Alcohol Changes
---------- SNOW Uncle Tupello reflects influential career Tuesday The St. Louis threesome that innovated the popular alt-country music now emulated by many other bands released a new anthology, 89/93, which HIGH 33° recaps the group's career. MARCH 26, 0 LOW2S Scene+ page 11 2002 THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's VOL. XXXV NO. 111 HTTP://OBSERVER.ND.EDU CAMPUS LIFE CouNCIL Poorman stands firm on alcohol changes ments to the alcohol policy a who sit on the council. By JASON McFARLEY week after announcing them to Comments throughout the News Writer students. He spoke in front of meeting reflected the division. hundreds of undergraduate stu "With the amount of effort we As nearly 200 students sur dents who filled the chairs in the put into alcohol awareness, edu rounded him on three sides LaFortune Ballroom after the cation, discipline, we could be Monday, the man behind pro crowd had packed another room doing so many other things," posed changes to the University to capacity. said Keenan Hall rector Father alcohol policy welcomed student On a day when CLC members Gary Chamberland, who asked input into the writing of the revi and several students at the 2 1/2- Poorman why he hadn't taken sions but closed the door on hour meeting directed frank the more drastic action of ban reversing the planned crack comments and questions to ning all alcohol on campus. down on campus drinking. Poorman for the first time pub Poorman, a former Dillon Hall "I don't want to build false licly, the council's defeat of a rector, restated his belief that hope," Father Mark Poorman, Student Senate resolution also alcohol abuse is a problem at vice president for Student thwarted hopes for an eleventh Notre Dame but said his pro Affairs, said, receiving grumbles hour stand against the policy posed changes to outlaw "hard" from the student audience."This changes.
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