within, hut could see says Jacob Astor steam yachts ami as many as K**KS MAKiNt. }•!. ; *- \ ; lie once had a much i*<■ tooth pulled on horse back, exercise, 11:ni_ h > -u ’.oils dinner. Prt >- six little steam yachts, besides sailing HI I I KK. S HKli; 11 I ML M K ought to have I>r. both the dentist and himself mount- ;• ; w ■ ■ -at the gallant being m *; r. kkam-: » v ; \ \ : elU;> -i.epped de- yachts and sailboats, rowboats and all Pierce's Pleasant ed. and to make sure of Spring lesults, when the Styles ■eiii iei s •! 1 Pellets to !'" \ i-.s \ :» H AIK A K K 1.1 ;!,. 1’. sta 'It Kstado. eaeli kinds of boats ami » aiioes. The village go with ot the a on it. knight foreeps get They s •Id’.ng -uig -tit k upon which hung a good grip at the larger of the shore and thick- absolutely What the hou?ewife with <:. bight, part /and permanently •< the the men M '.el lee «■ I Till' : t' « a sue in i t her table, nor aching grinder, galloped in op- An makes her bLcu.t arts:- pit- plate ly settled partis m»t far from the wharf, cure Constipation. ■v 1 hi r m; vn a. h nie 1 kiuit ii. posite directions. No crusader of the One 1 Icr biea.i so t the tne ? -They moved before as. with the idlest residences farther back. \ tiny, sugar- temp aj't

■ olden time could have coated Pellet a km*" s. this Ki« •;« '.'.a'a imu *: a; am stood at rest. borne himself is COTTOLENE > gi ms. •]< W ith s.- short a cannot stop excursionists corrective, a a more at the head a regulator, laxative. ;ne»tlv luit ur 1. proudly of gallant reg- gentle pa>toiui regn- seiior. see so very much unless they club to- They're the smallest, the easiest to iment hound for the l.aud. than does take, sk* ted villas, suil’ou: •; was di. UisWi'i. a Holy and the most natural l.y accompanied by pro- gether and hire one of the numerous huek- remedy—no reac- What is it makes her } a>try -..An the (hancho who guides a of earretas tion afterward. Sick ’•■ami t*bei>atu «. 'uat untie near troop Headache, Bilious groves, orehai'iv dragging board teams with a A treat. bus! ami eat- s. ( used, posted and talk- nonh. (carts) across the each carreta Headache. Indigestion. Bilious Attacks, '.«•>. • lues and I s. i: ‘';< "a i.: ..- ■;; i:. hu w prairies, pea uttered ith an ative drivei It takes a drive of several : and all stomach and 1 houith .es t.e r.-'v: r >*••. r. & CAPS. 1 bowel derangements j lHATS drawn six bullocks. On his saddle of t eneh-its with the consciousness that lie is the A “COLD IN THE HEAD” is '• 1 tv w THE FOLLOWING OUTfCF THE : e:« !; w. t!lti itm Si, it, bleats or Vege- a resident there. of the fine Very many quicklv cured Dr. Ca- What is it A:, rter.s Ae « horse's master, and that all his j by Sage’s hit "I nu ll' household tarrh ta I- r.u'k. did to e\- esideiiees Were some distance fl olll the Ihr.iedy. So is Catarrhal Lett* :: an vh. _.Is arc ondensed in the recade In neath Hemhioh*-. ami trouble i, \ •" MU > i thi I v NV ii- > mm e s in-ut: eat i- >u ot a defeat. mail! every !1 toad with v only private ways leading caused I Catarrh. So is Ca- And dves tnv v which i" his WILCOX ■ him. "bed night STIFF HAT on n.lnvei, T'it mu' iu\ < : *aken a literally by to tini. r-t!: The from them. Koi instance.the Vanderbilt resi- proprietors CCTTCLENr arc chest of draw ei s tor any case which by dent was go rods from the main drives, j they cannot cure.* weli fot mat to "ii ! 1 "A •' > ■ eq11aiIv and for k ’■: -harp am; wo a.— sleep ami er\ many ■ •: 'net s w ere a s!;oi ter *r "-oidic. FaNMI IF WaU!. What is it tin : fes i-%>te*-. longer Yis'.im e w av. and i.esides tiieir C re. .aett-. -. r’ e — s K.iji;* Ko.irli ,in-s oi i m made lie distance a ■; :. v lit, COTT LE N ri 1 >}•. '! i\ > Vo .lie Ulln il'illl suffering, 05 cents > 'if ••«!.; A",I ,; was t lie stteet id a b ;!. ■. atages "• ** L k A Ii. 1 J N I T.. f, S M ha: h'V ir 1 a XfU-i.f !: It i’!•••;. X'i.fiiu

!!•!•••; w a> : A,- \\ itf t \> w ,• mi--, A I" * ;• 1:1’. ee mv!l We’.e em- Renne’s .i !' ! --no;. Wf 1: A fi A \ PAIN KILLING

W: :t e -ns ; : At; A. a aa.i ay (Ay, AaaA. Ky-«- < Magic Oil. i e v v .--re t‘ : : iy ‘COTTOLENE "It Works like a C harm” : s. i;t. ; for Sore I, Cramps, Chol- 'A ,: a M —. \ ,a a •. era Morbus, Rheumatism, Neu- 1 ■- Y\ <■ 1 ralsria, and Pains of all kinds. v> ilt Hill I' III it ti f 11 N. K. FAIRBANK & CC M)lt. Hfiuji anti l» »i r.i 1> 11 >. SOLD EVERYWHERE. CHICAGO. ILL., and Miperb lint r. is A., a v ,ni af f; boon v.aia. 22} State Street. BOSTON

1 Domestic w i< ! a i! a > I >t a:a arc .A Ariim:il> need PORTLAND. ME. j A ,• ; H.;, a a :. A. •: -t’;. w .. t- HARVELT'S CONDITION POWDERS

-ai 11 i. < 1:: 11• a»i v •• : <• AmA- ■ m 1 : 11 a'. was : .a A a 'A _i,*u A, ; ,<> a:; kAA ■. ,a: '• 1' < f] a a >Aft }• "ii tin mi mi.; a n ;«•. When You A ’!u bay- A or. a A n_ -a A;. :: a

■ :: a .« a.- air a.,.a,\ -: a A a'- .a.a I Away.- -1 i\-■ r-Mi.m;v '..iv.j.' •! .-k '(- \ v \ i.\> in \!. r11 a; -. ,ir !••: a-:. \ : that i nm a STOP > n THIEF! \ i. a n v t: •-> y mv ii)ai;\ luiiilif r ••a-::-: > !..Ai« A f. m ] -WITH -it- a A-it;, if a a \. a A. :ai;A M tli> 'A ev >! lei ■> .HARDWARE, 1 ,i,kv t -ai-.‘ li.tu :1 « a >t■ ypaia j>:a At •• 'ailih- :s A a Am.- a.a *:i, > ; a. aift \ .-a .... :n.. !\i n ;. m w in*is anti Ik’s 'ii'itial tiit a»' a s ! M a: in i A a. a. Fast,” ii s. ;.i : >; .,•» ■, .»t‘ ( a] tai:. < lama “Taag'i! ia> •!: M a i A- O a It ;,j. The i'est FI.Y l’.vriaj I < a whn a'/vi\ a* f\« '.•••■ > a _ a i a v.. u- -. a a vv i. a! a*h •!■:•••* an : :n «na vnianh. lias A a.-.a •] in, \\ a»i •. ■•inta a:- Good j Thing Fr ’i. 1 i: ■ -t. r*\ 1 111** if '11 ; ;•! >llti tlisl ill. 1 i< .{> .f y bf b v. A til "./.I. a -• a- M stick to it. Old Chewers •• Mini m .sin n» iiiaka his JUST IIM, '•< a. at y aoi t" it-a : A a, ami cs-h la>' ii. :.riiri, :m.i .hi- -u n :.. ; lung ago spotted 1 MAIN ,• 68 ff 1 _J\ la a, a A -• a ■ STREET, ;1 w l; i is ivshuath m w I h a a New English Cured slack akcd 11 Ii i\-' a a a A;. >f,A

f. at '-aii. a. a a \> :a a I”..' hi k >a'.' i : i v ;ut at, a :•••. >n ;

•• a > .'.s' .vmlaini n. -i inv Codfish & Pollock. ■*

‘in! iii i. > '• was i-.a-h w .' ii •GREAT ‘BARGAINS* a OLD -. A a a. b : a. a a, < V s 1 tilt' ■' ! lilt*

■ 1';. i. \■ "ss. y h. 'in "U is ... .; 1 a rl \ •!.. <1 i'll ! Fine Carolina Rice, > .' : ha ink ki. mi mi avia 1 ti mn i •*» r n>., i> A**-. : ia\ > a lit iva v- i p>

•• w,» >: Bail : :: k vrmni’k.i >>n ail OfiESTY s’ n.*;vi Inn ; 1:« \ s,...n N 1 \\ i< !:s.■ ;. _. a nh :!

■ 1 PLUG ...n skn: : a r maii-

1 '• .>s ■_ :' : ■ i a n n 1 h ■ n >im 11 iy k hew i;;eco as tlie 1 > 1 <1 s < w rg a in. has. an h.> .at >•! it-n Kva]H.l‘;!tr'l \J11 Hi"! '•! kfM 1! S1 a ’! iii.' a 1 1 I Vest 111 t ic worn1., and have A N D stuck to 'l ever since. ’l'r\' piece. Sold everywhere. < alilornia IVaehe-

A T ■INO. F1FZER 5 BR0S.J Louisuiie, Ky.

'■ I-- a-.' w (IS > s o'ti •1! 1 .i ill Met II i’ll ; .. n J. M. AMES & G8 SVSairs Stieet, Gellast, We. SON'S,

"‘lOC ilHH ^ } *••’*« ;J.' •*» I i: y: :>■ i- ■ li-eji-l u m THE SECRET ■ .11 ■: i "it •«> iai iOljVX i'

rea. 1 ii.i_ i...... ia hi- ii! !u1 r GREAT SUCCESS

1 ■ tlie Iooke sv ami and w is s, n that sic.

a •' I' W 1 > 1 1 *. was ! led 'I a::-. :.ei | a : -:: I" W a d.1 » i* i. g til" 1 lees, ]< *keu .!s ; t here iilie has :ir_ eii mam : a :. > 1-<• ,>f ;...• "• ■ GOLD g a > ; (• s; i! i: ■; s GLARIOli li'.M ! c-t hei y- I i\ i: 1 ad V. < 1 .. a" kv near the wan ledges >e\ e a i .in'- i.l ha : i! > i ; he novel ■ 1 .i bive/es than in a > e >■ : a. : w c. i \ a: iee! ii •>: 1 : "i.’M i:i11 Ik.1 hinds.-apt uiioi-jm- expcrimn my, i | 1 w in: i; *■ bill lie' be_, ehaiiye t he s\-i n>. n 1 t." lour A A U i._ in loom! in-ids. lioeksund L<. rds, an; b.liaily direction of the drill bln n was ;« s •rope in .i-x.uiii, ami hom .i; tk" '•• flmivs t nut I -. i > !i« _ 1 \ v; ■■•. ,i :«• 1 s’ ne\ei-tailing '• w j>i: -k-iiKikri j i.t sa i is .1 ! he esse', s, " ‘M au <"Us;.|i if] a 1 mu the l'anner outside- of the wank, tree.: se.j ! .- 'ii, ; a s r.i !! .!•:!! \ •(*!!. :■ i »< >i. ml llCUWrli day's hei he j and ill a A!. slam :a <•! car steamei is soon off again. sargent- lew das s was tie.n \ietie current. :: '!"•.. -; .. ;f on to wnl: •••..- i •; V^u will see the exe Ilent eli’ect after the ] j mm 1 ■ ! ! >' r North Deer Isle the starhoatdi. is- war’d merest, as it taking An-! IA! rn A.,- brink*. Aik: first dose. Sold deal-rs j w e w by everywhere. Large .»m -lit' !iu >;> as t!:a: -1 aid be able To :in■ 11 ■ lands are Islam; ; snpp.'-ed bottles 50 cents anc SI.00. !'••!-••> Amt <1 [ Am tUani b.xr, «. passed. Hog he p>.n y ve an idea as 11 uit ia e- >f t he ! ’cars -a j" airs ti'-i Is. and an airs; and While on t Am •:•.•{ ;.D * ri k.ins v.. atm- island the stathoard. expedii Ii'ii yeltiiiL : '■ a ...alters be- > a 1 :r: iiis ■ Mi a lit tu with a 1 toill ns n, it a r* 1 > < 11' i 11 'ilia! iii>! 111! i in Am : imy. u’dge. grass t'»re the >t rails ap. .:*1 *.ati*ms wo in 11’11 sur- is a omm.m iiios: \ un.-d •- onid grow in The iee lies n.-ny ilie nor:liea-i ’i ; 11u .* a mi v,a ;. m.-A: ;.;.n:yard. '.s shore. 1 >avi> s: :.i : wa> know ii as a j.aui.r no;, ami Im e a a> a aim 1 i: il». an t hat e.miparat iveiy I: i, M-r 1 1 M Ml. !: 1 I a i Am- 'lurp lea of i. and < ap; 1 mix t houy!,’ he Bargains sei-mei < m\ to he the m- -st wohder- a — k Mi brink imikiny «. ] lb© Jib»111 • ? hoy ebailees of he ban L,'i iny ;!.[• eiyli — I \- l»ORTAJ5U:-i •i si n !'r 'in a _n a: .!in a ;irr. i' i iig ne had seen t it us far. i;y. hr i.lvaui m nrv, *khimm. ■10 J s lO lilt- rs: a ! i> i a n .is an- lint w it h t he dianges in tl.e i.m .. •ii■■ .< -> tmssiny xphn, Y.•erhotl. range i .: ;.v a *e aim Ves>r We t me t •» some! nans mi 1 i; ing Cooking mm M;nv'< !<- mm-', ■ |m*>»•>. of lVa y' tonne!' A s 1n \ pei i: i. .n. i' ll it on its.-if t looked e\a : 1 v i.y ■ 1 like old times down >« j rMTVi a at >' 1 in : .*■ iii,ii !m-j s a > om my pas t ies «•; mm.t.iA ,.a nmi rn S'- '■ s! ar !••!!. i: '*di m: w a New sen; tin- n< :: •- p i>i; !* as Ih uiiswiek om irons most hern stat; m. :': \i; km.1v >k v. sliaiik, t biyii ami a, a '•! t!m •■Olt'-Iripy. I !< S' UM a and 1 ho J *anish ern !,:id inst: n«-t t ! me! heat ng t i; ; mg .. t lie yo\ 1 •' 1;< b. m v ; v a ■ ;is Am bail 11 i. 11. Ip s e- t s e* i As rep; esei.Mi i -p.,re i:.. expense r "i y a i w.‘ is ! am; to lio.-kl.-n >aded a .m; mil a r* t < (mi imrotiglifar*' be ! r\;» ba e !»,•, ,..-en -a : ■ I: i.■ ).; uja .« ;, foremast « d mar forw ru. v k mi the o,i-: ti ilie A ! v i;! i* u' rival I'rlMlli I st.epi h the, anywhere excepting ,CRAYONS,; ■ < Moravian set t imm m. u ;s a & ,0 e.m-.der- Mathushek Son's MAKE NO d sialtsl 11«•:id com:leg. ’own ; > ;; m DECISION la m. ikr I’i.viii.-vs 1-1 '* |; | m j 11 (■ n y stays it. and j a.ble distance n-»rth -t y' 'it. 1 ■ ': ''I'• ■ > ;o i'i' In- «*w n m ho\\ no m; 'in av m 1 a : «• liiib-v aik >pi it and

-mo ad ami on, ails. ’■ 1 and maoism w ••:.• ai. !ie .. annua. 1 i 1 »\ lUiishim. UPRIGHTS GOLD CLARION, \ \ a ilia b A i look. _.">ia sari: i- \ •, a-s. |A o | an [PHOTOGRAPHS j ,i ami her warn coal tai. .Vied its 'kali wit k m.T •. utter it lias been paint igged -IN — Improved for ok-'. 1:1. >• Oil's or ■ Vessels were i!: Si. .lob; 1 't tin _1 ,• i ii\ ni'uns of a lass,> plenty .aid Til H excellent ba;.-: h ..,|< o' ! : m It "1,1 .»! ii.’ the Maine siu-.-y, ■ 1 lie 1 "I in r- A b tb 1 hi "A n ui oai, ,, inn. A: tua i\ stations lay Funny yen ai m EBONtZED, , lb yi-te: without w Maine Prices Reduced A a i n. •• "S a lid ■ lutin' j; U'liai tin summer ait seen people oak, ui'ata p e; we s,-e : in* fishing \ way cottages Ottsess, people W 1 1" A 1 o lid pn//ied keep up with the ki-s i, n "doi..a> ::!•-• in 5m- somewhere. ei: her on he headland in MAHOGANY o i,. ■! :i.ick *i\ niai.. ait.* ■ *• n^i«K CABINET, AA PER n tine s, nas arrived -s ;or a. and (HA i.* !;i •. a i .rims e ,\ es I lie aim dig be aee l* s. .<■: K al'1. ii.ept Ii .•; w.c « : an»i t :a -w u._ a pc a sp! SP*ClA L i-i \i. *4. Tlx islu r a-.'i .. _iv.u r.-.ii t SIZE, Sd.OU DOZ E N lain an asad"i' The headland N am! Wes- j.:il»1 an k ini *i .■ whiea > d raw .a. k a. passed PRICES. WoocJ, Ei‘> hop €x Co., 0&n§or, for ids e. mstai;' elhn t t- ’■ a l< e _ m t in ! si book 'in ai. j< ks it in II arm v is neai w lien t lie big -a mime. F. auk I :i.r ..n hist what the need I’his • w ;: i,ri:: ; a >;; i■ i. In' •: ■ 'lies is and >ouib Wes: Hob., people d it ion lettei an- d. ivereii a: t lie dooi l.\ a jo’lv passed m■ >, e an 1 <• eoiitains -JO that of last am ,i, a lV w >ii*•}«- '■oiues lull i o- view, with > mic sum panes rat a a it: late, l i*l st ie fi ,, i e man. iarge •. y post s ear. The stat i-t ical dam iatiny to oer j TEA CLUBS. 1. ■ <' ue i: >i •!! iji ’i u.‘111, •: esidem es ami Very many >• at lei', d o*i w !io m ii\< la- and.-. "P !.• i*a a>. i : slate and yeiieial govern neiit i fed and amt see them. : !: !!>:. >.*.»ttisll or | | iS11, II •! boi sines oi be into r..c bari-or. Then I in- < Come : way carefully prepared. Add daily papei \ site : not more an a onyress TEA CLUBS. Siiiiio v Hail 1 < and the entire -te of cadi town "1 i 'N’ortli Fast llaim-; F-raev o\< hi the •• 1 t *•*• i' h: ought to ie 1»\ a The name the -| dashing Mate at Iasi tali’ ch-et nm are guarantee." •.. i < yj v«m. In ! ill ■11 ! ]' 1.1111S to;. S*-al ove, diet .\ e. ,\ ew port < eve. \ 11 r.t a a.a w Ii, id'-s .ip vviln a llourisli ami I the tow n .statistics the new tow n of Meeh I)":1". i- nd upon .-a !i for 11:i ve 1 m ij uiiota "t summei residents, and u.irr TK \ !i->sp:iality hands it in i; 1111111 dismounting. laui anii Palls -air youngest | appears.aiso city. Mears & ( LI KN 1 ... •1 v inns ; ( itn. a-nma i a !m 'be oj jiosiie side ei Island is It is a iick tiiat is Pitcher, i, kit ; 1:1 !*• liragal s rim- •, tins mn! r\ ... ml mi >at t:i ranberry Kastport. .instantly needed fm reference. and the I • '•II.'.’.' I a II: ] 1: -ii... :\U1 it as tad., s m >t passed, by ; nr arkri’s ini rest and r<\ amount of TRUE’S da \ s. dn-^-_.a ) t m- st r«• I- arc full "t do Main Stn M. .lay' valuable information contained in its »irsic UEALKRS, MHf'ast, in v IS an*! to. k '. pages miles. k kn real ion. v"ine houses > an be sem: among | them, auhojiina tip ana down soliciting is worth to ans person leans times its ; par.>: a no m uddit im: ; '.■• the trees there. At last We double JN’hoon- : una limesna pci cl amor 1 >i<»sand eost. G. M. Donham, publisher. lsb Mid- 64 & 66 Hiph St., Belfast, A\e. a-ado. (elilink ■ *f ! >ast in at ei Head. pass Kgg dock and arrive dle M.. Portland, b’loth. oveiNlO pages. FRESH CREAM !:»• lias ;i li'cu.'i- from the in the, light, ____ police, Priee si.7b. | •a ;• n n* and runs, a m m >■( at our destination. 'ha of of hi a lid cd w ood ).«• pice suspend- FROM THE- 1 ami ha <>1 1 was never in liar Harbor before, and per ps nip 'd around his neck, which authorizes and j COOPER DIP. Sea Missionaries Doing a .' lie usual leliee ill t lu-se looked new. a few Flourishing expel his There is everything Only very ! Belfast protects prolitahlc vocation. Work. dHKI.r nAYNKIIS. ■!•• me j, 1 k- ami lea Jersey Creamery ns is of recent of the old le of 40 ii>e < that explore! an sty buildings years ago it upon our sheep. ooper I >i p. Kooper 1 aristocracy of in Paraguay. >ip r\r\ III..* ail l>t* h.t.i ii m at begging litis’ ami foot rot. Kills tirks ami 1 i*-.*. I’osi- Itii»ji and of the Stais and remain. There w as one of the old. plain Mripes, Offer one of these mounted mendieants < apt. Lane, missionary along the Maine I i ••!> improve* the wool. thousands ot trsti t 1 from reliable < F. G. MIXER’S, 67 Church St. a* a as f.'llous: u finished, yellow-painted, wo-so try houses, liioiiials sheepmen ir. ulars free "Very luyty ■ "1,1 me;ii and bread, and he will coast was in Lortlaml hail.or in indig- his sloop i;» »ss r. ; \*,. r*«- I,.-; Ma\ lv l**'.• ■. 4till'd and a bah dozen imne 'At- reached the I’ucsta del Ksta- perhaps <-f : Iyr44* < .eueral Apeht. Thorndike Mi nantly refuse it. saying In wants money, Alert Wednesday. He reports that a great houses weie about all that Mai ia. at tn a 11a\ el <•! many smaller look- i to buy igarritos: or if you decline to give | religious revival is in progress at South "id as is usual in this ed like (till times. the streets aia- new. snhsrriber hereh\ pivi*s publir notice to al journey on the ground >t having no small pieces of ; llarpswell under his lahois. He was tak- Tillroil, erned. lie lias been .filly appointed did notenter the dim the big stores and big hotels are new, ami and taken upon himself the trust of \dministra- Paraguay, about, he will hand a hack books, TheOld Standard Family Medicine. ni-uiey you, up ing clothing, etc., for needy toi ot the estate of v re- | the numerous are new. Prosthetic nii ut and s.-T i;;> uht .. ly hurt. L. A. Low ler's li • r>«s ran a w a\ n.* : ivd s. : urair.Tr. in ..f 1 iml t.i.ill. r r. im :m-nt.*iy Miss A.I.ii.- Steam yaelit Prima-ss was in port Fridav (i;i;;: ami her lov-thor l-Aan- Sat attached to a mowing machine S .a urday » N T: ii Tlifir r:i-if tr \ -N;N. I 1 iti^ \.'.l over a s., arc- v.-dtina to bring part.v from Castine to join in with 111*■ cutter Lar dow n. taking up eleven < 1 i w ft K is; w «-i:t .« ? i fill:-, TI I 1 !:! S Ht d.a-'I ! steamer. this r. .M:ss <■’. the Boston !»i;ii L PMi.-\ of W.-nu-s- feci of the road. ran abeor a mile and They i: \\ Pub, Go, W ■: ist u a •; T a •:m_re• I'lmj: I...,!;,|t Journal t i saw li: iv- tor. .. <;111j aml.-r Harr:- Wole h\ M > Republican Geo \V. Pendleton is Building a Stopped >hl pda k Wh. nr: Sat itrd (.'apt. •••: in hr rr nh |. i:. I !,: .< Thr mail last < .i-r. F.\ aiidc-r To 1 ] i--wheat ol tile Whitehall model fo: his Sunday Harri- happened he picking pens m u r > Mr-, I j !'!'! , •:»r: ’r'N ’hi! f !*«• 1"] >,\ 1 I-' 11.1 W v\ ( Ii ,\, T.i .< m an. ’it Si lioom-r (. \\ I.c-WiS. h .s lie- to ll. -JVU \, ,'vRkk. hr■etln-!’, Capt. K. K. Peiidieton. and sons. Lp ury Soper and daughter ot (iardim r v>, | T M;,_v :j I j i!'' i>i Miu 111 11 i' iu• 111 ■! t I i Lynn, Muss.. wot! ii 'm r. M"rr:> ISa-u n it ed lad at: ves here iasf w eek ,1 Mahan.i offers for sale the sloop ■11‘ >r. h; i! h lit til. MII-I hv T11.«i \\ lilt. \ w ■ I l*i. i i 11! M. — •>: :.n m t, m- t t .1. I I ><-n hostc-r. M.ov. > i- .'. and a« hi Puritan, one ef the fauieiis trio of Hkivks Mrs \v,r will ,■ eup I'l .M 'A will: 11s: 111,; *t!* *i * i:.: iii"i i-i M is. A y -: ! *» M i d lit llll'i-TI 111,- is i t Ilk ;i t !:,,-s s I• Built for Gen. Paine «>t Boston Cllirj !• I'r s n t his >!iL r.\ [defenders | [' J’,\ J In ml ,»i A 11 11 > ! ! 'i !i’.!.•• miimI r\ ('• •Mis 11 111: vY ti:i> Tin- Puritan ;s the o,i threi ia- A J1. I,Hi:,'. I Hi ,st, ,11 III ••1 of tin '• ■ ;;\i:. i is. >is t*t«■ 1. mr." only 'll'. 111.. I, hr 1 •! ; .• 1 \\i tile Iff.-Jo-v. M. T s it u-.i -:1. ,1 ,is! M il'll :s "I mi wlici'M up *t IS I s lining the original rig. .tin’ -til i:,-r l-I.I 111 .'ll-- II sleej. < a Mrs S’a 1 a> .- a Mi I n: iitv. '-MisMirrabii- niMniii- p iv.-t ft i « link III: 11, sir ;s 11 I' 11 -1 it s 1 ’,-n\\ s. The Siva *»f 1* »sr»»n v. n u sloti]' yuelit 1 •1T of 1-i to- a' a -\ 1 u-> a '. .. i.-r1 f: d ,md M i" Km ts ■ ins LTrll, t.i i’ntt intnl. ■ v < s- r T m-sil a .an I "lie >C t h• pa- t h >anl l} 11 r;.: 11 IN v. I- ,, ■ Lush.-s M C i'• and S 1, Pi.-r. 1 " * "' 'll' 1- -I I- silt..!, !; ,1, Ml >.*n : \Y II. 11;::. !•>... 1*». h nt h ■' s ''■•Pin haw llli'-S 11111 ,,f II, A ,st : IS 1„ 1 11 i I, I Ov: 1». S eharteiv* I'.- r .v's s. ■ d S I' 1 i! a a <- I ill,rl s u>< : j•; >.. !: in• I v, u "I a, 1 S.iMiiM- ; i.-V'sllS .! 1 |..,T .1 s vv |, Ain |5. t'.ift \v weeks. 1 M*i:i h ii: u All*?. II. i>' thr Ml. i ;? \ I a’ -t •!:. and •ni!iiu>n<:> its 1 I t a 11 i •!: i. 11 i; .I Mis, K-tr1;, I; rri- !:;,. i.. 'I v uer -t The S: i. \v h trn n«ls, is st-e ■- 1 srrsi.Mi;, '{ i* | 1 Z L L'O/.tii 11 '• n w !Vl,l 11 ssrl ,! •- .. < ! '! i In hr r\ T '1- kl \, Y f.,„| \-’ISS1, ;m 1- t Sat unlay s- 'I I .. ( A '> A 1 v. « < r- n n l'il« is M it, \; |■, The un-il, t.-n-ier^ Y;j ; m* ami C h»nh» 1 : ‘l1 ! 1 '"’I. |1 'I- s. Ml 1-. |- Another S Prominen { a: T u 11 e-1 ; n The \ e w \ h \ ’luh e ill-' HIM- ; w

■ _ >n .. 11i i! 1 1 h *r. ■ n 1. me Islam! uml M.-mi n T

it — i ■■■ 1.. A II ,s ■- _• n -A Citizen Cured A :;:l. 1: i '| t ii e V A v.- 1. th I a .• ,• „,i n «tli. 111. f..: .% ’.V i* » n IM pv ..' i. .ii. ■. •! .-r> win, i. !m •• v. « n \ til li.-.l Min •. v M p. •i- M h■\ is 1 ( liste Jh p I M After Trying i *1 .it- ! J I: w. \ I Ji. (• -• other ;_rt! w .i•. :• in t ia >? am- t< rn? ’! < | H. II..v s. 1 M ■ ii,.| l |l Remedy Sa! •••:•! < A t> 1 !*•< : I' I, "I was ma r w th tie \ r. ! n Ban; M ai'ii M \V

; ■ J T an a I a_'<- 11 a s u l' n: A .v ■ T li Leon's 'i*->sa^t ,s nm -h .!!• i• >•••'■ ;.. a!i.i 111• ; .i ■: 5*rs*p*rilb

i. !' naiU'i h \.

.1 -1 •. > ■-1 111., 11 a. :• •>’! h»n t iir 1 inan• a I 1 > a;, ,■ ; 11 at 1!:. lai^r I a n 111 j W :li f. "lit. s:. T > < !.;;•••; .S ill h. I r-*T \Y .. -a niiie Hm-m a : i T, I: m -A ;, I vc hj in. ’• slat •|>e.I t a a' I n a M A .1 >. i'i m a. '. p : a «t: \ rtn ‘••at ia i• ii > i" 111• i; a: >• lm.» hr- a i: a < ] I'Iio brit-i hseut <>n a —. .'! he i’ T! eli! r:< Kinc T it 1 !*!• ;:n 115. hilt it is t > hr hap, -1 at ■1 ta mus* lx an restr;. n 1 : h- •• a; a- 1 '1 e An .iwisidrrrh a t .> -. ■: T: •!: ., I'l’ai rs i« ■. i»I .... I'l !.r..\vi i, : i- St T: a. !, :, i j a ;. a is a ;a at -a !. u in. a; in thr Til.- 1 1 •! ;> i *a lx I,.,in > ■( tile t \v M -i ii a pi:i i s;m •{. N' " V a I -• I., 111. ] hat is saa! ha', e iin ■ A : e e ■ ;> M p.:i> din-ri -ind : I >. t: M M Alnuis’ y.nrh! P< !i' .it :;('■> -• r-t» — *;,*■ ::: > v. : a •• .<•>• <•! a 1 .'«•!: b rir_;ilr.i !,, ia :' ah >111 ;!n11 ,: 1 i:* w mi. K :i \V. -- a i. i l.-nn'i" ;-r. lian-ls !>!;;< k- v. iw it! a. | Fails <• •:*,' mi !’:•'lacni "' 1 1' '• 'I vidianiy h (i- w 1m 111, »\. i t I ;. •. aline thes- three 11.»:its, w:‘ w-nm ■'' '■• I: •: T;.i ui i-' «■ is \\ >• t a a a. t : j. ■ 1, .1 im- a-. : a> iir> W!t MU 1 r- y,-a '.. I,. 1»:;i « I tin h rst ni.i'■ u ■• Ii ri. h. e.mhi m>: la:i ii i u T: .: n w •> w ,• t ;*a'\\ iT«*: ha> r- tin im.l t h: > •! '.M->sa_r h.avr bith Tin- Tile N:iv;i!o" had bird hnU Tie ttiet i. a ,-n A \ ••u- _■ ha." -•> n ••• i': ■ F it,-:, \ ,• l>t t .• haai^n ]>at«‘iits. havt 11 won t :<• mb, \;. ;. : a! T Sia-M ill A C". '-f l>f 1 f.lsT. Ta- d-' !"• •>. a V ;,,s ,11.; M: M ; tin : lord rad a\va> : ;av. [•' L.n m ti*rs 3 nn»t with a big salt ! _'-i tY an lna.nsa; 1. i! t: n inn E X C H i• ; t c ,• ■ split p u \ ^ fa: a a.i m hr w- r! i a: ushi'4 T in T •••!' !• 1 .FVr>. Ml M ~ 1 1 rise \ 1“ a 1- 1 \\ > AS ::u while in Friday's ra.w (- !•' < >| Ml” M ■ i^lir h-ntTi and ast. She st-cnis una S ■ ; .Mi ::f. n ;"'te with tin- British boats in v ■ t I ■ .’it'll 1'. !: 1 S t A S V. i’ ; M •a ••ather. rat tor ,t- I a < m Saturday-' open Nillr||l\ H ass illdv I f r >’ 'Vr M •: 11 t. -, M id rut i took pi i,under tin a. -, ■ *•;•!> s ! < ’: •111 t..s. M a 111 < W S r. •- s t tin* lioya! Sout liai'Unpt n Ya.dit < '■■--I. in: i: ia m ran n in l: 1 i irse eovered a distance of 1 j ", -nl.-rs ai, an,! n. ,s1 -! 1 ■" .Mi .1 Nh an b an :.1„ ! -1 ■ i ! ■: i !!•• ■ nln.» hr:i :!'' ■ u' -1 a w ol the big yachts. Na\ aln ’. ; 1 r S f > ! " : 1 1-1.1 S ■; ’ll' '".'11 .• ri.iss * .*ii 1 -i i; M >- ( .if M n. t a t -! ,.Ss.. st,, rtt*i 1. The start was « S v ’•11a n 1 a •! .a i' if \\ ’A i11 is > ••• '.h -tin southwest W’-ld -! I’ll ••! w •* ■T rl. -f i • V. i .. ,„ Siller ; N Uiirr ^;

\ .. mils. '! ivah v >: the iliirlrs, r is 1 > I a • I. >1 —m ah S|H y. I >a-e Kail. t •1 '1 n"i’' an .;.'ii ■, M r

'! ta.-T .1 m-nt t.. <• " ■. a; '' Ilf liliINM'S, -• •• T II \ sy :•?:•! w-u: a y i:ii*• -e I'.. -T K- wi: ; v ! \ ... < — T 111- III- Si’ll •: .f

in.'.'!': ■ Il'i-lf. \ .-n: 'ina -! l'» v.ji.i.. I,;,., Scissor iiml Slit M tS I w. rk i.: ai n a I'ir; ■ ’»*; ih ••lA.-ni’i- ai >: It mg- d -r i T: i. A > \] < ’j C 1 ■' M i.i in *t s>- Ml hr Ml- I.lli.l '!"• ■! :• .;•••!• W min j. Violin and " 'hi "AS 1 1 \N si l.r’.r >rk •]*!'!•• it ’■ •• Banjo '■1 mi *b I Han *: mpire. A String

i .-« ;e stand y n»-,tia ng M i1:. C M 1 \ OLD t in- :m i i> «*i l! A (»urin ikakia Ik.. \ In A. STA> D \ -- m.-h .■ _ ( h-' ihi ! A S' w. 'kh' A i.aii '>-.iin :ais h.-en : gan. .--i -,r " .'ll"'! : ii" -larini a j- M .'i.lav h 1 C 1 iiiip am : ana > gan.- w ts :•! ;n,_r w i'k •. ani> fn !• •_>. :\ ; !1 A F- si: .; a-"’ n l-.y r- j*a 1 .- N..r nj.i r*s w on I. •, -. \- "• '. 'la. I •• u Wit n*«i:: ;-'ha' \ larg.- ■ n -wd w;t n.i t in. gam. T'-'-hr .a I S1 T in Ha ’1 -: I. r.-'aj " ■ i' a- 1 *i iiis’ ■! a■" I 1 ilij' M'-. ■ LFrf/i F'FG /IF!- ;W i i! ’re ,.f ■_) t-. II- ; >•]<-! in ;.i Am \ -;A w:t. i!,i! >1: s M " 1 .' la- "lal.T' nit i n in- am 1 v-.a n-k lias ■ n M. ait,-t- ar,- u a a a ■ ■■■,. ■ i M.•: An- i*;i< :1.\ >]■■■:•■ i: d :■ VM. A]:- |; p ,' t ..... $20 to rs »In nd.-.i atnll \\ T I: Komi uj. Templars 1 i« > Si I i ul I < i 11 i; >*. n •' : Ma.;.. <-• ! ihutoi .,»! •n rs. }' I. n.-n ,u_' i-a l\ : an ■ ..... I *' Hast 1. •• :: .-nts w.ek M \; •. :i lg< INN ■ : vil :.1 :•;iT Ids w-ck i*. !•• ]i:i!d CROSBY ;■ *’ in ;: •• « lrv« land ..-1 A- the -. d Mas Ha i 11 den. mi Mm- ( 11 t■ }i ! 1 i• •. I w •»!' .i !•'. *- | ^r.iini*- ks I li I Iv I \ i i < -■* S I.i ami next ‘m- M :> T < S- r. ! 1 Ur -s II :: n, huiliiing. Monday's a i> w \ u < \ | «•»•}<. ng will he held there mh \v:!l he M ■: ;• ,, :i Ur:n' .iff. V .. V M \ f .1, -|.s t Mark -'a Led ami other imn. •rtant w-m.-ss i.. W \ NY. T II. v !:,•:.«■ di I M : >'•• !«•«• M-i«M 1 is nn. at that an lie: -A i Te M> n d I: j*’. : I {..'last Ml ) i; 11 \ I-' meeting CLOCKS. i iTteieiam M 1 i. V d li ”*!: 11. W •■fk su\\ !ii' T:. i ./ .... Ma»vr. c : ■ i: i:To: i., nd in: n i: n ::' im : 11 > •; its • ivw i> k ••; t ^ .'do Distriet Lodge will with S.-: Hood’ss?>Cures M •{/, m il 1 ■ **' s 11• > i,:* >!ia ! : ; .list in Lodge. North Tsleshm Aug. 1. Her C HER VE V Phoenix v i >• no-\ an’ n.itn. had !»<•• n Viking will leave Lewis* wharf at a >1: ; 11 < ;a as A a. .- ami iaden wp ;«■! .; r JEWELRY taken >'V\ is ic‘ _; t In f! i. ui., arriving at t n Lime K [In. I- any y.-.i! .in-.- w «.ta i. i * 1. v i i. i" m si a so n tor a pieitie dinner 1. h re t i iinv mm > m -I 11:t- !*••••!» m.: uim ban peiotig «»f'the session at 1 ! .- k M.-am-' Watches. Silver Ware. a. F «. : -' 7 ■* A Eye will leave the Lime Kiln at -l 1 supper !!'•!.>. I' ional -sir io--ai «.!iirr k t* TS < :l F.: A > A e .: Glasses. mmm; i." mv :•••■ a 'lirist Spectacles prepai ing ■1:1 k ;..r Nortliport Lamp m i,, ia .:i.. ami tin- liiani .;.:s !•. last. Fan- for tin- round t rip A) eats Re;'1 VI;; '!l‘ n ii M-ulr.l hr much ■ T ! 111 1 IH MM Iging. (it'll ,\ (h 'I. M. < MM i" x'.i. (\ is still on ! "fm ;ii e M:ss W .• S ,.m ■■>. p, o hi- |. ; s v. i; T,' ’a M'mii. \V. A. Ciair. \V. A. Harding s. list and oontiin-d to his Jbed.. \Yn: ( >i 1; 1 .awreins and }). < >. I'mlgM, Hall is iioariy blind from poisoning his- « CAPITAL SirMj Hat !:. > M j. the clothing business, arc ail «! i.g b\ a ping t! with his rod tlaunel shut sp. j H. J. so--- ■ >■ LOCKE, Mr.-, .lain who has bo.-n larks..:1. i;.. _■ I W ; mm "sual amount of business, whin t in m w Gurney, \ 11 H U t ! is It 11 "ii ill- sick list a is to be K I»11 i i l i nearly year, able a s. T '" .; : < : e o and smaller concerns m the same i m SURPLUS si o in,; \ ! ii11! \| 1 I..JW1 c Jr r. j ala lit the house and rub out "Ci-asioiia i- ii t in- Church at u >' a-i.1 Mi’.tr <>f work. a tn was n town on •• o last week, old friends >; :’U 1J hi ‘. The hl'On hi san-", both over last mu-'s -ailing e increasing was 11 i■ >w 111 ami ,i a er s* ,_-,a. a ; .-: m(h^POlM ■at an 1 ao.piamtano.-s. Mrs. Piehanl put. Emily >\ rosiis -♦ o n •!, -r :n;' \\ h«» find rhrn.- s, ;.r s 11 w -* I Could Eat »f.i< i i »•.i> s« who lias been visiting ln-r motlier. Mrs. threw ins vt he ei.. ah. Nothing vo: -Ar J. H lias returned to her home in Port- .' s’ bu' ;■ !: ;!.r. food, with it “it "! •••oik ihrii t r< 11 hi •> I ans, t. it. The a mini i a. de- h.iv '-rriblo dl* Hev, *' h ntke M< 'NTvii.i.k Messrs. Charlie and land .(’harles win* has been tr. s! I y A F, Chase, Ph 0. Principal Cummings, _. it..liu.-:,. I. -.oie 1 h l ak-a olio ii.m.r-" >; I -. rat i<- frrr I radr. le ;T Up. .Mr- \\ ia \\ W H:«* Swa/.ev «»f Mass., who homo for a visit, has returned to Massachu- bot-i.' Private Newbury port .if a Reside! !•»»!•. I iiv tilii'. u, ,i I ill I rt in \ n .v< her M-s .1 K I''■ Mm .:!,g mo (>(-.•!«- art \:s:t:ng her. gave a party at < irange setts, where he has work ....(lex :ip daughter. ke■ Peavey's I I ):i:.:i lo-l t) or.,tv boitrr while V mm on < > nt ail thr Brhrinn >‘-a ha' 1. Tuesday evening to their many Mont- horse ran away last week, broke the wagon (’has. IMaisted Ann- Mass sped ; t.liiiag J |{ \ ! | tivo bort: s. a t vi 11 e friends... \ itwn was given at and-nt himself Hard- .mi. No.' :> in favor of (.rrat party unite badly... Edgar her hrt ‘tiler. I>r. W F I*’ •'% ast wees Mr. Leoard Carter’s afternoon. cult has been ver\ sn k with Now I Can Eat ; Wednesday ing's strangles. Anything, .; oi-1 t lieu it no*. If tl*** tirst rr A Miss I.ejirli .f I', ’led-, e- Mr. Thomas Erskine, win was gored by I>r. F. E. Freeman of Ileifast attended him. i'i'l ill; Il.m:-:l i. ■..>ry m:: i. ■ o r.h tor FOR SALE, 1' i'o i: •> ■ 1 ahull is able to be out .Mrs. are meet- ••••. r. ! \ i.3 J is ; i-l nmv v o r, ■■ hrii -• to«i !.\ ,• i n a again... Kate The Grangers holding weekly friend Miss ks .v, : i. vrry frw Myi, M 4 !• 11: > \ i1 Hannon of Middlehoro is the and a of interest is man lilt .ill,-.' tog nood's. Mass., guest ings good degree K.»bins-»i. •»..! wife F a ;•■• j-i.-r, 1* 1 ,s ac 1;. -1 trai in- >ra 1 of Alaska. of her Mrs Fred Waterhouse Mr fested. ilitrhie will observe sister, Grange Aug. 1 Mrs. !,. A. i He F T m i Hood' 3 Pii!s jLtatiration y H’storin'* < L. ltiehardsof I), is as be :n ■ Washington. l\. vis- ‘A'>th fast day. The fast will broken th o ii. .a. a..; .a i.t' uj ; mii i.ikks a::ui.'nta: y o.iaa- ■ a A hi Soon y. nt rtV. t in < >liio j ting at Mr d <». Bartlett's. tlie evening at the hal preached in-re las: S '• a •; 4 as! A I" ■* Hv. V. i h ]d:i' rs a :>!_ (>. riga-rUrs SfiH) | 1 a hoh-salr and -innfor ivtail drains. !i1 hi adiy iu uvt!c no;-' -•

to! uiii ma kr: ri n .;V it: thr hay i t s.»«ni hcnitur READY MADE hry may r| OF PRICES IN CLOTHING In>j»<*iI ^GREATEST SLAUGHTER i o' 11 o ■. ( it \ < »n\ eminent Ever Known in the Annals of the Trade. \ f : (■ ’•■ i,. : Clothing .. >!•!"!,:; ■ '.nig w a tul! I.nar.l We must close out every dollar's worth ol' our SUMMER CL.OTHIIMG m nuke mom i ,r MAGNIFICENT LIItfE FALL GOODS ami b 1 t\\' a’’■-.••nti-es fr n. order to do this we have sliced the otf of In main cases v.«u car, less tile the c-is! o: manuiactme. in ■ >r..i,; w satis! \ v. at;. id-', ; •ivnimts \\a> eail and protit everything. buy ■ 1 * w s : iv Wan r \ was ant ■- we shall mark cut in on a and the vou see a the coat ticket in and the v..r. a, ill. de..i i. In !e the prices RED INK fay. old prices will black, by ally .-d •- d ; ■ •' \• 11 -1 tin- street have no wish to deceive vou. Those who use private marks can. We will illustrate a lew •>; i he many baiyams nd ... n M street r resid. M. .1 ■ iini e t! ■ n three hydrants, |d.i. All Wool Suits that were now Suits to >i -.tend the main through \'ine street $10.00, going for $8.00. j $12.00 $13.50, $1C 1-, \V,i|.i< A •■line fur t w-i hydrants. I’etitii-n | .a .I,is* |d F \V glit and "tie rs for enlarge- ment *11 Smith ledfast einetery was referred I A few Odd Suits that have been for 10.00 and we are to sacrifice at 00 a S ■ $5 e t llie 8.00, 12.00, going nnmitt. nil eellietel ies. The i for j selling $6.00, •ett,lenient, of claims on property hid in for taxes was extended t" September II. The We havn’t the space here to tell you of all the wonderin' baryams we are odenny. If i e\a:n:::..!' >n •! th. y1 1 wi ■ otnmittee on highways was instructed to I .rnish material for a sidewalk on the south 1 idc of < ’(union street from I nion street to residence inf John C. Condon. Committee! on highways was instructed to make such ! BARGAINS IN SHIRTS! d spositimi of 'tie- old road machines as they think best. Voted t" give each of the night pi diet? in en a neat ion "ft wo weeks. BARGAINS IN UNDERWEAR ! Wedding Hells.

'I'm ssKI.i. Caktkh. Ceorge C. Trussell | BARGAINS IN HOSIERY ! an-l Miss Carrie Belle Carter were married and at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. Mrs. H. H. Carter, Sunday, in the presence BARG’INS IN HATS and CAPS'.# K. t,f A few immediate relatives, by Rev. Tufts Mi Trussell is one-.f Belfast’s rising I head clerk in W. O. Poor we in Store. young men, being j In Fact, Bargains in Everything have the fcg^Don’t Forget the Place. bride is an accoin- & Son’s drug store. The ; plisbed ami educated young lady. The young j couple start out with the best of prospects, friends CLARK & Tlie One-Price Tailors and Hen's Oiitliileis which it is the wish of their many SLEEPER, Clothiers, be real- (The Journal included) may fully ized. 83 main Street, Belfast, maine. ^ V \\ Oh ISKLIASi. '1 he t w.. tamilies ot Miriinmhi I mi aits, win* The N'.m-l’artfcwn W. ('. T. Alliance will •’? W S. Deputy M trslrtl Keitel Smith <>f !• issiti^ ;:u!iie > :• n- aic-t with Mrs. Freeman I 11 M Miller, Briiljr,. Portland was in Ih last 'THE KIND ■ lfast week ami ar- ■rft• ; 1; U m.i 1 b ,la\ T’ .• tarn:i\ street. to-morrow, Friday. at o'clock r. m. u lopMit ui in* win- rested Wm. H. Staples oil a <-barge of sell- tigured m the street escapade the week A full attendance is desired. j ■ > ine w I'. THAT CURES f .1 M i• 'u- liipior itIioiit paying the S. tax. j | I’• s.'ii of 1 :s I sowt K-, William II. N inkers* m. had ri,ui ia-.eased Ip. I Two hoys tried to tow down the hay ves- ! I :t i»i *lv«*;. 1 a kick from a •« '« sn a tra.- Monday »y horse. t erda\ afternoon 1 behind str. Katahdin in a A .. .!.••• eute j> 1 tic tt if low was t :•* Mars ki.-m Id riding on a eam win-n lu-a.-st low hn;i'. In it w ere rsi*, w!io resented it w it!, a j e lied h\ Mr. CasT.'ie. T teV had lowed It was named "A 1‘ is.■.n e Ta. Up ng : k.ds V. !ii, !; to >k el'tect on the 1. >v j ■ from (• f on. ; L>. \!ci' tie impoimumi. inr- a > d ;t : of kitten** wat« iu ! WHAT? repiosem M ( ,, «< v h. her! M L -m w h -v is her,, *••*]- u41 tli r ■ with ajx a 'li* from w a h n- *a.l of a a use N"ah Bp-oks has :. -.lied his as j ■•Aland hast* hall team position ! ’. ft*• in*tl i Friday, eame j V t led. 1 m I hi last .'li a w editor of tiie Newark Ad\erttser. and it is ! heel, making the trip a. 1 'Mil*! riu *i > ;> irty h n:d lifted) minutes. \! r. M, anm-nm ,-d that !o w:ii hereafter : vo IP 'fast ad.. > u last w ■ v:>:! devote ■ ni ■ !•' is a liiu rider and Indie t he >. porl itv recently h'ms.-lf io work. Mr. j.s \ t:. pleasant home of K. i\ state literary Brooks The Mahoney. halt-m;ie unit.*ur record, making th< < Mark Down of MNuttt*r, wliilt* suf- e •astam-e aT tin- not o| , w ilieh is t lie see lie of .. o S- a K :io\ having Park ini Is. n Largest master of Hast arsm-mt. in ramble Tin- v:s P. mg, Whig. "f hi* p. p' ’.ks l,u I,,,ys.

■ 1 1 : til.- N ’i-!i i>.111 ( Til. 1,: 'A te damiiit .pi! .-reo >eY* lit W. .„„r, iiy elms. M.llarris. I S' ii- s-'!i N'.'i-iiV >' A w ii' alt.-mi ; in- nielli: Mo Chauti.u-iiia As- d :no iiihired last week a j \ as 'v ;: 1m s>u• i! 1 •• N1 ii}-. :■! -ni Tiicsil iy. tin- l.M e; t in- (• .St it; I m i I. as killed Monday. | 1''' n '11 s; 1111 tli-- I va a: > :• > 1 iZ fv.-ninj 1 hear ih-- ai a wse -wned hv \ :: .i I: M.A oiui.n' : Hi- MM •" pi T,. 'Tin-.' Mil I11 M l.-iiieas-, So ,\ SUMMER 1 li j;..\ j -rt!■ «V ('ox. Was GOODS M it v i>"i r \ j. ast in \ M *s s ... '■ »st the 11 e e o l» ('•'!l\l'V:lUi'r h\ In 'Ml ii S t i b 11 h e n ,, • If I w ! v:< 1. Mir :»!»• >iit sin ii -: M M .-::i I .,1'S f: -111 Vl MO'!' a 11 III.i 1’eeo •. ,-}••• ! .111*1 h S > ■■ < S'arsjiMil. sj||ee Ill n.; ;, t i' \ '. i: .j ; ! M " : r |>’ 11 I'. M h« a a v ill.aid. imi f |, wa> a 1 I of \i' i ■ .i- 11,.,- t T j II. <; MITCHELL, i ■' Pair ! A i’ ii •!fas; S Ulan- ins, k : L I, ,!. | M Ever Seen in this Come Now. it

> !'■ ('• IS r I »l<'\\ li. \N I 11 W .. 'KIDNEY AND LIVER' City. I ••• < t-i l;- !’ — Cm vn*;k> '!' ;. a l'> U I > li last r«- i :t Mar. 1 I BADLY AFFECTED! j VV,1V '•!' 1 1 < last *i.,- w. fk l a :i.tcr i .■ "Mis Ui. n '-nt :iiir : l“I AM PERFECTLY WELL." won't Last i h- mi! i\a ii> v\ M- i ::_ I- I ]a natal .it Long. Ik-.-, k, LN 'Ak'AlMili:.! < «».: h •! a !*• a •; i>: .•>> w .: Mr 1: "\vi a rn :.«•!!• I ana lia.l M'M' jD j 'll-- " 'AorkiTiLr in rante of a II a i'.-: i ins r a i: !• Ml ■ at u; !i tr at Willani N' »' Hu* I ■ i" n 1 ’i-■ 1’ n :n a a Ki.iV.'ovi'^mli r \ i Ima H -a. Nodus r, « j 111iy 4 ni 11i- j j h m'I> uUerted, Kid-1 REMEMBER IT IS AT > 11 ... ■ every hat i- 'ss ism sS ami m > d1; !•;. S!, •. a 11, 11 r v. |M< hull, | I hour n .; h could not sleep. I] la.**•1A «• it. i■ v I) L. I', j »’«• i; > Mu i.>. M ,! W if .vi.i^ j A"' J i' M s l; T1 i n m In, Aiiitl.i fri.-ii is > !. a M an 1 M r DANA’S

... .'1 rs i, t; S A1»S •• A1* '! '! i' \ J' j AHILL A •. j a 1 '■ :•••_• i'a- T t a V u ■ '• ti.ree !.ott!.*s !'!> M; a Mr- 1 \V < -.■]>: rd. A i j helpcil tin- H. mu A. ivelon«l | am a ITT. perle«*)l.\ \vell.| T< -Whs a nil I' is C‘- II.'. -it,:-', 1 i:1,.- \Y rfi:; to: STARRETTS, Remedy i.1'rmil .'s. I ; if i*, j ,a II.. 1 M s- Mam,. \V >d j R. (j. MITCHELL. I ! *'* i '• h ! .I ; n i::. i: i:; Ti’a lit.-! is T• h, ■ it. at I'm i, M if M .. vt:a.' Is ! i-sii-> ns I I -rvf-. I mi personally acquainted! •• R ••• '• >!•*■--• ;.- .cel hr.ii ve ills statements NfW H tMia- Mis- ! fair,.. u j, ! Main l.'i ••!•?.;■•••! to credit. National •'' •' •' •' Belfast. i- nr.- li St., Bank, nnlso'ii.. .,r. h«-s. i I' :: M Opp. S }■■■■ a DANIEI. SCRIBNER. I* M. ill f. u.o S i> ,\\ ! j 1 I ■ ■ •. s >• .r”, t• ;, > a’l'.’-nt r Dana Co., Maine- n j M r-. K-I. II ;a M ,ss I I.. Si.-a,; Sarsaparilla Belfast, 1' I m *1" ■ >.: •. w.i!'. ii..\v s' I ’. -a, S. ifl.t. V Ti a a a Fia-d an

1 t" •*,• > i. 1 ,t Mm*,- m ■■•■{- i iar^t- 1. A a, (St;: 11 i) i’.-w tys a; s. LIFE'S SUNSET -A,. :,a a s nst Mim-rs. ALL AGLOW. IN-rs.ins \vh«- ! A !’ fv.-. a; a Vv!.t \v ,\ M mr a- I, | \Vi:r '• T- u ar*i Tims..- HIM N Si-.irs ; ■; 1 A. ■ F. ■<:i Ilf •• ROBBINS .! In’i: W I- H"; 1 ? & CO. .lit' tia la-., .-s?... i. s I -\S.rr til'' 1 i,. *11 _a.-- II. .a- M t a ■ ’• It! n ;l: H 'lifil! : U T \' It. UVi :;! ’: T T < > \v > !; T ! 11 a k ♦ a ! i Tilt* ilis].r--o lirsi s*-ir'<‘V-, Have :tn• I I: \ ;n;in r Mr I.'ust, Vkw Air. i-:i: isi'.'.n- '• r* ,rk \ Removed from :: lit. i> tssi h <• Sh-.-j.f r's il. M •!-. } I St;•!!•<• St-!t._ !t a «■!r\ :ii.i• i A -I .,.)!< Mri:-;, M V. ;,lk. 1 ii, !' v •\V; ; 1 'A am: S.'A •.; 'I ita-st s. j'! a r ... WADLIN STORE TO :• A- 1 i' !. > .. a ( PEAVEY ... Mil I ] i ,'il \\ Mr. STORE. | ii r. t' .-ntt-n j, fa w. 1 w •' II \r>. Mivi-S !. Mit: II*- -in ! ■ i>:u _r< ■: T. w am.

tn 1 -11 sr ;t Ian, i»ak~ \\ •' --ff i :^hl l"1 c! ... !• a\ a 111. 'I if f :■ j. Phoenix - >• < ■ Row, f la- I. T •. '.S k. >n.• w as Me. illt-H Hr } l a -. a va>t v:I- Belfast, a a. a .1 M. -••ini u! -tii ii •,: a *•. u ,i- «a i iK'riir«.- WE SHALL HA I K SOMETH I SO TO S I > / I TIE V ai r an.; M \Y -■ .a A\'ii ii all as

•' " .! vs t, .. -!!i If Ui* : la-W -Hi! tans -tat. Patrick 78 lia ia |s[, i A .?• 1HTU > V/.1 : t.r i;. Darling, aged yrs. [>s "1 I W as •!" !...>• •• ,i ■ (r lives hail Ih «-n •' < liii.•«i avi; h haul- >;•• 'A’ ii. >..•>: ■’ 1 ‘- a i;a: a.., ; n«'>> 'la! il in- fall «> I' ‘' I w In ii w ••"••; "ii a a u.-i ;t* .-i m-i hum!- ••'A, «*■ fa'll luinlt* h\ Mtii.-is -i. la Av iv a;ai-hi < j T 11. V; a .1 1’. 'I a\-ij *» i\ -ji •- ! 1 -k ,■•' ": < "Ml- .Mini t 1,1-1! a I ! «• 1 >. 1:1!;: »■. : \ a an .' > r\ .. Ta r. Do Hi!1' Ma ; '• •; You Wish to a ur SKODA'S discove:ry Buy ■A rk 'i ,a !■ 1 M ;s i;i i■ ai;• i

AVt ?i v < i: i: Mi < H \Y ." \ '• -I-.-ft .!•■■■ :■ -'■•:! i ! \\ ~ f -.a. k 1 1;( It:,-- T I'.*.:-a a * it S'' III AY k the time to >K. ;.s ! it J" \ ;J 1- d S a .ii I: \s;. r. .•••!.- ! I :;' 1 *■ r u:-t -i• k >■ I... r. v «j ■ i:■ yet iilony without these tw> > > * I i11‘;m■ h• .-on-!! e--s..:',ii.u iti- 'ev i ■ •:-* ii —»•=*■ S 1 i| 1 i\ I pat !• Ill ;. ml 1 iy that are too and it : .> : pep-la. ...i "is >ou prior ritnn a:,01.1 tent: ora e- a M-i u A h ! Susar. D.«ir;in«. :ur-- 73 '• within ihe r h N V 1 i ! SKODA DISCOVERY CO., BELFAST. ME. m. .'j:.' \ rs' as- Cl ..a. with i.f! I at- ! 1 "I M >. S. ! j -ii you are thinking ■: k. a. —- •• i!‘ ,!l ■' !"li.!r»l t ]; i; M >' k'd t. !i,f nth i a ; \V ika-r •• ISivrd- j

1 I V. Ik ans ,A ; Russet Shoes! furnitureiofI anyY kind. ltd. >t. W Bar; M •' " a< k ;.-,i i Patti. ,,| < i ••• .! •» v A ’ c:d! s ■ ■ EVERYBODY ™r ! unj ixiniuiu our >t vu. h> ; is | ■": 1 i!»*l :-r •••: It ;-' "I u .i.■m -a-,.- g.. mis In j | -joliar.—-— ■ — .. ■ i k'M-i:k Pauli. s S. ■ ■•■mi.. y I ruin J.ak, [ lit ?!!»•: .,1 I'rushy lim W. !i. it i,. II.; i> ■■■ i 11 i:1 shunt. (‘•-II la. or. .. tlial A L.VDIKS Jin.I n \ < Vi i: h.uh .sol ami > ■;io >u -1 < a; ! .n.i

1 '■ " kni will i„ nil, .1-. j gknti.kmkn. 'i" < .'till HIT' .i'M ,iit] pa 11 v a N u Tli H i'. on :, ; r 1 ml the

~ 1JOA Si iin.I 1- m mk, ■ Im- Ti ftlULS,

1 Shak.-r Mi •!: mm a- I m g r.g enter- Our V Sf' 1 "!1 tainments !!. 1'.' .•!.•; A •. ITT Undertaking Department •*' I W.’i.l.nm •• ! r hut O rim I ■■; ... P -a; magic of is ojmpL'ie md \w c jut a

■ I h.i.:- mm : rnrhi Tin •:! a;! it a M >> ! as 11!1 *r 11 -! j II" :: I ■>!:". ■, mri .1 !: !h. ! -m !' mm -. ... SPENCER & WILSON. for ri-nt ai> w pr< 'Ii sm'-' t-. i-o Hi oo i’i .- gi-o W -' T •. ,'!,!!■:. ! i; ! ; O \U 1: >s l-o. I 47 Main Street, Coliseum '■ 1 Building all'll will a.i i• i vi• i a h!i.i>• h oi .1 nnan .: --1 gluing V* 11 v tTv T!

't halt amis a :: 1 h-i last pi" •- v. h< .sit. .1 Mi Colin o So IS., i. I > .-,! Ladies, Misses and Children's h -111- > > lisfi.isal III i,,i til,-a H arbor. report that tin i w ha** a V k.llj. T ... V. XV i A I’ •■'■iiki (i a hundred aiitl t'vvoiitv gm-sts Vv‘. ; )j, Minns.. Tlier.- w as .pin,, a h. a lot im V ■: at 11,. i.f iias mgl11 In 'IN' 11 igh stmn? REDUCING -d...,- Mr John Oxford Ties IT t no v ■■■' ami will 1 mi 1*1 on at Frank IF >: m* t S’ at* •; Maim M"ir: Kr:d,i\ Aug. ttli. It was •• .. 1 ii t' in*.- in BLACK i.s v, I! :i < 1 ■■ 'he hi lilred I.f the late .(aides Flagg of ilolfast. u'oars two OLOIJ b 1>, m l a for mar ksinaiisli: i'. J ;iv 1 st a V. and badges In- -<•1: t !'••• fill r, made tin- all of them living gold ln-iii wax iL i\v it. a 4-in* h a- ■' ■' reseat w 14 shots into 1 •'ht.i.i. T ••.I It as the rirst put 40.\urds A 1:11 •.!♦*!!! i» i-’.-i i; time they have REDUcfmNj with a rifle, at Sw au\ id. .\t tin- ,-i\ ii s.-i 1 -la’ :! ...I (in) >’• '•* >1 '11» res- Mgi-rhe: 'linse GH® years. present McClintock Clothing^ l-'ifits j Block, ’■v- ■■ V:* n e o\aininar;on at Tin- :'m-. Saturda-. 1 —•- S A si post ‘--s '• -t gilt **«-*!. •! Fast ii- !•• ■>- as i, -Hi is Pay oi ami ehiidren of two candidates were nf m arrmrs I a- .s' :■ Hi'a'Its Mrs pivs- and li ;; < •>"Ha :--s .s .r s-- a dohii Poor and ehihire,u of Bn out- (’has. IF Waterm m •• Mrs F Me forelerk rum.:ng tinif tlie M.l lir, XVi, I ! i» V. ;• K i-niia and sun .f Proi- brought to the first In ;m-i W. » market aised corn T. S ft \\ "■ I'.. I Monday big W !! ii.. s.- »r■•hsen s ,tss-d. 1" Mrs F. IP Weymouth and Mi. COLBURN, a. i of the season S. F (Film.!* end r went w:\ e nu-l «i S Mrs. John of Morrill. t.he Our years 1 i-iiv Viekery Two ,[ Iligli Street, Bellimt. and Summer t.miils are In. of a S|iriiL a hintren are ting." getting in fhan eury The >• 11'-;, has Lad an ex a ,•, L v;; dead. Alfred was killed in Monday by aught

— -at'- war. an.‘ tile ilia, of steamer l.o.ia The C’as- u ! w as .■ d this was ed i.v a. i; dames died in hinery passage going IS,ST. In the -We haw to nuke m >re : t an a S- lend Alumni got tii.- ■ 'e’!ai.| tiler, a :, s tiii*- Normal at .•'i-lT 1-.. ii .'ii; it's, ITis; K W \V m.i a ! masie and singing hv Km-aiujunent Foint F'.'! The -f Master M a registered Sunday The the re* •*ni! i 1*1 iring at T*:rti- H- ,-1 List i.,x j K.-iitm in.i reading l,y Miss Pay- «• to-morrow. •-*•' Fo-hi 1 is s''-' »'hi.'h w-re session loses Frida* Ko\ T. May h.-t-n -m- ; mi si••.»!> IdieWi'd \V H IV. ;..w very m.-e Itefreshments F. will l a v.- a ism ... S- ... bap! next Sun- i O. s] *■ ? Was fail! I io. Humphrey LARGEST LINE OF sa: ay master. ') h>- p.*rf• w.- atm v. sr;t (•- Slipper Mrs Vh-kery. j NOVELTIES i\ f Hr jj V tr at North .Monroe at !• m, It •: ■' < a :,i '':i ■! day will take To .a,-*with a!1 r .!* I'Le lot if: ! .s;.:Tai:* f I M 1 >a’. P: (i"io'. and iatei in. GrRA]vrr> ■' e in Fletcher's stream aft. s ■' ta.-kle O f f Ilf b' 11 "! ■ r- ‘" n: ,g A*' l‘":r.‘.| > pre.t. --!i.'.-red the day a very 1 ii ■.va:*L- one. ■i-ning f- ail meet lung ■ S.-r\ n o at t ho water's r. !' i- \ li .it- •• | edge we has j Tie- ! nirar in Surida S< •.-.-•nr Suai. .Therefore hare eo! to SLAUGHTER PRICES. i. ke imekl." -ards nr v;tf ~a:n» j 1 in 111 1 !■> '! 1! 1 M'tMt C'litir. « Old he -4-1-If you want to be eased a. O'’- JL. is> •••._' n-.^f d •: !,T f | V "Should Acquaintance pi i_. •' Forgot?” i:» it V msT Sand a iie -: •:' "i i..iK- .ii e < .->• :rs:..»:«* | p i:< 1: ..-i r. < -i. i. e -> m < S« ij»- years ago the •: 11 •. •.! 1' r> is j »»*. t u '. ste IM j ] J.' ''1 ids :• X- w t •>e horn in what is n<. a pn• p g.q her ON THE NEW AND FAST GREAT IN FINE '-■'■I’lT drive and a it Lakes;.ie snot ■H''' '>i a BARGAINS : and wh. CLOTHING. j ii !•': lien's held ,i Sv.-, beach, ]>;• ni, i _. I a dav's .mi :,n_> : > i:.. m- .<■•], ! i1 '>- h: s 1 e :. «r ’ti'. sake s i a i pud and re>iii\ ed hold then, Stmr. I ■ aunu.iiiy ‘-after V a’ Ha n !.*• a ■■ i ,-r ; a- k m.-.i Catherine, It will '.i tat L >k at u, . J 1 at I--1 it as .! ser.’ic pa\ y < 1 ■ subject ho St... uon tn.l \ ■ ■ Cra.luiilly 0. A. Mass.. I 'a ■' >T I a V Tar. ,■ is T ,. s’,--, ! Capt. CROCKETT, :*S Wl tTc;; _r, ,.iis ;; a l~ ! i«• •. •" WR, sure aad low ■; -• 1 f"l ■ Mil'1., lilt.M ni I/..-US \V (M’r r ■. a 11, .1 >• k Willt.T|l. |. 'A 'viti apt :i:..-trail-.: > and pro t; :nel id.-. I I .ast year t Imre w S(.Vl.;.;l| II 1 v ■ 11-1 v" F* :• i• ;:.i.. w tie Belfast •-hts and d> .-in! w it’: i:f. 1 Accaipaiiieil Ij and mu '!. s* -ni’- i" a Baal, '.!•••; present, g .a, \] ;1S- a i a’aiei J.- a •' it at 7 A. N .• s.M-i'Usetts and othei • ■ it a BELFAST .: i' < xv •.. St.itmaking ONE-PRICE J> st : i 1 i CLOTHING passenger MM HOUSE, "Me J: 'ill ills ht re,. ■ .1 j ;i!J v«-r\ >"'■:•»! gathering. lie.- "ii..-uittei t.. '•' 1-. slat."- .,*;*. • t i i- v. Ti far- w: ’93, 1 Ai. u, 'l as > Monday, tt nil- :i.\ M r. I I> M- »r>. Fr.-d At wood. i. M BELFAST, MAINE. i .V- 1. Partridge Si*-,in.ri w ill lea\e n VM 1 >,111u' -if.mi!' mt •• >1 :.c 'M: palp. g M1' i. \\. "ball. I’.fll at .■•(•!... a. ■ and llamson lta'e attended t. their k, liii:a! Vcth !■ ■1 .'«■> 1: ts I •! I -. II.* (.inn, ; ,.t Ini' a la niilii: ill K Mi. Mrs. L"'t. -ail thn i-h Iurm- IIIOII l“H(F. W\ ••••-! Alice R. M: ind have I --Mile lu.-.-t on STIUJKr, ■■ •• .- duty mg ; Keac I: t" i. > 11• M ... ;i tr>v.»!.i arranged Drn' La mi in u u lime a >:. .f : !, i. ■' > 1 '•••*> -TV I a r a 1.' hour- w li! f"- river In 1' in 11th. f-. i.. 'held near tin- made, durum which time a social A .-•! 1 s .tv •,, da; August i 1 •In lire will be It. ii Ken inline. will lea e (i reel. there was a sin .ft sertn >ii !■-. 'te.iiiii'oai CHARLES O’CON N wharf, and it.iugi m.-nts have l.umli nu about I "'.-lock. -uilimv an n ml t lie ELL. ! ng:!i ill! I'm -T.-ailMa w as -V w • UP Kgg.- lb :. •: island- Proprietor. ggui u and a | s<*ng servi: Tin- 111- isT11 i v keen made for rates for The r-mml lsl« an Haul, back tkimmh tile Tlmrimub!a1 e < »(•: ii ■: t A m.- p-en'* I .ail' 1:\V hr special home*. a i) t licet: ng I the i s t Chiu, i, .has Rapt rip I '.mar will 1.,- s. r\ ed ah.'i.t I _* m it Arrangement- have next t if Cap' 1 ngi a ham m; i*. been made -•:'\e uif.ils | i• aiip*• d fnun Sat a t ie a rst all mIio -day (before that all win • can w i 11 e a their wish. a t... Ii-*.-!,■ i-.a.l V| aA.', i l*. ad a- a.i-ai. ’a.- >■ \<•. r-;o>. suggested rry s !.■ la 1 Tin,; sda'. 11. H K Tin t eha.r. and I'irkets for tilt* •' 11. ensu les tin. me* F-on, i; r.-u's camp --ollege songs (dispel ; KoiiikI 'Trip, $1.00. h "'ill a* I teach Memorial Ha. next 1 inns. '••• ly I'mkeis limited to a- gi1. o' t:.■ i.aiming the trip wrb exo-nurd N.e r: three hundred. >• ia after and ex Mrs It. ( '; .ming Secure ,• them .1! i\ at Kile*ire a Wilson's !>n <: os. a,,- \\ ha-, h.ol n Ha. ‘. and Lome t b gv \ id .mis j | \V.-n- worth lectured at the Methodist Church I Deafness Cannot be Cured Store and Northport Hotel. I < -> A' h lie hi boats a |‘ mi |. w n 'I 'llgllfa l'e. Tile ,41' t Vv i.r Made at S Sunda\ evening. Next Sunday the pastor! hy local applications as they eainmt reach ! /’. IT. /'O 7’fJ, Manager. mi s a,, mo.-.i. r!e !:•■■• k hiroi k, the steamer w: 1 start on her p*- I hange Willi UeV. \V \V. Ogier of: tin- diseased portion of the ear. There is at ■■ sail..' if hut > 1,1- ii '.-asoii to i• ia• \>*ut vo making *- ’*■.!-t h lie Watcrviile correspondent "tiiy one way to cure deafm-ss, and tlull is STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. on. t'ae ( astilie nmk i;ar* The ( atherim- .s ;i new ami staunch '‘a- Kennebec Journal says: “Rev. Roii;n hy constitutional remedies. Deafness is (YSTINK, 31A INK. INSTITUTE AT BELFAST, IVIXINE. a a •!' t! i«i s.ijil t'. be rhe fastest oil rhe ha V -I I »eer 1 sle m I a n 1 Hark V- h" 1 occupied lie pulpit at tile ( ! caused hy an intlamed condition .»f the mu- w FALL TERM BKt.iNS AUtlST 1 MK{. an i as-' ■:ii thr-e r• nd IiiIt- her omniander. ("apt. (do. kett. *>!#, •/Off.V G. H KOOKS, W. !>.. g’-egat lotiai Church and cous lining of the Tula-. When ! Tresi.lent. Sumlay morning State Oiplomas granted tlm-e who complete the in- Alia,, ami t he K1 e r a tab me of t lie most earefni a nd ed 1 exper.etl. \\ :o universal I v this tube course of two years. Tuition free. en;ng. liked hv the audi- is imllamed you have a rumhling (L.od board 'rOHXH.Qir.HBY. Treasurer. amp (i i. a. ml t ravel, ii*b last 1'bot.s on the roast- Sr} Tidal Wave in club- less than .Su'.ae a week, iueludimu ivni of rtire at both meetings, ami it is most sound or and certain- j imperfect, hearing, when it is room, expen.-i* *d‘ ookin-. wood, etc. 11 for the u bap; Turner, saiied for a 1 Col. N nr Huring yesterday closed. Deafness is the I'"t' — of til.- \ M 1. .. Chantanp ;• Moped that the *••• u-ty may he favored hv I entirely result, and catab-cues, addle Sliopheili, esub!>! i ltrt < an unless the inflammation < an he '" i- ALBERT F. ■ Ground hiueherryiiig Isle Hunt, wph an. taken out RIPHARDMON, Principal. a ago .m.l now it Ii i> i. Northport imp C\ng trip h:s tin- of the hutch nearly year ;■. ^ t' k ... ,,,, i( ... epting pastorate and this tube t- ■ a v restored its norma! condi- steamer « a11 * part of tw fp :u Boor's M. i Is ami bmjve) Viking will enty-six A’ th-' North Church m-xt Su 1 treatment the business m in .s n e uda\, t m- Sa n- tion, hearing will lie destroyed forever; nine luring h's fn. i, | ; t,, oil C.O a m fr- m on board. 'J in- Vessel is 'daily her t rip aiity .'Liartered d.i' s. w i: eases out of ten are | ho..’, meet at 1_! o'clock. I n t he caused hy catarrh, which : liis business There are tin sore inns fro:! ;|i.. bv .1 regularly. j., jtreatment Islesht-ro and her‘J >•* from F Sheldon, who goes as tirst mate, w *t!i is nothing but an inflamed condition of the trip e'.elling at 7 o’clock the oilier people unite is harmless ami the tin mucous surfaces. |i.itient is im;u..veu e.iltl: 1: iu, utu.iiiit m Meamt-r Peiiohst-*>t a k Alfiaai .Ja< ks he gone about a The for the ‘-H-'wi brings hope ,.M .rjt ;;,.;Ks Sunday night evening topic meeting ease of ) )eafness (caused hy catarrh »that can- week. iiiii' ii have we borne for Christ" Situateil on So. Shore, record but for fog encountered The families of F W Willis and is in- not he cured hy Hall s Catarrh Cure. Send Northport. as well as ot IX. 11 M. W De< row tensely practical personal. The ! for eireu lars ; free. Impure .TOIIVSOW 1).. Physieiuu in .u. She s \ ii. had a picnic at Isies- Charge. arrived here about pleasant The references are Arts Jl.::<:*;. i Ph. i F. .!. CHENKV & CO Toledo. (). tlJi> A. P. ■ horo in Alice B j MANSFIELD arid at Bangor at 11 .30. Tuesday, going yacht Come, and bring a friend with you i Sold hy all Druggists. 75e. Belfast. “Tlit* law has been most The Plaint of ail Outcast. Literary News and Notes. County Correspondence. Kegister of Deep Water Vessels. decidedly fa- vorable to thejirosperity of the State, in Our writes: former times in Wiuterport orrespondent Holden for ships. the country districts, Days August (monthly part) Palermo. Mrs. Abbie F Carr is one spending wherever there was a tavern there The fo.low mg stan/as w< re written hy is a splendid number, full of interest from (and a few week's in rel- Aimer Cohurn, (J A Nichols, arrived at, ( was iverntU ad- to last. .las. Publish- Newton, Mass., visiting were you would lind a lot of i the poor (alien girls who first page Klverson, June JO from Tacoma. plenty), poor atives and friends-Mr. Gilman French is Liverpool, families around houses er, it; dilapidated and mitted to the \Y ay Side Home at Brooklyn, Philadelphia. A < 1 Hopes,I »av'id Hi vers,sailed from Hiogo very low and can live but a few 11«■ line :.(i neglected lands. These same now where Clara Knowles of this days. J for New York. places V \ Miss The number of Our Kittle Ones have What is August has been in poor health for some time.F. A J Fuller, Walnut, arrived at Hiogo July nicely painted houses, neat grounds, p.a. > u at r• m and The Nursery will as usual delight the 1J from and indication of comfort and A. Wood and wife are at North Shanghae. every pros '• port Camp Hu « t\ Char.In > Yet 1 on id not go juveniles,and is not without interest to the Alameda, Chapman, sailed from New York (I perity. In n.\ w iet> hod •mditioii and sit m a older members of the Russell round fora week Mrs. Edmund Prescott June J pew family. | for San Francisco: spoken. June IS, There are very many towns in the state Was there,m\ t! -re that want!. t > i o w i. Belle of C sailed from New friends in town... M rs. Abbie Fox and Bath, Curtis, chased lor amount of > iting any money. \Y:ih sm hardened w • t; mi tin- streets Mr. \Y. D. Howells 1 at; st one-scene | York April 20 for Portland, (); spoken June lour little Foxes are visiting her sister, Mrs. In the of Portland the law is well en- f In tow n play is railed “Bride Roses." and appears 0, lat 7 8 Ion J4 \V. city last over forced. When well enforced there is Tier. "l-'amii; Kntram-. the in Harper's Magazine for August, i’nlike L. A. Howler C C Chapman, from Port Gamble for New very w !\ out from Tatoosh 24. less drunkenness. Prohibition ; Mr. Howells' there is an York, passed May j materially •• previous plays, \\ ! ox s* nil t hat has It Brooks. It is worth your while to call B F Colcord,at, June * benefits almost all kinds of trade, element of in “Bride Roses." Centennial, Singapore reduces U e o -da\ tragedy ami see Doctor A. W. Rich's gar- 20 loading for Hong Kong. crime and business, lion. The action takes in a florist's vegetable helps James; ah- ", Cod, my friends and my place shop, I» S (.oodell, arrived at Tutico- den. He has one of the very nicest in town. Charger, | P. liax ter, mayoi of Portland, was wad- and lour characters are represented. rin Aug 1 from New York h And when iteomes to ed upon by the commissioners at bis office. Castoria is I>r. Samuel Pitcher’s l, !i.‘o to do nothing it gooseberries, currants, I»aniel Barnes, J S Stover, saio-d from j prescription for lma,, Bright, breezy, seasonable and beauti- He said that politics entei very la 1 in- raspberries, etc., he has some of the best in San Francisco June 11 foi Taltal and Hamp- yely and Children. It contains neither fully illustrated. Outing tor August is ton Hoads. to t in- question of the administi at ion of Opium, Morphine ,, V i: so; h o ’A 1’eT' lied and the He has of an acre de- vile, -*ne of the best county. one-fourth numbers of the popular ; Gov Hohie. J P Butnam. arrived at New the law. The prohibi!oi\ law has hunt other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless A', o' .!’:•! :: In ad n .. onsiant turmoil voted to this that to suhstit,, healthful purpose excels anything J •> ■ 1 magazine sport and innocent i York lo from Man:la. The tral'fie ! i h: :.k ; 11a iiom. up above uly great good. liquor disrepu reel-ration la- seen in this \:* init\. He riet Cleat at for Props, and Castor that evei left the presses The has soil, Admiral. Howell, arrived Boston! tahie Vniehut very low men will under- Paregoric, Soothing Syrups, March 2s *m Ti rollouts are as mllov-; lr« apam. it. s 1 Tinier False i-lean culture, ami gives intelligent are ami take I he law dot noi pit ei.t druid-.- It is Pleasant. Its guarantee i* tis. If Hole. Phiio as Pemlh ton, sailed thirty years' ti .< the i.iuw of i.ur 1. Pifirm es. Louise D. Henr> ennes>. ... yoleiol by Milelieil; *-Af- painstaking labor, with the avowed olheet *i I'll', il lias gVeal 1\ reduc'd lla'.e from San Fra :a is.-.. Ma.\ o for Ta-ta Millions of Mothers. Castoria is the Children’s ter t he hi "in by ,1. New man : a Mu and d--t reused drunkards. Pan obtaining tbe best <.i everything. Mr Wm 1 I 111 ‘all a \ led from New S’lii.u ». < >oblier^.' by I re- B. Meio;*< York Ma\ Ti;r .\i .1 -I si: 11 •! I lull Ilf i\\ * * -.' a I —the Mother’s Criend. •bios by lost a nee e..!t n .-nt iy The an in a nn. >1 M n >! w Washington b\ ma n i ’. 1 J- \\ I i- Ii 11 K .lap, •;.!'< ii -1 a- -a I lif j i11:»i 111r\ one more into a im-imss and when mumi >ini 1 i .\ ,,. g"t deep mny .obsir; ,, ,ia.' til' Nr \\ Y"l 'u. ia\V Inn 1 mu in i n r>i tin \a in- ul hi- pi >{. \\ n.. the head ami ere m).,. a: i 1 I* s K< il l' ; ’I Castoria. by •>aint \spiminid : ''Th -nr h Krin "j- i. ! I", It Sap < 1 I y[ II- \\ a.- ah).- Iii -: j.-ji ui ml. 11 w a- -• .me tine bet.. j. t: n a.i.d F A i N Bhu in'-, ami !!, imams w I. H »• •• = < asfisria lit-, •1 In M. I »..!ia I I’.. s a ; ,• it. but e\ y T: l: my a. leu t h< u wou.d | a I i II- it -■ 'I iuTf \\r,t '••an: t Sail I- a a -hH I"! !, jr Slo'-ia- ii. i ilr < '.‘7 \.t; Beael; ; A all>W. So t W ?•• Family amp kies," iie\ eO tie- It ■■ 'jo'. .!">• ! Ii I in Ik ti !i. Kills W-TTIIS, i-T i s '-s I», ;u, 3 harlot',r < miov. t» 1 I i. ■ by R. World •• til'I Mu III.-ill- \\ -i uai.M, am. : in ; '• ed oili .lie li;:\ it it* » t i t I'Uaa II ip. i\ ; I !'• r N N p-sfi.m, n < Tom Aw1' I’!ir M nlani' > ( irk Ft iiis« -1 nia ii« 'i a 11 \j. v, i:}»• »u» it jiiriuu.; i.uion. idioi: N ill K K. \\b- -It*-: 1 !!.. tit li.cb N -a a r> in a .a am -.- if m « •• ba m ..| ; tin ... ,. ; ;.... am is livve i a. „..‘rs | l*i 1 ji»11 :n n lias nut himinvk<- ■ •' V’!: 111 -l'< I.ii/i*ii. A ! Y.'ik Kt ai tin iimi n ■ V. -: Meal; ::als, ; ,.m>. an on_ t i: •eatle 1 C I': i \\ iv. .-n ? j inai !;<» a im- ,o tin* i t v •!' I' a; l; -aw w i :• iss l:g i l--s <:■ la I n. M 1 ■ I N. v \ ... .i In \ 1:1T i ■ I ■ S' "a a a ; a l' si m. ~ \\ ii ■! MmiliY X j; 1"-r, elm k onset ; M :.Siia. lit;...,. N v, i i ■! 1 i Ii. i.. V, ,;t. •; SU ing.l -ck h ,(! i 1 Ip] I', a II M Ilia hh i; i|j. an- -- -nip I ee. 1 !:••> Wen a 1 I ell a a. ; i;g 1 l: I »' ii .. f. * -Vn i.a,:-. : a. J:,- j ."-! ~ *11. \\ \\ u tei Tin- Y\ vm- v.- pn ashiimt-'!) he l»e!mv ... .1 ••...* >i.t:i Frain m- a- .ip M 1.1. :i w \ oohng p cl- .re a; ..... ! -1 i 1.1 I • n. i' r- >hi hiim lia-, in at li ih f; I il"‘ V> i' a pap uixiim i> i impres « j t up’-. I i.t iarh ill I rase in p a m ns e \ i 1 im I state <>i p.ihli. fr, him i; 1. k '. r '• \ 1,. : Iv.ip I i"ti. mu i|fi-s 11 in ai>\ n;iv trini ! >• in- .a ; a. !’• 1 .u a w ; ! at i a 1 tier, w la i, he rebel lien was ah- >a: i Dung ps |,, ill,: K 17 ! p N. \ II- I'.UI a 1 hill In -• P i i a IW-ss. IT; ! j ism, [IIII t" lens: into ha me. (' i, 11 s K n -1. .1 : 1 imI. A MP ■!, Mil i raii. i>: ihiek’s vjvililx hi s t« llis \ ahisla c!i eki h- We-. .11 II.. if > p: 'per p. >;!e !. s 1. ■' s rsii' :v 'la- t iwl i I I ; .. ( i 1 S T» ! Nr,'. Mai. is .. ai.u :he-re a > .’id ", appeared! more graced: 11 ait some Y k .fa.; Ml Ml; I Baby’s Burniner Skin short stor\ 1 ( »\ Kllet) htiev Kirk, cm jtjeo s p v > •• :<■' ■ -• •!•• p I >i ii!a\ ill at \ it M I'M i!- ... rl V. ,t~ it u : ki- wit! si! f 'in j ...Is tlo v\ :■ : re. in :■ i, n h “A tat M. <••_!•■ one m." M is. \' M.i; 17 !..r .\. a \ tU HI N -w U t be offelld. ! M-* se K;i \\ ST < ■ p 1 T w lie. pictures *>| .\ ii. I Ml 1 1 P IV pie-Kc\n- Iin-i* iiaa ,ii.| i!,,: «in w i*. O -ec .11 III- lo. her ! I" "s .1 V VI nu- A;1 .• »n life are the ham hut ... M.I MM: N..« N i, I! !:-■!'•' entei taininw reui- 11a 1 1 | ary always io P• i- |i:' "1 !n-r ] S P l• M P a A I ( a Ip- .1 1 ! in_. has a napei ailed *A lYstoii >< h, .! > c ••' a d tppoar bettel the k- PI" I’"!'* I'■! ik. ■' : s. ll- lit JI 111 w ill-- Hi i l A n _'7 i'"in a.n ii'-.f \- r»• takiio. « T n- i in 1771." which will reward atteii : ns ;. w d a r and m t I \*\ Now n pjsmpi | I i" ■Ilia'. 1 > :..! ( N M a IT: ••ual \* u i:>• Ml .. im- It, h -.if T, ■. n : ami the Kev. '■} ; (,cerye K. Ellis. Press At ! !..>••• a .■ aim ill •" \> n- .ill ': :. •: r \ *rk A I -V •_> I I'ujii \ ai|-a 'dm t.f the Massachusetts m UlA>. M. ,l;.Vl I- !.. * ■ i■ —!i• ii .. U, 11, I’.t. j Historical T :! '< Ip St .1, liia i,, II if'i. 1 :. >ai i.-.l id -• : a. ■.... /:e. wile of Sunnier M das an aole •■ A\- paper on Ymai han ! ; Ir.-Tit N■ 'a \ .p k M.i\ l<1 !• 1p i. <,>. 1 d.. d. a Koval (■< \ernor of iai>ia iid imi daughter of Mr. and M '!>. •kail a at r. N ii .11 -JS \\ 1 if ii» u .-..n \\ hy. Massa. hu- I Baby Suffers a Wam 1.• r >•_ '.• \v, 1» N at S\.il v. Greatly Mi-- Tlmrne Miller has a Shepla Spearing, (lied vert Jua. 1 siith*r»*tl t' suddenly 1 \>\Y M;p > a _\. V, Y. k. di:. emit h i Kittle :• >•■•'11 u. It t.\ ••■a. Hi, lii; li* I nape, Key KAicA' I '•"th ag. a! "4 years. Much sytnpa!! % j YY »i, ! I M p A mi. skill 'rari i! Ii m San la 'I'. l: a In I tli'-li' wviv ‘lit* J I and l.ditii M. T.iomas sketches ,, is felt for the -caved win | r.i>, > husband, is Flan. is. .. Ma M T m.i! .ui'l |,in.i-s ol rci ! n.n.tctci ! ht-j ->f « w: n j; If story The ha ol ■. a:-! uMaiin-.l l!r-li. it surtV? lost kii d and a t io11at.• wife u ;r 11 w .. m \Y ii 11 Fi ,tiik .1 Fl p ; n >ai Ii j e -A u \\ ••• \ h-w ite ( A ; | ..-.:nd in t he t pi hi. ia —' Ka«!fat»*r\ m*IIm _'ra «^i paper i.e t irs t M Am I; p a»- -i ranine 1 pro *•?.;• ■> y« Tim «.r ni-lu I ;•■,•> l.ill.-.i ! rrt w md cm e t I Yi a happim-ss. lay s] :.. aim an i n t o r -I .M.i I fi' atin” Mirfa. *r r> Alt; ! i' 'i M« i; \. aM >»r !!.'•< blow iai.s ia.r a\ a; tie- If \v.-rlsc.. i: W :• > a; A. (lARUNKK, 1.-4 K. l”3il i Acwnhaii! ellece. the j:'reai 1 ne Ash in- ; daUght. \ ! Fid,!, riv.-ti at Su N. Y : < !« aM care • it'utmn inn* the Miss Km ua J. IF IT, nlam .1 a x i: lu S i N S\V collegiate traini m_ w ... \ Spearing. Asad «lr-.\\ nn.g H*r durablllt} am* mr.»: 'I. w A i I A ! a t:>> ■!. l'F n!, a ITi v r>i ai •• ;•!: otiiel revh w a Skin Peeled 1 W papers.some s-ltl'l uie! t ..Ted lien w, weeks Har- Baby's Off a!''. > ag. N'W \ i. -1 J1' 1 < :• •'•>!; -' 'Ua: '1 c I,,(j ! \ .junta ! •• w < \ > ceinplete ry Ibirt' n. a y. -a ng na.u.s. a. ..(' I >a chi 1 ami I > a 11 Ha. -1 j. r. 1 i !•■ r u an iv» d at all and he l»i •; ikii ar;<; •• '•l'Ml't mil. ! !!•' .'kill Wills •«-«*)<-( i rJl >A f •tic ->1 those we!., | .enposed ntimhers x J.V j ... Tnnit.- Fax Man .la! •: I *ln Hi« i < »ti n mad*- at Ivnu Bari m. wel.T .:. bat king alt. r -upper -1| i:t Til'’ a 11: i1 law. Ka'ii Is j kvi^i, ... an-!: .lie it » > t !.«• < ''leasing uia 1 it >t J'»<■ 1 i 11 i*-ar» 1 inn.. i" .'.till n.*t Hill, li 1..- i, ■. ]m j y ■ d.. 1 i1111'n;, N.w Yi■ I ml think tin v u td w a- Jui. A ! ! I ana. 1 WIGGING -i •• day. Jt -upp, d that la- i ad .imonii! !•• u' :,!• A his liitT.i\ <■«.<,nfi \. 'i ll' *ev’u*\v ->t' 11, l*i;: iv~i!it v.a.3 I No. 60 Church 1 Reviews |'«»: \ has ‘v arni• 1!« ,, (... s.,,F F « -■ Street. ■ •• ’• n^uvt iFtn- I 'a iri■ l*• rf'ui. >!.•• '■••••: tv.1 I:. ]i I,i Memorial Quildi I; « ii■*t;ij:t I■ jii• 1 unp r lo-art laiu ,a> a i. means : r. Opposite •' JJs :< a; .•> «-i \ i• a 1 ;nten >*. y .1 lix I 1‘. nt;!: v. V \- l»AN' *•: r 1,ni1111ii iiiioil> 11.-uj u. Me i. i .-r. Fait: nyt, | fn }.:: Waluu S3 J;.u a Ct t. •' ■ mb «mi w;fe wen: Moosem-ah Lake a ! 11F a i. •! n!, a F n JM n.. \, \\ H \, n Snjir-n.- .r.Ajim i1- >; j- 1:!1a! r»s.m»ir.\ ana Awfui Eczema ( iara K M < ,!! * ‘I: i. i at Saby's Tern., 1893. W •• ri I* i!. MJ.MI1 1 i JM.'srjit a ] M ! ea ek ago to Spend a loU o.-K- at |i,.| (LIy y I ’"la I ; I "111 N "XV 'I vk Some Make Got H 11 Main I Ilu lint'll-.. Itiini 1 •. "I: I leiteis w-Mv _• iii m- ii h.u it I,-. | writT.-n in .nsr needed rami v. :l. 1 ■ Matt (’ F 1 n. N I' ■!! i k x c s; WF.s!;- 1 * k'' > ; 1'1111<*r *i>i in- 111 *ii <»i the-.l 1 a D mile •’ x ’■ Others Better «.j• boy •::; iv a! mi.Ug a .ny’"ii. !» t ..1 ir.-n. 1 t Spain. \X ><• _• !•: M-ir.fii : l,c }..•>! M)."!. j,., I> •• w diis / la: < »n Mr < and K i.l. H It !•'!!;:, Fd ••JT tsvil ; M !" t •- a 1 • ft !.,a, "!ll_r«-SS 1 |. !• ! !■« M 1 a -'Ss!. .1. ('a i> a i n \ ! 1 f i: 1 ’- *. nt. 1 i. I W \v. id s K j 1 J\-l\Va ( ( i; i■ i-. ;: ... a l;- >i''!'!'■• : v• I a Ma.s M I t V I'l -I \| i I.l;i >» \. ;• Ml- !•: ID : •,. J; : It -l.a inn; n x ^ ;/V' a; l-'i ii ■ is A \Y ik--i. t IF:. \ n >|■ ■■ ! Ha a a 1 xx .. \ S f: -I- "•■t*- i. w w k- : r 4 .- a. mint ? I T J*. '..‘ii. >„;F i! •; '!'• ! (i,..;, -_\ j j.. yirp. g ter- : Inn, Sn a a ]. If, ;; 'v ^ i "1 1 •: ':;. I ■ se.t more d -. a- To lie .-4, ds f Tea. !’- M!! :n >•••!:! : !*!"! ! CUTiOURA WORKS WONDERS \V. Ta sr»• i!. d|. a ||.,. n_ gi'a yvpe-writ’ng 1 1- Inx an- A ! i 1 '• mi. a ai < 1 : < ■ 1 nivi '! a i. 11 lan.i [\ a- M.I a : lsjty Br ant 1 a.,-], i*j Tl, g^,. j ;i. ! s .'i :1m- ■ •- 1- ••hi. I *n:\ rr-Au ■! \*•!.r;t-1<.» K Y A •. .. \ T1 .- W .p C } >, c ... :' v a i! .:1 :: ;;iahi; >u- I'-Sgis.a IS or; 1 :. I! a id if. 1 j { x a n a. ■ p i. >! r• et gi nun ar -. D d ,d ,f [&! .! !." il.i a',: if «b fl * ^ k •?«*-- kins ( ui\i •>!• ; "c VU" .. >!t .. , \[ H-m 1mm-j- ept IF. < * * | j Fm a. \ F..,-: i all An,'.,:; ... ?| f 'i j ■- HI :. ... i: \ xx v *9 i M \ ! ., $ & 4 4 ij

Ik* 111; •! 1*1 I| s. 1m* 1 I,■ i ia !••!>!.,; !:i v Cl v t! ''■- 4- I. ■ ;"•••' ;■-.!! :■ ! ■. / _ Hm. .m. .! X a; If a a 1 ,a. I 1 ^ m, / Ml. i.e Mail. a'. In-’ :t r ^ ? VV.i J: *\v\ !i; !! I *:: ill. 1M ! a a as 1*. n M:> n! I a. i 1 ».-.a\,- ! A a I BABY’S «. !!.- W. 1 i! A;, v. iy J T’J'li-s.— :• PM M *1,. n.jah >i ,l’ ^ ‘' ••‘lilSt* \ a- a at d Ill' i I fi ! li: 1 b; Bioi 'hr-, 'id [' 1 a a .1 Mat il F. \\ •' ].- r. an .; a It Is So Rich /;ii v; ■ M. > V « M .. I A Is m, P -Mm:. \ ia i.; Vd : Far'k.'-r. i-a i"| mm Vh. ,a- ? H F & Z 2 T F L \ R o \ I 11. i g a; ,s ;■ -ur .W.- ! art ii ! »: j•. b ( I I»• ig !oi II I'd L: Ui a j,; g 11 ,; a -r In Health ; \ N; !,. * M N. >. .•• li i.a Preserving ! o', r < oj -b- a r. ust :ait;ng ,r : rd K-'if Max :>i.i N v. 'V. rk. 1 ■ k '*!••! '• }|.*!>! W «-il-ki.u\\ 1; et*1 ■ N !• s A 1 \ U »U*« A lx N L ik v < U> M «W* ,•»» < ‘i /■ Mai- 1 M‘ -. A n M. i iiiiukfis. nl t her a a; a m I:,- -o t-r K. j am.i :n 'i i; I-. : V. Properties M id W ;>f -c. 1; w T >, * Si < < i \ A —., 1*, K.ic, ... .4 p' d, j :- \ .Fax A IF,, ana. x :_ S \ a ■ In the Hidst id' ink iV;i, .- o\ all. W e .Mai 1. i \Y j i S a! fix a, at •• UijU :ug !iT •; nil : ’!: a I illsT <• Iini.-I ; he .1 n’i. n>, ■J‘ i: I i' N M I» ! H •V V > Fm-t Natal 1In N \ ,,, k 1. N I: I in V a N h a v, 1 f no uses -1 a• .-I i; i.■;: v !i« an a ;., tiler 11: l.-\ m' 'i *o sir M 1 S x :• .- » kr! i! -I ;■ I'llAN' I'PI pi u! I;a.ti- o i l. |-;k\-T:iu\ 1 •, 1 ,1 T. a, .Jo!, U Ule, Tie- 11-V ear-' Id S"U J .... ll., n- .! 7 I Sa a nnai Of Summer Ills $5. nasusumtx j:i>. .•n n > ''.'is ;i T "< l.v b Ft-ii.. ••. M ai .... hi.t: ■ :ii (' i< i ;n: Da y. wild, pdi\ ng Alb a n ket i. ; it-Ta lla.-’ a '• m March 22tl St i. :a ■ '• i !i)« I..- and he tells inu Kritish vt-- •> I I a. !<-l pn -a Hi II n «laii«-ir> C l J •. -akiny -a p .'ay re.-, miy ace.dent ally \ |, s gin And ■ .J n 7. : ■1 •! •; s ; n :,x Epidemic a j- 1 d laden, s.-V. 'd 11 T lie i. if T in- feu. a gl mty St L... .! T K:>» n.-, Vi .... park ■! In1 m m lie \vi sa> t"\\ii. I were ii'i' S’ ■ > hey the po.vddn. Eb_'4 ai v, Dr. Bu-: sue die.; m stay u:g t: .• .1 -l A t'-mii! Fn a 1 •! j i:! a 'it ■;: :r, a; re ns t » r: •!. >y\ ah- -nt A,Fan! M. A » < "a at Sr Yin- Influences tons. Law: I .'lie. ;u ;d se ami the > .nl. ■; ha h M.d it ia i:id Captain 1.72s' lieiiioiriaoge making «a-n: .1 nix i 7. ; a Fa, ; .1 ; 7 1, -r N aj ] I ‘'fmiiir V' 1 ‘■ e in n I« o ret t; f u'Ta me I'■ at a- a bad oiu and :n ! l>.d i h>u -. Tu Lord I "inj-lem< u• 2.047 tniis. BKliiS.

.. aim a ■ That It Is \ l>aa h- w ej. e’.iT: 11 1 milled. Walker; tin* l'iunmrc. J. P.,- ton-. (d place ..postmaster is ha\ ng I '. X a! PiiaFf,' :.1T.' i IF .St a-I lav, ..'7 Libby lu n .• :.u, I ;n •» !a : e ; < eimVted unlit ha I >i- Maxwell. The tirst two aie imn 11; r • *' fp.ii; I-F-nn.m*1:na. fo:l ships, addn i 11 .1 h*.-k-bo\... made f< r« i.r *•:»J• -i- X... — < '• II l; Hi H ".. .• s 1 \ "... :ii v. ere aim a while the Lord 1 •, *•. ; man IF !;;>'• > j. !.ied ;n.:rh t*niplena the largest t In "j; a! i ?lie boxes aiv I r-.iv-,(i'i. :hi. jm h >!;,s \ t pl.sT :e,as taken md 1 Almost Criminal ! 111 n .! lx J t. I a S 111 1 >. \ | \ M I. i. 5 v nun i»cr injun •and !*.7U(- attle, ot the fleet. is a ton masted steel-built, }; man- are ■ '■ wanted. lln. Liewel hn, Hun H S; I A' ] i ! .!.«]■ T <:,. i. •, .,!! \ ilTIll i. v SOI "in and unai* \\ .•.-k -hip. Tlie Pinnae steel built also, > ej. perished ■ ■ ■ I > A A«. :1 s l. \ Ft-e.ieriek A and l>on A. 1 I. nf]| nlr'.nand Fas.-ay. -n la .In : F *r i F m i;. i< 11! ■_ hate follow <•< la- a- h‘i: L hark : iu1 he I l; v day following j s. H <, N K K s. To he without I.Mi ass ins ( 1'nwt-rs from post, on met a.. u ii :ie the iron ( ->t 1 *m» I at. tin- 1 that euirain- -hip iy\ Athens. 1. nun, Iara K F. a,. Fa. .Fan-,1 a. M IHvt-riVfS -nl, !r< > 1 A I \ 'I MAIN i;. A ... | v ind :ain. :.->m ajitaiu Aloi i>i11: -ailed. The ace was li a Stead ill West Pittsfield \v i t i 1 111 ei V fa .!;,-Ipimi -Ini;. : 1 ;"i IF nati-l:in,. Sanford’s *•: 0.1. w r! ; f" \ « ■- : ! li.-e'.i lie- Heath hi a ! 'inn by the ibnmoie. which arrived at iln*st.o eelebrate the mm 1. I:I« I xx an I .1, F111 sail. \V'i n-n a n- N- xx Ginger \pHMu birthday of the -.>iia'i\ a>|'r;msi JI■«* >l“A !M.I vi'i 0*1 i:r OON£[IJ\ ]j«’: ■ •• \ rk .In : AJ Inn. IF nia ml: in. : hi her ni children. T! Turkish (.Queenstown 17. aftei a of ] 17 i \ a-'.J. I .... li SI,, Ml!.. i. » | July voyage Mrs. Abe! Walker, who -> a won j APAPv F SF L V F mother, a « W x -. (!'■■ ry: ii Ik. F < a it -.i r Containing amo'.g g- i.g n-g u‘nrs ’•!•;! Tec! -eiU !'!ii v Tel:! s ale! issued day rids i- mo j*a ; t inilarly m’od tina*. th«» pr.r- | smart aetive woman and who made all the I'-! t : a in. A y J Sr- n Is-' : •; 4*st of Me go iiail Eo n. h Pr uoana-.-a_e -I it is va-du i* r tamiis imported ginger, m:j.. •• s'ic.itti M'lit .>c< ;o New York m preparations theiarife $*at hernia ■ uniat v assisT- 7<'» the Northern ■ the \* orihie-- and ott.'n an ms is si hi; \ I days; | (i.-,. ry«- Tx\ aliy. 1- ,r. r-'-.v. x «••! at It. st,'i heap. 1 1 i herself The oeeasion w.i> a ver\ ingf'i a< *.ui»titin- \ 11 ; ; s h\ means c I a Emhts fneii Frisco 1 tost on in 77 s, j enjoyable .1 iJ Ir*.11. < '!,.een s:t I i IF a il I >i .. averaging altMr( 1 f or owl trade mark *U the a S- hi V. n '■ ■ 2i»t milts a N.-xv at M ■ a- F Commissioners' } flit r« H ! •! Sf day for the whole voyage. | ine friends in tow n a leu days, oar ret a: n-d Y..rk. ser> wlier- Notice » -< A’ S n * The ot the >eas. the i J i nr;. "lansri.. ,J r. x arr: \,-.{ at i ol ! K I Ut lix-.M. 1 .Stoll. <•)■*. | Sovereign Dread- Monda\ momino.. T er* was ..a te a pp.,-1 | ilia Cloud, and ! K i-x W .I.,!;, naii F !a,F-, pF m naught, hiving many en.wd of at the Frida\ l *' people park II "i: '. M J ia; .man. tin .: at ii* ■•Ionia’- Hollow Hoorn. "'la l- made records Chat -till emain un- -S., 1 j unlay to witness t’ne trotting, inn withstaml- N.-xx \ .-rk .!•:!; I r* n ks. -i. i fpiaied. ,11•!.n Si, I K i.-'.-iaini. an v.-,l a* M u*-w im mw .in the ams mat e ■ ■!' the h.-i a> wi;iV:i] inis jus! A at some ot the in_r unpropn ulano' recent arrivals! ■ Fa x 'J- fn in i I ,, an. ••• ■ > i:' i' 1 t .»■ i < t * a 11M v a ■ ] 11 o b. Pritain would indicate 1 S.i u rda\ that -hips ~ I 1 t I* 1 ■ -hot] Keel >n u i 11 T i. >j i. at } tt'"tn out west roast, hound around the ! F. rtl; Ami., v J 1 a 'r, a •• „t-a, i .!■ •' M V •. !; iilo-i mu;:!, A base ball Trlit 1 sh ad inv*r liml fault ( a ■:.:- S W, -F ! x Horn, have had hem voyage-. Tin- Ian }■ Lilian K ai ry, a n .: ok i< • a v a’ | j> (•1st- tin ci'.wd 1111 l' 111 ! ;• a a i]'i: mu. ..t ii- di-iarne. 1*7 from Taeteiui; Chili. straightway ]»r«i It N.-xx, _•' a days w la- -s T kill, a s.a ; '.'7 •o ami tc <>rl< t $»r«-w b-r. l.nm F- nt.-r, t n mii IF Has' .In j-i long 17 i days fneii Victoria: Persian Empire, d 11 «i ia • u t * :»‘ the tnhi'ih n N.-xx Yarn. tapei mg PM from Tacoma: 124 day- Milverton. | ,. A I!.: M \F x ■ 1 in a! tlie The skin is in 1 Mar; 'S' • two (-la i'Mik. 12** F. ( my-: day-: iamje, A Mother's N rk .1 nly JJ In.iu n.-.r!, -. k 1. aim -. I e o se. i.o'iow ex Duty. ibe '■ bay.-. rtierspool. b‘»7 bays, hiai Hd- M F Milieu, I > ■ arr Darn-!. F -. I 1 : to: nion hi- or 1 m i kin ads of t hin “Watch your ensic.'i, h'.ti day-, all ti\c from San Fran- ; daughter’s A, nm, N. xx IF-.Is m a e« ,i >on,. »»n w hirh it > I' i. ! t: I •. apart. deveh >pment. li F IVniyn-xx M >■-. >,n !r •. F phvsical 1 YOUH la mi \ ny J t< -r K n m ■ ■ n.,1 I 1; l. a i -. -. 1 wo years am* tiu-re w;.- ,i tine -‘mimic Nature has a time -I diuidi.sMiiu :n size to n\ the provided Sain. I On. A II W.-si, -I inm 1; W1 S,«M a lie um live vessels from the to DENTIST etpiator •: Cornmissiorte.i s' Notice '! <1 : !i• are hist, set *»n storks, for and if the Any, ft. r Fin la.I, A a. spa:. u|» Hrcat Pritain. 'J wuv tin- American purification, B > .! S '4 G hey FF'ia. A S W ... ■ x a N.-xx N in* In- moulds «t a l**»at. ami «• niiin ted 1 sitij's ieiii y Viilard and Tillie F. Star- channels are obstructed, the S. x !•; fn.m Ham > se! ,'i | i»» blares of i 1 --! . buck and Lritish .- (o n. Huberts. NY i!mm Fr«-,l,-:m k K?xv, iita -•• i t If •’ shij is ... -■ ". !de r-t entire poisoned, and 11... j. ,, I \ layer of is system x planking H'Amside and Minden. All crossed the last .1 n JO I N.-xx n A !h-w \ N il.t* 7 7 a :It -pr dig 1 i- 1 w comes. L N. xx i,, F i, ; !n lengths. *iii'' ithin a few hoi;rs ot tei Wiiiii- i., ...... each other misery Uj ..^ ttplf ■!:.••; tin- ii11s lanl in lime ami I-.runsxx .S in Fn n IF a• a. ■■■'■ V' ;• May ha. lsnl. and followed Maury's route 1 rregulari ties fro m a r, y ,--k. (ia. .-'■ h*-« si na nt. ami tin- KOI'II M iM, < ♦> I »11 planks serewed to to at- ( lianiu 1. For three weeks closely at are sure ''... 'V !. !.• ,i •: uhlAlter !ii- is on the cause, any age, I’rohiiiit ion in Maine. layer these vessels were almost in i.tUH.. .tl.O .1' v. constantly i > \\ < ! * i;«t * round*-*! and tin- miter of mrhcatn ms o t : u i: 'I M. ■ ■. -par up layer, -mhi of each 'e her. and on May 2b, the 1 ; in. (hrimn also is nil: aw n;o v 1.1; AMiiii.m.i;; A S;,! }>im-. matehed. 1 distance between two was t greatest any rouble. :!»: V t 1101»• .. f 11 ,• : h. n .' on mill scivwi'i] iiitu tin* inner I organic I-.:» I.i A N !. V I. I.. j. about, M. .... plank- j lifty miles; four of them were with- W ith it.! i' :s ■ 1 1 ing. Kaeh ot tin- outer hollow- irreg- A i. on T< i-mto. < •> > > ’1. ■: i'i. ■; planks in twenty miles of each othei on that date, ■'{Trial anada. the : oi'l K \ I \ » .mil Mi ed on the inside ami break seams ularities come ( I.eader. The l’o\al <'om- I»I \ I 1 -» t u \ they the tirst week in June hirago says: ■ stormy weather, I o t hi. .-4.1. -ia v ; ;. with the inner "lies. After the spar is iiiissi'.u b\ Parliament recent !\ sej.aratetl them, hut on June Kith the disturbances of api-Minted A \| H M m 11 V 1>2 V n: n s! it is seized at intervals went down to Maine to A Poor \ A\ \ dually planed up j American shij. Tillie E. Starbuek was investigate prohi- Plug I; I; with wire in of solid the s t o m a c h rope place hoops. alumt fifteen miles to windward of the bition. At Portland they interviewed !____ 1? was that the would be no substitute expected spar leading English vessel. All arrived at and kidneys, vi- Henry S. Trick»-\. marshal of the city. Hr is stiff and than a m» N very decidedly lighter their destination within the next two days, olent head- said that there was open sale of liquor FOR THE BEST solid st ick, hut Half derided it was in the i'heie was of illicit for ('apt. and thus ended the beautiful struggle over city. plenty mo limber for use. aches, it as as it For Wow HUSItRV a distance of at shooting sale,but is Only.- j d,t»(KJ miles, the end of disreputable possibls can be. It is sold in barns, and out- i which the honors again fell to an Ameri- pains, extreme alleys More Reliable tliuu eitlier Taim> SHIRT'S* AISTS t can vessel. ways, sold from the or X*eiin> ro> al. Ti \vIih lielievThat Dr. Sage's 'atarrh and principally pockets. WINDSOR O lassitude, irritability. "• will cure arc more There was one in the It want a perd t i«.r t mouth l:> me.iy tlien] liable to Each captain of the live vessels that left liquor agency city you "emulator au.l Remove the trouble at one that ncvv fails, .-ate and s r<- t" get well than those who ilmi't. sail Francisco March 22d and once, where liquor was sold for medicinal pur period, 2hd put uj» j (lio-s FltA.M i'-AMI.Kll A.N Clll'.MU \dt <■ ,P,o-|, 1 "II T" lie "lie I "f those who doll't a ■ < ill! ill It. F. Wilt ha|ij»en S2A0 each on his s 1 iij», the winner to take or whole life will be sacrificed. poses: Mass., and receive, free of harm our t.k, a s.a(H) he, ;c\ tie-re's matter of to your Ladies. lh sure and name this r.clhist 1 .in ^— help slAKjO and the second in to save his Drunkenness had not increased. Persons Relief for paper. *. for if the stakes. E. Pinkham's J faith It's you makers of I >r. Sage's Lydia l’ege~ 1 not having the habit of would can't cure no matter lmw had using liquor j remedy you. table will accom- I not to As a Daniel Webster seemed some- Compound go these disreputable places where or of how long stand:ng your catarrh in the youth j B-L USE MISS BEECHER’S wha* to but he was was sold Tn rural 1 Tobacco. lu-ad ma\ he. opposed physical labor, plish the work speedily. liquor districts, pro- FOE SALE The makers arc the World's Dispensary quick at repartee. While mowing he com- hibition does prohibit. Prohibition is I It is the most effective rem- u I'ClW ••! !; L Medical Association, of N. Y. plained to his father that his scythe was not stronger and better enforced in the State ['ll! Buffalo, They \Y m. « \\ « it to suit Best is Hair and liisker ; I 11 I v M \ are known to every druggist in the land, j hung properly. “Hang yourself, edy for irregular or suspended outside of tin- cities than ever, and is now cheapest, Dye. the The imme- and can ascertain that their word's Dan," replied paternal. boy — you easily better enforced in Portland than it has !r oii'n in- :•• i«-a*i \\ a.-ho-i. not allii I''it Ml. Wlttl iiiiorj iil'i'liail! ilu it on a tree near action known to the world.” >ulj.| as as their hond. 1 diately hung by, saying, as it lasts 'llii' r< »** rt \* ■ i;. good been for a time. Sheriff L. K. ( ram longest. required after dvem^.a^ mi oil er d\t*. Whole- j »| me long “There, father, it’s hung to suit now.” ha-. al \atn-us tioi. :a lioaro.ii.c !.•".*•• Mrs. Chas. Hines, Box 212, in sale dnifi'iiists who handled his testimony declared that the riM»-liable litrure i: :« -• •• You wind your watch once a day. Your [ [Green Bag. prohibi- Be sure to it. dyes pronounce it -he he»t single prcp.iiain n< 'er 1 Dune an Pa. law is as well enforced as other get to hast1 lio-ue\ I'aujci! am a. liver and howels should act as regularly. If non, tory any i drought their notice The largest dottle ami the ; 1 test dvt* in t In- market. I -o-d exu-nsn el\ l>\ ladies ill’;' K *r tlTIIIs. aj'p •. use a One may have a wonderful command of All druggists sell it. Address in confidence, law. Sentiment is much than it they not, key. stronger \\ »\ KmHKKT K \\ M and he to his Lydia E. Pinkham Med Co, Lynn, Mass, 1 Prepared oid\ dv TIInMPS- 'Hie is—Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets. language, yet unable govern was in favor of enforcement. He » s key Mrs. Pink ham's Liver Pills. 25 cents. rigid Hock Sami M« ai lln \- a own 1 v-1 One dose. tongue. said: I Sold hv ai! dealess I’m e cuts. 1\>* Belfast. 1.'. frivatror Polly. also, eommoneed to die- with ali the vim jeet,and has everywhere been received with HKIA'AS I’ I»■ ItKCTORY. ot a uood wife 1 'rut on retrieving the for- hearty assurances of support. Pledges »si ^oann'ii'*» .Journal. > line .*1 her husband. Vers soon a box fr»»m Posts and Corps and donations from i: A It. In \I>S AND S I KAMBOATS. war t'oi 'sailors' was tin* eit i'/ens are and thesue- revealed in the hole, and from already coming in, Trains l**avt* n.'*o :i. hi., ami ami tkn. ami ni., ami ] together go. 1 .» rii troasim1'! n m\ lain Vis; ;i biu ."torkinul AltM-uuh her de>- 1'- they Begin- • a ( > Stfann-rs 1 liillast f«-r a cake mi a : 1- "•w i11o t- «aidants are ma noted f". lau. 'eet. and amdt-n, lP»rk-j ning April, ’93, V-Mi don’t know how nnn h !.. if, will land ami 1* ■'t-ai. almiit J.*‘ p. m. I''«• to ho w o. I-, i t oi t hr vera. ions it that Were | yon of j\iii hht-a;, hath Polly's s ;i11 splendid Olive Oil t*m• 1 if Vi.ii ta 1**■ Ifoo.l's Sarsaparilla It will Si-arspnrt. ami llm-kspi*rt. admit a. in. pai tietilariv small and neat, yet this was a i Toilet in drive off that tired feeling and make you daily Soap every \l/z ..: j ■> 1 h« oldosl v o>

    Nod i-! ous\ of donhh.oi'.'' ••noiieh- in 1 port, Canid'*n and IP>■ kland at H.PO a ni. I'nr ru't.mmr. I>idn't t ! I me this horse t irt. to insoiii the Polly and a dttle over j you Fort Point. 15m k-p-n t. Wintorport, Hamp- \ w us all-aid of to i .IV is I 1 N tit her out foi another eruise. Tims iiotlung'.' di*n and liant' ir at p. hi. daily. silt*' »*• IVORINE i a ier. That’s just what 1 said St.atm \ ikiiirr ioiv.-s li.dlasf for Isl.-s- _:! on ! ! H > 111 n .a a-the Polls ransomed, and tbus she sail j he s 11i.• at Ins own 1 "Why, shatlow horo ami Ca.stiio- at '.».!«» a. ni and ni. WASHING POWDER Ui !"-i st m i\ t'raiuo h <' William p. ii uu away auain wit tyaiii Sp.-at shadow is about as near Till1 “Weil, in. Season ;t. Hindi1 nothing Arriv«-s about 7 m. ami 1 p- •/ 'H'M .IN of \ *1V .'III '» aho liei uallant eie\\, with the Stars and n- .a .. are ; anything 1 km-w New \ rk Weekly. St.amor Flcrtu roim.-rts with all trains at Both the purest and tins 11 a i 11 --es tlsinu deliantls at the peak ana a 15* Hast for Cround. 1.Ron's IuYK.K LKK Cl'HK.S lMHUKS- No’-thport Camp best that can be made. lU' i. .Hid | |.,M. T!m- W. !. I- l.'.WI. ; j i'i:i\ ■! ’.lit u* 1 i i v oi sh"t and shell in her St.-am < .i-t Ho h a i-s 15t Hast for ln he.-ante t lie fam-ms l.amla.j Tm-sdays. Tlmrs.lavs ami Satur- very at 1'*.,, in.. f r; i n \Wd- home. It is a new are You the da vd tho r< m k\ pnvateerof the war md a terroi to the \ I'etnnark. Me., woman was getting days ,_r Mondays. f idea. Housekeepers delighted. only buy ami Fi id a vs tT ! pi p. m rea.f ! a few a tmsdays — •'I, nia:id. d v a> eotnpaUN days ago, ml was i package of Ivorine the soap costs you nothing. Columbia &. Hartford 1 e' a!i\:oii> t make some hut I iT.IVt d slot ;|\ I !-<• ..hi lionsr ii, w 1. <■ ‘4o1111• 11 e-.-ream, • ill in .i MS. dmn't .now wliere in that rural region The snap is mail-' from the finest Italian Olive oil. The J. B. Williams Co., d -oil' M ai n«- s'o'.-ki'.if wa> !- -to. tiidinp. j she Y .a i;. \. -i"ini i'. i For the Toilet and hath, for .shampooin’' the hair, i "did get all ie. when lollg raillr a 111)■!!>!. i11_[i •, Tils.11, G'astonbury, Ct. ,. a :s t mako ,st as it stood n Within Ms In-- > fi>r the Delicate Skin of Hatties, for kecpim: the ,\. s .< I'! >• n 1 at 1'' 4 '• a. m WHEELS, th dei. sj, ami ln-red r\ k — 1 gat up enough past Hands Soft. White and Smooth nothin- an cx< .-1 F'>r 50 years the makers of if !|i'«1 1 It a lit' ;t o’, u a ’. > Mis «.i..: v. M't of >1: J ; l.a -t o',. S S'i: S I at 1 111 I\ ■ >u ree/e her e-. eam m go.shale’. j* It is pure olive Oil and m-tl.imrclsr. want l'aukvc M on. \ (iovr ao: was i>vn and use this ^Iiuvinif tooup. j Tins U V leu is W e ! attest, i !•'.1,.1. tv-- 'ii.-. l; 11n at t. a.. IT':'> *v Hunt a clear, bright complexion, always Soap. "dr 5 ■; mi ni. ■, ,i! 5 j.'M T’:. fd f.o ni;111 v a da;. M Vv\ iff of lli.n al 7 p. i. Tii i |\ •' iillin pin; .•!• a a n Sell Hoi Wi liani ! Id \ <■ : >i a in.-, w as 11 _ It 7 .1 a K SiM'irt San •!a at !• a o.'i ; Hid naim-d allot .11 >• h.o'li tilfl'f Thru too. -A is ushf 1 d ( •. a _ra' « ! Market alal in’.' lilr t hr u rsrnt ( lit 11 d M. ’ns Ship i I Jin .-in,:-, in- |; I Jl.-mU. p.-.-t, r. fill ; < "M! Mi issn -in i. \\ i lliani I p. it >t ; 'A h.-u Kuhv was -i k. w e;iv-» he.- 'aster;,! I’l I" i: I! J at ;I' }.'■ Sn M‘i ay S' in a i! ■1" ! o < M t WMaa 11 11. ;;sir. hr < ••• t l s:.. \v is u sh* rie a -itv at Lawn ■’A'!I.-:: rua. i •! O. i is hi (hr c n in puiv ol hn a! 7 k Wl'.-n she ha 1 O'.'! sh-1 .ra- ih.-r.i < S iIn. u d hard as a lr.»n, antoria '•1. a -i. 'I i. ii. |. Ha:,-- ■ .. a.. al •Om.'U.-! M.t Niasi.f a. ,-t. i ’. .... a., Additional Sunday Service. J 1" .'.H a i: S a ... i a v ._ \ d V d; ; S, .... .• ,. I ’rat! Kpua a ; GABDEN HOSE. o! .1 >\ \ '' ini I -- 1., 1 _rm- |.|.. a_ a : k Ii; Every Day to Boston & Bangor ■ i:m dtvidoti to ! K.-l i. f « mi .1 n nth at 7 n. >jn-a: p- I .-!•• \v t ;!ij M- p. w .1 ! !i !••• _ and taki nini" II m iyn I MS ■ ho I’.dlv h." ,rm til.- 1 am r 1-s tin 1 an- '! a.; M_n < ■ :. IT" -I M I h 11 < •!. a- 1 h 1 i:- ir; .a. !:.■ \ ;111 .a 1 imu the Na- | HARNESS Uon’t th- I 1,»< » ■ m ■. < 1 -. Vyff" Koryjf't W m; ■. !;. •: p- ! ». pa;:; i.•:,: S nil't I: -a 1J Ml itmkioii'v Arnica Saina 1 III'. ... '...'It a Ini : .,!;• 1 < ! GEO, aii'i '.a. i sa.; hr !■ ■!.% ’.vin_ :. am.iraa T. READ,

    1 1 '. «• ■ Si •:< v 1" 1 '• PP" '1 1 tl J T .-a-; Mi>. 'i t--' Y !. T 1 1 I I 1. i S « t' M s 'in’:. Your Horse > ai ■! 111o w ai ot ! t ho 11 mm i r; v’. na: i a mi \ 1' .!' ,i 11 1 -Vl:: 'T.' I"’.- ;-. w Ii: ‘••ft 11 iv at 7."" •!. i >ep.i t ‘: i li--. I Ski'1 Steamers will leave Belfast a- follows- r IT '. Fatli.-i ! at \vore fi* ..nom! v -of ii rn .ir.s }■ a- n >:i I. It I'm- Boston, ■laiiv. including at nihout 44 .Wain St., Belfast, We. !< 11't. »t! ] n-ijuir* \\ < Sunday, a Wn-.u n in S.-n nvs v-r, an Hrsf-l la>s. Hand Made, Oak;. it- t t s 1 * t i. -r., a :y. • 1 ■. M..orupon arrival *d steamer from Bangor. Thai t !m i •; ia M a \» mail Tanned Harness for $15? W.- :. «\..* Them at all >rj.;m '• t m. -m. r.-h: si.'.-.1 !'n> -• J.~ •-» n’ > :u -. j For Nortlipoit. amdeli and Hm kland. daily, I -u fi'1 >m Thar a- hi_h as .-atv t«- go. !:• ii» •»! p- iakr ••>ta a-. '• tnv lmi-l at figure y.-n at :».;>») v m.. and Pin -nan A 1 vt nt:-T ! 1 except Sunday, including To the F. Sa,. !;. II M.... K\ r\ 1 lai .'if'' i' \vaminted. daily, Honorable o; the Court of rot ■ Judge v; .tiauct Hit ks. TlU'll' Mt 11 ; !,r -1 *' I I -1 •" V at c. m p j M- a,..' ;•!' 11 1:1 S lain', US t »1 I W j Sunday, ■ '.'.no of in and for the .i., M hf. ki ni\ I, 1 t V. < < \Y For Searsport, ilaily. at m., or ar- of a j.' «j i; i! -a ’»; •.; \ an- i t in i wives. A 1 1 .that Sam I :• .-■ i" ! at n n. pn at 1 ■". upon Insolvency County .filing We have a good Harness for $10. rival of srcainer from Boston. vo i»- ats !i-' 11 . •,]£ :i••!>!. 'm > » 11 ■ v •. It. M A 1 1 ."* 11 i. X 1 K !•>> i s\ it!. ,jf! mys.-at," Tret I at 2.1 p. M tva. arts.jiit od D. M fliMlgdttii A Co < l, .• 11 ■ I km 1:. N at li- Biidiin, Muxs, 5 \ < Fur Over \ ears. Summer Blankets. Rob^s, RETI'BN I\fi Mhltltn, Burden A (o 111..: hr !:• »•«* i tvpr-s-nt that tii-;nv. rcur A .••!■- W !• r.; -Tkiki> Kkmkdv. Mrs S pi.-p: n Ai a h* n- a: Fj :’••••!. and even f hin-j. ,:w: a hour a hor*e. From Boston, every day in the week at a.on c m. » ■1- ot MKS I I I; \ 0 a I if d am: miai! i. o HANKY, : "1 1! !! 11 H'l ll'l’lll iii,I : i.m.N. .* ii* i j W Si 1 ): i S', r lias !..-«• H list'd Mr From Rockland, daily, at *'.,11(1 M..and ilaily, RKSTKCTITU Ti_r fa-H ii, rlif ..mi; v ,,t at c. m.. at inter- Wahl., and ! Mam- iH buia l•»»i- ■ hi mis. '. ,.; linys ami ! ;Ai '••.us |.\ 11: i 1 i ■»n .■{ un>tlieis If ..' iinm n 11 'isi< ami K t.-l STEVENS Ac except Sunday, touching ERSKINE, mediate landings. who is n,, w -a -aids v\ ;,i_ till- i' 11 V Spread 1 :• tm iinvssi ; eV.a m b-; ! 11: 1 i :t 1 l i! wild" 1 ft 11 i UJI. " il li. ia-a" K- \V a. pv vi-t a A- and ! a ii i* »\ -d I m*! m ■ I S;,n- Main- up! muy y >rp j jM'l-ftt From Searsport, daily, at 2 no p. >j. •> I’25 Main ■ ait •* t in- !* SI, SS It -••• -ties 1 !.•• .Si »t't ells t!l«’ r!M< liailv at i 1 a .-a in St., Oppn. Post Office, Belfast, Me. in s i n month- 1 •• I or.- iif Km: o| .- wan m-d liru i.a in licit. 1 * Ii “!mc. '! hat we ask ot llllti. p. From Bangor, touching at Winter- ,.,p- Hampden. ■- *• s •- a lea of a-m! i- in -aiil ronn U ,! W a I i a all aims wind nf, and a M S.-ui sin. ait mi and exe. at ('•.on m|,ro|,(-rr y f |,, ■mmaud *>t 1 j i tin i-o!i!ra 'aptaii mij.^n That mn-r- — -ral < laim- am\- is td-- Ifs: r<■ .nn- t'.»r i' it!.fit Is n. ia1 Ii i‘ i- a a n-r. A' n. «•- j \. M.. and dail\ at 11 on M., at m. yoi.r p-tit ’1 's’* a < *!i \ a ty jd«-as- :a Sundays ! i Met i r iic a ut ment •: 1 a unmit aid- a_ain-' th- ,t- tl:- -am I >, md.-i j'lM'i a’ t tii*- !a• dd I >ru^_'ist s :■ ■ia: 1 it ! -■ '1 I-4' m FUE1> W. e ■. V.y BOTH, Agent Be'fast. V" of Th- —i !; -is t nisei I" i- w tlh 1 •‘tumataler to m- one t !:•• numhei liapter K-\ Statiit— f In- \Y •:■!•!. Twi-ii: live <■*■ nts a l..a i ‘: i-.’n K n I '.a- K ii"\ M• vri11 WILLIAM H. HILL. Hen’l part Manager.Boston Maine, and am-mnmm: m: idi:: -m. u,d- ,i a, r>»« U't ta’m 1' 1 mouse t" assist u- in tlii- w <>rk. i l; 1 1 -r a a. 'I'ict »r. al: M pl'"t STRENGTH, VITALITY, MANHOOD. to -aid Ch.apt-r ■: and i.: ed i *a 1 ■ ■ at n in. •• > eaj-: I' a his e- ‘ti\ ei;': ak -teps at ; ai. in Mi. Wm-A.-w'- S* *t 1:l:.ur Syrup, ami At!'. Ian I a.. lliat h-y 1 — 11-• f 11 a > ’•> \ d- i; a < ’ha t. a ai >e! \ t-l h'e < >' m. 1':. a! mil id mom > ,, ,. ,., o in 'Die e 111 j >' ate y. that we tna v pi-i ioiinh n ; ,,f th- d •; i. ,. ... v Me in com lit i"ti ; -eH \a mat ions tor ! N 'tin in- vet n ;. r_f. \ fTHEmNCE;. ail HocM Line. inhn ! Male and 0 ■ > Bangor ..auii i. w k. > } it ids i •«i t i w ii and said y-'Mi •11 n t a m 1.. at : J.— for S-' >}'• -p pi. tflife 1 w. e 1 a ■ ■..1 -* -■ .■ Iks ai•- u taken I i■ ! *s hei ■-! ha ■;» | : !.«• ;•* rsouai pros, in.r .ii T be Hit' A irll.i k n« W tills ''I Ur' i »W \\ they if •• t hat -aid debtor i- in- W-m. and t hat i: t -:. < ..s a a, mil s. : HU > < ] plan t. !:•• A h. 1 a main pnmnt y ii a t n- I « I" ;j. ui\ ii*'t:t‘> ,1! ai-nij. Boston & TCo. '• . M a. r xx as eiit; n a'ly cm ■ AV. II. PA It IvF.l t. A1. I).,A'o,4 Bill finch •1 t s t a a t n,. 1 \• st., 1 \ e'1 ei warn! a t I o’V a ! 1' .;' 11.1 d •be sed. HIM be *.'] 1 !! I y collllnit re up i B >- <'y, M nt;„ .,f t/,. i, •, s s! 1. } r»f-K ST \l NCH STEAMER I -i V i! a 1,1-1 : uiii. a like "mini? pi: \boi»\ m i:ni( \i, i vsrm ti: >who:n pointed •.-operate a Id wa« awarded tin mi i> w. hv the N i'iunai, •r. j non t lie M ii. t Mki-uai. A--so. at: oy forth.* PIM/K I>v\V'n: K O C Iv L A. IN 1) « i s | a s dn i-a: i n \ % i, Ki: >n: Sn K Ubi in w riylit ,-!.: I >••; (rt ntent t -:n kxh. ; o, A- \. ..m. ami a II.i- ivp.-iiiilci a ip I ut in : !i. >r. •null « ■ 1;.: n a m t» i. f i : \\>\> !>■ in’A':, ami ami If../; .• .>■* ol Mn> | t i ■ *i 11 lit- local i>a>si-ii'j.p; r\ iff l'Piwfru I’.ai. e ;n e ill!; !: 11 II• If. mb. ib.-l ; partnient :'ir a ip i llorkian.l |'..i the -ra-ofi if... an-1. \v;l! a'din M s -, Tin ■; s at M ,s. < cm ma ! ilef. | CURES '17 Mi'll a 'a: ii mh •. v i I I ! 11 i ’!. 11' iH--t d’, .1 » ! 1 \. -l.orex, !'. \. M | Lurft i»n..k. tiii: >< m:m i: oi i.ii i:. oi; Manila). July 17th, m_ H a-p a. S KLF-I* K KS la It VAT ION, 'l'ii K Pni/K E' -ay, ala! K< '«■ k ia ip ! ,11 !.' an u akf lain lii.u- it « ICS. K. bol,. '. lb \ A. * 'ft; i U ! \. 1 1. 1 it Miouid lie in F\er> Hails*-. Sl.'Mi by inai!,d"«ib'e*j .1 from ohservati in. I’’.!! 'l nl I'.f: I: -* r*. \ ..’rt !i j.. >n < 'a up ipp pi Ik .■k- I'r. I’arkei 'work' the best on the I a n i. ••fun net e;. \\ mi ! ;»*::«* l' < u p- subjects d |; W .... « St Sin > 1 frea’ed c- «-r and have an emu-mon* sa i! e i.. 1..1 a 1 j»ijb!:sh>*d. i:"> K I. A M*. a. Ml tiled M s. hi la .loi dan M i.on. 1 K : < ,, i; s. M.. N 1 mpart.nient s IV > d.- U d. I\ Id "• -I a. s.|,, -P '-,|aj > * '■ ■ y:i I 'I!li_ j a Sana A !».'■* d STHOMi.VidOlhd 1 U-11,t-T ... M ill* 11 MAM \ liKAL 'I II'-K! i\ AT--: ■■■! Ih w. Mi-. 1. i eavit: u-p vt im-nt an,; < '..Ids that : nnd n-s a it,- a if w as N<>n 11j»• >r* !!*• »rt P'-ini. < •• ti •• at.-n.-.i -A ;t I M"-n n a n;. •. nitt-i an atta.-i .111" 11'11. S:tiniy I>im An K"- !.’ainl L.mi m. I' 1 a •’ ;>U'|>ort Mrs i 1 w ’an i .artmeui [ '!.a«. -ipy in-ii v-i ms 111• rt-nn-- i a-- if! i if dad in- If Wiii‘«TjH.rt. I’lesilfeth '-r pli '!• True L. F, BITTERS, I >. .M I ,\ II, ~1, v ! N A Id'. Aii ! I, turns ^ M b m 1 i-., A, i,.. i' m.-nt J. A IT. y \'. j " Momla In a. ! for I p. 11s A w i das d>11 ■ Impure Blood, Min':'. '• l.v -M r«-. 1: ••• r>i iii'i i. k.-T- :,i rate-. i'i<• k»■ | ■ V I T:ia ii a!i v‘ i:i!.a In- a! us.-.! ••I hi \ '.!. .. .. • wil! u I •n steamer < ! rmai a 1 m ale I Xi All > :•• 1 ’• a Mi Constipation, any V. ! 11: •. !•. ■! x: at ■, ;d it. j-ai li ! At ..: :. i 1 1: a ,t 1; !i M-,.-: s i >r m Sr..n- ;o,ys. her 'team* t Dyspepsia, \ \V I r 11 a- Ml. > false Mt aU -t -mr-eri .r ■ >et •! m | ; 1. i: tin s, and 1 jea! try I nim im in;\ a. i; < > ;, |', ..w I*, d- etc- I 1,1.1 * W. 1*< > I I.. \ r.Hta-; \. a. : 1. > -a. « :■ s':, Economy | Fin iiins I .••*», n- t-r darn t*. .'I )dd I- i Ma Wi i.I.l.VM II 1111.1 <;••'.-ral V ,m mer. r,..-r..n. is »W to 'in -evil a! i.>t s < MM— M VI presented I.l nd‘ s. ad. l*r.-T M dear * n !': a-, r. M.. NA II < * « 1. F. : ~ ■' hio' :.• a -. s. > *rp> an«i a a n y a li: 111. Idynlai .-it! "... n ! I> .M. Ii< 11 .v .j Kln-irk Bltt«*r». « ■ v ;; i*'t lisiie: mat! .nd < a,. a a. a, }„• l i*n: M-l path1, and hearty ; .era; ion t.. h ays .da;. :m's Tin. M | im>'i nntiend dm cum p: t W.i'd" 1. N Id id i' 1893. Summer .893 \ i !' r: -1 a 11: m Arrangement a I d -- i. i I d 11 lids !' A '• ■ I -t i\V I l;>. ha dd and 1th T a 'Ma;. im- ! .-a., ii ( KTtimemlni' Monriu). June J*i, la- MAh. | run- i'li K -h" 1 *v ii \ A ri:: in.-*• I ai ,s; Uadi. I VIKING, "• hr h. o S 1.!' i s-. ; : ; C Men ;-i iiy Will I. Ti ! !;1 w.'.ii i.'l ..-I !! .'• ('has. \ li.u kY si. r. ; tin- sunnnit O t bin :mi Heap-' ss -.s 35c. Silvas- (A-, > i.'MM Hi- i: s. •• .... ,i. a of e. <■ ? e.' in w It'eh : p’oaeliinu pi P< v. i■ i• i 1 ... >!;.!:»ri.i'i l! -Vv Wad a s.. a. for the true !•' i. < ■1 ■ T i |11 i- 'li nn«l I n- l’.ailaM I »i\ !>;.•! d ts a k tea. i heli !.•!•< Kill si lilt I! S.ll : M"i;da> n a a. article, from t ho of an< «. I !'11!'"■ r*• l'i11.•!• t. ! peri-'d ad aye uiiJst seek ;[ 1 t.i'f. iii- ;,t ,i .i ; e- ! 111! '< 11 !'• Hi l: II a-s d hese ! e ‘id a 'id an-' !"•!• 1.d. in, ,. I i's* and -dad j ..( reliable ,y any dealer. wlii I; nil-- in i: > ..; \! •- 1 | -y m pa; he! ii hand of iro ii ; he proper Slllll' .1.1 V. •* •: 1" I'. III. ?■•! ,l!l 111 I!' II;.: I.!! ed hand of rate run ! h x •. w iu a 'V ;• .!■■"!•! I r sill!\ !!;_;■ rill" linn. !.' •• T n.- Vri i"1 Iiiaa’s K: J Ha'. :.l t ill'! i; i. U 11 ir a-y yr I \. in Ma.m t he : ': '. !..!•■ :■ ■. Mr. > i i -: 1 i is;,.. lappil Ml: t la- sa, a, a T .a !. d 'hs .-i i> nion! ma \ ■ : M .s111.■ iiari'. r. I' 1! l»r.-.«k ; *M• i.i v W -1:n — i.i' uni >.n ■1 pin.u y .,;si provided 1II" 1 n i:. a 1 n>> ale t a ; i: {•.!-• ! >ri*:i n.-l ha t j nst. n 1 tat J; of * A. id All (Hand \ d m a* ,T Viking j i I.V « "l 11 v. a. e -a s.. ■ iliiiic i'l i; !; a bed !•• b : pi md. and whose \ limit Krnetiu tor. M, in- >i :a ! A i: id: i'i an si n- 1- rn uU .!• .n.‘< *. >i Hit I i.i! ;•< -i M n > XX x\ I'M n- j-- arc cc!T,i:h!\ In- is H Mars'. A 1 \. .j your .ntings-— 1 a n d a i Us so :-e]y laid Men 1> a greatest j TI, Mil i11;nn•. 11:«:«• !;m 1 "■ i•<•!!<• i;e■ t<’r- •! tin- race, and after reading 'I’li irsda\ ii:'..:' o: W > — '■.. yaa.'.el 'I a e, M, y :• y in.staiimll ; r i <;i s Fair J-'n-i-li: I'fiiu, r.itf 1 >i In I !;*■. .n ^ I a. l»r Frank' t: Miles- we can- I !;■ in is II Marsiiad Id ts :u IIn-; ni. i.i M K I; s. Meat : a ,a popular w.-ks, ; lililil In wi‘« in v. i i. i.e M A iany. tlien as M' >umains let :•■•!;. tie. lari tig him T1» he am* Mlg the !M1 ’St ar l-'rida a' al. Mid. I .’:i •■.!.' :• ?.*•'- !■• !•••': i.v! I*..'-' \i I a xx P d !. xx : 11 y ii e 1 a J U d e •• ot <‘d and a" S. r k r ..I n v.i uteri lining and educating <*f authors A in I row K Clark ('a eve-v eaej-cet 1C XX i:< x\ t- :|S r! -ef f where, take lady J.r. p".*et' Nev \ Daily. He is n«»t a stranger t N 4d. a,". 1- a. !-\ M -nd;- J a: d ssini imi ilie* ! ’! ! i' aued, ! nr r<- ub r- as his advertisements appear n (11: a m ;i-.>. Sa;i i. '' U 1 \S. »V a box'.; eteran. wit .nt : uri as-. .Ha- "iii’ '"iunins in every issm eai 1 ing attenthm I iny avory Sat tirda\ ■ •. a a (iranyv ■ t u .-; !'• th oi kinsnien aide and ebsp. .sed to pr- t” tin- fa< that liis elegant -rk ..n Nervous Had ajipor H iyh 't I lid.; Beechams ■and Heart Diseases is distributed free ; (i ran-da. N .7-' n Sar- i Between Belfast and do bin, a Jionte. and x\ iiose examy require- by H[tid Northport a > -, .a. -1 i our P H. n o\ an m at tin- Ciany.- ■! aj da' a ii Idn !! :: .in ae uieiit is met xvheii he is fu n,shed with an etiterjinsing druggist. Moody. | rda> u ill run as fol,ow -. Trial FJottles of Dr Miles' Nervine are r.*a« 1. ''o"*"^rsN a gi\en Augusta mi 1 in- n, was valiant where he > a drink, and Leave N.>nlii">it at I ».in ;g F :• ui c,| a>yii.’ii may lawav. also pook of Testillionia is AMIKM DlltlKI: i Ml ii' Vv ’IIKV |. '• 25 c. :: showing! Ell-; j Pills Ill lot IVIfast 1 s p. stead hand and tht mna s a xx > sleep tedious .»y. iT is for Nervous N-,. tm-'- I-i listlessly i that umpialled Prostration, tot-jiri/.o E.-.l-:*-. mpts j Lea\e Bdfa-r a.4c .1. m p m..ainl«; m. a-, tt it• 11 and true awaitiniv the huyie-i ah to the final muster- t .->■• and d mi with < 11 H'-adaehe. !‘o< Memory. Dizzim-ss, Sleep- j ! t Ida' ] | ;,1 i ..?; In- -mi rt i: ! vgoV you. L.i’ung amp .Meet in ami 11; 1111: 111.1 \-sem had u■ ; n > w deI a will make mnlinu.>:i> !li;. "i.. is tolerahly xveb leeoinm -dated at !esstless, Neuralgia. H vsteria. Fits, j Thursda\ o\ oii.nd> in >-;i< h m-m h lily, trip- Between Be|fu-t. Deer Isle & Bar Harbor, 11' ness ire Belfast, "• results aid ii in w as -i«-a«i! t! •• N'ationai Soldiers* Home- N KW Em;!..\M> OUDKK !’<.•• ,-a ! I• .N [uen11y Sear-port Northpoi Fpilepsy W.-. A from of food, Excursions Mondas. aie-na ami Erda\ > l. s; mi al>. -an! '.he ! h it Iioll'ast No. 14'' moots Odd I-.-d changes water, lint there remain ioi the Lodya to 1 M\\ «>\ l si*:;. uujuovided ! Isn't it that a 1st 2th should climate evening- from Belfast aid \orrhport .i-tine strange hahy's w s Hall "ii t ho so .-< nid and!. habits, etc., and the ; n* -is tati-.n an- \ whom the M'.mlay ; Fort Point, eti Will ."in.. even ;._ed veteran to companion of ! 4tl is Ityder’s fiivc, a\ a11i11ys in a' h m-mth remedy Beecham's Pills. eveniii”' and with th* Steamer CASTINE. ander .>1 rile ,i-I-I votith is yet spate.;. ,;,.j xvho. phy-i- Saturday Monday morning Strong Witnesses. A.mkkh an Lkci-'N of Ii*'N« Hay (dry Bangui Boat at Fort Point. -a idly had he ap « broken down ami m-verThe- | ally needy. Cotim-il. N.» AC.-J. moots ;,i ti,. "tti'-a Zif •steamers Viking and Electa depart 11c. a: SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, A 'li a handled V a n k *■ t_ the thousands of testimonials of ri\e iess yearns foi the home comforts mu Among j E .Johnson. Odd Follows lA'.- k, m. the first i ! iiu their new heud.piarters m Belfast, ui’ S Dr. Miles' new IP-art Cure, is that 1 LEW IS foot o| a -; it him lie iiimi- it to by a, WHARF, Mail. stre. Thrt-e Trips I*» r Werk. fell, wi'hin tie reucli, and whom the 1 and third Monday av.-:i:ny "1 ii no.nth. ot Nathan Allisons, a well-known eiti/.en of II. C. PITCH Belfast. he ex or- | v. • KB, Agent, iietore pi ed he t ho11c ;;is oj in their id'VAL \k« am I’.oltasT d-nn. i. N Oldest and Best II’.. If'.isr ,, ! ■!.■-.i.i. I ,■ -. separation doHiniuy t ifi lb -’k. Pa., who f.r had short n ess I Equipped. H. P. JONES, Vlee President. ; year.- t •' : In "-i-ht to .ais eahin ai a j 7dA, moots .Ml tin- .-.-•.•ml ai.d :r:h Thurs- '>a! 1. pI.i v .,- l" I «';.•> IH.ik. 'pear y« ilamity little less to he dreaded I of brent n. 111 t he left sleepiesstu-ss, paill side, a » 1 M".- J dn\ ovotiinys of a 11 nn-nth a .. •!,!,.son's I»:*." 1- I i.i 1i, S,"l..r\Vi 1.. I’.l" Illi him. Then in* ordered; death itself. Then there is the hb sin 't in eti hel]>- ! sii-»t. rs. ing spelIs, : one bottle I i!. urriviiu: a? «. tvou's 1 .at..11111; a: v. :. w -a Hail. .-leased itll t he les.s soldieis xvidow with the of Di Mib s New IP-art Cure and om* box ! ami .-t i '• cs at i... ii.i: •: .1. >. ;; dependent TKM t’KRAN' K So, 15- !h's '.a i!•: ain >]»eai sliMiild hildtet: the wifebs- Tat hei wiio -1, •. «, -■ lki-s Ii »• i; > ills, an tip 1 *, i, Sabm N d is anor.her .-ry ,|1\. ei less childien tiemand other can- than he daipn witness, \ wh" for suffereil with ot hoi ... a a' mma-s of I i, .r. >. W. Mari. 11 i:i S. ., ii ,r it hen taken ashore un r twenty years Heart Frir. w as nn-mdors. ; Dis* ase. itieunible -t \ tie: IIP W a pronouneeti hy phy- IJ i• 1 1 ll 111 ^. M "ii’ la MV.! ii- 1 h hel mlv er and mother. \\ ho.-a. theii all 1 W (' F tllaat-s W. j riliciny up- emus, death -far--d him m the ta< Could l»l I.l-'Asr T 1 liaS- On and after June 2a, train- e. ISIBt, nneetnij. • es, ■•!> lies Were split ■ n alt at ,.f .-,iii"\ in tin* "•> SA Ml. II r. \ I: l: *i I Man the sixties, m-t In- do\\ n n- fear --f t" death. day at *J.A.n p. m at tlo »m- Hiyh st root at Burnlvam with through trains for aid from j smothering r. \V. I'1 >11.. V M- It. ,1::-: •: -> hi*- v: toi -ns Islanders, it; theii advama d alone ovor H 1!. .! ohns. nds sr.a-o Bangor. WnterviBn Portland aid Boston, wil> rut years piaetieally 1 uimediat-n al'tei using the New Cure he 1 M AKUIA \ as *w- — i ao F.’l : i■ t ui n' i" his wife. in the world. Ail these -ayy'es; ma «*ssi- I fi-lt ate' and on Id lie down and id-Aa-: N• sir.;. KlfM i:i-.l.l'A>r. ose all ami is lmw we!! man Tiie New nn r\ M> ■mla s <-\ '-ti' aI’* lie ties and uryein. and xvliiHi ran night, KK-OPKNS SKI’TKMHKB ISSK’*. pressing «.l s '•! 1-. M. r M ( a! >o b\ THK ti ! ip 'a hah inh. »died 1 he sou. ;;n hire so:,!. Flee Pooj<, P H only he met by sm ii m xa.lenee Betfa-r. 1 U" Shorthand. and a depart. rilo d lid '-l ll N\’ 1 i 'k-k.-ej.iii:: 1'■•nmanshij> ■> ns-" In -Ms et ills is hejr pi'o]insei!. l lie demand for such St«|.J-o’tlo ( it v Point .. 1 iii 4 eg A. K. PIERCE, (.’"i!11T\ holds 11;-• --ion- a. .a! a. tin* Waldo. ’A" 4 g a h sf. e. ; II lie 11* a 1 W as Dot : eh. xx ork to i m r. mm a likely with Hi Motley t.Iks. but the sil\er dollar means A GENERAL FITTING FOR BUSINESS. 1 tir.-t '1' -.osil.i•• n Jantmrv and Brooks .IT id 4 M ed h\ 1 III- -a and the c in i itt le iiii'ie than hail what it prospeet pas-lny year: experiem oilvr says. < > Ktio.x ...‘ .;•» v T. P la\ "I A|.rd ami -r-t..-r Tin- M.i; ;.!;■•!, ha- .( TV j. i; 1.1; jo.-i J. •: illiT-inilll- •a m u so■niei.l ]j. States has heen : hat In a. oin moiiatii •ns >pch-.-s. (utarrh In New Kiiglaml. lYodat. ('.a;: t. .1 uly.- ( i. 17 in —. j>t;a- ri- a 1 it>. ami oriainadiN <•: over tl!'r c n In a S Gas Filler & Piute. dll to w a and -1 -r r.d*m t-. I'nity iSlim k his o 1 wile ;; very speedily taken inn :■•* Homes tlio S o n d Tiiovlii;. -f aaaii ': A i. 1 n> yea fs' Uelin-a. :>.ii'>n c cam Palm sat isl'aetion t« Burnham, irri v ••.’I. "1 T ::» W he \\ MIL’ S was X c hr» !, t ■ d a ’; Fly's gives •> Court. mi Tin- da\ t. d.-w m ha .peiied j• | n. t von ’l. Offi e Mam S: above Savum Bank. ■ on :t mr catarrhal troubles, ,. I'ernnaii'] m mailed .... i. m. \ \ h a as a sea I e art h using r- .m ie idu 11 siioiihi in-said. I he seh-'iie \v i i •! Jm_'.' Bangor. U K Mel or. Hi Wore, stei Mass. die".. iggi-t. 1 i t ai 111. 'll r!io ;i r-I ilid thud A. l« •• ‘Jet to-ethei the sum ii. .! i\a- a -xx set i n M"':day> ; se rb 'n- i.tdies li [list ■ pal I b» ! l. I'll S t h' e a 1 IT ihllm.S tin best al- < !•:. COMKIJ. 0.1 o 1 1 1 :' 11 T ! I'linripal, T i. e in me r -- he tm Mn- i-i s t 1 1 a ; !i C. P. I'uinp' II)draullr -oili of he I lie ami pa cel ot min ra i mo. y u- A ait ;■•!.• ot real merit. Aldeti. A.i. ks..|.. or.- I *. \\ d-.i: So,. I d 1 par' plan W. !».4 ! Hums, A, J -- "Ms. a j. a i; rat ral !-\ t b ma! < vent as e:u I -C M s, a P !i. Po 11.' S| ed licit Vat ion iy >| lllgheld, la: 1 t., T -M. 'i'p.s- elys Ml III .-.V who use it ••!' it. ., Catarrh I > .!. I I' ! is Those highly — A -! \what a real lie Ip- as i >ss xx 1:ei! tin- \ ;ir iona W I ,b < Ilium speak i.iv A.- am. T Any,.-: A Hi i'll ngtiehi. Mass is In 1 ei ha !. Ml! Ml at M id is, m. < die >. x\ as for. Tu: ami 1A.-, 1 provided t h'eaii: Pa 1 in lias veil sal isl'aet r*-sit It 1 W. h..— *;w : to 1 MU gi •.ry '1 A ! 1 s CREAM BALM h. hat had i J am. a marvei xv Homes” of this depart. New Life. \-k \our Friend- I’ho Lihrai v ami l.’.-adiny ii a-- m-oh I n in.g -pi >27 < Htals the Sores. BRA! V 1' 1 I i' I 11.1«! O' in • uliforni u auado. l‘enn- ... I NERVE oily, .'> o', ., | Tliorndike.7 »n ", as deseiijition W 1 i.i'e taktii Hood's what from to !'„•]<. sramlard Aina. n > < Sarsaparilla t.' liKslos -t‘ t lie sx lx ania, Wisconsin. ( »hio. Iowa, and soim Satiiai.n 1 Knox .' 7 ci• : 7 .14 r think o[ u. and tin* will ho Monday. W.-dnosdav ami aftor- Restores the 1.«*> replies posi- Bi' .oks. .. sjs a ia 55s I' !■ it\ sin* had tin* ii",,d ha ot In*!' while New \ oik ami Illinois noons. mil fi'i'iidi A,uro s f.u ,I,"k Tin-siiav. Mates, tive a its I i\oi. Oin* has heen eared of i11— Sen*»e* of Taste Waldo. rs :;.} g- *•; us that t In w as w m il Hive work in Urn satin Tlni:sd;i\ and oomiiiys. Tin reaped already commenced digeste-n and dvspepsia, anotle r linds it in- Saturday | Pit > Point. fs r,o u n> 1- TREATMENT lioa and Smell. ■: i- ■ t >t a •• < s:i■ and ra.-nliny room an all in- a an ;< > ol ) 11 i*u 1**1 lain aii rav- ili reet ion. >n! x hist yea r t hr t t loxx a disp* ns hie for k headache, others report l*rary Belfast, arrive.. 4" 27 I)R. !;. ('. \v ! ;sT‘S NKKVI NI MV TKK \TMKNT.a hanittmts of Ho!fast ovp-r I'oiuToati \- ar- of for I »i."iut ~s 1- fs. Noumlcia. Hyud- d 111'onch tin* town. Main ten < the use remarkable -ures of salt rheutn Flag star ion. j specific Hysteria, dedi -ated ottayesfor scrofula, 1 -f ion separate T- -w t. ache. Nervous 1’r, rat msod by alcohol or tobacco, and otii.-r bh--i uis.-us.-s, still others ayo 1‘orsons rosidiny m ri-mporari! Limited 1 lekets for Boston are now sold at ismiact's ol that hist. ri< ot the veTe rails, t hei r xvi ves a id xvid-ox >. on will : TRY THE CURE. $5d Wakeful n«*s M«»nttil DeprosMo:., Sofionim* »f Drain. ttso tin- m -atm- > from Belfast si ems ,a t "that riled feel- d. he of the National llmne. These A tickets t*> all Harron — of 1 \>. in "it tier sex, I >. lady's hospiiahh* y!■-utids oi;. as romdatitS. particle i- into each nostril and is Through point- West and North- A«o. ne>s,.1 mpotem ;ng. nd s* Trul.x, the host applied all V» advertising > > Leucorrluea mol Female oaknesnos, Involuntary ■in.- husinesss (as a ••li nns" are all the a::tve.nMe I 1 e At .-at at 1 M ua-aists; west via all route-, for sale l>v E. E. Citnwi.m ability sprinoino up along wiiii h H.o.,1 receives is the HIST AM F FKn.M IJF. I FAST I" j hy mail, I.osses,S|'ermatorrt e au-o over ior. of brain Sarsaparilla !eu:-r* led. do irliiv 1 I'd Agent. Belfast I’AVSON TF< K ER. *:i h i w h i t«• 1 ao lin mot Sol over-1 ioi ul^eiu ••. A rnouf roi:-rn-u’ it her liousew Wh\ not in Maine*.' Purely our 1,. irt elidersein.-nt -a tie- of f-ahiix*. h's fl army friends irtT 7 n rs At Vice Pres, and Fen '. o Belmont.l> miles N■ ■rMijx ! Kl.Y lilit 'III KKS. Waru'en St.. New York Manager. 0 tor t»y m ■ 1. W > ••ariie. ■: !...\es ..,••• iKnch In* 1 (id as o: I ve '• j^ood had to. "I lead.'1 the it ha- wen us sit medicinal merit. V E. Bo *mt:\ (Jen’] Pass, an Ticket for !>. >v-h v w •'i• I w niton I’.dly onjninsnipon duty pi Br.jks. 1J I':il*rin<>. ■u* Agent. order Sa, uunrantoo to ruin ad it not cimid. « in..: a nines issued only by penny tor a ainy da\ Mm* ••joiiiirm the profession," and as near tin Burnham. I P.Ttland, dune tsx; If »-\er the American did scream it l’p^pe.T.14 now so lit if eagle conic, when hoi i ‘>1 tin- line as is now able. ... l.'» Searsiip »nt 1" praet e oe* Frankfort ought to ha u when lie u as put on the '1 UK -Mbs. be hereto uive- .«il H H. Sole \uent. KelfaM. Me. his tale ol' woo into Commander will Fi'iMlmn.I-' S.-a 'l *1 ; poured I)epa!'tment Cushing I'spi ■ I. ■■ iieii hat she b.i- been iin;\ 1 >• •• 1 ;t] i111*.t• l ■ t a *1 s!«-sln>r<>. .1" ST.-kt-h.P‘ 1 ear she patt.od he down make tour of Aroostook. l‘iseata.juis and Ij ami taken u|»«.1.. herself the t i-t >! Adm'ini-t ra- •• • N. S. Miles’ .Verve At Liver Pills. a 11V i 11 11 *!» the hack assnrin^'lv and Washington eountie< durim: July and Yu .larksoll.l.”» ,S W | rrix ot the e-iate LORD, t 111 a new Kn \.17 Th--rii H'/h th> m>rr,s. Li Kerry.1' Tr«*v JJ Dental Notice. will also use his inliinnee for the further I>! Miles hills Lincoln vi IU- U l' nit s. i in t hr « oim; '1 Wabi". 'ien .oed. J.! iiu !)«Illii Sail \ new discovery. spredllv ii> Maker, LOMU VKl> l'ui> m.i lr arra.mnnruts with was dumbfounded, a nee of the Koine movement, in which he 1 as The law .liVet t-. slie therefore all aptain bad .Mmiroi- l Wal'ln ie.|hesl- per .• cures biliousness, taste, torpid liver, Ami maker ot DU. I>r V11 >n .lord.Mi II.nmol-. 111 take liar^e 1 lie i■ i>u 1 d have he had is interested. Mrs. Klla Jordan soils w ho ate indebted t" -aid deeea-ed's e-Tate to tents, awnings, carpets, etc., at tlu spoken, deeply constipation. L’neipialed for men Mont vi 11*- .hi Winrrijx.r: ,_'r it hi- Srarspon and Stockton .*tti«|»r. .Ionian piles, make immediate payment, ami those who have bail on Swan St Co.'s ■ i* >t ioning the resources of Mason. President, has ad- Smallest. mildest, surest.' Morrill. r. 1-‘J“ ! ling Sibley wharf, former!} will >«■ in Srar-port .• \• •*pt Tuesdays and Satur- Department women,children. demands Thereon. :<• -aim* any exhibit the t• >r .'!■» k'on Sat nr* < ( Geo. T. Osborn. days. Tuesdays in and lays m >hetook him into rhe cellar ; dress, d tin* itizeus of Portland, Augusta, :m doses, lio cts. Samples- Free, nr li. H. *Posr *!ti• is ai»"’iT 7 miles. .settlement to her. I-OK/A 1 »iA !\1 M-.AKl.KY occupied by apt. 1 TnrttefH. j lUdtast. l>i Lombard will be m St*ar>p<>rt Sat- ■ and a and Keunebunk. this sub- Drug Store. (' ve. («n>un«l. 4 miles. SATISFACTION Gl’AKAN ll.Hl>. taking along spade skovvhegan upon Moody's +Safunla> T*ahip j urdays as usual. lOtt *M-arsi»ort Locals. Jolly Cncle Josh. drop into N. \V. Delano's parlor. That's my study ar.d some cabinets for my friends SHI I* NEWS. — I where you can get as quick, neat, expert and Having thus concluded Their round oi as or and To > every way shave, haircut pleasure Polly ('ill F A F. \\ n wKimivi; ian i<* Polly. a rkalistic enjoyable profit. began volubly as of the her tiianks. "You have bought us POKT OF BELFAST. K'MANt K IN WH P H N M BEK < 'F 1! F.LFAST shampoo, any pampered prince express do the Sales s she H. H a a: f.-r a f**\v .Lays mfn pp.ominknti.v axu happily. realm ever got." To which Charles acqui- everything. exclaimed. ARRIVED. Why esced when, a short time afterward, lie em- “Only one thing," n marked l m le .Josh •• Miss Summers- I'olly- I—er—dare I Eb*-n Fi.kc\ •; kwas n wi erged from one of the best conducted barber reflectively, but I can remedy that. B ! Aug. 1. Srlis. Let Tie M. (irav, (irav, a Louisa M.'lui.i\. l’.ut lit spt aker took header over basli- shops in the country. Mr. Delano also pays H. Coombs & Son always have a tin*' line of : Hrooksville; Fran- :s, Portland, them and \ on can urn whenever Island; s. ) fnincss. only to bear a sweet special attention to ladies and children's get you sloop Hanger, .Ionian, Kagie M s> Halt a M. rr> r -y !■ a: fur I.a. hair-cutting and dressing. want it: I'll pay for the best." Daisy, Harriman. Isle an Haut. Yes. Charley." *>. Solis, (iazelle. Hull. tea “I declare, Uncle,” exclaimed Charles, as “W-h-y!" exclaimed Polly with great cu- Aug. Hanger; T’c-s.iay Can 1 aspire to—er—to—that is—" Tidal they reached the street, “there goes a hand- riosity. “whatevr-r is it '.'" Wave, Turner, llo kiand Hot.*-;: Stockton a into followed an ;t s-.aiuer for Again lapse silence, — H< st< n. F Fancy :> Friday by some plueton : I must have one like that lor “Well, it's—a—a baby wagon, and I'ettis, Perkins, Mswa. eii. enraging: Spring Mass the girl." “(let it But had fainted. Ktw*. •Yes, right here," sententiously Polly SAILED. Charley." said the old man. “My friend H. C. Maiden 11 K 1.ct 1 -ci» wife 'eft Last 'b. if 1 might "ii!v hope to— er—to— ;ui. Friday conducts a carriage repository here that for Aug. .'. S!■ o|. Jordan. Is- Nerve wish to failure of It was seem- Hanger, Fagie Tonic announce th.c Another Stockton Stkinos. ( 1 f 11 ki.. ss f fui S language. variety ami excellence of stock cannot he apt. land. ingly a hopeless case, and it might have Fscet'd those of all other Remedies heat in Maine. He carries surreys, car- Rock port has been visiting at ('apt. ('. S. Aug. 7 Sens. Lu< ia I’orter. Tapley, New F,-i v < M- t ii.d u ic arrived fr. 'i been, only lor a demure W herever l nt received the ae riages, buggies and pine tons, in all the lead- Rendell's. Mrs. Medora Marden and Mrs. York; Mary F. Crosby. WbiTe. New York rod need? Charley, I've said ‘yes' twice and if you F. s S.n ing styles, and is satitied with a moderate via Seal Harbor Louisa Fran- :s Thorndike, ! mean ;t. 1 mean it, too, and—and—" A. M. Aii'es are visiting relatives in Win- too." Hoekiaml : Hebert Petti-. Perkins, Hi < oks- — < profit, V Fm r\ •; is .siting. And to this that- young man will in- ter 1’ai.g* day “And as you are in decided need of a dress port. M r. Wilbur Cf rant ot Kingman ar- vi He. Sixty-Five Dealers Sell our Remedies sist that he the M s s \ pupped question. suit." said Uncle Josh to Charles, “a rived in town and returned Mon- Aug. >. Srb. Dora M Frei. ii. Fn-md Waldo Ail Till- “out west" and it regular Saturday County. happened away swell and ou Harriman. ■ Sunday-go-to-meeting finish, y Hanger: Daisv, t'shiug. N all.. ua-li'r ;«>ug before there was a Wedding. day. afeoiupanied by his wife ami little ga l know, very happily. I can suit you as well Aug. S. b Tula: Win. 'I \s ,. It was not auig before there came letter who have been Several weeks as though you w* re in some lug western Spending If.i. fr> n l’< !1\'s l ln le Josh in who Mr. CHAS. F. BESSEY Maine, \V<- vc one first-class here. Mrs, l- wdeii :> i, 1'■ —t* i: b*r a > V .• n :> city. got fortunately l.'ay M Ye.; g V: U. j wr. te eft isivelv of his at her S delight exhibi- tailor in He 1 \M KKI< AN I h fast, my old frond 11. L. Lord. ! I ri'liis. M., .i;«- u h of W-ha.t he called Iilld P» ‘S* «1 \is-t... Mrs. Marden, Bor nestei. N. \..m .,i i.,, "grit." ) p« Charles was indeed to find that he pleased N' " \ l'k Ar t! it ’in would locate at \ » F \»!,-!. !\t young couple could make selections for a full dress suit isiting her brother. dipt F. Bark. ’• :• '• I •••! arr vn: >. =. .Mass l• *• 1 a>t he w.uihl start Them in bfe as a Aiii. M. up a from stock o! as as could be 1M. I Id Id: k- l.'eatItieh. was a: "wn ■ elegant goods I '■ i"1 ■ 'ii ■, '■,! t. < ■a 11 ! •!' \V .»• t'• i in \ doing gift. found in the eastern and was soon i:._ lv tir simps, over Mania d (.. Trundv s :' ■ w n i. r i a 11 k i' T 111' S;111 ■! t ’• 1.' < '! *'iir*>• rla v .i■ oni a s-i'r so,.n pied, | i'Uvinred that Mr. L- rd is mast-r ■ •! hi- art !:■ li l.„, i,s A. \Y. i-; .... };• : ,*r A!. ! e r friends adieu. a short •. 11 MBlam 1- r\ <;. as a Utter. f Ik!' I H A '• W Week- -ill's* Hell T t" the a ooYe coil- S, A H,!\! Wan-. 11 Mi-e. ■ Mam. Kr.a W i f : Las- ug up the dr-r ailing 1 Polly S ,, M Ml; S'M: 11 Km lii-Yft I !i.«r a ! T)' 1 -k. I b Liit le Josh o re a hiinds'•!!.• g M'i” ■: .. 'a 1 pau>. i• g :• i- iv Mi;' \ store. "Her. s t !>>• K >: 'iv\ n -t H ■ !. •: II.i.r c;;: T V -• !-a; \\ :1\ T la- ma S j said h* “t b, y ii (y i- t" O* a .' a b;. \\ \ — \ \ ! \ i: i i (. \ hi W i- 'll -a d in a | .... \ [■_ i. \ i- i * t\ ; ■' > i I is U"W 'I ... i. 77. IS7; 7 ! a. > :.u' Funk 7i >a11«■ r

    !k -' ■ i,. \ Ai.• a. L. 1 ... 1 r ,,; a v W el ,, V e "lu ill. a,- t o' 11 i:: a-.a,"a \V.- I k. a A a 1 wan." a on e« i. mb STOCKTON may pres. -.a :• -■ SPF* r:pt s N. i' H Ik 1 mpyumh V

    ! aai■!- ia ; A ! \i 1 i a

    \v !'• 7• -7. s a 7- a a a i. ndS'.'ii b men :! a W I .'7 It id.a Ma-ig. h. an. .a. mr* M-: I A '; a _• Man D Isa M t a! S' a ! •. -1' » ■ a ! >

    •. a u i a i'' i % : \\ *-d T lie -t> li-li T u If a .. y, Ill one \ l.t <1 a«* add. d J. M. AMES & n i. ■ I |*a ,t. _. b| iuiid : i... ; n :v.- A ! ■ v a.- !a. l': 'l r* -. A -k ■.! i, ■.-• .■ -> F- ! ah \ ;a A rr*. a <• a. U F !’.••• f e •h. •].. mb,' oh.1 of fl be-l' i"i1 ■ ‘.l.lshT-lS ! u. i« >i -1>. ! a il "ii!;. ••■.'•suit a good brary. Mi* M a: gat v:i g v. : e-t;,biishmrnr> that I ki.ow ; I» U! .-1 S u -a •■ T VLlMN S\l;s vr UilLU I 0 Krlla- W. b• U line. tl. ha' '• Fnaikl- : Tim \ S. id ... k a .aa!. M" k n i a. a. i'.: a > s SafeT v. St •• :!s Speed, is D: .. •• -<• •*. y • p;u wonderfully I la. h- a n i. .1,-iM.-s > i *..i I *;t '"Ik- 1 ]■ ...... • nun- i! ..a e\ «• r •-'.ave to run t** -.u oii W. dn.->da\ a -1 Tbur-d a- -a a,. ; ; i j l't ill SI', hug a T i: :'a i U eth, ;:i;b 1m i a'.s \|" a Fla likh a !■ V w A k i ;r mi .• n y •A he sure to T here for a v I.!«i lu i.iif• ;k- ,• i go < < -■ " a1 v. i skill and me, liauwa. n, •••■k In-. Ha. 'Id..- al,; ala every appliance ... a -a; .1. >. \. I- Saw \v .V < a. W ! 1 lit. Soda -ani .! Ti has'.- ln*me. the V. j 1" do lus rk will m least- «bs n i an. w ■ > -ary “Ti '-Hi a*s i 1 rd as. ;,a a .i a. i i. i, k t <.: 1 aiul \a \s \ «. k •v ri a- u ai: as 1m*'- liter.-d the "is a hit ■! &*!•«-Hi carriage '•"» '• |,|s i '; Ikilif. A S.a ii. ia a a 1 ’• !: tl.e; art h. So We will drive down t: s, •• e and -n id. r> •• vetii ug W ITH Ka-‘ .«• .r "!i<* i*S«i j (..»ii the streel once ii.' ire l mh- J-isit 1 filings BORN. *’ 1 reaching a a !.. 1- ’la t !u :'?i ’. 1 Chain X Ha! have I I huh-1 j>hia ; Tlu-y w-< xed “Nev er -- T some d. ntertainn if w 1 1-e a. J philosophical. riegl. ymir ga. » i.s. S,i a,. ! < >n W. I I a a,. •; 111.; Wa •\ lie- : ot- nr .-aie within the city hunts, i >a i.. j iarder, said lie. “That C.K \ \ I v ... important adjunct j Admissa n a .-ts. M am, Mr*. A. W Ska. H, a >\\ V -: > I M- \\ ami after ii.ive a are ,k. N k a. you pure based lot they -< controls mas. ulme tcair *■!•. ( 1.• I I•ra> Fresh Fruit a,-a, a lmiisekeeping j Truml\ ,n >■ A ls-\ .n,t (.' i.t\ N A', k I •u-t tla I.-, k- to outrat t w;th to lunM a rl..- lartk .-t a .aim' M » Syrups rejod UM'K.K -i yon | T- that -lb patron i/e a .-r "U \! '! j yoniiiust gro. F .alia N a e liolne-iikl- l-e-ldem e < Hi Slleh ih'Use K.M> H F. Cara a whom .ill 'or holiest and. Mr* !•>-. Mamma. an- a in the you depend go..,1s. .py i*r:ni>\\ a k < at A m. ran as >o.i wiii iikei aiiId you can’t afb rd to I.M« »i: 1 I n 1- a of 1 have humd ml vein f a .' Throiigli longterm years M i.n W.u'd- l a» ii- I,, .iii-a Nt-u A ■« t w a firm. Hall | mighter. A'iaiiis. -rk *•. Mr- A e.ultra, poor Durham ox Swift sX Paul reliable. You will >••4 >i 1‘ i perfectly j ind Master Ida.- ..f r.\ .•«: <- i. W aa l.. N'.-wt n a,, [• s. ■FI VNI.I I. S>M; ri V.:_ M are m.iK Tig the greater of tin- g.■ con- in : hi- ni!\ and homed 1 in le t'-wn Mi »'has. n < aimleii bu ed w.tli every possible thing in the bn- t i Bagiev M 1 M KUCHA \ ! i> \ w Aaj An vs. aa” ST kt ■ '-h n i: a i>ar* utal air "the next to a! • ;-i Jt- Thing or tirst- a b-w d B a .a *• \\ M. !. ,• staple fancy groceries, fresh am! Mrs .<; :••• l.f-.-Tl i r. 1 *- w't.i.-l; w i"i i.e iih-obateiv in-, are a. -1. a, -i ”.r ung a 1 k* [ Auj. H- ; essary. are ‘down ’•, brass tacks.' prices VS a Mr. \» \\ A •: k ''' nu a:* ami 1 1’ im r-'iiuc- n t. f ib ••n d-\ ■:. Aj»].i.a.\ f> *•'»*• W V t. t. -. .ri\ t• y ; ruin Swan i.ak> Sn tnhl a full In, "Just a little m* ■;•■■ ad vie.' to said be. I if I.. A ’i a .. -a M i M MARRIEI). ? avr■ 'a manager the M. h. iiim- PoLy," .• i-. M Cooper a I know that sio is a bread maker, ■ U t.. N A a-1« >e|- a .'.Is, wiio ire The prilKU pal dea lers in j Wl.\ !• !. \ M r> Nan- ]| ( an:, but there Is one ii 1ST-, ia-s m town, I laa- "ia. A a i M F 1 ia* km here. The\ tin IIIUS* c> mi bakery All}.'. Iii:Y.\M 1- 1 hi; k: \ H r. i; \ i• i_• .airy w«-l 1-k la w ti a 11 i h p.M t <: ia,i\ aim as will .a; n-ry j-espe laiasf. < iai a: In T.- .m .f i.uiiuers' material :n the n really •■Imap and save y I’mkhah;. I'-. lain. \ .•••••- !• V i »• v mts 1 to -■f this I: -v j. died. i. 11 ss «... liff-T i. % -a s. aa N ■! •'-•• •. •e- labor it. 1 mean K. L. ia no- a A ._a A; r i. 1.- i -e-vth.hg. f’.olii til* Silis ft ! a. cUimiaTlol 1 patronize Summerloilei MMIMl-iS diVAIlV ini-. Fr*ui'di. He s witli tin •' H ri". !’• at !. iaa o *},. -i, c the roof, '-"listaiitiy supplied 1 1 1 IJ I f i» w Jr re. 1 (■ JJies. \ at ll"|.k i.gie- including door L'la.l, ''a' nn .1 I n ;e •• Iresh• st o| bread and u N -• w llavai A n aa v.-a .ark < 'a: w s. reel:- interior pies, cakes, ami wimi :inisli work Tl: •* Hi vaie-e. !p. ! » am a lei l" Ill, 11T 1: S l>i»- a Ha ,t - l.mT m the lair. He 1cm j n1. ir-r I i'.f 1 ami >: m hararter everyth: ug bakery l'.\ Ma i.ia-khia *W/IHKMMih trimming y w I A h. \ ii. ••• Me: ! -*: ale j.,e. = .ms, •- I i esia .; ,a *1 « > 1.ii-11••■ 1 imre but a slmr* tin ■-. bm 'a 1. ‘1 ia I’"ir a a m 1. V r w \ml buying \h-ur building hardl ine. -hi.. 1 ( w« IN II.,..: M •- is w on a I tra.i- 1 s S .1 t.-iv aa ..... ,\ i. ( < ,1. irge :n his him." del :t ] .e S' 1 I) e \\ s ha. Hi.a A I ai,. :• : :• V,' ! •. I;* ii'it'ii m if si,. "Y< u shoiiiti get •: ..j j \.\|. N .. miay j I ei [ omised von a w ate) ’"!!-• '1 S; F- a;i'. \ -a A Ml’Ni .< : j A M a: a U hin t 1 cu-re.i •- i '■ .a w ar< I r1 \.tr. H (it 11« !>■•!;. I. n., \| T e-t t rt "1: l neb J’oshof P I “Tit- ■.ii\’ Am A rr. : g. i.e gu Sol ;: b ■ •. A ..!! IF C u aL •' i-s > Keia i.i.; da 1 li> i.i'ii ie. ■; ! a ■r. S’- n Nil..!!. f :kim se Jl J L— ke. >u arm ap- \ 1 Mai •*..! .. To ill n Aihei-i’ C. b He j'i.M I. age-- •• km 11 KN HI VI hi: in an n 1 a :ng at the store tin -•«! man ihliiTs i: T :■'<: a a tTe -la .. ti 1 I V s W a. M .■ _'• H -a >r \ •a a large h« ilni th : arm-: popular -ewa-u-y '■•'(-■• 1 '•' II.a- kit K. ilia ! w II. .. .my- v V : •„ .,,,.1 in 1: n -- .I t. W. 1 J gabantiy f -f Li- •• < 11. a g li"in -'a ngie u t do. r-kn-.i,. quitted promise, 1 Me- a es ■, T,,!•••! s | Tla F,.s- of lnt/>or?> ft. A // ft j 1 j ! .Ulii'T md tli.-n dir- r. d P". iy s ;■ n t<- i > ■ A .a, : A a. i. M,i; hiVVl' K1 ! I.I I KM A'I A M I'-ia 1 :. :-1; in tied H;s ... .•■ a :. > •’ rior st of s ei w u me. I-' ■•!>. ii a. N- w A' k ...... a \ i;. I. \\ / >0 )rt e> t! < ^ ! I F a .- A. (k a i Faa. Nav A :••■• ..•• Ml- I' 1 ••• n tier nrm n -i.e >!.«:•• than ;• m *. V.-. „ i hi n 1 iif.i.h i: v K hi; Ha ... \ NY- \ :: >aid t he id nun ai d 1 ;na r !’■ a. A I. '• \ !: A’ Ho; heard -• !. hr; ■ "•■ M r*;:,: M.ia M :h'.Tj M h I’- :1a Cat 11 HIUmI. Ailei. ... Ml s > ■ 1 <'!!!' 1: 111: i i ■ k. while her*- he added an M li T. r. ! ;■. 1 i; \> \ i; ! hi. •••. 'A s »■ s M r. i :•••;. M mag:; ei 1 u Miss M :, i Miss 1. ,s. T ■ as 1 j 1 ?:> V. a,; k- a. Fail.'7 A A' "-i i. i. \ i: •; s a \ •jfffj j D!"'**i SUIIM i ttyytn *'• ■! j

    :mdcr:;‘i.' he ‘a — mnk.-'ht ! A J '-'i,;' sp.-m.dn •. -• ■ ■ m i.u II i r .i;< vj M i! as.., }■. L.r ill Yeiiii- n, t ;: i< ~i a ,\ am. DILI). ira-iais .a mi Mass ( a a i\ W S ;s I* tim.iet;. :• t’ i moortiiina Y- ■; uV | *« i i I \ is ia .; .. >| . M .Mss ! > i'- V\ -, ;i |. ( ,. I-1 Mis. T }f. s a: .V. .... m ,s >

    1: V M ,1 s el; Mv ! 1 .. :- Tl. •: ha" , M POOR & S I

    M i. V. id M l Id ( ,.l s «t. > .: 1 1 < \i v. Ik i! d tak- ar W. S \\ l {< i 1 ;i ( -dam..,: M s. I|. T. s.,aa..:a :n .! >1. fi !•; is \ ('» )\ ! ••. ill*.;" < v Id.:-. v. \V a !' !. _■•■..!! \ \ ? i! v .. k as; ■•..! as a 1: 'i \‘ .. .| M.M;i\ '•'-. )■■ : \ « win r. 1.: .is_ i' \i ■ ...

    r.M's W ( Mr. v -! .• i-m t A! > ini 1; 11 •* H AN A n i!H ^ ;.j. Y« •>.' nd i'' \.V vv :t> I M K. la .: W 1 ->s M V ! I! I \Y .-a Lainrv r W Mai

    h •' e •- •'•II ii- T i u\ •>: t i d that ;i a-- w s i | ek ;. The nd ill1 «•: !i a. lie's faTla r. — I'F K hi.' i\l I a'; ! (I I Wll •an..ii. had t- i !! .! -si , ,,w j, w l'a tel lined «•!. Sal lira d-f ; N,-\\\ t rade at !,-■ S>\ h -.te e. -• la:iy- 1 ;*• ui -: Mi it w •••■! hi nave M n r.-i t: T ri i:i:V 'n. ai ,. es. ... ;■ — i \\ la-;. !..' W r. It:;: 111 1;''M hi;1,.- 1 a_.'.! ■• ,i a h > ;• r'dias.-d -.T!11 fr* -a. sat i. s! .1 e At I. .!■ IF 11 V-1 IN !. g-i | -j Mr. ;.n W'. < dr ; amis..ii..- w likiiig 1- n ( diaries a vest- ■ ■ LA 1- :. :a v.-.s, w hi 1- l'l,. !•• .1 -si. Hen k ;i_r >. 11.■ r i..i- 'I v ! !• I'- >t •••■!.'. in.-lit and ..niaini-i'fat v. r:t. n- gelit's Mi- A;.i a -' Tin u ,is rt. it -. ■ i. nr- W i: r. -ed in a si,-nr farm h.-.-t. N-. m- .•. -«1. :d : M- m. r atid Mr. i 'i : f. In 1 i i.l v har'. j ■. U1\| \\ 1. i- -rw 1 ii \\ I !. ] ;! 111 ! i t; ( -• eai -an -is: the v an- i-i es •: 1. •lain h'- ;s. a •; Ia •. id- A. \| a a. Tin [ A gu. start.' Mild th a. ui. puny Swift's. Tht *»• ii■ >in -r A 1111:• 1; wh: "a •; nilw w .• _• t" M A 1 a k A •. A a re a. a.; ,<{« s alai laid lie! 1 a 1 defin e | < a t a Pa.ket ii.t w.Mi, I :, i, ., 11. i S,; 1 ‘A* 11 _r- r._r I-- lanmng." ark- d > ■> >T. : X11 \V are s*ojv at 1 1 N aIlii la H Street *• •. \Vl!<* : N -!'T li;t• :gh urn. M :>s ,|. s., 1 r,1 \\ i. : 1 ;• si, i, a i. '■ a i‘ i-(■•■!! >.. i !.• >a .! mde .!«.si "\.-n \\ i 1 n-----: a narmT; I >' t:.1 !!■ !'• J*.'lly's instimts had full •' ■ a lii'iis.-wif.-iy I hii< Sa t< rehas. i> u CAN tm! w. ; ••.•main * N'-rihamji 1' 1. ■!' S 11 t ill si ai'llshua-in II) the tow i; y M Man I .a; Id st. n n Sai a: A '• n day tin- i’.pss i, A ■ aass -M‘kin•• and ers i- i.'-i'slii]-. a 11 '• a g;\e personal ssl[ ;• H : .Vi,-, .vi sllV, 'T! ,■ j,.. Mi.if laira Pa-re ni pr» i 11 s:' >T-"k d 7 j '•"ii after a ea>ai N s.i ia-re f Several a -fclill >'i in! !..• I;; i: t lia-n, iiiuTi-st dela: -f ina n 111 a. t ur< [, | i'P j'T. TAN TRIF 1 < I I' a a!.■! There is II i Adeks .1 ■ ■> i r.-ial) \ v'. i: a \ «- h, it.l Pi;. ■ m-Thillg Their iue Thill eaiim -t M"i la ! >a\V |e\ Uhl Wife p f kit hen 11: ill it re i:. an a tin d: ..J ; ^ ~ pp.-r j — m N <■>-. >< -v k ':1 w 11 i:. ;•*•! :•••! il.-li; .'in- Vi* il’* 'III had •{ h. in and and <‘p t" a rang'-. :s iiere :u all !es and heavy -igiit. single Midi id V; I- arr' S.aai la -ii heir annua .•linking sty S. nt a > i. as •i- ’-l-ie., and worK and | lien the A r I'.i ss Si,, v R — -' j.irdn laney, buggy OXF( •:***' a; ;Ui«‘ -i-.-ni If fails to ish won- e varu-ty. J'.illy m-rompl I" W ■ Mr i n i n -• iiiirm SS.-s have 111 st.ii k. and Mm K .-if h ’U t I ■!>; :i. M i. 7 ,1 .. ■ they liiem They •• ders in flu- art. it will not he f.e -r;->s! :• r ai l- •alinary Tfl'.- t .'-'1 !•!.-. ltair ill;,-;. > 11. : airy .-rv Thing else That is h at lid Hi a Mi- ah'. S< 11. ! Hi.: f W ii Were ri.e pi.-sts -at j fault if mipei 'r ." King utensils Her pnr- 1 'ii1- *.* i >•:» a 1 d pri, m st'-'k—saddles, lie's, d- a < ■ .as- '•hases an hnled a one Mh-PWood range an*: whips, tiy M r**« I. M w rek Mm (; ran- t.-rs, robes. rim’ a farm*- t i ! a it” IMT 1!' ;! •; .-XT 1, *■\ t Is.- in ssirv T. a T.- lap every thing 1 nl.g ‘iiij>i* ..a- (.rant i as a- a s, Hoston Pia.aiuet Market. g- nth-na-n in-rse --wner ran des.. I d;;i.e,.:-,.Usl_\ for \. wo ~ pos-dbly For !! k n* hell outfit, ill "lie "I Those Mil $1.50, i "I >r. 'IS hiding J N 1!1 t.hf i s *. lUlUg “Alld another ahs.- ut«-. •. ueeessarv a>. era. d.:\S, d;.T 11:* -w a.11 \, s [. A. < r: ad in ra -d a -n ,asi week. a r ut an “is a uttit : p :• '• ir- I >r am. "ld-stager, ! r, V W \ ..] K .11,,: Ill, :.: ,: ! in-si- h":ise-il \:ngs remind me." said the -mph-te 1 r> w 1 s a. tanning ;m Fi rst-.lass lm-nts K He Ki.i.,1- idled..-. in a. '■ a ! Ka -tel 11 < *•.» i.•» u.; .• — ”1 haven’t s jdeiia-nts. imp!, } i' d man. uat yoi; your dish., 1 ■:: 1 ■; ». T a got at 1 fi l*. Tli,- at»-' e ar*- ueeessarv To til st-.-iass work. and l km --\ ■ .1 -; .-’a’i.-i- •;j et 1 h* most famous stork is at Mrs. John ap-.l ears. w 1 \ a 1: it the hone- <■• y el'- I- <■ I ■! St net u h .1- :.-am- I m- line \\ o keeps a larger < r l.ettei- s;.., !> _• Marie s,' Hut tlm average reader need not be tier daughter, /.,- I Vi k ns.nt K. new.d- !•! -- << hi- In T >ii I. -\. Knowltoii, on whom ,-aii .1- 1 *■•!•} what ali >ii of tahh -ware hah to you N- at hern .. .in.- has hot I. .... \> t .!«• t* i- : • 1 ’J. !r -n t :n w- pusMively. tiling ! hail T 111-,- e ell! idren a al « ng L 1 >.t:(V,: makes -f the Wmvest, l,.in k--\- ry tin Y ne-r. me < '■ in tin- Ian «'| ehma. or that spe.-laities 1- -n- ia-i.c 1 re-ll l.a-' I P P- glass poivelain, ■1 -• an in\ a i:d >h- ui; 11 1- — 1 U mower, ^ alike.- h- -is,- rake. \ an k.-e and \ dau^htei. eff,to New I !a ai li ire an.. \'r in. ; b\ 1 ! 11: T' 11 who I’m .-lit ,\ vis- ! ■ a.nii"t in- found there in and at ] lug variety s tor side-hill and the best H* p» n In ls'n ail ie -ny .'a-r taai! li w ass, I N 'ft lie rn tn -h Is i"-.\ es. also have a and sulky plows, | Vv ai i.*•!*«•■ 1 l. .i '-ry pri They large a at L\”> n rolling uiso ■ arra s a stork the best peer, d'H she did n.'T ea ii ie eTid Was s. KoY si Tv v. v. > u \ H«<»*** W huge of' all fU'* 1 .-seieeteil sto. U of pels, al.d HS foom-pa •- a:.- N.'V \ ..rk, ha mi a.■!.-■•. ne., ,, -P \ a '•'I'-- r* Hat nigl.T an-. won* \., d.m- brands .-t and fertil- near T; ;i tl las }l- ; n sense was i'.j »» «uttt V Mil Vi ViVic \\ phosphate commercial j ur,.p>\ > "U :: need some for your new Inms.* you ! P !•'. murri'W n-'a. >P ii'-i.. i.'.':i:--i T-* 1 W e j..-a 1 1 i y.ers. M is I; 11 ad ei'i, Hill 1 ed. > 11 li.tH '.ii :i..111>i• *nS T11■ ri•. a >v. 1-1-T t M 1 '*' a n-i n is mea >P- ■•all It there.” ■ I gi W" W dell s |;. 1 a n, d Who is a Inch- ask- ldl'eli r Mr idle!.a -■ !■ .'ll. n \\ 11 I Wc M-t r ^ buv ■ :v good horse-shoer, •; a ; <•'! wliuv lllMni WHS •>'lisTallT ! \ T 11 r II- particular — Cilill'lr', s d i.o- ! nruit nr- i ai *m Tin- about- man-. “des so. want id-sal, s the al <- 1, ,■ l,.: a a a !n- f-a-t. rn ... at s ,/ 7 n:;, | ♦ i ’‘•fill- ra■ tii ai. "I 1'. C White. my Kitty." y.-u |• "Why. 1 p, U 1 7 n- hotelier about said Curie Josh. her 1 V. am si dad : ia are d.f ,.n up d >■1 :s.-. C- lm-r," i might have thought -i that. l'.-rat...- Pi., n in 1 en t SP. Well, there's one first-class horses!"-, tU"T her. Mil I < n.-s i.eeli .-lie a 1 y a. I "! II- iaiii'lles all kinds of the h.-st only -ev- a; -P 1.1 i. 1 : in- :ri. : urn in aii grades -• ss ■ -• I man ;n town to t ia'--: and :n N >,,ri Hi.-,- w as [ ng am! th. -. Waldo my r; H. B. Association notion, ; hard and soft coal and wood, and from a i*>ng !■!. • e. !, 7a.. 1 p ua- a d, giiT I :i I nr Joseph Tvler He understands t<„> ep at t'l >: U l; k d 1' 1 T t .1 111 1 She j hus.ness a. .juaint a lea- witii h:n.. I am j»er- perf<--',\ j vi ici:i i \— i in- w w as ,i de >t, an -i:o u.ainiei na |a-r tan.: ■ .-onstrurtioii of a horse’s foot, i ;it y- '.•!’• i.I lit V '. '.T v '‘"iia. y guarantee that y..i; ma\ depend "ii just k nd of ,i silo.- is needed, and in-u n ike "ill H ’■, and pill mil m :.-i :,ii, ui::- getting !ui: and measure at Tin- h-w- j j a ..i. li a 1111• a i. weight *• FfW: W I a as a SIlBG pla gi: r:g ami nut ;i First lass :••• With la-r ii 1 a i\ .’ ! alei h p !>«•! t;«>t I r i» < ti nt-nt & Wednesday esi markei Mr. White hm.s.dt bbmksmith. pH- Tuesday priee. prides w •>< .v I T i tow ■: K ’m- >. Ta-i !• ny n-ifili h. -i. ie- d* i .11; .. ..p. •. m " "1 !"li ill that :. » ? • 1.g> reputat Te V UjLi". *2*3 a 1 raun-'l he i>»-;17 in T1 > .t line >f w -" k the needs «•: Tie aido'.'tl n ite. mil si-- W 1 "I i, n marked u }’ ,V 1 ’iteher's in -i« store. ! ii li* It- ••••Ts am I W s is. too. he -' a 11e 1 V.ailt t" »ee Fl’ed H .Mali W' j 1 la- 111 'llll' eir< ie la la !' -a 111 .'Ha U- ■■ \\ 1 RACES AM) PL'RSlS '1 lie;, the Mason A llaiuiiu organ and 1 11,1' i '.nu.w: 41-,/ (Ml and .: ii- ais.-s am sw I about -nd <■; Ii x- .: id* Sin 1, ;i v es ;' ■. .-hi .* in-1 I an- i-lautia f u 11 having my himily rriage iip.i. Ill'll-, It. -j sliai d lead lonesome witinuit one. j A I' 2 50 Class S 8 ar horn,- us.-d i! ew n and T lll'ee ef del' III Is dale I ■' — ip. My b.-ys rough -i m ; _• in •i" 1-i gard- in. .uni an- It is a r\ king of instruments It com- pretty 2 SO Class last winter, but fortunate 1 km w wh.-n in. 'inn t hid I’-ss. We knew tin- h. .me I Skill-. bines of tone with sweetness and y Urn- line looking Mn'11 win ■ w on purity M tOO j to ha .eii made gund as m-w again without will Seem il'lielv law t'nal t lie a lay n H li- !t 2.37 Class power in a manner attained in m* other m- <- 'J n ii-- -■ a wlmii lm\ v. "ii er has de.-ti la'. in; I d and \- tt Emm'N i" >i in_ i. ■; y>ningoi ( ■giving a mortgage my farm !>• pay h*r :t struneiit. nid is a ven miracle ot heauty ! 1 either. Fie,; Mii111.-ws d'>es aii kinds of bag- SO I mil fa i : ._•••. .1 ■!•-, ds. it, lew v '• ii" !' !-•'•- m Son r-: r’ I <«r Tin and design." "Ali rigiitlaugiied the old ample. Ik .Ii, Colt takes C M and d.-es he tore.,it,-n. M 'd'h in m xt-ieh-d to -• wagon --uinage ; pa: u >g- That soi od lioi.-ri- t'ao mast an- man this is the oldest and most ledahle gy, repairing, la a, n ti.v la w md miss i.,-r The biggest eml u| T her. to.. J.eea ase .-I !; 1 af»,-,l pan.* I ii is<-> }! : house in 1 *wn, and Tlu\ carry a handsome ! -oomi u ay t lia! is known «.ul j tor g< •«i w -rk ." The i'll liel'a Si-l'V! s, w d1. K id'-y. in •1! h a one ot their own manufacture, tin “Speaking 1 BESl RACKS AL1 v. ii\\ a-lit-i i. said the did man. who \. a> interested p ! who made a feW appr-.p; He 1 Hands. The COME in front tin- Me.n's v\ Pitcher which cannot be ex- W .. !ia 4 sitting gr«»- piano, s 1,1. "that unfmtuuateK liera ! T n i'.n »ein 11 ;• i.ds \\ ,-r, h.-aut: I n i Uli on*- of those also." every detail, you may ; w.-44. AAn/issittn '2Ac. < /iii fr' H /> <■ -itt -i.ont i\ at. htu! celled.and get you ng and ga/- need the ser\ ire «»f a vet.cnmir\ ami and :n Farn-a- :*■ somewhat t" Charles' surgeon j pr.*tusi"U. hatehepin At this .-on-! !!• to a M-; rL < t. < Y i; I. \ II !.!■■ m point. ha \ es! 1 e; ,1 1 11 W l.H'li 111 is. s \ de a > ; .ii adiuiration r Tin- -1,. dentist. In sud an in I advis» hel r pi'l yoli.n.v ; t in old man in a haif-scri- emergi y j fusion, indulged I -: ii .(•. I ! on,, tt> rail on J>r. F. F. Fret man. IF- has had lairxn-ai. Mr- Aid.:.- S,-wa:i nul daayl.-- {• 11., B. H. » ON AM. >e( rt-'.ifj l.t minn n T* an m\ adoro.f. The\ ous criticism *f his g. | personal appearance. < i; M. tt 4 a ’> \\. \1 VRnh \ LL. I'n -uO nt lots of and lias gi\eii the sub ject ler ,-f Ilo.vl am. Mass are >jjny her tail ( You arc decided 1 for a j experience 1 >ni*4l-. 4 If.", minark a- u and wlmn w *• olT-styb- townsman,' ■ r I 1. — ■ passed,1 that studs whicii guarantee-, work, i Mr. Fieemati A t w M p \V j said lie "ami we'd heller go down tothe l>ei- goutl nil.k. --flic. _i. 1(4, l-j '.•I turned Tin- r11• resumed their j He has a nice outfit of instruments and is in llit< hi.- :s reeovi-riny from a fa'.!, they fast 1 Buise and see (.'has. slowly l' ,ii,,fk. f ti -» Dr. Burn- Clothing my friend, wi,ied has her to ih« h* use id*- or way a thorough ami careful .-online,I past l• ,1 K. I tt ! l:: hewing Their slumber, .pure undisturb- O'Connell." After Charles had fitted him- j every veterinary K E M E U two months. 1'raiikliti Mhas, and (o-orye I’laM>■ i. j'• 14 ■<■,'„!, r. ed 1 *im of self out in a neat and late style business surgeon." advent a stranger. There are “Before we I want to (i oil Id el, sed tin. tit ra, 1 Iasi Sal unlav with K\c -Mf ;il. [■ It-. 4 the of fashionable get through you g<. >i" :n the now, these ohl suit from piles garments II s 11,, Is \\ ! ic ships port only around to <>. '1'. Bead’s gun works," said Mr T. A Klli.,tr of I‘.rooks To hm’ld his \‘ weather 1.eaten hulls in the that cover the tables of this extensively suiiar. { • It, :.I *_* a r, \-2 snug harbor, Fnele to Charles. “Whenever you need any houst-, wliiali is t. he the :;t., st r« sidein-e in f’ r stocked establishment, Uncle Josh declared ''ait. I I fc* (• 11—11. 4c everything is snug in Searsport. Al- if n-'t .11 the « a nt Idlw a, in his line don’t fail to call mi him. 1 Ih'eoks. ,.1,-nkins >,s ,\> f; 4 1 f; < "Now look like a new man." Be- | repairing I',4at>. 2d f* COOPER DIP ugii The young it is dead and tiiat, you is t* hr. people say Ami although the gun trade is Mr. Bead s huild tin- eel > W lit a; Mca ;; 1 2 a 4 ■'•■I an-, fore leaving, found and prices very I raniiot eoneeive. of having goods — dreary, lie does a very laige Business in kills licks and lice on Sheep. I urcs scat) md i* irresistable, Charles also invested in a com- specialty being anything but a most delightful other kinds of o from repairing, especially bicycles. fool roi. j .a f..r and and do plete outfit of gent's furnishing goods peace repose, they say He has a shop full of the very finest <•! ma- tl.o who a latest hat to a dozen shirts. This people live There sleep sixteen style and can do work to done chinery equal any III. A .• 1 oars ,n The house, is not t,o be undersold in the city. ! r '*ia 11|«- t mu twenty-four." m the State of Maine." I “By the way, Uncle,’’ exclaimed Polly, ami-ure. I’l.tin oiivetimi* -u e.». !i .-.t, kag* “What n exquisite monument1" exclaim- “where can 1 go for dry goods, this dress of ed Polly, as they passed the Jas. F. Fernald Ekankkort Mr. Joseph Blethen enter- mine is hardly suitable 1 must admit.” V H. mft.K s. Stockton Spring-. marble and granite works. “Yes," said I n tained tin* members of the Frankfort Brass Well, my girl, if you want to selert from KLI t ele ,Iosh, “this tirm leads in their art, Both WKKKIAYt, Belfast, To be Let Band last Thursday with iee cream, one of the most stocked estab- evening, extensively «»1 their the artis- W A. POLAND, C entre MontvBie. < in the beauty designs and igars, etc. It was the day that they took up lishments in the city I will direct you to A. tic of their carving. Their work A. K. HUSK. Brooks, a hundred dollar note which he held. P. Mansfield, who carries a line of dress perfection , iio im i. u in i*oisr. is as near faultless as human skill can ac- ii 1- IIAKMON A Thorndike. U 1 Mr. Blethen made the hoys a present of goods that for variety and real value is sel- MOKSK, that result. And are very ami invited then, to come seen outside the complish they again.Miss dom largest metropolitan •> moderate in their prices, too. I don': be- Natural Fruit Flavors !(-• \:i_ 1 >v.; Washburn, the Evangelist, visited the jun- cities. They carry all the latest weaves in ^\l\X lieve, actually, that there is a marble dealer ior, C. E. Thursday. She and Miss Harlow fashionable dress goods, and you are sure to in M aine who can touch them on figures, or j Vanilla have organized three C. E. Societies since be aright in your selections. You v TEMPLE HEIGHTS. guided better satisfaction for the money." their departure. Miss Washburn will go to will find them to deal with and the give will i>. ,. I pleasant “Now,’’ cried the old gentleman, “now for PIONEER COTTAGE OTAXTTEI Chicago soon to attend school.Mr. Jo- employes polite and expert, while their ; [ the season m time for the annua Spiritualist a of this crowd. In old conn- •• Walker lias returned home. He was cannot be picture good j cam|imeeting Board or rooms ,u, b»- had t•* t• t« I >• .n *1 seph prices duplicated.” W. fashion we ll go to the of L. that time i! iu II than U> .*<- wa » threatened with dipthena, but is improving. “Now we’ll let Polly pay a visit to the ; try gallery desired addressing Hall. HiR are wonderful in IOHN N STKWAKT ♦•rin*' nr i. >t n tak* ... Mrs. “for j pictures fidelity ; Bo Miss Bessie Pike is at Al- remarked Uncle o\mc\£> visiting dressmaker,” Josh, ,(r and finish. I want one full size photo for i lihtf Belfast. Me .1 A. M Journu bert Pierce's. you need some tonsorial work, and we'll